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Leadership Capabilities for the 21st Century Development of Africa: A Paradigm Shift in Political Leadership for Economic Emancipation

Edward O. Akoto (Henderson State University, USA)
Eunice V. Akoto (Henderson State University, USA)
Justice N. Bawole (University of Ghana, Ghana)

African Leadership: Powerful Paradigms for the 21st Century

ISBN: 978-1-80117-046-8, eISBN: 978-1-80117-045-1

Publication date: 14 March 2023


After several years of political emancipation from colonial rule, it is time for African nations to do the same economically. Our analysis indicates that the current political leadership environment is VUCA laden and complicated, leading to grand challenges on the continent. Therefore, the old political leadership models are inadequate for addressing the African VUCA and leadership landscape, hence, the inability to achieve the needed economic advancement. We propose a paradigm shift in political leadership for the continent to bring the decades-long desire for economic freedom to fruition by adopting the relevant organizational science and corporate leadership models for political leadership effectiveness in this complex and dynamic environment. We accomplish this by integrating three frameworks to derive nascent management and leadership capabilities relevant to the new African political leadership context and to ensure current and future leadership readiness for this new environment.



Akoto, E.O., Akoto, E.V. and Bawole, J.N. (2023), "Leadership Capabilities for the 21st Century Development of Africa: A Paradigm Shift in Political Leadership for Economic Emancipation", Elkington, R., Ngunjiri, F.W., Burgess, G.J., Majola, X., Schwella, E. and de Klerk, N. (Ed.) African Leadership: Powerful Paradigms for the 21st Century, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 9-26.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2023 Edward O. Akoto, Eunice V. Akoto and Justice N. Bawole