Specifics of Online Reputation Management of Hotel Services Intermediaries and Their Role in Reputation Creation
Online Reputation Management in Destination and Hospitality
ISBN: 978-1-80382-376-8, eISBN: 978-1-80382-375-1
Publication date: 9 February 2023
Online reputation management (ORM) plays a significant role in the tourism industry. Tourists are more and more interested to express their opinions about their experiences/satisfaction not only with their friends but also on social media. ORM is largely used not only by tourist destinations but also by other companies operating in the tourism industry. This chapter aims to draw attention to the importance of intermediaries in tourism, their reputation in general, and especially their ORM and its specifics. This contribution also characterizes different types of intermediaries and their different roles in the distribution process of tourism services. These roles are important and can be even more significant in the “new normal” post-COVID-19 time. In the scientific literature and research, there is not much attention given to intermediaries as a whole and even less to their ORM and its specific solutions. But practical contributions can be found. Due to the specific activities and roles of different types of intermediaries, also their reputation is influenced not only by tourists but also by their suppliers. Their ORM has also some specifics and needs specific solutions. Their reputation is depending not only on customers' satisfaction with their own services but also on the reputation of tourism service providers, whose services they offer and mediate either individually or in the form of their own product, e.g., package tours. Specific attention in this chapter is given to intermediaries such as OTAs (Online Travel Agencies/Agents) and tour operators. At some time, these two types of intermediaries help to increase the reputation of tourism services providers, e.g., hotels. The chapter describes the situation in the field of intermediaries with a conceptual model, their ORM, and summarizes its specifics.
Kvítková, Z. and Petrů, Z. (2023), "Specifics of Online Reputation Management of Hotel Services Intermediaries and Their Role in Reputation Creation", Rialti, R., Kvítková, Z. and Makovník, T. (Ed.) Online Reputation Management in Destination and Hospitality, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 91-110. https://doi.org/10.1108/978-1-80382-375-120231005
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2023 Zuzana Kvítková and Zdenka Petrů. Published under exclusive licence by Emerald Publishing Limited