ISBN: 978-1-80117-699-6, eISBN: 978-1-80117-698-9
Publication date: 15 September 2021
(2021), "Index", Kehoe, T.J. and Pfeifer, J.E. (Ed.) History & Crime (Emerald Advances in Historical Criminology), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 235-242.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2021 Thomas J. Kehoe and Jeffrey E. Pfeifer. Published under an exclusive licence by Emerald Publishing Limited
Act Anent Child Murder
, 17
Act to Prevent the Destroying and Murthering of Bastard Children (1624), 16–17
Active corrupter, 163–164
Adjudicative facts, 8
Agency, 151
Alcohol and Drug Foundation (ADF). See Alcoholism Foundation of Victoria
Alcohol and Drug Problems Association of Queensland (1974), 178–179
Alcohol and other Drug Council of Australia (ADCA), 178–179, 184
Alcohol and other Drug Foundation Australia (ADFA), 178–179
Alcohol consumption, 178–179
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), 174–175, 177–178
Alcoholism Foundation of Victoria, 178–179, 181
Alienists, 31–32
, 148
American Bar Association, 213–214
American Civil Rights movement, 148
Angelmakers, 189
Anthropology, 147
Anti-delinquency, 67–68
Anxiety, 17–18
Arch-occupier strategy, 210–211
Archival primary document analysis, 172–173
Asylum doctors, 31–32
Atlantic World, 148
Australasian Association of Psychiatrists (AAP), 31–32
Australia, forensic psychology in, 104–119
Australian Capital Territory Foundation on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (1977), 178–179
Australian National Council on Drugs (ANCD), 182–183
Australian supreme courts, preventive detention in, 85–89
Baby farming, 198–199
Bad femininity, 73–74
Ballads, 19–20
Basic Field Manual Military Government (1940), 212–213
Behaviour, 57–58
Black Widow, 189
Cardiazol, 42
Carl von Clausewitz, 205–206
Chief Justice (CJ), 93
Child psychology, 42
Civil Court
, 102
Civil governance, 219
Civil policing, 217–218
Clark County Juvenile Home, 70
Clinical-criminal model, 98
Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA), 221, 223
Cocaine, 178–179
Coercion, 222–224
Colonial psychiatrists, 39–40
Common sense criterion and knowledge, 36–37
Commonality, 166
Community Partnerships Initiative (CPI), 183
Competency to stand trial, 105–107
Compiling criminal statistics, 80
Concealment of Birth of Bastards Act. See Act to Prevent the Destroying and Murthering of Bastard Children (1624)
Conceptualisations, 80
Consensus-driven model of historical criminology, 125–126
Constitutio Criminalis Carolina of 1532, 16–17
Contemporary Australian drug policy, 12, 171
Content analysis, 167
Continuities in history of partnerships between NGOs and governments, 179–183
Corruption, 157–158
in Queensland Police Force, 158–159
Counterinsurgency, 204, 217, 220
theorists, 204, 206–207
Court of Criminal Jurisdiction (CCJ), 102–104
forensic psychology in Australia and, 104–119
COVID-19 pandemic, 1–2
Crime, 1, 5–6, 15–16, 227
of drunkenness, 54–55
historians of, 145–146
history, 144–145
of public drunkenness, 47–48
research from historical perspective, 8
Crime studies, 1, 3, 228–229
history and, 9–12
Criminal Code (1892), 42
Criminal culpability, 31
Criminal intent, Mens Rea and, 111–115
Criminal issues, 3
Criminal justice, 217
history, 127
Criminal justice system (CJS), 6–7, 219–220
Criminal kids, 68–74
Criminal Lunatics Act
, 34–35
Criminal psychology, 1, 5
Criminal statistics, 80
Criminal trials, 37–38
Criminality, 10–11, 228–229
Criminological/criminology, 1, 15–16, 42, 49–50, 125, 127, 192–193, 204, 227, 230–231
analysis, 192
rendezvous discipline of, 139–140
research, 125
theory, 125
Critical criminologists, 172–173
Critical criminology, 53
Culture of egalitarianism, 43–44
Dangerousness, 80
Dark Angel, 189
DASTUM database, 23–24
De-Ba’athification, 221–222
Decision-making and habitual criminal declarations, 89–94
Defendant mental state and insanity, 107–111
Demilitarisation, 221–222
Deviance, 54–61
historical episode of, 48
history, historical criminology and concept of, 49–54
motivation for, 159–160
Digitisation, 144–145
Disciplinary orthodoxy, 49–50
Discipline of sociology, 53
Discomfort, 137–138
Discontinuities in history of partnerships between NGOs and governments, 179–183
Divergence, 129
Drug policy, 171
1950s and rise of self-help and establishment of foundations, 177–179
Australian, 174
continuities and discontinuities in history of partnerships between NGOs and governments, 179–183
methods, 173–174
results, 174–177
troubling partnerships, 175–177
understanding ‘history’ in sector, 184–186
Drunkenness, 55–57
Dutch Songbook Database, 21–22
Egalitarianism, 43–44
Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), 42
Emotion, 4–5
Epidemic of infanticide, 17–18
Espionage Act (1917), 154
European imperialism, 215–216
European modernisation, 148
Evil libertinage, 20
Exegesis, 149
Eyewitness competence and reliability, 115–119
Family-state compact, 17
Female homicide, 189
Feminine crimes, 191
Femininity, 73–74
Feminist approach, 12
Feminist criminology, 189–190
Feminist historical criminology
homicide in Victoria, 194–196
violent women, 191–194
women’s homicide offending 1860–1920, 196–198
women’s homicide victims, 198–202
Feminist theory, 189–190
Fetishisation of interdisciplinarity, 137–138
Field manual (FM), 212–213
Filicide, 198–199
First Seminole War (1816–1819), 209–210
Fluidity, 15–16
FM 27–5. See Basic Field Manual Military Government (1940)
Foreign-imposed occupation, 218–219
Forensic psychiatry, 31–32
in Australia, 33–34
delayed development, 38–42
rise of nineteenth-century insanity ‘expert’, 34–38
in Victoria, 42–44
Forensic psychology, 1, 5–6, 98, 227, 230–231
competency to stand trial, 105–107
Court of Criminal Jurisdiction, 102–104
defendant mental state and insanity, 107–111
eyewitness competence and reliability, 115–119
forensic psychology in Australia and Court of Criminal Jurisdiction, 104–119
Mens Rea and criminal intent, 111–115
Forensics, 1
Foundation for Research and Treatment of Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (FRATADD), 178–179
Four-component model, 215–216, 220
utility to understanding Iraq, 221–224
Future crime, 80
Gendarme strategy, 205–206, 218–219
Gendered theorisations of violence, 193–194
Government iEnquiries and responses, 179–183
Great Depression, 66
Habitual Criminal Sterilization Act
, 78
Habitual criminals, 77–79, 81
decision-making and habitual criminal declarations, 89–94
methodology and trends in preventive detention, 83–85
reoffending post-indefinite detention, 94–95
prior scholarship on habitual criminal declarations in Australia, 82–83
trends in preventive detention in Australian supreme courts, 85–89
Habitual Criminals Act (1869), 81
Habitual depredators, 80
Habitual drunkards, 60
Haney’s psychology-driven model, 7–8
Hardening, 137–138
Hell’s Belle, 189
Historical analysis, 159–160, 192
Historical crime studies, 231–232
Historical criminologists, 135–136
Historical criminology. See also Feminist historical criminology, 33, 48, 50–54, 61, 125, 127–128, 135, 140, 157–158, 172–173, 189–191
current interpretations of, 126–135
history–sociological criminology spectrum, 136
intersectional methods to analyse police corruption, 160–163
Historical episode of deviance, 48
Historical methods, 173
Historical research on crime, 8
Historical scholarship in crime studies, 227–228
Historical time, 133–134
Historically driven impact-based studies, 230
History, 127, 227, 230
of crime, 15–16
and crime studies, 9–12
impact-based research using, 8
of violence, 127
Holy Roman Empire, 16–17
Homicidal monomaniac, 41–42
Homicide in Victoria, 194–196
Homo sapiens
, 147
Human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS), 181–182
Impact-based research, 228–229
building blocks in place, 228–229
connected issue, 230–231
historical crime studies, 231–232
historical scholarship in crime studies, 227–228
impact-based historical crime studies, 229–230
impact-based scholarship and historical studies, 233
potential areas of, 232
Imprisonment, 77
In re Gault
, 63–64, 66
Inclination, 2–3
Infanticide, 15–17, 26–27, 198–199
Act Anent Child Murder
, 17
Braes of Strathblane, 28–29
in Britain, 19–20
craze, 19–20
Dutch Songbook Database, 21–22
Horrid Murder
, 29
identifiable historical incidents of, 23–24
Italian infanticide legislation, 26
in nineteenth-century French ballads, 25
posthumous punishments, 22
young woman in Braintree, 27–28
young women in domestic service, 17–18
young women’s ‘inhuman fury, 24–25
Insanity, 31
experts, 31–32
Insulin, 42
Interdisciplinarity, 138
fetishisation of, 137–138
International Workers of World (IWW), 151–152
Interpretative framework, 227–228
Intersectional methods of historical criminology, 160–163
Judicial discretion, 92
Juridical history, 31–34
Juvenile court system, 63
Juvenile delinquents, 64–66
origins of policing Las Vegas youth, 66–68
In re Gault in Nevada and Beyond, 74–76
youth camps, criminal kids and series of scandals, 68–74
Juvenile justice evolution in Las Vegas, 64
Kleptomania, 37
Kraepelin’s framework, 39–40
Labelling, 54–61
Lady Bluebeard, 189
Law Psychology, 5–6
Legal adjudication lens
, 101
Legal scholarship lens
, 101
Legal studies, 227
Legislative facts, 8
Libertinage, 26
Lieber Code, 210–211
Lunatic asylum, 34–35
Lunatics, 39
M’Naghten Rules
, 108, 110–111
Mad-doctor, 31–32
Manifest madness, 36–37
Marijuana, 178–179
Mary Hamilton
, 26–27
McCoy’s model, 163–164
Medical profession, 39
Medico-legal knowledge, 33–34
Mens Rea and criminal intent, 111–115
Mentalities history, 146
Methodological ambiguity, 137–138
Methods/methodology, 129–131
Microanalysis in crime history, 145
Microhistorical/microhistory, 143–144, 146
approach, 11
evolution of subfield, 146–148
five elements of, 149–151
New Year’s Eve, 1919, 151–153
productive speculation, 153–155
research, 192
Military government officer (MGO), 213–214
Military occupation, 203, 205
Ministerial Council on Drug Strategy (MCDS), 182–183
Monahan and Walker’s law-driven model, 8
Moral charges, 68–69
Morally insane, 41–42
Motivation for deviance, 159–160
Multidimensionality of criminal justice, 83
Multifarious methods of colonial psychiatry, 40
Mundane crimes, 189
Muscatine County Socialist
, 153–154
Narcotics Anonymous (NA), 177–178
National Campaign Against Drug Abuse (NCADA), 173–174
National Drug Strategic Framework (NDSF), 182–183
National Drug Strategy, 171, 173–174, 181–182
Natural disaster, 203
Neonatal infanticide, 16–17
Netflix series, 189
New South Wales (NSW), 173–174
policing drunkenness in, 54–61
Nineteenth-century insanity ‘expert’, rise of, 34–38
Non-Government Organisation Treatment Grants Program (NGOTGP), 183
Non-presentism, 150–151
Nongovernment organisations (NGOs), 171, 177–178
in Australian drug policy, 174
continuities and discontinuities in history of partnerships between governments and, 179–183
Normal exceptions (eccezionalmente normale), 149–150
Northern Territory Foundation on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (1976), 178–179
Occupation strategy
four-component model, 215–220
occupation theory and critical role of popular compliance, 205–209
US history and lessons for occupation theory, 209–215
utility of four-component model to understanding Iraq, 221–224
Occupation studies, 204
Occupation theory, 205–209
and critical role of popular compliance, 205–209
US history and lessons for, 209–215
Occupation zone, 203
Oceanographer, 143
Organisational culture, 11–12
Pacification, 217–218
Partnerships, 174–175
troubling, 175–177
Passive “corruptee”, 163–164
Peacekeeping, 203
Penal policies and preventive detention, 81
Penology, 134
Police Acts, 59–60
Police corruption, 157–158, 163, 165, 232
archival material to construct pattern of, 165–167
historical method to identify corrupt networks of police in Queensland, 167–170
intersectional methods of historical criminology to analyse, 160–163
in Queensland, 158–160
Policing, 1, 125–126, 217, 220
Policing drunkenness
deviance, labelling and historical criminology, 54–61
history, historical criminology and concept of deviance, 49–54
in New South Wales, 54–61
Policing Las Vegas youth, origins of, 66–68
Political persuasion, 207–208
Political science, 204
, 218–219
Popular compliance, critical role of, 205–209
Popular perception, 215–216
Post-indefinite detention, reoffending, 94–95
Posthumous punishments, 22
Post–World War II theory, 205–206
Pregnancy, 20
Prevention of Crime Act (1871), 81
Preventive detention
in Australian supreme courts, 85–89
methodology and trends in, 83–85
penal policies and, 81
Primitive states, 222–224
Prior scholarship on habitual criminal declarations in Australia, 82–83
Prisons, 125–126
Productive speculation, 153–155
Professional accreditation, 31–32
Prosecution Project database, 78–79, 84
Prosecutorial discretion, 90
Prosecutors, 78–79
Provost Courts
, 210
Psychiatrist, 31–32
Psychiatry, 31–32
Psychological specialisation, 98
Psychology, 6, 97, 204
Public drunkenness, 47–48
Puerperal mania, 37
Quantification, 144–145
corruption in, 158–159
historical method to identify corrupt networks of police in, 167–170
police corruption in, 158–160
Queensland Criminal Code Act, 81
Queensland Police Force, 158
Radical criminologists, 172–173
Reconstruction, 219–220
reconstruction/civil administration, 217
Reliability, eyewitness competence and, 115–119
Rendezvous discipline of criminology, 134, 139–140
Reoffending post-indefinite detention, 94–95
Reprèsentations collectives, 146
Reproductive crimes, 191
Research aims, 129
Research foci, 129
Risk, need and responsivity model (RNR model), 80
Roper v Simmons
, 76
Science of real life, 147–148
Scientific men, 31–32
Scientific scholarship lens
, 97–100
Security enforcement, 217–218
Self-help movement, 177–179
Sensationalism, 2–3
Sex maniac, 41–42
Sexuality, 191
Social constructionism, 52–53
Social defence theory, 38
Social sciences, 42, 125
Social vacuum, 33
Social welfare, 203
Societal welfare, 203
Sociological criminology, 127–129, 133–135
Sociology, 42
Source analysis, 164–165
South Australian Foundation on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (SAFADD), 178–179
Spirit, 175
Spring Mountain Youth Camp, 72–73
SPSS software program, 84
Statistical analysis, 144–145
Stipendiary Magistrate (SM), 94–95
Strategy perception, 215–216
Sub-discipline, 97–98
Subfield evolution, 146–148
Tasmanian Foundation on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (1975), 178–179
Technology, 66
Temperance, 175
Tensions, 6
Threat perception, 15–16
Traditional crime studies, 227
space, 137–138
theories of occupation governance, 204–205
Transdisciplinarity, 172–173
Troubling partnerships, 175–177
Two-tiered framework, 9–10
University of Radicalism, 151–152
US history and lessons for occupation theory, 209–215
Vice-Admiralty Court
, 102
Victimology. See also Criminological/criminology, 1, 125–126, 134
Victoria, forensic psychiatry in, 42–44
Victorian Foundation on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (VFADD). See Alcoholism Foundation of Victoria
Violence, 222–224
history of, 127
violent crimes, 19–20
violent women, 191–194
Wittgenstein’s approach, 138–139
Women’s Ambulance and Defense Corp (WADC), 69–70
Women’s Army Corp, 69–70
Women’s homicide. See also Infanticide, 189–190, 193
offending 1860–1920, 196–198
victims, 198–202
YMCA, 68–69
Youth camps, 68–74
Youth crime, 68–69
Zox Royal Commission, 43
Cardiazol, 42
Carl von Clausewitz, 205–206
Chief Justice (CJ), 93
Child psychology, 42
Civil Court
, 102
Civil governance, 219
Civil policing, 217–218
Clark County Juvenile Home, 70
Clinical-criminal model, 98
Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA), 221, 223
Cocaine, 178–179
Coercion, 222–224
Colonial psychiatrists, 39–40
Common sense criterion and knowledge, 36–37
Commonality, 166
Community Partnerships Initiative (CPI), 183
Competency to stand trial, 105–107
Compiling criminal statistics, 80
Concealment of Birth of Bastards Act. See Act to Prevent the Destroying and Murthering of Bastard Children (1624)
Conceptualisations, 80
Consensus-driven model of historical criminology, 125–126
Constitutio Criminalis Carolina of 1532, 16–17
Contemporary Australian drug policy, 12, 171
Content analysis, 167
Continuities in history of partnerships between NGOs and governments, 179–183
Corruption, 157–158
in Queensland Police Force, 158–159
Counterinsurgency, 204, 217, 220
theorists, 204, 206–207
Court of Criminal Jurisdiction (CCJ), 102–104
forensic psychology in Australia and, 104–119
COVID-19 pandemic, 1–2
Crime, 1, 5–6, 15–16, 227
of drunkenness, 54–55
historians of, 145–146
history, 144–145
of public drunkenness, 47–48
research from historical perspective, 8
Crime studies, 1, 3, 228–229
history and, 9–12
Criminal Code (1892), 42
Criminal culpability, 31
Criminal intent, Mens Rea and, 111–115
Criminal issues, 3
Criminal justice, 217
history, 127
Criminal justice system (CJS), 6–7, 219–220
Criminal kids, 68–74
Criminal Lunatics Act
, 34–35
Criminal psychology, 1, 5
Criminal statistics, 80
Criminal trials, 37–38
Criminality, 10–11, 228–229
Criminological/criminology, 1, 15–16, 42, 49–50, 125, 127, 192–193, 204, 227, 230–231
analysis, 192
rendezvous discipline of, 139–140
research, 125
theory, 125
Critical criminologists, 172–173
Critical criminology, 53
Culture of egalitarianism, 43–44
Dangerousness, 80
Dark Angel, 189
DASTUM database, 23–24
De-Ba’athification, 221–222
Decision-making and habitual criminal declarations, 89–94
Defendant mental state and insanity, 107–111
Demilitarisation, 221–222
Deviance, 54–61
historical episode of, 48
history, historical criminology and concept of, 49–54
motivation for, 159–160
Digitisation, 144–145
Disciplinary orthodoxy, 49–50
Discipline of sociology, 53
Discomfort, 137–138
Discontinuities in history of partnerships between NGOs and governments, 179–183
Divergence, 129
Drug policy, 171
1950s and rise of self-help and establishment of foundations, 177–179
Australian, 174
continuities and discontinuities in history of partnerships between NGOs and governments, 179–183
methods, 173–174
results, 174–177
troubling partnerships, 175–177
understanding ‘history’ in sector, 184–186
Drunkenness, 55–57
Dutch Songbook Database, 21–22
Egalitarianism, 43–44
Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), 42
Emotion, 4–5
Epidemic of infanticide, 17–18
Espionage Act (1917), 154
European imperialism, 215–216
European modernisation, 148
Evil libertinage, 20
Exegesis, 149
Eyewitness competence and reliability, 115–119
Family-state compact, 17
Female homicide, 189
Feminine crimes, 191
Femininity, 73–74
Feminist approach, 12
Feminist criminology, 189–190
Feminist historical criminology
homicide in Victoria, 194–196
violent women, 191–194
women’s homicide offending 1860–1920, 196–198
women’s homicide victims, 198–202
Feminist theory, 189–190
Fetishisation of interdisciplinarity, 137–138
Field manual (FM), 212–213
Filicide, 198–199
First Seminole War (1816–1819), 209–210
Fluidity, 15–16
FM 27–5. See Basic Field Manual Military Government (1940)
Foreign-imposed occupation, 218–219
Forensic psychiatry, 31–32
in Australia, 33–34
delayed development, 38–42
rise of nineteenth-century insanity ‘expert’, 34–38
in Victoria, 42–44
Forensic psychology, 1, 5–6, 98, 227, 230–231
competency to stand trial, 105–107
Court of Criminal Jurisdiction, 102–104
defendant mental state and insanity, 107–111
eyewitness competence and reliability, 115–119
forensic psychology in Australia and Court of Criminal Jurisdiction, 104–119
Mens Rea and criminal intent, 111–115
Forensics, 1
Foundation for Research and Treatment of Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (FRATADD), 178–179
Four-component model, 215–216, 220
utility to understanding Iraq, 221–224
Future crime, 80
Gendarme strategy, 205–206, 218–219
Gendered theorisations of violence, 193–194
Government iEnquiries and responses, 179–183
Great Depression, 66
Habitual Criminal Sterilization Act
, 78
Habitual criminals, 77–79, 81
decision-making and habitual criminal declarations, 89–94
methodology and trends in preventive detention, 83–85
reoffending post-indefinite detention, 94–95
prior scholarship on habitual criminal declarations in Australia, 82–83
trends in preventive detention in Australian supreme courts, 85–89
Habitual Criminals Act (1869), 81
Habitual depredators, 80
Habitual drunkards, 60
Haney’s psychology-driven model, 7–8
Hardening, 137–138
Hell’s Belle, 189
Historical analysis, 159–160, 192
Historical crime studies, 231–232
Historical criminologists, 135–136
Historical criminology. See also Feminist historical criminology, 33, 48, 50–54, 61, 125, 127–128, 135, 140, 157–158, 172–173, 189–191
current interpretations of, 126–135
history–sociological criminology spectrum, 136
intersectional methods to analyse police corruption, 160–163
Historical episode of deviance, 48
Historical methods, 173
Historical research on crime, 8
Historical scholarship in crime studies, 227–228
Historical time, 133–134
Historically driven impact-based studies, 230
History, 127, 227, 230
of crime, 15–16
and crime studies, 9–12
impact-based research using, 8
of violence, 127
Holy Roman Empire, 16–17
Homicidal monomaniac, 41–42
Homicide in Victoria, 194–196
Homo sapiens
, 147
Human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS), 181–182
Impact-based research, 228–229
building blocks in place, 228–229
connected issue, 230–231
historical crime studies, 231–232
historical scholarship in crime studies, 227–228
impact-based historical crime studies, 229–230
impact-based scholarship and historical studies, 233
potential areas of, 232
Imprisonment, 77
In re Gault
, 63–64, 66
Inclination, 2–3
Infanticide, 15–17, 26–27, 198–199
Act Anent Child Murder
, 17
Braes of Strathblane, 28–29
in Britain, 19–20
craze, 19–20
Dutch Songbook Database, 21–22
Horrid Murder
, 29
identifiable historical incidents of, 23–24
Italian infanticide legislation, 26
in nineteenth-century French ballads, 25
posthumous punishments, 22
young woman in Braintree, 27–28
young women in domestic service, 17–18
young women’s ‘inhuman fury, 24–25
Insanity, 31
experts, 31–32
Insulin, 42
Interdisciplinarity, 138
fetishisation of, 137–138
International Workers of World (IWW), 151–152
Interpretative framework, 227–228
Intersectional methods of historical criminology, 160–163
Judicial discretion, 92
Juridical history, 31–34
Juvenile court system, 63
Juvenile delinquents, 64–66
origins of policing Las Vegas youth, 66–68
In re Gault in Nevada and Beyond, 74–76
youth camps, criminal kids and series of scandals, 68–74
Juvenile justice evolution in Las Vegas, 64
Kleptomania, 37
Kraepelin’s framework, 39–40
Labelling, 54–61
Lady Bluebeard, 189
Law Psychology, 5–6
Legal adjudication lens
, 101
Legal scholarship lens
, 101
Legal studies, 227
Legislative facts, 8
Libertinage, 26
Lieber Code, 210–211
Lunatic asylum, 34–35
Lunatics, 39
M’Naghten Rules
, 108, 110–111
Mad-doctor, 31–32
Manifest madness, 36–37
Marijuana, 178–179
Mary Hamilton
, 26–27
McCoy’s model, 163–164
Medical profession, 39
Medico-legal knowledge, 33–34
Mens Rea and criminal intent, 111–115
Mentalities history, 146
Methodological ambiguity, 137–138
Methods/methodology, 129–131
Microanalysis in crime history, 145
Microhistorical/microhistory, 143–144, 146
approach, 11
evolution of subfield, 146–148
five elements of, 149–151
New Year’s Eve, 1919, 151–153
productive speculation, 153–155
research, 192
Military government officer (MGO), 213–214
Military occupation, 203, 205
Ministerial Council on Drug Strategy (MCDS), 182–183
Monahan and Walker’s law-driven model, 8
Moral charges, 68–69
Morally insane, 41–42
Motivation for deviance, 159–160
Multidimensionality of criminal justice, 83
Multifarious methods of colonial psychiatry, 40
Mundane crimes, 189
Muscatine County Socialist
, 153–154
Narcotics Anonymous (NA), 177–178
National Campaign Against Drug Abuse (NCADA), 173–174
National Drug Strategic Framework (NDSF), 182–183
National Drug Strategy, 171, 173–174, 181–182
Natural disaster, 203
Neonatal infanticide, 16–17
Netflix series, 189
New South Wales (NSW), 173–174
policing drunkenness in, 54–61
Nineteenth-century insanity ‘expert’, rise of, 34–38
Non-Government Organisation Treatment Grants Program (NGOTGP), 183
Non-presentism, 150–151
Nongovernment organisations (NGOs), 171, 177–178
in Australian drug policy, 174
continuities and discontinuities in history of partnerships between governments and, 179–183
Normal exceptions (eccezionalmente normale), 149–150
Northern Territory Foundation on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (1976), 178–179
Occupation strategy
four-component model, 215–220
occupation theory and critical role of popular compliance, 205–209
US history and lessons for occupation theory, 209–215
utility of four-component model to understanding Iraq, 221–224
Occupation studies, 204
Occupation theory, 205–209
and critical role of popular compliance, 205–209
US history and lessons for, 209–215
Occupation zone, 203
Oceanographer, 143
Organisational culture, 11–12
Pacification, 217–218
Partnerships, 174–175
troubling, 175–177
Passive “corruptee”, 163–164
Peacekeeping, 203
Penal policies and preventive detention, 81
Penology, 134
Police Acts, 59–60
Police corruption, 157–158, 163, 165, 232
archival material to construct pattern of, 165–167
historical method to identify corrupt networks of police in Queensland, 167–170
intersectional methods of historical criminology to analyse, 160–163
in Queensland, 158–160
Policing, 1, 125–126, 217, 220
Policing drunkenness
deviance, labelling and historical criminology, 54–61
history, historical criminology and concept of deviance, 49–54
in New South Wales, 54–61
Policing Las Vegas youth, origins of, 66–68
Political persuasion, 207–208
Political science, 204
, 218–219
Popular compliance, critical role of, 205–209
Popular perception, 215–216
Post-indefinite detention, reoffending, 94–95
Posthumous punishments, 22
Post–World War II theory, 205–206
Pregnancy, 20
Prevention of Crime Act (1871), 81
Preventive detention
in Australian supreme courts, 85–89
methodology and trends in, 83–85
penal policies and, 81
Primitive states, 222–224
Prior scholarship on habitual criminal declarations in Australia, 82–83
Prisons, 125–126
Productive speculation, 153–155
Professional accreditation, 31–32
Prosecution Project database, 78–79, 84
Prosecutorial discretion, 90
Prosecutors, 78–79
Provost Courts
, 210
Psychiatrist, 31–32
Psychiatry, 31–32
Psychological specialisation, 98
Psychology, 6, 97, 204
Public drunkenness, 47–48
Puerperal mania, 37
Quantification, 144–145
corruption in, 158–159
historical method to identify corrupt networks of police in, 167–170
police corruption in, 158–160
Queensland Criminal Code Act, 81
Queensland Police Force, 158
Radical criminologists, 172–173
Reconstruction, 219–220
reconstruction/civil administration, 217
Reliability, eyewitness competence and, 115–119
Rendezvous discipline of criminology, 134, 139–140
Reoffending post-indefinite detention, 94–95
Reprèsentations collectives, 146
Reproductive crimes, 191
Research aims, 129
Research foci, 129
Risk, need and responsivity model (RNR model), 80
Roper v Simmons
, 76
Science of real life, 147–148
Scientific men, 31–32
Scientific scholarship lens
, 97–100
Security enforcement, 217–218
Self-help movement, 177–179
Sensationalism, 2–3
Sex maniac, 41–42
Sexuality, 191
Social constructionism, 52–53
Social defence theory, 38
Social sciences, 42, 125
Social vacuum, 33
Social welfare, 203
Societal welfare, 203
Sociological criminology, 127–129, 133–135
Sociology, 42
Source analysis, 164–165
South Australian Foundation on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (SAFADD), 178–179
Spirit, 175
Spring Mountain Youth Camp, 72–73
SPSS software program, 84
Statistical analysis, 144–145
Stipendiary Magistrate (SM), 94–95
Strategy perception, 215–216
Sub-discipline, 97–98
Subfield evolution, 146–148
Tasmanian Foundation on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (1975), 178–179
Technology, 66
Temperance, 175
Tensions, 6
Threat perception, 15–16
Traditional crime studies, 227
space, 137–138
theories of occupation governance, 204–205
Transdisciplinarity, 172–173
Troubling partnerships, 175–177
Two-tiered framework, 9–10
University of Radicalism, 151–152
US history and lessons for occupation theory, 209–215
Vice-Admiralty Court
, 102
Victimology. See also Criminological/criminology, 1, 125–126, 134
Victoria, forensic psychiatry in, 42–44
Victorian Foundation on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (VFADD). See Alcoholism Foundation of Victoria
Violence, 222–224
history of, 127
violent crimes, 19–20
violent women, 191–194
Wittgenstein’s approach, 138–139
Women’s Ambulance and Defense Corp (WADC), 69–70
Women’s Army Corp, 69–70
Women’s homicide. See also Infanticide, 189–190, 193
offending 1860–1920, 196–198
victims, 198–202
YMCA, 68–69
Youth camps, 68–74
Youth crime, 68–69
Zox Royal Commission, 43
Egalitarianism, 43–44
Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), 42
Emotion, 4–5
Epidemic of infanticide, 17–18
Espionage Act (1917), 154
European imperialism, 215–216
European modernisation, 148
Evil libertinage, 20
Exegesis, 149
Eyewitness competence and reliability, 115–119
Family-state compact, 17
Female homicide, 189
Feminine crimes, 191
Femininity, 73–74
Feminist approach, 12
Feminist criminology, 189–190
Feminist historical criminology
homicide in Victoria, 194–196
violent women, 191–194
women’s homicide offending 1860–1920, 196–198
women’s homicide victims, 198–202
Feminist theory, 189–190
Fetishisation of interdisciplinarity, 137–138
Field manual (FM), 212–213
Filicide, 198–199
First Seminole War (1816–1819), 209–210
Fluidity, 15–16
FM 27–5. See Basic Field Manual Military Government (1940)
Foreign-imposed occupation, 218–219
Forensic psychiatry, 31–32
in Australia, 33–34
delayed development, 38–42
rise of nineteenth-century insanity ‘expert’, 34–38
in Victoria, 42–44
Forensic psychology, 1, 5–6, 98, 227, 230–231
competency to stand trial, 105–107
Court of Criminal Jurisdiction, 102–104
defendant mental state and insanity, 107–111
eyewitness competence and reliability, 115–119
forensic psychology in Australia and Court of Criminal Jurisdiction, 104–119
Mens Rea and criminal intent, 111–115
Forensics, 1
Foundation for Research and Treatment of Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (FRATADD), 178–179
Four-component model, 215–216, 220
utility to understanding Iraq, 221–224
Future crime, 80
Gendarme strategy, 205–206, 218–219
Gendered theorisations of violence, 193–194
Government iEnquiries and responses, 179–183
Great Depression, 66
Habitual Criminal Sterilization Act
, 78
Habitual criminals, 77–79, 81
decision-making and habitual criminal declarations, 89–94
methodology and trends in preventive detention, 83–85
reoffending post-indefinite detention, 94–95
prior scholarship on habitual criminal declarations in Australia, 82–83
trends in preventive detention in Australian supreme courts, 85–89
Habitual Criminals Act (1869), 81
Habitual depredators, 80
Habitual drunkards, 60
Haney’s psychology-driven model, 7–8
Hardening, 137–138
Hell’s Belle, 189
Historical analysis, 159–160, 192
Historical crime studies, 231–232
Historical criminologists, 135–136
Historical criminology. See also Feminist historical criminology, 33, 48, 50–54, 61, 125, 127–128, 135, 140, 157–158, 172–173, 189–191
current interpretations of, 126–135
history–sociological criminology spectrum, 136
intersectional methods to analyse police corruption, 160–163
Historical episode of deviance, 48
Historical methods, 173
Historical research on crime, 8
Historical scholarship in crime studies, 227–228
Historical time, 133–134
Historically driven impact-based studies, 230
History, 127, 227, 230
of crime, 15–16
and crime studies, 9–12
impact-based research using, 8
of violence, 127
Holy Roman Empire, 16–17
Homicidal monomaniac, 41–42
Homicide in Victoria, 194–196
Homo sapiens
, 147
Human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS), 181–182
Impact-based research, 228–229
building blocks in place, 228–229
connected issue, 230–231
historical crime studies, 231–232
historical scholarship in crime studies, 227–228
impact-based historical crime studies, 229–230
impact-based scholarship and historical studies, 233
potential areas of, 232
Imprisonment, 77
In re Gault
, 63–64, 66
Inclination, 2–3
Infanticide, 15–17, 26–27, 198–199
Act Anent Child Murder
, 17
Braes of Strathblane, 28–29
in Britain, 19–20
craze, 19–20
Dutch Songbook Database, 21–22
Horrid Murder
, 29
identifiable historical incidents of, 23–24
Italian infanticide legislation, 26
in nineteenth-century French ballads, 25
posthumous punishments, 22
young woman in Braintree, 27–28
young women in domestic service, 17–18
young women’s ‘inhuman fury, 24–25
Insanity, 31
experts, 31–32
Insulin, 42
Interdisciplinarity, 138
fetishisation of, 137–138
International Workers of World (IWW), 151–152
Interpretative framework, 227–228
Intersectional methods of historical criminology, 160–163
Judicial discretion, 92
Juridical history, 31–34
Juvenile court system, 63
Juvenile delinquents, 64–66
origins of policing Las Vegas youth, 66–68
In re Gault in Nevada and Beyond, 74–76
youth camps, criminal kids and series of scandals, 68–74
Juvenile justice evolution in Las Vegas, 64
Kleptomania, 37
Kraepelin’s framework, 39–40
Labelling, 54–61
Lady Bluebeard, 189
Law Psychology, 5–6
Legal adjudication lens
, 101
Legal scholarship lens
, 101
Legal studies, 227
Legislative facts, 8
Libertinage, 26
Lieber Code, 210–211
Lunatic asylum, 34–35
Lunatics, 39
M’Naghten Rules
, 108, 110–111
Mad-doctor, 31–32
Manifest madness, 36–37
Marijuana, 178–179
Mary Hamilton
, 26–27
McCoy’s model, 163–164
Medical profession, 39
Medico-legal knowledge, 33–34
Mens Rea and criminal intent, 111–115
Mentalities history, 146
Methodological ambiguity, 137–138
Methods/methodology, 129–131
Microanalysis in crime history, 145
Microhistorical/microhistory, 143–144, 146
approach, 11
evolution of subfield, 146–148
five elements of, 149–151
New Year’s Eve, 1919, 151–153
productive speculation, 153–155
research, 192
Military government officer (MGO), 213–214
Military occupation, 203, 205
Ministerial Council on Drug Strategy (MCDS), 182–183
Monahan and Walker’s law-driven model, 8
Moral charges, 68–69
Morally insane, 41–42
Motivation for deviance, 159–160
Multidimensionality of criminal justice, 83
Multifarious methods of colonial psychiatry, 40
Mundane crimes, 189
Muscatine County Socialist
, 153–154
Narcotics Anonymous (NA), 177–178
National Campaign Against Drug Abuse (NCADA), 173–174
National Drug Strategic Framework (NDSF), 182–183
National Drug Strategy, 171, 173–174, 181–182
Natural disaster, 203
Neonatal infanticide, 16–17
Netflix series, 189
New South Wales (NSW), 173–174
policing drunkenness in, 54–61
Nineteenth-century insanity ‘expert’, rise of, 34–38
Non-Government Organisation Treatment Grants Program (NGOTGP), 183
Non-presentism, 150–151
Nongovernment organisations (NGOs), 171, 177–178
in Australian drug policy, 174
continuities and discontinuities in history of partnerships between governments and, 179–183
Normal exceptions (eccezionalmente normale), 149–150
Northern Territory Foundation on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (1976), 178–179
Occupation strategy
four-component model, 215–220
occupation theory and critical role of popular compliance, 205–209
US history and lessons for occupation theory, 209–215
utility of four-component model to understanding Iraq, 221–224
Occupation studies, 204
Occupation theory, 205–209
and critical role of popular compliance, 205–209
US history and lessons for, 209–215
Occupation zone, 203
Oceanographer, 143
Organisational culture, 11–12
Pacification, 217–218
Partnerships, 174–175
troubling, 175–177
Passive “corruptee”, 163–164
Peacekeeping, 203
Penal policies and preventive detention, 81
Penology, 134
Police Acts, 59–60
Police corruption, 157–158, 163, 165, 232
archival material to construct pattern of, 165–167
historical method to identify corrupt networks of police in Queensland, 167–170
intersectional methods of historical criminology to analyse, 160–163
in Queensland, 158–160
Policing, 1, 125–126, 217, 220
Policing drunkenness
deviance, labelling and historical criminology, 54–61
history, historical criminology and concept of deviance, 49–54
in New South Wales, 54–61
Policing Las Vegas youth, origins of, 66–68
Political persuasion, 207–208
Political science, 204
, 218–219
Popular compliance, critical role of, 205–209
Popular perception, 215–216
Post-indefinite detention, reoffending, 94–95
Posthumous punishments, 22
Post–World War II theory, 205–206
Pregnancy, 20
Prevention of Crime Act (1871), 81
Preventive detention
in Australian supreme courts, 85–89
methodology and trends in, 83–85
penal policies and, 81
Primitive states, 222–224
Prior scholarship on habitual criminal declarations in Australia, 82–83
Prisons, 125–126
Productive speculation, 153–155
Professional accreditation, 31–32
Prosecution Project database, 78–79, 84
Prosecutorial discretion, 90
Prosecutors, 78–79
Provost Courts
, 210
Psychiatrist, 31–32
Psychiatry, 31–32
Psychological specialisation, 98
Psychology, 6, 97, 204
Public drunkenness, 47–48
Puerperal mania, 37
Quantification, 144–145
corruption in, 158–159
historical method to identify corrupt networks of police in, 167–170
police corruption in, 158–160
Queensland Criminal Code Act, 81
Queensland Police Force, 158
Radical criminologists, 172–173
Reconstruction, 219–220
reconstruction/civil administration, 217
Reliability, eyewitness competence and, 115–119
Rendezvous discipline of criminology, 134, 139–140
Reoffending post-indefinite detention, 94–95
Reprèsentations collectives, 146
Reproductive crimes, 191
Research aims, 129
Research foci, 129
Risk, need and responsivity model (RNR model), 80
Roper v Simmons
, 76
Science of real life, 147–148
Scientific men, 31–32
Scientific scholarship lens
, 97–100
Security enforcement, 217–218
Self-help movement, 177–179
Sensationalism, 2–3
Sex maniac, 41–42
Sexuality, 191
Social constructionism, 52–53
Social defence theory, 38
Social sciences, 42, 125
Social vacuum, 33
Social welfare, 203
Societal welfare, 203
Sociological criminology, 127–129, 133–135
Sociology, 42
Source analysis, 164–165
South Australian Foundation on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (SAFADD), 178–179
Spirit, 175
Spring Mountain Youth Camp, 72–73
SPSS software program, 84
Statistical analysis, 144–145
Stipendiary Magistrate (SM), 94–95
Strategy perception, 215–216
Sub-discipline, 97–98
Subfield evolution, 146–148
Tasmanian Foundation on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (1975), 178–179
Technology, 66
Temperance, 175
Tensions, 6
Threat perception, 15–16
Traditional crime studies, 227
space, 137–138
theories of occupation governance, 204–205
Transdisciplinarity, 172–173
Troubling partnerships, 175–177
Two-tiered framework, 9–10
University of Radicalism, 151–152
US history and lessons for occupation theory, 209–215
Vice-Admiralty Court
, 102
Victimology. See also Criminological/criminology, 1, 125–126, 134
Victoria, forensic psychiatry in, 42–44
Victorian Foundation on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (VFADD). See Alcoholism Foundation of Victoria
Violence, 222–224
history of, 127
violent crimes, 19–20
violent women, 191–194
Wittgenstein’s approach, 138–139
Women’s Ambulance and Defense Corp (WADC), 69–70
Women’s Army Corp, 69–70
Women’s homicide. See also Infanticide, 189–190, 193
offending 1860–1920, 196–198
victims, 198–202
YMCA, 68–69
Youth camps, 68–74
Youth crime, 68–69
Zox Royal Commission, 43
Gendarme strategy, 205–206, 218–219
Gendered theorisations of violence, 193–194
Government iEnquiries and responses, 179–183
Great Depression, 66
Habitual Criminal Sterilization Act
, 78
Habitual criminals, 77–79, 81
decision-making and habitual criminal declarations, 89–94
methodology and trends in preventive detention, 83–85
reoffending post-indefinite detention, 94–95
prior scholarship on habitual criminal declarations in Australia, 82–83
trends in preventive detention in Australian supreme courts, 85–89
Habitual Criminals Act (1869), 81
Habitual depredators, 80
Habitual drunkards, 60
Haney’s psychology-driven model, 7–8
Hardening, 137–138
Hell’s Belle, 189
Historical analysis, 159–160, 192
Historical crime studies, 231–232
Historical criminologists, 135–136
Historical criminology. See also Feminist historical criminology, 33, 48, 50–54, 61, 125, 127–128, 135, 140, 157–158, 172–173, 189–191
current interpretations of, 126–135
history–sociological criminology spectrum, 136
intersectional methods to analyse police corruption, 160–163
Historical episode of deviance, 48
Historical methods, 173
Historical research on crime, 8
Historical scholarship in crime studies, 227–228
Historical time, 133–134
Historically driven impact-based studies, 230
History, 127, 227, 230
of crime, 15–16
and crime studies, 9–12
impact-based research using, 8
of violence, 127
Holy Roman Empire, 16–17
Homicidal monomaniac, 41–42
Homicide in Victoria, 194–196
Homo sapiens
, 147
Human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS), 181–182
Impact-based research, 228–229
building blocks in place, 228–229
connected issue, 230–231
historical crime studies, 231–232
historical scholarship in crime studies, 227–228
impact-based historical crime studies, 229–230
impact-based scholarship and historical studies, 233
potential areas of, 232
Imprisonment, 77
In re Gault
, 63–64, 66
Inclination, 2–3
Infanticide, 15–17, 26–27, 198–199
Act Anent Child Murder
, 17
Braes of Strathblane, 28–29
in Britain, 19–20
craze, 19–20
Dutch Songbook Database, 21–22
Horrid Murder
, 29
identifiable historical incidents of, 23–24
Italian infanticide legislation, 26
in nineteenth-century French ballads, 25
posthumous punishments, 22
young woman in Braintree, 27–28
young women in domestic service, 17–18
young women’s ‘inhuman fury, 24–25
Insanity, 31
experts, 31–32
Insulin, 42
Interdisciplinarity, 138
fetishisation of, 137–138
International Workers of World (IWW), 151–152
Interpretative framework, 227–228
Intersectional methods of historical criminology, 160–163
Judicial discretion, 92
Juridical history, 31–34
Juvenile court system, 63
Juvenile delinquents, 64–66
origins of policing Las Vegas youth, 66–68
In re Gault in Nevada and Beyond, 74–76
youth camps, criminal kids and series of scandals, 68–74
Juvenile justice evolution in Las Vegas, 64
Kleptomania, 37
Kraepelin’s framework, 39–40
Labelling, 54–61
Lady Bluebeard, 189
Law Psychology, 5–6
Legal adjudication lens
, 101
Legal scholarship lens
, 101
Legal studies, 227
Legislative facts, 8
Libertinage, 26
Lieber Code, 210–211
Lunatic asylum, 34–35
Lunatics, 39
M’Naghten Rules
, 108, 110–111
Mad-doctor, 31–32
Manifest madness, 36–37
Marijuana, 178–179
Mary Hamilton
, 26–27
McCoy’s model, 163–164
Medical profession, 39
Medico-legal knowledge, 33–34
Mens Rea and criminal intent, 111–115
Mentalities history, 146
Methodological ambiguity, 137–138
Methods/methodology, 129–131
Microanalysis in crime history, 145
Microhistorical/microhistory, 143–144, 146
approach, 11
evolution of subfield, 146–148
five elements of, 149–151
New Year’s Eve, 1919, 151–153
productive speculation, 153–155
research, 192
Military government officer (MGO), 213–214
Military occupation, 203, 205
Ministerial Council on Drug Strategy (MCDS), 182–183
Monahan and Walker’s law-driven model, 8
Moral charges, 68–69
Morally insane, 41–42
Motivation for deviance, 159–160
Multidimensionality of criminal justice, 83
Multifarious methods of colonial psychiatry, 40
Mundane crimes, 189
Muscatine County Socialist
, 153–154
Narcotics Anonymous (NA), 177–178
National Campaign Against Drug Abuse (NCADA), 173–174
National Drug Strategic Framework (NDSF), 182–183
National Drug Strategy, 171, 173–174, 181–182
Natural disaster, 203
Neonatal infanticide, 16–17
Netflix series, 189
New South Wales (NSW), 173–174
policing drunkenness in, 54–61
Nineteenth-century insanity ‘expert’, rise of, 34–38
Non-Government Organisation Treatment Grants Program (NGOTGP), 183
Non-presentism, 150–151
Nongovernment organisations (NGOs), 171, 177–178
in Australian drug policy, 174
continuities and discontinuities in history of partnerships between governments and, 179–183
Normal exceptions (eccezionalmente normale), 149–150
Northern Territory Foundation on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (1976), 178–179
Occupation strategy
four-component model, 215–220
occupation theory and critical role of popular compliance, 205–209
US history and lessons for occupation theory, 209–215
utility of four-component model to understanding Iraq, 221–224
Occupation studies, 204
Occupation theory, 205–209
and critical role of popular compliance, 205–209
US history and lessons for, 209–215
Occupation zone, 203
Oceanographer, 143
Organisational culture, 11–12
Pacification, 217–218
Partnerships, 174–175
troubling, 175–177
Passive “corruptee”, 163–164
Peacekeeping, 203
Penal policies and preventive detention, 81
Penology, 134
Police Acts, 59–60
Police corruption, 157–158, 163, 165, 232
archival material to construct pattern of, 165–167
historical method to identify corrupt networks of police in Queensland, 167–170
intersectional methods of historical criminology to analyse, 160–163
in Queensland, 158–160
Policing, 1, 125–126, 217, 220
Policing drunkenness
deviance, labelling and historical criminology, 54–61
history, historical criminology and concept of deviance, 49–54
in New South Wales, 54–61
Policing Las Vegas youth, origins of, 66–68
Political persuasion, 207–208
Political science, 204
, 218–219
Popular compliance, critical role of, 205–209
Popular perception, 215–216
Post-indefinite detention, reoffending, 94–95
Posthumous punishments, 22
Post–World War II theory, 205–206
Pregnancy, 20
Prevention of Crime Act (1871), 81
Preventive detention
in Australian supreme courts, 85–89
methodology and trends in, 83–85
penal policies and, 81
Primitive states, 222–224
Prior scholarship on habitual criminal declarations in Australia, 82–83
Prisons, 125–126
Productive speculation, 153–155
Professional accreditation, 31–32
Prosecution Project database, 78–79, 84
Prosecutorial discretion, 90
Prosecutors, 78–79
Provost Courts
, 210
Psychiatrist, 31–32
Psychiatry, 31–32
Psychological specialisation, 98
Psychology, 6, 97, 204
Public drunkenness, 47–48
Puerperal mania, 37
Quantification, 144–145
corruption in, 158–159
historical method to identify corrupt networks of police in, 167–170
police corruption in, 158–160
Queensland Criminal Code Act, 81
Queensland Police Force, 158
Radical criminologists, 172–173
Reconstruction, 219–220
reconstruction/civil administration, 217
Reliability, eyewitness competence and, 115–119
Rendezvous discipline of criminology, 134, 139–140
Reoffending post-indefinite detention, 94–95
Reprèsentations collectives, 146
Reproductive crimes, 191
Research aims, 129
Research foci, 129
Risk, need and responsivity model (RNR model), 80
Roper v Simmons
, 76
Science of real life, 147–148
Scientific men, 31–32
Scientific scholarship lens
, 97–100
Security enforcement, 217–218
Self-help movement, 177–179
Sensationalism, 2–3
Sex maniac, 41–42
Sexuality, 191
Social constructionism, 52–53
Social defence theory, 38
Social sciences, 42, 125
Social vacuum, 33
Social welfare, 203
Societal welfare, 203
Sociological criminology, 127–129, 133–135
Sociology, 42
Source analysis, 164–165
South Australian Foundation on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (SAFADD), 178–179
Spirit, 175
Spring Mountain Youth Camp, 72–73
SPSS software program, 84
Statistical analysis, 144–145
Stipendiary Magistrate (SM), 94–95
Strategy perception, 215–216
Sub-discipline, 97–98
Subfield evolution, 146–148
Tasmanian Foundation on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (1975), 178–179
Technology, 66
Temperance, 175
Tensions, 6
Threat perception, 15–16
Traditional crime studies, 227
space, 137–138
theories of occupation governance, 204–205
Transdisciplinarity, 172–173
Troubling partnerships, 175–177
Two-tiered framework, 9–10
University of Radicalism, 151–152
US history and lessons for occupation theory, 209–215
Vice-Admiralty Court
, 102
Victimology. See also Criminological/criminology, 1, 125–126, 134
Victoria, forensic psychiatry in, 42–44
Victorian Foundation on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (VFADD). See Alcoholism Foundation of Victoria
Violence, 222–224
history of, 127
violent crimes, 19–20
violent women, 191–194
Wittgenstein’s approach, 138–139
Women’s Ambulance and Defense Corp (WADC), 69–70
Women’s Army Corp, 69–70
Women’s homicide. See also Infanticide, 189–190, 193
offending 1860–1920, 196–198
victims, 198–202
YMCA, 68–69
Youth camps, 68–74
Youth crime, 68–69
Zox Royal Commission, 43
Impact-based research, 228–229
building blocks in place, 228–229
connected issue, 230–231
historical crime studies, 231–232
historical scholarship in crime studies, 227–228
impact-based historical crime studies, 229–230
impact-based scholarship and historical studies, 233
potential areas of, 232
Imprisonment, 77
In re Gault
, 63–64, 66
Inclination, 2–3
Infanticide, 15–17, 26–27, 198–199
Act Anent Child Murder
, 17
Braes of Strathblane, 28–29
in Britain, 19–20
craze, 19–20
Dutch Songbook Database, 21–22
Horrid Murder
, 29
identifiable historical incidents of, 23–24
Italian infanticide legislation, 26
in nineteenth-century French ballads, 25
posthumous punishments, 22
young woman in Braintree, 27–28
young women in domestic service, 17–18
young women’s ‘inhuman fury, 24–25
Insanity, 31
experts, 31–32
Insulin, 42
Interdisciplinarity, 138
fetishisation of, 137–138
International Workers of World (IWW), 151–152
Interpretative framework, 227–228
Intersectional methods of historical criminology, 160–163
Judicial discretion, 92
Juridical history, 31–34
Juvenile court system, 63
Juvenile delinquents, 64–66
origins of policing Las Vegas youth, 66–68
In re Gault in Nevada and Beyond, 74–76
youth camps, criminal kids and series of scandals, 68–74
Juvenile justice evolution in Las Vegas, 64
Kleptomania, 37
Kraepelin’s framework, 39–40
Labelling, 54–61
Lady Bluebeard, 189
Law Psychology, 5–6
Legal adjudication lens
, 101
Legal scholarship lens
, 101
Legal studies, 227
Legislative facts, 8
Libertinage, 26
Lieber Code, 210–211
Lunatic asylum, 34–35
Lunatics, 39
M’Naghten Rules
, 108, 110–111
Mad-doctor, 31–32
Manifest madness, 36–37
Marijuana, 178–179
Mary Hamilton
, 26–27
McCoy’s model, 163–164
Medical profession, 39
Medico-legal knowledge, 33–34
Mens Rea and criminal intent, 111–115
Mentalities history, 146
Methodological ambiguity, 137–138
Methods/methodology, 129–131
Microanalysis in crime history, 145
Microhistorical/microhistory, 143–144, 146
approach, 11
evolution of subfield, 146–148
five elements of, 149–151
New Year’s Eve, 1919, 151–153
productive speculation, 153–155
research, 192
Military government officer (MGO), 213–214
Military occupation, 203, 205
Ministerial Council on Drug Strategy (MCDS), 182–183
Monahan and Walker’s law-driven model, 8
Moral charges, 68–69
Morally insane, 41–42
Motivation for deviance, 159–160
Multidimensionality of criminal justice, 83
Multifarious methods of colonial psychiatry, 40
Mundane crimes, 189
Muscatine County Socialist
, 153–154
Narcotics Anonymous (NA), 177–178
National Campaign Against Drug Abuse (NCADA), 173–174
National Drug Strategic Framework (NDSF), 182–183
National Drug Strategy, 171, 173–174, 181–182
Natural disaster, 203
Neonatal infanticide, 16–17
Netflix series, 189
New South Wales (NSW), 173–174
policing drunkenness in, 54–61
Nineteenth-century insanity ‘expert’, rise of, 34–38
Non-Government Organisation Treatment Grants Program (NGOTGP), 183
Non-presentism, 150–151
Nongovernment organisations (NGOs), 171, 177–178
in Australian drug policy, 174
continuities and discontinuities in history of partnerships between governments and, 179–183
Normal exceptions (eccezionalmente normale), 149–150
Northern Territory Foundation on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (1976), 178–179
Occupation strategy
four-component model, 215–220
occupation theory and critical role of popular compliance, 205–209
US history and lessons for occupation theory, 209–215
utility of four-component model to understanding Iraq, 221–224
Occupation studies, 204
Occupation theory, 205–209
and critical role of popular compliance, 205–209
US history and lessons for, 209–215
Occupation zone, 203
Oceanographer, 143
Organisational culture, 11–12
Pacification, 217–218
Partnerships, 174–175
troubling, 175–177
Passive “corruptee”, 163–164
Peacekeeping, 203
Penal policies and preventive detention, 81
Penology, 134
Police Acts, 59–60
Police corruption, 157–158, 163, 165, 232
archival material to construct pattern of, 165–167
historical method to identify corrupt networks of police in Queensland, 167–170
intersectional methods of historical criminology to analyse, 160–163
in Queensland, 158–160
Policing, 1, 125–126, 217, 220
Policing drunkenness
deviance, labelling and historical criminology, 54–61
history, historical criminology and concept of deviance, 49–54
in New South Wales, 54–61
Policing Las Vegas youth, origins of, 66–68
Political persuasion, 207–208
Political science, 204
, 218–219
Popular compliance, critical role of, 205–209
Popular perception, 215–216
Post-indefinite detention, reoffending, 94–95
Posthumous punishments, 22
Post–World War II theory, 205–206
Pregnancy, 20
Prevention of Crime Act (1871), 81
Preventive detention
in Australian supreme courts, 85–89
methodology and trends in, 83–85
penal policies and, 81
Primitive states, 222–224
Prior scholarship on habitual criminal declarations in Australia, 82–83
Prisons, 125–126
Productive speculation, 153–155
Professional accreditation, 31–32
Prosecution Project database, 78–79, 84
Prosecutorial discretion, 90
Prosecutors, 78–79
Provost Courts
, 210
Psychiatrist, 31–32
Psychiatry, 31–32
Psychological specialisation, 98
Psychology, 6, 97, 204
Public drunkenness, 47–48
Puerperal mania, 37
Quantification, 144–145
corruption in, 158–159
historical method to identify corrupt networks of police in, 167–170
police corruption in, 158–160
Queensland Criminal Code Act, 81
Queensland Police Force, 158
Radical criminologists, 172–173
Reconstruction, 219–220
reconstruction/civil administration, 217
Reliability, eyewitness competence and, 115–119
Rendezvous discipline of criminology, 134, 139–140
Reoffending post-indefinite detention, 94–95
Reprèsentations collectives, 146
Reproductive crimes, 191
Research aims, 129
Research foci, 129
Risk, need and responsivity model (RNR model), 80
Roper v Simmons
, 76
Science of real life, 147–148
Scientific men, 31–32
Scientific scholarship lens
, 97–100
Security enforcement, 217–218
Self-help movement, 177–179
Sensationalism, 2–3
Sex maniac, 41–42
Sexuality, 191
Social constructionism, 52–53
Social defence theory, 38
Social sciences, 42, 125
Social vacuum, 33
Social welfare, 203
Societal welfare, 203
Sociological criminology, 127–129, 133–135
Sociology, 42
Source analysis, 164–165
South Australian Foundation on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (SAFADD), 178–179
Spirit, 175
Spring Mountain Youth Camp, 72–73
SPSS software program, 84
Statistical analysis, 144–145
Stipendiary Magistrate (SM), 94–95
Strategy perception, 215–216
Sub-discipline, 97–98
Subfield evolution, 146–148
Tasmanian Foundation on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (1975), 178–179
Technology, 66
Temperance, 175
Tensions, 6
Threat perception, 15–16
Traditional crime studies, 227
space, 137–138
theories of occupation governance, 204–205
Transdisciplinarity, 172–173
Troubling partnerships, 175–177
Two-tiered framework, 9–10
University of Radicalism, 151–152
US history and lessons for occupation theory, 209–215
Vice-Admiralty Court
, 102
Victimology. See also Criminological/criminology, 1, 125–126, 134
Victoria, forensic psychiatry in, 42–44
Victorian Foundation on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (VFADD). See Alcoholism Foundation of Victoria
Violence, 222–224
history of, 127
violent crimes, 19–20
violent women, 191–194
Wittgenstein’s approach, 138–139
Women’s Ambulance and Defense Corp (WADC), 69–70
Women’s Army Corp, 69–70
Women’s homicide. See also Infanticide, 189–190, 193
offending 1860–1920, 196–198
victims, 198–202
YMCA, 68–69
Youth camps, 68–74
Youth crime, 68–69
Zox Royal Commission, 43
Kleptomania, 37
Kraepelin’s framework, 39–40
Labelling, 54–61
Lady Bluebeard, 189
Law Psychology, 5–6
Legal adjudication lens
, 101
Legal scholarship lens
, 101
Legal studies, 227
Legislative facts, 8
Libertinage, 26
Lieber Code, 210–211
Lunatic asylum, 34–35
Lunatics, 39
M’Naghten Rules
, 108, 110–111
Mad-doctor, 31–32
Manifest madness, 36–37
Marijuana, 178–179
Mary Hamilton
, 26–27
McCoy’s model, 163–164
Medical profession, 39
Medico-legal knowledge, 33–34
Mens Rea and criminal intent, 111–115
Mentalities history, 146
Methodological ambiguity, 137–138
Methods/methodology, 129–131
Microanalysis in crime history, 145
Microhistorical/microhistory, 143–144, 146
approach, 11
evolution of subfield, 146–148
five elements of, 149–151
New Year’s Eve, 1919, 151–153
productive speculation, 153–155
research, 192
Military government officer (MGO), 213–214
Military occupation, 203, 205
Ministerial Council on Drug Strategy (MCDS), 182–183
Monahan and Walker’s law-driven model, 8
Moral charges, 68–69
Morally insane, 41–42
Motivation for deviance, 159–160
Multidimensionality of criminal justice, 83
Multifarious methods of colonial psychiatry, 40
Mundane crimes, 189
Muscatine County Socialist
, 153–154
Narcotics Anonymous (NA), 177–178
National Campaign Against Drug Abuse (NCADA), 173–174
National Drug Strategic Framework (NDSF), 182–183
National Drug Strategy, 171, 173–174, 181–182
Natural disaster, 203
Neonatal infanticide, 16–17
Netflix series, 189
New South Wales (NSW), 173–174
policing drunkenness in, 54–61
Nineteenth-century insanity ‘expert’, rise of, 34–38
Non-Government Organisation Treatment Grants Program (NGOTGP), 183
Non-presentism, 150–151
Nongovernment organisations (NGOs), 171, 177–178
in Australian drug policy, 174
continuities and discontinuities in history of partnerships between governments and, 179–183
Normal exceptions (eccezionalmente normale), 149–150
Northern Territory Foundation on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (1976), 178–179
Occupation strategy
four-component model, 215–220
occupation theory and critical role of popular compliance, 205–209
US history and lessons for occupation theory, 209–215
utility of four-component model to understanding Iraq, 221–224
Occupation studies, 204
Occupation theory, 205–209
and critical role of popular compliance, 205–209
US history and lessons for, 209–215
Occupation zone, 203
Oceanographer, 143
Organisational culture, 11–12
Pacification, 217–218
Partnerships, 174–175
troubling, 175–177
Passive “corruptee”, 163–164
Peacekeeping, 203
Penal policies and preventive detention, 81
Penology, 134
Police Acts, 59–60
Police corruption, 157–158, 163, 165, 232
archival material to construct pattern of, 165–167
historical method to identify corrupt networks of police in Queensland, 167–170
intersectional methods of historical criminology to analyse, 160–163
in Queensland, 158–160
Policing, 1, 125–126, 217, 220
Policing drunkenness
deviance, labelling and historical criminology, 54–61
history, historical criminology and concept of deviance, 49–54
in New South Wales, 54–61
Policing Las Vegas youth, origins of, 66–68
Political persuasion, 207–208
Political science, 204
, 218–219
Popular compliance, critical role of, 205–209
Popular perception, 215–216
Post-indefinite detention, reoffending, 94–95
Posthumous punishments, 22
Post–World War II theory, 205–206
Pregnancy, 20
Prevention of Crime Act (1871), 81
Preventive detention
in Australian supreme courts, 85–89
methodology and trends in, 83–85
penal policies and, 81
Primitive states, 222–224
Prior scholarship on habitual criminal declarations in Australia, 82–83
Prisons, 125–126
Productive speculation, 153–155
Professional accreditation, 31–32
Prosecution Project database, 78–79, 84
Prosecutorial discretion, 90
Prosecutors, 78–79
Provost Courts
, 210
Psychiatrist, 31–32
Psychiatry, 31–32
Psychological specialisation, 98
Psychology, 6, 97, 204
Public drunkenness, 47–48
Puerperal mania, 37
Quantification, 144–145
corruption in, 158–159
historical method to identify corrupt networks of police in, 167–170
police corruption in, 158–160
Queensland Criminal Code Act, 81
Queensland Police Force, 158
Radical criminologists, 172–173
Reconstruction, 219–220
reconstruction/civil administration, 217
Reliability, eyewitness competence and, 115–119
Rendezvous discipline of criminology, 134, 139–140
Reoffending post-indefinite detention, 94–95
Reprèsentations collectives, 146
Reproductive crimes, 191
Research aims, 129
Research foci, 129
Risk, need and responsivity model (RNR model), 80
Roper v Simmons
, 76
Science of real life, 147–148
Scientific men, 31–32
Scientific scholarship lens
, 97–100
Security enforcement, 217–218
Self-help movement, 177–179
Sensationalism, 2–3
Sex maniac, 41–42
Sexuality, 191
Social constructionism, 52–53
Social defence theory, 38
Social sciences, 42, 125
Social vacuum, 33
Social welfare, 203
Societal welfare, 203
Sociological criminology, 127–129, 133–135
Sociology, 42
Source analysis, 164–165
South Australian Foundation on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (SAFADD), 178–179
Spirit, 175
Spring Mountain Youth Camp, 72–73
SPSS software program, 84
Statistical analysis, 144–145
Stipendiary Magistrate (SM), 94–95
Strategy perception, 215–216
Sub-discipline, 97–98
Subfield evolution, 146–148
Tasmanian Foundation on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (1975), 178–179
Technology, 66
Temperance, 175
Tensions, 6
Threat perception, 15–16
Traditional crime studies, 227
space, 137–138
theories of occupation governance, 204–205
Transdisciplinarity, 172–173
Troubling partnerships, 175–177
Two-tiered framework, 9–10
University of Radicalism, 151–152
US history and lessons for occupation theory, 209–215
Vice-Admiralty Court
, 102
Victimology. See also Criminological/criminology, 1, 125–126, 134
Victoria, forensic psychiatry in, 42–44
Victorian Foundation on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (VFADD). See Alcoholism Foundation of Victoria
Violence, 222–224
history of, 127
violent crimes, 19–20
violent women, 191–194
Wittgenstein’s approach, 138–139
Women’s Ambulance and Defense Corp (WADC), 69–70
Women’s Army Corp, 69–70
Women’s homicide. See also Infanticide, 189–190, 193
offending 1860–1920, 196–198
victims, 198–202
YMCA, 68–69
Youth camps, 68–74
Youth crime, 68–69
Zox Royal Commission, 43
M’Naghten Rules
, 108, 110–111
Mad-doctor, 31–32
Manifest madness, 36–37
Marijuana, 178–179
Mary Hamilton
, 26–27
McCoy’s model, 163–164
Medical profession, 39
Medico-legal knowledge, 33–34
Mens Rea and criminal intent, 111–115
Mentalities history, 146
Methodological ambiguity, 137–138
Methods/methodology, 129–131
Microanalysis in crime history, 145
Microhistorical/microhistory, 143–144, 146
approach, 11
evolution of subfield, 146–148
five elements of, 149–151
New Year’s Eve, 1919, 151–153
productive speculation, 153–155
research, 192
Military government officer (MGO), 213–214
Military occupation, 203, 205
Ministerial Council on Drug Strategy (MCDS), 182–183
Monahan and Walker’s law-driven model, 8
Moral charges, 68–69
Morally insane, 41–42
Motivation for deviance, 159–160
Multidimensionality of criminal justice, 83
Multifarious methods of colonial psychiatry, 40
Mundane crimes, 189
Muscatine County Socialist
, 153–154
Narcotics Anonymous (NA), 177–178
National Campaign Against Drug Abuse (NCADA), 173–174
National Drug Strategic Framework (NDSF), 182–183
National Drug Strategy, 171, 173–174, 181–182
Natural disaster, 203
Neonatal infanticide, 16–17
Netflix series, 189
New South Wales (NSW), 173–174
policing drunkenness in, 54–61
Nineteenth-century insanity ‘expert’, rise of, 34–38
Non-Government Organisation Treatment Grants Program (NGOTGP), 183
Non-presentism, 150–151
Nongovernment organisations (NGOs), 171, 177–178
in Australian drug policy, 174
continuities and discontinuities in history of partnerships between governments and, 179–183
Normal exceptions (eccezionalmente normale), 149–150
Northern Territory Foundation on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (1976), 178–179
Occupation strategy
four-component model, 215–220
occupation theory and critical role of popular compliance, 205–209
US history and lessons for occupation theory, 209–215
utility of four-component model to understanding Iraq, 221–224
Occupation studies, 204
Occupation theory, 205–209
and critical role of popular compliance, 205–209
US history and lessons for, 209–215
Occupation zone, 203
Oceanographer, 143
Organisational culture, 11–12
Pacification, 217–218
Partnerships, 174–175
troubling, 175–177
Passive “corruptee”, 163–164
Peacekeeping, 203
Penal policies and preventive detention, 81
Penology, 134
Police Acts, 59–60
Police corruption, 157–158, 163, 165, 232
archival material to construct pattern of, 165–167
historical method to identify corrupt networks of police in Queensland, 167–170
intersectional methods of historical criminology to analyse, 160–163
in Queensland, 158–160
Policing, 1, 125–126, 217, 220
Policing drunkenness
deviance, labelling and historical criminology, 54–61
history, historical criminology and concept of deviance, 49–54
in New South Wales, 54–61
Policing Las Vegas youth, origins of, 66–68
Political persuasion, 207–208
Political science, 204
, 218–219
Popular compliance, critical role of, 205–209
Popular perception, 215–216
Post-indefinite detention, reoffending, 94–95
Posthumous punishments, 22
Post–World War II theory, 205–206
Pregnancy, 20
Prevention of Crime Act (1871), 81
Preventive detention
in Australian supreme courts, 85–89
methodology and trends in, 83–85
penal policies and, 81
Primitive states, 222–224
Prior scholarship on habitual criminal declarations in Australia, 82–83
Prisons, 125–126
Productive speculation, 153–155
Professional accreditation, 31–32
Prosecution Project database, 78–79, 84
Prosecutorial discretion, 90
Prosecutors, 78–79
Provost Courts
, 210
Psychiatrist, 31–32
Psychiatry, 31–32
Psychological specialisation, 98
Psychology, 6, 97, 204
Public drunkenness, 47–48
Puerperal mania, 37
Quantification, 144–145
corruption in, 158–159
historical method to identify corrupt networks of police in, 167–170
police corruption in, 158–160
Queensland Criminal Code Act, 81
Queensland Police Force, 158
Radical criminologists, 172–173
Reconstruction, 219–220
reconstruction/civil administration, 217
Reliability, eyewitness competence and, 115–119
Rendezvous discipline of criminology, 134, 139–140
Reoffending post-indefinite detention, 94–95
Reprèsentations collectives, 146
Reproductive crimes, 191
Research aims, 129
Research foci, 129
Risk, need and responsivity model (RNR model), 80
Roper v Simmons
, 76
Science of real life, 147–148
Scientific men, 31–32
Scientific scholarship lens
, 97–100
Security enforcement, 217–218
Self-help movement, 177–179
Sensationalism, 2–3
Sex maniac, 41–42
Sexuality, 191
Social constructionism, 52–53
Social defence theory, 38
Social sciences, 42, 125
Social vacuum, 33
Social welfare, 203
Societal welfare, 203
Sociological criminology, 127–129, 133–135
Sociology, 42
Source analysis, 164–165
South Australian Foundation on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (SAFADD), 178–179
Spirit, 175
Spring Mountain Youth Camp, 72–73
SPSS software program, 84
Statistical analysis, 144–145
Stipendiary Magistrate (SM), 94–95
Strategy perception, 215–216
Sub-discipline, 97–98
Subfield evolution, 146–148
Tasmanian Foundation on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (1975), 178–179
Technology, 66
Temperance, 175
Tensions, 6
Threat perception, 15–16
Traditional crime studies, 227
space, 137–138
theories of occupation governance, 204–205
Transdisciplinarity, 172–173
Troubling partnerships, 175–177
Two-tiered framework, 9–10
University of Radicalism, 151–152
US history and lessons for occupation theory, 209–215
Vice-Admiralty Court
, 102
Victimology. See also Criminological/criminology, 1, 125–126, 134
Victoria, forensic psychiatry in, 42–44
Victorian Foundation on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (VFADD). See Alcoholism Foundation of Victoria
Violence, 222–224
history of, 127
violent crimes, 19–20
violent women, 191–194
Wittgenstein’s approach, 138–139
Women’s Ambulance and Defense Corp (WADC), 69–70
Women’s Army Corp, 69–70
Women’s homicide. See also Infanticide, 189–190, 193
offending 1860–1920, 196–198
victims, 198–202
YMCA, 68–69
Youth camps, 68–74
Youth crime, 68–69
Zox Royal Commission, 43
Occupation strategy
four-component model, 215–220
occupation theory and critical role of popular compliance, 205–209
US history and lessons for occupation theory, 209–215
utility of four-component model to understanding Iraq, 221–224
Occupation studies, 204
Occupation theory, 205–209
and critical role of popular compliance, 205–209
US history and lessons for, 209–215
Occupation zone, 203
Oceanographer, 143
Organisational culture, 11–12
Pacification, 217–218
Partnerships, 174–175
troubling, 175–177
Passive “corruptee”, 163–164
Peacekeeping, 203
Penal policies and preventive detention, 81
Penology, 134
Police Acts, 59–60
Police corruption, 157–158, 163, 165, 232
archival material to construct pattern of, 165–167
historical method to identify corrupt networks of police in Queensland, 167–170
intersectional methods of historical criminology to analyse, 160–163
in Queensland, 158–160
Policing, 1, 125–126, 217, 220
Policing drunkenness
deviance, labelling and historical criminology, 54–61
history, historical criminology and concept of deviance, 49–54
in New South Wales, 54–61
Policing Las Vegas youth, origins of, 66–68
Political persuasion, 207–208
Political science, 204
, 218–219
Popular compliance, critical role of, 205–209
Popular perception, 215–216
Post-indefinite detention, reoffending, 94–95
Posthumous punishments, 22
Post–World War II theory, 205–206
Pregnancy, 20
Prevention of Crime Act (1871), 81
Preventive detention
in Australian supreme courts, 85–89
methodology and trends in, 83–85
penal policies and, 81
Primitive states, 222–224
Prior scholarship on habitual criminal declarations in Australia, 82–83
Prisons, 125–126
Productive speculation, 153–155
Professional accreditation, 31–32
Prosecution Project database, 78–79, 84
Prosecutorial discretion, 90
Prosecutors, 78–79
Provost Courts
, 210
Psychiatrist, 31–32
Psychiatry, 31–32
Psychological specialisation, 98
Psychology, 6, 97, 204
Public drunkenness, 47–48
Puerperal mania, 37
Quantification, 144–145
corruption in, 158–159
historical method to identify corrupt networks of police in, 167–170
police corruption in, 158–160
Queensland Criminal Code Act, 81
Queensland Police Force, 158
Radical criminologists, 172–173
Reconstruction, 219–220
reconstruction/civil administration, 217
Reliability, eyewitness competence and, 115–119
Rendezvous discipline of criminology, 134, 139–140
Reoffending post-indefinite detention, 94–95
Reprèsentations collectives, 146
Reproductive crimes, 191
Research aims, 129
Research foci, 129
Risk, need and responsivity model (RNR model), 80
Roper v Simmons
, 76
Science of real life, 147–148
Scientific men, 31–32
Scientific scholarship lens
, 97–100
Security enforcement, 217–218
Self-help movement, 177–179
Sensationalism, 2–3
Sex maniac, 41–42
Sexuality, 191
Social constructionism, 52–53
Social defence theory, 38
Social sciences, 42, 125
Social vacuum, 33
Social welfare, 203
Societal welfare, 203
Sociological criminology, 127–129, 133–135
Sociology, 42
Source analysis, 164–165
South Australian Foundation on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (SAFADD), 178–179
Spirit, 175
Spring Mountain Youth Camp, 72–73
SPSS software program, 84
Statistical analysis, 144–145
Stipendiary Magistrate (SM), 94–95
Strategy perception, 215–216
Sub-discipline, 97–98
Subfield evolution, 146–148
Tasmanian Foundation on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (1975), 178–179
Technology, 66
Temperance, 175
Tensions, 6
Threat perception, 15–16
Traditional crime studies, 227
space, 137–138
theories of occupation governance, 204–205
Transdisciplinarity, 172–173
Troubling partnerships, 175–177
Two-tiered framework, 9–10
University of Radicalism, 151–152
US history and lessons for occupation theory, 209–215
Vice-Admiralty Court
, 102
Victimology. See also Criminological/criminology, 1, 125–126, 134
Victoria, forensic psychiatry in, 42–44
Victorian Foundation on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (VFADD). See Alcoholism Foundation of Victoria
Violence, 222–224
history of, 127
violent crimes, 19–20
violent women, 191–194
Wittgenstein’s approach, 138–139
Women’s Ambulance and Defense Corp (WADC), 69–70
Women’s Army Corp, 69–70
Women’s homicide. See also Infanticide, 189–190, 193
offending 1860–1920, 196–198
victims, 198–202
YMCA, 68–69
Youth camps, 68–74
Youth crime, 68–69
Zox Royal Commission, 43
Quantification, 144–145
corruption in, 158–159
historical method to identify corrupt networks of police in, 167–170
police corruption in, 158–160
Queensland Criminal Code Act, 81
Queensland Police Force, 158
Radical criminologists, 172–173
Reconstruction, 219–220
reconstruction/civil administration, 217
Reliability, eyewitness competence and, 115–119
Rendezvous discipline of criminology, 134, 139–140
Reoffending post-indefinite detention, 94–95
Reprèsentations collectives, 146
Reproductive crimes, 191
Research aims, 129
Research foci, 129
Risk, need and responsivity model (RNR model), 80
Roper v Simmons
, 76
Science of real life, 147–148
Scientific men, 31–32
Scientific scholarship lens
, 97–100
Security enforcement, 217–218
Self-help movement, 177–179
Sensationalism, 2–3
Sex maniac, 41–42
Sexuality, 191
Social constructionism, 52–53
Social defence theory, 38
Social sciences, 42, 125
Social vacuum, 33
Social welfare, 203
Societal welfare, 203
Sociological criminology, 127–129, 133–135
Sociology, 42
Source analysis, 164–165
South Australian Foundation on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (SAFADD), 178–179
Spirit, 175
Spring Mountain Youth Camp, 72–73
SPSS software program, 84
Statistical analysis, 144–145
Stipendiary Magistrate (SM), 94–95
Strategy perception, 215–216
Sub-discipline, 97–98
Subfield evolution, 146–148
Tasmanian Foundation on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (1975), 178–179
Technology, 66
Temperance, 175
Tensions, 6
Threat perception, 15–16
Traditional crime studies, 227
space, 137–138
theories of occupation governance, 204–205
Transdisciplinarity, 172–173
Troubling partnerships, 175–177
Two-tiered framework, 9–10
University of Radicalism, 151–152
US history and lessons for occupation theory, 209–215
Vice-Admiralty Court
, 102
Victimology. See also Criminological/criminology, 1, 125–126, 134
Victoria, forensic psychiatry in, 42–44
Victorian Foundation on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (VFADD). See Alcoholism Foundation of Victoria
Violence, 222–224
history of, 127
violent crimes, 19–20
violent women, 191–194
Wittgenstein’s approach, 138–139
Women’s Ambulance and Defense Corp (WADC), 69–70
Women’s Army Corp, 69–70
Women’s homicide. See also Infanticide, 189–190, 193
offending 1860–1920, 196–198
victims, 198–202
YMCA, 68–69
Youth camps, 68–74
Youth crime, 68–69
Zox Royal Commission, 43
Science of real life, 147–148
Scientific men, 31–32
Scientific scholarship lens
, 97–100
Security enforcement, 217–218
Self-help movement, 177–179
Sensationalism, 2–3
Sex maniac, 41–42
Sexuality, 191
Social constructionism, 52–53
Social defence theory, 38
Social sciences, 42, 125
Social vacuum, 33
Social welfare, 203
Societal welfare, 203
Sociological criminology, 127–129, 133–135
Sociology, 42
Source analysis, 164–165
South Australian Foundation on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (SAFADD), 178–179
Spirit, 175
Spring Mountain Youth Camp, 72–73
SPSS software program, 84
Statistical analysis, 144–145
Stipendiary Magistrate (SM), 94–95
Strategy perception, 215–216
Sub-discipline, 97–98
Subfield evolution, 146–148
Tasmanian Foundation on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (1975), 178–179
Technology, 66
Temperance, 175
Tensions, 6
Threat perception, 15–16
Traditional crime studies, 227
space, 137–138
theories of occupation governance, 204–205
Transdisciplinarity, 172–173
Troubling partnerships, 175–177
Two-tiered framework, 9–10
University of Radicalism, 151–152
US history and lessons for occupation theory, 209–215
Vice-Admiralty Court
, 102
Victimology. See also Criminological/criminology, 1, 125–126, 134
Victoria, forensic psychiatry in, 42–44
Victorian Foundation on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (VFADD). See Alcoholism Foundation of Victoria
Violence, 222–224
history of, 127
violent crimes, 19–20
violent women, 191–194
Wittgenstein’s approach, 138–139
Women’s Ambulance and Defense Corp (WADC), 69–70
Women’s Army Corp, 69–70
Women’s homicide. See also Infanticide, 189–190, 193
offending 1860–1920, 196–198
victims, 198–202
YMCA, 68–69
Youth camps, 68–74
Youth crime, 68–69
Zox Royal Commission, 43
University of Radicalism, 151–152
US history and lessons for occupation theory, 209–215
Vice-Admiralty Court
, 102
Victimology. See also Criminological/criminology, 1, 125–126, 134
Victoria, forensic psychiatry in, 42–44
Victorian Foundation on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (VFADD). See Alcoholism Foundation of Victoria
Violence, 222–224
history of, 127
violent crimes, 19–20
violent women, 191–194
Wittgenstein’s approach, 138–139
Women’s Ambulance and Defense Corp (WADC), 69–70
Women’s Army Corp, 69–70
Women’s homicide. See also Infanticide, 189–190, 193
offending 1860–1920, 196–198
victims, 198–202
YMCA, 68–69
Youth camps, 68–74
Youth crime, 68–69
Zox Royal Commission, 43
Wittgenstein’s approach, 138–139
Women’s Ambulance and Defense Corp (WADC), 69–70
Women’s Army Corp, 69–70
Women’s homicide. See also Infanticide, 189–190, 193
offending 1860–1920, 196–198
victims, 198–202
YMCA, 68–69
Youth camps, 68–74
Youth crime, 68–69
Zox Royal Commission, 43
Zox Royal Commission, 43
- Prelims
- Chapter 1 Making Sense of History and Crime through a Synthesised Framework
- Part I Historical Research on Crime
- Chapter 2 Killing in Secret: State and Popular Perceptions of Infanticide in Early Modern Europe
- Chapter 3 A Public Claim to Madness: Restoring Context to Forensic Psychiatry in Late Nineteenth-Century Victoria
- Chapter 4 Towards a History of Deviance: Policing Drunkenness in Mid-Nineteenth-Century New South Wales
- Chapter 5 The Dazed and Dangerous Delinquents of Sin City: Policing and Detaining Juvenile Delinquents in Twentieth-Century Las Vegas
- Chapter 6 Containing the Undesirables: Discretion and the Sentencing of Habitual Criminals in Australian Supreme Courts in the Twentieth Century
- Chapter 7 The History of Forensic Psychology in Australia through a Legal Adjudication Narrative Lens: Cases from the Court of Criminal Jurisdiction
- Part II Crime Research from a Historical Perspective
- Chapter 8 Historical Criminology as a Field for Interdisciplinary Research and Trans-disciplinary Discourse
- Chapter 9 Status Quotidian: Microhistory and the Study of Crime
- Chapter 10 Breaking Down the Blue Wall: Using Historical Criminology to Map Entrenched Networks of Police Corruption
- Chapter 11 Historical Methods in the Critical Study of Drug Policy
- Chapter 12 Making the Case for a Feminist Historical Criminology: Female Homicide Offending in Victoria 1860–1920
- Chapter 13 ‘Winning Hearts and Minds’: A Historically Motivated Model for Reactions to Occupation Strategy
- Chapter 14 History, Crime Studies and the Use of History for Impact-based Research
- Index