Leader Robots (LRs): The Future Managers of Digital Organizations
Agile Management and VUCA-RR: Opportunities and Threats in Industry 4.0 towards Society 5.0
ISBN: 978-1-80262-326-0, eISBN: 978-1-80262-325-3
Publication date: 9 August 2022
This chapter aims to present the idea of leader robots (LRs) and proposes how LRs can step in to fill various manager positions. LRs are the robots that lead robots. Robotics engineers have already produced many robots for various applications such as in manufacturing, marketing, accounting even human resources in business management. We have witnessed many significant advancements in robotics and artificial intelligence research to achieve digital transformation. There are robots for various purposes of providing digital transformation toward Industry 5.0. Some post-modern organizations have already had robot employees and artificial intelligence applications. There are many studies on human–robot collaboration, robot development, and robot employee but limited research on LR. In this study, therefore, it is discussed the possibility of LRs that may be a key concept of Industry 5.0 in perspective digital transformation. Therefore, it is believed that this study will be one of the focuses of many upcoming organizational robotics research studies.
Akkaya, B. and Tabak, A. (2022), "Leader Robots (LRs): The Future Managers of Digital Organizations", Akkaya, B., Guah, M.W., Jermsittiparsert, K., Bulinska-Stangrecka, H. and Kaya, Y. (Ed.) Agile Management and VUCA-RR: Opportunities and Threats in Industry 4.0 towards Society 5.0, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 215-222. https://doi.org/10.1108/978-1-80262-325-320220015
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2022 Bülent Akkaya and Akif Tabak