
Tom O'Donoghue, John Mortimer

Teacher Preparation in Papua New Guinea

ISBN: 978-1-83549-078-5, eISBN: 978-1-83549-077-8

Publication date: 20 March 2024

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O'Donoghue, T. and Mortimer, J. (2024), "Index", Teacher Preparation in Papua New Guinea (Emerald Studies in Teacher Preparation in National and Global Contexts), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 175-180.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2024 Tom O'Donoghue and John Mortimer. Published under exclusive licence by Emerald Publishing Limited


‘A’ course
, 47

Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS)
, 74

Administration schools
, 36–37

Administrative College
, 63

Amalgamation of tertiary institutions
, 92

Anglican Church
, 122

, 27

‘Annual Conference of Teachers’ College Principals
, 105

Annual Report for 19021903, The
, 21

Area schools
, 39

Asian Development Bank
, 112–113, 148

‘Asian’ schools
, 38–39

Australia’s Queensland University of Technology (QUT)
, 104

Australian administration
, 2

Australian Aid for International Assistance (AusAID)
, 74, 122–123

Australian Commonwealth Reconstruction Training Scheme
, 43, 57–58

Australian Department of External Affairs
, 19

Australian Government
, 11, 25

Australian International Development Assistance Bureau (AIDAB)
, 102, 142

Australian League of Nations’ Mandate Territory
, 14

Australian New Guinea Administrative Unit (ANGAU)
, 12, 14–15

Australian Scholarship Scheme
, 58–59

Australian School of Pacific Administration in Australia
, 59

Australian troops
, 33

Australian trusteeship
, 1–2

, 14–15

‘B’ course
, 47

Bachelor of Early Childhood (Teacher Education)
, 148–149

Bachelor of Education (TVET)
, 146–147

Bachelor of Education
, 66

Bahai Faith
, 151

Beeby, C. E.
, 55

Big man
, 30

Board of Governors
, 55–56

Board of Teacher Education
, 107

, 5

British New Guinea
, 11, 16, 20

‘C’ course
, 47

Catholic Church
, 122

Catholic missionaries
, 16–17

, 27

Central schools
, 28

Certificate of Elementary Teacher Training (CETT)
, 149–150

Certificate of Elementary Teaching (CET)
, 148–149

Charles Sturt University
, 146–147

Christian missionaries
, 16

Christian missions
, 8–9

Church agency schools
, 122

‘Citizenship and Christian values education’ curriculum
, 132

Classical colonialism
, 9

Colonial administration
, 9, 12–13

Colonial administrators
, 9

Colonial governments
, 8–9

, 160

Commission for Higher Education
, 108

Commitment to teaching
, 150–151

Community schools
, 122

‘Community Teachers’ College
, 8

‘Community Teachers’ College Lecturers’ Professional Development Project
, 139, 142

Company of Berlin (Deutsch Neuguinea Kompagnie)
, 12

, 11–12

developments in education
, 15–26

general developments
, 12–15

teacher preparation
, 26–32

, 64

COVID-19 Education Emergency Response and Recovery Plan
, 136

, 116

, 5

Curriculum Development Division (CDD)
, 123–124

Curriculum Reform Implementation Project (CRIP)
, 123–124, 146

Curriculum reforms
, 83

Curriculum standards monitoring test (CSMT)
, 133

Currie, Sir George
, 60–61

Currie Commission
, 60–61

Dame school
, 27

Debt of gratitude
, 34

Democratic society
, 33

Department of Education
, 36–37, 44, 58

, 63

officials in
, 64

Department of Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology (DHERST)
, 135–136, 148

Diploma in Education conversion course in Secondary School Teaching
, 109

Diploma in Education for Developing Countries (Dip EdDC)
, 67–68

Diploma in Educational Studies (Tertiary)
, 96

Diploma in Secondary Teaching (DipST)
, 66

Diploma in Teaching (Agriculture)
, 109

Diploma in Teaching (Primary)
, 140

Diploma in Teaching
, 67–68

Diploma of Teaching (Technical/Business Studies Education)
, 147

District Advisory Boards
, 55

District Education Boards
, 55–56

Divine Word University
, 143–144

‘E’ course
, 62

Early childhood education (ECE)
, 131–132

East New Britain Province
, 84–85

Education (Amendment) Act
, 119–121, 1995

Education for All (EFA)
, 123

Plan of Action
, 123

Education I
, 92

Education II Project (1981–1987)
, 77–78, 97–98

Education III
, 112–113

Education Ordinance (1952)
, 46, 55

Education Ordinance (1970)
, 51, 55

Education personnel
, 51

Education Plan 1976–1980, The
, 76, 97

Education Reform Document, critique of
, 83–91

Education Reform programme
, 149

Education Reform project
, 8

Education Sector Review
, 79–80, 82

Eight Aims
, 75–76

Elementary ‘A’ schools
, 38–39

Elementary ‘B’ schools
, 38–39

Elementary education
, 119

Elementary Education Programme
, 148–149

Elementary schools
, 149

, 5

European education in PNG
, 43

European missionaries
, 12

European primary school
, 38

Evangelical Alliance
, 122

, 51

developments in education
, 52–61

general developments
, 51–52

teacher preparation
, 61–70

Expatriate community
, 25

Faculty of Education (University of Papua New Guinea)
, 76

Fee-free education system
, 129

Flexible, open and distance education (FODE)
, 134

Foot Report
, 60–61

Formalism, stage of
, 20–21, 68

General developments
, 115

in education
, 71, 75, 93

education developments
, 119–137

during period
, 72, 75, 115, 118

German administration
, 20–21

German New Guinea
, 11, 14, 20, 22

Company of Berlin
, 12–13

Goroka Teachers’ College
, 66, 108, 110–111

Government Teacher Education Committee
, 106

, 33

developments in education
, 36–43

general developments
, 34–36

teacher preparation
, 43–49

Gris, Gabriel
, 55

Gross domestic product (GDP)
, 116

Groves, W. C.
, 36, 40, 52

Growing schools
, 132

Hah, Dr
, 21–22

Hasluck, Paul
, 35, 40–42, 52, 60–61, 63

Higher and Technical Education Reform Act 2020
, 135–136, 148

, 4

HIV/AIDS Policy for the National Education System of Papua New Guinea
, 74–75

House of Assembly
, 35–36

Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
, 74

Human resources development phase 2 (HRDP2)
, 134

In-service Bachelor of Education (ISBEd)
, 67–68

In-service education courses
, 64

‘In-service’ education
, 70

, 9

, 80

Indigenous education
, 16

Institute of Higher Technology
, 60–61

Institute of Technology
, 58

Inter-War years
, 22–23

Intermediate Certificate Examination
, 54–55

International Education Agency (IEA)
, 122

, 12

Johnson, Leslie
, 54, 62–63

, 1

, 35

Lahara Program
, 140–141

Law and order
, 35

League of Nations
, 33

Legislative Council
, 35–36

Legislative Council for the Territories
, 35–36

Liquified natural gas (LNG)
, 115–116

Local communities
, 120

, 67

London Missionary Society (LMS)
, 8–9, 16

, 12–13

Lutheran Church
, 122

Lutheran Mission
, 21

, 12–13

Manus Island
, 5

Master of Education degree
, 103–104

Matane Report
, 79–80, 98

McKinnon, Kenneth
, 54

McLaughlin, D.
, 15

McNair Committee
, 105–106

McNair Report
, 106

McNamara, Vincent
, 98–99, 142

Mead, Margaret
, 5

Meaning, stage of
, 69

Melanesian Way
, 6

Members of parliament (MPs)
, 118

, 27

Milne Bay Province
, 84–85

Mission schools
, 40

‘Mixed race’ children
, 38–39

Murray, J. K.
, 34

Murray, Sir Hubert
, 11–12, 20, 24

National Certificate levels 1 and 2 (NC1 and 2)
, 134

National Department of Education
, 76, 88, 127

National Education Board
, 98

National Education Plan (1995–2004)
, 119–121

National Education Plan 20152019
, 127

National Education Plan 20202029
, 128–129

National Education Reform policy document of 1986
, 79

National Executive Council
, 126

National Goals and Directive Principles (NGDPs)
, 71–72

National high schools
, 120

National Institute of Teacher Education (NITE)
, 95, 106–107

National Manpower Assessment of 1981
, 92

‘National Objectives for Teachers’ College Courses
, 97

National Parliament
, 161

National Qualifications Framework
, 134

National Teacher Education Project
, 98

National Teacher Education Research Project Task Force Report of 1989
, 98–99

National Teaching Service
, 66

National Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET)
, 146–147


developments in education
, 52–61

general developments
, 51–52

teacher preparation
, 61–70

Native Education Fund
, 29

New Guinea
, 1

‘New Guinea Planters’ and Traders’ Association
, 23

‘New kind of teacher’
, 100

Organic Law on Provincial Governments and Local Level Governments (1995) (OLPGLLG)
, 119–120

Oro Book Flood
, 78

Outcomes-based education (OBE)
, 123–124

Pacific Adventist University (PAU)
, 93

Pacific Islands Literacy and Numeracy Assessment (PILNA)
, 133, 154

Pacific Ocean
, 2

Pacific War
, 14–15

, 71

, 72

Papua Act
, 11

Papua and New Guinea Union (PANGU)
, 71

Papua New Guinea (PNG)
, 1, 33, 51, 71, 95, 115, 139, 159

education leaders in
, 6–7

European education in
, 43

, 3

National Qualifications Framework
, 134–135

, 2

policymakers in
, 77

school subjects in
, 89

traditional education practices in
, 3–4

‘Papua New Guinea Community Teachers’ College Lecturers Professional Development Project
, 104

Papua New Guinea National STI & HIV Strategy 20182022
, 74–75

Papua New Guinea National Strategic Plan on HIV/AIDS 20062010
, 74–75

‘Papua New Guinea Teachers’ Association (PNGTA)
, 107

Papua New Guinea Vision 2050
, 126

, 5

‘Peripheral’ healthcare system
, 74

Permit to Teach
, 53–54

, 13

Ponam Island
, 5

Post-primary education
, 24

Post-War reconstruction projects
, 33

Post-War years
, 38

Postgraduate Diploma in Education (PGDE)
, 140–141

Pre-service Bachelor of Education (PSBEd)
, 67–68

Pre-service teacher education for primary school teaching
, 95–100

Primary A schools
, 53

Primary and Secondary Teacher Education Project (PASTEP)
, 139, 143

Primary education
, 119

Primary T schools
, 53

Professional development (PD)
, 156

Project 2000
, 144

, 16–17

Provincial education boards (PEBs)
, 121

Provincial governments
, 120

‘Provisional Teachers’ Certificate
, 46–47

Public Service Institute
, 59–60

Quality of Education in Developing Countries, The
, 68

Queensland State syllabus
, 40

Queensland University of Technology (QUT)
, 142–143

Rays of Light Foundation
, 151

Religious education
, 18

Remote Area Community Hotspot for Education and Learning devices (RACHEL)
, 137

Report of the South Pacific Christian Conference
, 44

Rheinische Mission
, 21

Roro Island
, 18

Roscoe, G. T.
, 52

Royal Commission of Inquiry
, 20

Sacred Heart Mission School
, 18, 28

School Certificate Examination
, 54–55

School Regulations
, 18–19

Schooling system
, 40

Secondary education
, 59, 119

Secondary School Community Extension Project (SCCEP)
, 8

Secondary school teachers, preparation of
, 108–113

Secondary Schools Community Extension Project (SSCEP)
, 78–79

Secondary Social Science Syllabus
, 8

Secure digital cards (SD cards)
, 156

Self-instructional units (SIUs)
, 150

mastery tests
, 150–151

Seventh Day Adventists
, 122

, 136–137

Somare, Michael
, 52

Standards-based curriculum (SBC)
, 128

T1 Schools
, 53–54

T2 Schools
, 53–54

T3 Schools
, 53–54

Teacher education
, 139

, 139, 148, 158

, 139, 141, 148

Teacher Education Division
, 97

Teacher Education Research Project
, 142

Teacher preparation
, 9, 95

pre-service teacher education for primary school teaching
, 95–100

preparation of primary school teachers’ college lecturers
, 100–104

preparation of secondary school teachers
, 108–113

, 104–108

‘Teachers’ Certificate
, 45

Teaching performance
, 150–151

Teaching Service (Amendment) Act
, 119–121, 1995

Teaching Service
, 51

Teaching Service Commission
, 66

Technical education
, 57–58, 91–92

Tegata, J.
, 82

Territory Leaving Certificate
, 46–47

Territory of New Guinea
, 2, 6–7, 22, 26

Territory of Papua
, 2, 6–7, 11, 16, 20, 22, 26

Tertiary education
, 59

Tertiary education
, 92–93, 119

, 82

Tololo, Alkan
, 75–76

Towards a New Three-Year Curriculum for Community School Teacher Education
, 99

Traditional education
, 3

Trainer-directed training
, 150–151

‘Transforming Teacher Education in Community Teachers’ Colleges
, 143

Transition, Stage of
, 69

, 5

Tuition Fee Subsidy
, 131

Tuition fee-free policy (TFF policy)
, 130

United Church
, 122

United Nations’ International Trusteeship System
, 33

Universal Basic Education (UBE)
, 130

Universal primary school education (UPE)
, 41, 83–84

University of Goroka
, 92

University of Papua New Guinea
, 71

University of Queensland
, 59–60

University of Technology (‘Unitech’)
, 93

, 149

‘Village higher schools’
, 38–39

‘Village schools’
, 38–39

Vision 2050
, 126

Vocational education
, 91–92

Vocational Teacher Training
, 45

Vunamami Rural Education Centre
, 40

Ward, E. J.
, 36

Wedgewood, Camila
, 3–4

Weedon, W. J.
, 55

Weedon Report
, 55, 65–66

Wesleyan Mission
, 28–29

West Sepik Province
, 84–85

Western-style education
, 15

Williams, F. E.
, 24

World Bank
, 115, 117–118

World Health Organization (WHO)
, 116

World War 2
, 34

Yule Island (see Roro Island)