Era of Industry 4.0 Technologies and Environmental Performance of Thailand’s Garment Industry: Role of Lean Manufacturing and Green Supply Chain Management Practices
Agile Business Leadership Methods for Industry 4.0
ISBN: 978-1-80043-381-6, eISBN: 978-1-80043-380-9
Publication date: 5 October 2020
There has been remained a supporting linkage between the sustainable performance and the green supply chain through quality management practices. However, the main objective or aim of this research study is to understand the green supply chain and its role in lean manufacturing and analyze its impact on the performance of Thailand’s garment industry, whereas there is a need to analyze the mediating role of lean manufacturing practices (LMP) and green supply management on environmental performance of garment industry. In this case, the data were assembled through a survey questionnaire, in which questions regarding LMP were asked. The selected sample size for this research study was 411 employees that belonged to garment firms in Thailand, in which 56.4% were men and 43.6% were women. The researchers analyzed the data through different techniques and procedures such as confirmatory factors analysis, structural equation modeling (SEM), discriminant validity and other related techniques. The results of the research indicated that there is a significant impact of 4.0 technologies on environmental performance, whereas both of these, the green and the lean management practices also play a significant mediating role, because all the hypothesis are accepted. Moreover, it is recommended for future researchers to use other techniques to analyze data.
Jermsittiparsert, K., Somjai, S. and Chienwattanasook, K. (2020), "Era of Industry 4.0 Technologies and Environmental Performance of Thailand’s Garment Industry: Role of Lean Manufacturing and Green Supply Chain Management Practices", Akkaya, B. (Ed.) Agile Business Leadership Methods for Industry 4.0, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 285-302.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
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