Digital Technologies, Sustainable Development Goals and the Grand Societal Challenges in the Context of Slum Dwellers of Kolkata, India
Fostering Sustainable Development in the Age of Technologies
ISBN: 978-1-83753-061-8, eISBN: 978-1-83753-060-1
Publication date: 13 December 2023
One major impact of demonetisation is rise of cashless or digital transactions. The extension of the transition from a cash-based to a cashless economy has expanded even more now, based on the lessons learnt from the COVID-19 pandemic. This chapter discusses the various electronic payment methods used by the people, the frequency of using these methods and also to examine the reasons of changing habits in using electronic modes of payments. This study is both theoretical and empirical in nature, based on both primary and secondary data. Digitalising rural and poor population is much in talks but earlier literature did not acknowledge the status of slums and its inhabitants. Slum dwellers are the ones to be in the margin, and therefore are subject to more societal sufferings. In the context of female population particularly, the mechanism of urbanisation and increment in urban slums are subject to unique causes and unique consequences, and still these challenges are greatly underexplored by earlier literature in this field. Thus, the aim of this chapter is to find out the schemes, achievements and challenges for the cashless transaction practised by the female slum dwellers. To be extremely explicit, the sample area consists of two biggest slums of Kolkata and 100 female respondents are inquired for this study, taking 50 from each slum. For analysing the collected data, descriptive statistics tools and percentage analysis have been used. This chapter will also analyse India's gradual transition towards a cashless economy. Through the examination of digitalisation of slum dwellers, this study also attempts to identify whether digital modes result in empowerment of these women, of any kind. By paying a visit in the discussion of women empowerment, this chapter wants to revisit the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by world leaders in 2015, that embodies a roadmap for progress which leaves no one behind. The questions impacting achievement of SDG through women empowerment may not seem of utmost concern during the current situation but is equally important and needs to be discussed on a platform of its own.
Batul, A., Ghosh, K.D. and Palit, S.P. (2023), "Digital Technologies, Sustainable Development Goals and the Grand Societal Challenges in the Context of Slum Dwellers of Kolkata, India", Sharma, R., Shishodia, A. and Gupta, A. (Ed.) Fostering Sustainable Development in the Age of Technologies, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 23-42.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2024 Atiba Batul, Keya Das Ghosh and Swapnamoyee Priyabhasini Palit. Published under exclusive licence by Emerald Publishing Limited