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Emotional Expressions Shaping Boyhood Identities Among Elementary School Students in India

Debating Childhood Masculinities

ISBN: 978-1-80455-391-6, eISBN: 978-1-80455-390-9

Publication date: 16 September 2024


The purpose of the chapter is to explain how boys learn to mask their expression of fears and emotions. The aim is to understand how boys internalize socially prescribed masculine traits, including masking of fear, certain emotional expressions and discomfort. The sample consisted of 20 parents, 30 school teachers and 50 boy students and 50 girl students between the ages of 11 and 14 from government-funded co-education schools in Delhi, India. School observation, focus group discussion, and interviews were used for data collection. The study found that gendered social norms are enforced on boys in the form of ‘boy codes’. These boy codes are so deep rooted in daily practices that they are considered as an essential ‘ideal male’ trait. Although the ‘ideal male image’ is presented as a uniform category among boys, the masking of fears and emotional expressions is not the same for all boys. Thus, many boys internalized the ideal male images in the form of hegemonic displays of masculinity, where they are focused on conforming to rigid masculine traits. However, through challenge, negotiation and renegotiation, many boys would like to conduct themselves according to their personal masculinity. There is a shift among some boys from the internalization of the traditional male image to giving meaning to personal experiences that deviate from the ideal male figure without the fear of being judged by society.



Shailly, (2024), "Emotional Expressions Shaping Boyhood Identities Among Elementary School Students in India", Mukherjee, U. (Ed.) Debating Childhood Masculinities (Emerald Advances in Masculinities), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 27-46.



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