
Kelly Kolodny, Mary-Lou Breitborde

Teacher Preparation in the United States

ISBN: 978-1-80071-688-9, eISBN: 978-1-80071-687-2

Publication date: 23 June 2022

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Kolodny, K. and Breitborde, M.-L. (2022), "Index", Teacher Preparation in the United States (Emerald Studies in Teacher Preparation in National and Global Contexts), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 183-190.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2022 Kelly Kolodny and Mary-Lou Breitborde. Published under exclusive licence by Emerald Publishing Limited


A Nation at Risk:The Imperative for Educational Reform
, 98

, 128


in New York
, 12

, 11–12

providing studies in teacher education
, 42–43

seventeenth and eighteenth centuries
, 2

Active engagement
, 151

Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP)
, 123

Administrative progressives
, 70–71

Advanced Placement (AP)
, 108–109

“Advanced work classes”
, 149

Affirming diversity:The Sociopolitical Context of Multicultural Education

African American teacher preparation
, 27

American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education (AACTE)
, 4–6, 106–107, 126, 148

American culture
, 10

American Educational Research Association (AERA)
, 102

American Educational Studies Association (AESA)
, 103–104

American Federation of Teachers (AFT)
, 84

American Journal of Education (Barnard)
, 14, 40, 63

American Normal School Association
, 55

American Revolution
, 4, 37–38

American school-aged children
, 1

American Woman’s Educational Association
, 24–25

Annual report cards
, 119–120

, 11

Antiracist pedagogy
, 147

Appeal (Walker)
, 9–10

Art normal school in Boston
, 39

“Art of teaching”
, 62

, 151

Association for the Study of Negro Life and History (ASNLH)
, 83

Atlantic Monthly, The
, 16–17

Banks, James
, 6, 102

Barnard, Henry
, 14, 39–40, 45, 59, 63

Beecher, Catharine
, 23–25

, 71–72

, 151

Bethune, Mary McLeod
, 29

Bilingual Education Act
, 93

“Bill for the More General Diffusion of Knowledge”
, 10

Black, Indigenous, and People of Color teachers (BIPOC teachers)
, 141, 152

Black Americans, education of
, 27–31

Black children
, 9

Black Lives Matter movement
, 117–118, 139

Black normal schools
, 29

Board of National Popular Education
, 19–20

Board-certified teachers
, 157

Branch State Normal School of California
, 40

Bridgewater Normal School
, 44

Brown v Board of Education (1954)
, 92

Byfield Academy
, 21–22

Canada, Geoffrey
, 6, 109

Cardinal Principles of Secondary Education
, 71

Care theory
, 104

Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching
, 99–100

Carter, James G.
, 35–36

Center on Education Policy (CEP)
, 123–124

Child Study
, 68–69

“Child-centered” approach
, 72

Child’s Assistant to a Knowledge of the Geography and History of Vermont, A
, 14–15


education and schooling of
, 9

in United States
, 1

Civil Rights Act (1964)
, 93

Civil Rights Movement
, 91, 93

Civil War
, 16, 41, 52, 60

, 24

Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL)
, 151

College teacher education programs

participants in
, 107–109

structure and curriculum of
, 98–107

Colonial era
, 5

Comer, James
, 132–133

Common Core State Standards
, 120

state adoption of
, 120

Common schools
, 10, 25–26, 39

Contemporary pedagogical theory
, 156

Contemporary public school system
, 35

Contemporary teacher preparation programs
, 3

Coppin, Fanny Jackson
, 80–82

Council for Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP)
, 3

Council for Exceptional Children (CEC)
, 1

Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP)
, 6, 126–127, 144

COVID pandemic
, 1–2, 133–134

crises brought on by
, 139

Critical pedagogy
, 129

Croatan Normal School
, 42

Culturally sustaining pedagogy
, 45

Curriculum content of early twenty-first century teacher preparation programs
, 126–133

Curriculum of college and university teacher education programs
, 98–107

Curriculum of state normal schools
, 44–47

Darling-Hammond, Linda
, 121–122

Davidson, Olivia
, 53–54

“De facto”
, 91–92

, 74

Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA)
, 120

Department of Education Organization Act
, 97

Dewey, John
, 73, 76, 150–151

Digital citizenship
, 152

Digital literacy
, 152

, 128

Diversifying the teacher workforce
, 126

DuBois, W. E. B.
, 78–79

Duckworth, Eleanor
, 101

Early childhood education
, 3, 127

Economic hardships
, 1

Edelman, Marian Wright
, 94

Educated citizenship in United States
, 35

Education as the Practice of Freedom
, 130

, 35

administrators and legislators
, 63

of Black Americans and teachers
, 27–31

in Early America and New Republic
, 9–11

, 141

in Japan
, 43

plans and programs
, 96

Educational Review (Chadwick)
, 67

Educational Testing Services (ETS)
, 124–125

, 140–141

Eisenhower Professional Development Program
, 122–123

Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA)
, 95–96, 119

Elementary education
, 3, 127

Elementary Science Study (ESS)
, 101–102

English Language Learners (ELL)
, 131

English learners/Limited English Proficiency
, 93

Equal Educational Opportunities Act (EEOA)
, 131

Equality of Educational Opportunity Survey (EEOS)
, 97

Escalante, Jamie
, 108

Essential Schools
, 1045

Ethical and Moral Instruction in Schools (Palmer)
, 68

European colonial traditions
, 2

Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)
, 6, 124–125

Federal acts shaped Twenty-first century teacher preparation programs
, 119–126

Federal government’s role in education
, 97, 103, 123

Female seminaries prepare missionary teachers
, 18–27

For-profit teacher preparation programs
, 145–146

Formal educational experiences of young people
, 35

Formal teacher preparation
, 2

, 12

in United States
, 6–7

Forten, Charlotte
, 49–50

Free public “common” schools
, 10

Freedmen’s Bureau (Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands)
, 28–30

Freire, Paulo
, 130

French Ecole Normal
, 37

Fugitive pedagogy
, 83

Gardner, Howard
, 106

Garfield, James
, 61

“General school-keeping”
, 12

Goals 2000 Educate America Act
, 119–121

Greene, Maxine
, 103–104

Grow Your Own Teacher programs
, 157–158

Gun control
, 1

Hall, G. Stanley
, 68–69

Hall, Samuel Read
, 12–13

Hall’s method
, 69–70

Harding, Warren G.
, 61

Harris, Ian
, 104

Harris, William Torrey
, 68

Head Start
, 95

Higginson, Thomas Wentworth
, 16–17

Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs)
, 30, 153–154

Homestead Act
, 29

, 35

Improving America’s Schools Act (IASA)
, 6, 120–121

In-system programs
, 60–65

Indigenous Peoples’ Day
, 117–118

Inequities in education
, 35

Influence of an Early Education
, 35–36

Isawa, Shuji
, 43

Jim Crow
, 6

preparing teachers of color under
, 77–83

Jim Crow Laws
, 68

Job Corps
, 95

Kilpatrick, William Heard
, 72–73

Laboratory school
, 72–73, 75

Lamson, Mary Swift
, 51–52

Lancaster, Joseph
, 64

Land-grant universities
, 65

Lau, Kinney (Lau v. Nichols)
, 93

“Law of Effect”
, 71–72

, 72

Learning Policy Institute
, 156

Lectures on School-Keeping
, 14–15

Lectures to Female Teachers
, 15–16

Lexington Normal School
, 38, 46

LGBTQ students and families
, 117–118

, 49

Lincoln Normal School at Marion
, 41

Lyon, Mary
, 22

Mann, Horace
, 35–37

Martin, Jane Roland
, 3

Martin’s theory
, 3

Massachusetts Curriculum Standards
, 120

Master of Arts in Teaching (M. A. T.)
, 98–99

McAuliffe, Christa
, 110–111

McGuffey’s Readers
, 20–21

Meier, Deborah
, 105

Mid-to-Late Twentieth Century, teachers preparation in

participants in college and university teacher education programs
, 107–109

social and political contexts in latter half of Twentieth Century United States
, 91–98

structure and curriculum of college and university teacher education programs
, 98–107

Middle Atlantic States Philosophy of Education Society
, 103–104

Miner, Myrtilla
, 27–28

“Model School Course”
, 65

Model schools
, 46

Monitorial System
, 64

Morrill, Justin
, 74

Morrill Act of 1862
, 29, 60, 65–66, 74

Multicultural education
, 103

Multiple intelligences (MI)
, 106

Music education
, 43

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
, 111

National Antislavery Standard
, 50

National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)
, 97

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)
, 50, 83

National Association of Teachers in Colored Schools (NATCS)
, 83

National Board of Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS)
, 157

National Center for Educational Statistics (NCES)
, 4–5

National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE)
, 106–107, 126–127

National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS)
, 102

National Council on Teacher Quality (NCTQ)
, 126

National Defense Education Act (NDEA)
, 96

National Education Association (NEA)
, 97

National Governors Association (NGA)
, 120

National/Federal Policies and Support
, 156–159

Native Americans/First Nation
, 64, 117–118

Native teachers
, 2

Nieto, Sonia
, 103

NINE9/11 terrorist attacks
, 117

No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB)
, 6, 96, 123–124, 141–142

Noam, Gil.
, 139–140

Noddings, Nel
, 104

Normal school model
, 91

Norton, Arthur
, 46

Nye, Susan
, 18

Oberlin College in Ohio
, 26

Ogren, Christine
, 39

Old Deluder Satan Act
, 9–10

“Outward-facing” strategies
, 149

Partnerships in Education and Resilience (PEAR)
, 151

Pedagogical models
, 68

“Pedagogical progressives”
, 70

Pedagogy of the Oppressed
, 130

Penn School
, 26–28, 78

Political contexts in latter half of Twentieth Century United States
, 91–98

“Port Royal Experiment”
, 26–27

Post-Revolutionary War 1777 Constitution
, 10

Post-war Reconstruction
, 28

Poverty rates
, 1

Practicum experiences
, 3, 133–134

Pre-practicum experiences
, 133–134

, 66–67

Preparing Teachers for Deeper Learning
, 150–151

Prepracticum experiences
, 3

Primary sources
, 4–5

Professional development school models
, 147–148

Professional education
, 68–69

Program content
, 148–149

Progressive education
, 76

Progressive Education movement
, 6

Progressive Paradox
, 70–77

“Progressive” educators
, 70

Prussian influence on normal schools
, 37

, 59

Public responsibility for teacher preparation
, 31

Public School Administration
, 71

Public schools
, 59

declining faith in
, 143–144

Quality of teaching
, 98

“Radical Republicans”
, 28

Ravitch, Diane
, 103

Reagan, Ronald
, 111

, 5, 26–27

, 151

, 46

Remote learning
, 1–2

“Republican womanhood”
, 16

, 77–83

, 77–83

Robust economy
, 10–11

Robust educational system
, 10–11

Roosevelt, Franklin D.
, 61

Rural teachers
, 61–62

Rural teaching
, 61

Rush, Benjamin
, 17–18

Russel, Rebecca
, 25–26

Sarmiento, Domingo
, 43

School Development Program (SDP)
, 132

Schooling of children
, 9

, 46

“Second Great Awakening”
, 18

Second Morrill Act (1890)
, 65–66

Secondary education
, 3, 100–101, 127

Secondary sources
, 4–5

, 41–42

Sense of civic responsibility
, 10–11

Sheltered English Immersion (SEI)
, 131

, 5, 26, 83, 158

Social contexts in latter half of Twentieth Century United States
, 91–98

Social efficiency
, 71

Social Emotional Learning (SEL)
, 128, 151

Social intelligence
, 74

Social justice
, 91

Social Service of Industry (SESI)
, 130

“Social-emotional development”
, 151

, 59

Space Race
, 6, 96, 111–112

Spanish-American Normal School
, 42

Special education
, 1, 45, 101, 127

Standards for certification
, 91

State level influence on education
, 3, 11, 37, 118–119

State Normal School in New Britain
, 39, 45

State normal schools
, 35–43

Branch State Normal School of California in Los Angeles
, 40

Lexington Normal School
, 38

, 42–43

State Normal School at New Britain
, 39

structure and curriculum of
, 44–47

State teachers’colleges
, 65

States responsibility for teacher preparation

state normal schools
, 35–43

structure and curriculum of state normal schools
, 44–47

, 48–55

STEM teacher education program
, 124–125

Structure of college and university teacher education programs
, 98–107

Structure of state normal schools
, 44–47

Student teaching
, 98, 100–101, 150

, 48–55

of twenty-first century teacher preparation programs
, 134–135

Supplemental Education Services (SES)
, 123

Swift, Mary
, 46

Talks on Pedagogies
, 72–73

Teach for America (TFA)
, 106–107, 145

Teacher education
, 59

expanding access to
, 60–65

normal schools move to state colleges and universities
, 65–67

problem of
, 146

Smith School Near Sunflower, Mississippi
, 60

in US
, 59

Teacher Education Accreditation Council (TEAC)
, 126–127

Teacher Education Curriculum
, 68–70

Teacher education programs, structure and curriculum of college and university
, 98–107

Teacher Institutes
, 60–65

Teacher licensure exams
, 3, 124–125

Teacher preparation in Twenty-first century United States

current challenges in teacher preparation
, 141–147

models for practice
, 147–159

recommendations for National/Federal Policies and Support
, 156–159

recommendations related to program content
, 147–152

recommendations related to program form and structure
, 152–156

Teacher preparation programs
, 2–4

curriculum content of early twenty-first century
, 126–133

federal acts shaped Twenty-first century
, 119–126

patchwork of
, 11–13

public responsibility for
, 31

students of twenty-first century
, 134–135

Teacher residency programs
, 143, 154, 157–158

Teacher shortage
, 12–13, 135, 143, 157


education of Black Americans and
, 27–31

, 13–14, 35–36, 147–148, 154–155

as “women’s work”
, 16–18

declining interest in teaching as career
, 143

Teaching profession

expanding access to teacher education
, 60–65

preparing teachers of color under Jim Crow
, 77–83

progressive paradox
, 70–77

Teacher Education Curriculum
, 68–70

Teens For Gun Reform
, 117–118

The Common School Journal
, 47

The Practical Teacher
, 72–73

Thematic threads
, 3

Thorndike, Edward
, 70–72

Tokyo Normal School
, 43

Topical Action Group on the Internationalization of Teacher Education
, 150

“Transcript of Morrill Act”
, 29

Transforming Teacher Education for Social Justice
, 148

Tuskegee Institute
, 40, 52–53

Twenty-first century children
, 1

learning of
, 1

Twenty-first century teacher preparation programs

COVID Pandemic
, 133–134

Creative Commons
, 117

curriculum content of early
, 126–133

federal acts shaped
, 119–126

students of
, 134–135

in United States
, 117

Tyack, David
, 65

Uncle Tom’s Cabin (Stowe)
, 23–24

United States

children enrollment in public elementary and secondary schools in
, 1

COVID-19 pandemic and children education in
, 1–2

educated citizenship in
, 35

formal teacher preparation in
, 6–7

research methodology
, 4

social and political contexts in latter half of Twentieth Century
, 91–98

teacher preparation programs in
, 3–4

United States Department of Education
, 97

University of Illinois
, 101

University of Iowa
, 66

University of Michigan
, 66

University of Virginia
, 10

University teacher education programs

participants in
, 107–109

structure and curriculum of
, 98–107

University-based education program
, 66–67

Up From Slavery (Davidson)
, 54

US Land Ordinance
, 19–20

US Secretary of Education
, 125–126

US teacher preparation
, 145

USA Patriot Act (2001)
, 117

Voice of the Fugitive
, 48

War on Poverty
, 91, 93, 95

and ESEA
, 95–96

Washington, Booker T.
, 52–53, 77–78

Western migration
, 31

White Anglo-Saxon Protestant
, 10

Willard, Emma
, 5, 17, 19

Woodson, Carter
, 83

World Health Organization (WHO)
, 133

Young, Ella Flagg
, 72–75

Young Republic

education in Early America and New Republic
, 9–11

education of Black Americans and teachers
, 27–31

female seminaries prepare missionary teachers
, 18–27

patchwork of programs for teacher preparation
, 11–13

public responsibility for teacher preparation
, 31

teaching as “women’s work”
, 16–18