Mental Health Literacy and Young People
ISBN: 978-1-80382-150-4, eISBN: 978-1-80382-149-8
Publication date: 27 June 2022
Crawford, P. (2022), "Prelims", Mental Health Literacy and Young People, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. i-xiv.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2022 Paul Crawford. Published under exclusive licence by Emerald Publishing Limited
Half Title Page
Mental Health Literacy and Young People
Title Page
Mental Health Literacy and Young People
Paul Crawford
The University of Nottingham, UK
United Kingdom – North America – Japan – India – Malaysia – China
Copyright Page
Emerald Publishing Limited
Howard House, Wagon Lane, Bingley BD16 1WA, UK
First edition 2022
Copyright © 2022 Paul Crawford.
Published under exclusive licence by Emerald Publishing Limited.
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British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data
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ISBN: 978-1-80382-150-4 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-80382-149-8 (Online)
ISBN: 978-1-80382-151-1 (Epub)
To all the young people of Ukraine
Mu з mобою
[Transl. We stand with you]
List of Figures
Figure 1. | Characters in What's Up With Everyone? |
Figure 2. | Charlie in What's Up With Everyone? |
Figure 3. | Merve in What's Up With Everyone? |
Figure 4. | Tai in What's Up With Everyone? |
Figure 5. | Ashley in What's Up With Everyone? |
Figure 6. | Alex in What's Up With Everyone? |
About the Author
Professor Paul Crawford is the founder and the world's first professor of the field of health humanities. He directs the Centre for Social Futures at the Institute of Mental Health, The University of Nottingham, UK. He has contributed to policy development in mental health and human care in the United Kingdom, advising senior politicians on the importance of the arts and humanities in healthcare, health, and well-being.
Professor Crawford's work has attracted multiple awards and recognition, not least Fellowships of the Royal Society of Arts, Academy of Social Sciences, and Royal Society for Public Health. His pioneering work in health humanities has attracted more than £7m in research funding from Arts Humanities and Research Council, Economic and Social Research Council, ESRC/MRC, UK Research and Innovation, The Leverhulme Trust, and British Academy. He has led numerous AHRC-funded research networks related to the arts and dementia, the representation of mental state in literature, and in the broader health humanities.
Professor Crawford currently leads major AHRC-funded studies: (1) The production and evaluation of original animations with Aardman Animations, to advance mental health literacy among young people (released February 2021). This campaign won Best Design and Content in the 2021 Design Week Awards and reached over 17m people within four months of launch alone. (2) A study of Florence Nightingale at home that focuses on domestic health, psychological health, and contagion ( The book from this study was longlisted for the B.S. Hughes Award for science-related writing and nominated for the People's Book Prize 2021. He is also co-investigator for the £1.25m national MARCH network into social and cultural assets for mental health.
Professor Crawford has held multiple visiting professorships or advisory board appointments in the United Kingdom and overseas. He has written over 140 publications including peer-reviewed papers, book chapters, and books, most recently Cabin Fever: Surviving Lockdown in the Coronavirus Pandemic (Emerald, 2021), Florence Nightingale at Home (Palgrave, 2020), The Routledge Companion to Health Humanities (Routledge, 2020), and Humiliation: Mental Health and Public Shame (Emerald, 2019). He is the Lead Editor for the Palgrave Encyclopedia of Health Humanities (Springer, New York) and Commissioning Editor for two series: Arts for Health (Emerald); Routledge Studies in Literature and Health Humanities (Routledge). His book Health Humanities (Palgrave, 2015) is now available in Mandarin (Springer Beijing). His other publications include the following: Evidence-based Health Communication (Open University Press, 2006), Communication in Clinical Settings (Nelson Thornes, 2006), Storytelling in Therapy (Nelson Thornes, 2004), Evidence Based Research (Open University Press, 2003) [Highly Commended, BMA Book Awards 2002], and Politics and History in William Golding: The World Turned Upside Down (University of Missouri Press, 2002). His novel, Nothing Purple, Nothing Black (Book Guild, 2002), attracted the critical acclaim of fellow writers David Lodge, Roy Porter, Sara Maitland, and Paul Sayer and was optioned for film with British film producer Jack Emery (Dramahouse) until his illness halted production.
The author wishes to acknowledge the mega team behind the campaign What's Up With Everyone? funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council in the United Kingdom (Grant number: AH/T003804/1), with the support of Margaret Charleroy, Dr Paul Meller, Leo Springate, and all the crew at UKRI, Swindon. The project team achieved incredible things in this important initiative in association with Academy Award-winning Aardman (makers of Wallace & Gromit, Shaun the Sheep, Chicken Run etc.). Thanks go to the talented current and former Aardman crew at Gas Ferry Road Headquarters, Bristol: Lorna Probert, Dan Binns, Neil Pymer, Hannah Richmond, Sami Goddard and Heather Wright. I also wish to thank Aardman cofounders David Sproxton and Peter Lord, for their welcome and encouragement! Special thanks go to our partner organization Mental Health Foundation for their sterling work in the project and the following team members for their expert guidance and information production on matters relating to perfectionism in this volume (Dr Tom Curran), independence (Dr David Crepaz-Keay), social media (Dr Elvira Perez), and competitiveness as well as early literature scoping (Dr Sachiyo Ito-Jaeger). Joining them for noisy applause are colleagues at The Storytelling Academy at Loughborough University: Professor Mike Wilson, Dr Antonia Liguori, Dr Mel Warwick and, assisting with social media analysis, Professor Tom Jackson. We are also grateful to Dr Dominique Thompson, clinical lead for the project; and Dr Ian Barkataki, Dr Gail Allsopp, Dr Samuel Arias Sanchez, and Professor Francisco Javier Saavedra Macías for their clinical consultancy, support, and/or additional specialist advice. I am particularly grateful to the eminent psychiatrist, Professor Gene Beresin, for his sage editorial advice, clinical clarifications, and various ideas for assisting young people facing challenges in life and in dealing with mental disorder, including sharing his ideas for the section Work on Your Thinking. It has been wonderful to have the insights and support from our legacy group of enthusiastic doctoral students: Sarah Gordon, Ngozi Oparah, Joe Stevens, Lucy Mclaughlin, and Alma Solarte-Tobon. Thanks also go to the current and former diligent project administrators, Charlotte Moody, Fiona Harris, and Angie Bagley at our host institution, The University of Nottingham; to Leaders Unlocked for support in recruitment; Ilk for their efforts to get these resources out to the wider public; Futurum for their support in developing our education information; Happy Space, Pineapple Lounge, eNurture, and so many others, including celebrity influencers, for supporting the campaign. We also benefited from the insights and advice from our advisory board of Professor Andrew Chitty (Chair), Dr Kamaldeep Bhui, Dr Paul Manners, Dr Gregor Henderson, Emma Worallo, Tegan Creedy, Sarah Doherty, and Professor David Gauntlett. Most of all, huge thanks go to all our young people who coproduced and voiced the series of five short animated stories available on our platform Aardman Animations kindly granted permission to publish images of the five new characters in hard copy and electronic formats for this book. Without the dedicated crowd of talented people set out here this volume would not have been possible!