Exploring the Financial Literacy of a Chama Women's Group in Rural Western Kenya
Casebook of Indigenous Business Practices in Africa
ISBN: 978-1-80455-763-1, eISBN: 978-1-80455-762-4
Publication date: 16 August 2023
Chama microfinance models continue to be a safety net for many rural women in Kenya; however, their financial literacy remains largely unexplored. This study sought to explore the financial literacy of women entrepreneurs who are also members of Chama groups in rural Western Kenya, examine the specific indigenous practices and values that educators could draw upon to support and enhance the teaching of financial literacy to women, and also highlight the potential outcome of integrating indigenous knowledge and pedagogies to financial literacy. The study adopted critical participatory action research and African womanism methodology to centre learning on the experiences of rural Chama women. Based on in-depth interviews of six women in Western Kenya, the study found that the women's financial literacy can be explained and demonstrated through their relationships, connections and identity. On specific indigenous practices and methods the study found community engagement, centred learning and discovery learning, as relevant ways of engaging with the women. Integrating values, practices, and methods to inquire about the financial literacy from the Chama women's perspective cultivated an environment that encouraged mutual respect, sharing, participation and learning. Within the context of the findings, the study suggests that it is best to understand the women's financial literacy from their perspective. This study also contributes to knowledge on critical participatory action research and financial literacy from an Africana womanist perspective.
Omosa, L.Z. (2023), "Exploring the Financial Literacy of a Chama Women's Group in Rural Western Kenya", Adeola, O. (Ed.) Casebook of Indigenous Business Practices in Africa, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 161-181. https://doi.org/10.1108/978-1-80455-762-420231016
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2023 Lillian Zippora Omosa. Published under exclusive licence by Emerald Publishing Limited