Contemporary Approaches Studying Customer Experience in Tourism Research
ISBN: 978-1-80117-633-0, eISBN: 978-1-80117-632-3
Publication date: 8 August 2022
(2022), "Prelims", Jaziri, D. and Rather, R.A. (Ed.) Contemporary Approaches Studying Customer Experience in Tourism Research, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. i-xxix.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2022 Dhouha Jaziri and Raouf Ahmad Rather. Published under exclusive licence by Emerald Publishing Limited
Half Title Page
Contemporary Approaches Studying Customer Experience in Tourism Research
Editorial Review Board
Amir Zaib Abbasi, SZABIST, Karachi, Pakistan
Dhouha Jaziri, University of Sousse, Tunisia
Jamid UI Islam, Prince Sultan University, Riadh University, KSA
Jusuf Zeqiri, South East European University, Tetovo, Macedonia
Kashif Hussain, Taylor's University, Malaysia
Lakhvinder Singh, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra, India
Muhammad Shujahat, Faculty of Education, University of Hong Kong, China
Raouf Ahmad Rather, Independent Scientific Researcher, Jammu and Kashmir, India
Seden Dôgan, Ondokuz Mayis Universitesi, Faculty of Tourism, Turkey
Seyed Asaad Hosseini, Faculty of Tourism, University of Malaga, Spain
Title Page
Contemporary Approaches Studying Customer Experience in Tourism Research
Edited by
Dhouha Jaziri
University of Sousse, Tunisia
Raouf Ahmad Rather
Independent Scientific Researcher, Jammu and Kashmir, India
United Kingdom – North America – Japan – India – Malaysia – China
Copyright Page
Emerald Publishing Limited
Howard House, Wagon Lane, Bingley BD16 1WA, UK
First edition 2022
Editorial matter and selection © 2022 Dhouha Jaziri and Raouf Ahmad Rather.
Individual chapters © 2022 The authors.
Published under exclusive licence by Emerald Publishing Limited.
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ISBN: 978-1-80117-633-0 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-80117-632-3 (Online)
ISBN: 978-1-80117-634-7 (Epub)
In memory of Mama Zohra
Often times, I imagined you opening the door, as you often did, with your beautiful smile and a lovely shine upon your beautiful green eyes as you proudly see me holding my second book in hand. However, death took you away and usurped me of my dream. I dedicate this book to your soul… RIP
To our 20 years of common life, to you Mejdi, thanks for being by my side
To my parents and my children with all my love
–Dhouha Jaziri
I wish to express my sincere thanks for the support and encouragement offered by my beloved family members, parents, sisters, brother, my wife, my friends, and colleagues
–Raouf Ahmad Rather
List of Abbreviations
- AI
Artificial Intelligence
- AR
Augmented Reality
Average Variance Extracted
General Directorate of the Businesses
- CC
Customer Co-creation
Cyber Customer Experience
Customer-driven restaurant analysis
- CE
Customer Engagement
Customer Experiential Knowledge
Customer Experiential Knowledge Management
Customer Experiential Knowledge Management Competence
Customer Experiential Knowledge-Process Competence
- CI
Customer Introspection
Customer Journey Mapping
Constructive Research Approach
Customer Relationship Management
- CV
Consumer Value
- CX
Customer Experience
- DV
Discriminant Validity
Digital Video Disc
- EA (chapter 13)
Emotional Attachment
- EA (chapter7)
Experience Accounting
- ET
- eWoM
Electronic Word of Mouth
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Geographic Information System
Global Positioning System
Galvanic Skin Response
Geographically Weighted Regression
Head-Mounted Device
Hierarchical Value Map
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management
International Journal of Hospitality Management
- IoT
Internet of Things
- M-DL
Memory-Dominant Logic
Memorable Digital Tourism Experience
- MR
Mixed Reality
Memorable Tourism Experience
Ordinary Least Squares
Partial Least Squares-Structural Equation Modeling
Resource-based view
- RQ
Research Question
- S-D Logic/S-DL
Service Dominant Logic
- SoLoMo
Social, Local, Mobile
Subjective Personal Introspection
Standardized Root Mean Squared Residual
- TK
Tacit Knowledge
User-Generated Content
United Nations World Tourism Organization
Uniform system of accounts for restaurants
Value creation model
- VOSviewer
‘Visualization of Similarities' viewer software
- VR
Virtual Reality
World Economic Forum
World Health Organization
- WoS
Web of Science
- Z-Met
Zaltman Metaphor Elicitation Technique
About the Editors
Dhouha Jaziri is a Senior Lecturer at the University of Sousse, FsegSo, Tunisia. She holds a PhD in Marketing from ISG Tunis (2015). Her research concerns mainly customer experience, tourism management, customer knowledge management, innovation, digital marketing, and customer brand engagement. She is a member of the editorial Advisory Board in several handbooks and journals. Her work to date is published in high-ranked journals, including the Journal of Product and Brand Management and Journal of Business Research. Moreover, she has edited mainly the Handbook of Research on Tacit Knowledge Management (2017) by IGI-Global.
Raouf Ahmad Rather, PhD, is listed on Stanford University's Top 2% of Scientists (2021), global scientific-researcher and research/guest faculty at University of Kashmir, South Campus, Jammu and Kashmir, India. His research interests center on co-creation, customer engagement, customer experience, service innovation, customer loyalty, and tourism crises/pandemic. His work to date has been published in top-tier journals, including the Journal of Travel Research; European Journal of Marketing; Journal of Retailing & Consumer Services; Current Issues in Tourism; Journal of Travel & Tourism marketing, and many others. He is the Editor of the forthcoming book Brand Co-Creation Tourism Research: Contemporary Issues and Challenge, by Apple Academic Press and CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group.
About the Contributors
Michela Addis is Professor of Marketing at the Università di Roma Tre. She holds a PhD in Business Economics and Management from Bocconi University (2001). She was faculty member of the SDA Bocconi School of Management, Marketing Department, where she taught Marketing in Executive Education programs (1999–2017). Her research interests include experiential marketing, customer relationship management, hedonic consumption, arts, and cultural marketing. Some of her publications appeared in the Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Cultural Economics, Psychology & Marketing, and European Journal of Marketing. Her last book Engaging Brands: A Customer-Centric Approach for Superior Experiences has been published by Routledge in 2020; she also coedited the book Managing the Cultural Businesses: Avoiding Mistakes, Finding Success with A. Rurale (Routledge, 2020).
Suat Akyürek works as an Assistant Professor Dr in the Department of Hotel, Restaurant and Catering Services, Gümüşhane University, Turkey. He holds a PhD in Tourism. He is the author of more than 20 research papers of national and international interests. His areas of interest include gastronomy, gastronomy tourism, and gastronomic experience.
Narjess Aloui, PhD in Marketing, is an Assistant Professor at Carthage Business School in Tunisia. She is an active member of the Tunisian Marketing Association (ATM). Her current research areas emphasize Market Orientation Strategies, Customer Behavior, Marketing Research, Netnography, and Digital Marketing.
Antonella Capriello, PhD, is an Associate Professor of Marketing at the University of Eastern Piedmont in Italy. The research activities include studies on event management, networking processes in tourist destinations, social entrepreneurship, and franchising. She published more than 70 research papers, including articles in the Journal of Business Research, Tourism Management, and International Journal of Consumer Studies.
Mats Carlbäck is currently Assistant Professor at the School of Hospitality, Culinary Arts and Meal Science, Örebro University, Sweden, and Associate Professor of Applied Sciences at Wittenborg University of Applied Science, Apeldoorn, the Netherlands. With a long practical experience from the hospitality industry, both in Sweden and on the international arena, Mats' research focus is on strategical advancements for the companies in the industry. With a background as entrepreneur, issues relating to entrepreneurship are also high on the agenda. In addition to the teaching and research activities Mats is running a company developing applicable solutions for the industry.
Maksim Godovykh is a Research Associate and Doctoral Candidate in the Rosen College of Hospitality Management at UCF, University of Central Florida, USA. He researches the quality of life, health, and well-being impacts of tourism. His research results were published in premium scientific journals including Tourism Management, Current Issues in Tourism, Tourism Economics, Tourism Review, Tourism Management Perspectives, the Journal of Destination Marketing and Management, Tourism and Hospitality Research, etc., as well as disseminated in book chapters, encyclopedias, industry magazines, and news media. He has developed several governmental programs and organized more than a 100 conferences, forums, collaborative events, and workshops.
Jörg Henseler is a Professor and holds the Chair of Product–Market Relations at the Department of Design, Production, and Management at the University of Twente, the Netherlands. He is also a Visiting Professor at Nova Information Management School, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal. His research bridges behavioral and design science and focuses on the management of products, services, and brands. Web of Science/Clarivate has repeatedly distinguished him as a highly cited researcher.
Maria Illescas-Manzano, PhD, is currently Assistant Professor at the marketing department of the University of Almería. She obtained her Master’s Degree of Finance and Accounting and her degree in Business Administration from the University of Almería. Her current research focuses on econometric methods to pricing in hospitality firms. Her works have been published in journals such as the International Journal of Hospitality Management and International Journal of Computer Mathematics.
Dhouha Jaziri is a Senior Lecturer at University of Sousse, FsegSo, Tunisia. She holds a PhD in Marketing from ISG Tunis (2015). Her research concerns mainly customer experience, tourism management, customer knowledge management, innovation, digital marketing, and customer brand engagement. She is a member of the editorial Advisory Board in several handbooks and journals. Her work to date is published in high-ranked journals, including the Journal of Product and Brand Management and Journal of Business Research. Moreover, she has edited mainly the Handbook of Research on Tacit Knowledge Management (2017) by IGI-Global.
Mari Juntunen is an Associate Professor/Senior Research Fellow at the Department of Marketing, Management and International Business at Oulu Business School, University of Oulu, Finland. Her research interests include social media, corporate branding, imaginary aspects, and organizational change, which she has studied in different contexts, including small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), B2B, software, logistics, and military forces. Her work appears in outlets such as the Journal of Business Ethics, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Journal of Business Research, Industrial Marketing Management, Journal of Consumer Behavior, and Journal of Services Marketing, among others.
Raymond Loohuis, PhD, is Senior Lecturer in Business Service Innovation and Service Strategies at the Entrepreneurship & Technology Management research group at the University of Twente, the Netherlands. Furthermore, he is appointed as senior fellow learning and teaching with a focus on educational innovation and challenge-based learning. His research focuses on customer service experience, business development, and service strategies.
Sergio Martínez-Puertas, PhD, is currently Associate Professor at Math department of University of Almería. His current research focuses on parameter estimation in finite population by calibration techniques. Recently, he has written several articles related to the analysis of large volumes of data through mixed structures of neural networks and articles related to econometric methods to pricing in hospitality firms. His works have been published in journals such as Sociological Methods & Research, International Journal of Hospitality Management, Applied Soft Computing, and Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics.
Eeva-Liisa Oikarinen is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Marketing, Management, and International Business at Oulu Business School, University of Oulu, Finland. Her current research interest is human-to-human marketing and transformative implications of human capabilities (humor, humanness, and emotions) in digitalized business interactions (recruitment advertising, service encounters, and innovation management). She has published in the European Journal of Marketing, Journal of Service Management, Journal of Business Research, Industrial Marketing Management, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, and Corporate Reputation Review, among others.
Omid Oshriyeh is a PhD student in Hospitality Management at the University of South Carolina in the United States. He received his BS in Tourism Management from Payame Noor University and his MS in Tourism Management (Tourism Marketing) from the University of Tehran. His research interests include film tourism, sustainable tourism, consumer behavior, and risk and crisis management in the tourism industry.
Özcan Özdemir, PhD, works as a Lecturer at the University of Burdur Mehmet Akif Ersoy, at the Department of Tourist Guidance, Turkey. At the same time, he is a doctoral student at the University of Muğla Sıtkı Koçman, MUĞLA, Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Tourism Management. He is writing a doctoral thesis by combining gastronomy tourism and tourist guidance. His fields of interest are Tourist Guidance, Cultural Heritage, Gastro-guidance, Gastro-culture, and Job Satisfaction-Motivation. He has published many articles in different subjects and two printed book chapters: The Effect of Staff Empowerment Application on Job Satisfaction in Tourist Guides and The Role of Tourist Guides in Promoting Intangible Cultural Heritage. Moreover, he is a professional tourist guide affiliated with the Association of Turkish Tourist Guides.
Elena Proietti is the COO and Marketing Specialist at Radio Radio, a broadcaster multimedia channel operating in Rome. She holds a Master's Degree in Economics & Management from Università di Roma Tre. She is an expert on the subject for Marketing Research at Università di Roma Tre, and she supported the teaching of the Cultural Marketing Laboratory course at the Università di Roma Tre.
Raouf Ahmad Rather, PhD, is listed on Stanford University's Top 2% of Scientists (2021), global scientific-researcher and research/guest faculty at University of Kashmir, South Campus, Jammu and Kashmir, India. His research interests center on co-creation, customer engagement, customer experience, service innovation, customer loyalty, and tourism crises/pandemic. His work to date has been published in top-tier journals, including the Journal of Travel Research; European Journal of Marketing; Journal of Retailing & Consumer Services; Current Issues in Tourism; Journal of Travel & Tourism marketing; and many others. He is the Editor of the forthcoming book Brand Co-Creation Tourism Research: Contemporary Issues and Challenge, by Apple Academic Press and CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group.
Mohsin Abdur Rehman is a Doctoral Student at University of Oulu, Finland. He has received his Master’s Degree with distinction from the University of Bolton, United Kingdom. His research interests revolve around customer experience and service interactions in the digital era. He has published in peer-reviewed and intentionally acclaimed journals, including the International Journal of Bank Marketing, Journal of Marketing for Higher Education, and Journal of Financial Services Marketing.
Yasin Sahhar is a PhD Researcher with the Entrepreneurship & Technology Management research group at the University of Twente, the Netherlands. His research interest lies in value experience and value creation throughout the customer journey. In his explorative and theory-building research, he deploys an interpretive/phenomenological lens and trusts on qualitative research methods such as ethnography.
Manuel Sánchez-Pérez, PhD, is Professor of Marketing at the University of Almeria. His fields of research are marketing strategy and consumer behavior, with particular focus on the food, tourism, and hospitality industries. He has participated in several research projects on tourism. His works have been published in journals such as the European Journal of Marketing, Information & Management, International Journal of Hospitality Management, International Journal of Market Research, International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, Internet Research, Managing Service Quality, Review of Managerial Science, Supply Chain Management, Service Industries Journal, and Technovation, among others.
Halim Budi Santoso is a Doctoral Student at the Institute of Service Science, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan. He is also a faculty member in the Information System Department, Duta Wacana Christian University, Indonesia. Halim is currently researching digital transformation, multisensory technology in online retailing and tourism, and technology-enabled services. His dissertation is on the intersection between emotion, technology, and tourism.
Imen Sdiri, PhD in Marketing, is an Assistant Professor at Carthage University, Higher Institute of Management of Bizerte, Tunisia. She is a member of the URCC research laboratory and active member of the Tunisian Maghrebin Association “AMM.” Her current research areas emphasize consumer attitudes, marketing for seniors, and innovation.
Jyun-Cheng Wang is a full-time Professor at the Institute of Service Science, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan. He obtained his PhD from the University of Wisconsin – Madison, USA. At the Institute of Service Science, he teaches some subjects, such as Social Network Analysis and Management, Digital Innovation and e-Commerce, and Social Entrepreneurship. His research interest is in the field of Social Networks, Community and e-Commerce, and Patent Analysis.
Nila Armelia Windasari is a Faculty Member at the School of Business and Management – Bandung Institute of Technology (SBM-ITB). She received her PhD in Service Science from the Institute of Service Science, National Tsing Hua University – Taiwan, in 2018. Nila has been awarded a Phi Tau Phi Scholastic Honor Society Award and the Best PhD Dissertation by Service Science Society (s3tw) Academic Research Award in 2018. Her research interests lie in the broad areas of technology-enabled service and the customer experience in various service domains.
The experience, such a polysemous concept, has been considered for several decades an attractive concept that has been studied through the lens of research fields ranging from the philosophy, anthropology, to marketing and consumer research. Rooted in the depths of consumer research, this book stands out by shedding the light on the needed methodological approaches to study the experience, be it customer, consumer, and tourist experience while highlighting the consideration of a dynamic, processing, and systemic nature of the lived experience in the tourism field.
Unlike other sectors, tourism provides an intensive experience based on a set of complex interactions between tourists and service providers (Rather, 2020; Yachin, 2018). The experience concept takes a fresh impetus by considering the customer journey as a basis, which will take fully the experience concept in its complexity. It is a plethora of encounters involving the preexperience, an active tourism experience, and a reflective posttourism experience (Yachin, 2018). In this regard, close interactions with tourists present a rich source of experiential knowledge important to shed light on it, as the different parts of customer journey will enable tourism companies to learn from customers on the first level and to develop and readjust their marketing on the second level. To benefit from the experience as a source of knowledge (Jaziri, 2019a), marketing researchers should rethink the use of traditional studying methods/approaches of the customer experience (CX) in tourism sector (as customer survey) and to migrate to an innovative approaches and new related methods or through techniques' combination (example: the use of interpretive approach), that will grasp the complexity of CX and can paint the customer’ latent desires.
In this regard, this book aims at presenting the contemporary approaches and related methods to study and explore the customer/tourist experience along the three main stages of the customer journey. These different methods have been discussed and applied to understand and to evaluate the CX before, during, and after the experience.
Recently, CX has garnered increasing scholastic and practitioner importance (Jaziri, 2019a; Lemon & Verhoef, 2016; Rather & Hollebeek, 2020, 2021), as reflected by its insertion in the Marketing Science Institute's Research Priorities since 2010–2020 (e.g., MSI, 2020). Further, in line with McColl-Kennedy et al. (2015) and Rather, Hollebeek, and Rasoolimanesh (2021) there is a tenuous empirical support of understanding the CX as a process involving various channels and touch points (see also Rather, Najar, & Jaziri, 2020).
Viewed in this way, the book highlights not only an interpretive view of the customer/tourist experience in tourism research, but it also considers it along an organizational view and in terms of a sequential process related to a set of tourism stakeholders.
Treating the experience concept through different conceptualizations has led to limit the capturing of the CX itself; in fact, this problem resulted from the limitation of the chosen methodologies. Generally, the tourism field investigates the CX by focusing on the self-reported of past experience, forgetting the essence of the experience and the delusive nature of CX changing at touch points with the implied stakeholders, and changing equally along the different series of experiences lived with the company and forming the consumption's lifetime. Hence, the CX needs to be measured moment by moment, to grasp its depths by trying to connect to its essence as well as to capture the totality of tourism experience at previsit, on-site, and postvisit stages.
Book Objectives
This book bridges the gap in contemporary literature by carefully investigating the contemporary approaches studying CX in tourism research. Hence, it aims at exploring the adoption and implementation of approaches to managing and marketing CXs in various tourism contexts and industries.
To discuss and provide adequate analytical frameworks, tools, and new methods.
To emphasize the use of interpretive approaches in capturing the CX in situ or along the customer journey as well as the use of innovative approaches and techniques studying CX.
To offer a rich nomological framework of the CX while embracing the different tourism types and contexts.
To provide strategic management and marketing implications and recommendations for tourism businesses and destinations to facilitate them, to successfully create, manage market, and evaluate tourism experiences.
Book Structure Organization
To address the book objectives, we have divided the book in four main parts by treating the CX along several and complementary views of theory, interpretive, integrative, processing, and nomological view. The book takes up the methodological challenge while addressing the conceptual roots of the consumption/customer/tourist experience.
In this line, the book is composed of four main parts: Part I spotlights the theoretical foundations of the CX and its evolution in the tourism field. It presents two chapters. In Chapter 1, Dhouha Jaziri and Raouf Ahmad Rather readdress the conceptual and theoretical roots of the consumption experience while showing the intimate epistemology and methodological connection of CX to consumer value. In this regard, authors discuss the relevance of customer introspection approach to study both concepts through the narration techniques. Then, in Chapter (2), Mohsin Abdur Rehman, Eeva-Liisa Oikarinen and Mari Juntunen carried out a bibliometric analysis to explore the CX in the field of tourism and hospitality. This chapter provides the reader with important insights about what he knows and what he/she should know after 14 years of research in the field (2008–2021).
Part II treats the methodological development of the CX by discussing mainly the interpretive approaches through chapter 3 and chapter 4, an integrative approach through chapter 5, and organizational approaches through Chapters 6 and 7. Respectively, in Chapter 3, Yasin Sahhar, Raymond Loohuis and Jörg Henseler take in the whole complexity of the consumption experience through a focus on the autohermeneutic phenomenology. Chapter 3 provides a thoughtful piece to illustrate how grasping the experience extremities (whether it is a consumer, customer, or tourist experience). Likewise, Chapter 3 has developed methodological guidelines for inspecting the layers of experience in tourism.
In Chapter 4, Narjess Aloui and Imen Sdiri examine the cyber-CX in online visitor attractions while conducting an in-depth netnography approach to understand the online CX of visiting virtually the attractions in lockdown situation.
In Chapter 5, Maksim Godovykh is interested in studying the affective components of CX, and he advances a selective review of measures to assess them. At this point, Maksim Godovykh prints up the need of a holistic interdisciplinary approach by associating a set of techniques to capture emotion states before, during, and after visit experience through combining the moment-based psychophysiological techniques and other techniques, to highlight the usefulness of following an integrative multidisciplinary methodology.
Then, the book will transport the reader to discover two newness organizational approaches and their related concepts to study the CX in tourism. Hence, in Chapter 5, Dhouha Jaziri and Raouf Ahmad Rather relaunch the discussion of CX as a source of experiential knowledge (see also Jaziri, 2019a, 2019b) and perform a first measurement development of the customer experiential knowledge-process competence in driving the experiential innovation in the well-being tourism. This organizational competence aims at measuring to what extent the management levels are processing the customer experiential knowledge (CEK, Jaziri, 2015; Jaziri-Bouagina, 2017; Jaziri-Bouagina & Triki, 2015) by adopting a global approach of ethnography; grounded on a phenomenological philosophy.
In the same perspective, Chapter 7 of Mats Carlbäck debates the fundamental role of valuing the customer information through the implementation of a Customer-Centered Management System. Hence, the author found the Experience Accounting (EA) as an organizational approach to establish a competitive advantage for hospitality and tourism firms.
Part III aims at studying the CX along a process perspective by focusing on the tourism journey via the concept of memorable tourism experience (MTE). The latter is discussed by the book along chapter 8 and chapter 9 through its examination, respectively, in online, digital tourism experience, and offline context that of tea tourism (ch. 9).
In this vein, Nila Armelia Windasari, Halim Budi Santoso and Jyun-Cheng Wang discuss the digital tourist experience by understanding tourists' emotions along different tourist experience journeys. Hence, they are following a systemic view via the Service-Dominant Logic (S-DL) paradigm and mapping out the interactions with other possible stakeholders in co-creating the experience with the customer (Vargo & Lusch, 2004; Vargo, Koskela-Huotari, & Vink, 2020). Chapter 8 outlines the digital tourism experience complexity and advances the memorable digital tourism experience framework (MDTE) that has stressed the interaction between actors, emotions as resources, and sensory stimuli enabled by a set of novel technologies.
In the same line, in chapter 9, Suat Akyürek and Özcan Özdemir invite the reader to understand in depth the essence, the environment, and the set of interactions in studying the memorable experience components of tourists participating in tea tourism. Authors have examined the tourist experience in a new type of tourism, that of tea tourism, which is based on culture sustainable nature-based tourism in Turkey.
The final part of the book, part IV, exposes and studies a rich nomological framework implying the CX through various types of tourism. Recognizing that the CXs are uniquely and contextually interpreted (McColl-Kennedy et al., 2015), part 4 treats the CX relationship with antecedents issued from the experiencescape as well as its relationship with consequences such as satisfaction (Chapter 12) and loyalty (Chapter 13).
Hence, in Chapter 10, Elena Proietti and Michela Addis shed light on the cultural and heritage tourism through an illustration of the critical economic situation of museums in Europe and beyond, due to the pandemic's impact. Specifically, they focus on the contemporary art organizations and young adults' relationship. Hence, they examine the contemporary arts aesthetic experience while determining the barriers and benefits of young consumers' engagement toward the arts to identify possible strategies to engage the Y generation.
Through Chapter 11, Omid Oshriyeh and Antonella Capriello focus on how films and popular media could present an effective means for tourism managers to enhance their capacity to improve the film tourist experiences and experience satisfaction. Hence, they adopt a comprehensive literature review to explore film tourism and its role in the tourist experience. The analysis highlighted the role of film tourism experience satisfaction, and storytelling as a contemporary approach to enhance film tourism experiences.
In Chapter 12, María Illescas Manzano, Sergio Martínez Puertas and Manuel Sánchez-Pérez apply a spatial analysis tool to analyze the customer satisfaction as a main outcome of CX. The chapter emphasizes the use of online reviews while measuring customer satisfaction via online rating. Following the geolocation analysis, this chapter sheds light on a complex relationship associating the price, CX, the objective quality, and the subjective quality with customer satisfaction in the Spanish hotel industry.
In the end, Chapter 13 of Raouf Ahmad Rather and Dhouha Jaziri focus on the CX concept during COVID-19 crises in the tourism industry. They follow a service-dominant logic perspective and develop a model that investigates the impact of customer engagement (CE) and customer co-creation (CC) on CX, which consequently affects emotional attachment (EA) and customer loyalty (CL).
At its conception stage, the writing of this book has constituted a complex and an ambitious project for discussing the contemporary approaches studying CX in tourism research. At its final development stage, this book succeeds its challenge through embracing various international contributions and in treating adequately the tourist/consumer experience in all its facets. Hence, the customer/tourist experience is viewed through new and revisited interpretive, behavioral, and organizational approaches to capture the holistic and dynamic nature, the different facets, and the roots of the lived experience.
Through this book, we hope to fill knowledge gaps for readers and to push academics as well as tourism managers (service providers and destination responsible) to remodel their way of thinking about the CX and hence to readapt their practices and research employed methods.
We wish you a good travel along the contemporary approaches in studying the customer experience in tourism research.
On behalf of me and my co-editor Raouf Ahmad Rather
Dhouha Jaziri
University of Sousse, Tunisia
We are deeply grateful to Professor Morris B. Holbrook for his encouragement, valuable comments, and constructive suggestions in structuring the first chapter on customer experience and consumer value. Thanks for sharing your incredibly enormous experience with us, and acting as our mentor during this exciting journey and beyond. Dear Professor Morris, on the 40th anniversary of your seminal article coauthored with Professor Elizabeth Hirschman on the experiential aspects of consumption, this book is our way to tell you thank you for changing our vision of the consumption and giving us the intellectual freedom to develop, explore, and establish our own paths into academia.
We are deeply indebted to the editorial team of Emerald for their patience, consistent encouragement, invaluable support, and guidance for accepting this manuscript for publication. We would like to thank all of our contributing authors for making this book possible. Finally, we are grateful to reviewers who invest their valuable time into improving the submissions and the overall quality of the book.
Editors: Dhouha Jaziri and Raouf Ahmad Rather
Jaziri, 2015 Jaziri, D. (2015). Customer experiential knowledge management- construct proposal and application to the sector of well-being tourism in Tunisia. Thesis Dissertation, High Institute of Management of Tunis.
Jaziri, 2019a Jaziri, D. (2019a). The advent of customer experiential knowledge management approach (CEKM): The integration of offline & online experiential knowledge. Journal of Business Research, 94(1), 241–256. doi:10.1016/j.jbusres.2018.05.029
Jaziri, 2019b Jaziri, D. (2019b). Customer experiential knowledge's contribution to innovation management: Toward the definition of a new organizational competence. In G. Jamil (Ed.), Handbook of research on expanding business opportunities with information systems and analytics (pp. 204–224). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. doi:10.4018/978-1-5225-6225-2
Jaziri-Bouagina, 2017 Jaziri-Bouagina, D. (2017). The tacit knowledge through the customer experience: Conceptualization, externalization methods, and use application to Tunisian thalassotherapy centers. In D. Jaziri-Bouagina & G. Jamil (Eds.), Handbook of research on tacit knowledge management for organizational success (pp. 1–29). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. doi:10.4018/978-1-5225-2394-9.ch001
Jaziri-Bouagina and Triki, 2015 Jaziri-Bouagina, D. , & Triki, A. (2015). The tacit knowledge-centric innovation: Toward the key role of customer experiential knowledge. In G. L. Jamil , S. M. Lopes , A. Malheiro da Silva , & F. Ribeiro (Eds.), Handbook of research on effective project management through the integration of knowledge and innovation (pp. 1–459). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. doi:10.4018/978-1-4666-7536-0
Lemon and Verhoef, 2016 Lemon, K. N. , & Verhoef, P. C. (2016). Understanding customer experience throughout the customer journey. Journal of Marketing, 80(6), 69–96.
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MSI - Marketing Science Institute, 2020 MSI – Marketing Science Institute (2020). Research Priorities 2020–2022. Retrieved from Accessed on February 7, 2021.
Rather, 2020 Rather, R. A. (2020). Customer experience and engagement in tourism destinations: The experiential marketing perspective. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 37(1), 15–32.
Rather and Hollebeek, 2020 Rather, R. A. , & Hollebeek, L. (2020). Experiential marketing for tourism destinations. In S. Dixit (Ed.), Routledge handbook of tourism experience management and marketing. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.
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- Prelims
- Part I Theoretical Foundations
- Chapter 1 Readdressing the Consumption Experience, Customer Experience, and Consumer Value: A Happy Marriage Blessed by Introspective Approach in Tourism Field
- Chapter 2 Customer Experience in Tourism and Hospitality: What Do We Know and What Should We Know? Insights From a Bibliometric Analysis
- Part II Methodological Development – From Interpretive, Integrative, to Organizational Approaches Studying CX
- Chapter 3 Calling on Autohermeneutic Phenomenology to Delve Into the Deeper Levels of Experience
- Chapter 4 A Netnographic Approach on Cyber-Customer Experience in Online Visitor Attractions
- Chapter 5 Measuring Affective Components of Customer Experience: Conceptual and Methodological Issues
- Chapter 6 Customer Experiential Knowledge-Process Competence in Driving Experience-Based Innovation: An Ethnography Lens in Well-Being Tourism
- Chapter 7 The EA-Approach; a Customer-Centered Management System to Produce, Manage, and Assess Relevant Experiences for the Hospitality and Tourism Industry
- Part III A Process View of CX Through Tourism Journey and Memorable Tourism Experience
- Chapter 8 Memorable Digital Tourism Experience: Utilization of Emotions and Sensory Stimuli With Service-Dominant Logic
- Chapter 9 Memorable Experiences of Tourists Who Participate in Tea Tourism: Turkey Sample
- Part IV Nomological Network of CX Across Tourism Types
- Chapter 10 How to Engage Young Adults in Contemporary Arts? A Reflection on the Aesthetic Experience and Its Impact on Cultural Tourism
- Chapter 11 Film-Induced Tourism: A Consumer Perspective
- Chapter 12 The Power of Price and Quality to Explain Customer Satisfaction Through Spatial Analysis
- Chapter 13 Unveiling the Customer Experience–Loyalty Nexus in Tourism During Crises
- Conclusion: Informing Customer Experience and Scope for Future Research
- Index