(2023), "Index", Souvlis, G. and Karatzogianni, A. (Ed.) Duty to Revolt (Digital Activism and Society: Politics, Economy And Culture In Network Communication), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 253-259.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2024 George Souvlis and Athina Karatzogianni. Published under exclusive licence by Emerald Publishing Limited
Acropolis, 150
Act of Union 1800, 56
Affective modalities, 6
love-duty, 90–92
of revolutionary subject, 89
sacrifice and heroic, 92–95
socialising love, sacrifice and heroic, 95–97
African Sacred Feminine
, 107–108
Anarchism, 162–166
Anarchist elements in self-presentation, 172–176
Anarchist movements, 161
Anarchist struggles, 165
Anarchist thought, influence of, 163–166
Anarchist-inspired struggles, 165
Anarchist-inspired/quasi anarchist movements, 161
Anarchy, 164–165
Ancient model, 19–21
Androutsos, 71
Anglo-Irish Treaty 1921, 49
Anti-colonial, 58–59
culture and politics, 56
themes, 53
Anti-colonialism, 57–59
social movements and Sinn Fein, 59–60
Anti-colonialist memory
collective remembering and oral history, 55–60
colonial memory in flux, 52–55
Ireland’s colonial narratives, 50–52
Anti-Eurocentric critique, 17–18
Anti-Eurocentrism, 15–17, 19
Anti-gentrification struggles, 181–182
Anti-revisionism, 51–52
Anti-revisionist, 51–52
Apartheid Museum in Guateng, 6–7, 108
Aryan model, 19–22
Asia Minor campaign (1919–1922), 115, 117
Asia Minor catastrophe, 70–71
Athens riots (2008), 23–24
Atlas Force2 algorithm, 130
Authority, 164–165
Autonomy, 184, 195
Axis Occupation of 1941–1944, 117–118
Balkan strategy of Greek nationalism, 113–114
Banal nationalism, 119–120
Bicentenary of Greek Revolution, 129–130
Bicentennial celebration, 131–132
Big One, The, 228
#Blackandtans hashtag, 53
Black and Tan character, memories of, 54
Black and Tans’ commemoration, 4–5
Black Athena (1987), 19–20
Black women activism in South Africa, 99
Bolshevik Party, 223–224
Book of Sacrifices, 7, 116
Born in the RSA
, 104–107
Byzantine Empire, 146
Californian ideology, 187–188
Capitalism, 184–185, 218–219
exploitation and oppression, 219–220
power of, 221–222
Censorship, 102–103
Citizen, 38
assemblies, 240–242
Citizenship, 38–39
City is our Factory, The, 192–194
Civil War, 53
Classes, 130–131
Collective organisations, 243
Collective remembering, 55–60
Colonial memory in flux, 52–55
Colonialism (see also Anti-colonialism), 49–51
Colonialist, 58
Commemoration events, 136
Communication, 1
and commemoration of revolutions, 3
Communist Party of Greece (KKE), 66
Communist society, 90
Communities, 181
Compassion, 90
Computer-supported social networks (CSSNs), 167
Comradeship love, 90
Congolese Constitution (2006), 32–33
Congolese political contexts, 32
Constantinople Patriarchate, 112–113
Contemporary anarchist (ic) social movements, 166
Contemporary Greek politics, 139–140
Corporate plans, 183–184
Crises, 89
Crowdfunding, 8–9, 162, 168
Cultural analysis, 1
Cultural productions, 136
Cultural republicanism, 56–57
Decade of Centenaries, 4–5
Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), 4, 29
DigiGen, 227
Digital constitutionalism, 36
Digital methods, 1
Digital narrative app, 151
Digital pocket theatre, 8
Digital simulation of acropolis siege, 152–156
Digital storytelling
digital tools and narration, 150–152
Duty to Revolt, 146–148
present-day Athens and digital simulation of acropolis siege, 152–156
project’s rationale and methodology, 148–149
Digital tools, 150–152
Directed graph, 130
Discursive themes, 135–140
commemoration events and cultural productions, 136
contemporary Greek politics, 139–140
historiographical and ideological controversies, 136–139
Distance in photography, 209–210
DMI-TCAT tool, 129–130
Do-it-yourself commemoration, 121–122
Domestic oppressors, 59–60
Duties of citizens, 38
Duty of revolution (DoR), 4
Duty to oppose, 41
Duty to resist, 41
Duty to Revolt (D2R), 30, 39, 41, 146, 148, 228, 230
categories of D2R circumstances, 35
circumstances, 41–43
conference, 1, 10
in constitution, 31–35
core idea, 39–40
features, 30
force, 43
governance and social contract, 30–35
graded approach, 41
legitimacy crisis, 35–37
parallels between two D2R clauses, 33–35
Republican contract, 37–39
sources, 40–41
typology of D2R circumstances, 42–43
unconstitutional means, 43
East African Community (EAC), 44
Education and EAM in occupied Greece, 66–67
Educational Society, 67
Eleftheros Kosmos
, 118–119
Emotional capitalism, 91–92
Emotional sustainability, 246–249
Emotions, 204–206
Empire memories, 54–55
English rule, 53
Entrepreneurship, 194–196
Environmental art, 8
Equality, 90–91
Escalation, 225
Ethical remembering, 52
Ethnogenesis, 68
Eurafrica, 21–22
Eurocentrism, 20–21
Extinction Rebellion (XR), 227–228, 234–235
central conundrum, 242–243
dynamics in, 235
Fab Labs, 9, 181–183
City is our Factory, The, 192–194
entrepreneurship and social justice, 194–196
gentrification and rise of social movement (techno) politics, 183–187
limits of hackerspace politics, 196–198
Makers’ movement, 187–189
meaning of park fiction revolt, 189–192
Facebook, 132
False’ consciousness, 221
Family harassment, memories of, 54
Firefund, 8–9, 161
anarchist elements in self-presentation, 172–176
geographies of funding, 168–171
influence of anarchist thought, 163–166
internet and role in anarchist organisation, 166–168
successful vs. unsuccessful projects, 171
Folklore, 69
Framing, 205–206
Free Greece
, 67, 75
‘Freedom or Death’ call of revolution, 2
French Revolution, 131–132
Game elements, 8
Gamification, 150
Garrisonian wing of American abolitionist movement, 96
General Laws Amendment Act of 1963, 104
Gentrification, 183–184, 187
Gephi, 130
German Social Democracy Party, 222
Global South, 19
Gnostic Revolt, 15
Good Friday Agreement 1998, 49
Governance, 30–35
indicators, 34
Governance crises in Westphalian states, 37
Graded approach, 41
Great Idea, 70–71
Greece 2021 committee, 7–8, 129, 138–139
Greek Antiquity, 15–16, 20–21
as eurocentrism, 23–25
Greek bourgeoisie, 68
Greek intellectuals, 70–71
Greek irredentism, 112–113
Greek Marxist historiography, 69
Greek Miracle, The, 7, 115
Greek nationalism, 7, 69
Greek Popular Liberation Army (ELAS), 66
Greek Revolution, 2–3, 5, 15, 65–66, 111–112
anti-eurocentrism, 17–19
Greek Antiquity as eurocentrism, 23–25
in Official Party Historiography, 67–70
practical past, 16–17
relational to purist conceptualisation of past, 19–23
Greek War of Independence, 19
Greek-Ottomanism, 7, 112–113
Group Areas Act, Act No 41 of 1950, 103
Hackerspaces, 9
hackerspaces/makerspaces, 189
limits of hackerspace politics, 196–198
Hallam, Roger, 227–228
Hellenic Foundation for Research & Innovation (ELIDEK), 8
Hellenism, 112–113
Herodion, 154–155
Heroic, 92, 95, 97
Heroism, 96
of Black women activism in South Africa, 99
Born in the RSA
, 104–107
censorship and segregation, 102–103
Pass, The
, 103–104
police power, 104
religious practice and theology, 107–108
theatre and, 100–101
You Strike the Woman, You Strike the Rock
, 101–102
Heterotopias of productive resistance and prefigurative living, 192–194
Historical revisionism, 52
Historiographical controversies, 136–139
History and Class Consciousness
, 221–222
Iconographical symbolism, 209–210
Ideological battles, 131–132
Ideological construction, 25
Ideological controversies, 136–139
Ideological sub poles, 132–135
international-official sub pole, 134–135
leftist pole, 135
nationalist-conservative sub pole, 132–134
neoliberal sub pole, 134
Inclusion, 4–5
Instagram, 132
Intellectual moves, 25
International historiography, 145
International-official sub pole, 134–135
Internet and role in anarchist organisation, 166–168
IRaMuTeQ software, 130–131
Ireland’s colonial narratives, 50–52
Ireland’s role in empire memories, 55
Irish Twitter’s historical memory, 53
Just Stop Oil protests, 227
Karaiskakis, 71
Kathimerini (centre-right), 207
Klepsydra, 153
Kolokotronis, 71
‘Konstantinos Paparrigoroupos’ tripartite scheme, 70
, 115–116
Leftist pole, 135
Legitimacy crisis, 35–37
governance crises in Westphalian states, 37
poor governance, 35–36
Legitimacy decline (see Legitimacy crisis)
Lexicometric analysis, 130–131, 135, 140
Liberal revolution, 139
Little Eagles, The
, 67, 71–72, 74–76
Love-duty, 90–92
Magdalene laundry oral project, 55
Maidan revolution of 2014, 94–95
Makers movement, 187–189
Makerspaces, 9
Manifestation of truth, 93
Marxist analysis of Modern Greek society, 68
Marxist theorists, 185–186
Mass consciousness, 225
Matchboxes, 119–120
Mediterranean race, 21–22
Minoan civilisation, 21–22
Mobile gaming, 150–151
Modern Greek tradition, 69
Monumentalisation, 94–95
Mountain Readers, 65
education and EAM in occupied Greece, 66–67
Greek Revolution in Official Party Historiography, 67–70
nation and ‘historical analogue of Greek revolution’ in, 70–74
new person in, 74–77
Museum theatre, 8
Narration, 150–152
Narrative hospitality, 52
National Council, 66
National Liberation Front (EAM), 5, 66, 73–74
National Unity, 114
Nationalism, 49–50
Nationalist Party, 102–103
Nationalist-conservative sub pole, 132–134
Neoliberal sub pole, 134
Networks, 151
News media, 203–204
analysis of news media coverage in Greece of school teachers’ protest, 207–211
emotions and news media’s visual framing of protest, 204–206
schoolteachers’ protest, 207
News values, 205–206
Nexus of discourses, 25
Official ceremonies, 113–114
Official narratives, 145
Official Party Historiography, Greek Revolution in, 67–70
Opium Wars, 20–21
Oppression, 100
Oral history, 55–60
Organisation-consciousness problem, 10
Orientalism, 20–21
Ottoman Athens, 146–147
Ottoman Empire, 112, 146
Ottoman foreign policy, 147
Ottoman rule, 68
Ottoman society, 146
Park fiction revolt, meaning of, 189–192
Pass, The
, 103–104
Patriarchal hierarchy, 107
Patriarchal institutions, 90
Peace-building, 49
PEEA, 66, 73
Penal Laws, 56
People, 69, 71
Photography, 203–204
Photojournalists, 208–209
Physical violence, 99
Plan for Popular Education (1944), 67
Political belonging and revolting, 89–90
Political confidence, 243
Political instability, 37
Political violence, 99
Politics, 57–59
Poor governance, 35–36
Post-colonialist, 58
Post-industrial society, 186
Post-war custodians of revolutionary socialist visions, 93
Power, 186
Practical past, 16–17
Presentism, 131
Proletarian consciousness, 224–225
Proliferation, 225
Protests, 206, 221
Proto Thema (centre-populist), 207
Psychological violence, 99
Psychologisation, 91–92
Pulp Fiction (Quentin Tarantino’s film), 189–190
Pure civilisations, 20
Pure races, 20
Quantitative content analysis, 162–163
Quisling Regime, 117–118
Racial purity, 20
Racism, 100
Reactionary forces, 95
Rebellion in Ireland (1798), 56
Red terror of Communist-led Resistance of EAM-ELAS, 111
Reinert method, 130–131
Religious practice, 107–108
Representational Spaces, 196–197
Republican contract, 30, 37, 39
Republicanism, 49–50, 56
Reservation of Separate Amenities Act, Act No 49 of 1953, 103
Responsiveness, 90
REVAthens project, 8, 145, 153
Revisionist apolgogism, 58
Revolution commemorating, 111
delicate meaning, 116–121
do-it-yourself commemoration, 121–122
, 115–116
rehabilitating clerical counterrevolution (1871), 112–114
Right to the City, 181–182, 191
Romanticisation of revolutions, 3
Royal Irish Constabulary (RIC), 49–50
Rubicon moment, 235
Sacred Feminine, 108
Sacrifices, 92–95, 97
Samosa Regime of Nicaragua, 217
Schoolteachers’ protest, 207
Secularisation, 59–60
Segregation, 102–103
Sensitivity, 90
Serpetzes, 153
Sevres Treaty (1920), 115
Silent strength, 103
SketchEngine, 53
Social contract, 30–35
theory, 29–31
Social history, 8
Social justice, 194–196
Social labour, 94
Social media, debating complex historical event on, 131–132
Social movements, 59–60, 163, 166, 168, 170
strategy, 242
(techno) politics, 183–187
Social protest, 161
Social revolution, 139
Socialising love, 95–97
Society of National Resistance, 69–70
Socio-semiotic analysis, 204
Sociological analysis, 1
South African apartheid regime, 102–103
South African National Congress (SANNC), 101
South Sudanese Constitution, 32–33
South Sudanese political contexts, 32
Soviet public sphere, 90
Spatialisation of conflicts, 181–182, 191
Standard school history, 145
Style of existence, 93
Sympathy, 90
Ta Nea (centre-left), 207
Theatre, 100–101
Theology, 107–108
3D reconstructions, 8
Transnational struggle-against capitalism, 218
Transnationalisation of revolutions, 2
Traveller history in Ireland, 55
Treason, 38–39
Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC), 106–107
Tweets, 129–130
debating complex historical event on social media, 131–132
discursive themes, 135–140
ideological sub poles, 132–135
methodology, 129–131
Twitter, 131–132
Urban class dynamics, 55
Violence, 162, 164
Visual analysis, 1
Visual references, 203–204
War of Independence (1821), 145
Warm emotions, 90
Working class politics, 186
You Strike the Woman, You Strike the Rock
, 101–102
Californian ideology, 187–188
Capitalism, 184–185, 218–219
exploitation and oppression, 219–220
power of, 221–222
Censorship, 102–103
Citizen, 38
assemblies, 240–242
Citizenship, 38–39
City is our Factory, The, 192–194
Civil War, 53
Classes, 130–131
Collective organisations, 243
Collective remembering, 55–60
Colonial memory in flux, 52–55
Colonialism (see also Anti-colonialism), 49–51
Colonialist, 58
Commemoration events, 136
Communication, 1
and commemoration of revolutions, 3
Communist Party of Greece (KKE), 66
Communist society, 90
Communities, 181
Compassion, 90
Computer-supported social networks (CSSNs), 167
Comradeship love, 90
Congolese Constitution (2006), 32–33
Congolese political contexts, 32
Constantinople Patriarchate, 112–113
Contemporary anarchist (ic) social movements, 166
Contemporary Greek politics, 139–140
Corporate plans, 183–184
Crises, 89
Crowdfunding, 8–9, 162, 168
Cultural analysis, 1
Cultural productions, 136
Cultural republicanism, 56–57
Decade of Centenaries, 4–5
Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), 4, 29
DigiGen, 227
Digital constitutionalism, 36
Digital methods, 1
Digital narrative app, 151
Digital pocket theatre, 8
Digital simulation of acropolis siege, 152–156
Digital storytelling
digital tools and narration, 150–152
Duty to Revolt, 146–148
present-day Athens and digital simulation of acropolis siege, 152–156
project’s rationale and methodology, 148–149
Digital tools, 150–152
Directed graph, 130
Discursive themes, 135–140
commemoration events and cultural productions, 136
contemporary Greek politics, 139–140
historiographical and ideological controversies, 136–139
Distance in photography, 209–210
DMI-TCAT tool, 129–130
Do-it-yourself commemoration, 121–122
Domestic oppressors, 59–60
Duties of citizens, 38
Duty of revolution (DoR), 4
Duty to oppose, 41
Duty to resist, 41
Duty to Revolt (D2R), 30, 39, 41, 146, 148, 228, 230
categories of D2R circumstances, 35
circumstances, 41–43
conference, 1, 10
in constitution, 31–35
core idea, 39–40
features, 30
force, 43
governance and social contract, 30–35
graded approach, 41
legitimacy crisis, 35–37
parallels between two D2R clauses, 33–35
Republican contract, 37–39
sources, 40–41
typology of D2R circumstances, 42–43
unconstitutional means, 43
East African Community (EAC), 44
Education and EAM in occupied Greece, 66–67
Educational Society, 67
Eleftheros Kosmos
, 118–119
Emotional capitalism, 91–92
Emotional sustainability, 246–249
Emotions, 204–206
Empire memories, 54–55
English rule, 53
Entrepreneurship, 194–196
Environmental art, 8
Equality, 90–91
Escalation, 225
Ethical remembering, 52
Ethnogenesis, 68
Eurafrica, 21–22
Eurocentrism, 20–21
Extinction Rebellion (XR), 227–228, 234–235
central conundrum, 242–243
dynamics in, 235
Fab Labs, 9, 181–183
City is our Factory, The, 192–194
entrepreneurship and social justice, 194–196
gentrification and rise of social movement (techno) politics, 183–187
limits of hackerspace politics, 196–198
Makers’ movement, 187–189
meaning of park fiction revolt, 189–192
Facebook, 132
False’ consciousness, 221
Family harassment, memories of, 54
Firefund, 8–9, 161
anarchist elements in self-presentation, 172–176
geographies of funding, 168–171
influence of anarchist thought, 163–166
internet and role in anarchist organisation, 166–168
successful vs. unsuccessful projects, 171
Folklore, 69
Framing, 205–206
Free Greece
, 67, 75
‘Freedom or Death’ call of revolution, 2
French Revolution, 131–132
Game elements, 8
Gamification, 150
Garrisonian wing of American abolitionist movement, 96
General Laws Amendment Act of 1963, 104
Gentrification, 183–184, 187
Gephi, 130
German Social Democracy Party, 222
Global South, 19
Gnostic Revolt, 15
Good Friday Agreement 1998, 49
Governance, 30–35
indicators, 34
Governance crises in Westphalian states, 37
Graded approach, 41
Great Idea, 70–71
Greece 2021 committee, 7–8, 129, 138–139
Greek Antiquity, 15–16, 20–21
as eurocentrism, 23–25
Greek bourgeoisie, 68
Greek intellectuals, 70–71
Greek irredentism, 112–113
Greek Marxist historiography, 69
Greek Miracle, The, 7, 115
Greek nationalism, 7, 69
Greek Popular Liberation Army (ELAS), 66
Greek Revolution, 2–3, 5, 15, 65–66, 111–112
anti-eurocentrism, 17–19
Greek Antiquity as eurocentrism, 23–25
in Official Party Historiography, 67–70
practical past, 16–17
relational to purist conceptualisation of past, 19–23
Greek War of Independence, 19
Greek-Ottomanism, 7, 112–113
Group Areas Act, Act No 41 of 1950, 103
Hackerspaces, 9
hackerspaces/makerspaces, 189
limits of hackerspace politics, 196–198
Hallam, Roger, 227–228
Hellenic Foundation for Research & Innovation (ELIDEK), 8
Hellenism, 112–113
Herodion, 154–155
Heroic, 92, 95, 97
Heroism, 96
of Black women activism in South Africa, 99
Born in the RSA
, 104–107
censorship and segregation, 102–103
Pass, The
, 103–104
police power, 104
religious practice and theology, 107–108
theatre and, 100–101
You Strike the Woman, You Strike the Rock
, 101–102
Heterotopias of productive resistance and prefigurative living, 192–194
Historical revisionism, 52
Historiographical controversies, 136–139
History and Class Consciousness
, 221–222
Iconographical symbolism, 209–210
Ideological battles, 131–132
Ideological construction, 25
Ideological controversies, 136–139
Ideological sub poles, 132–135
international-official sub pole, 134–135
leftist pole, 135
nationalist-conservative sub pole, 132–134
neoliberal sub pole, 134
Inclusion, 4–5
Instagram, 132
Intellectual moves, 25
International historiography, 145
International-official sub pole, 134–135
Internet and role in anarchist organisation, 166–168
IRaMuTeQ software, 130–131
Ireland’s colonial narratives, 50–52
Ireland’s role in empire memories, 55
Irish Twitter’s historical memory, 53
Just Stop Oil protests, 227
Karaiskakis, 71
Kathimerini (centre-right), 207
Klepsydra, 153
Kolokotronis, 71
‘Konstantinos Paparrigoroupos’ tripartite scheme, 70
, 115–116
Leftist pole, 135
Legitimacy crisis, 35–37
governance crises in Westphalian states, 37
poor governance, 35–36
Legitimacy decline (see Legitimacy crisis)
Lexicometric analysis, 130–131, 135, 140
Liberal revolution, 139
Little Eagles, The
, 67, 71–72, 74–76
Love-duty, 90–92
Magdalene laundry oral project, 55
Maidan revolution of 2014, 94–95
Makers movement, 187–189
Makerspaces, 9
Manifestation of truth, 93
Marxist analysis of Modern Greek society, 68
Marxist theorists, 185–186
Mass consciousness, 225
Matchboxes, 119–120
Mediterranean race, 21–22
Minoan civilisation, 21–22
Mobile gaming, 150–151
Modern Greek tradition, 69
Monumentalisation, 94–95
Mountain Readers, 65
education and EAM in occupied Greece, 66–67
Greek Revolution in Official Party Historiography, 67–70
nation and ‘historical analogue of Greek revolution’ in, 70–74
new person in, 74–77
Museum theatre, 8
Narration, 150–152
Narrative hospitality, 52
National Council, 66
National Liberation Front (EAM), 5, 66, 73–74
National Unity, 114
Nationalism, 49–50
Nationalist Party, 102–103
Nationalist-conservative sub pole, 132–134
Neoliberal sub pole, 134
Networks, 151
News media, 203–204
analysis of news media coverage in Greece of school teachers’ protest, 207–211
emotions and news media’s visual framing of protest, 204–206
schoolteachers’ protest, 207
News values, 205–206
Nexus of discourses, 25
Official ceremonies, 113–114
Official narratives, 145
Official Party Historiography, Greek Revolution in, 67–70
Opium Wars, 20–21
Oppression, 100
Oral history, 55–60
Organisation-consciousness problem, 10
Orientalism, 20–21
Ottoman Athens, 146–147
Ottoman Empire, 112, 146
Ottoman foreign policy, 147
Ottoman rule, 68
Ottoman society, 146
Park fiction revolt, meaning of, 189–192
Pass, The
, 103–104
Patriarchal hierarchy, 107
Patriarchal institutions, 90
Peace-building, 49
PEEA, 66, 73
Penal Laws, 56
People, 69, 71
Photography, 203–204
Photojournalists, 208–209
Physical violence, 99
Plan for Popular Education (1944), 67
Political belonging and revolting, 89–90
Political confidence, 243
Political instability, 37
Political violence, 99
Politics, 57–59
Poor governance, 35–36
Post-colonialist, 58
Post-industrial society, 186
Post-war custodians of revolutionary socialist visions, 93
Power, 186
Practical past, 16–17
Presentism, 131
Proletarian consciousness, 224–225
Proliferation, 225
Protests, 206, 221
Proto Thema (centre-populist), 207
Psychological violence, 99
Psychologisation, 91–92
Pulp Fiction (Quentin Tarantino’s film), 189–190
Pure civilisations, 20
Pure races, 20
Quantitative content analysis, 162–163
Quisling Regime, 117–118
Racial purity, 20
Racism, 100
Reactionary forces, 95
Rebellion in Ireland (1798), 56
Red terror of Communist-led Resistance of EAM-ELAS, 111
Reinert method, 130–131
Religious practice, 107–108
Representational Spaces, 196–197
Republican contract, 30, 37, 39
Republicanism, 49–50, 56
Reservation of Separate Amenities Act, Act No 49 of 1953, 103
Responsiveness, 90
REVAthens project, 8, 145, 153
Revisionist apolgogism, 58
Revolution commemorating, 111
delicate meaning, 116–121
do-it-yourself commemoration, 121–122
, 115–116
rehabilitating clerical counterrevolution (1871), 112–114
Right to the City, 181–182, 191
Romanticisation of revolutions, 3
Royal Irish Constabulary (RIC), 49–50
Rubicon moment, 235
Sacred Feminine, 108
Sacrifices, 92–95, 97
Samosa Regime of Nicaragua, 217
Schoolteachers’ protest, 207
Secularisation, 59–60
Segregation, 102–103
Sensitivity, 90
Serpetzes, 153
Sevres Treaty (1920), 115
Silent strength, 103
SketchEngine, 53
Social contract, 30–35
theory, 29–31
Social history, 8
Social justice, 194–196
Social labour, 94
Social media, debating complex historical event on, 131–132
Social movements, 59–60, 163, 166, 168, 170
strategy, 242
(techno) politics, 183–187
Social protest, 161
Social revolution, 139
Socialising love, 95–97
Society of National Resistance, 69–70
Socio-semiotic analysis, 204
Sociological analysis, 1
South African apartheid regime, 102–103
South African National Congress (SANNC), 101
South Sudanese Constitution, 32–33
South Sudanese political contexts, 32
Soviet public sphere, 90
Spatialisation of conflicts, 181–182, 191
Standard school history, 145
Style of existence, 93
Sympathy, 90
Ta Nea (centre-left), 207
Theatre, 100–101
Theology, 107–108
3D reconstructions, 8
Transnational struggle-against capitalism, 218
Transnationalisation of revolutions, 2
Traveller history in Ireland, 55
Treason, 38–39
Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC), 106–107
Tweets, 129–130
debating complex historical event on social media, 131–132
discursive themes, 135–140
ideological sub poles, 132–135
methodology, 129–131
Twitter, 131–132
Urban class dynamics, 55
Violence, 162, 164
Visual analysis, 1
Visual references, 203–204
War of Independence (1821), 145
Warm emotions, 90
Working class politics, 186
You Strike the Woman, You Strike the Rock
, 101–102
East African Community (EAC), 44
Education and EAM in occupied Greece, 66–67
Educational Society, 67
Eleftheros Kosmos
, 118–119
Emotional capitalism, 91–92
Emotional sustainability, 246–249
Emotions, 204–206
Empire memories, 54–55
English rule, 53
Entrepreneurship, 194–196
Environmental art, 8
Equality, 90–91
Escalation, 225
Ethical remembering, 52
Ethnogenesis, 68
Eurafrica, 21–22
Eurocentrism, 20–21
Extinction Rebellion (XR), 227–228, 234–235
central conundrum, 242–243
dynamics in, 235
Fab Labs, 9, 181–183
City is our Factory, The, 192–194
entrepreneurship and social justice, 194–196
gentrification and rise of social movement (techno) politics, 183–187
limits of hackerspace politics, 196–198
Makers’ movement, 187–189
meaning of park fiction revolt, 189–192
Facebook, 132
False’ consciousness, 221
Family harassment, memories of, 54
Firefund, 8–9, 161
anarchist elements in self-presentation, 172–176
geographies of funding, 168–171
influence of anarchist thought, 163–166
internet and role in anarchist organisation, 166–168
successful vs. unsuccessful projects, 171
Folklore, 69
Framing, 205–206
Free Greece
, 67, 75
‘Freedom or Death’ call of revolution, 2
French Revolution, 131–132
Game elements, 8
Gamification, 150
Garrisonian wing of American abolitionist movement, 96
General Laws Amendment Act of 1963, 104
Gentrification, 183–184, 187
Gephi, 130
German Social Democracy Party, 222
Global South, 19
Gnostic Revolt, 15
Good Friday Agreement 1998, 49
Governance, 30–35
indicators, 34
Governance crises in Westphalian states, 37
Graded approach, 41
Great Idea, 70–71
Greece 2021 committee, 7–8, 129, 138–139
Greek Antiquity, 15–16, 20–21
as eurocentrism, 23–25
Greek bourgeoisie, 68
Greek intellectuals, 70–71
Greek irredentism, 112–113
Greek Marxist historiography, 69
Greek Miracle, The, 7, 115
Greek nationalism, 7, 69
Greek Popular Liberation Army (ELAS), 66
Greek Revolution, 2–3, 5, 15, 65–66, 111–112
anti-eurocentrism, 17–19
Greek Antiquity as eurocentrism, 23–25
in Official Party Historiography, 67–70
practical past, 16–17
relational to purist conceptualisation of past, 19–23
Greek War of Independence, 19
Greek-Ottomanism, 7, 112–113
Group Areas Act, Act No 41 of 1950, 103
Hackerspaces, 9
hackerspaces/makerspaces, 189
limits of hackerspace politics, 196–198
Hallam, Roger, 227–228
Hellenic Foundation for Research & Innovation (ELIDEK), 8
Hellenism, 112–113
Herodion, 154–155
Heroic, 92, 95, 97
Heroism, 96
of Black women activism in South Africa, 99
Born in the RSA
, 104–107
censorship and segregation, 102–103
Pass, The
, 103–104
police power, 104
religious practice and theology, 107–108
theatre and, 100–101
You Strike the Woman, You Strike the Rock
, 101–102
Heterotopias of productive resistance and prefigurative living, 192–194
Historical revisionism, 52
Historiographical controversies, 136–139
History and Class Consciousness
, 221–222
Iconographical symbolism, 209–210
Ideological battles, 131–132
Ideological construction, 25
Ideological controversies, 136–139
Ideological sub poles, 132–135
international-official sub pole, 134–135
leftist pole, 135
nationalist-conservative sub pole, 132–134
neoliberal sub pole, 134
Inclusion, 4–5
Instagram, 132
Intellectual moves, 25
International historiography, 145
International-official sub pole, 134–135
Internet and role in anarchist organisation, 166–168
IRaMuTeQ software, 130–131
Ireland’s colonial narratives, 50–52
Ireland’s role in empire memories, 55
Irish Twitter’s historical memory, 53
Just Stop Oil protests, 227
Karaiskakis, 71
Kathimerini (centre-right), 207
Klepsydra, 153
Kolokotronis, 71
‘Konstantinos Paparrigoroupos’ tripartite scheme, 70
, 115–116
Leftist pole, 135
Legitimacy crisis, 35–37
governance crises in Westphalian states, 37
poor governance, 35–36
Legitimacy decline (see Legitimacy crisis)
Lexicometric analysis, 130–131, 135, 140
Liberal revolution, 139
Little Eagles, The
, 67, 71–72, 74–76
Love-duty, 90–92
Magdalene laundry oral project, 55
Maidan revolution of 2014, 94–95
Makers movement, 187–189
Makerspaces, 9
Manifestation of truth, 93
Marxist analysis of Modern Greek society, 68
Marxist theorists, 185–186
Mass consciousness, 225
Matchboxes, 119–120
Mediterranean race, 21–22
Minoan civilisation, 21–22
Mobile gaming, 150–151
Modern Greek tradition, 69
Monumentalisation, 94–95
Mountain Readers, 65
education and EAM in occupied Greece, 66–67
Greek Revolution in Official Party Historiography, 67–70
nation and ‘historical analogue of Greek revolution’ in, 70–74
new person in, 74–77
Museum theatre, 8
Narration, 150–152
Narrative hospitality, 52
National Council, 66
National Liberation Front (EAM), 5, 66, 73–74
National Unity, 114
Nationalism, 49–50
Nationalist Party, 102–103
Nationalist-conservative sub pole, 132–134
Neoliberal sub pole, 134
Networks, 151
News media, 203–204
analysis of news media coverage in Greece of school teachers’ protest, 207–211
emotions and news media’s visual framing of protest, 204–206
schoolteachers’ protest, 207
News values, 205–206
Nexus of discourses, 25
Official ceremonies, 113–114
Official narratives, 145
Official Party Historiography, Greek Revolution in, 67–70
Opium Wars, 20–21
Oppression, 100
Oral history, 55–60
Organisation-consciousness problem, 10
Orientalism, 20–21
Ottoman Athens, 146–147
Ottoman Empire, 112, 146
Ottoman foreign policy, 147
Ottoman rule, 68
Ottoman society, 146
Park fiction revolt, meaning of, 189–192
Pass, The
, 103–104
Patriarchal hierarchy, 107
Patriarchal institutions, 90
Peace-building, 49
PEEA, 66, 73
Penal Laws, 56
People, 69, 71
Photography, 203–204
Photojournalists, 208–209
Physical violence, 99
Plan for Popular Education (1944), 67
Political belonging and revolting, 89–90
Political confidence, 243
Political instability, 37
Political violence, 99
Politics, 57–59
Poor governance, 35–36
Post-colonialist, 58
Post-industrial society, 186
Post-war custodians of revolutionary socialist visions, 93
Power, 186
Practical past, 16–17
Presentism, 131
Proletarian consciousness, 224–225
Proliferation, 225
Protests, 206, 221
Proto Thema (centre-populist), 207
Psychological violence, 99
Psychologisation, 91–92
Pulp Fiction (Quentin Tarantino’s film), 189–190
Pure civilisations, 20
Pure races, 20
Quantitative content analysis, 162–163
Quisling Regime, 117–118
Racial purity, 20
Racism, 100
Reactionary forces, 95
Rebellion in Ireland (1798), 56
Red terror of Communist-led Resistance of EAM-ELAS, 111
Reinert method, 130–131
Religious practice, 107–108
Representational Spaces, 196–197
Republican contract, 30, 37, 39
Republicanism, 49–50, 56
Reservation of Separate Amenities Act, Act No 49 of 1953, 103
Responsiveness, 90
REVAthens project, 8, 145, 153
Revisionist apolgogism, 58
Revolution commemorating, 111
delicate meaning, 116–121
do-it-yourself commemoration, 121–122
, 115–116
rehabilitating clerical counterrevolution (1871), 112–114
Right to the City, 181–182, 191
Romanticisation of revolutions, 3
Royal Irish Constabulary (RIC), 49–50
Rubicon moment, 235
Sacred Feminine, 108
Sacrifices, 92–95, 97
Samosa Regime of Nicaragua, 217
Schoolteachers’ protest, 207
Secularisation, 59–60
Segregation, 102–103
Sensitivity, 90
Serpetzes, 153
Sevres Treaty (1920), 115
Silent strength, 103
SketchEngine, 53
Social contract, 30–35
theory, 29–31
Social history, 8
Social justice, 194–196
Social labour, 94
Social media, debating complex historical event on, 131–132
Social movements, 59–60, 163, 166, 168, 170
strategy, 242
(techno) politics, 183–187
Social protest, 161
Social revolution, 139
Socialising love, 95–97
Society of National Resistance, 69–70
Socio-semiotic analysis, 204
Sociological analysis, 1
South African apartheid regime, 102–103
South African National Congress (SANNC), 101
South Sudanese Constitution, 32–33
South Sudanese political contexts, 32
Soviet public sphere, 90
Spatialisation of conflicts, 181–182, 191
Standard school history, 145
Style of existence, 93
Sympathy, 90
Ta Nea (centre-left), 207
Theatre, 100–101
Theology, 107–108
3D reconstructions, 8
Transnational struggle-against capitalism, 218
Transnationalisation of revolutions, 2
Traveller history in Ireland, 55
Treason, 38–39
Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC), 106–107
Tweets, 129–130
debating complex historical event on social media, 131–132
discursive themes, 135–140
ideological sub poles, 132–135
methodology, 129–131
Twitter, 131–132
Urban class dynamics, 55
Violence, 162, 164
Visual analysis, 1
Visual references, 203–204
War of Independence (1821), 145
Warm emotions, 90
Working class politics, 186
You Strike the Woman, You Strike the Rock
, 101–102
Game elements, 8
Gamification, 150
Garrisonian wing of American abolitionist movement, 96
General Laws Amendment Act of 1963, 104
Gentrification, 183–184, 187
Gephi, 130
German Social Democracy Party, 222
Global South, 19
Gnostic Revolt, 15
Good Friday Agreement 1998, 49
Governance, 30–35
indicators, 34
Governance crises in Westphalian states, 37
Graded approach, 41
Great Idea, 70–71
Greece 2021 committee, 7–8, 129, 138–139
Greek Antiquity, 15–16, 20–21
as eurocentrism, 23–25
Greek bourgeoisie, 68
Greek intellectuals, 70–71
Greek irredentism, 112–113
Greek Marxist historiography, 69
Greek Miracle, The, 7, 115
Greek nationalism, 7, 69
Greek Popular Liberation Army (ELAS), 66
Greek Revolution, 2–3, 5, 15, 65–66, 111–112
anti-eurocentrism, 17–19
Greek Antiquity as eurocentrism, 23–25
in Official Party Historiography, 67–70
practical past, 16–17
relational to purist conceptualisation of past, 19–23
Greek War of Independence, 19
Greek-Ottomanism, 7, 112–113
Group Areas Act, Act No 41 of 1950, 103
Hackerspaces, 9
hackerspaces/makerspaces, 189
limits of hackerspace politics, 196–198
Hallam, Roger, 227–228
Hellenic Foundation for Research & Innovation (ELIDEK), 8
Hellenism, 112–113
Herodion, 154–155
Heroic, 92, 95, 97
Heroism, 96
of Black women activism in South Africa, 99
Born in the RSA
, 104–107
censorship and segregation, 102–103
Pass, The
, 103–104
police power, 104
religious practice and theology, 107–108
theatre and, 100–101
You Strike the Woman, You Strike the Rock
, 101–102
Heterotopias of productive resistance and prefigurative living, 192–194
Historical revisionism, 52
Historiographical controversies, 136–139
History and Class Consciousness
, 221–222
Iconographical symbolism, 209–210
Ideological battles, 131–132
Ideological construction, 25
Ideological controversies, 136–139
Ideological sub poles, 132–135
international-official sub pole, 134–135
leftist pole, 135
nationalist-conservative sub pole, 132–134
neoliberal sub pole, 134
Inclusion, 4–5
Instagram, 132
Intellectual moves, 25
International historiography, 145
International-official sub pole, 134–135
Internet and role in anarchist organisation, 166–168
IRaMuTeQ software, 130–131
Ireland’s colonial narratives, 50–52
Ireland’s role in empire memories, 55
Irish Twitter’s historical memory, 53
Just Stop Oil protests, 227
Karaiskakis, 71
Kathimerini (centre-right), 207
Klepsydra, 153
Kolokotronis, 71
‘Konstantinos Paparrigoroupos’ tripartite scheme, 70
, 115–116
Leftist pole, 135
Legitimacy crisis, 35–37
governance crises in Westphalian states, 37
poor governance, 35–36
Legitimacy decline (see Legitimacy crisis)
Lexicometric analysis, 130–131, 135, 140
Liberal revolution, 139
Little Eagles, The
, 67, 71–72, 74–76
Love-duty, 90–92
Magdalene laundry oral project, 55
Maidan revolution of 2014, 94–95
Makers movement, 187–189
Makerspaces, 9
Manifestation of truth, 93
Marxist analysis of Modern Greek society, 68
Marxist theorists, 185–186
Mass consciousness, 225
Matchboxes, 119–120
Mediterranean race, 21–22
Minoan civilisation, 21–22
Mobile gaming, 150–151
Modern Greek tradition, 69
Monumentalisation, 94–95
Mountain Readers, 65
education and EAM in occupied Greece, 66–67
Greek Revolution in Official Party Historiography, 67–70
nation and ‘historical analogue of Greek revolution’ in, 70–74
new person in, 74–77
Museum theatre, 8
Narration, 150–152
Narrative hospitality, 52
National Council, 66
National Liberation Front (EAM), 5, 66, 73–74
National Unity, 114
Nationalism, 49–50
Nationalist Party, 102–103
Nationalist-conservative sub pole, 132–134
Neoliberal sub pole, 134
Networks, 151
News media, 203–204
analysis of news media coverage in Greece of school teachers’ protest, 207–211
emotions and news media’s visual framing of protest, 204–206
schoolteachers’ protest, 207
News values, 205–206
Nexus of discourses, 25
Official ceremonies, 113–114
Official narratives, 145
Official Party Historiography, Greek Revolution in, 67–70
Opium Wars, 20–21
Oppression, 100
Oral history, 55–60
Organisation-consciousness problem, 10
Orientalism, 20–21
Ottoman Athens, 146–147
Ottoman Empire, 112, 146
Ottoman foreign policy, 147
Ottoman rule, 68
Ottoman society, 146
Park fiction revolt, meaning of, 189–192
Pass, The
, 103–104
Patriarchal hierarchy, 107
Patriarchal institutions, 90
Peace-building, 49
PEEA, 66, 73
Penal Laws, 56
People, 69, 71
Photography, 203–204
Photojournalists, 208–209
Physical violence, 99
Plan for Popular Education (1944), 67
Political belonging and revolting, 89–90
Political confidence, 243
Political instability, 37
Political violence, 99
Politics, 57–59
Poor governance, 35–36
Post-colonialist, 58
Post-industrial society, 186
Post-war custodians of revolutionary socialist visions, 93
Power, 186
Practical past, 16–17
Presentism, 131
Proletarian consciousness, 224–225
Proliferation, 225
Protests, 206, 221
Proto Thema (centre-populist), 207
Psychological violence, 99
Psychologisation, 91–92
Pulp Fiction (Quentin Tarantino’s film), 189–190
Pure civilisations, 20
Pure races, 20
Quantitative content analysis, 162–163
Quisling Regime, 117–118
Racial purity, 20
Racism, 100
Reactionary forces, 95
Rebellion in Ireland (1798), 56
Red terror of Communist-led Resistance of EAM-ELAS, 111
Reinert method, 130–131
Religious practice, 107–108
Representational Spaces, 196–197
Republican contract, 30, 37, 39
Republicanism, 49–50, 56
Reservation of Separate Amenities Act, Act No 49 of 1953, 103
Responsiveness, 90
REVAthens project, 8, 145, 153
Revisionist apolgogism, 58
Revolution commemorating, 111
delicate meaning, 116–121
do-it-yourself commemoration, 121–122
, 115–116
rehabilitating clerical counterrevolution (1871), 112–114
Right to the City, 181–182, 191
Romanticisation of revolutions, 3
Royal Irish Constabulary (RIC), 49–50
Rubicon moment, 235
Sacred Feminine, 108
Sacrifices, 92–95, 97
Samosa Regime of Nicaragua, 217
Schoolteachers’ protest, 207
Secularisation, 59–60
Segregation, 102–103
Sensitivity, 90
Serpetzes, 153
Sevres Treaty (1920), 115
Silent strength, 103
SketchEngine, 53
Social contract, 30–35
theory, 29–31
Social history, 8
Social justice, 194–196
Social labour, 94
Social media, debating complex historical event on, 131–132
Social movements, 59–60, 163, 166, 168, 170
strategy, 242
(techno) politics, 183–187
Social protest, 161
Social revolution, 139
Socialising love, 95–97
Society of National Resistance, 69–70
Socio-semiotic analysis, 204
Sociological analysis, 1
South African apartheid regime, 102–103
South African National Congress (SANNC), 101
South Sudanese Constitution, 32–33
South Sudanese political contexts, 32
Soviet public sphere, 90
Spatialisation of conflicts, 181–182, 191
Standard school history, 145
Style of existence, 93
Sympathy, 90
Ta Nea (centre-left), 207
Theatre, 100–101
Theology, 107–108
3D reconstructions, 8
Transnational struggle-against capitalism, 218
Transnationalisation of revolutions, 2
Traveller history in Ireland, 55
Treason, 38–39
Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC), 106–107
Tweets, 129–130
debating complex historical event on social media, 131–132
discursive themes, 135–140
ideological sub poles, 132–135
methodology, 129–131
Twitter, 131–132
Urban class dynamics, 55
Violence, 162, 164
Visual analysis, 1
Visual references, 203–204
War of Independence (1821), 145
Warm emotions, 90
Working class politics, 186
You Strike the Woman, You Strike the Rock
, 101–102
Iconographical symbolism, 209–210
Ideological battles, 131–132
Ideological construction, 25
Ideological controversies, 136–139
Ideological sub poles, 132–135
international-official sub pole, 134–135
leftist pole, 135
nationalist-conservative sub pole, 132–134
neoliberal sub pole, 134
Inclusion, 4–5
Instagram, 132
Intellectual moves, 25
International historiography, 145
International-official sub pole, 134–135
Internet and role in anarchist organisation, 166–168
IRaMuTeQ software, 130–131
Ireland’s colonial narratives, 50–52
Ireland’s role in empire memories, 55
Irish Twitter’s historical memory, 53
Just Stop Oil protests, 227
Karaiskakis, 71
Kathimerini (centre-right), 207
Klepsydra, 153
Kolokotronis, 71
‘Konstantinos Paparrigoroupos’ tripartite scheme, 70
, 115–116
Leftist pole, 135
Legitimacy crisis, 35–37
governance crises in Westphalian states, 37
poor governance, 35–36
Legitimacy decline (see Legitimacy crisis)
Lexicometric analysis, 130–131, 135, 140
Liberal revolution, 139
Little Eagles, The
, 67, 71–72, 74–76
Love-duty, 90–92
Magdalene laundry oral project, 55
Maidan revolution of 2014, 94–95
Makers movement, 187–189
Makerspaces, 9
Manifestation of truth, 93
Marxist analysis of Modern Greek society, 68
Marxist theorists, 185–186
Mass consciousness, 225
Matchboxes, 119–120
Mediterranean race, 21–22
Minoan civilisation, 21–22
Mobile gaming, 150–151
Modern Greek tradition, 69
Monumentalisation, 94–95
Mountain Readers, 65
education and EAM in occupied Greece, 66–67
Greek Revolution in Official Party Historiography, 67–70
nation and ‘historical analogue of Greek revolution’ in, 70–74
new person in, 74–77
Museum theatre, 8
Narration, 150–152
Narrative hospitality, 52
National Council, 66
National Liberation Front (EAM), 5, 66, 73–74
National Unity, 114
Nationalism, 49–50
Nationalist Party, 102–103
Nationalist-conservative sub pole, 132–134
Neoliberal sub pole, 134
Networks, 151
News media, 203–204
analysis of news media coverage in Greece of school teachers’ protest, 207–211
emotions and news media’s visual framing of protest, 204–206
schoolteachers’ protest, 207
News values, 205–206
Nexus of discourses, 25
Official ceremonies, 113–114
Official narratives, 145
Official Party Historiography, Greek Revolution in, 67–70
Opium Wars, 20–21
Oppression, 100
Oral history, 55–60
Organisation-consciousness problem, 10
Orientalism, 20–21
Ottoman Athens, 146–147
Ottoman Empire, 112, 146
Ottoman foreign policy, 147
Ottoman rule, 68
Ottoman society, 146
Park fiction revolt, meaning of, 189–192
Pass, The
, 103–104
Patriarchal hierarchy, 107
Patriarchal institutions, 90
Peace-building, 49
PEEA, 66, 73
Penal Laws, 56
People, 69, 71
Photography, 203–204
Photojournalists, 208–209
Physical violence, 99
Plan for Popular Education (1944), 67
Political belonging and revolting, 89–90
Political confidence, 243
Political instability, 37
Political violence, 99
Politics, 57–59
Poor governance, 35–36
Post-colonialist, 58
Post-industrial society, 186
Post-war custodians of revolutionary socialist visions, 93
Power, 186
Practical past, 16–17
Presentism, 131
Proletarian consciousness, 224–225
Proliferation, 225
Protests, 206, 221
Proto Thema (centre-populist), 207
Psychological violence, 99
Psychologisation, 91–92
Pulp Fiction (Quentin Tarantino’s film), 189–190
Pure civilisations, 20
Pure races, 20
Quantitative content analysis, 162–163
Quisling Regime, 117–118
Racial purity, 20
Racism, 100
Reactionary forces, 95
Rebellion in Ireland (1798), 56
Red terror of Communist-led Resistance of EAM-ELAS, 111
Reinert method, 130–131
Religious practice, 107–108
Representational Spaces, 196–197
Republican contract, 30, 37, 39
Republicanism, 49–50, 56
Reservation of Separate Amenities Act, Act No 49 of 1953, 103
Responsiveness, 90
REVAthens project, 8, 145, 153
Revisionist apolgogism, 58
Revolution commemorating, 111
delicate meaning, 116–121
do-it-yourself commemoration, 121–122
, 115–116
rehabilitating clerical counterrevolution (1871), 112–114
Right to the City, 181–182, 191
Romanticisation of revolutions, 3
Royal Irish Constabulary (RIC), 49–50
Rubicon moment, 235
Sacred Feminine, 108
Sacrifices, 92–95, 97
Samosa Regime of Nicaragua, 217
Schoolteachers’ protest, 207
Secularisation, 59–60
Segregation, 102–103
Sensitivity, 90
Serpetzes, 153
Sevres Treaty (1920), 115
Silent strength, 103
SketchEngine, 53
Social contract, 30–35
theory, 29–31
Social history, 8
Social justice, 194–196
Social labour, 94
Social media, debating complex historical event on, 131–132
Social movements, 59–60, 163, 166, 168, 170
strategy, 242
(techno) politics, 183–187
Social protest, 161
Social revolution, 139
Socialising love, 95–97
Society of National Resistance, 69–70
Socio-semiotic analysis, 204
Sociological analysis, 1
South African apartheid regime, 102–103
South African National Congress (SANNC), 101
South Sudanese Constitution, 32–33
South Sudanese political contexts, 32
Soviet public sphere, 90
Spatialisation of conflicts, 181–182, 191
Standard school history, 145
Style of existence, 93
Sympathy, 90
Ta Nea (centre-left), 207
Theatre, 100–101
Theology, 107–108
3D reconstructions, 8
Transnational struggle-against capitalism, 218
Transnationalisation of revolutions, 2
Traveller history in Ireland, 55
Treason, 38–39
Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC), 106–107
Tweets, 129–130
debating complex historical event on social media, 131–132
discursive themes, 135–140
ideological sub poles, 132–135
methodology, 129–131
Twitter, 131–132
Urban class dynamics, 55
Violence, 162, 164
Visual analysis, 1
Visual references, 203–204
War of Independence (1821), 145
Warm emotions, 90
Working class politics, 186
You Strike the Woman, You Strike the Rock
, 101–102
Karaiskakis, 71
Kathimerini (centre-right), 207
Klepsydra, 153
Kolokotronis, 71
‘Konstantinos Paparrigoroupos’ tripartite scheme, 70
, 115–116
Leftist pole, 135
Legitimacy crisis, 35–37
governance crises in Westphalian states, 37
poor governance, 35–36
Legitimacy decline (see Legitimacy crisis)
Lexicometric analysis, 130–131, 135, 140
Liberal revolution, 139
Little Eagles, The
, 67, 71–72, 74–76
Love-duty, 90–92
Magdalene laundry oral project, 55
Maidan revolution of 2014, 94–95
Makers movement, 187–189
Makerspaces, 9
Manifestation of truth, 93
Marxist analysis of Modern Greek society, 68
Marxist theorists, 185–186
Mass consciousness, 225
Matchboxes, 119–120
Mediterranean race, 21–22
Minoan civilisation, 21–22
Mobile gaming, 150–151
Modern Greek tradition, 69
Monumentalisation, 94–95
Mountain Readers, 65
education and EAM in occupied Greece, 66–67
Greek Revolution in Official Party Historiography, 67–70
nation and ‘historical analogue of Greek revolution’ in, 70–74
new person in, 74–77
Museum theatre, 8
Narration, 150–152
Narrative hospitality, 52
National Council, 66
National Liberation Front (EAM), 5, 66, 73–74
National Unity, 114
Nationalism, 49–50
Nationalist Party, 102–103
Nationalist-conservative sub pole, 132–134
Neoliberal sub pole, 134
Networks, 151
News media, 203–204
analysis of news media coverage in Greece of school teachers’ protest, 207–211
emotions and news media’s visual framing of protest, 204–206
schoolteachers’ protest, 207
News values, 205–206
Nexus of discourses, 25
Official ceremonies, 113–114
Official narratives, 145
Official Party Historiography, Greek Revolution in, 67–70
Opium Wars, 20–21
Oppression, 100
Oral history, 55–60
Organisation-consciousness problem, 10
Orientalism, 20–21
Ottoman Athens, 146–147
Ottoman Empire, 112, 146
Ottoman foreign policy, 147
Ottoman rule, 68
Ottoman society, 146
Park fiction revolt, meaning of, 189–192
Pass, The
, 103–104
Patriarchal hierarchy, 107
Patriarchal institutions, 90
Peace-building, 49
PEEA, 66, 73
Penal Laws, 56
People, 69, 71
Photography, 203–204
Photojournalists, 208–209
Physical violence, 99
Plan for Popular Education (1944), 67
Political belonging and revolting, 89–90
Political confidence, 243
Political instability, 37
Political violence, 99
Politics, 57–59
Poor governance, 35–36
Post-colonialist, 58
Post-industrial society, 186
Post-war custodians of revolutionary socialist visions, 93
Power, 186
Practical past, 16–17
Presentism, 131
Proletarian consciousness, 224–225
Proliferation, 225
Protests, 206, 221
Proto Thema (centre-populist), 207
Psychological violence, 99
Psychologisation, 91–92
Pulp Fiction (Quentin Tarantino’s film), 189–190
Pure civilisations, 20
Pure races, 20
Quantitative content analysis, 162–163
Quisling Regime, 117–118
Racial purity, 20
Racism, 100
Reactionary forces, 95
Rebellion in Ireland (1798), 56
Red terror of Communist-led Resistance of EAM-ELAS, 111
Reinert method, 130–131
Religious practice, 107–108
Representational Spaces, 196–197
Republican contract, 30, 37, 39
Republicanism, 49–50, 56
Reservation of Separate Amenities Act, Act No 49 of 1953, 103
Responsiveness, 90
REVAthens project, 8, 145, 153
Revisionist apolgogism, 58
Revolution commemorating, 111
delicate meaning, 116–121
do-it-yourself commemoration, 121–122
, 115–116
rehabilitating clerical counterrevolution (1871), 112–114
Right to the City, 181–182, 191
Romanticisation of revolutions, 3
Royal Irish Constabulary (RIC), 49–50
Rubicon moment, 235
Sacred Feminine, 108
Sacrifices, 92–95, 97
Samosa Regime of Nicaragua, 217
Schoolteachers’ protest, 207
Secularisation, 59–60
Segregation, 102–103
Sensitivity, 90
Serpetzes, 153
Sevres Treaty (1920), 115
Silent strength, 103
SketchEngine, 53
Social contract, 30–35
theory, 29–31
Social history, 8
Social justice, 194–196
Social labour, 94
Social media, debating complex historical event on, 131–132
Social movements, 59–60, 163, 166, 168, 170
strategy, 242
(techno) politics, 183–187
Social protest, 161
Social revolution, 139
Socialising love, 95–97
Society of National Resistance, 69–70
Socio-semiotic analysis, 204
Sociological analysis, 1
South African apartheid regime, 102–103
South African National Congress (SANNC), 101
South Sudanese Constitution, 32–33
South Sudanese political contexts, 32
Soviet public sphere, 90
Spatialisation of conflicts, 181–182, 191
Standard school history, 145
Style of existence, 93
Sympathy, 90
Ta Nea (centre-left), 207
Theatre, 100–101
Theology, 107–108
3D reconstructions, 8
Transnational struggle-against capitalism, 218
Transnationalisation of revolutions, 2
Traveller history in Ireland, 55
Treason, 38–39
Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC), 106–107
Tweets, 129–130
debating complex historical event on social media, 131–132
discursive themes, 135–140
ideological sub poles, 132–135
methodology, 129–131
Twitter, 131–132
Urban class dynamics, 55
Violence, 162, 164
Visual analysis, 1
Visual references, 203–204
War of Independence (1821), 145
Warm emotions, 90
Working class politics, 186
You Strike the Woman, You Strike the Rock
, 101–102
Magdalene laundry oral project, 55
Maidan revolution of 2014, 94–95
Makers movement, 187–189
Makerspaces, 9
Manifestation of truth, 93
Marxist analysis of Modern Greek society, 68
Marxist theorists, 185–186
Mass consciousness, 225
Matchboxes, 119–120
Mediterranean race, 21–22
Minoan civilisation, 21–22
Mobile gaming, 150–151
Modern Greek tradition, 69
Monumentalisation, 94–95
Mountain Readers, 65
education and EAM in occupied Greece, 66–67
Greek Revolution in Official Party Historiography, 67–70
nation and ‘historical analogue of Greek revolution’ in, 70–74
new person in, 74–77
Museum theatre, 8
Narration, 150–152
Narrative hospitality, 52
National Council, 66
National Liberation Front (EAM), 5, 66, 73–74
National Unity, 114
Nationalism, 49–50
Nationalist Party, 102–103
Nationalist-conservative sub pole, 132–134
Neoliberal sub pole, 134
Networks, 151
News media, 203–204
analysis of news media coverage in Greece of school teachers’ protest, 207–211
emotions and news media’s visual framing of protest, 204–206
schoolteachers’ protest, 207
News values, 205–206
Nexus of discourses, 25
Official ceremonies, 113–114
Official narratives, 145
Official Party Historiography, Greek Revolution in, 67–70
Opium Wars, 20–21
Oppression, 100
Oral history, 55–60
Organisation-consciousness problem, 10
Orientalism, 20–21
Ottoman Athens, 146–147
Ottoman Empire, 112, 146
Ottoman foreign policy, 147
Ottoman rule, 68
Ottoman society, 146
Park fiction revolt, meaning of, 189–192
Pass, The
, 103–104
Patriarchal hierarchy, 107
Patriarchal institutions, 90
Peace-building, 49
PEEA, 66, 73
Penal Laws, 56
People, 69, 71
Photography, 203–204
Photojournalists, 208–209
Physical violence, 99
Plan for Popular Education (1944), 67
Political belonging and revolting, 89–90
Political confidence, 243
Political instability, 37
Political violence, 99
Politics, 57–59
Poor governance, 35–36
Post-colonialist, 58
Post-industrial society, 186
Post-war custodians of revolutionary socialist visions, 93
Power, 186
Practical past, 16–17
Presentism, 131
Proletarian consciousness, 224–225
Proliferation, 225
Protests, 206, 221
Proto Thema (centre-populist), 207
Psychological violence, 99
Psychologisation, 91–92
Pulp Fiction (Quentin Tarantino’s film), 189–190
Pure civilisations, 20
Pure races, 20
Quantitative content analysis, 162–163
Quisling Regime, 117–118
Racial purity, 20
Racism, 100
Reactionary forces, 95
Rebellion in Ireland (1798), 56
Red terror of Communist-led Resistance of EAM-ELAS, 111
Reinert method, 130–131
Religious practice, 107–108
Representational Spaces, 196–197
Republican contract, 30, 37, 39
Republicanism, 49–50, 56
Reservation of Separate Amenities Act, Act No 49 of 1953, 103
Responsiveness, 90
REVAthens project, 8, 145, 153
Revisionist apolgogism, 58
Revolution commemorating, 111
delicate meaning, 116–121
do-it-yourself commemoration, 121–122
, 115–116
rehabilitating clerical counterrevolution (1871), 112–114
Right to the City, 181–182, 191
Romanticisation of revolutions, 3
Royal Irish Constabulary (RIC), 49–50
Rubicon moment, 235
Sacred Feminine, 108
Sacrifices, 92–95, 97
Samosa Regime of Nicaragua, 217
Schoolteachers’ protest, 207
Secularisation, 59–60
Segregation, 102–103
Sensitivity, 90
Serpetzes, 153
Sevres Treaty (1920), 115
Silent strength, 103
SketchEngine, 53
Social contract, 30–35
theory, 29–31
Social history, 8
Social justice, 194–196
Social labour, 94
Social media, debating complex historical event on, 131–132
Social movements, 59–60, 163, 166, 168, 170
strategy, 242
(techno) politics, 183–187
Social protest, 161
Social revolution, 139
Socialising love, 95–97
Society of National Resistance, 69–70
Socio-semiotic analysis, 204
Sociological analysis, 1
South African apartheid regime, 102–103
South African National Congress (SANNC), 101
South Sudanese Constitution, 32–33
South Sudanese political contexts, 32
Soviet public sphere, 90
Spatialisation of conflicts, 181–182, 191
Standard school history, 145
Style of existence, 93
Sympathy, 90
Ta Nea (centre-left), 207
Theatre, 100–101
Theology, 107–108
3D reconstructions, 8
Transnational struggle-against capitalism, 218
Transnationalisation of revolutions, 2
Traveller history in Ireland, 55
Treason, 38–39
Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC), 106–107
Tweets, 129–130
debating complex historical event on social media, 131–132
discursive themes, 135–140
ideological sub poles, 132–135
methodology, 129–131
Twitter, 131–132
Urban class dynamics, 55
Violence, 162, 164
Visual analysis, 1
Visual references, 203–204
War of Independence (1821), 145
Warm emotions, 90
Working class politics, 186
You Strike the Woman, You Strike the Rock
, 101–102
Official ceremonies, 113–114
Official narratives, 145
Official Party Historiography, Greek Revolution in, 67–70
Opium Wars, 20–21
Oppression, 100
Oral history, 55–60
Organisation-consciousness problem, 10
Orientalism, 20–21
Ottoman Athens, 146–147
Ottoman Empire, 112, 146
Ottoman foreign policy, 147
Ottoman rule, 68
Ottoman society, 146
Park fiction revolt, meaning of, 189–192
Pass, The
, 103–104
Patriarchal hierarchy, 107
Patriarchal institutions, 90
Peace-building, 49
PEEA, 66, 73
Penal Laws, 56
People, 69, 71
Photography, 203–204
Photojournalists, 208–209
Physical violence, 99
Plan for Popular Education (1944), 67
Political belonging and revolting, 89–90
Political confidence, 243
Political instability, 37
Political violence, 99
Politics, 57–59
Poor governance, 35–36
Post-colonialist, 58
Post-industrial society, 186
Post-war custodians of revolutionary socialist visions, 93
Power, 186
Practical past, 16–17
Presentism, 131
Proletarian consciousness, 224–225
Proliferation, 225
Protests, 206, 221
Proto Thema (centre-populist), 207
Psychological violence, 99
Psychologisation, 91–92
Pulp Fiction (Quentin Tarantino’s film), 189–190
Pure civilisations, 20
Pure races, 20
Quantitative content analysis, 162–163
Quisling Regime, 117–118
Racial purity, 20
Racism, 100
Reactionary forces, 95
Rebellion in Ireland (1798), 56
Red terror of Communist-led Resistance of EAM-ELAS, 111
Reinert method, 130–131
Religious practice, 107–108
Representational Spaces, 196–197
Republican contract, 30, 37, 39
Republicanism, 49–50, 56
Reservation of Separate Amenities Act, Act No 49 of 1953, 103
Responsiveness, 90
REVAthens project, 8, 145, 153
Revisionist apolgogism, 58
Revolution commemorating, 111
delicate meaning, 116–121
do-it-yourself commemoration, 121–122
, 115–116
rehabilitating clerical counterrevolution (1871), 112–114
Right to the City, 181–182, 191
Romanticisation of revolutions, 3
Royal Irish Constabulary (RIC), 49–50
Rubicon moment, 235
Sacred Feminine, 108
Sacrifices, 92–95, 97
Samosa Regime of Nicaragua, 217
Schoolteachers’ protest, 207
Secularisation, 59–60
Segregation, 102–103
Sensitivity, 90
Serpetzes, 153
Sevres Treaty (1920), 115
Silent strength, 103
SketchEngine, 53
Social contract, 30–35
theory, 29–31
Social history, 8
Social justice, 194–196
Social labour, 94
Social media, debating complex historical event on, 131–132
Social movements, 59–60, 163, 166, 168, 170
strategy, 242
(techno) politics, 183–187
Social protest, 161
Social revolution, 139
Socialising love, 95–97
Society of National Resistance, 69–70
Socio-semiotic analysis, 204
Sociological analysis, 1
South African apartheid regime, 102–103
South African National Congress (SANNC), 101
South Sudanese Constitution, 32–33
South Sudanese political contexts, 32
Soviet public sphere, 90
Spatialisation of conflicts, 181–182, 191
Standard school history, 145
Style of existence, 93
Sympathy, 90
Ta Nea (centre-left), 207
Theatre, 100–101
Theology, 107–108
3D reconstructions, 8
Transnational struggle-against capitalism, 218
Transnationalisation of revolutions, 2
Traveller history in Ireland, 55
Treason, 38–39
Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC), 106–107
Tweets, 129–130
debating complex historical event on social media, 131–132
discursive themes, 135–140
ideological sub poles, 132–135
methodology, 129–131
Twitter, 131–132
Urban class dynamics, 55
Violence, 162, 164
Visual analysis, 1
Visual references, 203–204
War of Independence (1821), 145
Warm emotions, 90
Working class politics, 186
You Strike the Woman, You Strike the Rock
, 101–102
Quantitative content analysis, 162–163
Quisling Regime, 117–118
Racial purity, 20
Racism, 100
Reactionary forces, 95
Rebellion in Ireland (1798), 56
Red terror of Communist-led Resistance of EAM-ELAS, 111
Reinert method, 130–131
Religious practice, 107–108
Representational Spaces, 196–197
Republican contract, 30, 37, 39
Republicanism, 49–50, 56
Reservation of Separate Amenities Act, Act No 49 of 1953, 103
Responsiveness, 90
REVAthens project, 8, 145, 153
Revisionist apolgogism, 58
Revolution commemorating, 111
delicate meaning, 116–121
do-it-yourself commemoration, 121–122
, 115–116
rehabilitating clerical counterrevolution (1871), 112–114
Right to the City, 181–182, 191
Romanticisation of revolutions, 3
Royal Irish Constabulary (RIC), 49–50
Rubicon moment, 235
Sacred Feminine, 108
Sacrifices, 92–95, 97
Samosa Regime of Nicaragua, 217
Schoolteachers’ protest, 207
Secularisation, 59–60
Segregation, 102–103
Sensitivity, 90
Serpetzes, 153
Sevres Treaty (1920), 115
Silent strength, 103
SketchEngine, 53
Social contract, 30–35
theory, 29–31
Social history, 8
Social justice, 194–196
Social labour, 94
Social media, debating complex historical event on, 131–132
Social movements, 59–60, 163, 166, 168, 170
strategy, 242
(techno) politics, 183–187
Social protest, 161
Social revolution, 139
Socialising love, 95–97
Society of National Resistance, 69–70
Socio-semiotic analysis, 204
Sociological analysis, 1
South African apartheid regime, 102–103
South African National Congress (SANNC), 101
South Sudanese Constitution, 32–33
South Sudanese political contexts, 32
Soviet public sphere, 90
Spatialisation of conflicts, 181–182, 191
Standard school history, 145
Style of existence, 93
Sympathy, 90
Ta Nea (centre-left), 207
Theatre, 100–101
Theology, 107–108
3D reconstructions, 8
Transnational struggle-against capitalism, 218
Transnationalisation of revolutions, 2
Traveller history in Ireland, 55
Treason, 38–39
Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC), 106–107
Tweets, 129–130
debating complex historical event on social media, 131–132
discursive themes, 135–140
ideological sub poles, 132–135
methodology, 129–131
Twitter, 131–132
Urban class dynamics, 55
Violence, 162, 164
Visual analysis, 1
Visual references, 203–204
War of Independence (1821), 145
Warm emotions, 90
Working class politics, 186
You Strike the Woman, You Strike the Rock
, 101–102
Sacred Feminine, 108
Sacrifices, 92–95, 97
Samosa Regime of Nicaragua, 217
Schoolteachers’ protest, 207
Secularisation, 59–60
Segregation, 102–103
Sensitivity, 90
Serpetzes, 153
Sevres Treaty (1920), 115
Silent strength, 103
SketchEngine, 53
Social contract, 30–35
theory, 29–31
Social history, 8
Social justice, 194–196
Social labour, 94
Social media, debating complex historical event on, 131–132
Social movements, 59–60, 163, 166, 168, 170
strategy, 242
(techno) politics, 183–187
Social protest, 161
Social revolution, 139
Socialising love, 95–97
Society of National Resistance, 69–70
Socio-semiotic analysis, 204
Sociological analysis, 1
South African apartheid regime, 102–103
South African National Congress (SANNC), 101
South Sudanese Constitution, 32–33
South Sudanese political contexts, 32
Soviet public sphere, 90
Spatialisation of conflicts, 181–182, 191
Standard school history, 145
Style of existence, 93
Sympathy, 90
Ta Nea (centre-left), 207
Theatre, 100–101
Theology, 107–108
3D reconstructions, 8
Transnational struggle-against capitalism, 218
Transnationalisation of revolutions, 2
Traveller history in Ireland, 55
Treason, 38–39
Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC), 106–107
Tweets, 129–130
debating complex historical event on social media, 131–132
discursive themes, 135–140
ideological sub poles, 132–135
methodology, 129–131
Twitter, 131–132
Urban class dynamics, 55
Violence, 162, 164
Visual analysis, 1
Visual references, 203–204
War of Independence (1821), 145
Warm emotions, 90
Working class politics, 186
You Strike the Woman, You Strike the Rock
, 101–102
Urban class dynamics, 55
Violence, 162, 164
Visual analysis, 1
Visual references, 203–204
War of Independence (1821), 145
Warm emotions, 90
Working class politics, 186
You Strike the Woman, You Strike the Rock
, 101–102
War of Independence (1821), 145
Warm emotions, 90
Working class politics, 186
You Strike the Woman, You Strike the Rock
, 101–102
- Prelims
- Chapter 1 Introduction: Duty to Revolt – Transnational and Commemorative Aspects of Revolution
- Part 1 Historical Focus
- Chapter 2 Colonising the Past: The Greek Revolution as an Archetypal Instance of Cultural Imperialism
- Chapter 3 Revolutions and Constitutionalism in Africa: The Duty to Revolt in the Sudanese and Congolese Constitutions
- Chapter 4 Anti-colonialist Memory, Culture and Politics in Ireland
- Chapter 5 Building the New Person: The Greek Revolution in the Mountain Readers
- Part 2 Commemorative Focus
- Chapter 6 The Revolutionary Subject and Its Affective Modalities: Love-Duty, Sacrifice and the Heroic
- Chapter 7 Herstories: Activism, Detention and Torture
- Chapter 8 Commemorating the Revolution as a Duty to Obey: From the Rehabilitation of Gregory the V to ‘Greece 2021’ and the ‘Do-It-Yourself’ Bi-centenary
- Chapter 9 1821 Tweets: Networks and Ideological Discourse Around the Greek Revolution Bicentenary
- Chapter 10 Digital Storytelling From Below: Revolutionary Athens Through a Kaleidoscope
- Part 3 Contemporary Focus
- Chapter 11 An ‘Online Translocal Connection’ of Anarchist(ic) Social Movements
- Chapter 12 From Anti-Gentrification to Fab Lab Community: Spatialisation of Conflicts, Contentious Politics and the Limits of Techno-Politics in Urban Areas
- Chapter 13 Depictions of Emotions in News Media's Visual Framing of Small-Scale Protests in Greece
- Chapter 14 From Duty to Impulsion: Obstacles to Organising Future Revolutions
- Chapter 15 Discussing With Roger Hallam, Environmental Revolutionary and Co-Founder of Extinction Rebellion
- Index