Micro-credentialing: A Path to More Resilient Communities
ISBN: 978-1-80382-460-4, eISBN: 978-1-80382-459-8
Publication date: 10 November 2023
There has been a long-running debate as to which is more important in the job market, education or experience. Traditionally, people have looked at these as exclusive traits of one another; however, more progressive thought sees these as complimentary attributes in perspective and existing employees that can be achieved at the same time through proactive activities such as micro-credentialing. This chapter will explore how formal and informal micro-credentialing processes can be put forward in both education and training environments.
The National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration (NOAA, 2022) shows an increase in severity and frequency of natural disasters in the past years with more organisations being faced with surviving these events than ever before. The recent COVID pandemic has shown how every organisation across the globe can be affected by a disaster and the cascading effects that follow. Techniques such as micro-credentialing is a tool that can be utilised by all organisations to ensure a safer outcome from these events as well as being positioned for better continuity of critical operations through the event helping to increase the survivability and profitability of the affected organisation.
The use of micro-credentialing components successfully could be discussed using any field or discipline. To be applicable to all readers, this chapter primarily focusses on the emergency services/management discipline as an example programme of how micro-credentialing can be efficiently utilised to produce a more successful workforce. Emergency management (EM) truly is an interdisciplinary field that utilises many other fields to protect people, organisations, and communities from emergencies and disasters. More importantly, though, there are components of EM that every field should embrace for safety as well as to ensure continuity of operations through any event, thereby making the components in this chapter applicable to all readers regardless of discipline or organisation.
Kupietz, K. (2023), "Micro-credentialing: A Path to More Resilient Communities", Subasinghe, C. and Giridharan, B. (Ed.) Introducing Multidisciplinary Micro-credentialing: Rethinking Learning and Development for Higher Education and Industry, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 129-148. https://doi.org/10.1108/978-1-80382-459-820231008
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2024 Kevin Kupietz