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Envisioning Trans Studies in Early Childhood Education: Implications for Rethinking Boys, Men and Masculinities

Debating Childhood Masculinities

ISBN: 978-1-80455-391-6, eISBN: 978-1-80455-390-9

Publication date: 16 September 2024


In this chapter, we draw on trans-informed theoretical frameworks to provide insights into gender justice and gender democratization in Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC). Our purpose is to illuminate the systemic impact of cisgenderist and cissexist beliefs which refer to the legitimation of birth-assigned gender identity and what this means for embracing a critical project of gender expansiveness in the ECEC classroom. More broadly, we explicate how our engagement with trans studies informs a critique of existing debates about masculinities, boys and male teachers in the early years. We draw on the work of trans scholars in the first part of this chapter to ground an epistemological basis for our understanding of gender expansiveness and masculinities that challenges a cisnormative framing of gender justice in ECEC. In the second part, we draw specifically on scholars in the field who have been pivotal in elaborating what we understand to be gender expansive identities and what this means for thinking about gender justice in the early childhood classroom. In the third part, we reflect on the pedagogical implications of boyhood sissiness through a trans-informed lens and explicate its implications for understanding boys and masculinities in the early years. Finally, we draw on transgender studies-informed perspectives on masculinity which call for ‘de-essentializ[ing] masculinity as grounded in a cis-male body’ (Gottzén & Straube, 2016, p. 217) and explore their implications for re-envisioning masculinities as a gender-transformative project in ECEC.




This chapter is based on a Social Sciences Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC)-funded study entitled: Supporting transgender students and transgender affirmative education in a context of resurgent anti-trans backlash and far-right extremism [435-2023-0138], Principal Investigator: Wayne Martino, Collaborator: Jennifer Ingrey; Research Assistants: Shailja Jain, Malcolm Macdonald.


Martino, W., Ingrey, J., Jain, S. and Macdonald, M. (2024), "Envisioning Trans Studies in Early Childhood Education: Implications for Rethinking Boys, Men and Masculinities", Mukherjee, U. (Ed.) Debating Childhood Masculinities (Emerald Advances in Masculinities), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 71-91.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2024 Wayne Martino, Jennifer Ingrey, Shailja Jain and Malcolm Macdonald. Published under exclusive licence by Emerald Publishing Limited