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Decolonial Praxis in Wales: Reflections on Research, Policy, and Anti-racist Action

Susan Davis, Jeremiah Adebolajo Olusola

The BERA Guide to Decolonising the Curriculum: Equity and Inclusion in Educational Research and Practice

ISBN: 978-1-83549-147-8, eISBN: 978-1-83549-144-7

Publication date: 4 November 2024


This chapter reflects upon a distinct decolonisation journey taking place in Wales, and how a Welsh government organisation called diversity anti-racist practice and professional learning (DARPL) is contributing to changing the Welsh educational landscape through decolonial praxis. We describe how a research collective of Welsh Initial Teacher Educators worked on decolonising their professional practice, curricula, and their own minds. This research runs parallel to curriculum changes in Wales that are part of a broad suite of Welsh government policies and commitments based on anti-racist thinking and professional learning in education. DARPL, which is funded by the Welsh government and housed within Cardiff Metropolitan University (CMU), is a community of practice working with a wide range of partners and networks across Wales. DARPL operates via a ‘virtual campus’, delivering in-person and online training, delivered by staff with lived and professional experience of racism. It provides a national model of professional learning for those working across all tiers of education to develop an understanding of anti-racist practice and leadership.



Davis, S. and Olusola, J.A. (2024), "Decolonial Praxis in Wales: Reflections on Research, Policy, and Anti-racist Action", Moncrieffe, M.L., Fakunle, O., Kustatscher, M. and Rost, A.O. (Ed.) The BERA Guide to Decolonising the Curriculum: Equity and Inclusion in Educational Research and Practice (The BERA Guides), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 169-176.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2025 Susan Davis and Jeremiah Adebolajo Olusola