Accentuating Society 5.0 New Normal: The Strategic Role of Industry 4.0 Collaborative Partnership and Emotional Resilience
Agile Management and VUCA-RR: Opportunities and Threats in Industry 4.0 towards Society 5.0
ISBN: 978-1-80262-326-0, eISBN: 978-1-80262-325-3
Publication date: 9 August 2022
Apparently, scholarly attention is shifting to Society 5.0. The study of Industry 4.0 (I4.0), including its impacts on industrial productions and services, is saturated. However, there is a need for scientific investigations of the relatively new emerging concept of Society 5.0, especially regarding its relationship with I4.0. Given this necessity, the chapter conceptually examines Society 5.0 new normal and its antecedent – I4.0, with a value of the economically productive society in the post-coronavirus pandemic era. The chapter further elucidates the strategic role of emotional resilience and I4.0 collaborative partnership. Society 5.0 aims for a new society based on the notion of a human-centred economy and inclusivity. Consequently, new sets of innovative and artistic jobs will possibly emerge, driven by human competencies in collaboration with technology. In other words, Society 5.0 new normal is targeting a balanced or blended economic approach that favours a fit between society and industry and ensures that all citizens live a high-quality life by eliminating the delimiting effect of technology such as artificial intelligence (AI) on the physical space and wellbeing of the people. Hence, I4.0 collaborative partnership and emotional resilience are perceived as strategic and influential in achieving the feat of a Super Smart Society.
Aderibigbe, J.K. (2022), "Accentuating Society 5.0 New Normal: The Strategic Role of Industry 4.0 Collaborative Partnership and Emotional Resilience", Akkaya, B., Guah, M.W., Jermsittiparsert, K., Bulinska-Stangrecka, H. and Kaya, Y. (Ed.) Agile Management and VUCA-RR: Opportunities and Threats in Industry 4.0 towards Society 5.0, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 39-55.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2022 John K. Aderibigbe