Embodying the Music and Death Nexus
ISBN: 978-1-80117-767-2, eISBN: 978-1-80117-766-5
Publication date: 17 August 2022
(2022), "Index", Bennett, M.J., Shadrack, J.H. and Levy, G. (Ed.) Embodying the Music and Death Nexus (Emerald Interdisciplinary Connexions), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 189-194.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2022 Marie Josephine Bennett, Jasmine Hazel Shadrack and Gary Levy. Published under exclusive licence by Emerald Publishing Limited
A Colour Symphony
, 149–150
Abjection, 86, 130
Abyssal noise, 76–77, 83–86
Acceptance, 32, 40–41
Acrophobia, 20–21
Affect, 126–127
Affirmation, 6–7
Andante con sordino
, 23
Andante di molto
, 23
Anger, 32
Angst, experience of, 102–103
Another Side of Bob Dylan (song), 178
Anthology, 149–150
‘Anti-Filicide Toolkit’, 125–126
Anticipating death, 102
Anticipation, 4–5
of death, 64–65
Anxiety, 102
Apophasis, 53
Apophatic mysticism, 52
Apophatic theology, 50
Approaching death, 33
optimism in, 52
Ars moriendi
, 8–9
Artworks, 103–104
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), 112–113
Attention deployment, 135
‘Attitudinal barriers’, 130
, 33–34
Authentic Being-one’s-Self, 98
Autistic Self-Advocacy Network (ASAN), 125–126
Autoethnography, 61–63, 93–94
Ave Verum Corpus
, 27–28
Awakening theme, 39
B-flat minor chord, 35–36
Bach, J.C. Sinfonia in Eb major
, 21–23, 25
Bach, J.S.
on deathbed, 8–10
and sacred cantatas, 3–4
Bach-Werke-Verzeichnis (BWV), 3–4
Bargaining, 32, 38–39
awakening theme, 39
resurrection theme, 39
Bataille, Georges, 50
interest in death, 57–58
Becoming process, 114
Beethoven, Piano Sonata no. 14
, 18
Being and Time (Heidegger), 92
‘Believer’ (song), 135–136
Bereavement theory, 159–160
Black metal, 57
death sensationalised, 50–51
theory, 50, 53
Black Metal, Trauma, Subjectivity and Sound
, 82–83
Bleeding, The (album), 77–78
Blekkmetal (documentary), 51
Bliss, Arthur, 146–147, 153, 155
and Great War, 147–149
Body-soul, 12
Cancer treatment
autoethnography, 61–62
chemotherapy and radiation jams, 64–71
listening to music, 62
Canonisation of hero, 173
Catharsis, 149–150
Celebration, 7
Chemotherapy, 64–71
‘Chimes of Freedom’, 178
Chronic illness, 110–111
Cisnormativity, 93–94
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, 131
Cognitive change method, 135
Commemoration, 149–150
Consolation, 86
Contemporary funeral music, 160
Continuing bonds, 162
emotions and, 164–166
funeral music and, 163–167
Coping, 131
Corporeality, 112
Corpse paint, 80
‘Crucifixion’ (Ochs), 172, 181
d/Deaf society, 129
D’entre les morts
, 20
Dancing, 135
Das Klagende Lied
, 37
Dasein, 92, 106–107
Dawn of the Black Hearts, The (album), 50–51
Death, 57–58, 75, 146
anticipation of, 64–65
anxiety research, 64–65
Bach and sacred cantatas, 3–4
Bach on deathbed, 8–10
in black metal, 50
cut through time, 7–8
embodiment of, 18
enoughness, 14–15
and experience of angst, 102–103
experience of request as, 92–93
final aria, 7
as form of negation, 50
metal, 86
metaphorical, 54–55
middle aria, 6–7
opening aria, 4–5
past soundworlds, embodied, 10–12
permeating membrane, 12–13
recitative, 5–7
Ruina, 109–115
stages of dealing with, 32
studies, 146–147
Death, Ritual and Belief (Davies), 146
Deleuzian cycle of becoming, 94
Denial, 36
Horn Call, 36
and isolation, 32
Depression, 32, 39–40
Lament motive, 40
Depressive suicidal black metal (DSBM), 82–83
Des Knaben Wunderhorn
, 33–34
Diegetic music, 18, 23
Disability, 125–126
emotions and, 128–130
liberation, 126
Disbelief, 33
Disorganisation-Despair, 32
Disposedness, 96–97
Don Giovanni
, 18–19
Doomed sublimation, 83–86
Doxorubicin, 64–65
Dream of Gerontius
, 149
Drone metal, 83–84
, 152
Dual process model, 162–163
, 39–41
Emotion regulation, 126–128
Emotional regulation, music and, 130–137
Emotions, 126–128
and continuing bonds, 164–166
and disability, 128–130
Enoughness, 14–15
Eternal life, 53–54
Eteronormativity, 93–94
Eurovision Song Contest
, 167
Exclamation, 4–5
of angst, 102–103
with other entities, 93–94
of request as death, 92–93
Experiencing continuing bonds, 164
Exploratory study, 160–161
Expressing continuing bonds, 164
Extreme metal, 75
abject, 79–83
abjection, 86
abyssal noise, 83–86
consolation, 86
necrophilia, 76–79
necrophobia, 76–79
sublimation, 86
Fallen, 102–103
Fallen-ness, 97–98
Feelings, 126–127, 129
Film, Mozart’s music in
I am David (film), 26–29
The Picture of Dorian Gray (film), 18–20
Vertigo (film), 20–26
Firebird, The (Stravinsky), 62, 67–70
‘Fjord of sound’ of black metal, 84
Forgiveness, 41–42
, 37–38
, 35–36
Foundations of Violence
, 76–77
Freudian theory of phobia, 76–77
Funeral doom, 83–84
Funeral music, 159–160
and continuing bonds, 163–167
relating past, present and future, 163–164
‘Funeral rites’. See Totenfeier
Funerary rites, 146
Gender in the Recent Works of Ridley Scott: A Feminist Analysis
, 63
‘Goodbye Little Yellow Bird’ (song), 18–19
Grand Declaration of War (album), 53–54
Grief architecture
personal philosophy, 153–155
requiem for a dream, 149–150
rhetoric and requiem, 150–153
Sir Arthur Bliss and Great War, 147–149
Grief indicators, 33
‘Grief work hypothesis’, 162
Habitus, 76–77
Heart, 12–13
Heartless (album), 68
Heideggerian interpretive phenomenology, 91–92
Hermeneutic circle, 94–98
Heroes in culture, 172–174
Heroisation, 174
Heteronormativity, 93–94
Humans, 146
I am David (film), 26–29
Ich habe genug
, 4–5
Iliad, The
, 149–150
Illness as Metaphor (Sontag), 109–110
Imagine Dragons, 135–136
Impairment effects, 129
In Search of Lost Time (Proust), 26
“Individual” self, 113–114
Internet Movie Database (IMDb), 18
Interpretive phenomenology, 92
‘Invisible death’, 76–77
Isle of the Dead or Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini, The
, 37
Isolation, 36
Jantzen’s theory of western fascination, 77
John Fitzgerald Kennedy (JFK), 171–172
between a hero and a political leader, 174–176
between a person and a myth, 180–183
assassination, 175, 181
heroes and tales in culture, 172–174
as real person, 176–180
songs inspired by JFK and assassination, 176–183
Kantian mistake concerning negation, 55–56
Kübler-Ross, Elisabeth, 32
change curve, 32
model, 33
Lament motive, 40
Language, 146
Leadership, 175
Life, 115–122
Lords of Chaos (film), 50–51
Loss-oriented activities, 162
Loss-oriented coping, 162
Mahler’s Second Symphony, 33–34
acceptance, 40–41
anger, 37
back in time, 33–35
bargaining, 38–39
denial and isolation, 36
depression, 39–40
Dies Irae Sequence and Dies Irae Quotation, 37
forgiveness, 41–42
return of peace, 42–43
search for meaning, 42
shock, 35–36
structure of finale of Symphony No. 2, 44
Male gaze, 100–102
Marianne, Onedelast and So True!
, 105
Materiality of death, 50
Medium of self-consciousness, 146
Metal music, 78–79
Metamorphosis, The
, 111
Metaphorical death, 54–55
Mirror Reaper (album), 85–86
Mood, 96–97, 126–127
Morning Heroes (Bliss), 149–151, 155, 166
Mortality, 75
Motet, 27–28
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
I am David (film), 26–29
Symphony No. 34 in C Major
, 22–24, 26
The Picture of Dorian Gray (film), 18–20
Vertigo (film), 20–26
Music, 3–4, 18, 62–63, 160–161
and emotional regulation, 130–137
emotions and continuing bonds, 164–166
evolution of, 64
funeral music and continuing bonds, 163–167
during funerals, 159–160
as healing, 153–155
personalized funeral music, 160
between private and public, 166–167
theoretical framework, 161–163
therapy for pain management, 131
Music and the Mind (Storr), 22
Musical embodiment
being queer, 98–100
death and experience of angst, 102–103
experience of request as death, 92–93
experience with other entities, 93–94
Hermeneutic circle, 94–98
male gaze, 100–102
Marianne, Bars 15–32, 105
Marianne, Bars 1–7, 104
queer composition, 103–106
Musical modulation, 136–137
Musical rhetoric, 146
Musical Times
, 149
Musical treatment, 3–4
Musicology, 146–147
Narcissistic identity wound, 130
Narratives, 125–126
Necrophilia, 76–79
Necrophobia, 76–79
black metal’s death sensationalised, 50–51
death as, 50, 54
death referred to at all, 52–54
Georges Bataille’s interest in death, 57–58
Kantian mistake concerning negation, 55–56
metaphorical death, 54–55
renouncing renunciations, 51–52
Negative liturgy, 51–52
Netherlands, contemporary funeral music in, 160
Non-diegetic music, 18, 23, 28
‘Non-disabled-ness’, 93–94
Non-verbal dissociation, 109–110
Ochs, Phil, 172, 178–181
On Death and Dying
, 32–34
Only death is real
, 49–50
Optimism in approaching death, 52
‘Opus ultimum’, 10
‘Orinoco Flow’, 163–164
‘Othering’, 130
Otherness, 114–115
Pallbearer (metal band), 67–68
‘Permeable body-souls’, 12–13
Persephone, 63
Personal philosophy, 153–155
Personalized funeral music, 160–161
Philosophical putrefaction, 57–58
, 41
, 23
Pleasures of the Harbour (album), 181
Political image of JFK, 174–175
Political myth, 176
Popular music, 171–172
Present-at-hand entities or Things
, 95
‘Prodigious listener’, 132
Product of self-conscious mind, 146
Psychological dying process, 35
Putrefaction, 57–58
Queer, 98–100
autoethnography, 91–92
composition, 103–106
Radiation jams, 64–71
Radiation treatment, 61–62
, 95
Redefining Darkness (album), 54–55
Regulation as resurrection, 137–138
Relief, 148
Religion, 153–155
Renihilation, 111
Renihilative metamorphosis, 111
Qua Nunc Sum, 122–123
Rex Tremendae, 119, 121
Ruina, 109–115
Salva Me, 115–122
Renouncing renunciations, 51–52
Renunciation theory, 52
Reorganisation, 32
for a dream, 149–150
rhetoric and, 150–153
Requiem Aeternam
, 151
Resignation, 6–7
regulation as, 137–138
theme, 38–39, 43
‘Resurrection symphony’. See Auferstehungssymphonie
Return of peace, 42–43
Rex Tremendae, 119, 121
Reynolds, Dan (disabled lead singer of Imagine Dragons), 135–136
Rhetoric, 146
and requiem, 150–153
Rhythmic movement, 135
Ruina, 109–115
RuPaul’s Drag Race
, 67–68
Safeguarding, 103–104
Sail Away. See ‘Orinoco Flow’
Salva Me, 115–122
Salvation, 7
Scheme, 172
Schism, 53
Scream, The (Munch), 35–36
Screaming the Abyss
, 62
Search for meaning, 42
Shock, 35–36
Shock-Numbness, 32
Situation modification, 133–134
Situation selection, 133
Sixth Symphony
, 36–37
‘Somatic archaeology’, 11–12
Soprano, Alto, Tenor Bass chorus (SATB chorus), 118
Sorrow and Extinction
, 68–69
Spring Offensive
, 152–153
, 38
Stage theory, 33
Sublimation, 79–83, 86
doomed, 83–86
Suspiria de Profundis
, 116
Symphonic Dances
, 37
Tales in culture, 172–174
Tempest, The
, 147
The Picture of Dorian Gray (film), 18–20, 29
The Powers of Horror
, 81
The Voice
, 167
The Youth’s Magic Horn. See Des Knaben Wunderhorn
Theory of continuing bonds, 163
Theory of grief, 33
Thrownness, 96–97
Total Death (album), 56
, 33–34, 39
“Traditional forms”, 146
Traditional medical models of disability, 128–129
Transfigurations, 122–123
‘Transforming bonds’, 162–163
, 95
Until the Light Takes Us (film documentary), 50–51
, 35, 38
Vertigo (film), 20–26, 29
Violent desire in death metal, 76–79
Vocal timbre, 11–12
Voluntary, 27–28
Vor deinem Thron
, 10
Warranted emotion, 127
Watermark (album), 163–164
Western culture, 125–126
Whiteness, 93–94
Women’s Studies
, 63
Words against death, 146, 156
Yearning-Searching, 32
Cancer treatment
autoethnography, 61–62
chemotherapy and radiation jams, 64–71
listening to music, 62
Canonisation of hero, 173
Catharsis, 149–150
Celebration, 7
Chemotherapy, 64–71
‘Chimes of Freedom’, 178
Chronic illness, 110–111
Cisnormativity, 93–94
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, 131
Cognitive change method, 135
Commemoration, 149–150
Consolation, 86
Contemporary funeral music, 160
Continuing bonds, 162
emotions and, 164–166
funeral music and, 163–167
Coping, 131
Corporeality, 112
Corpse paint, 80
‘Crucifixion’ (Ochs), 172, 181
d/Deaf society, 129
D’entre les morts
, 20
Dancing, 135
Das Klagende Lied
, 37
Dasein, 92, 106–107
Dawn of the Black Hearts, The (album), 50–51
Death, 57–58, 75, 146
anticipation of, 64–65
anxiety research, 64–65
Bach and sacred cantatas, 3–4
Bach on deathbed, 8–10
in black metal, 50
cut through time, 7–8
embodiment of, 18
enoughness, 14–15
and experience of angst, 102–103
experience of request as, 92–93
final aria, 7
as form of negation, 50
metal, 86
metaphorical, 54–55
middle aria, 6–7
opening aria, 4–5
past soundworlds, embodied, 10–12
permeating membrane, 12–13
recitative, 5–7
Ruina, 109–115
stages of dealing with, 32
studies, 146–147
Death, Ritual and Belief (Davies), 146
Deleuzian cycle of becoming, 94
Denial, 36
Horn Call, 36
and isolation, 32
Depression, 32, 39–40
Lament motive, 40
Depressive suicidal black metal (DSBM), 82–83
Des Knaben Wunderhorn
, 33–34
Diegetic music, 18, 23
Disability, 125–126
emotions and, 128–130
liberation, 126
Disbelief, 33
Disorganisation-Despair, 32
Disposedness, 96–97
Don Giovanni
, 18–19
Doomed sublimation, 83–86
Doxorubicin, 64–65
Dream of Gerontius
, 149
Drone metal, 83–84
, 152
Dual process model, 162–163
, 39–41
Emotion regulation, 126–128
Emotional regulation, music and, 130–137
Emotions, 126–128
and continuing bonds, 164–166
and disability, 128–130
Enoughness, 14–15
Eternal life, 53–54
Eteronormativity, 93–94
Eurovision Song Contest
, 167
Exclamation, 4–5
of angst, 102–103
with other entities, 93–94
of request as death, 92–93
Experiencing continuing bonds, 164
Exploratory study, 160–161
Expressing continuing bonds, 164
Extreme metal, 75
abject, 79–83
abjection, 86
abyssal noise, 83–86
consolation, 86
necrophilia, 76–79
necrophobia, 76–79
sublimation, 86
Fallen, 102–103
Fallen-ness, 97–98
Feelings, 126–127, 129
Film, Mozart’s music in
I am David (film), 26–29
The Picture of Dorian Gray (film), 18–20
Vertigo (film), 20–26
Firebird, The (Stravinsky), 62, 67–70
‘Fjord of sound’ of black metal, 84
Forgiveness, 41–42
, 37–38
, 35–36
Foundations of Violence
, 76–77
Freudian theory of phobia, 76–77
Funeral doom, 83–84
Funeral music, 159–160
and continuing bonds, 163–167
relating past, present and future, 163–164
‘Funeral rites’. See Totenfeier
Funerary rites, 146
Gender in the Recent Works of Ridley Scott: A Feminist Analysis
, 63
‘Goodbye Little Yellow Bird’ (song), 18–19
Grand Declaration of War (album), 53–54
Grief architecture
personal philosophy, 153–155
requiem for a dream, 149–150
rhetoric and requiem, 150–153
Sir Arthur Bliss and Great War, 147–149
Grief indicators, 33
‘Grief work hypothesis’, 162
Habitus, 76–77
Heart, 12–13
Heartless (album), 68
Heideggerian interpretive phenomenology, 91–92
Hermeneutic circle, 94–98
Heroes in culture, 172–174
Heroisation, 174
Heteronormativity, 93–94
Humans, 146
I am David (film), 26–29
Ich habe genug
, 4–5
Iliad, The
, 149–150
Illness as Metaphor (Sontag), 109–110
Imagine Dragons, 135–136
Impairment effects, 129
In Search of Lost Time (Proust), 26
“Individual” self, 113–114
Internet Movie Database (IMDb), 18
Interpretive phenomenology, 92
‘Invisible death’, 76–77
Isle of the Dead or Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini, The
, 37
Isolation, 36
Jantzen’s theory of western fascination, 77
John Fitzgerald Kennedy (JFK), 171–172
between a hero and a political leader, 174–176
between a person and a myth, 180–183
assassination, 175, 181
heroes and tales in culture, 172–174
as real person, 176–180
songs inspired by JFK and assassination, 176–183
Kantian mistake concerning negation, 55–56
Kübler-Ross, Elisabeth, 32
change curve, 32
model, 33
Lament motive, 40
Language, 146
Leadership, 175
Life, 115–122
Lords of Chaos (film), 50–51
Loss-oriented activities, 162
Loss-oriented coping, 162
Mahler’s Second Symphony, 33–34
acceptance, 40–41
anger, 37
back in time, 33–35
bargaining, 38–39
denial and isolation, 36
depression, 39–40
Dies Irae Sequence and Dies Irae Quotation, 37
forgiveness, 41–42
return of peace, 42–43
search for meaning, 42
shock, 35–36
structure of finale of Symphony No. 2, 44
Male gaze, 100–102
Marianne, Onedelast and So True!
, 105
Materiality of death, 50
Medium of self-consciousness, 146
Metal music, 78–79
Metamorphosis, The
, 111
Metaphorical death, 54–55
Mirror Reaper (album), 85–86
Mood, 96–97, 126–127
Morning Heroes (Bliss), 149–151, 155, 166
Mortality, 75
Motet, 27–28
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
I am David (film), 26–29
Symphony No. 34 in C Major
, 22–24, 26
The Picture of Dorian Gray (film), 18–20
Vertigo (film), 20–26
Music, 3–4, 18, 62–63, 160–161
and emotional regulation, 130–137
emotions and continuing bonds, 164–166
evolution of, 64
funeral music and continuing bonds, 163–167
during funerals, 159–160
as healing, 153–155
personalized funeral music, 160
between private and public, 166–167
theoretical framework, 161–163
therapy for pain management, 131
Music and the Mind (Storr), 22
Musical embodiment
being queer, 98–100
death and experience of angst, 102–103
experience of request as death, 92–93
experience with other entities, 93–94
Hermeneutic circle, 94–98
male gaze, 100–102
Marianne, Bars 15–32, 105
Marianne, Bars 1–7, 104
queer composition, 103–106
Musical modulation, 136–137
Musical rhetoric, 146
Musical Times
, 149
Musical treatment, 3–4
Musicology, 146–147
Narcissistic identity wound, 130
Narratives, 125–126
Necrophilia, 76–79
Necrophobia, 76–79
black metal’s death sensationalised, 50–51
death as, 50, 54
death referred to at all, 52–54
Georges Bataille’s interest in death, 57–58
Kantian mistake concerning negation, 55–56
metaphorical death, 54–55
renouncing renunciations, 51–52
Negative liturgy, 51–52
Netherlands, contemporary funeral music in, 160
Non-diegetic music, 18, 23, 28
‘Non-disabled-ness’, 93–94
Non-verbal dissociation, 109–110
Ochs, Phil, 172, 178–181
On Death and Dying
, 32–34
Only death is real
, 49–50
Optimism in approaching death, 52
‘Opus ultimum’, 10
‘Orinoco Flow’, 163–164
‘Othering’, 130
Otherness, 114–115
Pallbearer (metal band), 67–68
‘Permeable body-souls’, 12–13
Persephone, 63
Personal philosophy, 153–155
Personalized funeral music, 160–161
Philosophical putrefaction, 57–58
, 41
, 23
Pleasures of the Harbour (album), 181
Political image of JFK, 174–175
Political myth, 176
Popular music, 171–172
Present-at-hand entities or Things
, 95
‘Prodigious listener’, 132
Product of self-conscious mind, 146
Psychological dying process, 35
Putrefaction, 57–58
Queer, 98–100
autoethnography, 91–92
composition, 103–106
Radiation jams, 64–71
Radiation treatment, 61–62
, 95
Redefining Darkness (album), 54–55
Regulation as resurrection, 137–138
Relief, 148
Religion, 153–155
Renihilation, 111
Renihilative metamorphosis, 111
Qua Nunc Sum, 122–123
Rex Tremendae, 119, 121
Ruina, 109–115
Salva Me, 115–122
Renouncing renunciations, 51–52
Renunciation theory, 52
Reorganisation, 32
for a dream, 149–150
rhetoric and, 150–153
Requiem Aeternam
, 151
Resignation, 6–7
regulation as, 137–138
theme, 38–39, 43
‘Resurrection symphony’. See Auferstehungssymphonie
Return of peace, 42–43
Rex Tremendae, 119, 121
Reynolds, Dan (disabled lead singer of Imagine Dragons), 135–136
Rhetoric, 146
and requiem, 150–153
Rhythmic movement, 135
Ruina, 109–115
RuPaul’s Drag Race
, 67–68
Safeguarding, 103–104
Sail Away. See ‘Orinoco Flow’
Salva Me, 115–122
Salvation, 7
Scheme, 172
Schism, 53
Scream, The (Munch), 35–36
Screaming the Abyss
, 62
Search for meaning, 42
Shock, 35–36
Shock-Numbness, 32
Situation modification, 133–134
Situation selection, 133
Sixth Symphony
, 36–37
‘Somatic archaeology’, 11–12
Soprano, Alto, Tenor Bass chorus (SATB chorus), 118
Sorrow and Extinction
, 68–69
Spring Offensive
, 152–153
, 38
Stage theory, 33
Sublimation, 79–83, 86
doomed, 83–86
Suspiria de Profundis
, 116
Symphonic Dances
, 37
Tales in culture, 172–174
Tempest, The
, 147
The Picture of Dorian Gray (film), 18–20, 29
The Powers of Horror
, 81
The Voice
, 167
The Youth’s Magic Horn. See Des Knaben Wunderhorn
Theory of continuing bonds, 163
Theory of grief, 33
Thrownness, 96–97
Total Death (album), 56
, 33–34, 39
“Traditional forms”, 146
Traditional medical models of disability, 128–129
Transfigurations, 122–123
‘Transforming bonds’, 162–163
, 95
Until the Light Takes Us (film documentary), 50–51
, 35, 38
Vertigo (film), 20–26, 29
Violent desire in death metal, 76–79
Vocal timbre, 11–12
Voluntary, 27–28
Vor deinem Thron
, 10
Warranted emotion, 127
Watermark (album), 163–164
Western culture, 125–126
Whiteness, 93–94
Women’s Studies
, 63
Words against death, 146, 156
Yearning-Searching, 32
Emotion regulation, 126–128
Emotional regulation, music and, 130–137
Emotions, 126–128
and continuing bonds, 164–166
and disability, 128–130
Enoughness, 14–15
Eternal life, 53–54
Eteronormativity, 93–94
Eurovision Song Contest
, 167
Exclamation, 4–5
of angst, 102–103
with other entities, 93–94
of request as death, 92–93
Experiencing continuing bonds, 164
Exploratory study, 160–161
Expressing continuing bonds, 164
Extreme metal, 75
abject, 79–83
abjection, 86
abyssal noise, 83–86
consolation, 86
necrophilia, 76–79
necrophobia, 76–79
sublimation, 86
Fallen, 102–103
Fallen-ness, 97–98
Feelings, 126–127, 129
Film, Mozart’s music in
I am David (film), 26–29
The Picture of Dorian Gray (film), 18–20
Vertigo (film), 20–26
Firebird, The (Stravinsky), 62, 67–70
‘Fjord of sound’ of black metal, 84
Forgiveness, 41–42
, 37–38
, 35–36
Foundations of Violence
, 76–77
Freudian theory of phobia, 76–77
Funeral doom, 83–84
Funeral music, 159–160
and continuing bonds, 163–167
relating past, present and future, 163–164
‘Funeral rites’. See Totenfeier
Funerary rites, 146
Gender in the Recent Works of Ridley Scott: A Feminist Analysis
, 63
‘Goodbye Little Yellow Bird’ (song), 18–19
Grand Declaration of War (album), 53–54
Grief architecture
personal philosophy, 153–155
requiem for a dream, 149–150
rhetoric and requiem, 150–153
Sir Arthur Bliss and Great War, 147–149
Grief indicators, 33
‘Grief work hypothesis’, 162
Habitus, 76–77
Heart, 12–13
Heartless (album), 68
Heideggerian interpretive phenomenology, 91–92
Hermeneutic circle, 94–98
Heroes in culture, 172–174
Heroisation, 174
Heteronormativity, 93–94
Humans, 146
I am David (film), 26–29
Ich habe genug
, 4–5
Iliad, The
, 149–150
Illness as Metaphor (Sontag), 109–110
Imagine Dragons, 135–136
Impairment effects, 129
In Search of Lost Time (Proust), 26
“Individual” self, 113–114
Internet Movie Database (IMDb), 18
Interpretive phenomenology, 92
‘Invisible death’, 76–77
Isle of the Dead or Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini, The
, 37
Isolation, 36
Jantzen’s theory of western fascination, 77
John Fitzgerald Kennedy (JFK), 171–172
between a hero and a political leader, 174–176
between a person and a myth, 180–183
assassination, 175, 181
heroes and tales in culture, 172–174
as real person, 176–180
songs inspired by JFK and assassination, 176–183
Kantian mistake concerning negation, 55–56
Kübler-Ross, Elisabeth, 32
change curve, 32
model, 33
Lament motive, 40
Language, 146
Leadership, 175
Life, 115–122
Lords of Chaos (film), 50–51
Loss-oriented activities, 162
Loss-oriented coping, 162
Mahler’s Second Symphony, 33–34
acceptance, 40–41
anger, 37
back in time, 33–35
bargaining, 38–39
denial and isolation, 36
depression, 39–40
Dies Irae Sequence and Dies Irae Quotation, 37
forgiveness, 41–42
return of peace, 42–43
search for meaning, 42
shock, 35–36
structure of finale of Symphony No. 2, 44
Male gaze, 100–102
Marianne, Onedelast and So True!
, 105
Materiality of death, 50
Medium of self-consciousness, 146
Metal music, 78–79
Metamorphosis, The
, 111
Metaphorical death, 54–55
Mirror Reaper (album), 85–86
Mood, 96–97, 126–127
Morning Heroes (Bliss), 149–151, 155, 166
Mortality, 75
Motet, 27–28
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
I am David (film), 26–29
Symphony No. 34 in C Major
, 22–24, 26
The Picture of Dorian Gray (film), 18–20
Vertigo (film), 20–26
Music, 3–4, 18, 62–63, 160–161
and emotional regulation, 130–137
emotions and continuing bonds, 164–166
evolution of, 64
funeral music and continuing bonds, 163–167
during funerals, 159–160
as healing, 153–155
personalized funeral music, 160
between private and public, 166–167
theoretical framework, 161–163
therapy for pain management, 131
Music and the Mind (Storr), 22
Musical embodiment
being queer, 98–100
death and experience of angst, 102–103
experience of request as death, 92–93
experience with other entities, 93–94
Hermeneutic circle, 94–98
male gaze, 100–102
Marianne, Bars 15–32, 105
Marianne, Bars 1–7, 104
queer composition, 103–106
Musical modulation, 136–137
Musical rhetoric, 146
Musical Times
, 149
Musical treatment, 3–4
Musicology, 146–147
Narcissistic identity wound, 130
Narratives, 125–126
Necrophilia, 76–79
Necrophobia, 76–79
black metal’s death sensationalised, 50–51
death as, 50, 54
death referred to at all, 52–54
Georges Bataille’s interest in death, 57–58
Kantian mistake concerning negation, 55–56
metaphorical death, 54–55
renouncing renunciations, 51–52
Negative liturgy, 51–52
Netherlands, contemporary funeral music in, 160
Non-diegetic music, 18, 23, 28
‘Non-disabled-ness’, 93–94
Non-verbal dissociation, 109–110
Ochs, Phil, 172, 178–181
On Death and Dying
, 32–34
Only death is real
, 49–50
Optimism in approaching death, 52
‘Opus ultimum’, 10
‘Orinoco Flow’, 163–164
‘Othering’, 130
Otherness, 114–115
Pallbearer (metal band), 67–68
‘Permeable body-souls’, 12–13
Persephone, 63
Personal philosophy, 153–155
Personalized funeral music, 160–161
Philosophical putrefaction, 57–58
, 41
, 23
Pleasures of the Harbour (album), 181
Political image of JFK, 174–175
Political myth, 176
Popular music, 171–172
Present-at-hand entities or Things
, 95
‘Prodigious listener’, 132
Product of self-conscious mind, 146
Psychological dying process, 35
Putrefaction, 57–58
Queer, 98–100
autoethnography, 91–92
composition, 103–106
Radiation jams, 64–71
Radiation treatment, 61–62
, 95
Redefining Darkness (album), 54–55
Regulation as resurrection, 137–138
Relief, 148
Religion, 153–155
Renihilation, 111
Renihilative metamorphosis, 111
Qua Nunc Sum, 122–123
Rex Tremendae, 119, 121
Ruina, 109–115
Salva Me, 115–122
Renouncing renunciations, 51–52
Renunciation theory, 52
Reorganisation, 32
for a dream, 149–150
rhetoric and, 150–153
Requiem Aeternam
, 151
Resignation, 6–7
regulation as, 137–138
theme, 38–39, 43
‘Resurrection symphony’. See Auferstehungssymphonie
Return of peace, 42–43
Rex Tremendae, 119, 121
Reynolds, Dan (disabled lead singer of Imagine Dragons), 135–136
Rhetoric, 146
and requiem, 150–153
Rhythmic movement, 135
Ruina, 109–115
RuPaul’s Drag Race
, 67–68
Safeguarding, 103–104
Sail Away. See ‘Orinoco Flow’
Salva Me, 115–122
Salvation, 7
Scheme, 172
Schism, 53
Scream, The (Munch), 35–36
Screaming the Abyss
, 62
Search for meaning, 42
Shock, 35–36
Shock-Numbness, 32
Situation modification, 133–134
Situation selection, 133
Sixth Symphony
, 36–37
‘Somatic archaeology’, 11–12
Soprano, Alto, Tenor Bass chorus (SATB chorus), 118
Sorrow and Extinction
, 68–69
Spring Offensive
, 152–153
, 38
Stage theory, 33
Sublimation, 79–83, 86
doomed, 83–86
Suspiria de Profundis
, 116
Symphonic Dances
, 37
Tales in culture, 172–174
Tempest, The
, 147
The Picture of Dorian Gray (film), 18–20, 29
The Powers of Horror
, 81
The Voice
, 167
The Youth’s Magic Horn. See Des Knaben Wunderhorn
Theory of continuing bonds, 163
Theory of grief, 33
Thrownness, 96–97
Total Death (album), 56
, 33–34, 39
“Traditional forms”, 146
Traditional medical models of disability, 128–129
Transfigurations, 122–123
‘Transforming bonds’, 162–163
, 95
Until the Light Takes Us (film documentary), 50–51
, 35, 38
Vertigo (film), 20–26, 29
Violent desire in death metal, 76–79
Vocal timbre, 11–12
Voluntary, 27–28
Vor deinem Thron
, 10
Warranted emotion, 127
Watermark (album), 163–164
Western culture, 125–126
Whiteness, 93–94
Women’s Studies
, 63
Words against death, 146, 156
Yearning-Searching, 32
Gender in the Recent Works of Ridley Scott: A Feminist Analysis
, 63
‘Goodbye Little Yellow Bird’ (song), 18–19
Grand Declaration of War (album), 53–54
Grief architecture
personal philosophy, 153–155
requiem for a dream, 149–150
rhetoric and requiem, 150–153
Sir Arthur Bliss and Great War, 147–149
Grief indicators, 33
‘Grief work hypothesis’, 162
Habitus, 76–77
Heart, 12–13
Heartless (album), 68
Heideggerian interpretive phenomenology, 91–92
Hermeneutic circle, 94–98
Heroes in culture, 172–174
Heroisation, 174
Heteronormativity, 93–94
Humans, 146
I am David (film), 26–29
Ich habe genug
, 4–5
Iliad, The
, 149–150
Illness as Metaphor (Sontag), 109–110
Imagine Dragons, 135–136
Impairment effects, 129
In Search of Lost Time (Proust), 26
“Individual” self, 113–114
Internet Movie Database (IMDb), 18
Interpretive phenomenology, 92
‘Invisible death’, 76–77
Isle of the Dead or Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini, The
, 37
Isolation, 36
Jantzen’s theory of western fascination, 77
John Fitzgerald Kennedy (JFK), 171–172
between a hero and a political leader, 174–176
between a person and a myth, 180–183
assassination, 175, 181
heroes and tales in culture, 172–174
as real person, 176–180
songs inspired by JFK and assassination, 176–183
Kantian mistake concerning negation, 55–56
Kübler-Ross, Elisabeth, 32
change curve, 32
model, 33
Lament motive, 40
Language, 146
Leadership, 175
Life, 115–122
Lords of Chaos (film), 50–51
Loss-oriented activities, 162
Loss-oriented coping, 162
Mahler’s Second Symphony, 33–34
acceptance, 40–41
anger, 37
back in time, 33–35
bargaining, 38–39
denial and isolation, 36
depression, 39–40
Dies Irae Sequence and Dies Irae Quotation, 37
forgiveness, 41–42
return of peace, 42–43
search for meaning, 42
shock, 35–36
structure of finale of Symphony No. 2, 44
Male gaze, 100–102
Marianne, Onedelast and So True!
, 105
Materiality of death, 50
Medium of self-consciousness, 146
Metal music, 78–79
Metamorphosis, The
, 111
Metaphorical death, 54–55
Mirror Reaper (album), 85–86
Mood, 96–97, 126–127
Morning Heroes (Bliss), 149–151, 155, 166
Mortality, 75
Motet, 27–28
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
I am David (film), 26–29
Symphony No. 34 in C Major
, 22–24, 26
The Picture of Dorian Gray (film), 18–20
Vertigo (film), 20–26
Music, 3–4, 18, 62–63, 160–161
and emotional regulation, 130–137
emotions and continuing bonds, 164–166
evolution of, 64
funeral music and continuing bonds, 163–167
during funerals, 159–160
as healing, 153–155
personalized funeral music, 160
between private and public, 166–167
theoretical framework, 161–163
therapy for pain management, 131
Music and the Mind (Storr), 22
Musical embodiment
being queer, 98–100
death and experience of angst, 102–103
experience of request as death, 92–93
experience with other entities, 93–94
Hermeneutic circle, 94–98
male gaze, 100–102
Marianne, Bars 15–32, 105
Marianne, Bars 1–7, 104
queer composition, 103–106
Musical modulation, 136–137
Musical rhetoric, 146
Musical Times
, 149
Musical treatment, 3–4
Musicology, 146–147
Narcissistic identity wound, 130
Narratives, 125–126
Necrophilia, 76–79
Necrophobia, 76–79
black metal’s death sensationalised, 50–51
death as, 50, 54
death referred to at all, 52–54
Georges Bataille’s interest in death, 57–58
Kantian mistake concerning negation, 55–56
metaphorical death, 54–55
renouncing renunciations, 51–52
Negative liturgy, 51–52
Netherlands, contemporary funeral music in, 160
Non-diegetic music, 18, 23, 28
‘Non-disabled-ness’, 93–94
Non-verbal dissociation, 109–110
Ochs, Phil, 172, 178–181
On Death and Dying
, 32–34
Only death is real
, 49–50
Optimism in approaching death, 52
‘Opus ultimum’, 10
‘Orinoco Flow’, 163–164
‘Othering’, 130
Otherness, 114–115
Pallbearer (metal band), 67–68
‘Permeable body-souls’, 12–13
Persephone, 63
Personal philosophy, 153–155
Personalized funeral music, 160–161
Philosophical putrefaction, 57–58
, 41
, 23
Pleasures of the Harbour (album), 181
Political image of JFK, 174–175
Political myth, 176
Popular music, 171–172
Present-at-hand entities or Things
, 95
‘Prodigious listener’, 132
Product of self-conscious mind, 146
Psychological dying process, 35
Putrefaction, 57–58
Queer, 98–100
autoethnography, 91–92
composition, 103–106
Radiation jams, 64–71
Radiation treatment, 61–62
, 95
Redefining Darkness (album), 54–55
Regulation as resurrection, 137–138
Relief, 148
Religion, 153–155
Renihilation, 111
Renihilative metamorphosis, 111
Qua Nunc Sum, 122–123
Rex Tremendae, 119, 121
Ruina, 109–115
Salva Me, 115–122
Renouncing renunciations, 51–52
Renunciation theory, 52
Reorganisation, 32
for a dream, 149–150
rhetoric and, 150–153
Requiem Aeternam
, 151
Resignation, 6–7
regulation as, 137–138
theme, 38–39, 43
‘Resurrection symphony’. See Auferstehungssymphonie
Return of peace, 42–43
Rex Tremendae, 119, 121
Reynolds, Dan (disabled lead singer of Imagine Dragons), 135–136
Rhetoric, 146
and requiem, 150–153
Rhythmic movement, 135
Ruina, 109–115
RuPaul’s Drag Race
, 67–68
Safeguarding, 103–104
Sail Away. See ‘Orinoco Flow’
Salva Me, 115–122
Salvation, 7
Scheme, 172
Schism, 53
Scream, The (Munch), 35–36
Screaming the Abyss
, 62
Search for meaning, 42
Shock, 35–36
Shock-Numbness, 32
Situation modification, 133–134
Situation selection, 133
Sixth Symphony
, 36–37
‘Somatic archaeology’, 11–12
Soprano, Alto, Tenor Bass chorus (SATB chorus), 118
Sorrow and Extinction
, 68–69
Spring Offensive
, 152–153
, 38
Stage theory, 33
Sublimation, 79–83, 86
doomed, 83–86
Suspiria de Profundis
, 116
Symphonic Dances
, 37
Tales in culture, 172–174
Tempest, The
, 147
The Picture of Dorian Gray (film), 18–20, 29
The Powers of Horror
, 81
The Voice
, 167
The Youth’s Magic Horn. See Des Knaben Wunderhorn
Theory of continuing bonds, 163
Theory of grief, 33
Thrownness, 96–97
Total Death (album), 56
, 33–34, 39
“Traditional forms”, 146
Traditional medical models of disability, 128–129
Transfigurations, 122–123
‘Transforming bonds’, 162–163
, 95
Until the Light Takes Us (film documentary), 50–51
, 35, 38
Vertigo (film), 20–26, 29
Violent desire in death metal, 76–79
Vocal timbre, 11–12
Voluntary, 27–28
Vor deinem Thron
, 10
Warranted emotion, 127
Watermark (album), 163–164
Western culture, 125–126
Whiteness, 93–94
Women’s Studies
, 63
Words against death, 146, 156
Yearning-Searching, 32
I am David (film), 26–29
Ich habe genug
, 4–5
Iliad, The
, 149–150
Illness as Metaphor (Sontag), 109–110
Imagine Dragons, 135–136
Impairment effects, 129
In Search of Lost Time (Proust), 26
“Individual” self, 113–114
Internet Movie Database (IMDb), 18
Interpretive phenomenology, 92
‘Invisible death’, 76–77
Isle of the Dead or Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini, The
, 37
Isolation, 36
Jantzen’s theory of western fascination, 77
John Fitzgerald Kennedy (JFK), 171–172
between a hero and a political leader, 174–176
between a person and a myth, 180–183
assassination, 175, 181
heroes and tales in culture, 172–174
as real person, 176–180
songs inspired by JFK and assassination, 176–183
Kantian mistake concerning negation, 55–56
Kübler-Ross, Elisabeth, 32
change curve, 32
model, 33
Lament motive, 40
Language, 146
Leadership, 175
Life, 115–122
Lords of Chaos (film), 50–51
Loss-oriented activities, 162
Loss-oriented coping, 162
Mahler’s Second Symphony, 33–34
acceptance, 40–41
anger, 37
back in time, 33–35
bargaining, 38–39
denial and isolation, 36
depression, 39–40
Dies Irae Sequence and Dies Irae Quotation, 37
forgiveness, 41–42
return of peace, 42–43
search for meaning, 42
shock, 35–36
structure of finale of Symphony No. 2, 44
Male gaze, 100–102
Marianne, Onedelast and So True!
, 105
Materiality of death, 50
Medium of self-consciousness, 146
Metal music, 78–79
Metamorphosis, The
, 111
Metaphorical death, 54–55
Mirror Reaper (album), 85–86
Mood, 96–97, 126–127
Morning Heroes (Bliss), 149–151, 155, 166
Mortality, 75
Motet, 27–28
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
I am David (film), 26–29
Symphony No. 34 in C Major
, 22–24, 26
The Picture of Dorian Gray (film), 18–20
Vertigo (film), 20–26
Music, 3–4, 18, 62–63, 160–161
and emotional regulation, 130–137
emotions and continuing bonds, 164–166
evolution of, 64
funeral music and continuing bonds, 163–167
during funerals, 159–160
as healing, 153–155
personalized funeral music, 160
between private and public, 166–167
theoretical framework, 161–163
therapy for pain management, 131
Music and the Mind (Storr), 22
Musical embodiment
being queer, 98–100
death and experience of angst, 102–103
experience of request as death, 92–93
experience with other entities, 93–94
Hermeneutic circle, 94–98
male gaze, 100–102
Marianne, Bars 15–32, 105
Marianne, Bars 1–7, 104
queer composition, 103–106
Musical modulation, 136–137
Musical rhetoric, 146
Musical Times
, 149
Musical treatment, 3–4
Musicology, 146–147
Narcissistic identity wound, 130
Narratives, 125–126
Necrophilia, 76–79
Necrophobia, 76–79
black metal’s death sensationalised, 50–51
death as, 50, 54
death referred to at all, 52–54
Georges Bataille’s interest in death, 57–58
Kantian mistake concerning negation, 55–56
metaphorical death, 54–55
renouncing renunciations, 51–52
Negative liturgy, 51–52
Netherlands, contemporary funeral music in, 160
Non-diegetic music, 18, 23, 28
‘Non-disabled-ness’, 93–94
Non-verbal dissociation, 109–110
Ochs, Phil, 172, 178–181
On Death and Dying
, 32–34
Only death is real
, 49–50
Optimism in approaching death, 52
‘Opus ultimum’, 10
‘Orinoco Flow’, 163–164
‘Othering’, 130
Otherness, 114–115
Pallbearer (metal band), 67–68
‘Permeable body-souls’, 12–13
Persephone, 63
Personal philosophy, 153–155
Personalized funeral music, 160–161
Philosophical putrefaction, 57–58
, 41
, 23
Pleasures of the Harbour (album), 181
Political image of JFK, 174–175
Political myth, 176
Popular music, 171–172
Present-at-hand entities or Things
, 95
‘Prodigious listener’, 132
Product of self-conscious mind, 146
Psychological dying process, 35
Putrefaction, 57–58
Queer, 98–100
autoethnography, 91–92
composition, 103–106
Radiation jams, 64–71
Radiation treatment, 61–62
, 95
Redefining Darkness (album), 54–55
Regulation as resurrection, 137–138
Relief, 148
Religion, 153–155
Renihilation, 111
Renihilative metamorphosis, 111
Qua Nunc Sum, 122–123
Rex Tremendae, 119, 121
Ruina, 109–115
Salva Me, 115–122
Renouncing renunciations, 51–52
Renunciation theory, 52
Reorganisation, 32
for a dream, 149–150
rhetoric and, 150–153
Requiem Aeternam
, 151
Resignation, 6–7
regulation as, 137–138
theme, 38–39, 43
‘Resurrection symphony’. See Auferstehungssymphonie
Return of peace, 42–43
Rex Tremendae, 119, 121
Reynolds, Dan (disabled lead singer of Imagine Dragons), 135–136
Rhetoric, 146
and requiem, 150–153
Rhythmic movement, 135
Ruina, 109–115
RuPaul’s Drag Race
, 67–68
Safeguarding, 103–104
Sail Away. See ‘Orinoco Flow’
Salva Me, 115–122
Salvation, 7
Scheme, 172
Schism, 53
Scream, The (Munch), 35–36
Screaming the Abyss
, 62
Search for meaning, 42
Shock, 35–36
Shock-Numbness, 32
Situation modification, 133–134
Situation selection, 133
Sixth Symphony
, 36–37
‘Somatic archaeology’, 11–12
Soprano, Alto, Tenor Bass chorus (SATB chorus), 118
Sorrow and Extinction
, 68–69
Spring Offensive
, 152–153
, 38
Stage theory, 33
Sublimation, 79–83, 86
doomed, 83–86
Suspiria de Profundis
, 116
Symphonic Dances
, 37
Tales in culture, 172–174
Tempest, The
, 147
The Picture of Dorian Gray (film), 18–20, 29
The Powers of Horror
, 81
The Voice
, 167
The Youth’s Magic Horn. See Des Knaben Wunderhorn
Theory of continuing bonds, 163
Theory of grief, 33
Thrownness, 96–97
Total Death (album), 56
, 33–34, 39
“Traditional forms”, 146
Traditional medical models of disability, 128–129
Transfigurations, 122–123
‘Transforming bonds’, 162–163
, 95
Until the Light Takes Us (film documentary), 50–51
, 35, 38
Vertigo (film), 20–26, 29
Violent desire in death metal, 76–79
Vocal timbre, 11–12
Voluntary, 27–28
Vor deinem Thron
, 10
Warranted emotion, 127
Watermark (album), 163–164
Western culture, 125–126
Whiteness, 93–94
Women’s Studies
, 63
Words against death, 146, 156
Yearning-Searching, 32
Kantian mistake concerning negation, 55–56
Kübler-Ross, Elisabeth, 32
change curve, 32
model, 33
Lament motive, 40
Language, 146
Leadership, 175
Life, 115–122
Lords of Chaos (film), 50–51
Loss-oriented activities, 162
Loss-oriented coping, 162
Mahler’s Second Symphony, 33–34
acceptance, 40–41
anger, 37
back in time, 33–35
bargaining, 38–39
denial and isolation, 36
depression, 39–40
Dies Irae Sequence and Dies Irae Quotation, 37
forgiveness, 41–42
return of peace, 42–43
search for meaning, 42
shock, 35–36
structure of finale of Symphony No. 2, 44
Male gaze, 100–102
Marianne, Onedelast and So True!
, 105
Materiality of death, 50
Medium of self-consciousness, 146
Metal music, 78–79
Metamorphosis, The
, 111
Metaphorical death, 54–55
Mirror Reaper (album), 85–86
Mood, 96–97, 126–127
Morning Heroes (Bliss), 149–151, 155, 166
Mortality, 75
Motet, 27–28
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
I am David (film), 26–29
Symphony No. 34 in C Major
, 22–24, 26
The Picture of Dorian Gray (film), 18–20
Vertigo (film), 20–26
Music, 3–4, 18, 62–63, 160–161
and emotional regulation, 130–137
emotions and continuing bonds, 164–166
evolution of, 64
funeral music and continuing bonds, 163–167
during funerals, 159–160
as healing, 153–155
personalized funeral music, 160
between private and public, 166–167
theoretical framework, 161–163
therapy for pain management, 131
Music and the Mind (Storr), 22
Musical embodiment
being queer, 98–100
death and experience of angst, 102–103
experience of request as death, 92–93
experience with other entities, 93–94
Hermeneutic circle, 94–98
male gaze, 100–102
Marianne, Bars 15–32, 105
Marianne, Bars 1–7, 104
queer composition, 103–106
Musical modulation, 136–137
Musical rhetoric, 146
Musical Times
, 149
Musical treatment, 3–4
Musicology, 146–147
Narcissistic identity wound, 130
Narratives, 125–126
Necrophilia, 76–79
Necrophobia, 76–79
black metal’s death sensationalised, 50–51
death as, 50, 54
death referred to at all, 52–54
Georges Bataille’s interest in death, 57–58
Kantian mistake concerning negation, 55–56
metaphorical death, 54–55
renouncing renunciations, 51–52
Negative liturgy, 51–52
Netherlands, contemporary funeral music in, 160
Non-diegetic music, 18, 23, 28
‘Non-disabled-ness’, 93–94
Non-verbal dissociation, 109–110
Ochs, Phil, 172, 178–181
On Death and Dying
, 32–34
Only death is real
, 49–50
Optimism in approaching death, 52
‘Opus ultimum’, 10
‘Orinoco Flow’, 163–164
‘Othering’, 130
Otherness, 114–115
Pallbearer (metal band), 67–68
‘Permeable body-souls’, 12–13
Persephone, 63
Personal philosophy, 153–155
Personalized funeral music, 160–161
Philosophical putrefaction, 57–58
, 41
, 23
Pleasures of the Harbour (album), 181
Political image of JFK, 174–175
Political myth, 176
Popular music, 171–172
Present-at-hand entities or Things
, 95
‘Prodigious listener’, 132
Product of self-conscious mind, 146
Psychological dying process, 35
Putrefaction, 57–58
Queer, 98–100
autoethnography, 91–92
composition, 103–106
Radiation jams, 64–71
Radiation treatment, 61–62
, 95
Redefining Darkness (album), 54–55
Regulation as resurrection, 137–138
Relief, 148
Religion, 153–155
Renihilation, 111
Renihilative metamorphosis, 111
Qua Nunc Sum, 122–123
Rex Tremendae, 119, 121
Ruina, 109–115
Salva Me, 115–122
Renouncing renunciations, 51–52
Renunciation theory, 52
Reorganisation, 32
for a dream, 149–150
rhetoric and, 150–153
Requiem Aeternam
, 151
Resignation, 6–7
regulation as, 137–138
theme, 38–39, 43
‘Resurrection symphony’. See Auferstehungssymphonie
Return of peace, 42–43
Rex Tremendae, 119, 121
Reynolds, Dan (disabled lead singer of Imagine Dragons), 135–136
Rhetoric, 146
and requiem, 150–153
Rhythmic movement, 135
Ruina, 109–115
RuPaul’s Drag Race
, 67–68
Safeguarding, 103–104
Sail Away. See ‘Orinoco Flow’
Salva Me, 115–122
Salvation, 7
Scheme, 172
Schism, 53
Scream, The (Munch), 35–36
Screaming the Abyss
, 62
Search for meaning, 42
Shock, 35–36
Shock-Numbness, 32
Situation modification, 133–134
Situation selection, 133
Sixth Symphony
, 36–37
‘Somatic archaeology’, 11–12
Soprano, Alto, Tenor Bass chorus (SATB chorus), 118
Sorrow and Extinction
, 68–69
Spring Offensive
, 152–153
, 38
Stage theory, 33
Sublimation, 79–83, 86
doomed, 83–86
Suspiria de Profundis
, 116
Symphonic Dances
, 37
Tales in culture, 172–174
Tempest, The
, 147
The Picture of Dorian Gray (film), 18–20, 29
The Powers of Horror
, 81
The Voice
, 167
The Youth’s Magic Horn. See Des Knaben Wunderhorn
Theory of continuing bonds, 163
Theory of grief, 33
Thrownness, 96–97
Total Death (album), 56
, 33–34, 39
“Traditional forms”, 146
Traditional medical models of disability, 128–129
Transfigurations, 122–123
‘Transforming bonds’, 162–163
, 95
Until the Light Takes Us (film documentary), 50–51
, 35, 38
Vertigo (film), 20–26, 29
Violent desire in death metal, 76–79
Vocal timbre, 11–12
Voluntary, 27–28
Vor deinem Thron
, 10
Warranted emotion, 127
Watermark (album), 163–164
Western culture, 125–126
Whiteness, 93–94
Women’s Studies
, 63
Words against death, 146, 156
Yearning-Searching, 32
Mahler’s Second Symphony, 33–34
acceptance, 40–41
anger, 37
back in time, 33–35
bargaining, 38–39
denial and isolation, 36
depression, 39–40
Dies Irae Sequence and Dies Irae Quotation, 37
forgiveness, 41–42
return of peace, 42–43
search for meaning, 42
shock, 35–36
structure of finale of Symphony No. 2, 44
Male gaze, 100–102
Marianne, Onedelast and So True!
, 105
Materiality of death, 50
Medium of self-consciousness, 146
Metal music, 78–79
Metamorphosis, The
, 111
Metaphorical death, 54–55
Mirror Reaper (album), 85–86
Mood, 96–97, 126–127
Morning Heroes (Bliss), 149–151, 155, 166
Mortality, 75
Motet, 27–28
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
I am David (film), 26–29
Symphony No. 34 in C Major
, 22–24, 26
The Picture of Dorian Gray (film), 18–20
Vertigo (film), 20–26
Music, 3–4, 18, 62–63, 160–161
and emotional regulation, 130–137
emotions and continuing bonds, 164–166
evolution of, 64
funeral music and continuing bonds, 163–167
during funerals, 159–160
as healing, 153–155
personalized funeral music, 160
between private and public, 166–167
theoretical framework, 161–163
therapy for pain management, 131
Music and the Mind (Storr), 22
Musical embodiment
being queer, 98–100
death and experience of angst, 102–103
experience of request as death, 92–93
experience with other entities, 93–94
Hermeneutic circle, 94–98
male gaze, 100–102
Marianne, Bars 15–32, 105
Marianne, Bars 1–7, 104
queer composition, 103–106
Musical modulation, 136–137
Musical rhetoric, 146
Musical Times
, 149
Musical treatment, 3–4
Musicology, 146–147
Narcissistic identity wound, 130
Narratives, 125–126
Necrophilia, 76–79
Necrophobia, 76–79
black metal’s death sensationalised, 50–51
death as, 50, 54
death referred to at all, 52–54
Georges Bataille’s interest in death, 57–58
Kantian mistake concerning negation, 55–56
metaphorical death, 54–55
renouncing renunciations, 51–52
Negative liturgy, 51–52
Netherlands, contemporary funeral music in, 160
Non-diegetic music, 18, 23, 28
‘Non-disabled-ness’, 93–94
Non-verbal dissociation, 109–110
Ochs, Phil, 172, 178–181
On Death and Dying
, 32–34
Only death is real
, 49–50
Optimism in approaching death, 52
‘Opus ultimum’, 10
‘Orinoco Flow’, 163–164
‘Othering’, 130
Otherness, 114–115
Pallbearer (metal band), 67–68
‘Permeable body-souls’, 12–13
Persephone, 63
Personal philosophy, 153–155
Personalized funeral music, 160–161
Philosophical putrefaction, 57–58
, 41
, 23
Pleasures of the Harbour (album), 181
Political image of JFK, 174–175
Political myth, 176
Popular music, 171–172
Present-at-hand entities or Things
, 95
‘Prodigious listener’, 132
Product of self-conscious mind, 146
Psychological dying process, 35
Putrefaction, 57–58
Queer, 98–100
autoethnography, 91–92
composition, 103–106
Radiation jams, 64–71
Radiation treatment, 61–62
, 95
Redefining Darkness (album), 54–55
Regulation as resurrection, 137–138
Relief, 148
Religion, 153–155
Renihilation, 111
Renihilative metamorphosis, 111
Qua Nunc Sum, 122–123
Rex Tremendae, 119, 121
Ruina, 109–115
Salva Me, 115–122
Renouncing renunciations, 51–52
Renunciation theory, 52
Reorganisation, 32
for a dream, 149–150
rhetoric and, 150–153
Requiem Aeternam
, 151
Resignation, 6–7
regulation as, 137–138
theme, 38–39, 43
‘Resurrection symphony’. See Auferstehungssymphonie
Return of peace, 42–43
Rex Tremendae, 119, 121
Reynolds, Dan (disabled lead singer of Imagine Dragons), 135–136
Rhetoric, 146
and requiem, 150–153
Rhythmic movement, 135
Ruina, 109–115
RuPaul’s Drag Race
, 67–68
Safeguarding, 103–104
Sail Away. See ‘Orinoco Flow’
Salva Me, 115–122
Salvation, 7
Scheme, 172
Schism, 53
Scream, The (Munch), 35–36
Screaming the Abyss
, 62
Search for meaning, 42
Shock, 35–36
Shock-Numbness, 32
Situation modification, 133–134
Situation selection, 133
Sixth Symphony
, 36–37
‘Somatic archaeology’, 11–12
Soprano, Alto, Tenor Bass chorus (SATB chorus), 118
Sorrow and Extinction
, 68–69
Spring Offensive
, 152–153
, 38
Stage theory, 33
Sublimation, 79–83, 86
doomed, 83–86
Suspiria de Profundis
, 116
Symphonic Dances
, 37
Tales in culture, 172–174
Tempest, The
, 147
The Picture of Dorian Gray (film), 18–20, 29
The Powers of Horror
, 81
The Voice
, 167
The Youth’s Magic Horn. See Des Knaben Wunderhorn
Theory of continuing bonds, 163
Theory of grief, 33
Thrownness, 96–97
Total Death (album), 56
, 33–34, 39
“Traditional forms”, 146
Traditional medical models of disability, 128–129
Transfigurations, 122–123
‘Transforming bonds’, 162–163
, 95
Until the Light Takes Us (film documentary), 50–51
, 35, 38
Vertigo (film), 20–26, 29
Violent desire in death metal, 76–79
Vocal timbre, 11–12
Voluntary, 27–28
Vor deinem Thron
, 10
Warranted emotion, 127
Watermark (album), 163–164
Western culture, 125–126
Whiteness, 93–94
Women’s Studies
, 63
Words against death, 146, 156
Yearning-Searching, 32
Ochs, Phil, 172, 178–181
On Death and Dying
, 32–34
Only death is real
, 49–50
Optimism in approaching death, 52
‘Opus ultimum’, 10
‘Orinoco Flow’, 163–164
‘Othering’, 130
Otherness, 114–115
Pallbearer (metal band), 67–68
‘Permeable body-souls’, 12–13
Persephone, 63
Personal philosophy, 153–155
Personalized funeral music, 160–161
Philosophical putrefaction, 57–58
, 41
, 23
Pleasures of the Harbour (album), 181
Political image of JFK, 174–175
Political myth, 176
Popular music, 171–172
Present-at-hand entities or Things
, 95
‘Prodigious listener’, 132
Product of self-conscious mind, 146
Psychological dying process, 35
Putrefaction, 57–58
Queer, 98–100
autoethnography, 91–92
composition, 103–106
Radiation jams, 64–71
Radiation treatment, 61–62
, 95
Redefining Darkness (album), 54–55
Regulation as resurrection, 137–138
Relief, 148
Religion, 153–155
Renihilation, 111
Renihilative metamorphosis, 111
Qua Nunc Sum, 122–123
Rex Tremendae, 119, 121
Ruina, 109–115
Salva Me, 115–122
Renouncing renunciations, 51–52
Renunciation theory, 52
Reorganisation, 32
for a dream, 149–150
rhetoric and, 150–153
Requiem Aeternam
, 151
Resignation, 6–7
regulation as, 137–138
theme, 38–39, 43
‘Resurrection symphony’. See Auferstehungssymphonie
Return of peace, 42–43
Rex Tremendae, 119, 121
Reynolds, Dan (disabled lead singer of Imagine Dragons), 135–136
Rhetoric, 146
and requiem, 150–153
Rhythmic movement, 135
Ruina, 109–115
RuPaul’s Drag Race
, 67–68
Safeguarding, 103–104
Sail Away. See ‘Orinoco Flow’
Salva Me, 115–122
Salvation, 7
Scheme, 172
Schism, 53
Scream, The (Munch), 35–36
Screaming the Abyss
, 62
Search for meaning, 42
Shock, 35–36
Shock-Numbness, 32
Situation modification, 133–134
Situation selection, 133
Sixth Symphony
, 36–37
‘Somatic archaeology’, 11–12
Soprano, Alto, Tenor Bass chorus (SATB chorus), 118
Sorrow and Extinction
, 68–69
Spring Offensive
, 152–153
, 38
Stage theory, 33
Sublimation, 79–83, 86
doomed, 83–86
Suspiria de Profundis
, 116
Symphonic Dances
, 37
Tales in culture, 172–174
Tempest, The
, 147
The Picture of Dorian Gray (film), 18–20, 29
The Powers of Horror
, 81
The Voice
, 167
The Youth’s Magic Horn. See Des Knaben Wunderhorn
Theory of continuing bonds, 163
Theory of grief, 33
Thrownness, 96–97
Total Death (album), 56
, 33–34, 39
“Traditional forms”, 146
Traditional medical models of disability, 128–129
Transfigurations, 122–123
‘Transforming bonds’, 162–163
, 95
Until the Light Takes Us (film documentary), 50–51
, 35, 38
Vertigo (film), 20–26, 29
Violent desire in death metal, 76–79
Vocal timbre, 11–12
Voluntary, 27–28
Vor deinem Thron
, 10
Warranted emotion, 127
Watermark (album), 163–164
Western culture, 125–126
Whiteness, 93–94
Women’s Studies
, 63
Words against death, 146, 156
Yearning-Searching, 32
Queer, 98–100
autoethnography, 91–92
composition, 103–106
Radiation jams, 64–71
Radiation treatment, 61–62
, 95
Redefining Darkness (album), 54–55
Regulation as resurrection, 137–138
Relief, 148
Religion, 153–155
Renihilation, 111
Renihilative metamorphosis, 111
Qua Nunc Sum, 122–123
Rex Tremendae, 119, 121
Ruina, 109–115
Salva Me, 115–122
Renouncing renunciations, 51–52
Renunciation theory, 52
Reorganisation, 32
for a dream, 149–150
rhetoric and, 150–153
Requiem Aeternam
, 151
Resignation, 6–7
regulation as, 137–138
theme, 38–39, 43
‘Resurrection symphony’. See Auferstehungssymphonie
Return of peace, 42–43
Rex Tremendae, 119, 121
Reynolds, Dan (disabled lead singer of Imagine Dragons), 135–136
Rhetoric, 146
and requiem, 150–153
Rhythmic movement, 135
Ruina, 109–115
RuPaul’s Drag Race
, 67–68
Safeguarding, 103–104
Sail Away. See ‘Orinoco Flow’
Salva Me, 115–122
Salvation, 7
Scheme, 172
Schism, 53
Scream, The (Munch), 35–36
Screaming the Abyss
, 62
Search for meaning, 42
Shock, 35–36
Shock-Numbness, 32
Situation modification, 133–134
Situation selection, 133
Sixth Symphony
, 36–37
‘Somatic archaeology’, 11–12
Soprano, Alto, Tenor Bass chorus (SATB chorus), 118
Sorrow and Extinction
, 68–69
Spring Offensive
, 152–153
, 38
Stage theory, 33
Sublimation, 79–83, 86
doomed, 83–86
Suspiria de Profundis
, 116
Symphonic Dances
, 37
Tales in culture, 172–174
Tempest, The
, 147
The Picture of Dorian Gray (film), 18–20, 29
The Powers of Horror
, 81
The Voice
, 167
The Youth’s Magic Horn. See Des Knaben Wunderhorn
Theory of continuing bonds, 163
Theory of grief, 33
Thrownness, 96–97
Total Death (album), 56
, 33–34, 39
“Traditional forms”, 146
Traditional medical models of disability, 128–129
Transfigurations, 122–123
‘Transforming bonds’, 162–163
, 95
Until the Light Takes Us (film documentary), 50–51
, 35, 38
Vertigo (film), 20–26, 29
Violent desire in death metal, 76–79
Vocal timbre, 11–12
Voluntary, 27–28
Vor deinem Thron
, 10
Warranted emotion, 127
Watermark (album), 163–164
Western culture, 125–126
Whiteness, 93–94
Women’s Studies
, 63
Words against death, 146, 156
Yearning-Searching, 32
Safeguarding, 103–104
Sail Away. See ‘Orinoco Flow’
Salva Me, 115–122
Salvation, 7
Scheme, 172
Schism, 53
Scream, The (Munch), 35–36
Screaming the Abyss
, 62
Search for meaning, 42
Shock, 35–36
Shock-Numbness, 32
Situation modification, 133–134
Situation selection, 133
Sixth Symphony
, 36–37
‘Somatic archaeology’, 11–12
Soprano, Alto, Tenor Bass chorus (SATB chorus), 118
Sorrow and Extinction
, 68–69
Spring Offensive
, 152–153
, 38
Stage theory, 33
Sublimation, 79–83, 86
doomed, 83–86
Suspiria de Profundis
, 116
Symphonic Dances
, 37
Tales in culture, 172–174
Tempest, The
, 147
The Picture of Dorian Gray (film), 18–20, 29
The Powers of Horror
, 81
The Voice
, 167
The Youth’s Magic Horn. See Des Knaben Wunderhorn
Theory of continuing bonds, 163
Theory of grief, 33
Thrownness, 96–97
Total Death (album), 56
, 33–34, 39
“Traditional forms”, 146
Traditional medical models of disability, 128–129
Transfigurations, 122–123
‘Transforming bonds’, 162–163
, 95
Until the Light Takes Us (film documentary), 50–51
, 35, 38
Vertigo (film), 20–26, 29
Violent desire in death metal, 76–79
Vocal timbre, 11–12
Voluntary, 27–28
Vor deinem Thron
, 10
Warranted emotion, 127
Watermark (album), 163–164
Western culture, 125–126
Whiteness, 93–94
Women’s Studies
, 63
Words against death, 146, 156
Yearning-Searching, 32
, 95
Until the Light Takes Us (film documentary), 50–51
, 35, 38
Vertigo (film), 20–26, 29
Violent desire in death metal, 76–79
Vocal timbre, 11–12
Voluntary, 27–28
Vor deinem Thron
, 10
Warranted emotion, 127
Watermark (album), 163–164
Western culture, 125–126
Whiteness, 93–94
Women’s Studies
, 63
Words against death, 146, 156
Yearning-Searching, 32
Warranted emotion, 127
Watermark (album), 163–164
Western culture, 125–126
Whiteness, 93–94
Women’s Studies
, 63
Words against death, 146, 156
Yearning-Searching, 32
- Prelims
- Section 1 Death and the Canon: Classical Entanglements of Death, Grief and Perspective
- Chapter 1 Permeating the Membrane: Death as Life-Fulfilment Through the Prism of Bach's Ich habe genug (BWV 82)
- Chapter 2 Mozart's Music in Film: Death and Embodied Affect
- Chapter 3 Mahler's Second Symphony: Intuitively Embodying Grief and Dying
- Section 2 Chthonics: Travelling Through Death on Black Metal's Wings
- Chapter 4 Death as Negation: Black Metal's Disturbing Apophatic Insight
- Chapter 5 ‘I Saw the End’: An Autoethnographic Exploration of Music, Cancer Treatment and Death
- Chapter 6 Abyssal Noise: Representations of Death and Dying in Extreme Metal Music
- Section 3 Death and Resurrection: Marginalised Voices
- Chapter 7 Naked History: A Musical Embodiment
- Chapter 8 Death and a Life: Renihilative Metamorphosis
- Chapter 9 Regulation, Resistance and Resurrection
- Section 4 Life Beyond Death: Mourning, Mythology and the Sound of Loss
- Chapter 10 Sounding the Architecture of Grief: Requiem, Rhetoric and Embodied Experience
- Chapter 11 Experiencing the Sound of Loss: Music and Bereavement Theory
- Chapter 12 Between a Man and a Myth: The Death of John Fitzgerald Kennedy and Popular Music
- Epilogue
- Index