
Aditya Simha

Leadership Insights for Wizards and Witches

ISBN: 978-1-80117-545-6, eISBN: 978-1-80117-542-5

Publication date: 30 May 2022


Simha, A. (2022), "Prelims", Leadership Insights for Wizards and Witches (Exploring Effective Leadership Practices through Popular Culture), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. i-xiv.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2022 Aditya Simha

Half Title Page


Series Page


Series editor: Michael Urick

The aim of this series is to examine modern and innovative business theories and methods via relatable popular cultural themes. The books will provide academically rigorous and credible applications and solutions to practitioners and upper level business students, in a format designed to be highly engaging and effective

Titles in Exploring Effective Leadership Practices through Popular Culture:

  • A Manager’s Guide to Using the Force: Leadership Lessons from a Galaxy Far Far Away

    Michael Urick

  • Leadership in Middle Earth: Theories and applications for organizations

    Michael Urick

  • Leaders Assemble! Leadership in the MCU

    Gordon B. Schmidt and Sayeed Islam

  • You Win or You Die: Leadership Lessons from Kings and Queens

    Nathan Tong and Michael Urick

  • Cross-cultural Leadership in the Four Nations : Lessons from Avatar The Last Airbender

    Sy Islam and Gordon Schmidt

Title Page




University of Wisconsin, USA

United Kingdom – North America – Japan – India – Malaysia – China

Copyright Page

Emerald Publishing Limited

Howard House, Wagon Lane, Bingley BD16 1WA, UK

First edition 2022

Copyright © 2022 Aditya Simha. Published under exclusive license by Emerald Publishing Limited.

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British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data

A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library

ISBN: 978-1-80117-545-6 (Print)

ISBN: 978-1-80117-542-5 (Online)

ISBN: 978-1-80117-544-9 (Epub)

Dedication Page

I dedicate this book, which is my first book, to my beloved parents, Anand and Bhramara, and my beloved sister, Aparna. You have always encouraged me to read and write, and always got me all of the comics and fiction books I have ever wanted. You three have always been a constant source of support throughout my life. I love you all loads.


About the Author xi
Acknowledgments xiii
1. Introduction 1
The Importance of Leadership 1
The Harry Potter Context 3
Structure of the Book 4
Summary 6
2. Personality, Culture, and Leadership 7
Early Beginnings 8
The Squibs of Personality Assessments 9
The Gilderoy Lockhart of Personality Assessment 11
The Golden Snitch of Accurate Personality Assessment 12
Making Sense Out of Personality 15
Summary 16
3. Cognitive and Emotional Intelligence and Leadership 17
Cognitive Intelligence, Tests, and Consequences 18
Higher Education and Cognitive Intelligence 19
Emotional Intelligence, Testing, and Consequences 20
Crises and Leadership 22
Muggle Ways to Increase Intelligence 24
Summary 26
4. Behavioral and Style Approaches to Leadership 27
The University of Michigan Studies and the Ohio State Studies 28
McGregor’s X/Y Theories 29
Blake & Mouton’s Managerial or Leadership Grid 30
Summary 32
5. Contingency and Situational Leadership 33
Hersey–Blanchard Situational Leadership 34
Issues with the Hersey–Blanchard Model of Situational Leadership 35
Fiedler’s Contingency Theory 36
Summary 38
6. Leader Power and Politics 41
Power – Defining it 41
Is Power a Negative or Positive Concept? 42
Bases of Power 43
Political Not Poly-tick all Skills! 46
Summary 47
7. Leader Influence and Persuasion 49
Influence and Persuasion Tactics 49
Effectiveness of These Influence Tactics 52
Summary 54
8. Authentic Leadership 55
Authentic Leadership Defined 55
Practical Approaches 57
Theoretical Approaches 59
Four Components of Authentic Leadership 60
Other Factors 62
Further Thoughts on Authentic Leadership 63
Summary 64
9. Ethical Leadership 65
Ethical Leadership Defined 65
Antecedents of Ethical Leadership 66
Consequences of Ethical Leadership 68
What Does Ethical Leadership Involve? 69
Summary 71
10. Servant Leadership 73
Servant Leadership Defined 73
Ten Characteristics of Servant Leaders 74
Servant Leadership as a Theory 77
Further Thoughts on Servant Leadership 78
Summary 79
11. The Dark (and Bright) Sides of Charismatic Leadership 81
Charisma and Charismatic Leadership Defined 81
The Bright Side of Charismatic Leadership 84
The Dark Side of Charismatic Leadership 85
Can Charisma be Learned? 86
Summary 87
12. Transactional and Transformational Leadership 89
Transactional Leadership and Goal-setting 89
Thoughts on Transformational Leadership 92
Summary 95
13. Self and Shared Leadership 97
Self-leadership Defined 98
Shared-leadership Defined 101
Summary 102
14. Leadership Succession 103
Leadership Succession – Antecedents and Consequences 103
Summary 108
15. An Epilogue of Sorts 109
Leader: Know Thyself and Others Too 110
Leaders Should be Adaptive 110
Leaders Need to Use Their Power and be Politically Persuasive 111
Leaders Should be Authentic, Ethical, and Communicate Clearly 112
Leaders Should Facilitate a Transformative Climate and Enable Self-leadership 113
Leaders Should Plan for the Future 114
Summary 115
References and Further Reading 117
Appendix: Characters from the Harry Potter Series Referenced in this Book 127
Index 133

About the Author

Dr Aditya Simha is an Associate Professor of Management at the University of Wisconsin – Whitewater. He obtained his PhD in Business Administration at Washington State University. He also has a Master’s degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Nevada Las Vegas, while his Bachelor’s degree is in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from Visvesvaraya Technological University. His research is primarily in business ethics (e.g., ethical leadership, ethical climates, and unethical behavior), healthcare ethics (e.g., moral distress, mental health, and COVID anxiety), and organizational behavior (e.g., burnout, stress, and personality). He has published articles in business journals such as the Academy of Management Perspectives, Journal of Business Ethics, Management Decision, Nursing Ethics, and the Journal of Business Economics & Management. Additionally, he has published articles on healthcare ethics topics in medical journals like Family Medicine, and Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine. He currently serves on the editorial boards of Management Decision and the Journal of Business Ethics Education, and is a regular reviewer for other journals like Studies in Higher Education, International Journal of Human Resources Management, and Journal of Business Ethics.

He teaches Leadership and Organizational Behavior at the MBA and Undergraduate levels, and teaches Micro Issues in Business, and Contemporary Research Methods at the Doctoral level. At the postgraduate level, he is an Active Doctoral Dissertation Chair. He also regularly presents at international conferences such as the Academy of Management, International Leadership Association, British Academy of Management, Western Academy of Management, Midwest Academy of Management, Society for Teachers of Family Medicine, and the International Society of Business Economics and Ethics World Congress.

He is a passionate consumer of fiction books and comic book series, both in book form as well as in movie/television form. This includes the Harry Potter series, the LOTR series, anything by P.G. Wodehouse, Tintin series, Hellboy Series, the Batman, John Constantine, Superman, and Spider-Man series among others. Additionally, he loves films of all genres and languages (spanning the gamut from Bollywood to Wakaliwood, with everything in between), and enjoys music (Oasis, The Beatles, Lady Gaga, AC/DC, Alisha Chinai, etc.). He is also a huge professional wrestling fan, and often looks to integrate examples from pro-wrestling into his work. He lives in Waunakee (the only Waunakee in the Whole Wide World), Wisconsin, along with his wife, two young sons (ages 7 and 5), and pet Otterhound.


I have many people to thank and acknowledge, and without these individuals, even Ludo Bagman would feel safe wagering that this book would not exist in its current form or at all. I will start off with my parents (Anand and Bhramara) and sister (Aparna), to whom this book is dedicated, for their steady support throughout the process. I thank my dear wife, Yashaswini, for her continuous encouragement and for providing many insightful comments on earlier drafts of my work. I also thank my awesome energetically curious kids, Advitiya and Ajinkya, for bludging my stress away like a pair of intrepid beaters. I must also certainly single out my mom for her steady checking-in-with-me to see how far the book had progressed. I must say that if those check-ins had not happened, I would be scrambling about now searching for a Time-Turner about how to get more time. And, we all know how strict the Ministry has become about handing out Time-Turners these days.

I also thank my awesome series editor Dr Michael Urick and the best Books Commissioning agent of all time, Fiona Allison. Thank you both for being so encouraging and supportive, and super available. I thoroughly enjoyed working with you, and hope to continue doing so well into a ripe old Nicholas Flamel-like age. Thank you also to all of the Emerald support staff for all the help in making this project come to fruition. And, I would especially like to thank Neela Gooty, for her meticulous and insightful reviewing of two chapters of this book.

I also thank all my colleagues, friends, and mentors from all of my years in academia, especially to my academic dad, John Cullen, and my academic brothers and cousins like Praveen Parboteeah, Sang Kyun Kim, Chung-Wen Chen, and Fariss Mousa. I would also like to specifically thank David Elloy for being an amazing mentor. I have learned a lot from you, and I hope that some of that learning is reflected here in this book.

Finally, I must thank J. K. Rowling for having created a masterpiece series, one that has been profoundly impactful to many people across the globe. Thank you to all my supporters, friends, family, and well-wishers from the bottom of my heart – I have enjoyed writing this book, and I trust you will enjoy reading it, and find it a pleasant and useful book.