Re-Imagining Spaces and Places
ISBN: 978-1-80071-738-1, eISBN: 978-1-80071-737-4
Publication date: 29 March 2022
(2022), "Index", Rozzoni, S., Boonstra, B. and Cutler-Broyles, T. (Ed.) Re-Imagining Spaces and Places (Emerald Interdisciplinary Connexions), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 167-170.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2022 Stefano Rozzoni, Beitske Boonstra and Teresa Cutler-Broyles. Published under exclusive licence by Emerald Publishing Limited
Adaptive capacity (AC), 9–10
Advisory Planning Committee (APC), 63–64
Al-Tahrir Square, 28
development projects and perspective of Tahrir, 41
goals and objectives, 28–29
identity, art, and Graffiti, 40–41
interrelation between people and place, 40
methodology, 29–30
public space into interactive place, 33–38
Revolution of January 25, 2011, 31–33
space and place, and relations, 28–29
Tahrir architectural and urban description, 30
Tahrir behavior, 38–41
Alberta, 145–147
American goldfinch (Spinus tristis), 152
American kestrel (Falco sparverius), 151
American robins (Turdus migratorius), 151
Analytic generalization, 12–15
Anthropocene, 122–123
Ataturk Cultural Center (AKM), 51–52
Bachelor button (Centaurea cyanus), 151–152
Bavdhan Area Sabha (BAS), 16–17
Bedouin tent and merging of culture and religion, 68–70
Berlin Wall, 49
Bharat Bhavan, 3, 86, 88
Bhopal, 86–88
Big Shop, The, 99
Bilbao, 81–82
Bilbao Effect, 82–83
Black-capped chickadees (Poecile atricapillus), 151–152
Bohemian waxwings (Bombycilla garrulus), 151
Boreal Chorus frogs (Pseudacris maculate), 148
Bumble bee (Bombus), 152
Cairo, 28, 35–36
Calgary Power, Ltd., 146
Canada, 145–147
Caragana (Caragana arborescens), 147–148
Care, 145
Causal loop diagram, 12, 14–15
Cedar waxwings (Bombycilla cedorum), 151
Celebration of Gardens, 159
Change, 143–144
Cheap Nature, 143–144
Cittagna, 123–124, 129, 131
ecocritical trajectory in pastoral study, 127–128
off-leash dog parks, 135–137
pastoral, 125–127
roof gardens and green-roof architecture, 131–135
City reimaging, 80
Commercial arena, 102
department stores and role in arena of commercial culture, 94–97
Harrods and Selfridges, 97–102
Metropolitan London and Retail Industry, 93–94
Communities in Bloom
, 153, 155, 159
Community, 144
Community Standards
, 154
Companion species, 135
Continuous public participation, 19–22
Cooper’s hawk (Accipiter cooperii), 151
Corn Laws, 92
Cosmopolitanism, 95, 97, 102
Cotoneaster (Cotoneaster lucidus), 151
Country house poems, 133–134
Country/city dichotomy, 124–125, 127
Coyotes (Canis latrans), 148
Critical regionalism of Utzon’s KNA building and mosque, 71–73
Daily life, 46–48
Dandelions (Taraxacum officinale), 147–148
Deindustrialization, 80
Democracy, 46, 70–71
Department stores and role in arena of commercial culture, 94–97
Deterritorialization, 1
Ecocriticism, 122–124
Economic restructuring, 80
Egyptian revolution of 1919, 28
Environmental enhancement, 132
Environmental psychology, 29–30
Event-based public participation, 19–21
Feedback loops, 15–17
loop B1 exemplifies disasters, 17
loop R and B2 exemplify archetype “limits to growth”, 15–16
Flood resilience, 12, 19–20
Galatasaray Square, 53–55
Garden, 143, 147, 152
Gender, 92, 96
Geocriticism, 124
Gezi Park in Istanbul, 49
Globalization, 80
Goldenrod Crab spider (Misumena vatia), 152
Governance, 9
Great Exhibition of 1851, 92
Green-roof architecture, 131–135
Guggenheim Museum Bilbao, 80–82, 84, 86
Hardy, Thomas, 106
ameliorative endings, 114–115
destroying domestic, 110–112
in memory of Rosemarie Morgan, 106
narrative vs. pictorial violence, 112–114
novels of character and environment, 106–108
spatial aesthetics, 108–110
Harrods, 97–102
High Military Council (HMC), 32–33
House finch (Haemorhous mexicanus), 152
Human-nonhuman cohabitation, new examples of, 131–135
Identity, 2
Immigration, 50
Imprisonment, 3
of public space, 51–54
Info-media technology, 38
Information technology enhancing interactivity, 36–38
International Association for Public Participation (IAP2), 19
Ismailia Square, 28
Istanbul, 46
Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality (IMM), 55–56
Istanbul Palace of Culture. See Ataturk Cultural Center (AKM)
Kuwait, 62
historical background on democracy and reflection in Kuwait’s history, 62–63
Kuwait National Assembly building (KNA building), 3, 62
additive architecture between flexibility and security, 67–68
competition and analysis of submitted proposals, 63–64
critical regionalism of Utzon’s KNA building and mosque, 71–73
historical background on democracy and reflection in Kuwait’s history, 62–63
Mosque, 70–71
symbolism, 68–70
symbols between architectural shapes, democracy and control, 64–67
Legislative Council, 63
Leopard frogs (Lithobates pipiens), 148
Manitoba maple (Acer negundo), 150–151
Merlin (Falco columbarius), 151
Metropolitan London and Retail Industry, 93–94
Moslem Brotherhood regime of 2012, 41
Mosquitoes (Culicidae), 148
Mountain ash (Sorbus), 150–151
Mubarak regime, 31, 36
Municipal Council, 63
Narrative violence, 112–114
Nation-building, 63, 70
National Democratic Party (NDP), 30
Nature, 122–123
Natureculture, 135
, 126–127
Nineteenth century, 106–107
Novels of character and environment, 106–108
Off-leash dog parks, 124–125, 135, 137
, 126–127
Pastoral, 125–127
Personal experience, 38, 40
Pictorial violence, 112–114
Pine siskin (Spinus pinus), 152
Place, 28–29, 1–4, 165–166
attachment theories, 34–36
generation, 33–34
as nature and economy, 145–147
transformation, 29
Place-marketing, 80
Placemaking, 21–22
Planning Board, 64
Post-pastoral neologism, 123–125, 127–128
Power, 46, 92, 97, 102
“Power of 10+”, The concept, 36
Progressive connections, 2
Project of Public Space theory (PPS theory), 36
Public, 46
Public participation, 8
analytic generalization and case study of Ramnadi River Corridor, 12–15
characteristics of resilience, 9, 12–13
continuous public participation, 19–22
event-based public participation, 19–21
feedback loops, 15–17
placemaking, 21–22
effect of public participation on resilience, 17–19
resilience, 8–9
Public space, 46
emancipating space, 55–56
imprisonment, 51–54
information technology enhancing interactivity, 36–38
into interactive place, 33–38
place attachment theories, 34–36
place generation and sense of place, 33–34
Tahrir Transformation Cycle, 36
as tool of/for democracy, 46–48
in twenty-first century, 49–50
Public sphere, 46–47
Puerta del Sol in Madrid, 49
Quack grass (Elytrigia repens), 147–148
Ramnadi River Corridor, case study of, 12–15
Reclaiming art and cultural venues
Bhopal and Bharat Bhavan, 86–88
Bilbao and Guggenheim Museum, 81–82
global trend, 82–84
Guggenheim Museum Bilbao, 84–86
Redundancy, 11
Reimagining, 2
Religion, 70–71
Representational space, 48
Representations of space, 48
Resilience, 2–3, 8–9
characteristics, 9, 12–13
new binary of public participation for, 20
effect of public participation on, 17–19
Restoration, 145
Revolution of January 25, 2011, 31–33
Al Tahrir during 2011, 32–33
emergence, 31–32
Rewilding, 145
Communities in Bloom
, 153, 155, 159
garden, 147–152
paths, 159–160
sense of place, 145
Wabamun, Alberta, Canada, 145–147
wild garden, 152–153
Right to city, 48
Robustness, 11–12
Roof gardens, 124–125, 131, 135
Ruby-throated hummingbirds (Archilochus colubris), 152–153
Salvia (Lamiaceae), 152–153
“Saturday Mothers”, 54
Self-organization, 10–11
Selfridges, 97–102
Sense of place, 33–34, 145
Sharp shinned hawk (Accipiter striatus), 151
Shura Council, 63
Social-ecological system, 8, 11
Space. See also Public space, 1–4, 28–29, 46, 106, 165–166
emancipating, 55–56
Spatial turn, 1–2
Subjectivity, 165
Sunflower (Helianthus), 151–152
Sydney Opera House, 80
Symbolism, 68–70
Syntagma Square in Athens, 49
Tahrir Square, 3
Tahrir Transformation Cycle, 36
Taksim Gezi Park, 51–53
Taksim Mosque, 55
Terrorism, 50
Tourism, 80
Transformative dynamics, 3–4
Tripartite Organizing Framework, 34
Universal Provider, 97
Urbanism, 123
Utzon, Jørn, 63–64, 67, 73
Victorian ethos, 92
Violence, 106
Wabamun, 145–147
Warblers (Parulidae), 151
West End phenomenon, 95–96
White clover (Trifolium repens), 147–148
Whitewood Mine, 146
Wood frogs (Lithobates sylvaticus), 148
Zuccotti Park in New York, 49
Cairo, 28, 35–36
Calgary Power, Ltd., 146
Canada, 145–147
Caragana (Caragana arborescens), 147–148
Care, 145
Causal loop diagram, 12, 14–15
Cedar waxwings (Bombycilla cedorum), 151
Celebration of Gardens, 159
Change, 143–144
Cheap Nature, 143–144
Cittagna, 123–124, 129, 131
ecocritical trajectory in pastoral study, 127–128
off-leash dog parks, 135–137
pastoral, 125–127
roof gardens and green-roof architecture, 131–135
City reimaging, 80
Commercial arena, 102
department stores and role in arena of commercial culture, 94–97
Harrods and Selfridges, 97–102
Metropolitan London and Retail Industry, 93–94
Communities in Bloom
, 153, 155, 159
Community, 144
Community Standards
, 154
Companion species, 135
Continuous public participation, 19–22
Cooper’s hawk (Accipiter cooperii), 151
Corn Laws, 92
Cosmopolitanism, 95, 97, 102
Cotoneaster (Cotoneaster lucidus), 151
Country house poems, 133–134
Country/city dichotomy, 124–125, 127
Coyotes (Canis latrans), 148
Critical regionalism of Utzon’s KNA building and mosque, 71–73
Daily life, 46–48
Dandelions (Taraxacum officinale), 147–148
Deindustrialization, 80
Democracy, 46, 70–71
Department stores and role in arena of commercial culture, 94–97
Deterritorialization, 1
Ecocriticism, 122–124
Economic restructuring, 80
Egyptian revolution of 1919, 28
Environmental enhancement, 132
Environmental psychology, 29–30
Event-based public participation, 19–21
Feedback loops, 15–17
loop B1 exemplifies disasters, 17
loop R and B2 exemplify archetype “limits to growth”, 15–16
Flood resilience, 12, 19–20
Galatasaray Square, 53–55
Garden, 143, 147, 152
Gender, 92, 96
Geocriticism, 124
Gezi Park in Istanbul, 49
Globalization, 80
Goldenrod Crab spider (Misumena vatia), 152
Governance, 9
Great Exhibition of 1851, 92
Green-roof architecture, 131–135
Guggenheim Museum Bilbao, 80–82, 84, 86
Hardy, Thomas, 106
ameliorative endings, 114–115
destroying domestic, 110–112
in memory of Rosemarie Morgan, 106
narrative vs. pictorial violence, 112–114
novels of character and environment, 106–108
spatial aesthetics, 108–110
Harrods, 97–102
High Military Council (HMC), 32–33
House finch (Haemorhous mexicanus), 152
Human-nonhuman cohabitation, new examples of, 131–135
Identity, 2
Immigration, 50
Imprisonment, 3
of public space, 51–54
Info-media technology, 38
Information technology enhancing interactivity, 36–38
International Association for Public Participation (IAP2), 19
Ismailia Square, 28
Istanbul, 46
Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality (IMM), 55–56
Istanbul Palace of Culture. See Ataturk Cultural Center (AKM)
Kuwait, 62
historical background on democracy and reflection in Kuwait’s history, 62–63
Kuwait National Assembly building (KNA building), 3, 62
additive architecture between flexibility and security, 67–68
competition and analysis of submitted proposals, 63–64
critical regionalism of Utzon’s KNA building and mosque, 71–73
historical background on democracy and reflection in Kuwait’s history, 62–63
Mosque, 70–71
symbolism, 68–70
symbols between architectural shapes, democracy and control, 64–67
Legislative Council, 63
Leopard frogs (Lithobates pipiens), 148
Manitoba maple (Acer negundo), 150–151
Merlin (Falco columbarius), 151
Metropolitan London and Retail Industry, 93–94
Moslem Brotherhood regime of 2012, 41
Mosquitoes (Culicidae), 148
Mountain ash (Sorbus), 150–151
Mubarak regime, 31, 36
Municipal Council, 63
Narrative violence, 112–114
Nation-building, 63, 70
National Democratic Party (NDP), 30
Nature, 122–123
Natureculture, 135
, 126–127
Nineteenth century, 106–107
Novels of character and environment, 106–108
Off-leash dog parks, 124–125, 135, 137
, 126–127
Pastoral, 125–127
Personal experience, 38, 40
Pictorial violence, 112–114
Pine siskin (Spinus pinus), 152
Place, 28–29, 1–4, 165–166
attachment theories, 34–36
generation, 33–34
as nature and economy, 145–147
transformation, 29
Place-marketing, 80
Placemaking, 21–22
Planning Board, 64
Post-pastoral neologism, 123–125, 127–128
Power, 46, 92, 97, 102
“Power of 10+”, The concept, 36
Progressive connections, 2
Project of Public Space theory (PPS theory), 36
Public, 46
Public participation, 8
analytic generalization and case study of Ramnadi River Corridor, 12–15
characteristics of resilience, 9, 12–13
continuous public participation, 19–22
event-based public participation, 19–21
feedback loops, 15–17
placemaking, 21–22
effect of public participation on resilience, 17–19
resilience, 8–9
Public space, 46
emancipating space, 55–56
imprisonment, 51–54
information technology enhancing interactivity, 36–38
into interactive place, 33–38
place attachment theories, 34–36
place generation and sense of place, 33–34
Tahrir Transformation Cycle, 36
as tool of/for democracy, 46–48
in twenty-first century, 49–50
Public sphere, 46–47
Puerta del Sol in Madrid, 49
Quack grass (Elytrigia repens), 147–148
Ramnadi River Corridor, case study of, 12–15
Reclaiming art and cultural venues
Bhopal and Bharat Bhavan, 86–88
Bilbao and Guggenheim Museum, 81–82
global trend, 82–84
Guggenheim Museum Bilbao, 84–86
Redundancy, 11
Reimagining, 2
Religion, 70–71
Representational space, 48
Representations of space, 48
Resilience, 2–3, 8–9
characteristics, 9, 12–13
new binary of public participation for, 20
effect of public participation on, 17–19
Restoration, 145
Revolution of January 25, 2011, 31–33
Al Tahrir during 2011, 32–33
emergence, 31–32
Rewilding, 145
Communities in Bloom
, 153, 155, 159
garden, 147–152
paths, 159–160
sense of place, 145
Wabamun, Alberta, Canada, 145–147
wild garden, 152–153
Right to city, 48
Robustness, 11–12
Roof gardens, 124–125, 131, 135
Ruby-throated hummingbirds (Archilochus colubris), 152–153
Salvia (Lamiaceae), 152–153
“Saturday Mothers”, 54
Self-organization, 10–11
Selfridges, 97–102
Sense of place, 33–34, 145
Sharp shinned hawk (Accipiter striatus), 151
Shura Council, 63
Social-ecological system, 8, 11
Space. See also Public space, 1–4, 28–29, 46, 106, 165–166
emancipating, 55–56
Spatial turn, 1–2
Subjectivity, 165
Sunflower (Helianthus), 151–152
Sydney Opera House, 80
Symbolism, 68–70
Syntagma Square in Athens, 49
Tahrir Square, 3
Tahrir Transformation Cycle, 36
Taksim Gezi Park, 51–53
Taksim Mosque, 55
Terrorism, 50
Tourism, 80
Transformative dynamics, 3–4
Tripartite Organizing Framework, 34
Universal Provider, 97
Urbanism, 123
Utzon, Jørn, 63–64, 67, 73
Victorian ethos, 92
Violence, 106
Wabamun, 145–147
Warblers (Parulidae), 151
West End phenomenon, 95–96
White clover (Trifolium repens), 147–148
Whitewood Mine, 146
Wood frogs (Lithobates sylvaticus), 148
Zuccotti Park in New York, 49
Ecocriticism, 122–124
Economic restructuring, 80
Egyptian revolution of 1919, 28
Environmental enhancement, 132
Environmental psychology, 29–30
Event-based public participation, 19–21
Feedback loops, 15–17
loop B1 exemplifies disasters, 17
loop R and B2 exemplify archetype “limits to growth”, 15–16
Flood resilience, 12, 19–20
Galatasaray Square, 53–55
Garden, 143, 147, 152
Gender, 92, 96
Geocriticism, 124
Gezi Park in Istanbul, 49
Globalization, 80
Goldenrod Crab spider (Misumena vatia), 152
Governance, 9
Great Exhibition of 1851, 92
Green-roof architecture, 131–135
Guggenheim Museum Bilbao, 80–82, 84, 86
Hardy, Thomas, 106
ameliorative endings, 114–115
destroying domestic, 110–112
in memory of Rosemarie Morgan, 106
narrative vs. pictorial violence, 112–114
novels of character and environment, 106–108
spatial aesthetics, 108–110
Harrods, 97–102
High Military Council (HMC), 32–33
House finch (Haemorhous mexicanus), 152
Human-nonhuman cohabitation, new examples of, 131–135
Identity, 2
Immigration, 50
Imprisonment, 3
of public space, 51–54
Info-media technology, 38
Information technology enhancing interactivity, 36–38
International Association for Public Participation (IAP2), 19
Ismailia Square, 28
Istanbul, 46
Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality (IMM), 55–56
Istanbul Palace of Culture. See Ataturk Cultural Center (AKM)
Kuwait, 62
historical background on democracy and reflection in Kuwait’s history, 62–63
Kuwait National Assembly building (KNA building), 3, 62
additive architecture between flexibility and security, 67–68
competition and analysis of submitted proposals, 63–64
critical regionalism of Utzon’s KNA building and mosque, 71–73
historical background on democracy and reflection in Kuwait’s history, 62–63
Mosque, 70–71
symbolism, 68–70
symbols between architectural shapes, democracy and control, 64–67
Legislative Council, 63
Leopard frogs (Lithobates pipiens), 148
Manitoba maple (Acer negundo), 150–151
Merlin (Falco columbarius), 151
Metropolitan London and Retail Industry, 93–94
Moslem Brotherhood regime of 2012, 41
Mosquitoes (Culicidae), 148
Mountain ash (Sorbus), 150–151
Mubarak regime, 31, 36
Municipal Council, 63
Narrative violence, 112–114
Nation-building, 63, 70
National Democratic Party (NDP), 30
Nature, 122–123
Natureculture, 135
, 126–127
Nineteenth century, 106–107
Novels of character and environment, 106–108
Off-leash dog parks, 124–125, 135, 137
, 126–127
Pastoral, 125–127
Personal experience, 38, 40
Pictorial violence, 112–114
Pine siskin (Spinus pinus), 152
Place, 28–29, 1–4, 165–166
attachment theories, 34–36
generation, 33–34
as nature and economy, 145–147
transformation, 29
Place-marketing, 80
Placemaking, 21–22
Planning Board, 64
Post-pastoral neologism, 123–125, 127–128
Power, 46, 92, 97, 102
“Power of 10+”, The concept, 36
Progressive connections, 2
Project of Public Space theory (PPS theory), 36
Public, 46
Public participation, 8
analytic generalization and case study of Ramnadi River Corridor, 12–15
characteristics of resilience, 9, 12–13
continuous public participation, 19–22
event-based public participation, 19–21
feedback loops, 15–17
placemaking, 21–22
effect of public participation on resilience, 17–19
resilience, 8–9
Public space, 46
emancipating space, 55–56
imprisonment, 51–54
information technology enhancing interactivity, 36–38
into interactive place, 33–38
place attachment theories, 34–36
place generation and sense of place, 33–34
Tahrir Transformation Cycle, 36
as tool of/for democracy, 46–48
in twenty-first century, 49–50
Public sphere, 46–47
Puerta del Sol in Madrid, 49
Quack grass (Elytrigia repens), 147–148
Ramnadi River Corridor, case study of, 12–15
Reclaiming art and cultural venues
Bhopal and Bharat Bhavan, 86–88
Bilbao and Guggenheim Museum, 81–82
global trend, 82–84
Guggenheim Museum Bilbao, 84–86
Redundancy, 11
Reimagining, 2
Religion, 70–71
Representational space, 48
Representations of space, 48
Resilience, 2–3, 8–9
characteristics, 9, 12–13
new binary of public participation for, 20
effect of public participation on, 17–19
Restoration, 145
Revolution of January 25, 2011, 31–33
Al Tahrir during 2011, 32–33
emergence, 31–32
Rewilding, 145
Communities in Bloom
, 153, 155, 159
garden, 147–152
paths, 159–160
sense of place, 145
Wabamun, Alberta, Canada, 145–147
wild garden, 152–153
Right to city, 48
Robustness, 11–12
Roof gardens, 124–125, 131, 135
Ruby-throated hummingbirds (Archilochus colubris), 152–153
Salvia (Lamiaceae), 152–153
“Saturday Mothers”, 54
Self-organization, 10–11
Selfridges, 97–102
Sense of place, 33–34, 145
Sharp shinned hawk (Accipiter striatus), 151
Shura Council, 63
Social-ecological system, 8, 11
Space. See also Public space, 1–4, 28–29, 46, 106, 165–166
emancipating, 55–56
Spatial turn, 1–2
Subjectivity, 165
Sunflower (Helianthus), 151–152
Sydney Opera House, 80
Symbolism, 68–70
Syntagma Square in Athens, 49
Tahrir Square, 3
Tahrir Transformation Cycle, 36
Taksim Gezi Park, 51–53
Taksim Mosque, 55
Terrorism, 50
Tourism, 80
Transformative dynamics, 3–4
Tripartite Organizing Framework, 34
Universal Provider, 97
Urbanism, 123
Utzon, Jørn, 63–64, 67, 73
Victorian ethos, 92
Violence, 106
Wabamun, 145–147
Warblers (Parulidae), 151
West End phenomenon, 95–96
White clover (Trifolium repens), 147–148
Whitewood Mine, 146
Wood frogs (Lithobates sylvaticus), 148
Zuccotti Park in New York, 49
Galatasaray Square, 53–55
Garden, 143, 147, 152
Gender, 92, 96
Geocriticism, 124
Gezi Park in Istanbul, 49
Globalization, 80
Goldenrod Crab spider (Misumena vatia), 152
Governance, 9
Great Exhibition of 1851, 92
Green-roof architecture, 131–135
Guggenheim Museum Bilbao, 80–82, 84, 86
Hardy, Thomas, 106
ameliorative endings, 114–115
destroying domestic, 110–112
in memory of Rosemarie Morgan, 106
narrative vs. pictorial violence, 112–114
novels of character and environment, 106–108
spatial aesthetics, 108–110
Harrods, 97–102
High Military Council (HMC), 32–33
House finch (Haemorhous mexicanus), 152
Human-nonhuman cohabitation, new examples of, 131–135
Identity, 2
Immigration, 50
Imprisonment, 3
of public space, 51–54
Info-media technology, 38
Information technology enhancing interactivity, 36–38
International Association for Public Participation (IAP2), 19
Ismailia Square, 28
Istanbul, 46
Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality (IMM), 55–56
Istanbul Palace of Culture. See Ataturk Cultural Center (AKM)
Kuwait, 62
historical background on democracy and reflection in Kuwait’s history, 62–63
Kuwait National Assembly building (KNA building), 3, 62
additive architecture between flexibility and security, 67–68
competition and analysis of submitted proposals, 63–64
critical regionalism of Utzon’s KNA building and mosque, 71–73
historical background on democracy and reflection in Kuwait’s history, 62–63
Mosque, 70–71
symbolism, 68–70
symbols between architectural shapes, democracy and control, 64–67
Legislative Council, 63
Leopard frogs (Lithobates pipiens), 148
Manitoba maple (Acer negundo), 150–151
Merlin (Falco columbarius), 151
Metropolitan London and Retail Industry, 93–94
Moslem Brotherhood regime of 2012, 41
Mosquitoes (Culicidae), 148
Mountain ash (Sorbus), 150–151
Mubarak regime, 31, 36
Municipal Council, 63
Narrative violence, 112–114
Nation-building, 63, 70
National Democratic Party (NDP), 30
Nature, 122–123
Natureculture, 135
, 126–127
Nineteenth century, 106–107
Novels of character and environment, 106–108
Off-leash dog parks, 124–125, 135, 137
, 126–127
Pastoral, 125–127
Personal experience, 38, 40
Pictorial violence, 112–114
Pine siskin (Spinus pinus), 152
Place, 28–29, 1–4, 165–166
attachment theories, 34–36
generation, 33–34
as nature and economy, 145–147
transformation, 29
Place-marketing, 80
Placemaking, 21–22
Planning Board, 64
Post-pastoral neologism, 123–125, 127–128
Power, 46, 92, 97, 102
“Power of 10+”, The concept, 36
Progressive connections, 2
Project of Public Space theory (PPS theory), 36
Public, 46
Public participation, 8
analytic generalization and case study of Ramnadi River Corridor, 12–15
characteristics of resilience, 9, 12–13
continuous public participation, 19–22
event-based public participation, 19–21
feedback loops, 15–17
placemaking, 21–22
effect of public participation on resilience, 17–19
resilience, 8–9
Public space, 46
emancipating space, 55–56
imprisonment, 51–54
information technology enhancing interactivity, 36–38
into interactive place, 33–38
place attachment theories, 34–36
place generation and sense of place, 33–34
Tahrir Transformation Cycle, 36
as tool of/for democracy, 46–48
in twenty-first century, 49–50
Public sphere, 46–47
Puerta del Sol in Madrid, 49
Quack grass (Elytrigia repens), 147–148
Ramnadi River Corridor, case study of, 12–15
Reclaiming art and cultural venues
Bhopal and Bharat Bhavan, 86–88
Bilbao and Guggenheim Museum, 81–82
global trend, 82–84
Guggenheim Museum Bilbao, 84–86
Redundancy, 11
Reimagining, 2
Religion, 70–71
Representational space, 48
Representations of space, 48
Resilience, 2–3, 8–9
characteristics, 9, 12–13
new binary of public participation for, 20
effect of public participation on, 17–19
Restoration, 145
Revolution of January 25, 2011, 31–33
Al Tahrir during 2011, 32–33
emergence, 31–32
Rewilding, 145
Communities in Bloom
, 153, 155, 159
garden, 147–152
paths, 159–160
sense of place, 145
Wabamun, Alberta, Canada, 145–147
wild garden, 152–153
Right to city, 48
Robustness, 11–12
Roof gardens, 124–125, 131, 135
Ruby-throated hummingbirds (Archilochus colubris), 152–153
Salvia (Lamiaceae), 152–153
“Saturday Mothers”, 54
Self-organization, 10–11
Selfridges, 97–102
Sense of place, 33–34, 145
Sharp shinned hawk (Accipiter striatus), 151
Shura Council, 63
Social-ecological system, 8, 11
Space. See also Public space, 1–4, 28–29, 46, 106, 165–166
emancipating, 55–56
Spatial turn, 1–2
Subjectivity, 165
Sunflower (Helianthus), 151–152
Sydney Opera House, 80
Symbolism, 68–70
Syntagma Square in Athens, 49
Tahrir Square, 3
Tahrir Transformation Cycle, 36
Taksim Gezi Park, 51–53
Taksim Mosque, 55
Terrorism, 50
Tourism, 80
Transformative dynamics, 3–4
Tripartite Organizing Framework, 34
Universal Provider, 97
Urbanism, 123
Utzon, Jørn, 63–64, 67, 73
Victorian ethos, 92
Violence, 106
Wabamun, 145–147
Warblers (Parulidae), 151
West End phenomenon, 95–96
White clover (Trifolium repens), 147–148
Whitewood Mine, 146
Wood frogs (Lithobates sylvaticus), 148
Zuccotti Park in New York, 49
Identity, 2
Immigration, 50
Imprisonment, 3
of public space, 51–54
Info-media technology, 38
Information technology enhancing interactivity, 36–38
International Association for Public Participation (IAP2), 19
Ismailia Square, 28
Istanbul, 46
Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality (IMM), 55–56
Istanbul Palace of Culture. See Ataturk Cultural Center (AKM)
Kuwait, 62
historical background on democracy and reflection in Kuwait’s history, 62–63
Kuwait National Assembly building (KNA building), 3, 62
additive architecture between flexibility and security, 67–68
competition and analysis of submitted proposals, 63–64
critical regionalism of Utzon’s KNA building and mosque, 71–73
historical background on democracy and reflection in Kuwait’s history, 62–63
Mosque, 70–71
symbolism, 68–70
symbols between architectural shapes, democracy and control, 64–67
Legislative Council, 63
Leopard frogs (Lithobates pipiens), 148
Manitoba maple (Acer negundo), 150–151
Merlin (Falco columbarius), 151
Metropolitan London and Retail Industry, 93–94
Moslem Brotherhood regime of 2012, 41
Mosquitoes (Culicidae), 148
Mountain ash (Sorbus), 150–151
Mubarak regime, 31, 36
Municipal Council, 63
Narrative violence, 112–114
Nation-building, 63, 70
National Democratic Party (NDP), 30
Nature, 122–123
Natureculture, 135
, 126–127
Nineteenth century, 106–107
Novels of character and environment, 106–108
Off-leash dog parks, 124–125, 135, 137
, 126–127
Pastoral, 125–127
Personal experience, 38, 40
Pictorial violence, 112–114
Pine siskin (Spinus pinus), 152
Place, 28–29, 1–4, 165–166
attachment theories, 34–36
generation, 33–34
as nature and economy, 145–147
transformation, 29
Place-marketing, 80
Placemaking, 21–22
Planning Board, 64
Post-pastoral neologism, 123–125, 127–128
Power, 46, 92, 97, 102
“Power of 10+”, The concept, 36
Progressive connections, 2
Project of Public Space theory (PPS theory), 36
Public, 46
Public participation, 8
analytic generalization and case study of Ramnadi River Corridor, 12–15
characteristics of resilience, 9, 12–13
continuous public participation, 19–22
event-based public participation, 19–21
feedback loops, 15–17
placemaking, 21–22
effect of public participation on resilience, 17–19
resilience, 8–9
Public space, 46
emancipating space, 55–56
imprisonment, 51–54
information technology enhancing interactivity, 36–38
into interactive place, 33–38
place attachment theories, 34–36
place generation and sense of place, 33–34
Tahrir Transformation Cycle, 36
as tool of/for democracy, 46–48
in twenty-first century, 49–50
Public sphere, 46–47
Puerta del Sol in Madrid, 49
Quack grass (Elytrigia repens), 147–148
Ramnadi River Corridor, case study of, 12–15
Reclaiming art and cultural venues
Bhopal and Bharat Bhavan, 86–88
Bilbao and Guggenheim Museum, 81–82
global trend, 82–84
Guggenheim Museum Bilbao, 84–86
Redundancy, 11
Reimagining, 2
Religion, 70–71
Representational space, 48
Representations of space, 48
Resilience, 2–3, 8–9
characteristics, 9, 12–13
new binary of public participation for, 20
effect of public participation on, 17–19
Restoration, 145
Revolution of January 25, 2011, 31–33
Al Tahrir during 2011, 32–33
emergence, 31–32
Rewilding, 145
Communities in Bloom
, 153, 155, 159
garden, 147–152
paths, 159–160
sense of place, 145
Wabamun, Alberta, Canada, 145–147
wild garden, 152–153
Right to city, 48
Robustness, 11–12
Roof gardens, 124–125, 131, 135
Ruby-throated hummingbirds (Archilochus colubris), 152–153
Salvia (Lamiaceae), 152–153
“Saturday Mothers”, 54
Self-organization, 10–11
Selfridges, 97–102
Sense of place, 33–34, 145
Sharp shinned hawk (Accipiter striatus), 151
Shura Council, 63
Social-ecological system, 8, 11
Space. See also Public space, 1–4, 28–29, 46, 106, 165–166
emancipating, 55–56
Spatial turn, 1–2
Subjectivity, 165
Sunflower (Helianthus), 151–152
Sydney Opera House, 80
Symbolism, 68–70
Syntagma Square in Athens, 49
Tahrir Square, 3
Tahrir Transformation Cycle, 36
Taksim Gezi Park, 51–53
Taksim Mosque, 55
Terrorism, 50
Tourism, 80
Transformative dynamics, 3–4
Tripartite Organizing Framework, 34
Universal Provider, 97
Urbanism, 123
Utzon, Jørn, 63–64, 67, 73
Victorian ethos, 92
Violence, 106
Wabamun, 145–147
Warblers (Parulidae), 151
West End phenomenon, 95–96
White clover (Trifolium repens), 147–148
Whitewood Mine, 146
Wood frogs (Lithobates sylvaticus), 148
Zuccotti Park in New York, 49
Legislative Council, 63
Leopard frogs (Lithobates pipiens), 148
Manitoba maple (Acer negundo), 150–151
Merlin (Falco columbarius), 151
Metropolitan London and Retail Industry, 93–94
Moslem Brotherhood regime of 2012, 41
Mosquitoes (Culicidae), 148
Mountain ash (Sorbus), 150–151
Mubarak regime, 31, 36
Municipal Council, 63
Narrative violence, 112–114
Nation-building, 63, 70
National Democratic Party (NDP), 30
Nature, 122–123
Natureculture, 135
, 126–127
Nineteenth century, 106–107
Novels of character and environment, 106–108
Off-leash dog parks, 124–125, 135, 137
, 126–127
Pastoral, 125–127
Personal experience, 38, 40
Pictorial violence, 112–114
Pine siskin (Spinus pinus), 152
Place, 28–29, 1–4, 165–166
attachment theories, 34–36
generation, 33–34
as nature and economy, 145–147
transformation, 29
Place-marketing, 80
Placemaking, 21–22
Planning Board, 64
Post-pastoral neologism, 123–125, 127–128
Power, 46, 92, 97, 102
“Power of 10+”, The concept, 36
Progressive connections, 2
Project of Public Space theory (PPS theory), 36
Public, 46
Public participation, 8
analytic generalization and case study of Ramnadi River Corridor, 12–15
characteristics of resilience, 9, 12–13
continuous public participation, 19–22
event-based public participation, 19–21
feedback loops, 15–17
placemaking, 21–22
effect of public participation on resilience, 17–19
resilience, 8–9
Public space, 46
emancipating space, 55–56
imprisonment, 51–54
information technology enhancing interactivity, 36–38
into interactive place, 33–38
place attachment theories, 34–36
place generation and sense of place, 33–34
Tahrir Transformation Cycle, 36
as tool of/for democracy, 46–48
in twenty-first century, 49–50
Public sphere, 46–47
Puerta del Sol in Madrid, 49
Quack grass (Elytrigia repens), 147–148
Ramnadi River Corridor, case study of, 12–15
Reclaiming art and cultural venues
Bhopal and Bharat Bhavan, 86–88
Bilbao and Guggenheim Museum, 81–82
global trend, 82–84
Guggenheim Museum Bilbao, 84–86
Redundancy, 11
Reimagining, 2
Religion, 70–71
Representational space, 48
Representations of space, 48
Resilience, 2–3, 8–9
characteristics, 9, 12–13
new binary of public participation for, 20
effect of public participation on, 17–19
Restoration, 145
Revolution of January 25, 2011, 31–33
Al Tahrir during 2011, 32–33
emergence, 31–32
Rewilding, 145
Communities in Bloom
, 153, 155, 159
garden, 147–152
paths, 159–160
sense of place, 145
Wabamun, Alberta, Canada, 145–147
wild garden, 152–153
Right to city, 48
Robustness, 11–12
Roof gardens, 124–125, 131, 135
Ruby-throated hummingbirds (Archilochus colubris), 152–153
Salvia (Lamiaceae), 152–153
“Saturday Mothers”, 54
Self-organization, 10–11
Selfridges, 97–102
Sense of place, 33–34, 145
Sharp shinned hawk (Accipiter striatus), 151
Shura Council, 63
Social-ecological system, 8, 11
Space. See also Public space, 1–4, 28–29, 46, 106, 165–166
emancipating, 55–56
Spatial turn, 1–2
Subjectivity, 165
Sunflower (Helianthus), 151–152
Sydney Opera House, 80
Symbolism, 68–70
Syntagma Square in Athens, 49
Tahrir Square, 3
Tahrir Transformation Cycle, 36
Taksim Gezi Park, 51–53
Taksim Mosque, 55
Terrorism, 50
Tourism, 80
Transformative dynamics, 3–4
Tripartite Organizing Framework, 34
Universal Provider, 97
Urbanism, 123
Utzon, Jørn, 63–64, 67, 73
Victorian ethos, 92
Violence, 106
Wabamun, 145–147
Warblers (Parulidae), 151
West End phenomenon, 95–96
White clover (Trifolium repens), 147–148
Whitewood Mine, 146
Wood frogs (Lithobates sylvaticus), 148
Zuccotti Park in New York, 49
Narrative violence, 112–114
Nation-building, 63, 70
National Democratic Party (NDP), 30
Nature, 122–123
Natureculture, 135
, 126–127
Nineteenth century, 106–107
Novels of character and environment, 106–108
Off-leash dog parks, 124–125, 135, 137
, 126–127
Pastoral, 125–127
Personal experience, 38, 40
Pictorial violence, 112–114
Pine siskin (Spinus pinus), 152
Place, 28–29, 1–4, 165–166
attachment theories, 34–36
generation, 33–34
as nature and economy, 145–147
transformation, 29
Place-marketing, 80
Placemaking, 21–22
Planning Board, 64
Post-pastoral neologism, 123–125, 127–128
Power, 46, 92, 97, 102
“Power of 10+”, The concept, 36
Progressive connections, 2
Project of Public Space theory (PPS theory), 36
Public, 46
Public participation, 8
analytic generalization and case study of Ramnadi River Corridor, 12–15
characteristics of resilience, 9, 12–13
continuous public participation, 19–22
event-based public participation, 19–21
feedback loops, 15–17
placemaking, 21–22
effect of public participation on resilience, 17–19
resilience, 8–9
Public space, 46
emancipating space, 55–56
imprisonment, 51–54
information technology enhancing interactivity, 36–38
into interactive place, 33–38
place attachment theories, 34–36
place generation and sense of place, 33–34
Tahrir Transformation Cycle, 36
as tool of/for democracy, 46–48
in twenty-first century, 49–50
Public sphere, 46–47
Puerta del Sol in Madrid, 49
Quack grass (Elytrigia repens), 147–148
Ramnadi River Corridor, case study of, 12–15
Reclaiming art and cultural venues
Bhopal and Bharat Bhavan, 86–88
Bilbao and Guggenheim Museum, 81–82
global trend, 82–84
Guggenheim Museum Bilbao, 84–86
Redundancy, 11
Reimagining, 2
Religion, 70–71
Representational space, 48
Representations of space, 48
Resilience, 2–3, 8–9
characteristics, 9, 12–13
new binary of public participation for, 20
effect of public participation on, 17–19
Restoration, 145
Revolution of January 25, 2011, 31–33
Al Tahrir during 2011, 32–33
emergence, 31–32
Rewilding, 145
Communities in Bloom
, 153, 155, 159
garden, 147–152
paths, 159–160
sense of place, 145
Wabamun, Alberta, Canada, 145–147
wild garden, 152–153
Right to city, 48
Robustness, 11–12
Roof gardens, 124–125, 131, 135
Ruby-throated hummingbirds (Archilochus colubris), 152–153
Salvia (Lamiaceae), 152–153
“Saturday Mothers”, 54
Self-organization, 10–11
Selfridges, 97–102
Sense of place, 33–34, 145
Sharp shinned hawk (Accipiter striatus), 151
Shura Council, 63
Social-ecological system, 8, 11
Space. See also Public space, 1–4, 28–29, 46, 106, 165–166
emancipating, 55–56
Spatial turn, 1–2
Subjectivity, 165
Sunflower (Helianthus), 151–152
Sydney Opera House, 80
Symbolism, 68–70
Syntagma Square in Athens, 49
Tahrir Square, 3
Tahrir Transformation Cycle, 36
Taksim Gezi Park, 51–53
Taksim Mosque, 55
Terrorism, 50
Tourism, 80
Transformative dynamics, 3–4
Tripartite Organizing Framework, 34
Universal Provider, 97
Urbanism, 123
Utzon, Jørn, 63–64, 67, 73
Victorian ethos, 92
Violence, 106
Wabamun, 145–147
Warblers (Parulidae), 151
West End phenomenon, 95–96
White clover (Trifolium repens), 147–148
Whitewood Mine, 146
Wood frogs (Lithobates sylvaticus), 148
Zuccotti Park in New York, 49
Pastoral, 125–127
Personal experience, 38, 40
Pictorial violence, 112–114
Pine siskin (Spinus pinus), 152
Place, 28–29, 1–4, 165–166
attachment theories, 34–36
generation, 33–34
as nature and economy, 145–147
transformation, 29
Place-marketing, 80
Placemaking, 21–22
Planning Board, 64
Post-pastoral neologism, 123–125, 127–128
Power, 46, 92, 97, 102
“Power of 10+”, The concept, 36
Progressive connections, 2
Project of Public Space theory (PPS theory), 36
Public, 46
Public participation, 8
analytic generalization and case study of Ramnadi River Corridor, 12–15
characteristics of resilience, 9, 12–13
continuous public participation, 19–22
event-based public participation, 19–21
feedback loops, 15–17
placemaking, 21–22
effect of public participation on resilience, 17–19
resilience, 8–9
Public space, 46
emancipating space, 55–56
imprisonment, 51–54
information technology enhancing interactivity, 36–38
into interactive place, 33–38
place attachment theories, 34–36
place generation and sense of place, 33–34
Tahrir Transformation Cycle, 36
as tool of/for democracy, 46–48
in twenty-first century, 49–50
Public sphere, 46–47
Puerta del Sol in Madrid, 49
Quack grass (Elytrigia repens), 147–148
Ramnadi River Corridor, case study of, 12–15
Reclaiming art and cultural venues
Bhopal and Bharat Bhavan, 86–88
Bilbao and Guggenheim Museum, 81–82
global trend, 82–84
Guggenheim Museum Bilbao, 84–86
Redundancy, 11
Reimagining, 2
Religion, 70–71
Representational space, 48
Representations of space, 48
Resilience, 2–3, 8–9
characteristics, 9, 12–13
new binary of public participation for, 20
effect of public participation on, 17–19
Restoration, 145
Revolution of January 25, 2011, 31–33
Al Tahrir during 2011, 32–33
emergence, 31–32
Rewilding, 145
Communities in Bloom
, 153, 155, 159
garden, 147–152
paths, 159–160
sense of place, 145
Wabamun, Alberta, Canada, 145–147
wild garden, 152–153
Right to city, 48
Robustness, 11–12
Roof gardens, 124–125, 131, 135
Ruby-throated hummingbirds (Archilochus colubris), 152–153
Salvia (Lamiaceae), 152–153
“Saturday Mothers”, 54
Self-organization, 10–11
Selfridges, 97–102
Sense of place, 33–34, 145
Sharp shinned hawk (Accipiter striatus), 151
Shura Council, 63
Social-ecological system, 8, 11
Space. See also Public space, 1–4, 28–29, 46, 106, 165–166
emancipating, 55–56
Spatial turn, 1–2
Subjectivity, 165
Sunflower (Helianthus), 151–152
Sydney Opera House, 80
Symbolism, 68–70
Syntagma Square in Athens, 49
Tahrir Square, 3
Tahrir Transformation Cycle, 36
Taksim Gezi Park, 51–53
Taksim Mosque, 55
Terrorism, 50
Tourism, 80
Transformative dynamics, 3–4
Tripartite Organizing Framework, 34
Universal Provider, 97
Urbanism, 123
Utzon, Jørn, 63–64, 67, 73
Victorian ethos, 92
Violence, 106
Wabamun, 145–147
Warblers (Parulidae), 151
West End phenomenon, 95–96
White clover (Trifolium repens), 147–148
Whitewood Mine, 146
Wood frogs (Lithobates sylvaticus), 148
Zuccotti Park in New York, 49
Ramnadi River Corridor, case study of, 12–15
Reclaiming art and cultural venues
Bhopal and Bharat Bhavan, 86–88
Bilbao and Guggenheim Museum, 81–82
global trend, 82–84
Guggenheim Museum Bilbao, 84–86
Redundancy, 11
Reimagining, 2
Religion, 70–71
Representational space, 48
Representations of space, 48
Resilience, 2–3, 8–9
characteristics, 9, 12–13
new binary of public participation for, 20
effect of public participation on, 17–19
Restoration, 145
Revolution of January 25, 2011, 31–33
Al Tahrir during 2011, 32–33
emergence, 31–32
Rewilding, 145
Communities in Bloom
, 153, 155, 159
garden, 147–152
paths, 159–160
sense of place, 145
Wabamun, Alberta, Canada, 145–147
wild garden, 152–153
Right to city, 48
Robustness, 11–12
Roof gardens, 124–125, 131, 135
Ruby-throated hummingbirds (Archilochus colubris), 152–153
Salvia (Lamiaceae), 152–153
“Saturday Mothers”, 54
Self-organization, 10–11
Selfridges, 97–102
Sense of place, 33–34, 145
Sharp shinned hawk (Accipiter striatus), 151
Shura Council, 63
Social-ecological system, 8, 11
Space. See also Public space, 1–4, 28–29, 46, 106, 165–166
emancipating, 55–56
Spatial turn, 1–2
Subjectivity, 165
Sunflower (Helianthus), 151–152
Sydney Opera House, 80
Symbolism, 68–70
Syntagma Square in Athens, 49
Tahrir Square, 3
Tahrir Transformation Cycle, 36
Taksim Gezi Park, 51–53
Taksim Mosque, 55
Terrorism, 50
Tourism, 80
Transformative dynamics, 3–4
Tripartite Organizing Framework, 34
Universal Provider, 97
Urbanism, 123
Utzon, Jørn, 63–64, 67, 73
Victorian ethos, 92
Violence, 106
Wabamun, 145–147
Warblers (Parulidae), 151
West End phenomenon, 95–96
White clover (Trifolium repens), 147–148
Whitewood Mine, 146
Wood frogs (Lithobates sylvaticus), 148
Zuccotti Park in New York, 49
Tahrir Square, 3
Tahrir Transformation Cycle, 36
Taksim Gezi Park, 51–53
Taksim Mosque, 55
Terrorism, 50
Tourism, 80
Transformative dynamics, 3–4
Tripartite Organizing Framework, 34
Universal Provider, 97
Urbanism, 123
Utzon, Jørn, 63–64, 67, 73
Victorian ethos, 92
Violence, 106
Wabamun, 145–147
Warblers (Parulidae), 151
West End phenomenon, 95–96
White clover (Trifolium repens), 147–148
Whitewood Mine, 146
Wood frogs (Lithobates sylvaticus), 148
Zuccotti Park in New York, 49
Victorian ethos, 92
Violence, 106
Wabamun, 145–147
Warblers (Parulidae), 151
West End phenomenon, 95–96
White clover (Trifolium repens), 147–148
Whitewood Mine, 146
Wood frogs (Lithobates sylvaticus), 148
Zuccotti Park in New York, 49
Zuccotti Park in New York, 49
- Prelims
- Introduction
- Chapter 1 How Public Participation Can Lead to the Placemaking of Space and Resilience of Place
- Chapter 2 Al-Tahrir Square, Cairo during 2011, from Undefined Space to Interactive Place
- Chapter 3 Imprisonment of Public Space
- Chapter 4 Kuwait National Assembly Building: The Holy Assembly
- Chapter 5 Place before Form, People before Profit: Reclaiming Venues of Art and Culture in the Midst of Tourism-Centred Reimaging of Cities
- Chapter 6 Power, Cosmopolitanism, and Socio-Spatial Division in the Commercial Arena in Victorian and Edwardian London
- Chapter 7 “A Place Perfectly Accordant with Man's Nature”: Violent Spaces in the Fiction of Thomas Hardy
- Chapter 8 Rising Cittagna(s): A Dialogue between Literature and Urbanism in Contemporary (Post-)Pastoral Cityscapes
- Chapter 9 Rewilding My Garden and Community Activities
- Conclusion
- Index