Navigating the Pandemic Whiplash: Leading and Teaching Through Educational Challenges and Opportunities
Schoolchildren of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Impact and Opportunities
ISBN: 978-1-80262-742-8, eISBN: 978-1-80262-741-1
Publication date: 22 August 2022
In March 2020, we opened our classrooms to students, parents, and the world. Zoom and Google Meet became the new spaces to gather as regular check-ins with students and families became the norm. Educators served students through a two-way window where we previously only saw them in the school setting and now with the use of technology, could literally see into their homes. It is evident to many that inequities exist among the students and families that we serve, and our efforts to care them focused on social-emotional learning and supporting their well-being. While many see the challenges that the pandemic brought, there were also many opportunities that came about, including the use of core values which helped guide us through uncertainty. The need for human connection became a clear factor when we were not able to be together physically. Connecting with students and families on an authentic, deeper level, shifted how we think about school leadership and improving schools. The mindset transitioning to our ability to teach in schools and communities, not just in a physical classroom, became one of our guiding principles. Across the United States, school districts’ instructional directives varied greatly. In our district, leaders came together to create virtual lessons to be available for all students. Our focus was to support educational equity and to give students opportunities to engage with grade level curriculum at any time of day (or night).
Miles, E.S. and Cole, K.J. (2022), "Navigating the Pandemic Whiplash: Leading and Teaching Through Educational Challenges and Opportunities", Ceglie, R.J., Abernathy, D.F. and Thornburg, A.W. (Ed.) Schoolchildren of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Impact and Opportunities, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 171-191.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2022 Emily S. Miles and Kellee J. Cole