ISBN: 978-1-80382-400-0, eISBN: 978-1-80382-397-3
Publication date: 7 November 2022
Gabriel, C.-A. (2022), "Prelims", Why Teach With Cases?, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. i-xii.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2023 Cle-Anne Gabriel. Published under exclusive licence by Emerald Publishing Limited
Half Title Page
Why Teach With Cases?
At the UQ Business School we view education to be a vital component in improving a person’s work and life prospects. Dr Cle-Anne Gabriel’s work has transformed our curriculum. She played a crucial role in supporting business students’ transition from school to university and lays the essential foundation for their transition to professional life. She is a national and international leader in case-based curriculum and resource design.
–Professor Polly Parker
Title Page
Why Teach With Cases?
Reflections on Philosophy and Practice
Cle-Anne Gabriel
The University of Queensland, Australia
United Kingdom – North America – Japan – India – Malaysia – China
Copyright Page
Emerald Publishing Limited
Howard House, Wagon Lane, Bingley BD16 1WA, UK
First edition 2023
Copyright © 2023 Cle-Anne Gabriel.
Published under exclusive licence by Emerald Publishing Limited.
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British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library
ISBN: 978-1-80382-400-0 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-80382-397-3 (Online)
ISBN: 978-1-80382-399-7 (Epub)
For Edan, and for all the learners who inspire me.
These cases, thus become vehicles for change in the learning environment, and act as an ‘intermediate step between the classroom and employment as a means to’ discuss and prepare students for client-based projects (Robles & Baker, 2019, p. 205).
List of Figures and Table
Chapter 2 | |
Figure 1. | The Structure of Cases as Pedagogy. |
Chapter 3 | |
Figure 2. | The Theory-Application-Implication (TAI) Framework for Applying Case Pedagogy in the Classroom (i.e. the ‘How’). |
Figure 3. | Examples of Implicit, Deep and Surface Structures Used in a Case-Based Approach to Management Education. |
Figure 4. | Scaffolding Case Method for First-Year Undergraduate Students. |
Figure 5. | An Example of Forward Why-Questioning. |
Figure 6. | An Example of Backward Why-Questioning. |
Chapter 4 | |
Figure 7. | ‘Skill Pastures’ (A–E) Help Novice Students Develop Critical thinking and Decision-Making Skills. |
Figure 8A. | The Surface Structures I Create Help Learners Develop the Crucial Habits of Head, Heart and Hand of Management Practice. |
Figure 8B. | Worksheets 8A and 8B (‘Know’ and ‘Do’). |
Figure 8C. | Worksheet 8D and Group Decision Statement (‘Be’ and ‘Decision’). |
Chapter 6 | |
Backward Why-Questioning Examples (Working Backwards From the Assignment Question to Identify an Issue). | |
Forward Why-Questioning Examples (Working Forward From Case Facts to Identify an Issue). | |
Chapter 5 | |
Table 1. | Leading a Case Teaching Team Using the Three Stages of Adaptive Leadership. |
My success in education and training so far was thanks to the support I received. Especially while teaching large cohorts of learners, I relied on the knowledge and experiences of teams of teaching and other support staff, and the mentorship of two senior academics in particular.
Professor Polly Parker provided leadership advice and mentorship as I navigated the challenges of learning design and finding my own authentic voice in education. Thank you, Polly, for supporting my initiatives in educational innovation, and for your support as my work was increasingly recognised institutionally and nationally.
Professor Anne Lawrence was a mentor and friend right when I needed it, as I began to consider how I could adapt Case Method to suit less experienced learners, at scale, in Australia and New Zealand. Anne facilitated my introduction to the North American Case Research Association (NACRA) and Case Research Foundation via the Paul R Lawrence Fellowship. I am grateful to my NACRA colleagues as well, on the Board and among its members, for providing a supportive community with whom I could share ideas.
Aliisa Mylonas has read more citation drafts than I can count and provided advice as I gathered evidence of my educational impact. Thank you for your patience and insight.
Importantly, however, I am extremely grateful to the Australian and New Zealand teaching teams I have had the pleasure of working with at the University of Otago (New Zealand), The University of Queensland and Monash University (Australia). Attempting to list all the members of my teaching teams is always risky, as I fear I may miss a few people. Still, with apologies to those I might have missed, it is important to thank, in particular, Afiya Holder, Geoff Greenfield, Geoff Blazer, Janine Narbutas, Ross Strong, Paul Dibley-Maher, Kamran Shafique, Elizabeth Nichols, Grace Williams, Angela Howell, Kirsty Brown, Ruth Burdekin, Fathimath Shiraani, Gemma Irving, Corene Crossin, Karan Pandey, Katie Meissner, Sandra Figueira de Oliveira, April Wright and Jess Co and her team at Monash University.
Some of these people were with me ‘in the trenches’ while we redesigned a management course for the flipped classroom and blended learning across two institutions. Others have provided invaluable support while I taught the MBA or have been very patient while I figured out which cases and assessment structures worked best for different cohorts of students. In 2020, when the COVID-19 pandemic hit, we pivoted quickly to online learning. Like others in our industry around the world, we adapted quickly. Many of those listed above were with me while the pandemic unfolded, and you provided support in ways I did not even know I needed. Thank you. It has been a pleasure to work with and through you all – thank you for your patience, passion and friendship.
Emily Braithwaite's assistance was immensely valuable in finalising this book. Thank you, Emily, for organising my drafts.
Thank you, Edan, for your patience and humour, and in your own way, your wisdom.
Barnes et al., 1994 Robles, V. D. , & Baker, M. J. (2019). Using case-method pedagogy to facilitate audience awareness. IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication, 62(2), 192–207.
- Prelims
- Section I Theory (Why I Teach With Cases)
- 1 Why I Teach With Cases
- 2 The Case for Cases as Pedagogy
- Section II Practice (How I Teach With Cases)
- 3 Implicit and Deep Structures: Case Selection and Preparation
- 4 Building Surface Structures
- 5 Leading a Case Teaching Team
- Section III Useful Resources
- 6 Useful Case-Teaching Resources
- Index