Inclusion, Accessibility, and Collaboration: Shared Values in the Australian University Classroom
Worldviews and Values in Higher Education
ISBN: 978-1-80262-898-2, eISBN: 978-1-80262-897-5
Publication date: 20 March 2024
Higher education institutions (HEIs) in Australia shape the country's economic, social, and political landscape and equip students with the skills they need to succeed in ever-changing work environments. Embedded within Australian HEIs are sets of values that reflect and reinforce collective Australian values, which describe the shared beliefs of the leadership, academic staff, students, and the local community. These shared values then direct all members of the university community. Using a top-tier university in Melbourne, Australia, as a case study, this chapter explores how the values of accessibility, inclusion, and collaboration are embedded into the curriculum, teaching, and assessment practices. Relationship-building and positive student interaction within learning contexts are also crucial to learning contexts in higher education (HE) and are essentially driven by values in HE. Furthermore, values identified in this chapter align with broader Australian values relating to fairness, equity, cooperation, and support. Utilizing the experience and reflection of four contributing academics in HE, this chapter offers ideas and strategies on how these values can be fundamentally rooted within learning and teaching programs, thereby increasing student engagement, interaction, and success. This chapter acknowledges that the needs of contemporary education have changed, as the HE sector now accommodates students from all walks of life. Additionally, a fundamental premise of the discourse is that learner diversity can be accommodated more effectively if it is spurred by values that respect and appreciate learner diversity.
Leif, E., McLean, K., Subban, P. and Grove, C. (2024), "Inclusion, Accessibility, and Collaboration: Shared Values in the Australian University Classroom", Rao, M.B., Singh, A. and Rao, P.M. (Ed.) Worldviews and Values in Higher Education (Global Perspectives on Higher Education Development), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 185-197.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2024 Erin Leif, Kirsten McLean, Pearl Subban and Christine Grove. Published under exclusive licence by Emerald Publishing Limited