Role of Social Capital and Social Enterprise in China’s Poverty Relief
Contestations in Global Civil Society
ISBN: 978-1-80043-701-2, eISBN: 978-1-80043-700-5
Publication date: 30 May 2022
Building social capital between groups of people and developing social enterprises that integrate social goals into commercial business models are rapidly adopted as innovative poverty relief mechanisms across countries. Together, the translation of social relationships into increased accessibility to resources, and the entrepreneurial dynamics resulting in additional services and goods, are thought to meet the survival and developmental needs of poor families and communities. However, the socio-economic contexts, in which new public policies and initiatives have been taken, vary from country to country. In China, its strong Confucian culture, state-led development strategy, weak civil society, and hierarchical social relationships have contributed to a value structure of social capital, but decreased the efficiency of business practice in social enterprise. This chapter presents a case study of Rural Cooperative Program, a poverty relief initiative in China’s southwest Guizhou Province. With the introduction of China’s new policies in welfare and rural development, this chapter presents evaluation results of whether social enterprises and entrepreneurship can improve poor villagers’ socio-economic wellbeing and promote sustainable development of poor rural villages in China, and to what extent social capital has been mobilized to facilitate the Rural Cooperative Program.
Case study included in this chapter is supported by villagers, village officials, entrepreneurs, and informants working on this market-based initiative to reduce rural poverty. The authors gratefully acknowledge the support by all the participants involved in this study.
Li, S.Y. and Xu, Q. (2022), "Role of Social Capital and Social Enterprise in China’s Poverty Relief", Oberoi, R., Halsall, J.P. and Snowden, M. (Ed.) Contestations in Global Civil Society, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 157-172.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
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