Pulling it All Together – Sample Project Plan

Denise Bedford (Georgetown University, USA)
Ira Chalphin (Ira Global School, USA)
Karen Dietz (Polaris Associates, Inc. USA)
Karla Phlypo (Walden University, USA)

Communicating Knowledge

ISBN: 978-1-80262-104-4, eISBN: 978-1-80262-103-7

Publication date: 27 January 2022


Bedford, D., Chalphin, I., Dietz, K. and Phlypo, K. (2022), "Pulling it All Together – Sample Project Plan", Communicating Knowledge (Working Methods for Knowledge Management), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 219-231. https://doi.org/10.1108/978-1-80262-103-720221020



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2022 Emerald Publishing Limited

Chapter Summary

This appendix contains a template for a project plan to guide an organization by thinking about communications processes, behaviors, and practices. In addition, the appendix explains how the plan is organized. Suggestions for how to use the project plan are also provided.

Explaining the Project Plan

This chapter is comprised of a project plan. A project plan is a simple aid for managing a complex set of tasks. Project plans are intended to help the reader plan and track progress toward establishing an organization-wide intelligence capability.

Following the project, a plan can help you identify stakeholders, raise awareness of crucial topics, including communicating the importance of effective communication of knowledge. The project plan is a synopsis of the issues and topics that have been discussed throughout the book. An organization might begin its journey by using the project plan as a roadmap. Each task in the project plan refers back to an individual chapter – as a reference for further study and consideration. The project plan is designed to be used over time and as needed to ensure an organization continues to move its strategy forward and ensure it continues to be relevant to and supportive of business goals. The project plan is designed to be adapted to your organization and adapted to include what you learn as you move forward.

The project plan is ordered logically into 12 tasks. Each task is broken down into subtasks or steps that align with the individual chapters’ topics.

  • Activities 1–4 are intended to help you understand essential communications and the value of communication and knowledge in the new knowledge economy.

  • Activities 5–7 focus on developing an increased awareness of knowledge communication processes and the communications competencies that support them.

  • Activities 8–12 focus on critical communication competencies that are essential for effective managers.

  • Tasks 13 and 14 guide how to grow the organization’s communication roles, responsibilities, and competencies, and ways to assess those competencies.

How to Use the Project Plan

Chapter by chapter, the book has walked the reader through the key issues and activities. Because organizations will use the book at different stages of preparing for and translating traditional human resources to future people management functions, the reader may want to consider using the project plan to assess where you stand.

A project plan is a blank form that can be expanded to suit your business needs. The project plan is a reminder that your strategy must be your own, and it must align with and be relevant to your business environment. Organizations can use the project plan to do the following:

  • Assess and assign responsibility for determining the current state of the organization communications.

  • Identify and involve all stakeholders, both current and future, essential to effective knowledge communications and exchange.

  • Define the actions and activities that need to be completed to support your strategy. The topics covered in the individual chapters should provide practical guidance on what you need to know to develop a strategy that suits your business goals.

  • Align each task in the project plan with the guiding questions presented in individual chapters. Then, walk through the questions and use the answers to help move you to the next task.

  • Finally, formulate a communications capacity building and capital management strategy for the near and long term.

Start Finish Predecessors Assigned to % Complete Status Comments
Activity 1. Develop an understanding of the organization’s communications functions and practices
 Task 1. Explain the elements of the primary communications model
 Task 2. Learn the evolution of organizational communications as a discipline
 Task 3. Learn the purpose of strategic communications
 Task 4. Learn the purpose of public relations
 Task 5. Learn the purpose of internal communications
 Task 6. Explain the role of interpersonal communications in communicating knowledge
Activity 2. Raise awareness of the value of knowledge capital in the new work environment
 Task 1. Explain the shift in management roles in the knowledge economy
 Task 2. Learn the future foundations of work
 Task 3. Explain the changing perspective of work by the workforce
 Task 4. Learn whom we will work for in the future
 Task 5. Learn whom we will work with in the future
 Task 6. Raise awareness of new work cultures
 Task 7. Explain the role of artificial intelligence in the future workplace
 Task 8. Learn the new communication roles and responsibilities of managers
 Task 9. Learn the process of cultivating managers interpersonal communication competencies
Activity 3. Develop an understanding of the organization’s knowledge capital and its business value
 Task 1. Explain the role that communication plays in knowledge exchange
 Task 2. Learn knowledge asymmetry and the gap between minds
 Task 3. Learn the ways that knowledge exchange is treated in the knowledge management literature
 Task 4. Raise awareness of the nature of knowledge capital
 Task 5. Learn the nature and focus of human capital
 Task 6. Learn the nature and focus of structural capital
 Task 7. Learn the nature and focus of relational and reputational capital
Activity 4. Design management communication for the new world of work
 Task 1. Explain why managers interpersonal communications task competencies are critical to knowledge flows
 Task 2. Explain the types of communication skills managers must cultivate
 Task 3. Explain how personal attributes are now crucial for effective managers
 Task 4. Explain the need to design communications to support knowledge flows
 Task 5. Explain the knowledge communications model and its components
 Task 6. Explain how the design process applies to the model
 Task 7. Describe the critical questions aligned with the design process
 Task 8. Explain the nature of the communication processes associated with each type of knowledge capital
Activity 5. Develop an understanding of processes involved in communicating human capital
 Task 1. Explain how human capital pertains to individuals
 Task 2. Explain tacit knowledge, its properties, and how we grow it
 Task 3. Explain the role that communication plays in the exchange of tacit knowledge
 Task 4. Explain skills and competencies, their properties, and how we grow them
 Task 5. Explain the role that communication plays in the exchange of skills and competencies
 Task 6. Explain attitudes and behaviors, their nature, and how we grow them
 Task 7. Explain the role that communication plays in the exchange of attitudes and behaviors
Activity 6. Develop an understanding of processes involved in communicating structural capital
 Task 1. Explain the nature of structural knowledge
 Task 2. Describe explicit information, its properties, and how we grow it
 Task 3. Explain the role of communications in explicit knowledge exchange
 Task 4. Explain procedural knowledge, its properties, and how we grow it
 Task 5. Explain the role of communications in procedural knowledge exchange
 Task 6. Explain cultural knowledge, its properties, and how to nourish it
 Task 7. Explain the role of communications in cultural knowledge exchange
Activity 7. Develop an understanding of processes involved in communicating relational capital
 Task 1. Explain how networks, network relationships, and reputation are essential sources of knowledge capital
 Task 2. Explain the nature of networks and network relationships, their properties, and how we grow them
 Task 3. Explain the role that communication plays in establishing relationship knowledge exchange
 Task 4. Explain the nature of reputational capital, its properties, and how we grow it
 Task 5. Explain the role that communication plays in the growth and development of reputational knowledge
Activity 8. Advance managers’ awareness and competencies in discernment
 Task 1. Learn what discernment is
 Task 2. Learn why discernment is a critical skill for managers today
 Task 3. Identify the specific managerial areas that require discernment for greater effectiveness
 Task 4. Learn the different discerning processes to employ at work for your ongoing success
Activity 9. Advance managers’ awareness and competencies in listening
 Task 1. Understand the impact of poor communication personally and professionally
 Task 2. Build confidence in establishing and maintaining trust
 Task 3. Learn how to be an ethical communicator to enhance trust
 Task 4. Expand your self-reflective skills to be more self-aware
 Task 5. Learn how to use the neuroscience behind stories for improved communication
 Task 6. Increase your clarity with your communication style and how that differs from others
 Task 7. Upgrade your listening skills for more significant influence and better decision-making
Activity 10. Advance managers’ awareness and competencies in facilitation
 Task 1. Describe the emerging role of the manager as a facilitator in engaging in dialog and communications
 Task 2. Learn the importance of having clear intentions while communicating
 Task 3. Increase your awareness of your role in the act of communication
 Task 4. Learn appreciative inquiry as facilitation of dialog and communication
 Task 5. Raise your awareness and sensitivity to the types of knowledge capital and how to use them in feedback
 Task 6. Learn the importance of feedback
Activity 11: Advance managers’ awareness and competencies in decision-making
 Task 7. Learn how to apply decision-making discernment as a facilitation method to improve dialog
 Task 8. Learn the various types of decision
 Task 9. Learn the various styles that are used to make decisions and develop dialog and communication
 Task 10. Learn to formulate a compelling message to communicate a decision
 Task 11. Learn how different decision-making styles are utilized and best use of collaboration
Activity 12. Advance managers’ awareness and competencies in team building
 Task 1. Learn how high-performing teams are central to clear and transparent communication
 Task 2. Learn how to structure and leverage high performing teams
 Task 3. Learn how to relational and reputational capital in high-performing teams is relevant
 Task 4. Learn the goals and roles that are essential to high-performing teams
 Task 5. Learn to provide feedback and communication to though in high-performing teams
 Task 6. Learn how to build and nurture trust with your high-performing team
Activity 13. Build communication explain what a competency is
 Task 1. Build communications competencies, roles, and responsibilities
 Task 2. Develop communication competencies
 Task 3. Develop communication competencies for leaders
 Task 4. Develop communication competencies of functional employees
 Task 5. Develop universal communication competencies
 Task 6. Develop proficiencies for communications competencies
 Task 7. Develop communications capacity across the organization
Activity 14. Develop frameworks and mechanisms to assess the organization’s communication performance
 Task 1. Raise awareness of communications capacity in an organization
 Task 2. Define ways to build communications capacity strategically
 Task 3. Design ways to build communications capacity collectively
 Task 4. Design ways to build communications capacity individually
 Task 5. Strengthen the organization’s communications culture to support communications work