Teacher Preparation in Papua New Guinea
ISBN: 978-1-83549-078-5, eISBN: 978-1-83549-077-8
Publication date: 20 March 2024
O'Donoghue, T. and Mortimer, J. (2024), "Index", Teacher Preparation in Papua New Guinea (Emerald Studies in Teacher Preparation in National and Global Contexts), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 175-180.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2024 Tom O'Donoghue and John Mortimer. Published under exclusive licence by Emerald Publishing Limited
‘A’ course, 47
Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), 74
Administration schools, 36–37
Administrative College, 63
Amalgamation of tertiary institutions, 92
Anglican Church, 122
Anglicans, 27
‘Annual Conference of Teachers’ College Principals, 105
Annual Report for 1902–1903, The
, 21
Area schools, 39
Asian Development Bank, 112–113, 148
‘Asian’ schools, 38–39
Australia’s Queensland University of Technology (QUT), 104
Australian administration, 2
Australian Aid for International Assistance (AusAID), 74, 122–123
Australian Commonwealth Reconstruction Training Scheme, 43, 57–58
Australian Department of External Affairs, 19
Australian Government, 11, 25
Australian International Development Assistance Bureau (AIDAB), 102, 142
Australian League of Nations’ Mandate Territory, 14
Australian New Guinea Administrative Unit (ANGAU), 12, 14–15
Australian Scholarship Scheme, 58–59
Australian School of Pacific Administration in Australia, 59
Australian troops, 33
Australian trusteeship, 1–2
Australians, 14–15
‘B’ course, 47
Bachelor of Early Childhood (Teacher Education), 148–149
Bachelor of Education (TVET), 146–147
Bachelor of Education, 66
Bahai Faith, 151
Beeby, C. E., 55
Big man, 30
Board of Governors, 55–56
Board of Teacher Education, 107
Bribing, 5
British New Guinea, 11, 16, 20
‘C’ course, 47
Catholic Church, 122
Catholic missionaries, 16–17
Catholics, 27
Central schools, 28
Certificate of Elementary Teacher Training (CETT), 149–150
Certificate of Elementary Teaching (CET), 148–149
Charles Sturt University, 146–147
Christian missionaries, 16
Christian missions, 8–9
Church agency schools, 122
‘Citizenship and Christian values education’ curriculum, 132
Classical colonialism, 9
Colonial administration, 9, 12–13
Colonial administrators, 9
Colonial governments, 8–9
Colonialism, 160
Commission for Higher Education, 108
Commitment to teaching, 150–151
Community schools, 122
‘Community Teachers’ College, 8
‘Community Teachers’ College Lecturers’ Professional Development Project
, 139, 142
Company of Berlin (Deutsch Neuguinea Kompagnie), 12
Conversion, 11–12
developments in education, 15–26
general developments, 12–15
teacher preparation, 26–32
Courses, 64
COVID-19 Education Emergency Response and Recovery Plan
, 136
COVID-19, 116
Criticizing, 5
Curriculum Development Division (CDD), 123–124
Curriculum Reform Implementation Project (CRIP), 123–124, 146
Curriculum reforms, 83
Curriculum standards monitoring test (CSMT), 133
Currie, Sir George, 60–61
Currie Commission, 60–61
Dame school, 27
Debt of gratitude, 34
Democratic society, 33
Department of Education, 36–37, 44, 58
officers, 63
officials in, 64
Department of Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology (DHERST), 135–136, 148
Diploma in Education conversion course in Secondary School Teaching, 109
Diploma in Education for Developing Countries (Dip EdDC), 67–68
Diploma in Educational Studies (Tertiary), 96
Diploma in Secondary Teaching (DipST), 66
Diploma in Teaching (Agriculture), 109
Diploma in Teaching (Primary), 140
Diploma in Teaching, 67–68
Diploma of Teaching (Technical/Business Studies Education), 147
District Advisory Boards, 55
District Education Boards, 55–56
Divine Word University, 143–144
‘E’ course, 62
Early childhood education (ECE), 131–132
East New Britain Province, 84–85
Education (Amendment) Act, 119–121, 1995
Education for All (EFA), 123
Plan of Action
, 123
Education I, 92
Education II Project (1981–1987), 77–78, 97–98
Education III, 112–113
Education Ordinance (1952), 46, 55
Education Ordinance (1970), 51, 55
Education personnel, 51
Education Plan 1976–1980, The, 76, 97
Education Reform Document, critique of, 83–91
Education Reform programme, 149
Education Reform project, 8
Education Sector Review
, 79–80, 82
Eight Aims, 75–76
Elementary ‘A’ schools, 38–39
Elementary ‘B’ schools, 38–39
Elementary education, 119
Elementary Education Programme, 148–149
Elementary schools, 149
Encouraging, 5
European education in PNG, 43
European missionaries, 12
European primary school, 38
Evangelical Alliance, 122
Expansion, 51
developments in education, 52–61
general developments, 51–52
teacher preparation, 61–70
Expatriate community, 25
Faculty of Education (University of Papua New Guinea), 76
Fee-free education system, 129
Flexible, open and distance education (FODE), 134
Foot Report, 60–61
Formalism, stage of, 20–21, 68
General developments, 115
in education, 71, 75, 93
education developments, 119–137
during period, 72, 75, 115, 118
German administration, 20–21
German New Guinea, 11, 14, 20, 22
Company of Berlin, 12–13
Goroka Teachers’ College, 66, 108, 110–111
Government Teacher Education Committee, 106
Gradualism, 33
developments in education, 36–43
general developments, 34–36
teacher preparation, 43–49
Gris, Gabriel, 55
Gross domestic product (GDP), 116
Groves, W. C., 36, 40, 52
Growing schools, 132
Hah, Dr, 21–22
Hasluck, Paul, 35, 40–42, 52, 60–61, 63
Higher and Technical Education Reform Act 2020, 135–136, 148
Highlands, 4
HIV/AIDS Policy for the National Education System of Papua New Guinea
, 74–75
House of Assembly, 35–36
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), 74
Human resources development phase 2 (HRDP2), 134
In-service Bachelor of Education (ISBEd), 67–68
In-service education courses, 64
‘In-service’ education, 70
Independence, 9
Indigenisation, 80
Indigenous education, 16
Institute of Higher Technology, 60–61
Institute of Technology, 58
Inter-War years, 22–23
Intermediate Certificate Examination, 54–55
International Education Agency (IEA), 122
Japanese, 12
Johnson, Leslie, 54, 62–63
Kaiser-Wilhelmsland, 1
Kiaps, 35
Lahara Program
, 140–141
Law and order, 35
League of Nations, 33
Legislative Council, 35–36
Legislative Council for the Territories, 35–36
Liquified natural gas (LNG), 115–116
Local communities, 120
Localization, 67
London Missionary Society (LMS), 8–9, 16
Luluais, 12–13
Lutheran Church, 122
Lutheran Mission, 21
Lutherans, 12–13
Manus Island, 5
Master of Education degree, 103–104
Matane Report, 79–80, 98
McKinnon, Kenneth, 54
McLaughlin, D., 15
McNair Committee, 105–106
McNair Report, 106
McNamara, Vincent, 98–99, 142
Mead, Margaret, 5
Meaning, stage of, 69
Melanesian Way, 6
Members of parliament (MPs), 118
Methodists, 27
Milne Bay Province, 84–85
Mission schools, 40
‘Mixed race’ children, 38–39
Murray, J. K., 34
Murray, Sir Hubert, 11–12, 20, 24
National Certificate levels 1 and 2 (NC1 and 2), 134
National Department of Education, 76, 88, 127
National Education Board, 98
National Education Plan (1995–2004), 119–121
National Education Plan 2015–2019, 127
National Education Plan 2020–2029, 128–129
National Education Reform policy document of 1986, 79
National Executive Council, 126
National Goals and Directive Principles (NGDPs), 71–72
National high schools, 120
National Institute of Teacher Education (NITE), 95, 106–107
National Manpower Assessment of 1981, 92
‘National Objectives for Teachers’ College Courses
, 97
National Parliament, 161
National Qualifications Framework, 134
National Teacher Education Project
, 98
National Teacher Education Research Project Task Force Report of 1989, 98–99
National Teaching Service, 66
National Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET), 146–147
developments in education, 52–61
general developments, 51–52
teacher preparation, 61–70
Native Education Fund, 29
New Guinea, 1
‘New Guinea Planters’ and Traders’ Association, 23
‘New kind of teacher’, 100
Organic Law on Provincial Governments and Local Level Governments (1995) (OLPGLLG), 119–120
Oro Book Flood, 78
Outcomes-based education (OBE), 123–124
Pacific Adventist University (PAU), 93
Pacific Islands Literacy and Numeracy Assessment (PILNA), 133, 154
Pacific Ocean, 2
Pacific War, 14–15
PANGU Pati, 71
Panguna, 72
Papua Act
, 11
Papua and New Guinea Union (PANGU), 71
Papua New Guinea (PNG), 1, 33, 51, 71, 95, 115, 139, 159
education leaders in, 6–7
European education in, 43
geography, 3
National Qualifications Framework, 134–135
nationals, 2
policymakers in, 77
school subjects in, 89
traditional education practices in, 3–4
‘Papua New Guinea Community Teachers’ College Lecturers Professional Development Project
, 104
Papua New Guinea National STI & HIV Strategy 2018–2022, 74–75
Papua New Guinea National Strategic Plan on HIV/AIDS 2006–2010, 74–75
‘Papua New Guinea Teachers’ Association (PNGTA), 107
Papua New Guinea Vision 2050, 126
Penalizing, 5
‘Peripheral’ healthcare system, 74
Permit to Teach, 53–54
Plantations, 13
Ponam Island, 5
Post-primary education, 24
Post-War reconstruction projects, 33
Post-War years, 38
Postgraduate Diploma in Education (PGDE), 140–141
Pre-service Bachelor of Education (PSBEd), 67–68
Pre-service teacher education for primary school teaching, 95–100
Primary A schools, 53
Primary and Secondary Teacher Education Project (PASTEP), 139, 143
Primary education, 119
Primary T schools, 53
Professional development (PD), 156
Project 2000, 144
Protestant, 16–17
Provincial education boards (PEBs), 121
Provincial governments, 120
‘Provisional Teachers’ Certificate, 46–47
Public Service Institute, 59–60
Quality of Education in Developing Countries, The
, 68
Queensland State syllabus, 40
Queensland University of Technology (QUT), 142–143
Rays of Light Foundation
, 151
Religious education, 18
Remote Area Community Hotspot for Education and Learning devices (RACHEL), 137
Report of the South Pacific Christian Conference, 44
Rheinische Mission, 21
Roro Island, 18
Roscoe, G. T., 52
Royal Commission of Inquiry, 20
Sacred Heart Mission School, 18, 28
School Certificate Examination, 54–55
School Regulations, 18–19
Schooling system, 40
Secondary education, 59, 119
Secondary School Community Extension Project (SCCEP), 8
Secondary school teachers, preparation of, 108–113
Secondary Schools Community Extension Project (SSCEP), 78–79
Secondary Social Science Syllabus, 8
Secure digital cards (SD cards), 156
Self-instructional units (SIUs), 150
mastery tests, 150–151
Seventh Day Adventists, 122
Smartphones, 136–137
Somare, Michael, 52
Standards-based curriculum (SBC), 128
T1 Schools, 53–54
T2 Schools, 53–54
T3 Schools, 53–54
Teacher education, 139
developments, 139, 148, 158
initiatives, 139, 141, 148
Teacher Education Division, 97
Teacher Education Research Project
, 142
Teacher preparation, 9, 95
pre-service teacher education for primary school teaching, 95–100
preparation of primary school teachers’ college lecturers, 100–104
preparation of secondary school teachers, 108–113
proposals, 104–108
‘Teachers’ Certificate, 45
Teaching performance, 150–151
Teaching Service (Amendment) Act, 119–121, 1995
Teaching Service, 51
Teaching Service Commission, 66
Technical education, 57–58, 91–92
Tegata, J., 82
Territory Leaving Certificate, 46–47
Territory of New Guinea, 2, 6–7, 22, 26
Territory of Papua, 2, 6–7, 11, 16, 20, 22, 26
Tertiary education, 59
Tertiary education, 92–93, 119
Textbooks, 82
Tololo, Alkan, 75–76
Towards a New Three-Year Curriculum for Community School Teacher Education
, 99
Traditional education, 3
Trainer-directed training, 150–151
‘Transforming Teacher Education in Community Teachers’ Colleges
, 143
Transition, Stage of, 69
Tribes, 5
Tuition Fee Subsidy, 131
Tuition fee-free policy (TFF policy), 130
United Church, 122
United Nations’ International Trusteeship System
, 33
Universal Basic Education (UBE), 130
Universal primary school education (UPE), 41, 83–84
University of Goroka, 92
University of Papua New Guinea, 71
University of Queensland, 59–60
University of Technology (‘Unitech’), 93
Vernacular, 149
‘Village higher schools’, 38–39
‘Village schools’, 38–39
Vision 2050, 126
Vocational education, 91–92
Vocational Teacher Training, 45
Vunamami Rural Education Centre, 40
Ward, E. J., 36
Wedgewood, Camila, 3–4
Weedon, W. J., 55
Weedon Report, 55, 65–66
Wesleyan Mission, 28–29
West Sepik Province, 84–85
Western-style education, 15
Williams, F. E., 24
World Bank, 115, 117–118
World Health Organization (WHO), 116
World War 2, 34
Yule Island (see Roro Island)
‘C’ course, 47
Catholic Church, 122
Catholic missionaries, 16–17
Catholics, 27
Central schools, 28
Certificate of Elementary Teacher Training (CETT), 149–150
Certificate of Elementary Teaching (CET), 148–149
Charles Sturt University, 146–147
Christian missionaries, 16
Christian missions, 8–9
Church agency schools, 122
‘Citizenship and Christian values education’ curriculum, 132
Classical colonialism, 9
Colonial administration, 9, 12–13
Colonial administrators, 9
Colonial governments, 8–9
Colonialism, 160
Commission for Higher Education, 108
Commitment to teaching, 150–151
Community schools, 122
‘Community Teachers’ College, 8
‘Community Teachers’ College Lecturers’ Professional Development Project
, 139, 142
Company of Berlin (Deutsch Neuguinea Kompagnie), 12
Conversion, 11–12
developments in education, 15–26
general developments, 12–15
teacher preparation, 26–32
Courses, 64
COVID-19 Education Emergency Response and Recovery Plan
, 136
COVID-19, 116
Criticizing, 5
Curriculum Development Division (CDD), 123–124
Curriculum Reform Implementation Project (CRIP), 123–124, 146
Curriculum reforms, 83
Curriculum standards monitoring test (CSMT), 133
Currie, Sir George, 60–61
Currie Commission, 60–61
Dame school, 27
Debt of gratitude, 34
Democratic society, 33
Department of Education, 36–37, 44, 58
officers, 63
officials in, 64
Department of Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology (DHERST), 135–136, 148
Diploma in Education conversion course in Secondary School Teaching, 109
Diploma in Education for Developing Countries (Dip EdDC), 67–68
Diploma in Educational Studies (Tertiary), 96
Diploma in Secondary Teaching (DipST), 66
Diploma in Teaching (Agriculture), 109
Diploma in Teaching (Primary), 140
Diploma in Teaching, 67–68
Diploma of Teaching (Technical/Business Studies Education), 147
District Advisory Boards, 55
District Education Boards, 55–56
Divine Word University, 143–144
‘E’ course, 62
Early childhood education (ECE), 131–132
East New Britain Province, 84–85
Education (Amendment) Act, 119–121, 1995
Education for All (EFA), 123
Plan of Action
, 123
Education I, 92
Education II Project (1981–1987), 77–78, 97–98
Education III, 112–113
Education Ordinance (1952), 46, 55
Education Ordinance (1970), 51, 55
Education personnel, 51
Education Plan 1976–1980, The, 76, 97
Education Reform Document, critique of, 83–91
Education Reform programme, 149
Education Reform project, 8
Education Sector Review
, 79–80, 82
Eight Aims, 75–76
Elementary ‘A’ schools, 38–39
Elementary ‘B’ schools, 38–39
Elementary education, 119
Elementary Education Programme, 148–149
Elementary schools, 149
Encouraging, 5
European education in PNG, 43
European missionaries, 12
European primary school, 38
Evangelical Alliance, 122
Expansion, 51
developments in education, 52–61
general developments, 51–52
teacher preparation, 61–70
Expatriate community, 25
Faculty of Education (University of Papua New Guinea), 76
Fee-free education system, 129
Flexible, open and distance education (FODE), 134
Foot Report, 60–61
Formalism, stage of, 20–21, 68
General developments, 115
in education, 71, 75, 93
education developments, 119–137
during period, 72, 75, 115, 118
German administration, 20–21
German New Guinea, 11, 14, 20, 22
Company of Berlin, 12–13
Goroka Teachers’ College, 66, 108, 110–111
Government Teacher Education Committee, 106
Gradualism, 33
developments in education, 36–43
general developments, 34–36
teacher preparation, 43–49
Gris, Gabriel, 55
Gross domestic product (GDP), 116
Groves, W. C., 36, 40, 52
Growing schools, 132
Hah, Dr, 21–22
Hasluck, Paul, 35, 40–42, 52, 60–61, 63
Higher and Technical Education Reform Act 2020, 135–136, 148
Highlands, 4
HIV/AIDS Policy for the National Education System of Papua New Guinea
, 74–75
House of Assembly, 35–36
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), 74
Human resources development phase 2 (HRDP2), 134
In-service Bachelor of Education (ISBEd), 67–68
In-service education courses, 64
‘In-service’ education, 70
Independence, 9
Indigenisation, 80
Indigenous education, 16
Institute of Higher Technology, 60–61
Institute of Technology, 58
Inter-War years, 22–23
Intermediate Certificate Examination, 54–55
International Education Agency (IEA), 122
Japanese, 12
Johnson, Leslie, 54, 62–63
Kaiser-Wilhelmsland, 1
Kiaps, 35
Lahara Program
, 140–141
Law and order, 35
League of Nations, 33
Legislative Council, 35–36
Legislative Council for the Territories, 35–36
Liquified natural gas (LNG), 115–116
Local communities, 120
Localization, 67
London Missionary Society (LMS), 8–9, 16
Luluais, 12–13
Lutheran Church, 122
Lutheran Mission, 21
Lutherans, 12–13
Manus Island, 5
Master of Education degree, 103–104
Matane Report, 79–80, 98
McKinnon, Kenneth, 54
McLaughlin, D., 15
McNair Committee, 105–106
McNair Report, 106
McNamara, Vincent, 98–99, 142
Mead, Margaret, 5
Meaning, stage of, 69
Melanesian Way, 6
Members of parliament (MPs), 118
Methodists, 27
Milne Bay Province, 84–85
Mission schools, 40
‘Mixed race’ children, 38–39
Murray, J. K., 34
Murray, Sir Hubert, 11–12, 20, 24
National Certificate levels 1 and 2 (NC1 and 2), 134
National Department of Education, 76, 88, 127
National Education Board, 98
National Education Plan (1995–2004), 119–121
National Education Plan 2015–2019, 127
National Education Plan 2020–2029, 128–129
National Education Reform policy document of 1986, 79
National Executive Council, 126
National Goals and Directive Principles (NGDPs), 71–72
National high schools, 120
National Institute of Teacher Education (NITE), 95, 106–107
National Manpower Assessment of 1981, 92
‘National Objectives for Teachers’ College Courses
, 97
National Parliament, 161
National Qualifications Framework, 134
National Teacher Education Project
, 98
National Teacher Education Research Project Task Force Report of 1989, 98–99
National Teaching Service, 66
National Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET), 146–147
developments in education, 52–61
general developments, 51–52
teacher preparation, 61–70
Native Education Fund, 29
New Guinea, 1
‘New Guinea Planters’ and Traders’ Association, 23
‘New kind of teacher’, 100
Organic Law on Provincial Governments and Local Level Governments (1995) (OLPGLLG), 119–120
Oro Book Flood, 78
Outcomes-based education (OBE), 123–124
Pacific Adventist University (PAU), 93
Pacific Islands Literacy and Numeracy Assessment (PILNA), 133, 154
Pacific Ocean, 2
Pacific War, 14–15
PANGU Pati, 71
Panguna, 72
Papua Act
, 11
Papua and New Guinea Union (PANGU), 71
Papua New Guinea (PNG), 1, 33, 51, 71, 95, 115, 139, 159
education leaders in, 6–7
European education in, 43
geography, 3
National Qualifications Framework, 134–135
nationals, 2
policymakers in, 77
school subjects in, 89
traditional education practices in, 3–4
‘Papua New Guinea Community Teachers’ College Lecturers Professional Development Project
, 104
Papua New Guinea National STI & HIV Strategy 2018–2022, 74–75
Papua New Guinea National Strategic Plan on HIV/AIDS 2006–2010, 74–75
‘Papua New Guinea Teachers’ Association (PNGTA), 107
Papua New Guinea Vision 2050, 126
Penalizing, 5
‘Peripheral’ healthcare system, 74
Permit to Teach, 53–54
Plantations, 13
Ponam Island, 5
Post-primary education, 24
Post-War reconstruction projects, 33
Post-War years, 38
Postgraduate Diploma in Education (PGDE), 140–141
Pre-service Bachelor of Education (PSBEd), 67–68
Pre-service teacher education for primary school teaching, 95–100
Primary A schools, 53
Primary and Secondary Teacher Education Project (PASTEP), 139, 143
Primary education, 119
Primary T schools, 53
Professional development (PD), 156
Project 2000, 144
Protestant, 16–17
Provincial education boards (PEBs), 121
Provincial governments, 120
‘Provisional Teachers’ Certificate, 46–47
Public Service Institute, 59–60
Quality of Education in Developing Countries, The
, 68
Queensland State syllabus, 40
Queensland University of Technology (QUT), 142–143
Rays of Light Foundation
, 151
Religious education, 18
Remote Area Community Hotspot for Education and Learning devices (RACHEL), 137
Report of the South Pacific Christian Conference, 44
Rheinische Mission, 21
Roro Island, 18
Roscoe, G. T., 52
Royal Commission of Inquiry, 20
Sacred Heart Mission School, 18, 28
School Certificate Examination, 54–55
School Regulations, 18–19
Schooling system, 40
Secondary education, 59, 119
Secondary School Community Extension Project (SCCEP), 8
Secondary school teachers, preparation of, 108–113
Secondary Schools Community Extension Project (SSCEP), 78–79
Secondary Social Science Syllabus, 8
Secure digital cards (SD cards), 156
Self-instructional units (SIUs), 150
mastery tests, 150–151
Seventh Day Adventists, 122
Smartphones, 136–137
Somare, Michael, 52
Standards-based curriculum (SBC), 128
T1 Schools, 53–54
T2 Schools, 53–54
T3 Schools, 53–54
Teacher education, 139
developments, 139, 148, 158
initiatives, 139, 141, 148
Teacher Education Division, 97
Teacher Education Research Project
, 142
Teacher preparation, 9, 95
pre-service teacher education for primary school teaching, 95–100
preparation of primary school teachers’ college lecturers, 100–104
preparation of secondary school teachers, 108–113
proposals, 104–108
‘Teachers’ Certificate, 45
Teaching performance, 150–151
Teaching Service (Amendment) Act, 119–121, 1995
Teaching Service, 51
Teaching Service Commission, 66
Technical education, 57–58, 91–92
Tegata, J., 82
Territory Leaving Certificate, 46–47
Territory of New Guinea, 2, 6–7, 22, 26
Territory of Papua, 2, 6–7, 11, 16, 20, 22, 26
Tertiary education, 59
Tertiary education, 92–93, 119
Textbooks, 82
Tololo, Alkan, 75–76
Towards a New Three-Year Curriculum for Community School Teacher Education
, 99
Traditional education, 3
Trainer-directed training, 150–151
‘Transforming Teacher Education in Community Teachers’ Colleges
, 143
Transition, Stage of, 69
Tribes, 5
Tuition Fee Subsidy, 131
Tuition fee-free policy (TFF policy), 130
United Church, 122
United Nations’ International Trusteeship System
, 33
Universal Basic Education (UBE), 130
Universal primary school education (UPE), 41, 83–84
University of Goroka, 92
University of Papua New Guinea, 71
University of Queensland, 59–60
University of Technology (‘Unitech’), 93
Vernacular, 149
‘Village higher schools’, 38–39
‘Village schools’, 38–39
Vision 2050, 126
Vocational education, 91–92
Vocational Teacher Training, 45
Vunamami Rural Education Centre, 40
Ward, E. J., 36
Wedgewood, Camila, 3–4
Weedon, W. J., 55
Weedon Report, 55, 65–66
Wesleyan Mission, 28–29
West Sepik Province, 84–85
Western-style education, 15
Williams, F. E., 24
World Bank, 115, 117–118
World Health Organization (WHO), 116
World War 2, 34
Yule Island (see Roro Island)
‘E’ course, 62
Early childhood education (ECE), 131–132
East New Britain Province, 84–85
Education (Amendment) Act, 119–121, 1995
Education for All (EFA), 123
Plan of Action
, 123
Education I, 92
Education II Project (1981–1987), 77–78, 97–98
Education III, 112–113
Education Ordinance (1952), 46, 55
Education Ordinance (1970), 51, 55
Education personnel, 51
Education Plan 1976–1980, The, 76, 97
Education Reform Document, critique of, 83–91
Education Reform programme, 149
Education Reform project, 8
Education Sector Review
, 79–80, 82
Eight Aims, 75–76
Elementary ‘A’ schools, 38–39
Elementary ‘B’ schools, 38–39
Elementary education, 119
Elementary Education Programme, 148–149
Elementary schools, 149
Encouraging, 5
European education in PNG, 43
European missionaries, 12
European primary school, 38
Evangelical Alliance, 122
Expansion, 51
developments in education, 52–61
general developments, 51–52
teacher preparation, 61–70
Expatriate community, 25
Faculty of Education (University of Papua New Guinea), 76
Fee-free education system, 129
Flexible, open and distance education (FODE), 134
Foot Report, 60–61
Formalism, stage of, 20–21, 68
General developments, 115
in education, 71, 75, 93
education developments, 119–137
during period, 72, 75, 115, 118
German administration, 20–21
German New Guinea, 11, 14, 20, 22
Company of Berlin, 12–13
Goroka Teachers’ College, 66, 108, 110–111
Government Teacher Education Committee, 106
Gradualism, 33
developments in education, 36–43
general developments, 34–36
teacher preparation, 43–49
Gris, Gabriel, 55
Gross domestic product (GDP), 116
Groves, W. C., 36, 40, 52
Growing schools, 132
Hah, Dr, 21–22
Hasluck, Paul, 35, 40–42, 52, 60–61, 63
Higher and Technical Education Reform Act 2020, 135–136, 148
Highlands, 4
HIV/AIDS Policy for the National Education System of Papua New Guinea
, 74–75
House of Assembly, 35–36
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), 74
Human resources development phase 2 (HRDP2), 134
In-service Bachelor of Education (ISBEd), 67–68
In-service education courses, 64
‘In-service’ education, 70
Independence, 9
Indigenisation, 80
Indigenous education, 16
Institute of Higher Technology, 60–61
Institute of Technology, 58
Inter-War years, 22–23
Intermediate Certificate Examination, 54–55
International Education Agency (IEA), 122
Japanese, 12
Johnson, Leslie, 54, 62–63
Kaiser-Wilhelmsland, 1
Kiaps, 35
Lahara Program
, 140–141
Law and order, 35
League of Nations, 33
Legislative Council, 35–36
Legislative Council for the Territories, 35–36
Liquified natural gas (LNG), 115–116
Local communities, 120
Localization, 67
London Missionary Society (LMS), 8–9, 16
Luluais, 12–13
Lutheran Church, 122
Lutheran Mission, 21
Lutherans, 12–13
Manus Island, 5
Master of Education degree, 103–104
Matane Report, 79–80, 98
McKinnon, Kenneth, 54
McLaughlin, D., 15
McNair Committee, 105–106
McNair Report, 106
McNamara, Vincent, 98–99, 142
Mead, Margaret, 5
Meaning, stage of, 69
Melanesian Way, 6
Members of parliament (MPs), 118
Methodists, 27
Milne Bay Province, 84–85
Mission schools, 40
‘Mixed race’ children, 38–39
Murray, J. K., 34
Murray, Sir Hubert, 11–12, 20, 24
National Certificate levels 1 and 2 (NC1 and 2), 134
National Department of Education, 76, 88, 127
National Education Board, 98
National Education Plan (1995–2004), 119–121
National Education Plan 2015–2019, 127
National Education Plan 2020–2029, 128–129
National Education Reform policy document of 1986, 79
National Executive Council, 126
National Goals and Directive Principles (NGDPs), 71–72
National high schools, 120
National Institute of Teacher Education (NITE), 95, 106–107
National Manpower Assessment of 1981, 92
‘National Objectives for Teachers’ College Courses
, 97
National Parliament, 161
National Qualifications Framework, 134
National Teacher Education Project
, 98
National Teacher Education Research Project Task Force Report of 1989, 98–99
National Teaching Service, 66
National Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET), 146–147
developments in education, 52–61
general developments, 51–52
teacher preparation, 61–70
Native Education Fund, 29
New Guinea, 1
‘New Guinea Planters’ and Traders’ Association, 23
‘New kind of teacher’, 100
Organic Law on Provincial Governments and Local Level Governments (1995) (OLPGLLG), 119–120
Oro Book Flood, 78
Outcomes-based education (OBE), 123–124
Pacific Adventist University (PAU), 93
Pacific Islands Literacy and Numeracy Assessment (PILNA), 133, 154
Pacific Ocean, 2
Pacific War, 14–15
PANGU Pati, 71
Panguna, 72
Papua Act
, 11
Papua and New Guinea Union (PANGU), 71
Papua New Guinea (PNG), 1, 33, 51, 71, 95, 115, 139, 159
education leaders in, 6–7
European education in, 43
geography, 3
National Qualifications Framework, 134–135
nationals, 2
policymakers in, 77
school subjects in, 89
traditional education practices in, 3–4
‘Papua New Guinea Community Teachers’ College Lecturers Professional Development Project
, 104
Papua New Guinea National STI & HIV Strategy 2018–2022, 74–75
Papua New Guinea National Strategic Plan on HIV/AIDS 2006–2010, 74–75
‘Papua New Guinea Teachers’ Association (PNGTA), 107
Papua New Guinea Vision 2050, 126
Penalizing, 5
‘Peripheral’ healthcare system, 74
Permit to Teach, 53–54
Plantations, 13
Ponam Island, 5
Post-primary education, 24
Post-War reconstruction projects, 33
Post-War years, 38
Postgraduate Diploma in Education (PGDE), 140–141
Pre-service Bachelor of Education (PSBEd), 67–68
Pre-service teacher education for primary school teaching, 95–100
Primary A schools, 53
Primary and Secondary Teacher Education Project (PASTEP), 139, 143
Primary education, 119
Primary T schools, 53
Professional development (PD), 156
Project 2000, 144
Protestant, 16–17
Provincial education boards (PEBs), 121
Provincial governments, 120
‘Provisional Teachers’ Certificate, 46–47
Public Service Institute, 59–60
Quality of Education in Developing Countries, The
, 68
Queensland State syllabus, 40
Queensland University of Technology (QUT), 142–143
Rays of Light Foundation
, 151
Religious education, 18
Remote Area Community Hotspot for Education and Learning devices (RACHEL), 137
Report of the South Pacific Christian Conference, 44
Rheinische Mission, 21
Roro Island, 18
Roscoe, G. T., 52
Royal Commission of Inquiry, 20
Sacred Heart Mission School, 18, 28
School Certificate Examination, 54–55
School Regulations, 18–19
Schooling system, 40
Secondary education, 59, 119
Secondary School Community Extension Project (SCCEP), 8
Secondary school teachers, preparation of, 108–113
Secondary Schools Community Extension Project (SSCEP), 78–79
Secondary Social Science Syllabus, 8
Secure digital cards (SD cards), 156
Self-instructional units (SIUs), 150
mastery tests, 150–151
Seventh Day Adventists, 122
Smartphones, 136–137
Somare, Michael, 52
Standards-based curriculum (SBC), 128
T1 Schools, 53–54
T2 Schools, 53–54
T3 Schools, 53–54
Teacher education, 139
developments, 139, 148, 158
initiatives, 139, 141, 148
Teacher Education Division, 97
Teacher Education Research Project
, 142
Teacher preparation, 9, 95
pre-service teacher education for primary school teaching, 95–100
preparation of primary school teachers’ college lecturers, 100–104
preparation of secondary school teachers, 108–113
proposals, 104–108
‘Teachers’ Certificate, 45
Teaching performance, 150–151
Teaching Service (Amendment) Act, 119–121, 1995
Teaching Service, 51
Teaching Service Commission, 66
Technical education, 57–58, 91–92
Tegata, J., 82
Territory Leaving Certificate, 46–47
Territory of New Guinea, 2, 6–7, 22, 26
Territory of Papua, 2, 6–7, 11, 16, 20, 22, 26
Tertiary education, 59
Tertiary education, 92–93, 119
Textbooks, 82
Tololo, Alkan, 75–76
Towards a New Three-Year Curriculum for Community School Teacher Education
, 99
Traditional education, 3
Trainer-directed training, 150–151
‘Transforming Teacher Education in Community Teachers’ Colleges
, 143
Transition, Stage of, 69
Tribes, 5
Tuition Fee Subsidy, 131
Tuition fee-free policy (TFF policy), 130
United Church, 122
United Nations’ International Trusteeship System
, 33
Universal Basic Education (UBE), 130
Universal primary school education (UPE), 41, 83–84
University of Goroka, 92
University of Papua New Guinea, 71
University of Queensland, 59–60
University of Technology (‘Unitech’), 93
Vernacular, 149
‘Village higher schools’, 38–39
‘Village schools’, 38–39
Vision 2050, 126
Vocational education, 91–92
Vocational Teacher Training, 45
Vunamami Rural Education Centre, 40
Ward, E. J., 36
Wedgewood, Camila, 3–4
Weedon, W. J., 55
Weedon Report, 55, 65–66
Wesleyan Mission, 28–29
West Sepik Province, 84–85
Western-style education, 15
Williams, F. E., 24
World Bank, 115, 117–118
World Health Organization (WHO), 116
World War 2, 34
Yule Island (see Roro Island)
General developments, 115
in education, 71, 75, 93
education developments, 119–137
during period, 72, 75, 115, 118
German administration, 20–21
German New Guinea, 11, 14, 20, 22
Company of Berlin, 12–13
Goroka Teachers’ College, 66, 108, 110–111
Government Teacher Education Committee, 106
Gradualism, 33
developments in education, 36–43
general developments, 34–36
teacher preparation, 43–49
Gris, Gabriel, 55
Gross domestic product (GDP), 116
Groves, W. C., 36, 40, 52
Growing schools, 132
Hah, Dr, 21–22
Hasluck, Paul, 35, 40–42, 52, 60–61, 63
Higher and Technical Education Reform Act 2020, 135–136, 148
Highlands, 4
HIV/AIDS Policy for the National Education System of Papua New Guinea
, 74–75
House of Assembly, 35–36
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), 74
Human resources development phase 2 (HRDP2), 134
In-service Bachelor of Education (ISBEd), 67–68
In-service education courses, 64
‘In-service’ education, 70
Independence, 9
Indigenisation, 80
Indigenous education, 16
Institute of Higher Technology, 60–61
Institute of Technology, 58
Inter-War years, 22–23
Intermediate Certificate Examination, 54–55
International Education Agency (IEA), 122
Japanese, 12
Johnson, Leslie, 54, 62–63
Kaiser-Wilhelmsland, 1
Kiaps, 35
Lahara Program
, 140–141
Law and order, 35
League of Nations, 33
Legislative Council, 35–36
Legislative Council for the Territories, 35–36
Liquified natural gas (LNG), 115–116
Local communities, 120
Localization, 67
London Missionary Society (LMS), 8–9, 16
Luluais, 12–13
Lutheran Church, 122
Lutheran Mission, 21
Lutherans, 12–13
Manus Island, 5
Master of Education degree, 103–104
Matane Report, 79–80, 98
McKinnon, Kenneth, 54
McLaughlin, D., 15
McNair Committee, 105–106
McNair Report, 106
McNamara, Vincent, 98–99, 142
Mead, Margaret, 5
Meaning, stage of, 69
Melanesian Way, 6
Members of parliament (MPs), 118
Methodists, 27
Milne Bay Province, 84–85
Mission schools, 40
‘Mixed race’ children, 38–39
Murray, J. K., 34
Murray, Sir Hubert, 11–12, 20, 24
National Certificate levels 1 and 2 (NC1 and 2), 134
National Department of Education, 76, 88, 127
National Education Board, 98
National Education Plan (1995–2004), 119–121
National Education Plan 2015–2019, 127
National Education Plan 2020–2029, 128–129
National Education Reform policy document of 1986, 79
National Executive Council, 126
National Goals and Directive Principles (NGDPs), 71–72
National high schools, 120
National Institute of Teacher Education (NITE), 95, 106–107
National Manpower Assessment of 1981, 92
‘National Objectives for Teachers’ College Courses
, 97
National Parliament, 161
National Qualifications Framework, 134
National Teacher Education Project
, 98
National Teacher Education Research Project Task Force Report of 1989, 98–99
National Teaching Service, 66
National Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET), 146–147
developments in education, 52–61
general developments, 51–52
teacher preparation, 61–70
Native Education Fund, 29
New Guinea, 1
‘New Guinea Planters’ and Traders’ Association, 23
‘New kind of teacher’, 100
Organic Law on Provincial Governments and Local Level Governments (1995) (OLPGLLG), 119–120
Oro Book Flood, 78
Outcomes-based education (OBE), 123–124
Pacific Adventist University (PAU), 93
Pacific Islands Literacy and Numeracy Assessment (PILNA), 133, 154
Pacific Ocean, 2
Pacific War, 14–15
PANGU Pati, 71
Panguna, 72
Papua Act
, 11
Papua and New Guinea Union (PANGU), 71
Papua New Guinea (PNG), 1, 33, 51, 71, 95, 115, 139, 159
education leaders in, 6–7
European education in, 43
geography, 3
National Qualifications Framework, 134–135
nationals, 2
policymakers in, 77
school subjects in, 89
traditional education practices in, 3–4
‘Papua New Guinea Community Teachers’ College Lecturers Professional Development Project
, 104
Papua New Guinea National STI & HIV Strategy 2018–2022, 74–75
Papua New Guinea National Strategic Plan on HIV/AIDS 2006–2010, 74–75
‘Papua New Guinea Teachers’ Association (PNGTA), 107
Papua New Guinea Vision 2050, 126
Penalizing, 5
‘Peripheral’ healthcare system, 74
Permit to Teach, 53–54
Plantations, 13
Ponam Island, 5
Post-primary education, 24
Post-War reconstruction projects, 33
Post-War years, 38
Postgraduate Diploma in Education (PGDE), 140–141
Pre-service Bachelor of Education (PSBEd), 67–68
Pre-service teacher education for primary school teaching, 95–100
Primary A schools, 53
Primary and Secondary Teacher Education Project (PASTEP), 139, 143
Primary education, 119
Primary T schools, 53
Professional development (PD), 156
Project 2000, 144
Protestant, 16–17
Provincial education boards (PEBs), 121
Provincial governments, 120
‘Provisional Teachers’ Certificate, 46–47
Public Service Institute, 59–60
Quality of Education in Developing Countries, The
, 68
Queensland State syllabus, 40
Queensland University of Technology (QUT), 142–143
Rays of Light Foundation
, 151
Religious education, 18
Remote Area Community Hotspot for Education and Learning devices (RACHEL), 137
Report of the South Pacific Christian Conference, 44
Rheinische Mission, 21
Roro Island, 18
Roscoe, G. T., 52
Royal Commission of Inquiry, 20
Sacred Heart Mission School, 18, 28
School Certificate Examination, 54–55
School Regulations, 18–19
Schooling system, 40
Secondary education, 59, 119
Secondary School Community Extension Project (SCCEP), 8
Secondary school teachers, preparation of, 108–113
Secondary Schools Community Extension Project (SSCEP), 78–79
Secondary Social Science Syllabus, 8
Secure digital cards (SD cards), 156
Self-instructional units (SIUs), 150
mastery tests, 150–151
Seventh Day Adventists, 122
Smartphones, 136–137
Somare, Michael, 52
Standards-based curriculum (SBC), 128
T1 Schools, 53–54
T2 Schools, 53–54
T3 Schools, 53–54
Teacher education, 139
developments, 139, 148, 158
initiatives, 139, 141, 148
Teacher Education Division, 97
Teacher Education Research Project
, 142
Teacher preparation, 9, 95
pre-service teacher education for primary school teaching, 95–100
preparation of primary school teachers’ college lecturers, 100–104
preparation of secondary school teachers, 108–113
proposals, 104–108
‘Teachers’ Certificate, 45
Teaching performance, 150–151
Teaching Service (Amendment) Act, 119–121, 1995
Teaching Service, 51
Teaching Service Commission, 66
Technical education, 57–58, 91–92
Tegata, J., 82
Territory Leaving Certificate, 46–47
Territory of New Guinea, 2, 6–7, 22, 26
Territory of Papua, 2, 6–7, 11, 16, 20, 22, 26
Tertiary education, 59
Tertiary education, 92–93, 119
Textbooks, 82
Tololo, Alkan, 75–76
Towards a New Three-Year Curriculum for Community School Teacher Education
, 99
Traditional education, 3
Trainer-directed training, 150–151
‘Transforming Teacher Education in Community Teachers’ Colleges
, 143
Transition, Stage of, 69
Tribes, 5
Tuition Fee Subsidy, 131
Tuition fee-free policy (TFF policy), 130
United Church, 122
United Nations’ International Trusteeship System
, 33
Universal Basic Education (UBE), 130
Universal primary school education (UPE), 41, 83–84
University of Goroka, 92
University of Papua New Guinea, 71
University of Queensland, 59–60
University of Technology (‘Unitech’), 93
Vernacular, 149
‘Village higher schools’, 38–39
‘Village schools’, 38–39
Vision 2050, 126
Vocational education, 91–92
Vocational Teacher Training, 45
Vunamami Rural Education Centre, 40
Ward, E. J., 36
Wedgewood, Camila, 3–4
Weedon, W. J., 55
Weedon Report, 55, 65–66
Wesleyan Mission, 28–29
West Sepik Province, 84–85
Western-style education, 15
Williams, F. E., 24
World Bank, 115, 117–118
World Health Organization (WHO), 116
World War 2, 34
Yule Island (see Roro Island)
In-service Bachelor of Education (ISBEd), 67–68
In-service education courses, 64
‘In-service’ education, 70
Independence, 9
Indigenisation, 80
Indigenous education, 16
Institute of Higher Technology, 60–61
Institute of Technology, 58
Inter-War years, 22–23
Intermediate Certificate Examination, 54–55
International Education Agency (IEA), 122
Japanese, 12
Johnson, Leslie, 54, 62–63
Kaiser-Wilhelmsland, 1
Kiaps, 35
Lahara Program
, 140–141
Law and order, 35
League of Nations, 33
Legislative Council, 35–36
Legislative Council for the Territories, 35–36
Liquified natural gas (LNG), 115–116
Local communities, 120
Localization, 67
London Missionary Society (LMS), 8–9, 16
Luluais, 12–13
Lutheran Church, 122
Lutheran Mission, 21
Lutherans, 12–13
Manus Island, 5
Master of Education degree, 103–104
Matane Report, 79–80, 98
McKinnon, Kenneth, 54
McLaughlin, D., 15
McNair Committee, 105–106
McNair Report, 106
McNamara, Vincent, 98–99, 142
Mead, Margaret, 5
Meaning, stage of, 69
Melanesian Way, 6
Members of parliament (MPs), 118
Methodists, 27
Milne Bay Province, 84–85
Mission schools, 40
‘Mixed race’ children, 38–39
Murray, J. K., 34
Murray, Sir Hubert, 11–12, 20, 24
National Certificate levels 1 and 2 (NC1 and 2), 134
National Department of Education, 76, 88, 127
National Education Board, 98
National Education Plan (1995–2004), 119–121
National Education Plan 2015–2019, 127
National Education Plan 2020–2029, 128–129
National Education Reform policy document of 1986, 79
National Executive Council, 126
National Goals and Directive Principles (NGDPs), 71–72
National high schools, 120
National Institute of Teacher Education (NITE), 95, 106–107
National Manpower Assessment of 1981, 92
‘National Objectives for Teachers’ College Courses
, 97
National Parliament, 161
National Qualifications Framework, 134
National Teacher Education Project
, 98
National Teacher Education Research Project Task Force Report of 1989, 98–99
National Teaching Service, 66
National Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET), 146–147
developments in education, 52–61
general developments, 51–52
teacher preparation, 61–70
Native Education Fund, 29
New Guinea, 1
‘New Guinea Planters’ and Traders’ Association, 23
‘New kind of teacher’, 100
Organic Law on Provincial Governments and Local Level Governments (1995) (OLPGLLG), 119–120
Oro Book Flood, 78
Outcomes-based education (OBE), 123–124
Pacific Adventist University (PAU), 93
Pacific Islands Literacy and Numeracy Assessment (PILNA), 133, 154
Pacific Ocean, 2
Pacific War, 14–15
PANGU Pati, 71
Panguna, 72
Papua Act
, 11
Papua and New Guinea Union (PANGU), 71
Papua New Guinea (PNG), 1, 33, 51, 71, 95, 115, 139, 159
education leaders in, 6–7
European education in, 43
geography, 3
National Qualifications Framework, 134–135
nationals, 2
policymakers in, 77
school subjects in, 89
traditional education practices in, 3–4
‘Papua New Guinea Community Teachers’ College Lecturers Professional Development Project
, 104
Papua New Guinea National STI & HIV Strategy 2018–2022, 74–75
Papua New Guinea National Strategic Plan on HIV/AIDS 2006–2010, 74–75
‘Papua New Guinea Teachers’ Association (PNGTA), 107
Papua New Guinea Vision 2050, 126
Penalizing, 5
‘Peripheral’ healthcare system, 74
Permit to Teach, 53–54
Plantations, 13
Ponam Island, 5
Post-primary education, 24
Post-War reconstruction projects, 33
Post-War years, 38
Postgraduate Diploma in Education (PGDE), 140–141
Pre-service Bachelor of Education (PSBEd), 67–68
Pre-service teacher education for primary school teaching, 95–100
Primary A schools, 53
Primary and Secondary Teacher Education Project (PASTEP), 139, 143
Primary education, 119
Primary T schools, 53
Professional development (PD), 156
Project 2000, 144
Protestant, 16–17
Provincial education boards (PEBs), 121
Provincial governments, 120
‘Provisional Teachers’ Certificate, 46–47
Public Service Institute, 59–60
Quality of Education in Developing Countries, The
, 68
Queensland State syllabus, 40
Queensland University of Technology (QUT), 142–143
Rays of Light Foundation
, 151
Religious education, 18
Remote Area Community Hotspot for Education and Learning devices (RACHEL), 137
Report of the South Pacific Christian Conference, 44
Rheinische Mission, 21
Roro Island, 18
Roscoe, G. T., 52
Royal Commission of Inquiry, 20
Sacred Heart Mission School, 18, 28
School Certificate Examination, 54–55
School Regulations, 18–19
Schooling system, 40
Secondary education, 59, 119
Secondary School Community Extension Project (SCCEP), 8
Secondary school teachers, preparation of, 108–113
Secondary Schools Community Extension Project (SSCEP), 78–79
Secondary Social Science Syllabus, 8
Secure digital cards (SD cards), 156
Self-instructional units (SIUs), 150
mastery tests, 150–151
Seventh Day Adventists, 122
Smartphones, 136–137
Somare, Michael, 52
Standards-based curriculum (SBC), 128
T1 Schools, 53–54
T2 Schools, 53–54
T3 Schools, 53–54
Teacher education, 139
developments, 139, 148, 158
initiatives, 139, 141, 148
Teacher Education Division, 97
Teacher Education Research Project
, 142
Teacher preparation, 9, 95
pre-service teacher education for primary school teaching, 95–100
preparation of primary school teachers’ college lecturers, 100–104
preparation of secondary school teachers, 108–113
proposals, 104–108
‘Teachers’ Certificate, 45
Teaching performance, 150–151
Teaching Service (Amendment) Act, 119–121, 1995
Teaching Service, 51
Teaching Service Commission, 66
Technical education, 57–58, 91–92
Tegata, J., 82
Territory Leaving Certificate, 46–47
Territory of New Guinea, 2, 6–7, 22, 26
Territory of Papua, 2, 6–7, 11, 16, 20, 22, 26
Tertiary education, 59
Tertiary education, 92–93, 119
Textbooks, 82
Tololo, Alkan, 75–76
Towards a New Three-Year Curriculum for Community School Teacher Education
, 99
Traditional education, 3
Trainer-directed training, 150–151
‘Transforming Teacher Education in Community Teachers’ Colleges
, 143
Transition, Stage of, 69
Tribes, 5
Tuition Fee Subsidy, 131
Tuition fee-free policy (TFF policy), 130
United Church, 122
United Nations’ International Trusteeship System
, 33
Universal Basic Education (UBE), 130
Universal primary school education (UPE), 41, 83–84
University of Goroka, 92
University of Papua New Guinea, 71
University of Queensland, 59–60
University of Technology (‘Unitech’), 93
Vernacular, 149
‘Village higher schools’, 38–39
‘Village schools’, 38–39
Vision 2050, 126
Vocational education, 91–92
Vocational Teacher Training, 45
Vunamami Rural Education Centre, 40
Ward, E. J., 36
Wedgewood, Camila, 3–4
Weedon, W. J., 55
Weedon Report, 55, 65–66
Wesleyan Mission, 28–29
West Sepik Province, 84–85
Western-style education, 15
Williams, F. E., 24
World Bank, 115, 117–118
World Health Organization (WHO), 116
World War 2, 34
Yule Island (see Roro Island)
Kaiser-Wilhelmsland, 1
Kiaps, 35
Lahara Program
, 140–141
Law and order, 35
League of Nations, 33
Legislative Council, 35–36
Legislative Council for the Territories, 35–36
Liquified natural gas (LNG), 115–116
Local communities, 120
Localization, 67
London Missionary Society (LMS), 8–9, 16
Luluais, 12–13
Lutheran Church, 122
Lutheran Mission, 21
Lutherans, 12–13
Manus Island, 5
Master of Education degree, 103–104
Matane Report, 79–80, 98
McKinnon, Kenneth, 54
McLaughlin, D., 15
McNair Committee, 105–106
McNair Report, 106
McNamara, Vincent, 98–99, 142
Mead, Margaret, 5
Meaning, stage of, 69
Melanesian Way, 6
Members of parliament (MPs), 118
Methodists, 27
Milne Bay Province, 84–85
Mission schools, 40
‘Mixed race’ children, 38–39
Murray, J. K., 34
Murray, Sir Hubert, 11–12, 20, 24
National Certificate levels 1 and 2 (NC1 and 2), 134
National Department of Education, 76, 88, 127
National Education Board, 98
National Education Plan (1995–2004), 119–121
National Education Plan 2015–2019, 127
National Education Plan 2020–2029, 128–129
National Education Reform policy document of 1986, 79
National Executive Council, 126
National Goals and Directive Principles (NGDPs), 71–72
National high schools, 120
National Institute of Teacher Education (NITE), 95, 106–107
National Manpower Assessment of 1981, 92
‘National Objectives for Teachers’ College Courses
, 97
National Parliament, 161
National Qualifications Framework, 134
National Teacher Education Project
, 98
National Teacher Education Research Project Task Force Report of 1989, 98–99
National Teaching Service, 66
National Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET), 146–147
developments in education, 52–61
general developments, 51–52
teacher preparation, 61–70
Native Education Fund, 29
New Guinea, 1
‘New Guinea Planters’ and Traders’ Association, 23
‘New kind of teacher’, 100
Organic Law on Provincial Governments and Local Level Governments (1995) (OLPGLLG), 119–120
Oro Book Flood, 78
Outcomes-based education (OBE), 123–124
Pacific Adventist University (PAU), 93
Pacific Islands Literacy and Numeracy Assessment (PILNA), 133, 154
Pacific Ocean, 2
Pacific War, 14–15
PANGU Pati, 71
Panguna, 72
Papua Act
, 11
Papua and New Guinea Union (PANGU), 71
Papua New Guinea (PNG), 1, 33, 51, 71, 95, 115, 139, 159
education leaders in, 6–7
European education in, 43
geography, 3
National Qualifications Framework, 134–135
nationals, 2
policymakers in, 77
school subjects in, 89
traditional education practices in, 3–4
‘Papua New Guinea Community Teachers’ College Lecturers Professional Development Project
, 104
Papua New Guinea National STI & HIV Strategy 2018–2022, 74–75
Papua New Guinea National Strategic Plan on HIV/AIDS 2006–2010, 74–75
‘Papua New Guinea Teachers’ Association (PNGTA), 107
Papua New Guinea Vision 2050, 126
Penalizing, 5
‘Peripheral’ healthcare system, 74
Permit to Teach, 53–54
Plantations, 13
Ponam Island, 5
Post-primary education, 24
Post-War reconstruction projects, 33
Post-War years, 38
Postgraduate Diploma in Education (PGDE), 140–141
Pre-service Bachelor of Education (PSBEd), 67–68
Pre-service teacher education for primary school teaching, 95–100
Primary A schools, 53
Primary and Secondary Teacher Education Project (PASTEP), 139, 143
Primary education, 119
Primary T schools, 53
Professional development (PD), 156
Project 2000, 144
Protestant, 16–17
Provincial education boards (PEBs), 121
Provincial governments, 120
‘Provisional Teachers’ Certificate, 46–47
Public Service Institute, 59–60
Quality of Education in Developing Countries, The
, 68
Queensland State syllabus, 40
Queensland University of Technology (QUT), 142–143
Rays of Light Foundation
, 151
Religious education, 18
Remote Area Community Hotspot for Education and Learning devices (RACHEL), 137
Report of the South Pacific Christian Conference, 44
Rheinische Mission, 21
Roro Island, 18
Roscoe, G. T., 52
Royal Commission of Inquiry, 20
Sacred Heart Mission School, 18, 28
School Certificate Examination, 54–55
School Regulations, 18–19
Schooling system, 40
Secondary education, 59, 119
Secondary School Community Extension Project (SCCEP), 8
Secondary school teachers, preparation of, 108–113
Secondary Schools Community Extension Project (SSCEP), 78–79
Secondary Social Science Syllabus, 8
Secure digital cards (SD cards), 156
Self-instructional units (SIUs), 150
mastery tests, 150–151
Seventh Day Adventists, 122
Smartphones, 136–137
Somare, Michael, 52
Standards-based curriculum (SBC), 128
T1 Schools, 53–54
T2 Schools, 53–54
T3 Schools, 53–54
Teacher education, 139
developments, 139, 148, 158
initiatives, 139, 141, 148
Teacher Education Division, 97
Teacher Education Research Project
, 142
Teacher preparation, 9, 95
pre-service teacher education for primary school teaching, 95–100
preparation of primary school teachers’ college lecturers, 100–104
preparation of secondary school teachers, 108–113
proposals, 104–108
‘Teachers’ Certificate, 45
Teaching performance, 150–151
Teaching Service (Amendment) Act, 119–121, 1995
Teaching Service, 51
Teaching Service Commission, 66
Technical education, 57–58, 91–92
Tegata, J., 82
Territory Leaving Certificate, 46–47
Territory of New Guinea, 2, 6–7, 22, 26
Territory of Papua, 2, 6–7, 11, 16, 20, 22, 26
Tertiary education, 59
Tertiary education, 92–93, 119
Textbooks, 82
Tololo, Alkan, 75–76
Towards a New Three-Year Curriculum for Community School Teacher Education
, 99
Traditional education, 3
Trainer-directed training, 150–151
‘Transforming Teacher Education in Community Teachers’ Colleges
, 143
Transition, Stage of, 69
Tribes, 5
Tuition Fee Subsidy, 131
Tuition fee-free policy (TFF policy), 130
United Church, 122
United Nations’ International Trusteeship System
, 33
Universal Basic Education (UBE), 130
Universal primary school education (UPE), 41, 83–84
University of Goroka, 92
University of Papua New Guinea, 71
University of Queensland, 59–60
University of Technology (‘Unitech’), 93
Vernacular, 149
‘Village higher schools’, 38–39
‘Village schools’, 38–39
Vision 2050, 126
Vocational education, 91–92
Vocational Teacher Training, 45
Vunamami Rural Education Centre, 40
Ward, E. J., 36
Wedgewood, Camila, 3–4
Weedon, W. J., 55
Weedon Report, 55, 65–66
Wesleyan Mission, 28–29
West Sepik Province, 84–85
Western-style education, 15
Williams, F. E., 24
World Bank, 115, 117–118
World Health Organization (WHO), 116
World War 2, 34
Yule Island (see Roro Island)
Manus Island, 5
Master of Education degree, 103–104
Matane Report, 79–80, 98
McKinnon, Kenneth, 54
McLaughlin, D., 15
McNair Committee, 105–106
McNair Report, 106
McNamara, Vincent, 98–99, 142
Mead, Margaret, 5
Meaning, stage of, 69
Melanesian Way, 6
Members of parliament (MPs), 118
Methodists, 27
Milne Bay Province, 84–85
Mission schools, 40
‘Mixed race’ children, 38–39
Murray, J. K., 34
Murray, Sir Hubert, 11–12, 20, 24
National Certificate levels 1 and 2 (NC1 and 2), 134
National Department of Education, 76, 88, 127
National Education Board, 98
National Education Plan (1995–2004), 119–121
National Education Plan 2015–2019, 127
National Education Plan 2020–2029, 128–129
National Education Reform policy document of 1986, 79
National Executive Council, 126
National Goals and Directive Principles (NGDPs), 71–72
National high schools, 120
National Institute of Teacher Education (NITE), 95, 106–107
National Manpower Assessment of 1981, 92
‘National Objectives for Teachers’ College Courses
, 97
National Parliament, 161
National Qualifications Framework, 134
National Teacher Education Project
, 98
National Teacher Education Research Project Task Force Report of 1989, 98–99
National Teaching Service, 66
National Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET), 146–147
developments in education, 52–61
general developments, 51–52
teacher preparation, 61–70
Native Education Fund, 29
New Guinea, 1
‘New Guinea Planters’ and Traders’ Association, 23
‘New kind of teacher’, 100
Organic Law on Provincial Governments and Local Level Governments (1995) (OLPGLLG), 119–120
Oro Book Flood, 78
Outcomes-based education (OBE), 123–124
Pacific Adventist University (PAU), 93
Pacific Islands Literacy and Numeracy Assessment (PILNA), 133, 154
Pacific Ocean, 2
Pacific War, 14–15
PANGU Pati, 71
Panguna, 72
Papua Act
, 11
Papua and New Guinea Union (PANGU), 71
Papua New Guinea (PNG), 1, 33, 51, 71, 95, 115, 139, 159
education leaders in, 6–7
European education in, 43
geography, 3
National Qualifications Framework, 134–135
nationals, 2
policymakers in, 77
school subjects in, 89
traditional education practices in, 3–4
‘Papua New Guinea Community Teachers’ College Lecturers Professional Development Project
, 104
Papua New Guinea National STI & HIV Strategy 2018–2022, 74–75
Papua New Guinea National Strategic Plan on HIV/AIDS 2006–2010, 74–75
‘Papua New Guinea Teachers’ Association (PNGTA), 107
Papua New Guinea Vision 2050, 126
Penalizing, 5
‘Peripheral’ healthcare system, 74
Permit to Teach, 53–54
Plantations, 13
Ponam Island, 5
Post-primary education, 24
Post-War reconstruction projects, 33
Post-War years, 38
Postgraduate Diploma in Education (PGDE), 140–141
Pre-service Bachelor of Education (PSBEd), 67–68
Pre-service teacher education for primary school teaching, 95–100
Primary A schools, 53
Primary and Secondary Teacher Education Project (PASTEP), 139, 143
Primary education, 119
Primary T schools, 53
Professional development (PD), 156
Project 2000, 144
Protestant, 16–17
Provincial education boards (PEBs), 121
Provincial governments, 120
‘Provisional Teachers’ Certificate, 46–47
Public Service Institute, 59–60
Quality of Education in Developing Countries, The
, 68
Queensland State syllabus, 40
Queensland University of Technology (QUT), 142–143
Rays of Light Foundation
, 151
Religious education, 18
Remote Area Community Hotspot for Education and Learning devices (RACHEL), 137
Report of the South Pacific Christian Conference, 44
Rheinische Mission, 21
Roro Island, 18
Roscoe, G. T., 52
Royal Commission of Inquiry, 20
Sacred Heart Mission School, 18, 28
School Certificate Examination, 54–55
School Regulations, 18–19
Schooling system, 40
Secondary education, 59, 119
Secondary School Community Extension Project (SCCEP), 8
Secondary school teachers, preparation of, 108–113
Secondary Schools Community Extension Project (SSCEP), 78–79
Secondary Social Science Syllabus, 8
Secure digital cards (SD cards), 156
Self-instructional units (SIUs), 150
mastery tests, 150–151
Seventh Day Adventists, 122
Smartphones, 136–137
Somare, Michael, 52
Standards-based curriculum (SBC), 128
T1 Schools, 53–54
T2 Schools, 53–54
T3 Schools, 53–54
Teacher education, 139
developments, 139, 148, 158
initiatives, 139, 141, 148
Teacher Education Division, 97
Teacher Education Research Project
, 142
Teacher preparation, 9, 95
pre-service teacher education for primary school teaching, 95–100
preparation of primary school teachers’ college lecturers, 100–104
preparation of secondary school teachers, 108–113
proposals, 104–108
‘Teachers’ Certificate, 45
Teaching performance, 150–151
Teaching Service (Amendment) Act, 119–121, 1995
Teaching Service, 51
Teaching Service Commission, 66
Technical education, 57–58, 91–92
Tegata, J., 82
Territory Leaving Certificate, 46–47
Territory of New Guinea, 2, 6–7, 22, 26
Territory of Papua, 2, 6–7, 11, 16, 20, 22, 26
Tertiary education, 59
Tertiary education, 92–93, 119
Textbooks, 82
Tololo, Alkan, 75–76
Towards a New Three-Year Curriculum for Community School Teacher Education
, 99
Traditional education, 3
Trainer-directed training, 150–151
‘Transforming Teacher Education in Community Teachers’ Colleges
, 143
Transition, Stage of, 69
Tribes, 5
Tuition Fee Subsidy, 131
Tuition fee-free policy (TFF policy), 130
United Church, 122
United Nations’ International Trusteeship System
, 33
Universal Basic Education (UBE), 130
Universal primary school education (UPE), 41, 83–84
University of Goroka, 92
University of Papua New Guinea, 71
University of Queensland, 59–60
University of Technology (‘Unitech’), 93
Vernacular, 149
‘Village higher schools’, 38–39
‘Village schools’, 38–39
Vision 2050, 126
Vocational education, 91–92
Vocational Teacher Training, 45
Vunamami Rural Education Centre, 40
Ward, E. J., 36
Wedgewood, Camila, 3–4
Weedon, W. J., 55
Weedon Report, 55, 65–66
Wesleyan Mission, 28–29
West Sepik Province, 84–85
Western-style education, 15
Williams, F. E., 24
World Bank, 115, 117–118
World Health Organization (WHO), 116
World War 2, 34
Yule Island (see Roro Island)
Organic Law on Provincial Governments and Local Level Governments (1995) (OLPGLLG), 119–120
Oro Book Flood, 78
Outcomes-based education (OBE), 123–124
Pacific Adventist University (PAU), 93
Pacific Islands Literacy and Numeracy Assessment (PILNA), 133, 154
Pacific Ocean, 2
Pacific War, 14–15
PANGU Pati, 71
Panguna, 72
Papua Act
, 11
Papua and New Guinea Union (PANGU), 71
Papua New Guinea (PNG), 1, 33, 51, 71, 95, 115, 139, 159
education leaders in, 6–7
European education in, 43
geography, 3
National Qualifications Framework, 134–135
nationals, 2
policymakers in, 77
school subjects in, 89
traditional education practices in, 3–4
‘Papua New Guinea Community Teachers’ College Lecturers Professional Development Project
, 104
Papua New Guinea National STI & HIV Strategy 2018–2022, 74–75
Papua New Guinea National Strategic Plan on HIV/AIDS 2006–2010, 74–75
‘Papua New Guinea Teachers’ Association (PNGTA), 107
Papua New Guinea Vision 2050, 126
Penalizing, 5
‘Peripheral’ healthcare system, 74
Permit to Teach, 53–54
Plantations, 13
Ponam Island, 5
Post-primary education, 24
Post-War reconstruction projects, 33
Post-War years, 38
Postgraduate Diploma in Education (PGDE), 140–141
Pre-service Bachelor of Education (PSBEd), 67–68
Pre-service teacher education for primary school teaching, 95–100
Primary A schools, 53
Primary and Secondary Teacher Education Project (PASTEP), 139, 143
Primary education, 119
Primary T schools, 53
Professional development (PD), 156
Project 2000, 144
Protestant, 16–17
Provincial education boards (PEBs), 121
Provincial governments, 120
‘Provisional Teachers’ Certificate, 46–47
Public Service Institute, 59–60
Quality of Education in Developing Countries, The
, 68
Queensland State syllabus, 40
Queensland University of Technology (QUT), 142–143
Rays of Light Foundation
, 151
Religious education, 18
Remote Area Community Hotspot for Education and Learning devices (RACHEL), 137
Report of the South Pacific Christian Conference, 44
Rheinische Mission, 21
Roro Island, 18
Roscoe, G. T., 52
Royal Commission of Inquiry, 20
Sacred Heart Mission School, 18, 28
School Certificate Examination, 54–55
School Regulations, 18–19
Schooling system, 40
Secondary education, 59, 119
Secondary School Community Extension Project (SCCEP), 8
Secondary school teachers, preparation of, 108–113
Secondary Schools Community Extension Project (SSCEP), 78–79
Secondary Social Science Syllabus, 8
Secure digital cards (SD cards), 156
Self-instructional units (SIUs), 150
mastery tests, 150–151
Seventh Day Adventists, 122
Smartphones, 136–137
Somare, Michael, 52
Standards-based curriculum (SBC), 128
T1 Schools, 53–54
T2 Schools, 53–54
T3 Schools, 53–54
Teacher education, 139
developments, 139, 148, 158
initiatives, 139, 141, 148
Teacher Education Division, 97
Teacher Education Research Project
, 142
Teacher preparation, 9, 95
pre-service teacher education for primary school teaching, 95–100
preparation of primary school teachers’ college lecturers, 100–104
preparation of secondary school teachers, 108–113
proposals, 104–108
‘Teachers’ Certificate, 45
Teaching performance, 150–151
Teaching Service (Amendment) Act, 119–121, 1995
Teaching Service, 51
Teaching Service Commission, 66
Technical education, 57–58, 91–92
Tegata, J., 82
Territory Leaving Certificate, 46–47
Territory of New Guinea, 2, 6–7, 22, 26
Territory of Papua, 2, 6–7, 11, 16, 20, 22, 26
Tertiary education, 59
Tertiary education, 92–93, 119
Textbooks, 82
Tololo, Alkan, 75–76
Towards a New Three-Year Curriculum for Community School Teacher Education
, 99
Traditional education, 3
Trainer-directed training, 150–151
‘Transforming Teacher Education in Community Teachers’ Colleges
, 143
Transition, Stage of, 69
Tribes, 5
Tuition Fee Subsidy, 131
Tuition fee-free policy (TFF policy), 130
United Church, 122
United Nations’ International Trusteeship System
, 33
Universal Basic Education (UBE), 130
Universal primary school education (UPE), 41, 83–84
University of Goroka, 92
University of Papua New Guinea, 71
University of Queensland, 59–60
University of Technology (‘Unitech’), 93
Vernacular, 149
‘Village higher schools’, 38–39
‘Village schools’, 38–39
Vision 2050, 126
Vocational education, 91–92
Vocational Teacher Training, 45
Vunamami Rural Education Centre, 40
Ward, E. J., 36
Wedgewood, Camila, 3–4
Weedon, W. J., 55
Weedon Report, 55, 65–66
Wesleyan Mission, 28–29
West Sepik Province, 84–85
Western-style education, 15
Williams, F. E., 24
World Bank, 115, 117–118
World Health Organization (WHO), 116
World War 2, 34
Yule Island (see Roro Island)
Quality of Education in Developing Countries, The
, 68
Queensland State syllabus, 40
Queensland University of Technology (QUT), 142–143
Rays of Light Foundation
, 151
Religious education, 18
Remote Area Community Hotspot for Education and Learning devices (RACHEL), 137
Report of the South Pacific Christian Conference, 44
Rheinische Mission, 21
Roro Island, 18
Roscoe, G. T., 52
Royal Commission of Inquiry, 20
Sacred Heart Mission School, 18, 28
School Certificate Examination, 54–55
School Regulations, 18–19
Schooling system, 40
Secondary education, 59, 119
Secondary School Community Extension Project (SCCEP), 8
Secondary school teachers, preparation of, 108–113
Secondary Schools Community Extension Project (SSCEP), 78–79
Secondary Social Science Syllabus, 8
Secure digital cards (SD cards), 156
Self-instructional units (SIUs), 150
mastery tests, 150–151
Seventh Day Adventists, 122
Smartphones, 136–137
Somare, Michael, 52
Standards-based curriculum (SBC), 128
T1 Schools, 53–54
T2 Schools, 53–54
T3 Schools, 53–54
Teacher education, 139
developments, 139, 148, 158
initiatives, 139, 141, 148
Teacher Education Division, 97
Teacher Education Research Project
, 142
Teacher preparation, 9, 95
pre-service teacher education for primary school teaching, 95–100
preparation of primary school teachers’ college lecturers, 100–104
preparation of secondary school teachers, 108–113
proposals, 104–108
‘Teachers’ Certificate, 45
Teaching performance, 150–151
Teaching Service (Amendment) Act, 119–121, 1995
Teaching Service, 51
Teaching Service Commission, 66
Technical education, 57–58, 91–92
Tegata, J., 82
Territory Leaving Certificate, 46–47
Territory of New Guinea, 2, 6–7, 22, 26
Territory of Papua, 2, 6–7, 11, 16, 20, 22, 26
Tertiary education, 59
Tertiary education, 92–93, 119
Textbooks, 82
Tololo, Alkan, 75–76
Towards a New Three-Year Curriculum for Community School Teacher Education
, 99
Traditional education, 3
Trainer-directed training, 150–151
‘Transforming Teacher Education in Community Teachers’ Colleges
, 143
Transition, Stage of, 69
Tribes, 5
Tuition Fee Subsidy, 131
Tuition fee-free policy (TFF policy), 130
United Church, 122
United Nations’ International Trusteeship System
, 33
Universal Basic Education (UBE), 130
Universal primary school education (UPE), 41, 83–84
University of Goroka, 92
University of Papua New Guinea, 71
University of Queensland, 59–60
University of Technology (‘Unitech’), 93
Vernacular, 149
‘Village higher schools’, 38–39
‘Village schools’, 38–39
Vision 2050, 126
Vocational education, 91–92
Vocational Teacher Training, 45
Vunamami Rural Education Centre, 40
Ward, E. J., 36
Wedgewood, Camila, 3–4
Weedon, W. J., 55
Weedon Report, 55, 65–66
Wesleyan Mission, 28–29
West Sepik Province, 84–85
Western-style education, 15
Williams, F. E., 24
World Bank, 115, 117–118
World Health Organization (WHO), 116
World War 2, 34
Yule Island (see Roro Island)
Sacred Heart Mission School, 18, 28
School Certificate Examination, 54–55
School Regulations, 18–19
Schooling system, 40
Secondary education, 59, 119
Secondary School Community Extension Project (SCCEP), 8
Secondary school teachers, preparation of, 108–113
Secondary Schools Community Extension Project (SSCEP), 78–79
Secondary Social Science Syllabus, 8
Secure digital cards (SD cards), 156
Self-instructional units (SIUs), 150
mastery tests, 150–151
Seventh Day Adventists, 122
Smartphones, 136–137
Somare, Michael, 52
Standards-based curriculum (SBC), 128
T1 Schools, 53–54
T2 Schools, 53–54
T3 Schools, 53–54
Teacher education, 139
developments, 139, 148, 158
initiatives, 139, 141, 148
Teacher Education Division, 97
Teacher Education Research Project
, 142
Teacher preparation, 9, 95
pre-service teacher education for primary school teaching, 95–100
preparation of primary school teachers’ college lecturers, 100–104
preparation of secondary school teachers, 108–113
proposals, 104–108
‘Teachers’ Certificate, 45
Teaching performance, 150–151
Teaching Service (Amendment) Act, 119–121, 1995
Teaching Service, 51
Teaching Service Commission, 66
Technical education, 57–58, 91–92
Tegata, J., 82
Territory Leaving Certificate, 46–47
Territory of New Guinea, 2, 6–7, 22, 26
Territory of Papua, 2, 6–7, 11, 16, 20, 22, 26
Tertiary education, 59
Tertiary education, 92–93, 119
Textbooks, 82
Tololo, Alkan, 75–76
Towards a New Three-Year Curriculum for Community School Teacher Education
, 99
Traditional education, 3
Trainer-directed training, 150–151
‘Transforming Teacher Education in Community Teachers’ Colleges
, 143
Transition, Stage of, 69
Tribes, 5
Tuition Fee Subsidy, 131
Tuition fee-free policy (TFF policy), 130
United Church, 122
United Nations’ International Trusteeship System
, 33
Universal Basic Education (UBE), 130
Universal primary school education (UPE), 41, 83–84
University of Goroka, 92
University of Papua New Guinea, 71
University of Queensland, 59–60
University of Technology (‘Unitech’), 93
Vernacular, 149
‘Village higher schools’, 38–39
‘Village schools’, 38–39
Vision 2050, 126
Vocational education, 91–92
Vocational Teacher Training, 45
Vunamami Rural Education Centre, 40
Ward, E. J., 36
Wedgewood, Camila, 3–4
Weedon, W. J., 55
Weedon Report, 55, 65–66
Wesleyan Mission, 28–29
West Sepik Province, 84–85
Western-style education, 15
Williams, F. E., 24
World Bank, 115, 117–118
World Health Organization (WHO), 116
World War 2, 34
Yule Island (see Roro Island)
United Church, 122
United Nations’ International Trusteeship System
, 33
Universal Basic Education (UBE), 130
Universal primary school education (UPE), 41, 83–84
University of Goroka, 92
University of Papua New Guinea, 71
University of Queensland, 59–60
University of Technology (‘Unitech’), 93
Vernacular, 149
‘Village higher schools’, 38–39
‘Village schools’, 38–39
Vision 2050, 126
Vocational education, 91–92
Vocational Teacher Training, 45
Vunamami Rural Education Centre, 40
Ward, E. J., 36
Wedgewood, Camila, 3–4
Weedon, W. J., 55
Weedon Report, 55, 65–66
Wesleyan Mission, 28–29
West Sepik Province, 84–85
Western-style education, 15
Williams, F. E., 24
World Bank, 115, 117–118
World Health Organization (WHO), 116
World War 2, 34
Yule Island (see Roro Island)
Ward, E. J., 36
Wedgewood, Camila, 3–4
Weedon, W. J., 55
Weedon Report, 55, 65–66
Wesleyan Mission, 28–29
West Sepik Province, 84–85
Western-style education, 15
Williams, F. E., 24
World Bank, 115, 117–118
World Health Organization (WHO), 116
World War 2, 34
Yule Island (see Roro Island)
- Prelims
- Chapter 1 Introduction
- Chapter 2 The Stage of Conversion 1873–1945
- Chapter 3 The Stage of Gradualism 1946–1958
- Chapter 4 The Stage of Expansion and Nationalism 1959–1975
- Chapter 5 General Developments in Education From 1975 to 1992
- Chapter 6 Teacher Preparation: 1975–1992
- Chapter 7 General Developments From 1993 to 2023
- Chapter 8 Developments in Teacher Education From 1993–2023
- Chapter 9 Conclusion
- References
- Index
- About the Authors