The State of Art: A Systematic Literature Review
The chapter describes the research objectives and different steps of the systematic literature review of existing studies on greenwashing. Both academics and practitioners may find this literature review useful, as it identifies the key features of the greenwashing research in a wide range of disciplines (management, marketing, accounting, corporate communication, etc.). The systematic literature review sheds light on the greenwashing types (and research gaps) in which the phenomenon takes shape. Time horizon (1990–mid 2021), keywords selection for queries on academic search engines, data collection, filtering criteria, etc., are explained and discussed in detail before presenting the main results in terms of frequency of publications over years, leading outlets in greenwashing research, trending articles, levels of analysis, geographical affiliation of first authors, theoretical approaches and methods used in this field of research. The chapter concludes by summarising the main types of greenwashing and possible avenues of research.
Vollero, A. (2022), "The State of Art: A Systematic Literature Review", Greenwashing, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 21-45.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2022 Agostino Vollero. Published under exclusive licence by Emerald Publishing Limited