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Decision-Making in Smart Cities: Blockchain Technology

Gordon Bowen (Anglia Ruskin University, UK)
Richard Bowen (Chime, USA)
Deidre Bowen (Mental Health, UK)
Atul Sethi (Ulster University London Campus, UK)
Yaneal Patel (Middlesex University London, UK)

Technology and Talent Strategies for Sustainable Smart Cities

ISBN: 978-1-83753-023-6, eISBN: 978-1-83753-022-9

Publication date: 25 October 2023


Successful smart cities' implementation will require organisational leadership decision-making competences. The foundation of smart cities is digital technologies; many of these technologies are emerging technologies that require IT skills, which are scarce and will exacerbate the battle for talent between organisations. Filling the talent gap will necessitate global hiring, which has implications for organisational culture, cultural diversity and organisational leadership. Organisational cultural mix is an important contributor to leadership decision-making. However, decision-making is underpinned by trust. Blockchain is an emerging technology that has the potential to engender organisational trust in decision-making and, by extension, in the leadership with the ‘right’ organisational culture. Smart cities will be required to leverage emerging technologies to give business performance a competitive advantage and use emerging technologies’ applications to build a sustainable competitive advantage.



Bowen, G., Bowen, R., Bowen, D., Sethi, A. and Patel, Y. (2023), "Decision-Making in Smart Cities: Blockchain Technology", Dadwal, S.S., Jahankhani, H., Bowen, G. and Nawaz, I.Y. (Ed.) Technology and Talent Strategies for Sustainable Smart Cities, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 151-169.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2023 Gordon Bowen, Richard Bowen, Deidre Bowen, Atul Sethi and Yaneal Patel. Published under exclusive licence by Emerald Publishing Limited