Realities of later life
, 1
healthy ageing or global burden
, 7–8
heterogeneity of old age
, 38
implications for occupational therapy
, 38–39
individual experiences of ageing and adaptations to later life
, 15
life course perspective
, 14–15
listening to experiences of older people
, 16–38
lives and voices of older people
, 39
, 5, 7
older age
, 15–16
older people as contributors
, 39
self-reported health and lifestyle of older people
, 17–21
sense of self
, 39
signs of distress
, 39
societal perceptions and influences
, 2–4
, 4–5
unhealthy ageing, health inequalities and social exclusion
, 9–14
, 139, 172–173
, 175–177
common health conditions of later life
, 140–141, 156
design of rehabilitation systems and technologies
, 101
existing solutions for provision of
, 78–79
extended hospital stays
, 188–189
health problems of later life
, 159–166
implications for occupational therapists
, 189–192
limitations of diagnostic approach
, 157–158
new and future solutions for provision of rehabilitation
, 79–80
occupational therapists in rehabilitation with older people
, 175
occupational therapy-led self-management model within rehabilitation
, 175–180
for people diagnosed as vulnerable
, 183–185
of people following stroke
, 185–187
of people with dementia
, 180–183
problems and impacts
, 160–161
rehabilitative interventions
, 176, 180, 187
within residential care settings
, 189
in response to life circumstances
, 187–189
self-management within occupational therapy-led rehabilitation
, 166–170
, 170–171, 174
vulnerability in later life
, 158–159
of vulnerable older people
, 202–203
Rehabilitative interventions
, 79
, 25
with children and relatives
, 26
Residential care
design of residential care settings
, 102–103
transition to
, 59–61
Resilient, Empowered, Active living with Diabetes Intervention (REAL)
, 126–127
Royal College of Occupational Therapists (RCOT)
, 165–166, 215