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An Innovative Web Intelligence Data Clustering Algorithm for Human Resources Based on Sustainability

Emerson Norabuena-Figueroa, Roger Rurush-Asencio, K. P. Jaheer Mukthar, Jose Sifuentes-Stratti, Elia Ramírez-Asís

Technological Innovations for Business, Education and Sustainability

ISBN: 978-1-83753-107-3, eISBN: 978-1-83753-106-6

Publication date: 23 April 2024


The development of information technologies has led to a considerable transformation in human resource management from conventional or commonly known as personnel management to modern one. Data mining technology, which has been widely used in several applications, including those that function on the web, includes clustering algorithms as a key component. Web intelligence is a recent academic field that calls for sophisticated analytics and machine learning techniques to facilitate information discovery, particularly on the web. Human resource data gathered from the web are typically enormous, highly complex, dynamic, and unstructured. Traditional clustering methods need to be upgraded because they are ineffective. Standard clustering algorithms are enhanced and expanded with optimization capabilities to address this difficulty by swarm intelligence, a subset of nature-inspired computing. We collect the initial raw human resource data and preprocess the data wherein data cleaning, data normalization, and data integration takes place. The proposed K-C-means-data driven cuckoo bat optimization algorithm (KCM-DCBOA) is used for clustering of the human resource data. The feature extraction is done using principal component analysis (PCA) and the classification of human resource data is done using support vector machine (SVM). Other approaches from the literature were contrasted with the suggested approach. According to the experimental findings, the suggested technique has extremely promising features in terms of the quality of clustering and execution time.



Norabuena-Figueroa, E., Rurush-Asencio, R., Jaheer Mukthar, K.P., Sifuentes-Stratti, J. and Ramírez-Asís, E. (2024), "An Innovative Web Intelligence Data Clustering Algorithm for Human Resources Based on Sustainability", Hamdan, A. (Ed.) Technological Innovations for Business, Education and Sustainability (Technological Innovation and Sustainability for Business Competitive Advantage), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 47-67.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2024 Emerson Norabuena-Figueroa, Roger Rurush-Asencio, Jaheer Mukthar K. P., Jose Sifuentes-Stratti and Elia Ramírez-Asís. Published under exclusive licence by Emerald Publishing Limited