Robert A. Stebbins
(University of Calgary, Canada)
ISBN: 978-1-80071-017-7, eISBN: 978-1-80071-016-0
Publication date: 11 January 2021
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Stebbins, R.A. (2021), "Index", Non-work Obligations, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 73-75.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2021 Robert A. Stebbins. Published under exclusive licence by Emerald Publishing Limited.
, 5–6
definition of
, 4–6
and social world
, 8–9
Aerobic activity
, 10
Agreeable obligation
, 2–3
as leisure
, 15–16
, 6
Bailey, R.
, 20
Balance of work, life, and obligation
, 44–47
Beatty, J.
, 21
Bella, L.
, 30
Bosnjak, M.
, 31
Brissett, D.
, 22
Caldwell, L. L.
, 41
Casual leisure
, 10
core activities
, 5
Chick, G.
, 3–4
Codina, N.
, 26–27
Community obligations
, 51–52
Contextual approaches
, 4
Core activity
, 5–6
Council of Contemporary Families (CCF)
, 19–20
Culture of obligation
, 53–57
Cumberland County Improvement Authority (CCIA)
, 33–34
Cuskelly, G.
, 55–56
, 20
Disagreeable obligation
, 3, 37
, 2
Donnellan, M. B.
, 61
Durable benefits
, 8
Egan, V.
, 61
Ekici, M.
, 31
Elder, G. H.
, 39
Elgin, D.
, 44–45, 47
, 1
, 8
Faulk, M.
, 41
Giele, J. Z.
, 39
Gregg, R.
, 45
Grocery shopping
, 30
Harrington, M.
, 55–56
Harris, M. B.
, 22
, 6–7
, 31
Individual approaches
, 4
, 9
Jakobwitz, S.
, 61
Joudrey, A.
, 22
Kaplan, M.
, 2–3, 64
Keenan, T.
, 32
Kitchener, C.
, 19–20
Lee, D.-J.
, 30–31
Leisure (see also Agreeable obligation; Serious leisure perspective (SLP))
, 59
as activity
, 4–6
definition of
, 3–4
as procrastileisure
, 26–27
and voluntary simplicity
, 46–47
Lifestyle of non-work obligation
, 38–39
Lucas, R. E.
, 61
Maffesoli, M.
, 50
Marley, K.
, 31
Moreno-Jiménez, M. P.
, 53
Munsey, C.
, 33
Non-work obligations
, 1, 3, 6, 51–53
during adolescence
, 40–41
among middle-aged adults
, 42
among young adults
, 41
culture of
, 14–15, 53–57
as disagreeable
, 13, 37
disagreeable personality and
, 61–62
disagreeableness in, degrees of
, 64–65
as domain
, 2
duty in
, 62–64
during early to middle old age
, 42–43
hiring out/ignoring
, 46
and interpersonal relationships
, 28–32
, 25–27
interpreting community obligations
, 33–36
during later old age
, 43
at life course turning points
, 39–43
and lifestyle
, 38–39
, 20–22
personal thoughts about
, 17–20
quasi-social worlds
, 50–51
responsibility in
, 62–64
types of
, 14–20
voluntary simplicity
, 44–46
work-life-obligation balance
, 44–47
Not-in-my-backyard (NIMBY)
, 14–15, 55
, 2
Obligatory communal involvements
, 2
, 55–56
Occasional projects
, 12
Occupational devotees
, 10
One-off projects
, 10–12
Pestana, J. V.
, 26–27
Pleasurable aerobic activity
, 10
Pondering everyday activities (PEA)
, 20–22
Primitive culture
, 21–22
Project-based leisure
, 10–12
occasional projects
, 12
one-off projects
, 10–12
Public-centered professions
, 10
Quasi-social worlds
, 50
, 9
Riemer, H. B.
, 20–21
Role dependees
, 55–56
Schneider, D.
, 33
, 14–16, 27
Serious leisure perspective (SLP)
, 6–7, 39
amateurs in
, 6
casual leisure in
, 10
devotee work in
, 9–12
, 6–7
project-based leisure in
, 10–12
six qualities
, 7–9
volunteering in
, 7
Service, E. R.
, 21–22
Shopping ill-being
, 31
Sirgy, J.
, 31
Snow, R. P.
, 22
Sobel, M. E.
, 38
Social world
, 49–53
elements of social world culture
, 54–56
Sport practices
, 30
Stebbins, R. A.
, 2–4, 6, 9, 15–16, 21, 25, 38, 45–46, 54–55, 64
, 9
Thompson, S. M.
, 30
Torbert, W. R.
, 21
, 9
Uncoerced activity
, 4–5
Unpaid labor
, 14–15
Unpleasant tasks
, 14–16, 26–27
Unruh, D. R.
, 8–9
Valenzuela, R.
, 26–27
Veal, A. J.
, 38
Villodres, M. C. H.
, 53
Voluntary simplicity
, 44–46
leisure and
, 46–47
, 7
Wallace, J. E.
, 22
Washing dishes
, 19–20
definition of
, 3–4
, 4
Work-life-obligation balance
, 44–47
Yu, G. B.
, 31