The Emerald Handbook of Challenge Based Learning
ISBN: 978-1-80117-491-6, eISBN: 978-1-80117-490-9
Publication date: 8 August 2022
(2022), "Prelims", Vilalta-Perdomo, E., Membrillo-Hernández, J., Michel-Villarreal, R., Lakshmi, G. and Martínez-Acosta, M. (Ed.) The Emerald Handbook of Challenge Based Learning, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. i-xxv.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2022 Eliseo Vilalta-Perdomo, Jorge Membrillo-Hernández, Rosario Michel-Villarreal, Geeta Lakshmi and Mariajulia Martínez-Acosta. Published under exclusive licence by Emerald Publishing Limited
Half Title Page
The Emerald Handbook of Challenge Based Learning
Title Page
The Emerald Handbook of Challenge Based Learning
Edited by
Eliseo Vilalta-Perdomo
Aston University, UK
Jorge Membrillo-Hernández
Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico
Rosario Michel-Villarreal
Royal Agricultural University, UK
Geeta Lakshmi
University of Lincoln, UK
Mariajulia Martínez-Acosta
Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico
United Kingdom – North America – Japan – India – Malaysia – China
Copyright Page
Emerald Publishing Limited
Howard House, Wagon Lane, Bingley BD16 1WA, UK
First edition 2022
Editorial matter and selection © 2022 Eliseo Vilalta-Perdomo, Jorge Membrillo-Hernández, Rosario Michel-Villarreal, Geeta Lakshmi and Mariajulia Martínez-Acosta.
Individual chapters © 2022 The authors.
Published under exclusive licence by Emerald Publishing Limited.
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ISBN: 978-1-80117-491-6 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-80117-490-9 (Online)
ISBN: 978-1-80117-492-3 (Epub)
List of Figures and Tables
Figure I.1. | Challenge-Based Learning Framework. |
Figure 1.1. | Student Ratings of the Five Key Characteristics (KCs) of CBL. The two boxplots represent the median values, where 50% of the scores sit (the interquartile range), as well as the minimum and maximum score for each of the closed survey items (see Table 1.2) across the first and second academic year that the ISP and ISBEP courses have run at the TU/e innovation Space. |
Figure 2.1. | Top-Down and Bottom-Up Approaches for the Development of Educational Instruments and Educational Innovations That Complement Each Other. |
Figure 2.2. | Mapping E3 Challenge 1 and Challenge 2 Using the CBL Compass. |
Figure 3.1. | Sustainable Development Engineering Students, Programming Raspberry© Cards for the Smart Energy Management i-Week Challenge. |
Figure 3.2. | Examples of Cable Car Prototypes Developed for the Challenge. |
Figure 3.3. | Students Participating in the Rube Goldberg Challenge. |
Figure 3.4. | Several i-Semesters: Sustainability, Mechanical Engineering, and Bioengineering. |
Figure 3.5. | Number of Documents Published and Indexed in SCOPUS ( With Challenge-Based Learning in the Title, Abstract, or Keyword. |
Figure 3.6. | Number of Documents Published and Indexed in SCOPUS Analyzed by Country of Origin of the Authors. |
Figure 3.7. | Number of Documents Published and Indexed in SCOPUS Analyzed by Affiliation. |
Figure 3.8. | Disciplines of Articles on CBL Published and Indexed in SCOPUS. |
Figure 4.1. | Publication Trend. |
Figure 4.2. | Position of the 131-Node Network. |
Figure 4.3. | Keyword Co-occurrence Network – DT in Higher Education. |
Figure 5.1. | Increase in Student Participation in LSMIF. *Trailing the fund with paper-based investments. |
Figure 5.2. | Organization Structure Within LSMIF. |
Figure 5.3. | (a) Current Portfolio Industry Structure 2021, (b) Current Portfolio of Companies. |
Figure 6.1. | The University of Bergamo 2020–2021 PMTS04 Workshop's Public Conclusions Meeting on February 12, 2021. |
Figure 7.1. | Research Decisions Taken to Perform and Report CBL Experiences. |
Figure 10.1. | Course Structure for the Course “E3Challenge2” (TU Eindhoven). |
Figure 11.1. | Sustainable Development Goals. |
Figure 12.1. | Integration of CBL in Institutional Dynamics. |
Figure 13.1. | Value Square Model in CBL as an Awareness and Reflection Tool (e.g., Focus on Stakeholder Activities). |
Figure 16.1. | Characteristics of Challenge-Based Learning. |
Table 1.1a. | Short Overview of ISP Course. |
Table 1.1b. | Short Overview of ISBEP Course. |
Table 1.2. | The Closed and Open-Ended Survey Questions Used in This Study Related to the Five Key CBL Characteristics and Collecting Other General Feedback Regarding Motivation to Engage in a CBL Course. |
Table 1.3. | Metathemes and Main Themes Identified From the Open-Ended Question “Why did you choose this course?” (Q1). |
Table 1.4. | Themes and Metathemes Identified From the Open-Ended Question “Would you recommend this course to a fellow student and why?” (Q2). |
Table 1.5. | MetaThemes and Main Themes Identified From the Open-Ended Question “What is in your opinion the added value of taking a course in TU/e innovation Space?” (Q3). |
Table 2.1. | Overview of Design Principles and CBL Compass Indicators at the Level of CBL Vision. |
Table 2.2. | Overview of Design Principles and CBL Compass Indicators at the Level of Teaching and Learning. |
Table 2.3. | Overview of CBL Design Principles and CBL Compass Indicators at the Level of Teacher Support. |
Table 2.4. | Overview of E3. |
Table 3.1. | Manuscripts Describing the Implementation of CBL in Tec21 Courses. |
Table 4.1. | Top Contributing Journals. |
Table 4.2. | Key Contributing Authors by Number of Publications. |
Table 4.3. | Key Contributing Authors by Citation Count. |
Table 4.4. | Contributing Nations to Challenge-based Learning Research. |
Table 4.5. | International Collaboration. |
Table 4.6. | Top Keywords. |
Table 4.7. | Top Co-occurring Keyword Pairs. |
Table 4.8. | Top Keywords Co-occurring with CBL. |
Table 4.9. | Keywords for Research Clusters. |
Table 4.10. | Top Occurring Keywords in Design Thinking Literature. |
Table 4.11. | Potential Integration of Design Thinking (DT) and Challenge-based Learning (CBL). |
Table 4.A1. | Cluster 1 Keywords and Eigenvector Centrality. |
Table 4.A2. | Clusters 2 and 3 Keywords and Eigenvector Centrality. |
Table 5.1. | Operational Process: Recruitment to Award. |
Table 5.2. | Summary of Benefits to Students Gathered From Their Feedback. |
Table 6.1. | Learning Stages in Tourism Management: An Example in Terms of Web Presence. |
Table 6.2. | Challenges to Be Met, Needs Stated, Newly Emerged Needs, and Solutions for a Workshop in a Pandemic. |
Table 6.3. | “Hosts & Tourists in the Bergamo Alps in a Time of Pandemic. Web Strategies and Sharing Guidelines.” The 2020–2021 PMTS04 Workshop's Groups and Stated Challenges. |
Table 6.4. | Challenge, Needs, and Solutions for Promoserio. |
Table 6.5. | Challenge, Needs, and Solutions for the GAL (Gruppo di Azione Locale) Valle Seriana. |
Table 6.6. | Challenge, Needs, and Solutions for Altobrembo. |
Table 6.7. | Challenge, Needs, and Solutions for VisitBrembo. |
Table 6.8. | Challenge, Needs, and Solutions for Bergamo B&B and Co. |
Table 6.9. | Challenge, Needs, and Solutions for Val Vertova. |
Table 7.1. | Examples of Technical Questions About the Subject. |
Table 7.2. | Questions About the Self-Evaluation on Generic Competences. |
Table 7.3. | General Questions About the Subject. |
Table 7.4. | Questions About the Challenge-Based Learning Methodology. |
Table 7.5. | Teacher's Perception About the Challenge-Based Learning Impact. |
Table 7.6. | Teacher's Perception About the Main Benefits and Difficulties of Implementing Challenge-Based Learning. |
Table 7.7. | Motivational Indicators of the MDI-EE (Based on “Classical” Theories Adapted to the Engineering Education). |
Table 7.8. | Research Decisions Taken in Each Challenge-Based Learning Experience. |
Table 8.1. | UoL4.0 Challenge Editions. |
Table 8.2. | UoL4.0 Challenge Contribution to “critical thinking” (January–May 2021). |
Table 8.3. | UoL4.0 Challenge Contribution to “communication” (January–May 2021). |
Table 8.4. | UoL4.0 Challenge Contribution to “collaboration” (January–May 2021). |
Table 8.5. | UoL4.0 Challenge Contribution to “creativity” (January–May 2021). |
Table 8.6. | UoL4.0 Challenge Contribution to “curating” (January–May 2021). |
Table 8.7. | Marks Achieved by Students in Each UoL4.0 Challenge Edition. |
Table 9.1. | Main Differences in Assessment Between Traditional Classroom and Challenge-Based Learning. |
Table 9.2. | Summary of the Main Student Learning Assessment Tools Applied in CBL. |
Table 9.3. | Three CBL Phases in the Healthcare Fund Challenge and Their Assessment Tools. |
Table 9.4. | Assessment Tools for the Healthcare Fund Challenge. |
Table 10.1. | Main CBL Components of Engineering Ethics Educational Initiatives. |
Table 10.2. | Participating Start-Ups in Winter Term 2020/2021 |
Table 10.3. | Team Projects in Autumn Term 2020/2021 |
Table 10.4. | Participating Stakeholders during Spring Term 2020/2021 |
Table 10.5. | Future Directions for the Research and Development of CBL Ethics Education. |
Table 11.1. | The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). |
Table 11.2. | Reasons for University Commitment to the SDGs. |
Table 11.3. | Competences Evaluated and Developed by Students. |
Table 11.4. | Municipalities, Issues, and SDGs Worked on. |
Table 12.1. | Critical Elements of Institutional Influences in CBL. |
Table 13.1. | Stakeholder Activities That Might Influence on Student's Participation in Challenge-Based Learning (CBL). Activities and effects summarized from interviews with students and teachers involved in CBL at TUHH. |
Table 14.1. | Details of Business Partner Interviewees. |
Table 15.1. | Challenges Defined Within the CBL Projects, Framed by the Corresponding SDG. |
Table 15.2. | Tree Analysis Category System, and Number of References Coded, at the First Cycle. |
Table 15.3. | Future Teachers' Perceptions on the Expected/Developed Learning During the Curricular Units Attendance. |
Table 15.4. | Future Teachers' Perceptions on Expected/Developed Transversal Learning Skills. |
Table 15.5. | Future Teachers' Perceptions on Their Ability to Perform CBL Steps. |
Table 15.6. | Future Teachers' Perceptions on the Relevance of the Form@tive Project for Their Teacher Training Path. |
Table 15.7. | Clusters of Positive and Negative Aspects, by Future Teachers, at the End of Cycle I-Stage 1. |
Table 15.8. | Clusters of Positive and Negative Aspects, by Future Teachers, at the Beginning of Cycle I-Stage 2. |
Table 15.9. | Clusters of Positive and Negative Aspects, by Future Teachers, at the Beginning of Cycle I-Stage 2. |
Table 15.10. | Clusters of Improvement Suggestions, by Future Teachers, at the End of Cycle I-Stage 1. |
Table 15.11. | Clusters of Improvement Suggestions, by Future Teachers, at the Beginning of Cycle I-Stage 2. |
Table 15.12. | Clusters of Improvement Suggestions, by Future Teachers, at the End of Cycle I-Stage 2. |
About the Editors
Eliseo Vilalta-Perdomo (Coeditor) is Senior Teaching Fellow and Codirector of the Community Resilience and Sustainability Education Lab at Aston Business School, Aston University, United Kingdom. Previously, he was Associate Professor at the University of Lincoln (2011–2020), and Tecnológico de Monterrey (2000–2011). Eliseo has been involved in challenge-based initiatives since 2009 and is currently coordinating a CBL pilot project (COM3, EU Interreg Sea North Region Fund, 2019–2023). His research focuses on how to improve individual and collective performances, simultaneously. Awards and recognitions include a Doctorate Honoris Causa by Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego, the Nigel Slack Teaching Innovation Award 2020 (EUROMA), a Senior Fellowship by AdvanceHE, and Fellowships by Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport, Cybernetics Society, and Operational Research Society.
Jorge Membrillo-Hernández (Coeditor) is Full Professor at the Institute for the Future of Education and Lecturer in the Bioengineering Department of the Faculty of Science and Engineering at Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico City Campus. He has held postdoctoral positions at Krebs Institute for Biomolecular Research, University of Sheffield, and in the Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, Harvard Medical School. He has published over 40 peer-reviewed articles on scientific projects and 25 on educational topics. He is the current President of the International Society of Engineering Pedagogy in the Section of Mexico (IGIP). His research on education focuses on how CBL is implemented at the graduate level. He is also a member of the Council of the Women for Science and Engineering initiative and the principal investigator of grants on gender-oriented educational models and CBL results at different levels of learning.
Rosario Michel-Villarreal (Coeditor) is a Lecturer in Food Supply Chain Management at the School of Agriculture, Food and Environment, Royal Agricultural University, United Kingdom. She is a Fellow of Advance HE (former Higher Education Academy) and member of the Women's Engineering Society (MWES) and the European Operations Management Association (EUROMA). Her recent projects include research on how to improve the potential for adoption of digital technology and implementation of industry 4.0 solutions among rural SMEs, using challenge-based learning to connect relevant stakeholders. Her work on Challenge-Based Learning was recognized with the Nigel Slack Teaching Innovation Award 2020 by EUROMA.
Geeta Lakshmi (Coeditor) is Associate Professor in Finance at Lincoln International Business School, University of Lincoln, United Kingdom, with a doctorate in Finance from University of Exeter and a Senior Fellow of Higher Education Academy. She has mentored colleagues in areas of teaching development and research. Her teaching has been constantly refreshed with pioneering new digital initiatives in her institution. She has been involved with research projects for the CDC, Department for International Development, UK, and has undertaken research funded by the UN. Currently, she serves as a Director, Sustainable Hockerton, having cofounded a village community company dealing in sustainable energy.
Mariajulia Martínez-Acosta (Co-editor) is a Lecturer of Sustainability and Climate at Tecnológico de Monterrey, using the CBL didactic technique. She is also Deputy Director of the Sustainable Development Goals initiative at Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico. This initiative focuses on the study, analysis, and planning to fulfill the objectives of sustainable development and the UN 2030 Agenda. Her recent projects are focused on promoting the localization of the SDGs in Mexico through multistakeholder collaborations with the public sector, private initiative, civil society organizations, and other educational institutions. Currently, she is working on the development of academic projects with an SDG approach for students and teachers of Tecnológico de Monterrey.
About the Contributors
Anna Amsler is an Independent Consultant and Researcher affiliated with the Observatory of Competitiveness and New Ways of Working. She holds a Bachelor's degree in International Relations and a Master's in Political Communication and Marketing, having worked in private and public institutions in areas related to public policy, strategic planning, and project evaluation.
Rajinder Bhandal is a Teaching Fellow in Management at Leeds University Business School. Her teaching expertise is within the field of management, decision-making, organizational behavior, along with professional skills and employability. Rajinder's research focuses on areas relating to disruptive technologies, behavioral decision-making, behavioral economics, supply chain management, business, management, and consumer behavior.
Gunter Bombaerts is Assistant Professor in Ethics of Technology at Eindhoven University of Technology. He focuses on sociotechnical energy, sustainability, and AI systems, using several theories from system thinking over Buddhist ethics to Foucauldian analysis. He is also the coordinator of the User-Society-Enterprise program at TU/e. He is involved in and publishes about education innovations projects on challenge-based learning and ethics. He is active in the Ethics SEFI SIG.
Michael Bots is Program Manager of Challenge-based Learning and policy officer on education in the staff office of the Executive Board of Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) in the Netherlands. He has a background in educational science and change management and is specialized in managing large-scale learning innovations in higher education. His current focus is on managing the development of challenge-based learning at TU/e and the redesign of bachelor and master programs.
Anthony Brown, after receiving his BSc in Business and Marketing MBA in the US, he completed his PhD in International Business at the University of Leeds. His current academic teaching interest focuses on crisis and postcrisis educational solutions within HE in the UK as he is involved in delivering mainly postgraduate modules in International Business, Strategy, and Management.
Miguel Bruns is Associate Professor in the Future Everyday Cluster of the Department of Industrial Design and heads the Interactive Materiality Group. He has an MSc and PhD in Industrial Design Engineering from TU Delft and was visiting researcher at the Center for Design Research, Stanford University, and the Design Research and Ubiquitous Computing Groups, Aarhus University. He was program director (Bachelor and Master) of Industrial Design, an innovative educational program founded in 2001 based on self-directed and competence-centered learning, largely composed of design challenges with industry. He led the redesign of its curriculum and cofounded TU/e innovation Space.
Patricia Caratozzolo has a PhD in Electronic Engineering from the Universidad Politécnica de Catalunya, Spain. She is a full-time Assistant Professor at the School of Engineering and Sciences on the Santa Fe campus of Tecnológico de Monterrey and Vice President of the International Association for Continuing Engineering Education (IACEE) for the period 2021-2024. She has led four NOVUS research projects related to language development and digital skills, cognitive flexibility, natural language processing (NLP), critical thinking, and creativity in engineering. Currently, her research is related to Educational Innovation and Interdisciplinary Education and with a social sense in STEM.
Vânia Carlos is a Researcher at the Research Center on Didactics and Technology for the Training of Educators (CIDTFF), at the Department of Education and Psychology (DEP) of the University of Aveiro (UA), Portugal, under the topic “Smart Educational Communities: changing teaching practices and learning spaces on campus.” She is member of the European projects' teams “LTSHE – Learning and Teaching Space in Higher Education” and “TEDS – Teacher education for sustainability”, and she collaborates with the project “The ECIU University.” She is member of the Rectory “Support Team for Curricular and Pedagogical Innovation” at UA, cocoordinating the “Inquiry-based learning” subteam and the project SALT@UA – Space for Active Learning and Teaching (at DEP). She is member of the coordination of CIDTFF programmatic funding projects – Open Education Smart Campus (OESC) and Smart Knowledge Garden (SKG).
Martina Cuomo holds a degree in Modern Foreign Languages and Literature from the University of Bergamo and currently attends the Master Course in Planning and Management of Tourism Systems at the same university.
Karolina Doulougeri is a Postdoctoral Educational Researcher at Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven School of Education. Her current research focuses on developing new pedagogies for challenge-based learning, with special emphasis on issues related to students' self-regulated learning and coaching practices to scaffold students' learning. Karolina has participated in several research projects in engineering education related to students' motivation and deep learning, coaching practices, and assessment of students' academic competencies.
Dorothea Ellinger has a PhD in Biochemistry and an MHEd and is a Higher Educational Developer at the Center for Teaching and Learning, Hamburg University of Technology, and Action Lead for Teacher Support in ECIU university. Her main areas of expertise and work include Research-Based Learning and Challenge-Based Learning.
Silvia Gallagher is CHARM European Universities Research Fellow at Trinity College, the University of Dublin. Her research interests lie in higher education innovation, focusing on teaching and learning design, sustainability education, online learning, and interinstitutional collaborations. She has a particular focus on transdisciplinary research and innovation, challenge-based learning, and qualitative research methods.
Chang Ge is Digital Lead for Lincoln International Business School, and Senior Lecturer and Program Leader for BA (Hons) Marketing Management. She is passionate about supporting faculty and students through the use of creative technologies and innovation in teaching and curriculum design. Chang is coinvestigator on the UoL4.0 Challenge-Based Learning project at the University of Lincoln, where she supports students and business communities through technology adoption. She has delivered major pedagogical and technology training sessions across the University of Lincoln in the areas of digital communication. Chang has degrees from the Open University and Napier University.
Flor Silvestre Gerardou is Online Learning Facilitator and Module developer at Online MSc in Management at the University of Lincoln. She has been program leader for accounting and has extensive experience teaching business-related subjects and research methods. Flor holds an associate fellowship in Higher Education Academy and two teaching qualifications (PCHE and GCAP). Her main research interest covers entrepreneurial orientation, social and political capitals, and business ethics in the public and private sectors. She is also interested in pedagogy research focusing on digital learning and creativity at the higher education level.
Siobhan Goggin, MBA, FCIS, FHEA, Cert Ed, is Head of Department of Accountancy Finance and Economics at the University of Lincoln. Siobhan is a career academic spending much of her working life teaching in secondary education, FE, and HE except for a brief secondment to HMRC. Here she developed her love of tax and spent many happy years teaching professional accountancy and degree students about the joys of tax. Siobhan also taught financial accounting and reporting at a variety of levels. More recently she has moved into a management role but retains her love for the classroom and the pleasure of teaching.
Blanca Viridiana Guizar Moran is an Online Instructor in online MSc programs at the University of Sunderland (UK). She has extensive teaching experience in business, management, and economic modules in asynchronous and synchronous modalities. Her research interests are multidisciplinary, focusing on digital learning, business ethics, health economics, and environmental econometrics. Her current research in digital learning focuses on higher education teaching and learning within a digital pedagogy environment. She has multidisciplinary collaborations with scholars in the UK and Mexico and is a member of the Higher Education (HE) academy.
Kerstin Helker is a Postdoctoral Educational Researcher at Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands. After finishing her PhD on responsibility ascriptions in the school context and the effects on motivation and achievement, Kerstin worked as Interim Professor at the University of Bonn and Senior Lecturer at RWTH Aachen University, Germany. Kerstin aims to improve educational practices through empirical research and to understand how real-life and authentic challenges can be used as effective and motivating learning opportunities. In the Comenius research project at TU/e innovation Space, Kerstin is currently focusing on students' learning gains in challenge-based learning settings.
Christian Herzog is a Transdisciplinary Researcher combining technology and applied ethics. He received his BSc and MSc degrees in Mechatronics in 2008 and 2011 from Hamburg University of Technology, where he also completed his PhD in Control. Since 2015 he has been a member of the Institute for Electrical Engineering in Medicine at the University of Lübeck, where he has committed to making ethical considerations integral to technology development. In 2020 he received an MA in Applied and Professional Ethics from the University of Leeds and became a young academy fellow at the Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Hamburg.
Victoria Lapuerta González is an Aerospace Engineer and has a PhD in Aerospace Science and Technology from UPM. She is Professor of the Applied Mathematics department. She is also the lead of the research group “Aerospace Sciences and Operations” of the UPM. Her main lines of research are related to numerical aerodynamics, physics of fluids in microgravity, phase change materials (PCMs), and space operations.
Vianney Lara-Prieto graduated as Mechatronics Engineer from Tecnólogico de Monterrey and holds a PhD in Smart Materials from Loughborough University in the UK. She is the Engineering Division Chairman at the Monterrey Region. She is an IEEE, WIE, and IEEE-HKN member. She leads the linkage national committee of MIC (Women in Engineering and Science) and participates in the mentoring and dissemination committees. She belongs to the Matilda Latin American Chair mentoring and research groups. Her research lines are interdisciplinary STEM education, Challenge-Based Learning, social-oriented education, innovative education, and women in STEM.
Jasmina Lazendic-Galloway, SFHEA, is an Interdisciplinary Researcher at TU/e innovation Space, Eindhoven University of Technology. She has a PhD in Astrophysics and has worked as a researcher at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics and Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Boston. She was a senior lecturer at the School of Physics and Astronomy, Monash University, Australia, where she led implementation of student-centered learning practices at the faculty and university level. She is an innovative educator and has initiated a number of new interdisciplinary courses. She supports research-based teaching approaches through engagement in the scholarship of teaching and learning.
Daniel López-Fernández is a Software Engineer graduate with a Software and Systems PhD from UPM. He also has a Coaching master and Emotional Intelligence master from UCJC. He is a Professor at UPM, teaching Software Engineering. His main research interests include the application of active learning methods and the study of motivation in Engineering Education and the usage of agile methodologies in professional environments.
Herbert Mapfaira is a Senior Lecturer in Operations Management in the Department of Management, Lincoln International Business School, University of Lincoln. He teaches modules in operations and project management. He is also the Program Leader for BA (Hons) in Business Studies and Coordinator for the University of Lincoln 4.0 Challenge Project. He obtained a PhD in Manufacturing Engineering and Operations Management from the University of Nottingham, UK. His research interest lies in the area of Operations Management with a particular focus on how to improve business performance, productivity, and cost performance, through the introduction of modern ideas and practices on the management and leadership of business enterprises.
Diana Adela Martin is a Postdoctoral Researcher at TU Eindhoven. Diana's main research is on ethics in the context of accreditation and how ethics, sustainability, and societal aspects are taught and implemented in the engineering curricula. She also develops teaching materials and case studies on engineering ethics and sustainability. Diana founded an educational NGO (2008–2016) which fostered cooperation between academia and the private sector, and in 2015 was selected by the European Forum Alpbach as one of Europe's innovators in tackling inequality in education. Diana is a member of the SEFI working group on ethics and is the Europe board representative in REEN – The Research Network in Engineering Education.
Gesa Mayer is a Graduate Sociologist and MHEd, a research assistant at the Center for Teaching and Learning, Hamburg University of Technology, a PhD candidate at the Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences, University of Hamburg. Main areas of scientific interest and work include a) the sociology of non/monogamies, relationships, and contemporary intimacies and b) higher education research, especially on Challenge-Based Learning.
Royston Meriton is Assistant Professor in Innovation and Entrepreneurship at Loughborough University London and holds an associate academic fellowship at Leeds University Business School. His research interests cover a broad sway of disciplines with an accentuated focus on digitally enabled capabilities at both the organizational and supply chain levels. More specifically, his work focuses on the emerging operations and business model innovations in the smart cities landscape with an emphasis on issues relating to resilience, sustainability, and production democratization. His research seeks to examine how these macrolevel phenomena emerge from microlevel interactions within the context of industry 4.0 technologies. Another segment of his research concerns higher education teaching and learning focusing on digital pedagogy. He collaborates with scholars globally and has a growing portfolio of publications in highly ranked peered-reviewed journals.
Giorgia Milesi is a Scientific high-school graduate and holds a degree in Modern Foreign Languages and Literature from the University of Bergamo and a Master's degree in Planning and Management of Tourism Systems from the same university. She currently works as a Product Manager.
Cynthia Montaudon Tomas is full-time Professor and Consultant at the Business School at UPAEP in Puebla, Mexico. She is head of the Observatory on Competitiveness and New Ways of Working. She holds a postdoctorate in Organizational Leadership from Regent University in Virginia, a PhD in Business from the University of Lincoln, UK, and a PhD in Strategic Planning from UPAEP. Her lines of research include leadership, changes in higher education, new technologies, diversity, and the future of work. She is recognized as a Level I Researcher by the National System of Researchers, CONACYT.
Kyriaki Papageorgiou is Director of Research at Fusion Point, Esade Business and Law School. Her work is located at the intersection of anthropology and STS. Her current research examines policies, discourses, and practices of innovation in tackling big societal challenges and the emergent role of robotics and AI in transforming work and daily lives. She is particularly interested in the future of learning and engaged in collaborative projects on cocreation in education and challenge-driven innovation. She is the coauthor of the book Envision the Future of Education for Creativity, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship (De Gruyter 2022). She has been a Marie Curie Fellow, a Visiting Research Fellow with the Program on Science, Technology & Society at the Harvard Kennedy School, a Research & Innovation Coordinator at the Delegation of the European Union in Egypt, and a Fulbright Scholar.
Roberto Peretta is a Graduate cum laude in Philosophy at the University of Milano La Statale. He started his career in journalism and soon became a travel writer for the Rough Guides, Time Out, leading Italian publishers, and, especially, the Touring Club of Italy (TCI). After working at the TCI as a resident consultant on data management and European Projects for nine years, he now is a TCI lecturer and adviser. He currently teaches Information Systems in Tourism at the Universities of Bergamo and Trento. His academic contributions have been published by McGraw-Hill and Springer, among others.
Hanna Pimanava is Marketing Officer for the UoL 4.0 Challenge Project at the University of Lincoln, where she works to promote the project to the local companies and liaises with the student groups, facilitating the development of their social media skills throughout the project. Hanna also offers marketing support for the Center for Organisational Resilience at the University of Lincoln. She holds a BA(Hons) in Graphic Design and an MSc in Marketing at the University of Lincoln.
Ingrid Pinto López is University Professor, Researcher, and Consultant at the Business School of UPAEP University, recognized by the National System of Researchers (SNI Conacyt). She holds a PhD in Strategic Planning and Technology Management. Currently she is coordinator of the competitiveness observatory and new forms of work, coordinator of the international arbitration of the Latin American Association of Accounting and Administration Schools ALAFEC, member of Barcelona Economics Network, and the Illustrious Latin American Academy of Doctors.
Liz Price is Senior Research Fellow at Lincoln International Business School in the UK. Her research focuses on local economic development, including skills, employment issues, rural services, and broadband. She has managed numerous projects for policy organizations including the European Commission, local authorities, and regional development agencies. She has degrees from Durham and Sheffield Hallam Universities. Liz is the lead for Competences for Competitive Companies, an EU Interreg partnership which part-funds the UoL4.0 Challenge-Based Learning project at the University of Lincoln. In this role she works with local government partners to recruit SMEs onto the project and conducts ongoing project evaluation.
Hao Quach is Associate Professor in Banking and Finance at the University of Lincoln. He has worked either as a lecturer or as a research fellow at several universities in the UK, US, and Vietnam. He has published research in areas of capital markets with specific focus on pricing models, business valuation, investment strategies, corporate governance, behavioral finance, banking system, and microfinance. He has also been working as an investment banker since 2006 and sat on the board of directors for several listed companies in Vietnam. He founded and oversees the Lincoln Student Managed Investment Fund (LSMIF).
Isabelle Reymen is Full Professor Design of Innovation Ecosystems at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). Furthermore, she is Scientific Director of TU/e innovation Space, center of expertise for Challenge-Based Learning and student entrepreneurship at TU/e, a learning hub for education innovation and an open community where students, researchers, industry, and societal organizations can exchange knowledge and develop responsible solutions to real-world challenges. Her research focusses on decision-making under uncertainty, design, and governance of entrepreneurial innovation ecosystems, the university as a strategic partner in innovation ecosystems, and education innovation in higher education.
Erika Ribeiro is a PhD student in Education at the University of Aveiro. In 2018, she received an MSc in Education and Professional Development from the University of Aveiro. Her current research is concerned with STEAM Education and creative thinking development during the initial training of primary school teachers. Her research interests are related with an education that prepares citizens for the future through active learning strategies in teacher training, developing the twenty-first-century competences in teacher as well as in their students.
Ana Valente Rodrigues is Assistant Professor in the Department of Education and Psychology of the University of Aveiro. She is a Member of the Research Center “Didactics and Technology in Education of Trainers,” Director of the Master in Pre-School Education and Teaching in the first Cycle of Basic Education, Director of the Integrated Sciences Education Center of the Ciência Viva primary school of VNB, and Member of Support Team for Curriculum and Pedagogical Innovation at the University of Aveiro. She holds a PhD in Didactics and Training. Her research interests are related with: integrated practices of formal and nonformal science education; development of educational science infrastructures and interactive modules; digital educational resources; and teacher training.
Alessandro Rossi is Associate Professor of Management at the Department of Economics and Management and at the School of Innovation of the University of Trento (Italy). He received his PhD in Organization and Management from the University of Udine in 2000. He is the Director of CLab Trento, a coworking facility within the School of Innovation, which offers several challenge-based initiatives for students and lifelong learners.
Lucia Rovelli is a graduate from the Language High School Alessandro Manzoni in Milano and holds a degree in Modern Foreign Languages and Literature from the University of Bergamo. She is currently graduating in the Master Course in Planning and Management of Tourism Systems at the same university and working as a high school English Teacher.
Miguel Ruiz Cabañas-Izquierdo is Career Ambassador of the Mexican Foreign Service. He has a degree in International Relations from the Colegio de México and a Master's in Political Science from Columbia University, New York. He is Professor and Director of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Initiative at the Tecnológico de Monterrey. In addition, he is co-coordinator of the Solutions Network for Sustainable Development in Mexico (SDSN), an international network of universities that promotes sustainable development.
At the Foreign Ministry in Mexico, he served as Chief of Advisors to the Undersecretary for North America, Europe, Asia, and Africa; Representative of Mexico to the OAS; Ambassador of Mexico in Japan; and Ambassador of Mexico in Italy. He was Undersecretary for Multilateral Affairs and Human Rights.
Pablo Salgado Sánchez is an Aerospace Engineer with a PhD in Aerospace Engineering from UPM. His research focuses on the analysis of fluid systems subjected to vibrations and temperature gradients in microgravity, combining theory, simulations, and experiments. Since 2016, he has been working at the E-USOC as an Operations Engineer for payloads onboard the ISS and collaborates with teaching activities in the field of space vehicles and applied mathematics.
Tim Savage is Assistant Professor and Researcher in Technology and Learning in Trinity College, the University of Dublin. He has a particular focus on digital education and education for sustainable development in higher education and is a member of the Center for Research in IT in Education. Currently he is a Senior Advisor to the CHARM-EU European University initiative and previously was the Associate Dean for Online Education in Trinity College and the Course Director of the MSc in Technology and Learning at Trinity College.
Alessandra Scroccaro is a Post Doc Researcher in Challenge-Based Learning and Entrepreneurship Education (particularly Social Innovation) at the Department of Economics and Management at the University of Trento (Italy). She received a cotutored PhD in Geography and Space Management from Montpellier University and the University of Padua in 2012. She is interested in the self-directed learning approach and self-assessment tools.
Siska Simon is an Urban Planner and Higher Educational Developer at the Center for Teaching and Learning, Hamburg University of Technology and Action Lead for CBL Implementation in ECIU. Main areas of expertise and work include Interdisciplinary Cooperation, Problem-Based Learning, and Challenge-Based Learning.
Ana Valencia Cardona is a Postdoctoral Design Researcher for TU/e innovation Space. Her doctoral dissertation focused on the design management of Product Service Systems (TU Delft). In her career, she has participated in several education activities at the bachelor and master levels. She combines her passion for innovation, design thinking, and education in her present projects. She currently supports the innovation of education at TU/e, particularly on the topic of assessment of CBL. The aim of her project is to investigate the assessment approaches within interdisciplinary, interprogram, challenge-based projects and to propose assessment procedures that are well aligned with the learning objectives and teaching activities of these projects.
Antoine van den Beemt is Associate Professor at Eindhoven School of Education, working as teacher educator and researcher in the domain of STEM-teacher professional development. He has extensive expertise in educational technology and networked learning, including innovative approaches to blended and online learning, and the use of learning analytics to improve learning and teaching. His current research focuses on challenge-based learning, with special attention for interdisciplinarity in higher engineering education. Antoine participates in university-wide programs for educational innovations with ICT, and for the development and implementation of Challenge-Based Learning.
Jan D. Vermunt is Full Professor of Learning Sciences and Educational Innovation at Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven School of Education. His expertise area are the learning sciences, with a focus on teaching and student learning in higher education, and teachers' learning and professional development. Current research interests include effective ways to support personal learning pathways, using student learning data to improve teaching and learning, developing innovative teachers, and promoting deep and self-regulated learning in students and teachers and new pedagogies for challenge-based learning.
- Prelims
- Introduction – The Lay of the Land
- Chapter 1 Creating a Learning Ecosystem for Developing, Sustaining, and Disseminating CBL the Case of TU/e Innovation Space
- Chapter 2 Challenge-Based Learning in Engineering Education: Toward Mapping the Landscape and Guiding Educational Practice
- Chapter 3 Implementation of the Challenge-Based Learning Approach at the Tecnologico de Monterrey, Mexico
- Chapter 4 Advancing a Design Thinking Approach to Challenge-Based Learning
- Chapter 5 Challenge Based Learning in Finance
- Chapter 6 Addressing the Challenges of DMOs in the Italian Alps Through CBL in a Time of Pandemic: A 2020–2021 Online Workshop at the University of Bergamo
- Chapter 7 Ten Years Evaluating CBL in Aerospace Engineering Education
- Chapter 8 Embedding 21st-Century Skills Through Challenge-Based Learning. Delivering Operations Management to Undergraduate Students
- Chapter 9 Self-Directed Approach as an Opportunity to Learn in Challenge-Based Learning (CBL). A CBL Experience With Cross-Disciplinary Learners at the University of Trento
- Chapter 10 Three European Experiences of Cocreating Ethical Solutions to Real-World Problems Through Challenge Based Learning
- Chapter 11 Sustainable Development Goals Through Challenge-Based Learning Implementation in Higher Education – Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)
- Chapter 12 Challenge-Based Learning for Social Innovation in a Private University in Puebla, Mexico
- Chapter 13 Involving External Partners in CBL: Reflections on Roles, Benefits, and Problems
- Chapter 14 Implementing CBL in HEI Curricula: Challenges and Opportunities for Industry Partners
- Chapter 15 Training Future Teachers to Teach With Challenge-Based Learning the Form@tive Project
- Chapter 16 Challenge Based Learning: Recommendations for the Future of Higher Education
- Index