The Relevance of Heritage Tourism in a Post-Covid Caribbean Economy
Pandemics, Disasters, Sustainability, Tourism
ISBN: 978-1-80382-106-1, eISBN: 978-1-80382-105-4
Publication date: 4 August 2022
The rich heritage in the Caribbean in a year-round warm weather environment gives the region an advantage over other regions in the rebound of tourism. The coronavirus pandemic has conditioned travelers to seek safe and healthy methods in their recreation. The region has a wealth of cultural activities, such as Junkanoo in The Bahamas, Kadooment in Barbados, and Carnival in several countries, and tourists can enjoy them outdoors throughout the year. This is not possible in many regions around the world during the colder seasons. Additionally, outdoor historical sites, such as Columbus' landfall in San Salvador Island or the Rolle plantations on Great Exuma island, should be restored and serve as means to attract millions of visitors interested in the world's history and culture. Capitalizing on cultural and historical interest in the region would enhance the marketing of a territory's destination, add to the economic value of the destination, and improve the tourist's experience on the island. While this has been discussed for decades, focusing on historical and cultural tourism is now imperative to the region's tourism rebirth. This renovation and restoration of cultural and historical sites should be financed and managed through public–private partnerships.
Turnquest, O.A.C. (2022), "The Relevance of Heritage Tourism in a Post-Covid Caribbean Economy", Bethell-Bennett, I., Rolle, S.A., Minnis, J. and Okumus, F. (Ed.) Pandemics, Disasters, Sustainability, Tourism, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 85-92.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2022 O. A. Carey Turnquest. Published under exclusive licence by Emerald Publishing Limited