Collective Action for a Regenerative Future
Regenerative and Sustainable Futures for Latin America and the Caribbean
ISBN: 978-1-80117-865-5, eISBN: 978-1-80117-864-8
Publication date: 27 January 2022
Seeking to contribute, from an academic perspective, to the construction of a better tomorrow that leaves no segment of society behind, this final chapter presents arguments for building sustainable futures that are possible through regenerative development. We talk about ‘futures’ in the plural, because there is more than one future that could be sustainable. We explain the importance of prioritising positive values involving the environment, society and markets, ethical considerations of doing no harm and the search for regenerative relationships that lead to collective action. We also explain that regeneration goes beyond restoration. This chapter is divided into four parts. First, we discuss regenerative capitalism. Then, we explain why climate action must be collective and must involve business, governments, academia and civic organisations. The third part presents a concise summary of the findings of the studies presented in this book. Finally, we explain why we need a new social contract to achieve the goal of sustainable futures through regenerative development.
Maria Alejandra Gonzalez-Perez would like to acknowledge the inspiring conversations with the community of sustainability managers in Colombia and their teams (Thanks G12). Maria Alejandra would also like to thank Alejandro Gomez Valencia and Arley Pino-Villegas, two of her Spanish language editors. Furthermore, Ale appreciates Laura's patience and the devoted work of her loyal research assistants, Tiwaz Andres, Valentin Amado and Niko Guagua, as well as the support from her family on earth and in heaven. Finally, I want to thank my dear friend, the otter, and the wonderful friends from the sustainable futures project.
Diana Piedrahita-Carvajal would like to express her gratitude to Benjamin Arboleda for his patient guidance. Furthermore, thanks to Luis, Miguel and Elena for their love and encouragement throughout the study.
Gonzalez-Perez, M.A. and Piedrahita-Carvajal, D. (2022), "Collective Action for a Regenerative Future", Gonzalez-Perez, M.A. (Ed.) Regenerative and Sustainable Futures for Latin America and the Caribbean, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 255-264.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
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