ISBN: 978-1-80382-194-8, eISBN: 978-1-80382-193-1
Publication date: 22 August 2022
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(2022), "Index", Brown, B.A. and Irons, A. (Ed.) The Emerald Handbook of Higher Education in a Post-Covid World: New Approaches and Technologies for Teaching and Learning, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 325-332.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2022 Byron A. Brown and Alastair Irons
(Ab)normal for education
, 236–238
Abstract conceptualization abilities (AC abilities)
, 109, 110
Abuse, unauthorised access of
, 259–261
Academic administration
, 189–191
Academic voices of distress
, 200–204
Active experimentation abilities (AE abilities)
, 109, 110
Active learning
, 30, 49
Activity blend
, 49
, 273–274
Affective learning
, 96–97
COVID-19 pandemic in
, 174
universities in
, 64–65
Africa’s higher education
changing higher education markets
, 20–24
COVID-19 crisis
, 15
Digital Age
, 14
institutions to changing pedagogy
, 17
, 15–16
pressures from changing students
, 20–24
pressures of COVID-19 and neoliberalism in
, 18–20
, 16
risks and rewards
, 30–32
university core values and pressures in teaching
, 24–30
African countries
, 46
African cultural traits
, 294
African cultures
, 291–292
African expectations of higher education
, 295–298
methodology and data
, 301–304
practical advice for African higher education institutions
, 309–310
African Union (AU)
, 23
Afro-communal purpose of higher education
, 297–298
support for
, 304–308
Alternative assessment methods
, 165
Anonymous online reporting
, 256–257
‘Anytime, anywhere’ learning
, 76
Apple Operating System
, 122–123
Appraisal support
, 95
Assessment, 154, 188 (see also Flexible assessment)
adaptive approaches
, 161–163
, 154–155
flexibility in learning and
, 155–158
integrated assessment designs
, 161–163
, 161
principles of flexible assessment
, 158–161
strategies for embedding flexible assessment
, 163–168
Assessment emergency (see Emergency assessment)
Association of Chartered Certified Accountants
, 272
Asynchronic communication
, 51
Asynchronous communication
, 61
Asynchronous learning
, 135
, 220–223
, 58
, 86–87
Badges and quality assurance
, 191
‘Best of blends’ approach
, 64
Blended across delivery
, 49
Blended environments
pitfalls of interaction and engagement in
, 224–226
Blended learning
, 31, 48
, 220–223
Blockchain consensus
, 184–185
Blockchain technology
, 175, 319–320
academic administration
, 189–191
, 180–185
, 184
, 179
COVID-19 emergencies
, 175–178
data analysis
, 179
digital assets
, 182–184
digital signature, and classification
, 180–182
focus of research
, 179
, 180
smart contracts and smart property
, 184–185
teaching, learning, and administration
, 175–178, 185
teaching and learning
, 186–188
, 222
Botswana Institute of Chartered Accountants (BICA)
, 272
Botswana Qualifications Authority (BQA)
, 270–271
advisory to tertiary education sector
, 277–278
Botswana tertiary education landscape
, 269
Campus closure
, 269–270
Campus dormitory and dining
, 272–273
Capabilities approach
, 159
Care Act (2014)
, 253
, 295
Centre for Global Development (CGD)
, 283
Chartered Institute of Management Accountants
, 272
Classroom-based teaching practices
, 40
, 87
Collaborative engagement
, 218
Collaborative groups
, 90
Collaborative learning and teaching
, 186–187
Collaborative learning approach (CLA)
, 82, 87–92
Communal relations
, 308–309
Communication synchrony
, 50–54
Community of practice
, 300–301
, 225
Computer-mediated-communication technology
, 2, 51, 61
Concrete experience abilities (CE abilities)
, 109, 110
Constructivist learning
, 46
Content-based pedagogies
, 76
Context, input, process, and outcomes (CIPO)
, 147–148
Context, input, process, and product impact model (CIPP model)
, 49
Contingent shifting
, 96
, 214–216
, 1, 108, 267–268
, 15, 247
, 175–178
higher education landscape
, 246
, 246
, 246, 271
, 39, 72, 130, 174, 246, 317, 321
, 268
Critical reflection
, 112
Cryptography mechanism
, 181
Cultural dimensions theory
, 292–293
, 291–295, 303
, 235
Cybercriminal creativity
, 236
, 246, 261
(ab)normal for education
, 236–238
balancing educational needs
, 240–241
digital transformation
, 232
educational environment
, 231–232
in educational environments
, 233–234
in emerging digital classroom
, 238–239
security requirements
, 240–241
value of student data
, 238
Deep learning
, 187
Degree apprenticeship
, 49–50
Digital Age
, 14, 75
Digital assessments
, 56–58
Digital assets
, 182–184
Digital asynchronous learning
, 53
Digital education
, 307–309
, 294
Digital era
, 42–44
Digital ethnographic approach
, 49, 50
Digital first approach
, 47, 48, 64
Digital first intervention
, 49–50
Digital first pedagogical approach
, 50
Digital harassment and abuse
, 248
Digital immigrants
, 22, 42, 43
Digital learning, 40–41 (see also Online learning)
class size
, 54–56
communication synchrony
, 50–54
development of empirical evidence
, 46–50
digital assessments
, 56–58
digital era and
, 42–44
and digital technologies
, 45–46
inclusion and exclusion in
, 63
pedagogical models of
, 42
, 50
student support mechanisms
, 60–63
systems framework
, 44
, 154, 291
Digital natives
, 22, 42, 43, 249–250
Digital poverty
, 318
Digital rich experience
, 49
Digital services
, 39
Digital signature
, 180–182
Digital synchronous learning
, 53
Digital technology
, 45–46, 291
and pedagogy
, 58–60
Digital transformation
, 232
Digitalised trust
, 180
Distance education
, 214
Distance learning
, 40, 131
Distress academic, voices of
, 200–204
Distributed learning and teaching (see Collaborative learning and teaching)
, 158–159
Duty of care
, 246
for institutions
, 261–262
, 214
Education policy
, 274
Embedding flexible assessment, strategies for
, 163–168
Emergency assessment
, 154–155
Emergency Powers (COVID-19) Act of 2020
, 276
Emergency powers (COVID-19) regulations of 2020
, 275–276
Emergency remote teaching
, 130, 133–135, 197–198, 232
CIPP evaluation model
, 146
, 139–140, 144
framework model for evaluation
, 147–148
input evaluation
, 145
knowledge decay theory
, 135–137
methodology and data
, 140–144
online teaching and
, 131–133
self-regulated learning theory
, 137–138
theoretical reasons for
, 135
transactional distance theory
, 138–139
Emotional support
, 95, 97
Empirical evidence
, 46–50
, 273–274
Evolutionary systems
, 42
Experiential learning
, 108
, 109
Experiential transformative learning
, 109–113
Exploitative learning
, 30
External communication
, 215
synchronous learning
, 53
, 28, 73, 93
Financial support
, 274–275
Flexibility in learning and assessment
, 155–158
Flexible assessment
core principles of
, 159
, 160
principles of
, 158–161
shared and transparent
, 160–161
Formative assessment
, 160
Formative feedback
, 160
Freedom of Information Act 2000
, 250–251
Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
, 51
‘Fuck women disrespect them all’ (online group chat)
, 248
Function segregation
, 93
, 107, 115–116
, 108
experiential learning
, 108
experiential transformative learning
, 109–113
kitchen and restaurant simulations
, 113–122
Kolb’s learning cycle
, 110
lesson participation and grading
, 123–124
SIMR restaurant simulation software
, 124–126
success of intervention
, 122–123
though SIMR Restaurant Simulation Software
, 108
Government fiscal relief instruments
, 276–277
Group Chat Scandal
, 262
Group tasks
, 271
Higher education
, 246–249, 251, 253, 268
African expectations
, 295–298
digital learning
, 8
lockdown and COVID-19
, 3
lockdown in
, 2
non-traditional models of teaching in
, 73–76
, 1
, 41
Higher education institutions (HEIs)
, 1, 40, 196, 268, 322
Higher Education Pedagogy Series
, 3
Home kitchen phase
, 114–115
, 108
, 111
Human culture
, 292
Human sociocultural development
, 291
Humanising pedagogy
, 198–199
academic voices of distress
, 200–204
methodology and data
, 199–200
student voices
, 204–210
Hyperpersonal relationships
, 60–61
, 296–297
, 158–159
Independent learning
, 51
Information Age
, 14
Information communication technologies
, 14
Informational support
, 95, 98
Instrumental support
, 95, 97–98
Integrated assessment designs
, 161–163
International higher education
, 154
Internet connectivity
, 205–206
Keyword search algorithm
, 255
Kind of learning
, 30
Kitchen and restaurant simulations
, 113
module requirements
, 113–114
teaching remotely
, 114–122
, 108
Knowledge decay theory
, 135–137
Learning, 214–216 (see also Digital learning)
, 310
, 269–270
, 206
theories and practices
, 268
Learning management systems (LMS)
, 28, 221–222
Lingering effect of underinvestment in education infrastructure
, 318
, 21
Media blend
, 49
Mental health
, 209–210
Monitoring systems
, 261
Multi-modal approach
, 164–165
Multiple choice questions (MCQs)
, 157
, 262
Neoliberal capitalism
, 19–20
, 15–16
in Africa’s higher education
, 18–20
Network, unauthorised access of
, 259–261
Non-standardised, 9-item questionnaire (NSQ)
, 295
Non-traditional classroom
, 73
approaches to teaching in
, 81–92
influences on choice of approaches to teaching in
, 93–94
integration of aspects of teaching
, 92–93
non-traditional models of teaching
, 73–76
social support in
, 94–98
understandings of
, 76–81
Non-traditional models of teaching
, 73–76
North–south cooperation
, 41
One-size-fits-all digital technology
, 27, 60
Online abuse, disclosures of
, 256–257
Online communication
, 61
Online delivery
, 246
Online distance learning
, 75
Online education
, 301, 307–309
Online harassment
, 255
Online harms
, 245
in COVID-19 pandemic
, 259–261
Online learning
, 214, 269
, 72, 77
and expectations of higher education
, 298–301
, 78
Online pedagogy
, 298, 301
Online restaurant phase
, 115–122
Online safeguarding
, 250
data collection themes
, 251–253
evidence from practice
, 253–259
methodology and data
, 250–253
Online safety conundrum
, 246–247
Online student engagement
, 219
Online teaching
, 131–133
and learning
, 270–271
Online-first pedagogy
, 26–27, 40
Padlet application
, 222
, 295
Passive learning
, 30
Patchwork assessment process
, 166
Pedagogic intent
, 163
Pedagogic Realignment with Organisational Priorities and Horizon Emergent Technologies Framework (PROPHET Framework)
, 47
Pedagogical arrangements
, 163–168
Pedagogical models
, 40, 45
of digital learning
, 42
Pedagogical reform
, 26, 33
, 25, 81
Peer-to-peer interactions
, 60
Peer-to-peer support
, 97
, 240
Physical health
, 209–210
Piagetian theory
, 215
, 1
expectation of hybrid or blended learning models of delivery
, 246
, 29
Postgraduate students (PGS)
, 204
, 113–114
, 247–249
Principle of ‘flexibility’
, 49
Professional, statutory and regulatory bodies (PSRBs)
, 272
Proof-of-stake method
, 184
Proof-of-work technique
, 184
Qualitative methods
, 140
Quality assurance
, 177–178
Quality Assurance Agency (QAA)
, 42, 49
Quantitative methods
, 140
Ransomware attacks
, 261
Record keeping
, 191
Red brick university
, 47
Reflective observation abilities (RO abilities)
, 109, 110
Remote teaching
, 114, 138
and learning
, 200, 205, 270–271
Restaurant management team (RMT)
, 115
Revised National Policy on Education
, 74
Revised Policy on Education for Botswana
, 271
, 96
Self-assessment in digital assessments
, 56–58
Self-directed learning (see Independent learning)
Self-efficacy development
, 226
, 295
‘Self-programmable’ graduates
, 29
, 296
Self-regulated learning theory
, 137–138
Semi-structured interviews
, 50
SIMR Restaurant Simulation Software
, 108, 115, 124–126
Smart contracts and property
, 184–185
Social constructivism
, 215–216
Social contingency and richness
, 300
Social harmony
, 295–296
Social interactionism
, 214–216
Social learning
, 45
, 300
Social media
, 255
Social presence
, 78–79
Social support
, 60, 72
in non-traditional classroom
, 94–98
types of
, 95
, 40
, 271
Sociocultural theory of learning
, 215
Socratic method
, 112
, 296–297
South Africa in HEIs
, 197
South African President Cyril Ramaphosa
, 196
Space blend
, 48–49
Spear phishing
, 240
Staff training and university working with external agencies
, 258–259
Student interactions
blended learning tools
, 220–223
in class attendance
, 271–272
dimensions of
, 217
interaction and student engagement
, 216–220
pitfalls of
, 224–226
Student Representative Council
, 19
Student safeguarding
, 254–255
, 255–256
, 245–250
admission application process
, 189–190
authentication in digital assessments
, 56–58
, 216–220
identity management
, 189
, 316
placement and work study
, 272
student-centred learning
, 74
student-centred principles
, 74
student–environment interaction
, 214
support mechanisms
, 60–63
value of student data
, 238
, 204–210
, 292
Sub-Saharan African culture
, 293–294, 299
Summative assessment
, 160
Synchronic communication
, 51
Synchronous communication
, 83
Synchronous learning
, 52
, 220–223
Take culture in learning
, 299
, 25–26, 72, 319–320
blockchain in
, 186–188
influences on framing of
, 81
and learning
, 175–178, 186–188, 216
in non-traditional classroom
, 81–92
non-traditional models of
, 73–76
in pedagogy
, 290
technology-based collaborative learning
, 220
technology-enhanced learning
, 40
Territories in sub-Saharan Africa
, 301
Tertiary Education Act of 1999
, 280
Tertiary education practices
BQA advisory to tertiary education sector
, 277–278
changes in
, 279–281
COVID-19 and
, 269
emergency powers (COVID-19) regulations of 2020
, 275–276
government fiscal relief instruments
, 276–277
legal instruments
, 275–279
major policy and legislation issues
, 269–275
policies and regulations at college and university level
, 278–279
reforms in
, 281–283
responsive and agile tertiary education sector
, 283–285
Text-matching software
, 58
Time and place dispersion approach (TPD approach)
, 82–86
Time blend
, 49
, 187
Top-down pedagogies
, 76
Traditional model of teaching
, 21, 271
Traditional pedagogies
, 76
Transactional distance
, 86
, 138–139
Transactional distance approach (TDA)
, 82, 86–87
Transformative learning
, 30
, 109–113
24-hour information technology
, 60
Undergraduate students (UGS)
, 204
, 15
United Kingdom
, 40
Universal design for learning (UDL)
, 164
Virtual classrooms
, 75–76, 85
Virtual distance
, 291
Virtual learning
, 301
Virtual learning environments (VLEs)
, 48, 233
, 297
Volume of disclosures
, 257
Warwick University Group Chat Scandal
, 247–249
Web and Video Conferencing
, 221
Western cultures
, 293, 298
Western-style pedagogy
, 82
, 222
Work authorship in digital assessments
, 56–58
Work integrated learning scheme (WIL scheme)
, 208–209
World Bank
, 196
World Economic Forum
, 196
, 291–295
Zone of proximal development (ZPD)
, 96
, 239, 260
- Prelims
- Introduction: A New Frontier for Higher Education
- Part 1: Fundamental Changes and Transitions in Higher Education
- Chapter 1: Neoliberalism Crisis and Fundamental Shifts in Africa’s Higher Education Provision in the 21st Century
- Part 2: Emerging Approaches and Practices in Higher Education Pedagogy
- Chapter 2: Pedagogical Models of Digital Learning in the United Kingdom: Lessons for Africa
- Chapter 3: Teaching Approaches, Social Support, and Student Learning in Non-traditional Classrooms in Higher Education
- Chapter 4: Gamification: Teaching a Practice-based Subject Virtually for Transformative Impact
- Chapter 5: Reforming Emergency Remote Teaching through the Evaluation of Practice in Higher Education
- Chapter 6: Shifts in Pedagogy and Flexible Assessment: Integrating Digital Technology with Good Teaching and Learning Practice
- Chapter 7: Blockchain Technology in Teaching, Learning, and Academic Administration as a Long-term Solution to Emergencies in Higher Education
- Chapter 8: Humanising Pedagogy in Times of the COVID-19 Emergency: Student and Academic Voices in South Africa
- Chapter 9: Student Interaction and Engagement Supported by Blended Learning Tools in Emergency Teaching
- Chapter 10: Cybersecurity in the Digital Classroom: Implications for Emerging Policy, Pedagogy and Practice
- Chapter 11: Online Safeguarding and Personal Cyber Skills for Students
- Part 3: Culture and Policy Concerns in a COVID-19 Higher Education World
- Chapter 12: Policy Gaps and Imperatives for Rebuilding Sustainable African Tertiary Education Systems Disrupted by COVID-19
- Chapter 13: Cultural Influences in Online Pedagogy and the Final Ends of African Higher Education
- Chapter 14: Summary, Conclusions and Next Steps
- Index