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‘They Wanted Us Out’: Young Masculinities and School Exclusion in England

Debating Childhood Masculinities

ISBN: 978-1-80455-391-6, eISBN: 978-1-80455-390-9

Publication date: 16 September 2024


School exclusion in England is highly gendered, racialised and classed. For instance, boys are three times more likely than girls to be excluded from school and certain groups, including Black Caribbean boys are subject to disproportionate levels of exclusion. Against this backdrop, I explore the context and consequences of exclusion from English mainstream schooling for young masculinities. The arguments presented also have broader international significance due to a global tendency towards punitive measures in schooling. Through bringing masculinities scholarship into conversation with childhood studies, this chapter aims to present a nuanced theorisation of young masculinities which foregrounds lived experience and is located within the interdisciplinary field of childhood studies. It examines ways in which exclusion and schooling in alternative settings, such as a Pupil Referral school, can shape the identities of boys and their subjectivities. The empirical data demonstrate that excluded boys face severe constraints arising from ways in which they are positioned. Drawing on original qualitative data, it is argued that boys who are categorised in this way demonstrate highly agentic ways of ‘doing boy’. This chapter is underpinned by two questions, firstly, how can we theorise boyhood and school exclusion in ways that recognise excluded boys as agentic and constrained subjects? Secondly, what possibilities for change might our theorisation reveal? This chapter concludes by arguing for intersectional masculinities and strengthened theorisation of childhood studies which explicitly recognises lived experience. Through this discussion, I seek to illuminate the emotional costs of school exclusion and insights into ways to achieve change.



Thomas, R. (2024), "‘They Wanted Us Out’: Young Masculinities and School Exclusion in England", Mukherjee, U. (Ed.) Debating Childhood Masculinities (Emerald Advances in Masculinities), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 95-113.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2024 Roma Thomas. Published under exclusive licence by Emerald Publishing Limited