Green Infrastructure Ruhr: Urban Regeneration through NBS
ISBN: 978-1-80043-637-4, eISBN: 978-1-80043-636-7
Publication date: 5 November 2021
The Ruhr region is a long-term showcase for the implementation of nature-based solutions (NBS) as part of regional and local development policies. With the implementation of the Emscher Landscape Park and the ecological renewal of the Emscher River System, a fundament for new and integrated strategies and projects was created. The Ruhr Region was inspired by the models, strategies, and discussions of the EU to test and implement ES, NBS, and GI in the last 10 years. The planners were also following the two competing national discussions in Germany to interpret GI more in the context of sustainable urban development or more as nature protection and biodiversity. In 2016, the Ruhr Region published a first own GI strategy named Green Infrastructure Ruhr, which was designed as an integrated and multi-level strategy with five operative fields of action for the whole region: (1) Urban Landscape, (2) Water in the City, (3) Green Urbanism, (4) Climate-friendly Mobility, and (5) Climate Protection and supporting Energy Efficiency. The conceptional and political discussions about this approach in the region are still going on. The author recommends changing the perception of NBS from green conceptual and academic perspective to operative policy and management. NBS can be developed as real urban infrastructures. Our societies are well trained to run, to finance, and to maintain various infrastructure systems. It is time to take operative responsibility for NBS in our cities and regions.
Schwarze-Rodrian, M. (2021), "Green Infrastructure Ruhr: Urban Regeneration through NBS", Croci, E. and Lucchitta, B. (Ed.) Nature-Based Solutions for More Sustainable Cities – A Framework Approach for Planning and Evaluation, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 291-300.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2022 Michael Schwarze-Rodrian. Published under exclusive licence by Emerald Publishing Limited