(2022), "Index", Giannantonio, C.M. and Hurley-Hanson, A.E. (Ed.) Generation A (Emerald Studies in Workplace Neurodiversity), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 151-157.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2022 by Emerald Publishing Limited
adopting accommodations for other groups, 48
and ASD, 42–43
Accuracy, 74
Administrative data, 114–115
Adult Consumer Survey, 116
Advanced Manufacturing Virtual Internship (AMVI), 145–146
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), 120
Agency representatives, 14
American Workforce Development, 140–141
Applied behavior analysis, 9–10
Asperger’s Syndrome, 20, 69–70
Asperger’s-related jobs, 74
Attention, 94
Authorized Activities under WIOA, 100–101
Autism, 20–21
spectrum, 19–20
at work, 142
in workplace, 1–4
Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring Network (ADDM Network), 123
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD), 1, 7–8, 20, 32, 94, 112
individuals with, 20
work and, 37–44
Autism@work movement, 104–105
Awareness, 74
Baccalaureate and Beyond Longitudinal Study (B&B), 123–125
Behavior skills training, 49–50
Behavioral rigidity, 32–33
Behavioral skills, 8
modeling, 10
role-playing, 10–11
training, 9–11
Binomial logistic regression analysis, 3
Center for Collegiate Mental Health (CCHM), 125
Centers for Autism and Developmental Disabilities Research and Epidemiology (CADDRE), 128
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 112, 127
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), 120–121
Child Core of the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS-Child), 116–117
Child Development Study-I (CDS-I), 128–129
Child Development Supplement (CDS), 128–129
Classic model of productivity analysis, 34
Coaching role in training individuals with ASD, 14
Cognitive enhancement, 50–51
Cognitive styles, 21
Cognitive theory, 2
College Autism Programs, 140
Communication structure, 22–23
collaboration, 139
involvement, 117
Compensatory strategies, 11
Compounding variables, 143
Comprehensive Employment and Training Act (CETA), 140
Consensus, 106
Content-free goals, 33–34
Contextual activities, 34
Contextual performance, 34–35
behaviors, 34
Corporate hiring programs, 142–143
Corporate Social Responsibility, 141
Correlation analyses, 78–80
COVID-19 pandemic, 95, 139, 148
Developmental disability (DD), 116
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5), 32–33, 70, 112
Disability cliff, 139–140
Diversity, 141
Documentable disability, 32
Eddy, Andrew, 145
Education. See also Postsecondary education, 94
Emotion, 24
Emotional support systems, 48
with ASD, 8
support systems, 48
Employers, 8
job training and, 114–115
non-discrimination, 115
obtaining, 46
opportunities, 8
services, 94
support programs, 8
transition to, 50
Employment Act (1946), 140
Environment, roles, guidelines, and objectives (ERGOS), 2, 20, 26
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), 43
Equity in workforce development, 139
Essential job functions, 41–43
Executive functioning (EF), 50–51
Existing informal person-job fit lists, 72–73
Factor 5-Numerical Orientation, 80
Factor 6-Accuracy, 86–87
Factor analysis, 3
Fair Labor Standards Act, 95
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), 46
Federal Statistical Research Data Centers (FSRDC), 120
Federal workforce development functions, 138
Fit, 33
and ASD, 40–42
and workplace, 35–37
For-profit companies, 51–52
Future of work, 137–138
Generation A, 1, 7–9, 13, 19–20, 32, 69–70, 112, 138
access to services, 115–116
additional data sources, 123–129
Baccalaureate and Beyond Longitudinal Study, 123–125
CCHM, 125
community involvement and life experiences, 117
High School Longitudinal Study, 125–126
IAN, 126
integrated mission system of US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, 119
job training and employment, 114–115
key sources of knowledge, 113–117
limitations of available data to date, 129–131
Medicaid Analytic eXtract, 120–121
mental health and health care, 116–117
National Health Interview Survey Child Core, 126–127
National Longitudinal Transition Study, 121
National Survey of Children’s Health, 121–122
postsecondary education, 113–114
Rehabilitation Services Administration Case Service Report, 122
SEED, 128
SIPP and SSA supplement, 127–128
TAS PSID, 128–129
Giddens, Allison, 145–146
Global labor force, 137–138
Governmental organizations, 51–52
Grandin’s job assessments
statistical analysis of, 78
statistical analysis of, 82–86
Grandin’s jobs per Asperger’s-related factors, 76–78
Great Depression, 140
Head-mounted display (HMD), 12
Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP), 98
Health and Human Services (HHS), 99
Health care, 116–117
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), 46
Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), 122
High School Longitudinal Study of 2009 (HSLS:09), 125–126
High-functioning autism. See Asperger’s syndrome
Hostility, 42
Household (HC), 119
Human resources (HR), 41
Human Services Research Institute (HSRI), 119
“Identity-first” language, 112
In-person survey, 119–120
Inclusion, 141
Inclusive employment, 139
Inclusive Postsecondary Education Programs, 140
Individual performance on jobs, 33–34
Individualized Education Programs (IEPs), 113–114
Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE), 102
Individuals with ASD, 2, 7–8, 20, 32, 138
creating supportive workplace, 44–52
overview of studies, 53–56
social workplace, 33–37
work and ASD, 37–44
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), 139
Individuals with high-functioning autism, 69–70
Industrial and organizational (IO), 41
Innovative Ideas, 74
Innovators, 144–146
Institute of Education Sciences (IES), 121
Insurance/employer (IC), 120
Integrated Mission System (IMS), 115
Integrated mission system of US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, 119
Intellectual disability (ID), 46
Intensive internship training, 10
Interactive Autism Network (IAN), 126
Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee (IACC), 112
Intergovernmental Personnel Act (IPA), 119
iPod Touch, 11, 13
IQ scores, 94
Islands of Brilliance (IOB), 146
coach, 14
complications of person-job fit, 71–72
diversity of jobs, 86–87
existing informal person-job fit lists, 72–73
Generation A, 69–70
Grandin’s jobs per Asperger’s-related factors, 76–78
Grandin’s list of jobs, 87
literature review, 71–73
methodology, 74–78
performance, 33, 35–37
purpose of study, 73–74
results, 80–86
statistical analysis of Grandin’s job assessments, 78
study limitations and future research, 87–88
top jobs per Asperger’s characteristic, 76
training and employment, 114–115
Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA), 140
Knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs), 35, 71, 74–75
Life experiences, 117
Local education areas (LEAs), 100
Low-moderate income (LMI), 96–98
Manager’s role, 23–24
Manpower Development and Training Act, 140
Marietta City Schools (MCS), 144–145
Maternal and Child Health Bureau (MCHB), 122
Medicaid Analytic eXtract (MAX), 116–117, 120–121
Medical expenditure panel study, 120
Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS), 116–117
Medical provider (MPC), 119
Mental health, 116–117
Mentoring role in training individuals with ASD, 14
Metropolitan Atlanta Developmental Disabilities Surveillance Program (MADDSP), 123
Mindfulness, 51–52
Misfit, 35
Morris, Bill, 144
National Association of State Directors of Developmental Disabilities Services (NASDDDS), 119
National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), 121
National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), 127
National Core Indicators (NCI), 116
National Health Interview Survey Child Core, 126–127
National Institute on Aging (NIA), 129
National Longitudinal Transition Study (NLTS), 94, 113–114, 121
NLTS2, 114
National Science Foundation (NSF), 129
National Survey of Children with Special Health Care Needs (NS-CSHCN), 121–122
National Survey of Children’s Health (NSCH), 116, 121–122
Neurodiversity, 1
Hub, 145
neurodiversity@work movement, 104
Not-for-profit companies, 51–52
Numerical Orientation, 74
O*NET, 88
content analysis, 77–78
job description database, 3, 69–70, 73
Object theater, 2, 20
On-the-job/on-site training. See also Technology-based training, 8–9, 11–12
One-size-fits-all education, 102
Operant conditioning, 9–10
Organization-level variables, 36
Organizational climate, 36
Organizational culture, 36
Organizational design, 36
Organizational interventions, 47–52
Organizational knowledge creation
autism, 20–21
individuals with ASD, 20
training, 21–23
training methods, 23–26
Organizational management practices, 43
Organizational structure, 36
Paid integrated employment, 100
Paradigm shift, 95
“Person-first” language, 112
Personal digital assistant (PDA), 13
Person–environment fit, 35
Person–job fit (PJ), 35, 40, 69–71, 88
complications of, 71–72
existing informal person-job fit lists, 72–73
Person–organization(al) fit (PO fit), 33, 35, 41–42, 71, 88
Pervasive developmental disorder (PDD), 119
Physical Coordination, 74
Pipeline models, 4
Post-COVID future, 105–107
Postsecondary education, 45, 113–114
and training, 7–8
Poverty trap, 96–98
Pre-Employment Transition Coordination, 100
Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS), 99
Proactive transitional supports, 44–47
Process loss, 34
Productivity analysis, 34
Project SEARCH, 51
Public education systems, 138
Quality of life (QOL), 50–51
Ranking Grandin’s jobs based on Asperger’s-related factors, 82
Recruitment, 47
Regression analyses, 78–80
Rehabilitation Act, 104
Rehabilitation Services Administration Case Service Report (RSA-911), 114–115, 122
Rehabilitation Services Agency (RSA), 100
Research Data Assistance Center (ResDAC), 121
Research Data Center (RDC), 127
Research Identifiable Files (RIF), 121
Role-playing, 10–11, 24
Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), 114
Selection, 47–48
Self-management procedure, 11
Service Delivery Areas (SDAs), 140
Simulation training, 13
Skill development, 7–8
Social communication, 32–33, 37–38
Social influence, 139
Social interaction, 32–33, 37–38
Social model, 95
Social Orientation, 74
Social problem-solving, 50–51
Social Security Administration (SSA), 127
SIPP and SSA supplement, 127–128
Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), 96–98
Social Security Insurance (SSI), 96–98
Social Security System, 102
Social skills
issues, 48–49
training, 50–51
Social support, 50
Social workplace, 33–37
fit and workplace, 35–37
job performance, 33–35
Social–emotional reciprocity, 32–33
Special Sworn Status (SSS), 120
Spect-act emotives, 2, 20
Stakeholders in the autism community, 139
State-federal vocational rehabilitation service delivery system, 114–115
Statistical analysis of Grandin’s job assessments, 78, 82, 86
Storytelling theatrics, 2, 20
Study to Explore Early Development (SEED), 128
Subminimum wage, 95–96
Substantial Gainful Activity (SGA), 96
Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP), 127–128
Task activities, 34
Technology-based training, 9, 12–13
simulation training, 13
virtual reality training, 12–13
Top jobs per Asperger’s characteristics, 76, 80
Training, 1–2, 9, 21, 23, 49
methods, 23–26
Transition into Adulthood Supplement of Panel Study of Income Dynamics (TAS PSID), 128–129
Transition to employment, 50
Two-factor model of organizational culture, 36
U.S. Department of Labor (DOL), 99
U.S. Departments of Education (ED), 99
Unemployment, 143
US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), 120, 122
US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), 115
US Geological Survey (USGS), 105
Video modeling, 10, 49–50
Virtual reality (VR), 12
training, 12–13
Virtual reality job interview training (VR-JIT), 12–13
Vocational rehabilitation (VR), 95–96, 114–115
Welcome to the Slow Movement
, 142–143
accommodations and ASD, 42–43
and ASD, 37–44
fit, satisfaction, and performance, 43–44
fit and ASD, 40–42
policies, 48
Workforce development, 139
American Workforce Development, 140–141
beginning of New Workforce initiatives, 141–142
case for change, 142–144
disability cliff, 139–140
innovators, 144–146
new system, 146–148
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), 3, 94, 122, 141
authorized activities, 100–101
case studies ability over disability, 105
failure, 103–105
four components of poverty trap, 96–98
future employment of ASD, 105–107
government rationale for, 95–96
hierarchy of WIOA collaboration, 99–101
order of selection, 104–105
paradigm shift, 95
promise, 101–103
required activities, 100
streamlined workforce development system, 98–99
Workforce Innovation Technical Assistance Center (WINTAC), 104
Workforce Investment Act, 141
behavioral skills training, 9–11
creating supportive, 44–52
on-the-job/on-site training, 11–12
organizational interventions, 47–52
proactive transitional supports, 44–47
role of mentoring and coaching in training individuals with ASD, 14
social, 33–37
technology-based training, 12–13
Young adults with ASD, 32, 117
Center for Collegiate Mental Health (CCHM), 125
Centers for Autism and Developmental Disabilities Research and Epidemiology (CADDRE), 128
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 112, 127
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), 120–121
Child Core of the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS-Child), 116–117
Child Development Study-I (CDS-I), 128–129
Child Development Supplement (CDS), 128–129
Classic model of productivity analysis, 34
Coaching role in training individuals with ASD, 14
Cognitive enhancement, 50–51
Cognitive styles, 21
Cognitive theory, 2
College Autism Programs, 140
Communication structure, 22–23
collaboration, 139
involvement, 117
Compensatory strategies, 11
Compounding variables, 143
Comprehensive Employment and Training Act (CETA), 140
Consensus, 106
Content-free goals, 33–34
Contextual activities, 34
Contextual performance, 34–35
behaviors, 34
Corporate hiring programs, 142–143
Corporate Social Responsibility, 141
Correlation analyses, 78–80
COVID-19 pandemic, 95, 139, 148
Developmental disability (DD), 116
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5), 32–33, 70, 112
Disability cliff, 139–140
Diversity, 141
Documentable disability, 32
Eddy, Andrew, 145
Education. See also Postsecondary education, 94
Emotion, 24
Emotional support systems, 48
with ASD, 8
support systems, 48
Employers, 8
job training and, 114–115
non-discrimination, 115
obtaining, 46
opportunities, 8
services, 94
support programs, 8
transition to, 50
Employment Act (1946), 140
Environment, roles, guidelines, and objectives (ERGOS), 2, 20, 26
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), 43
Equity in workforce development, 139
Essential job functions, 41–43
Executive functioning (EF), 50–51
Existing informal person-job fit lists, 72–73
Factor 5-Numerical Orientation, 80
Factor 6-Accuracy, 86–87
Factor analysis, 3
Fair Labor Standards Act, 95
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), 46
Federal Statistical Research Data Centers (FSRDC), 120
Federal workforce development functions, 138
Fit, 33
and ASD, 40–42
and workplace, 35–37
For-profit companies, 51–52
Future of work, 137–138
Generation A, 1, 7–9, 13, 19–20, 32, 69–70, 112, 138
access to services, 115–116
additional data sources, 123–129
Baccalaureate and Beyond Longitudinal Study, 123–125
CCHM, 125
community involvement and life experiences, 117
High School Longitudinal Study, 125–126
IAN, 126
integrated mission system of US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, 119
job training and employment, 114–115
key sources of knowledge, 113–117
limitations of available data to date, 129–131
Medicaid Analytic eXtract, 120–121
mental health and health care, 116–117
National Health Interview Survey Child Core, 126–127
National Longitudinal Transition Study, 121
National Survey of Children’s Health, 121–122
postsecondary education, 113–114
Rehabilitation Services Administration Case Service Report, 122
SEED, 128
SIPP and SSA supplement, 127–128
TAS PSID, 128–129
Giddens, Allison, 145–146
Global labor force, 137–138
Governmental organizations, 51–52
Grandin’s job assessments
statistical analysis of, 78
statistical analysis of, 82–86
Grandin’s jobs per Asperger’s-related factors, 76–78
Great Depression, 140
Head-mounted display (HMD), 12
Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP), 98
Health and Human Services (HHS), 99
Health care, 116–117
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), 46
Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), 122
High School Longitudinal Study of 2009 (HSLS:09), 125–126
High-functioning autism. See Asperger’s syndrome
Hostility, 42
Household (HC), 119
Human resources (HR), 41
Human Services Research Institute (HSRI), 119
“Identity-first” language, 112
In-person survey, 119–120
Inclusion, 141
Inclusive employment, 139
Inclusive Postsecondary Education Programs, 140
Individual performance on jobs, 33–34
Individualized Education Programs (IEPs), 113–114
Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE), 102
Individuals with ASD, 2, 7–8, 20, 32, 138
creating supportive workplace, 44–52
overview of studies, 53–56
social workplace, 33–37
work and ASD, 37–44
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), 139
Individuals with high-functioning autism, 69–70
Industrial and organizational (IO), 41
Innovative Ideas, 74
Innovators, 144–146
Institute of Education Sciences (IES), 121
Insurance/employer (IC), 120
Integrated Mission System (IMS), 115
Integrated mission system of US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, 119
Intellectual disability (ID), 46
Intensive internship training, 10
Interactive Autism Network (IAN), 126
Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee (IACC), 112
Intergovernmental Personnel Act (IPA), 119
iPod Touch, 11, 13
IQ scores, 94
Islands of Brilliance (IOB), 146
coach, 14
complications of person-job fit, 71–72
diversity of jobs, 86–87
existing informal person-job fit lists, 72–73
Generation A, 69–70
Grandin’s jobs per Asperger’s-related factors, 76–78
Grandin’s list of jobs, 87
literature review, 71–73
methodology, 74–78
performance, 33, 35–37
purpose of study, 73–74
results, 80–86
statistical analysis of Grandin’s job assessments, 78
study limitations and future research, 87–88
top jobs per Asperger’s characteristic, 76
training and employment, 114–115
Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA), 140
Knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs), 35, 71, 74–75
Life experiences, 117
Local education areas (LEAs), 100
Low-moderate income (LMI), 96–98
Manager’s role, 23–24
Manpower Development and Training Act, 140
Marietta City Schools (MCS), 144–145
Maternal and Child Health Bureau (MCHB), 122
Medicaid Analytic eXtract (MAX), 116–117, 120–121
Medical expenditure panel study, 120
Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS), 116–117
Medical provider (MPC), 119
Mental health, 116–117
Mentoring role in training individuals with ASD, 14
Metropolitan Atlanta Developmental Disabilities Surveillance Program (MADDSP), 123
Mindfulness, 51–52
Misfit, 35
Morris, Bill, 144
National Association of State Directors of Developmental Disabilities Services (NASDDDS), 119
National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), 121
National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), 127
National Core Indicators (NCI), 116
National Health Interview Survey Child Core, 126–127
National Institute on Aging (NIA), 129
National Longitudinal Transition Study (NLTS), 94, 113–114, 121
NLTS2, 114
National Science Foundation (NSF), 129
National Survey of Children with Special Health Care Needs (NS-CSHCN), 121–122
National Survey of Children’s Health (NSCH), 116, 121–122
Neurodiversity, 1
Hub, 145
neurodiversity@work movement, 104
Not-for-profit companies, 51–52
Numerical Orientation, 74
O*NET, 88
content analysis, 77–78
job description database, 3, 69–70, 73
Object theater, 2, 20
On-the-job/on-site training. See also Technology-based training, 8–9, 11–12
One-size-fits-all education, 102
Operant conditioning, 9–10
Organization-level variables, 36
Organizational climate, 36
Organizational culture, 36
Organizational design, 36
Organizational interventions, 47–52
Organizational knowledge creation
autism, 20–21
individuals with ASD, 20
training, 21–23
training methods, 23–26
Organizational management practices, 43
Organizational structure, 36
Paid integrated employment, 100
Paradigm shift, 95
“Person-first” language, 112
Personal digital assistant (PDA), 13
Person–environment fit, 35
Person–job fit (PJ), 35, 40, 69–71, 88
complications of, 71–72
existing informal person-job fit lists, 72–73
Person–organization(al) fit (PO fit), 33, 35, 41–42, 71, 88
Pervasive developmental disorder (PDD), 119
Physical Coordination, 74
Pipeline models, 4
Post-COVID future, 105–107
Postsecondary education, 45, 113–114
and training, 7–8
Poverty trap, 96–98
Pre-Employment Transition Coordination, 100
Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS), 99
Proactive transitional supports, 44–47
Process loss, 34
Productivity analysis, 34
Project SEARCH, 51
Public education systems, 138
Quality of life (QOL), 50–51
Ranking Grandin’s jobs based on Asperger’s-related factors, 82
Recruitment, 47
Regression analyses, 78–80
Rehabilitation Act, 104
Rehabilitation Services Administration Case Service Report (RSA-911), 114–115, 122
Rehabilitation Services Agency (RSA), 100
Research Data Assistance Center (ResDAC), 121
Research Data Center (RDC), 127
Research Identifiable Files (RIF), 121
Role-playing, 10–11, 24
Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), 114
Selection, 47–48
Self-management procedure, 11
Service Delivery Areas (SDAs), 140
Simulation training, 13
Skill development, 7–8
Social communication, 32–33, 37–38
Social influence, 139
Social interaction, 32–33, 37–38
Social model, 95
Social Orientation, 74
Social problem-solving, 50–51
Social Security Administration (SSA), 127
SIPP and SSA supplement, 127–128
Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), 96–98
Social Security Insurance (SSI), 96–98
Social Security System, 102
Social skills
issues, 48–49
training, 50–51
Social support, 50
Social workplace, 33–37
fit and workplace, 35–37
job performance, 33–35
Social–emotional reciprocity, 32–33
Special Sworn Status (SSS), 120
Spect-act emotives, 2, 20
Stakeholders in the autism community, 139
State-federal vocational rehabilitation service delivery system, 114–115
Statistical analysis of Grandin’s job assessments, 78, 82, 86
Storytelling theatrics, 2, 20
Study to Explore Early Development (SEED), 128
Subminimum wage, 95–96
Substantial Gainful Activity (SGA), 96
Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP), 127–128
Task activities, 34
Technology-based training, 9, 12–13
simulation training, 13
virtual reality training, 12–13
Top jobs per Asperger’s characteristics, 76, 80
Training, 1–2, 9, 21, 23, 49
methods, 23–26
Transition into Adulthood Supplement of Panel Study of Income Dynamics (TAS PSID), 128–129
Transition to employment, 50
Two-factor model of organizational culture, 36
U.S. Department of Labor (DOL), 99
U.S. Departments of Education (ED), 99
Unemployment, 143
US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), 120, 122
US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), 115
US Geological Survey (USGS), 105
Video modeling, 10, 49–50
Virtual reality (VR), 12
training, 12–13
Virtual reality job interview training (VR-JIT), 12–13
Vocational rehabilitation (VR), 95–96, 114–115
Welcome to the Slow Movement
, 142–143
accommodations and ASD, 42–43
and ASD, 37–44
fit, satisfaction, and performance, 43–44
fit and ASD, 40–42
policies, 48
Workforce development, 139
American Workforce Development, 140–141
beginning of New Workforce initiatives, 141–142
case for change, 142–144
disability cliff, 139–140
innovators, 144–146
new system, 146–148
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), 3, 94, 122, 141
authorized activities, 100–101
case studies ability over disability, 105
failure, 103–105
four components of poverty trap, 96–98
future employment of ASD, 105–107
government rationale for, 95–96
hierarchy of WIOA collaboration, 99–101
order of selection, 104–105
paradigm shift, 95
promise, 101–103
required activities, 100
streamlined workforce development system, 98–99
Workforce Innovation Technical Assistance Center (WINTAC), 104
Workforce Investment Act, 141
behavioral skills training, 9–11
creating supportive, 44–52
on-the-job/on-site training, 11–12
organizational interventions, 47–52
proactive transitional supports, 44–47
role of mentoring and coaching in training individuals with ASD, 14
social, 33–37
technology-based training, 12–13
Young adults with ASD, 32, 117
Eddy, Andrew, 145
Education. See also Postsecondary education, 94
Emotion, 24
Emotional support systems, 48
with ASD, 8
support systems, 48
Employers, 8
job training and, 114–115
non-discrimination, 115
obtaining, 46
opportunities, 8
services, 94
support programs, 8
transition to, 50
Employment Act (1946), 140
Environment, roles, guidelines, and objectives (ERGOS), 2, 20, 26
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), 43
Equity in workforce development, 139
Essential job functions, 41–43
Executive functioning (EF), 50–51
Existing informal person-job fit lists, 72–73
Factor 5-Numerical Orientation, 80
Factor 6-Accuracy, 86–87
Factor analysis, 3
Fair Labor Standards Act, 95
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), 46
Federal Statistical Research Data Centers (FSRDC), 120
Federal workforce development functions, 138
Fit, 33
and ASD, 40–42
and workplace, 35–37
For-profit companies, 51–52
Future of work, 137–138
Generation A, 1, 7–9, 13, 19–20, 32, 69–70, 112, 138
access to services, 115–116
additional data sources, 123–129
Baccalaureate and Beyond Longitudinal Study, 123–125
CCHM, 125
community involvement and life experiences, 117
High School Longitudinal Study, 125–126
IAN, 126
integrated mission system of US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, 119
job training and employment, 114–115
key sources of knowledge, 113–117
limitations of available data to date, 129–131
Medicaid Analytic eXtract, 120–121
mental health and health care, 116–117
National Health Interview Survey Child Core, 126–127
National Longitudinal Transition Study, 121
National Survey of Children’s Health, 121–122
postsecondary education, 113–114
Rehabilitation Services Administration Case Service Report, 122
SEED, 128
SIPP and SSA supplement, 127–128
TAS PSID, 128–129
Giddens, Allison, 145–146
Global labor force, 137–138
Governmental organizations, 51–52
Grandin’s job assessments
statistical analysis of, 78
statistical analysis of, 82–86
Grandin’s jobs per Asperger’s-related factors, 76–78
Great Depression, 140
Head-mounted display (HMD), 12
Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP), 98
Health and Human Services (HHS), 99
Health care, 116–117
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), 46
Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), 122
High School Longitudinal Study of 2009 (HSLS:09), 125–126
High-functioning autism. See Asperger’s syndrome
Hostility, 42
Household (HC), 119
Human resources (HR), 41
Human Services Research Institute (HSRI), 119
“Identity-first” language, 112
In-person survey, 119–120
Inclusion, 141
Inclusive employment, 139
Inclusive Postsecondary Education Programs, 140
Individual performance on jobs, 33–34
Individualized Education Programs (IEPs), 113–114
Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE), 102
Individuals with ASD, 2, 7–8, 20, 32, 138
creating supportive workplace, 44–52
overview of studies, 53–56
social workplace, 33–37
work and ASD, 37–44
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), 139
Individuals with high-functioning autism, 69–70
Industrial and organizational (IO), 41
Innovative Ideas, 74
Innovators, 144–146
Institute of Education Sciences (IES), 121
Insurance/employer (IC), 120
Integrated Mission System (IMS), 115
Integrated mission system of US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, 119
Intellectual disability (ID), 46
Intensive internship training, 10
Interactive Autism Network (IAN), 126
Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee (IACC), 112
Intergovernmental Personnel Act (IPA), 119
iPod Touch, 11, 13
IQ scores, 94
Islands of Brilliance (IOB), 146
coach, 14
complications of person-job fit, 71–72
diversity of jobs, 86–87
existing informal person-job fit lists, 72–73
Generation A, 69–70
Grandin’s jobs per Asperger’s-related factors, 76–78
Grandin’s list of jobs, 87
literature review, 71–73
methodology, 74–78
performance, 33, 35–37
purpose of study, 73–74
results, 80–86
statistical analysis of Grandin’s job assessments, 78
study limitations and future research, 87–88
top jobs per Asperger’s characteristic, 76
training and employment, 114–115
Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA), 140
Knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs), 35, 71, 74–75
Life experiences, 117
Local education areas (LEAs), 100
Low-moderate income (LMI), 96–98
Manager’s role, 23–24
Manpower Development and Training Act, 140
Marietta City Schools (MCS), 144–145
Maternal and Child Health Bureau (MCHB), 122
Medicaid Analytic eXtract (MAX), 116–117, 120–121
Medical expenditure panel study, 120
Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS), 116–117
Medical provider (MPC), 119
Mental health, 116–117
Mentoring role in training individuals with ASD, 14
Metropolitan Atlanta Developmental Disabilities Surveillance Program (MADDSP), 123
Mindfulness, 51–52
Misfit, 35
Morris, Bill, 144
National Association of State Directors of Developmental Disabilities Services (NASDDDS), 119
National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), 121
National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), 127
National Core Indicators (NCI), 116
National Health Interview Survey Child Core, 126–127
National Institute on Aging (NIA), 129
National Longitudinal Transition Study (NLTS), 94, 113–114, 121
NLTS2, 114
National Science Foundation (NSF), 129
National Survey of Children with Special Health Care Needs (NS-CSHCN), 121–122
National Survey of Children’s Health (NSCH), 116, 121–122
Neurodiversity, 1
Hub, 145
neurodiversity@work movement, 104
Not-for-profit companies, 51–52
Numerical Orientation, 74
O*NET, 88
content analysis, 77–78
job description database, 3, 69–70, 73
Object theater, 2, 20
On-the-job/on-site training. See also Technology-based training, 8–9, 11–12
One-size-fits-all education, 102
Operant conditioning, 9–10
Organization-level variables, 36
Organizational climate, 36
Organizational culture, 36
Organizational design, 36
Organizational interventions, 47–52
Organizational knowledge creation
autism, 20–21
individuals with ASD, 20
training, 21–23
training methods, 23–26
Organizational management practices, 43
Organizational structure, 36
Paid integrated employment, 100
Paradigm shift, 95
“Person-first” language, 112
Personal digital assistant (PDA), 13
Person–environment fit, 35
Person–job fit (PJ), 35, 40, 69–71, 88
complications of, 71–72
existing informal person-job fit lists, 72–73
Person–organization(al) fit (PO fit), 33, 35, 41–42, 71, 88
Pervasive developmental disorder (PDD), 119
Physical Coordination, 74
Pipeline models, 4
Post-COVID future, 105–107
Postsecondary education, 45, 113–114
and training, 7–8
Poverty trap, 96–98
Pre-Employment Transition Coordination, 100
Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS), 99
Proactive transitional supports, 44–47
Process loss, 34
Productivity analysis, 34
Project SEARCH, 51
Public education systems, 138
Quality of life (QOL), 50–51
Ranking Grandin’s jobs based on Asperger’s-related factors, 82
Recruitment, 47
Regression analyses, 78–80
Rehabilitation Act, 104
Rehabilitation Services Administration Case Service Report (RSA-911), 114–115, 122
Rehabilitation Services Agency (RSA), 100
Research Data Assistance Center (ResDAC), 121
Research Data Center (RDC), 127
Research Identifiable Files (RIF), 121
Role-playing, 10–11, 24
Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), 114
Selection, 47–48
Self-management procedure, 11
Service Delivery Areas (SDAs), 140
Simulation training, 13
Skill development, 7–8
Social communication, 32–33, 37–38
Social influence, 139
Social interaction, 32–33, 37–38
Social model, 95
Social Orientation, 74
Social problem-solving, 50–51
Social Security Administration (SSA), 127
SIPP and SSA supplement, 127–128
Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), 96–98
Social Security Insurance (SSI), 96–98
Social Security System, 102
Social skills
issues, 48–49
training, 50–51
Social support, 50
Social workplace, 33–37
fit and workplace, 35–37
job performance, 33–35
Social–emotional reciprocity, 32–33
Special Sworn Status (SSS), 120
Spect-act emotives, 2, 20
Stakeholders in the autism community, 139
State-federal vocational rehabilitation service delivery system, 114–115
Statistical analysis of Grandin’s job assessments, 78, 82, 86
Storytelling theatrics, 2, 20
Study to Explore Early Development (SEED), 128
Subminimum wage, 95–96
Substantial Gainful Activity (SGA), 96
Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP), 127–128
Task activities, 34
Technology-based training, 9, 12–13
simulation training, 13
virtual reality training, 12–13
Top jobs per Asperger’s characteristics, 76, 80
Training, 1–2, 9, 21, 23, 49
methods, 23–26
Transition into Adulthood Supplement of Panel Study of Income Dynamics (TAS PSID), 128–129
Transition to employment, 50
Two-factor model of organizational culture, 36
U.S. Department of Labor (DOL), 99
U.S. Departments of Education (ED), 99
Unemployment, 143
US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), 120, 122
US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), 115
US Geological Survey (USGS), 105
Video modeling, 10, 49–50
Virtual reality (VR), 12
training, 12–13
Virtual reality job interview training (VR-JIT), 12–13
Vocational rehabilitation (VR), 95–96, 114–115
Welcome to the Slow Movement
, 142–143
accommodations and ASD, 42–43
and ASD, 37–44
fit, satisfaction, and performance, 43–44
fit and ASD, 40–42
policies, 48
Workforce development, 139
American Workforce Development, 140–141
beginning of New Workforce initiatives, 141–142
case for change, 142–144
disability cliff, 139–140
innovators, 144–146
new system, 146–148
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), 3, 94, 122, 141
authorized activities, 100–101
case studies ability over disability, 105
failure, 103–105
four components of poverty trap, 96–98
future employment of ASD, 105–107
government rationale for, 95–96
hierarchy of WIOA collaboration, 99–101
order of selection, 104–105
paradigm shift, 95
promise, 101–103
required activities, 100
streamlined workforce development system, 98–99
Workforce Innovation Technical Assistance Center (WINTAC), 104
Workforce Investment Act, 141
behavioral skills training, 9–11
creating supportive, 44–52
on-the-job/on-site training, 11–12
organizational interventions, 47–52
proactive transitional supports, 44–47
role of mentoring and coaching in training individuals with ASD, 14
social, 33–37
technology-based training, 12–13
Young adults with ASD, 32, 117
Generation A, 1, 7–9, 13, 19–20, 32, 69–70, 112, 138
access to services, 115–116
additional data sources, 123–129
Baccalaureate and Beyond Longitudinal Study, 123–125
CCHM, 125
community involvement and life experiences, 117
High School Longitudinal Study, 125–126
IAN, 126
integrated mission system of US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, 119
job training and employment, 114–115
key sources of knowledge, 113–117
limitations of available data to date, 129–131
Medicaid Analytic eXtract, 120–121
mental health and health care, 116–117
National Health Interview Survey Child Core, 126–127
National Longitudinal Transition Study, 121
National Survey of Children’s Health, 121–122
postsecondary education, 113–114
Rehabilitation Services Administration Case Service Report, 122
SEED, 128
SIPP and SSA supplement, 127–128
TAS PSID, 128–129
Giddens, Allison, 145–146
Global labor force, 137–138
Governmental organizations, 51–52
Grandin’s job assessments
statistical analysis of, 78
statistical analysis of, 82–86
Grandin’s jobs per Asperger’s-related factors, 76–78
Great Depression, 140
Head-mounted display (HMD), 12
Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP), 98
Health and Human Services (HHS), 99
Health care, 116–117
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), 46
Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), 122
High School Longitudinal Study of 2009 (HSLS:09), 125–126
High-functioning autism. See Asperger’s syndrome
Hostility, 42
Household (HC), 119
Human resources (HR), 41
Human Services Research Institute (HSRI), 119
“Identity-first” language, 112
In-person survey, 119–120
Inclusion, 141
Inclusive employment, 139
Inclusive Postsecondary Education Programs, 140
Individual performance on jobs, 33–34
Individualized Education Programs (IEPs), 113–114
Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE), 102
Individuals with ASD, 2, 7–8, 20, 32, 138
creating supportive workplace, 44–52
overview of studies, 53–56
social workplace, 33–37
work and ASD, 37–44
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), 139
Individuals with high-functioning autism, 69–70
Industrial and organizational (IO), 41
Innovative Ideas, 74
Innovators, 144–146
Institute of Education Sciences (IES), 121
Insurance/employer (IC), 120
Integrated Mission System (IMS), 115
Integrated mission system of US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, 119
Intellectual disability (ID), 46
Intensive internship training, 10
Interactive Autism Network (IAN), 126
Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee (IACC), 112
Intergovernmental Personnel Act (IPA), 119
iPod Touch, 11, 13
IQ scores, 94
Islands of Brilliance (IOB), 146
coach, 14
complications of person-job fit, 71–72
diversity of jobs, 86–87
existing informal person-job fit lists, 72–73
Generation A, 69–70
Grandin’s jobs per Asperger’s-related factors, 76–78
Grandin’s list of jobs, 87
literature review, 71–73
methodology, 74–78
performance, 33, 35–37
purpose of study, 73–74
results, 80–86
statistical analysis of Grandin’s job assessments, 78
study limitations and future research, 87–88
top jobs per Asperger’s characteristic, 76
training and employment, 114–115
Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA), 140
Knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs), 35, 71, 74–75
Life experiences, 117
Local education areas (LEAs), 100
Low-moderate income (LMI), 96–98
Manager’s role, 23–24
Manpower Development and Training Act, 140
Marietta City Schools (MCS), 144–145
Maternal and Child Health Bureau (MCHB), 122
Medicaid Analytic eXtract (MAX), 116–117, 120–121
Medical expenditure panel study, 120
Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS), 116–117
Medical provider (MPC), 119
Mental health, 116–117
Mentoring role in training individuals with ASD, 14
Metropolitan Atlanta Developmental Disabilities Surveillance Program (MADDSP), 123
Mindfulness, 51–52
Misfit, 35
Morris, Bill, 144
National Association of State Directors of Developmental Disabilities Services (NASDDDS), 119
National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), 121
National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), 127
National Core Indicators (NCI), 116
National Health Interview Survey Child Core, 126–127
National Institute on Aging (NIA), 129
National Longitudinal Transition Study (NLTS), 94, 113–114, 121
NLTS2, 114
National Science Foundation (NSF), 129
National Survey of Children with Special Health Care Needs (NS-CSHCN), 121–122
National Survey of Children’s Health (NSCH), 116, 121–122
Neurodiversity, 1
Hub, 145
neurodiversity@work movement, 104
Not-for-profit companies, 51–52
Numerical Orientation, 74
O*NET, 88
content analysis, 77–78
job description database, 3, 69–70, 73
Object theater, 2, 20
On-the-job/on-site training. See also Technology-based training, 8–9, 11–12
One-size-fits-all education, 102
Operant conditioning, 9–10
Organization-level variables, 36
Organizational climate, 36
Organizational culture, 36
Organizational design, 36
Organizational interventions, 47–52
Organizational knowledge creation
autism, 20–21
individuals with ASD, 20
training, 21–23
training methods, 23–26
Organizational management practices, 43
Organizational structure, 36
Paid integrated employment, 100
Paradigm shift, 95
“Person-first” language, 112
Personal digital assistant (PDA), 13
Person–environment fit, 35
Person–job fit (PJ), 35, 40, 69–71, 88
complications of, 71–72
existing informal person-job fit lists, 72–73
Person–organization(al) fit (PO fit), 33, 35, 41–42, 71, 88
Pervasive developmental disorder (PDD), 119
Physical Coordination, 74
Pipeline models, 4
Post-COVID future, 105–107
Postsecondary education, 45, 113–114
and training, 7–8
Poverty trap, 96–98
Pre-Employment Transition Coordination, 100
Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS), 99
Proactive transitional supports, 44–47
Process loss, 34
Productivity analysis, 34
Project SEARCH, 51
Public education systems, 138
Quality of life (QOL), 50–51
Ranking Grandin’s jobs based on Asperger’s-related factors, 82
Recruitment, 47
Regression analyses, 78–80
Rehabilitation Act, 104
Rehabilitation Services Administration Case Service Report (RSA-911), 114–115, 122
Rehabilitation Services Agency (RSA), 100
Research Data Assistance Center (ResDAC), 121
Research Data Center (RDC), 127
Research Identifiable Files (RIF), 121
Role-playing, 10–11, 24
Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), 114
Selection, 47–48
Self-management procedure, 11
Service Delivery Areas (SDAs), 140
Simulation training, 13
Skill development, 7–8
Social communication, 32–33, 37–38
Social influence, 139
Social interaction, 32–33, 37–38
Social model, 95
Social Orientation, 74
Social problem-solving, 50–51
Social Security Administration (SSA), 127
SIPP and SSA supplement, 127–128
Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), 96–98
Social Security Insurance (SSI), 96–98
Social Security System, 102
Social skills
issues, 48–49
training, 50–51
Social support, 50
Social workplace, 33–37
fit and workplace, 35–37
job performance, 33–35
Social–emotional reciprocity, 32–33
Special Sworn Status (SSS), 120
Spect-act emotives, 2, 20
Stakeholders in the autism community, 139
State-federal vocational rehabilitation service delivery system, 114–115
Statistical analysis of Grandin’s job assessments, 78, 82, 86
Storytelling theatrics, 2, 20
Study to Explore Early Development (SEED), 128
Subminimum wage, 95–96
Substantial Gainful Activity (SGA), 96
Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP), 127–128
Task activities, 34
Technology-based training, 9, 12–13
simulation training, 13
virtual reality training, 12–13
Top jobs per Asperger’s characteristics, 76, 80
Training, 1–2, 9, 21, 23, 49
methods, 23–26
Transition into Adulthood Supplement of Panel Study of Income Dynamics (TAS PSID), 128–129
Transition to employment, 50
Two-factor model of organizational culture, 36
U.S. Department of Labor (DOL), 99
U.S. Departments of Education (ED), 99
Unemployment, 143
US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), 120, 122
US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), 115
US Geological Survey (USGS), 105
Video modeling, 10, 49–50
Virtual reality (VR), 12
training, 12–13
Virtual reality job interview training (VR-JIT), 12–13
Vocational rehabilitation (VR), 95–96, 114–115
Welcome to the Slow Movement
, 142–143
accommodations and ASD, 42–43
and ASD, 37–44
fit, satisfaction, and performance, 43–44
fit and ASD, 40–42
policies, 48
Workforce development, 139
American Workforce Development, 140–141
beginning of New Workforce initiatives, 141–142
case for change, 142–144
disability cliff, 139–140
innovators, 144–146
new system, 146–148
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), 3, 94, 122, 141
authorized activities, 100–101
case studies ability over disability, 105
failure, 103–105
four components of poverty trap, 96–98
future employment of ASD, 105–107
government rationale for, 95–96
hierarchy of WIOA collaboration, 99–101
order of selection, 104–105
paradigm shift, 95
promise, 101–103
required activities, 100
streamlined workforce development system, 98–99
Workforce Innovation Technical Assistance Center (WINTAC), 104
Workforce Investment Act, 141
behavioral skills training, 9–11
creating supportive, 44–52
on-the-job/on-site training, 11–12
organizational interventions, 47–52
proactive transitional supports, 44–47
role of mentoring and coaching in training individuals with ASD, 14
social, 33–37
technology-based training, 12–13
Young adults with ASD, 32, 117
“Identity-first” language, 112
In-person survey, 119–120
Inclusion, 141
Inclusive employment, 139
Inclusive Postsecondary Education Programs, 140
Individual performance on jobs, 33–34
Individualized Education Programs (IEPs), 113–114
Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE), 102
Individuals with ASD, 2, 7–8, 20, 32, 138
creating supportive workplace, 44–52
overview of studies, 53–56
social workplace, 33–37
work and ASD, 37–44
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), 139
Individuals with high-functioning autism, 69–70
Industrial and organizational (IO), 41
Innovative Ideas, 74
Innovators, 144–146
Institute of Education Sciences (IES), 121
Insurance/employer (IC), 120
Integrated Mission System (IMS), 115
Integrated mission system of US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, 119
Intellectual disability (ID), 46
Intensive internship training, 10
Interactive Autism Network (IAN), 126
Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee (IACC), 112
Intergovernmental Personnel Act (IPA), 119
iPod Touch, 11, 13
IQ scores, 94
Islands of Brilliance (IOB), 146
coach, 14
complications of person-job fit, 71–72
diversity of jobs, 86–87
existing informal person-job fit lists, 72–73
Generation A, 69–70
Grandin’s jobs per Asperger’s-related factors, 76–78
Grandin’s list of jobs, 87
literature review, 71–73
methodology, 74–78
performance, 33, 35–37
purpose of study, 73–74
results, 80–86
statistical analysis of Grandin’s job assessments, 78
study limitations and future research, 87–88
top jobs per Asperger’s characteristic, 76
training and employment, 114–115
Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA), 140
Knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs), 35, 71, 74–75
Life experiences, 117
Local education areas (LEAs), 100
Low-moderate income (LMI), 96–98
Manager’s role, 23–24
Manpower Development and Training Act, 140
Marietta City Schools (MCS), 144–145
Maternal and Child Health Bureau (MCHB), 122
Medicaid Analytic eXtract (MAX), 116–117, 120–121
Medical expenditure panel study, 120
Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS), 116–117
Medical provider (MPC), 119
Mental health, 116–117
Mentoring role in training individuals with ASD, 14
Metropolitan Atlanta Developmental Disabilities Surveillance Program (MADDSP), 123
Mindfulness, 51–52
Misfit, 35
Morris, Bill, 144
National Association of State Directors of Developmental Disabilities Services (NASDDDS), 119
National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), 121
National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), 127
National Core Indicators (NCI), 116
National Health Interview Survey Child Core, 126–127
National Institute on Aging (NIA), 129
National Longitudinal Transition Study (NLTS), 94, 113–114, 121
NLTS2, 114
National Science Foundation (NSF), 129
National Survey of Children with Special Health Care Needs (NS-CSHCN), 121–122
National Survey of Children’s Health (NSCH), 116, 121–122
Neurodiversity, 1
Hub, 145
neurodiversity@work movement, 104
Not-for-profit companies, 51–52
Numerical Orientation, 74
O*NET, 88
content analysis, 77–78
job description database, 3, 69–70, 73
Object theater, 2, 20
On-the-job/on-site training. See also Technology-based training, 8–9, 11–12
One-size-fits-all education, 102
Operant conditioning, 9–10
Organization-level variables, 36
Organizational climate, 36
Organizational culture, 36
Organizational design, 36
Organizational interventions, 47–52
Organizational knowledge creation
autism, 20–21
individuals with ASD, 20
training, 21–23
training methods, 23–26
Organizational management practices, 43
Organizational structure, 36
Paid integrated employment, 100
Paradigm shift, 95
“Person-first” language, 112
Personal digital assistant (PDA), 13
Person–environment fit, 35
Person–job fit (PJ), 35, 40, 69–71, 88
complications of, 71–72
existing informal person-job fit lists, 72–73
Person–organization(al) fit (PO fit), 33, 35, 41–42, 71, 88
Pervasive developmental disorder (PDD), 119
Physical Coordination, 74
Pipeline models, 4
Post-COVID future, 105–107
Postsecondary education, 45, 113–114
and training, 7–8
Poverty trap, 96–98
Pre-Employment Transition Coordination, 100
Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS), 99
Proactive transitional supports, 44–47
Process loss, 34
Productivity analysis, 34
Project SEARCH, 51
Public education systems, 138
Quality of life (QOL), 50–51
Ranking Grandin’s jobs based on Asperger’s-related factors, 82
Recruitment, 47
Regression analyses, 78–80
Rehabilitation Act, 104
Rehabilitation Services Administration Case Service Report (RSA-911), 114–115, 122
Rehabilitation Services Agency (RSA), 100
Research Data Assistance Center (ResDAC), 121
Research Data Center (RDC), 127
Research Identifiable Files (RIF), 121
Role-playing, 10–11, 24
Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), 114
Selection, 47–48
Self-management procedure, 11
Service Delivery Areas (SDAs), 140
Simulation training, 13
Skill development, 7–8
Social communication, 32–33, 37–38
Social influence, 139
Social interaction, 32–33, 37–38
Social model, 95
Social Orientation, 74
Social problem-solving, 50–51
Social Security Administration (SSA), 127
SIPP and SSA supplement, 127–128
Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), 96–98
Social Security Insurance (SSI), 96–98
Social Security System, 102
Social skills
issues, 48–49
training, 50–51
Social support, 50
Social workplace, 33–37
fit and workplace, 35–37
job performance, 33–35
Social–emotional reciprocity, 32–33
Special Sworn Status (SSS), 120
Spect-act emotives, 2, 20
Stakeholders in the autism community, 139
State-federal vocational rehabilitation service delivery system, 114–115
Statistical analysis of Grandin’s job assessments, 78, 82, 86
Storytelling theatrics, 2, 20
Study to Explore Early Development (SEED), 128
Subminimum wage, 95–96
Substantial Gainful Activity (SGA), 96
Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP), 127–128
Task activities, 34
Technology-based training, 9, 12–13
simulation training, 13
virtual reality training, 12–13
Top jobs per Asperger’s characteristics, 76, 80
Training, 1–2, 9, 21, 23, 49
methods, 23–26
Transition into Adulthood Supplement of Panel Study of Income Dynamics (TAS PSID), 128–129
Transition to employment, 50
Two-factor model of organizational culture, 36
U.S. Department of Labor (DOL), 99
U.S. Departments of Education (ED), 99
Unemployment, 143
US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), 120, 122
US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), 115
US Geological Survey (USGS), 105
Video modeling, 10, 49–50
Virtual reality (VR), 12
training, 12–13
Virtual reality job interview training (VR-JIT), 12–13
Vocational rehabilitation (VR), 95–96, 114–115
Welcome to the Slow Movement
, 142–143
accommodations and ASD, 42–43
and ASD, 37–44
fit, satisfaction, and performance, 43–44
fit and ASD, 40–42
policies, 48
Workforce development, 139
American Workforce Development, 140–141
beginning of New Workforce initiatives, 141–142
case for change, 142–144
disability cliff, 139–140
innovators, 144–146
new system, 146–148
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), 3, 94, 122, 141
authorized activities, 100–101
case studies ability over disability, 105
failure, 103–105
four components of poverty trap, 96–98
future employment of ASD, 105–107
government rationale for, 95–96
hierarchy of WIOA collaboration, 99–101
order of selection, 104–105
paradigm shift, 95
promise, 101–103
required activities, 100
streamlined workforce development system, 98–99
Workforce Innovation Technical Assistance Center (WINTAC), 104
Workforce Investment Act, 141
behavioral skills training, 9–11
creating supportive, 44–52
on-the-job/on-site training, 11–12
organizational interventions, 47–52
proactive transitional supports, 44–47
role of mentoring and coaching in training individuals with ASD, 14
social, 33–37
technology-based training, 12–13
Young adults with ASD, 32, 117
Knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs), 35, 71, 74–75
Life experiences, 117
Local education areas (LEAs), 100
Low-moderate income (LMI), 96–98
Manager’s role, 23–24
Manpower Development and Training Act, 140
Marietta City Schools (MCS), 144–145
Maternal and Child Health Bureau (MCHB), 122
Medicaid Analytic eXtract (MAX), 116–117, 120–121
Medical expenditure panel study, 120
Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS), 116–117
Medical provider (MPC), 119
Mental health, 116–117
Mentoring role in training individuals with ASD, 14
Metropolitan Atlanta Developmental Disabilities Surveillance Program (MADDSP), 123
Mindfulness, 51–52
Misfit, 35
Morris, Bill, 144
National Association of State Directors of Developmental Disabilities Services (NASDDDS), 119
National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), 121
National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), 127
National Core Indicators (NCI), 116
National Health Interview Survey Child Core, 126–127
National Institute on Aging (NIA), 129
National Longitudinal Transition Study (NLTS), 94, 113–114, 121
NLTS2, 114
National Science Foundation (NSF), 129
National Survey of Children with Special Health Care Needs (NS-CSHCN), 121–122
National Survey of Children’s Health (NSCH), 116, 121–122
Neurodiversity, 1
Hub, 145
neurodiversity@work movement, 104
Not-for-profit companies, 51–52
Numerical Orientation, 74
O*NET, 88
content analysis, 77–78
job description database, 3, 69–70, 73
Object theater, 2, 20
On-the-job/on-site training. See also Technology-based training, 8–9, 11–12
One-size-fits-all education, 102
Operant conditioning, 9–10
Organization-level variables, 36
Organizational climate, 36
Organizational culture, 36
Organizational design, 36
Organizational interventions, 47–52
Organizational knowledge creation
autism, 20–21
individuals with ASD, 20
training, 21–23
training methods, 23–26
Organizational management practices, 43
Organizational structure, 36
Paid integrated employment, 100
Paradigm shift, 95
“Person-first” language, 112
Personal digital assistant (PDA), 13
Person–environment fit, 35
Person–job fit (PJ), 35, 40, 69–71, 88
complications of, 71–72
existing informal person-job fit lists, 72–73
Person–organization(al) fit (PO fit), 33, 35, 41–42, 71, 88
Pervasive developmental disorder (PDD), 119
Physical Coordination, 74
Pipeline models, 4
Post-COVID future, 105–107
Postsecondary education, 45, 113–114
and training, 7–8
Poverty trap, 96–98
Pre-Employment Transition Coordination, 100
Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS), 99
Proactive transitional supports, 44–47
Process loss, 34
Productivity analysis, 34
Project SEARCH, 51
Public education systems, 138
Quality of life (QOL), 50–51
Ranking Grandin’s jobs based on Asperger’s-related factors, 82
Recruitment, 47
Regression analyses, 78–80
Rehabilitation Act, 104
Rehabilitation Services Administration Case Service Report (RSA-911), 114–115, 122
Rehabilitation Services Agency (RSA), 100
Research Data Assistance Center (ResDAC), 121
Research Data Center (RDC), 127
Research Identifiable Files (RIF), 121
Role-playing, 10–11, 24
Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), 114
Selection, 47–48
Self-management procedure, 11
Service Delivery Areas (SDAs), 140
Simulation training, 13
Skill development, 7–8
Social communication, 32–33, 37–38
Social influence, 139
Social interaction, 32–33, 37–38
Social model, 95
Social Orientation, 74
Social problem-solving, 50–51
Social Security Administration (SSA), 127
SIPP and SSA supplement, 127–128
Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), 96–98
Social Security Insurance (SSI), 96–98
Social Security System, 102
Social skills
issues, 48–49
training, 50–51
Social support, 50
Social workplace, 33–37
fit and workplace, 35–37
job performance, 33–35
Social–emotional reciprocity, 32–33
Special Sworn Status (SSS), 120
Spect-act emotives, 2, 20
Stakeholders in the autism community, 139
State-federal vocational rehabilitation service delivery system, 114–115
Statistical analysis of Grandin’s job assessments, 78, 82, 86
Storytelling theatrics, 2, 20
Study to Explore Early Development (SEED), 128
Subminimum wage, 95–96
Substantial Gainful Activity (SGA), 96
Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP), 127–128
Task activities, 34
Technology-based training, 9, 12–13
simulation training, 13
virtual reality training, 12–13
Top jobs per Asperger’s characteristics, 76, 80
Training, 1–2, 9, 21, 23, 49
methods, 23–26
Transition into Adulthood Supplement of Panel Study of Income Dynamics (TAS PSID), 128–129
Transition to employment, 50
Two-factor model of organizational culture, 36
U.S. Department of Labor (DOL), 99
U.S. Departments of Education (ED), 99
Unemployment, 143
US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), 120, 122
US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), 115
US Geological Survey (USGS), 105
Video modeling, 10, 49–50
Virtual reality (VR), 12
training, 12–13
Virtual reality job interview training (VR-JIT), 12–13
Vocational rehabilitation (VR), 95–96, 114–115
Welcome to the Slow Movement
, 142–143
accommodations and ASD, 42–43
and ASD, 37–44
fit, satisfaction, and performance, 43–44
fit and ASD, 40–42
policies, 48
Workforce development, 139
American Workforce Development, 140–141
beginning of New Workforce initiatives, 141–142
case for change, 142–144
disability cliff, 139–140
innovators, 144–146
new system, 146–148
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), 3, 94, 122, 141
authorized activities, 100–101
case studies ability over disability, 105
failure, 103–105
four components of poverty trap, 96–98
future employment of ASD, 105–107
government rationale for, 95–96
hierarchy of WIOA collaboration, 99–101
order of selection, 104–105
paradigm shift, 95
promise, 101–103
required activities, 100
streamlined workforce development system, 98–99
Workforce Innovation Technical Assistance Center (WINTAC), 104
Workforce Investment Act, 141
behavioral skills training, 9–11
creating supportive, 44–52
on-the-job/on-site training, 11–12
organizational interventions, 47–52
proactive transitional supports, 44–47
role of mentoring and coaching in training individuals with ASD, 14
social, 33–37
technology-based training, 12–13
Young adults with ASD, 32, 117
Manager’s role, 23–24
Manpower Development and Training Act, 140
Marietta City Schools (MCS), 144–145
Maternal and Child Health Bureau (MCHB), 122
Medicaid Analytic eXtract (MAX), 116–117, 120–121
Medical expenditure panel study, 120
Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS), 116–117
Medical provider (MPC), 119
Mental health, 116–117
Mentoring role in training individuals with ASD, 14
Metropolitan Atlanta Developmental Disabilities Surveillance Program (MADDSP), 123
Mindfulness, 51–52
Misfit, 35
Morris, Bill, 144
National Association of State Directors of Developmental Disabilities Services (NASDDDS), 119
National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), 121
National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), 127
National Core Indicators (NCI), 116
National Health Interview Survey Child Core, 126–127
National Institute on Aging (NIA), 129
National Longitudinal Transition Study (NLTS), 94, 113–114, 121
NLTS2, 114
National Science Foundation (NSF), 129
National Survey of Children with Special Health Care Needs (NS-CSHCN), 121–122
National Survey of Children’s Health (NSCH), 116, 121–122
Neurodiversity, 1
Hub, 145
neurodiversity@work movement, 104
Not-for-profit companies, 51–52
Numerical Orientation, 74
O*NET, 88
content analysis, 77–78
job description database, 3, 69–70, 73
Object theater, 2, 20
On-the-job/on-site training. See also Technology-based training, 8–9, 11–12
One-size-fits-all education, 102
Operant conditioning, 9–10
Organization-level variables, 36
Organizational climate, 36
Organizational culture, 36
Organizational design, 36
Organizational interventions, 47–52
Organizational knowledge creation
autism, 20–21
individuals with ASD, 20
training, 21–23
training methods, 23–26
Organizational management practices, 43
Organizational structure, 36
Paid integrated employment, 100
Paradigm shift, 95
“Person-first” language, 112
Personal digital assistant (PDA), 13
Person–environment fit, 35
Person–job fit (PJ), 35, 40, 69–71, 88
complications of, 71–72
existing informal person-job fit lists, 72–73
Person–organization(al) fit (PO fit), 33, 35, 41–42, 71, 88
Pervasive developmental disorder (PDD), 119
Physical Coordination, 74
Pipeline models, 4
Post-COVID future, 105–107
Postsecondary education, 45, 113–114
and training, 7–8
Poverty trap, 96–98
Pre-Employment Transition Coordination, 100
Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS), 99
Proactive transitional supports, 44–47
Process loss, 34
Productivity analysis, 34
Project SEARCH, 51
Public education systems, 138
Quality of life (QOL), 50–51
Ranking Grandin’s jobs based on Asperger’s-related factors, 82
Recruitment, 47
Regression analyses, 78–80
Rehabilitation Act, 104
Rehabilitation Services Administration Case Service Report (RSA-911), 114–115, 122
Rehabilitation Services Agency (RSA), 100
Research Data Assistance Center (ResDAC), 121
Research Data Center (RDC), 127
Research Identifiable Files (RIF), 121
Role-playing, 10–11, 24
Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), 114
Selection, 47–48
Self-management procedure, 11
Service Delivery Areas (SDAs), 140
Simulation training, 13
Skill development, 7–8
Social communication, 32–33, 37–38
Social influence, 139
Social interaction, 32–33, 37–38
Social model, 95
Social Orientation, 74
Social problem-solving, 50–51
Social Security Administration (SSA), 127
SIPP and SSA supplement, 127–128
Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), 96–98
Social Security Insurance (SSI), 96–98
Social Security System, 102
Social skills
issues, 48–49
training, 50–51
Social support, 50
Social workplace, 33–37
fit and workplace, 35–37
job performance, 33–35
Social–emotional reciprocity, 32–33
Special Sworn Status (SSS), 120
Spect-act emotives, 2, 20
Stakeholders in the autism community, 139
State-federal vocational rehabilitation service delivery system, 114–115
Statistical analysis of Grandin’s job assessments, 78, 82, 86
Storytelling theatrics, 2, 20
Study to Explore Early Development (SEED), 128
Subminimum wage, 95–96
Substantial Gainful Activity (SGA), 96
Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP), 127–128
Task activities, 34
Technology-based training, 9, 12–13
simulation training, 13
virtual reality training, 12–13
Top jobs per Asperger’s characteristics, 76, 80
Training, 1–2, 9, 21, 23, 49
methods, 23–26
Transition into Adulthood Supplement of Panel Study of Income Dynamics (TAS PSID), 128–129
Transition to employment, 50
Two-factor model of organizational culture, 36
U.S. Department of Labor (DOL), 99
U.S. Departments of Education (ED), 99
Unemployment, 143
US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), 120, 122
US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), 115
US Geological Survey (USGS), 105
Video modeling, 10, 49–50
Virtual reality (VR), 12
training, 12–13
Virtual reality job interview training (VR-JIT), 12–13
Vocational rehabilitation (VR), 95–96, 114–115
Welcome to the Slow Movement
, 142–143
accommodations and ASD, 42–43
and ASD, 37–44
fit, satisfaction, and performance, 43–44
fit and ASD, 40–42
policies, 48
Workforce development, 139
American Workforce Development, 140–141
beginning of New Workforce initiatives, 141–142
case for change, 142–144
disability cliff, 139–140
innovators, 144–146
new system, 146–148
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), 3, 94, 122, 141
authorized activities, 100–101
case studies ability over disability, 105
failure, 103–105
four components of poverty trap, 96–98
future employment of ASD, 105–107
government rationale for, 95–96
hierarchy of WIOA collaboration, 99–101
order of selection, 104–105
paradigm shift, 95
promise, 101–103
required activities, 100
streamlined workforce development system, 98–99
Workforce Innovation Technical Assistance Center (WINTAC), 104
Workforce Investment Act, 141
behavioral skills training, 9–11
creating supportive, 44–52
on-the-job/on-site training, 11–12
organizational interventions, 47–52
proactive transitional supports, 44–47
role of mentoring and coaching in training individuals with ASD, 14
social, 33–37
technology-based training, 12–13
Young adults with ASD, 32, 117
O*NET, 88
content analysis, 77–78
job description database, 3, 69–70, 73
Object theater, 2, 20
On-the-job/on-site training. See also Technology-based training, 8–9, 11–12
One-size-fits-all education, 102
Operant conditioning, 9–10
Organization-level variables, 36
Organizational climate, 36
Organizational culture, 36
Organizational design, 36
Organizational interventions, 47–52
Organizational knowledge creation
autism, 20–21
individuals with ASD, 20
training, 21–23
training methods, 23–26
Organizational management practices, 43
Organizational structure, 36
Paid integrated employment, 100
Paradigm shift, 95
“Person-first” language, 112
Personal digital assistant (PDA), 13
Person–environment fit, 35
Person–job fit (PJ), 35, 40, 69–71, 88
complications of, 71–72
existing informal person-job fit lists, 72–73
Person–organization(al) fit (PO fit), 33, 35, 41–42, 71, 88
Pervasive developmental disorder (PDD), 119
Physical Coordination, 74
Pipeline models, 4
Post-COVID future, 105–107
Postsecondary education, 45, 113–114
and training, 7–8
Poverty trap, 96–98
Pre-Employment Transition Coordination, 100
Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS), 99
Proactive transitional supports, 44–47
Process loss, 34
Productivity analysis, 34
Project SEARCH, 51
Public education systems, 138
Quality of life (QOL), 50–51
Ranking Grandin’s jobs based on Asperger’s-related factors, 82
Recruitment, 47
Regression analyses, 78–80
Rehabilitation Act, 104
Rehabilitation Services Administration Case Service Report (RSA-911), 114–115, 122
Rehabilitation Services Agency (RSA), 100
Research Data Assistance Center (ResDAC), 121
Research Data Center (RDC), 127
Research Identifiable Files (RIF), 121
Role-playing, 10–11, 24
Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), 114
Selection, 47–48
Self-management procedure, 11
Service Delivery Areas (SDAs), 140
Simulation training, 13
Skill development, 7–8
Social communication, 32–33, 37–38
Social influence, 139
Social interaction, 32–33, 37–38
Social model, 95
Social Orientation, 74
Social problem-solving, 50–51
Social Security Administration (SSA), 127
SIPP and SSA supplement, 127–128
Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), 96–98
Social Security Insurance (SSI), 96–98
Social Security System, 102
Social skills
issues, 48–49
training, 50–51
Social support, 50
Social workplace, 33–37
fit and workplace, 35–37
job performance, 33–35
Social–emotional reciprocity, 32–33
Special Sworn Status (SSS), 120
Spect-act emotives, 2, 20
Stakeholders in the autism community, 139
State-federal vocational rehabilitation service delivery system, 114–115
Statistical analysis of Grandin’s job assessments, 78, 82, 86
Storytelling theatrics, 2, 20
Study to Explore Early Development (SEED), 128
Subminimum wage, 95–96
Substantial Gainful Activity (SGA), 96
Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP), 127–128
Task activities, 34
Technology-based training, 9, 12–13
simulation training, 13
virtual reality training, 12–13
Top jobs per Asperger’s characteristics, 76, 80
Training, 1–2, 9, 21, 23, 49
methods, 23–26
Transition into Adulthood Supplement of Panel Study of Income Dynamics (TAS PSID), 128–129
Transition to employment, 50
Two-factor model of organizational culture, 36
U.S. Department of Labor (DOL), 99
U.S. Departments of Education (ED), 99
Unemployment, 143
US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), 120, 122
US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), 115
US Geological Survey (USGS), 105
Video modeling, 10, 49–50
Virtual reality (VR), 12
training, 12–13
Virtual reality job interview training (VR-JIT), 12–13
Vocational rehabilitation (VR), 95–96, 114–115
Welcome to the Slow Movement
, 142–143
accommodations and ASD, 42–43
and ASD, 37–44
fit, satisfaction, and performance, 43–44
fit and ASD, 40–42
policies, 48
Workforce development, 139
American Workforce Development, 140–141
beginning of New Workforce initiatives, 141–142
case for change, 142–144
disability cliff, 139–140
innovators, 144–146
new system, 146–148
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), 3, 94, 122, 141
authorized activities, 100–101
case studies ability over disability, 105
failure, 103–105
four components of poverty trap, 96–98
future employment of ASD, 105–107
government rationale for, 95–96
hierarchy of WIOA collaboration, 99–101
order of selection, 104–105
paradigm shift, 95
promise, 101–103
required activities, 100
streamlined workforce development system, 98–99
Workforce Innovation Technical Assistance Center (WINTAC), 104
Workforce Investment Act, 141
behavioral skills training, 9–11
creating supportive, 44–52
on-the-job/on-site training, 11–12
organizational interventions, 47–52
proactive transitional supports, 44–47
role of mentoring and coaching in training individuals with ASD, 14
social, 33–37
technology-based training, 12–13
Young adults with ASD, 32, 117
Quality of life (QOL), 50–51
Ranking Grandin’s jobs based on Asperger’s-related factors, 82
Recruitment, 47
Regression analyses, 78–80
Rehabilitation Act, 104
Rehabilitation Services Administration Case Service Report (RSA-911), 114–115, 122
Rehabilitation Services Agency (RSA), 100
Research Data Assistance Center (ResDAC), 121
Research Data Center (RDC), 127
Research Identifiable Files (RIF), 121
Role-playing, 10–11, 24
Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), 114
Selection, 47–48
Self-management procedure, 11
Service Delivery Areas (SDAs), 140
Simulation training, 13
Skill development, 7–8
Social communication, 32–33, 37–38
Social influence, 139
Social interaction, 32–33, 37–38
Social model, 95
Social Orientation, 74
Social problem-solving, 50–51
Social Security Administration (SSA), 127
SIPP and SSA supplement, 127–128
Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), 96–98
Social Security Insurance (SSI), 96–98
Social Security System, 102
Social skills
issues, 48–49
training, 50–51
Social support, 50
Social workplace, 33–37
fit and workplace, 35–37
job performance, 33–35
Social–emotional reciprocity, 32–33
Special Sworn Status (SSS), 120
Spect-act emotives, 2, 20
Stakeholders in the autism community, 139
State-federal vocational rehabilitation service delivery system, 114–115
Statistical analysis of Grandin’s job assessments, 78, 82, 86
Storytelling theatrics, 2, 20
Study to Explore Early Development (SEED), 128
Subminimum wage, 95–96
Substantial Gainful Activity (SGA), 96
Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP), 127–128
Task activities, 34
Technology-based training, 9, 12–13
simulation training, 13
virtual reality training, 12–13
Top jobs per Asperger’s characteristics, 76, 80
Training, 1–2, 9, 21, 23, 49
methods, 23–26
Transition into Adulthood Supplement of Panel Study of Income Dynamics (TAS PSID), 128–129
Transition to employment, 50
Two-factor model of organizational culture, 36
U.S. Department of Labor (DOL), 99
U.S. Departments of Education (ED), 99
Unemployment, 143
US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), 120, 122
US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), 115
US Geological Survey (USGS), 105
Video modeling, 10, 49–50
Virtual reality (VR), 12
training, 12–13
Virtual reality job interview training (VR-JIT), 12–13
Vocational rehabilitation (VR), 95–96, 114–115
Welcome to the Slow Movement
, 142–143
accommodations and ASD, 42–43
and ASD, 37–44
fit, satisfaction, and performance, 43–44
fit and ASD, 40–42
policies, 48
Workforce development, 139
American Workforce Development, 140–141
beginning of New Workforce initiatives, 141–142
case for change, 142–144
disability cliff, 139–140
innovators, 144–146
new system, 146–148
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), 3, 94, 122, 141
authorized activities, 100–101
case studies ability over disability, 105
failure, 103–105
four components of poverty trap, 96–98
future employment of ASD, 105–107
government rationale for, 95–96
hierarchy of WIOA collaboration, 99–101
order of selection, 104–105
paradigm shift, 95
promise, 101–103
required activities, 100
streamlined workforce development system, 98–99
Workforce Innovation Technical Assistance Center (WINTAC), 104
Workforce Investment Act, 141
behavioral skills training, 9–11
creating supportive, 44–52
on-the-job/on-site training, 11–12
organizational interventions, 47–52
proactive transitional supports, 44–47
role of mentoring and coaching in training individuals with ASD, 14
social, 33–37
technology-based training, 12–13
Young adults with ASD, 32, 117
Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), 114
Selection, 47–48
Self-management procedure, 11
Service Delivery Areas (SDAs), 140
Simulation training, 13
Skill development, 7–8
Social communication, 32–33, 37–38
Social influence, 139
Social interaction, 32–33, 37–38
Social model, 95
Social Orientation, 74
Social problem-solving, 50–51
Social Security Administration (SSA), 127
SIPP and SSA supplement, 127–128
Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), 96–98
Social Security Insurance (SSI), 96–98
Social Security System, 102
Social skills
issues, 48–49
training, 50–51
Social support, 50
Social workplace, 33–37
fit and workplace, 35–37
job performance, 33–35
Social–emotional reciprocity, 32–33
Special Sworn Status (SSS), 120
Spect-act emotives, 2, 20
Stakeholders in the autism community, 139
State-federal vocational rehabilitation service delivery system, 114–115
Statistical analysis of Grandin’s job assessments, 78, 82, 86
Storytelling theatrics, 2, 20
Study to Explore Early Development (SEED), 128
Subminimum wage, 95–96
Substantial Gainful Activity (SGA), 96
Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP), 127–128
Task activities, 34
Technology-based training, 9, 12–13
simulation training, 13
virtual reality training, 12–13
Top jobs per Asperger’s characteristics, 76, 80
Training, 1–2, 9, 21, 23, 49
methods, 23–26
Transition into Adulthood Supplement of Panel Study of Income Dynamics (TAS PSID), 128–129
Transition to employment, 50
Two-factor model of organizational culture, 36
U.S. Department of Labor (DOL), 99
U.S. Departments of Education (ED), 99
Unemployment, 143
US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), 120, 122
US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), 115
US Geological Survey (USGS), 105
Video modeling, 10, 49–50
Virtual reality (VR), 12
training, 12–13
Virtual reality job interview training (VR-JIT), 12–13
Vocational rehabilitation (VR), 95–96, 114–115
Welcome to the Slow Movement
, 142–143
accommodations and ASD, 42–43
and ASD, 37–44
fit, satisfaction, and performance, 43–44
fit and ASD, 40–42
policies, 48
Workforce development, 139
American Workforce Development, 140–141
beginning of New Workforce initiatives, 141–142
case for change, 142–144
disability cliff, 139–140
innovators, 144–146
new system, 146–148
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), 3, 94, 122, 141
authorized activities, 100–101
case studies ability over disability, 105
failure, 103–105
four components of poverty trap, 96–98
future employment of ASD, 105–107
government rationale for, 95–96
hierarchy of WIOA collaboration, 99–101
order of selection, 104–105
paradigm shift, 95
promise, 101–103
required activities, 100
streamlined workforce development system, 98–99
Workforce Innovation Technical Assistance Center (WINTAC), 104
Workforce Investment Act, 141
behavioral skills training, 9–11
creating supportive, 44–52
on-the-job/on-site training, 11–12
organizational interventions, 47–52
proactive transitional supports, 44–47
role of mentoring and coaching in training individuals with ASD, 14
social, 33–37
technology-based training, 12–13
Young adults with ASD, 32, 117
U.S. Department of Labor (DOL), 99
U.S. Departments of Education (ED), 99
Unemployment, 143
US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), 120, 122
US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), 115
US Geological Survey (USGS), 105
Video modeling, 10, 49–50
Virtual reality (VR), 12
training, 12–13
Virtual reality job interview training (VR-JIT), 12–13
Vocational rehabilitation (VR), 95–96, 114–115
Welcome to the Slow Movement
, 142–143
accommodations and ASD, 42–43
and ASD, 37–44
fit, satisfaction, and performance, 43–44
fit and ASD, 40–42
policies, 48
Workforce development, 139
American Workforce Development, 140–141
beginning of New Workforce initiatives, 141–142
case for change, 142–144
disability cliff, 139–140
innovators, 144–146
new system, 146–148
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), 3, 94, 122, 141
authorized activities, 100–101
case studies ability over disability, 105
failure, 103–105
four components of poverty trap, 96–98
future employment of ASD, 105–107
government rationale for, 95–96
hierarchy of WIOA collaboration, 99–101
order of selection, 104–105
paradigm shift, 95
promise, 101–103
required activities, 100
streamlined workforce development system, 98–99
Workforce Innovation Technical Assistance Center (WINTAC), 104
Workforce Investment Act, 141
behavioral skills training, 9–11
creating supportive, 44–52
on-the-job/on-site training, 11–12
organizational interventions, 47–52
proactive transitional supports, 44–47
role of mentoring and coaching in training individuals with ASD, 14
social, 33–37
technology-based training, 12–13
Young adults with ASD, 32, 117
Welcome to the Slow Movement
, 142–143
accommodations and ASD, 42–43
and ASD, 37–44
fit, satisfaction, and performance, 43–44
fit and ASD, 40–42
policies, 48
Workforce development, 139
American Workforce Development, 140–141
beginning of New Workforce initiatives, 141–142
case for change, 142–144
disability cliff, 139–140
innovators, 144–146
new system, 146–148
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), 3, 94, 122, 141
authorized activities, 100–101
case studies ability over disability, 105
failure, 103–105
four components of poverty trap, 96–98
future employment of ASD, 105–107
government rationale for, 95–96
hierarchy of WIOA collaboration, 99–101
order of selection, 104–105
paradigm shift, 95
promise, 101–103
required activities, 100
streamlined workforce development system, 98–99
Workforce Innovation Technical Assistance Center (WINTAC), 104
Workforce Investment Act, 141
behavioral skills training, 9–11
creating supportive, 44–52
on-the-job/on-site training, 11–12
organizational interventions, 47–52
proactive transitional supports, 44–47
role of mentoring and coaching in training individuals with ASD, 14
social, 33–37
technology-based training, 12–13
Young adults with ASD, 32, 117
- Prelims
- Generation A: Research on Autism in the Workplace
- Part I Individual and Organizational Interventions to Help Support Generation A in the Workplace
- Chapter 1 Workplace Training for Employees with Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Chapter 2 Organizational Knowledge Creation: The Autism Enigma
- Chapter 3 Fit and Work Opportunities for Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Individual and Organizational Recommendations for Opening the Workplace
- Part II The Legal and Functional Environment and Research on Employing Generation A
- Chapter 4 Investigating Recommended Jobs for Generation A Individuals With High-functioning Autism to Enhance Person-job Fit
- Chapter 5 The Failures and Promise of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act
- Chapter 6 Evaluating Data for Assessing Postsecondary Schooling and Career Outcomes of Generation A
- Chapter 7 Creating Opportunity through Workforce Development Innovation
- Index