IDeaLs (Innovation and Design as Leadership)
ISBN: 978-1-80071-834-0, eISBN: 978-1-80071-833-3
Publication date: 16 August 2021
Press, J., Bellis, P., Buganza, T., Magnanini, S., (Rami) Shani, A.B., Trabucchi, D., Verganti, R. and Zasa, F.P. (2021), "References", IDeaLs (Innovation and Design as Leadership), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 267-294.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2021 Joseph Press, Paola Bellis, Tommaso Buganza, Silvia Magnanini, Abraham B. (Rami) Shani, Daniel Trabucchi, Roberto Verganti, and Federico P. Zasa. Published under an exclusive license by Emerald Publishing Limited
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- Prelims
- Preamble: Researching Innovation, Design, and Leadership in the Digital ERA
- Part 1 Introducing IDeaLs
- 1 Innovation in the Digital Era
- 2 IDeaLs: Transforming in the Digital Era
- 3 The Neuroscience of Engagement: Insights on IDeaLs
- 4 Exploring IDeaLs: A Research Ecotone
- Part 2 Exploring IDeaLs
- 5 Developing the Individual: Philips and Nestlé
- 6 Cultivating the Collective: Sintetica and Sorgenia
- 7 Triggering Transformation: Stolt Tankers and Adidas
- Part 3 Envisioning IDeaLs
- 8 Research Reflections
- 9 Design-Driven Experiences
- 10 Futures of IDeaLs
- References
- Index