Central Bank Policy: Theory and Practice
ISBN: 978-1-78973-752-3, eISBN: 978-1-78973-751-6
Publication date: 25 July 2019
Warjiyo, P. and Juhro, S.M. (2019), "Prelims", Central Bank Policy: Theory and Practice, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. i-xvi.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2019 Emerald Publishing Limited
Half Title Page
Central Bank Policy
Series Page
Praise for Central Bank Policy: Theory and Practice
The book rigorously discusses the theories, empirical studies and practices of international financial and monetary policy in emerging market economies, including Indonesia. Furthermore, the book is an invaluable policymaking input for the central bank and government, teaching material for lecturers and students as well as an important reference for scientific development in academia.
Prof. Boediono, Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia (2009–2014); Governor of Bank Indonesia (2008–2009)
The world has become increasingly challenging for central banks in both developed and emerging economies. While much has been written on central banks policies in the developed world, less known are the remarkable successes achieved by central banks in the emerging economies. This publication is a valuable source for policy makers in central banking. It not only offers knowledge on the theoretical foundations and institutional arrangements but also on the practical aspects of the policy tools that are at the disposal of central banks, particularly in the emerging world.
Dr Zeti Akhtar Aziz, the 7th Governor (2000–2016) of Bank Negara Malaysia, Malaysia’s central bank
This book is a major contribution to the theory and practice of central banking in emerging market economies. Drawing on the accumulated wisdom of many years of academic study and high-level policy experience, the authors provide an encyclopedic yet highly accessible survey and analysis hat bridges theory and practice. No stone is left unturned in this comprehensive study, drawing as it does on economic history, the international monetary system, globalization, and the political economy of macroeconomic policy making.
The volume will be invaluable for a wide audience, including advanced undergraduate and graduate students, academic researchers, policy makers, financial market analysts, and anybody with an interest in contemporary macroeconomic challenges and issues. A highly recommended publication.
Prof. Hal Hill, H.W. Arndt Professor Emeritus of Southeast Asian Economies, Australian National University
When a pure academic writes a book, it lacks practical knowledge and connections; when a pure policy maker writes a book, it lacks academic rigor; but, when an academic who is also an experienced policy maker writes a book, the resultant is a balanced book. It is this balance that the literature lacks and for this reason alone this book, by two experienced academics who have decades of central banking policy making experience, will remain unique.
This book is an amalgam of theoretical percepts, empirical case studies and practical policy debates. While existing reference material would either be too empirical or too theoretical and almost always short of practical policy discussions, this book is far from it. A gap in the history of central banking policies and practices is now immaculately covered. It makes understanding central banking policies and practices easy. The book is both inspirational and thought-provoking. The value and impact of this book will be long lasting.
Prof. Paresh Kumar Narayan, Alfred Deakin Professor, Deakin University
Title Page
Central Bank Policy: Theory and Practice
Perry Warjiyo and Solikin M. Juhro
United Kingdom – North America – Japan India – Malaysia – China
Copyright Page
Emerald Publishing Limited
Howard House, Wagon Lane, Bingley BD16 1WA, UK
First edition 2019
Copyright © 2019 Emerald Publishing Limited
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ISBN: 978-1-78973-752-3 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-78973-751-6 (Online)
ISBN: 978-1-78973-753-0 (Epub)
List of Figures | ix | |
List of Tables | xi | |
About the Authors | xiii | |
Preface | xv | |
Part I General Review | ||
Chapter 1 Introduction | 3 | |
1.1. The Central Bank and Economy | 4 | |
1.2. Central Bank, Academic Thinking, and Political Economy | 6 | |
1.3. Objectives of the Book | 9 | |
1.4. Systematics of the Writing | 10 | |
1.5. Utility of the Book | 16 | |
Chapter 2 Central Bank Evolution and Reform | 19 | |
2.1. Introduction | 19 | |
2.2. The Evolving Role of the Central Bank | 20 | |
2.3. Central Bank Policy Reform | 31 | |
2.4. Central Bank Institutional Reform | 39 | |
2.5. Concluding Remarks | 44 | |
Part II Monetary Policy and Economy | ||
Chapter 3 The Role of Money and Monetary Policy in the Economy | 49 | |
3.1. Introduction | 49 | |
3.2. Theoretical Review | 50 | |
3.3. Empirical Evidence and Related Issues | 63 | |
3.4. Market Imperfections and the New Paradigm of Monetary Economics: Credit Matters | 69 | |
3.5. Concluding Remarks | 78 | |
Chapter 4 Exchange Rates and the Economy | 81 | |
4.1. Introduction | 81 | |
4.2. Exchange Rate Determination Theory | 82 | |
4.3. Empirical Findings for Exchange Rates and the Economy | 98 | |
4.4. Exchange Rate System and Policy | 101 | |
4.5. Concluding Remarks | 112 | |
Chapter 5 Monetary Policy Transmission Mechanism | 115 | |
5.1. Introduction | 115 | |
5.2. Monetary Policy and the Transmission Mechanisms | 116 | |
5.3. Monetary Transmission Channels: The Money View | 124 | |
5.4. Monetary Transmission Channels: The Credit View | 129 | |
5.5. Monetary Policy Transmission in Various Countries | 140 | |
5.6. Concluding Remarks | 157 | |
Part III Monetary Policy Framework | ||
Chapter 6 Monetary Policy Strategic Framework | 161 | |
6.1. Introduction | 161 | |
6.2. Conceptual Dimension and Theoretical Models | 162 | |
6.3. Empirical Studies and Related Issues | 170 | |
6.4. Implementation in Several Jurisdictions | 176 | |
6.5. The Monetary Policy Regime in Indonesia (1968–1998) | 186 | |
6.6. Concluding Remarks | 190 | |
Chapter 7 Monetary Policy Operational Framework | 193 | |
7.1. Introduction | 193 | |
7.2. Conceptual Dimension and Theoretical Models | 194 | |
7.3. Application in Several Countries | 205 | |
7.4. Monetary Operations in Indonesia | 216 | |
7.5. Concluding Remarks | 220 | |
Chapter 8 Inflation Targeting Framework: Concept and Implementation at Central Banks | 223 | |
8.1. Introduction | 223 | |
8.2. Conceptual Dimension and Theoretical Model | 224 | |
8.3. Institutional and Operational Framework | 234 | |
8.4. Inflation Targeting Regimes | 247 | |
8.5. Inflation Targeting and Economic Performance | 252 | |
8.6. Concluding Remarks | 259 | |
Chapter 9 Inflation Targeting Framework: Implementation in Indonesia | 261 | |
9.1. Introduction | 261 | |
9.2. Institutional Framework | 263 | |
9.3. Operational Framework | 266 | |
9.4. Evolution Thus Far | 271 | |
9.5. Strengthening the ITF Implementation Strategy after the Global Financial Crisis | 277 | |
9.6. Concluding Remarks | 281 | |
Appendix 9.1: Amendments to the Bank Indonesia Act and their Implications | 283 | |
Appendix 9.2: Bank Indonesia Macroeconomic Models | 287 | |
Part IV Institutional Aspect of Central Bank Policy | ||
Chapter 10 Monetary Policy Credibility and Time Consistency | 291 | |
10.1. Introduction | 291 | |
10.2. Conceptual Dimension of Policy Credibility | 293 | |
10.3. Theoretical Model Concerning the Policy Credibility Problem: Time Inconsistency | 298 | |
10.4. Empirical Studies: Measures of Credibility and Time Inconsistency | 306 | |
10.5. Assessing Monetary Policy Credibility in Indonesia | 311 | |
10.6. Concluding Remarks | 318 | |
Chapter 11 Central Bank Independence and Accountability | 319 | |
11.1. Introduction | 319 | |
11.2. Conceptual and Empirical Dimensions of Independence and Accountability | 320 | |
11.3. Theoretical Models Concerning Independence and Accountability | 327 | |
11.4. Empirical Studies and Related Issues | 337 | |
11.5. Bank Indonesia’s Independence and Accountability | 344 | |
11.6. Concluding Remarks | 346 | |
Chapter 12 Policy Transparency and Communication Strategy | 349 | |
12.1. Introduction | 349 | |
12.2. Conceptual Dimension of Policy Transparency and Communication Strategies | 350 | |
12.3. Theoretical Models on Policy Transparency: Conservative Central Bank and Imperfect Transparency | 365 | |
12.4. Practices and Empirical Studies of Transparency and Communication Strategies in Different Countries | 370 | |
12.5. Transparency and the Communication Strategy in Indonesia | 380 | |
12.6. Concluding Remarks | 384 | |
Part V New Paradigm of Central Bank Policy | ||
Chapter 13 Monetary Policy and Foreign Capital Flows | 387 | |
13.1. Introduction | 387 | |
13.2. Theoretical Dimension and Foreign Capital Flow Developments | 388 | |
13.3. Foreign Capital Flows and Economic Performance | 395 | |
13.4. Foreign Capital Flows and Monetary Stability | 400 | |
13.5. Foreign Capital Flow Management: Theories and Practices | 409 | |
13.6. Concluding Remarks | 417 | |
Chapter 14 Macroprudential Policy and Financial System Stability | 423 | |
14.1. Introduction | 423 | |
14.2. Conceptual Dimension of FSS | 424 | |
14.3. Theoretical Model and Empirical Evidence of Financial Procyclicality | 435 | |
14.4. Theoretical Model and Empirical Evidence for Interconnectedness and Financial Networks | 444 | |
14.5. Macroprudential Policy Theory and Practices | 452 | |
14.6. Concluding Remarks | 459 | |
Chapter 15 Central Bank Policy Mix | 461 | |
15.1. Introduction | 461 | |
15.2. Conceptual Dimension of the Central Bank Policy Mix | 463 | |
15.3. Structural Macroeconomic Modeling: Integrated Inflation Targeting | 473 | |
15.4. DSGE Modeling with Macrofinancial Linkages | 486 | |
15.5. Bank Indonesia Policy Mix | 502 | |
15.6. Concluding Remarks | 514 | |
Bibliography | 517 | |
Index | 553 |
List of Figures
Figure 3.1: | Bank-optimal Rate. | 73 |
Figure 3.2: | Market Equilibrium Loanable Funds. | 73 |
Figure 3.3: | Equilibrium Credit Rationing. | 74 |
Figure 4.1: | Exchange Rate Determination Theory. | 83 |
Figure 4.2: | Policy Analysis in the Mundell–Fleming Model. | 86 |
Figure 4.3: | Policy Analysis According to Dornbusch’s Overshooting Model. | 90 |
Figure 4.4: | Analysis of Monetary Operations in the Portfolio Balance Model. | 92 |
Figure 5.1: | Monetary Policy and the Transmission Mechanism118 | |
Figure 5.2: | Business Decisions without Collateral Constraints. | 136 |
Figure 5.3: | Business Decisions with Collateral Constraints. | 136 |
Figure 6.1: | Demand-side Shocks: Targeting Prices and Nominal Income. | 165 |
Figure 6.2: | Supply-side Shocks: Targeting Prices and Nominal Income. | 166 |
Figure 6.3: | Output Loss Linked to Disinflationary Policy. | 176 |
Figure 10.1: | Indifference Curve of the Time Inconsistency Problem. | 300 |
Figure 10.2: | Policy Strategy and the Social Cost. | 303 |
Figure 10.3: | Core and Headline Inflation Trends. | 312 |
Figure 11.1: | Output Stabilization Preference Behavior. | 331 |
Figure 11.2: | Monetary Policy Behavior (c > 0). | 335 |
Figure 11.3: | Monetary Policy Behavior after Lowering c. | 336 |
Figure 11.4: | Monetary Policy Behavior after Lowering h. | 337 |
Figure 11.5: | Ex Post Accountability and Central Bank Reaction. | 341 |
Figure 12.1: | Measuring the Transparency Index using the Guttman Scale. | 376 |
Figure 13.1: | Aggregate GDP Per Capita of Capital Exporters (Weighted Current Account). | 396 |
Figure 13.2: | Foreign Capital Flows to EMEs and Developing Countries (Annual Average in Billions of USD). | 397 |
Figure 13.3: | Monetary Policy Trilemma. | 402 |
Figure 14.1: | Linkages between Macro–Micro Policy and FSS. | 428 |
Figure 14.2: | Financial Cycle and Economic Cycle Procyclicality. | 436 |
Figure 14.3: | Incomplete Networking. | 445 |
Figure 14.4: | Disconnected Network. | 445 |
Figure 14.5: | Complete Network. | 446 |
Figure 14.6: | Interconnectedness through Three Banks. | 448 |
Figure 14.7: | Money Center Network. | 449 |
Figure 14.8: | UK Banking Network. | 450 |
Figure 14.9: | Global Banking Network. | 450 |
Figure 15.1: | Integration of the Monetary Policy and Macroprudential Policy Framework. | 468 |
Figure 15.2: | Macroprudential and Monetary Policy: Maintaining FSS in the Cyclical Dimension. | 471 |
Figure 15.3: | Monetary and Macroprudential Policy Mix Cycle Maintains Macroeconomic and Financial System Stability in a Cyclical Dimension. | 482 |
Figure 15.4: | Coordination and Losses after a Demand Shock. | 486 |
Figure 15.5: | Coordination and Losses after a Supply Shock. | 487 |
List of Tables
Table 6.1: | The Central Bank’s Legal Monetary Policy Framework. | 180 |
Table 6.2: | Average Economic Growth and Inflation in Several Countries from 1991 to 2014 (%). | 181 |
Table 7.1: | Monetary Policy Operational Targets (2015). | 206 |
Table 7.2: | Monetary Policy Instruments in Several Countries (Until 2004). | 210 |
Table 7.3: | US Monetary Policy Reaction Function. | 213 |
Table 8.1: | Characteristics of Inflation Targeting. | 227 |
Table 8.2: | Provisions in Central Bank Laws. | 235 |
Table 8.3: | Price Indexes Used. | 237 |
Table 8.4: | Inflation Target: Point or Range. | 238 |
Table 8.5: | Inflation Target Horizon. | 239 |
Table 8.6: | Announcing the Inflation Target. | 240 |
Table 8.7: | Inflation Targeting Regime Classification. | 251 |
Table 9.1: | Actual and Target Inflation. | 276 |
Table 11.1: | Central Bank Personal Independence. | 324 |
Table 11.2: | Central Bank Accountability. | 326 |
Table 11.3: | Central Bank Independence and Accountability Index. | 327 |
Table 12.1: | Monetary and Financial Policy Transparency Index by Country. | 373 |
Table 12.2: | Economic Forecast Publication Profile of Central Banks. | 375 |
Table 12.3: | Transparency and Inflation: Correlation Analysis. | 377 |
Table 12.4: | Transparency and Output Volatility: Correlation Analysis. | 377 |
Table 13.1: | Global Foreign Capital Flows (% of GDP). | 391 |
Table 13.2: | Determinants of Foreign Capital Flows: Push Versus Pull Factors. | 394 |
Table 13.3: | Monetary Policy Trilemma Index in Indonesia. | 407 |
Table 13.4: | A Decomposition of the Dynamic Correlation between Exchange Rates Versus Foreign Capital Inflows and Interest Rates. | 407 |
Table 14.1: | Examples of Macroprudential Policy Instruments. | 432 |
Table 14.2: | Interaction between the Business Cycle, Risk-taking Behavior and the Financial Cycle. | 438 |
Table 14.3: | Macroprudential Instruments Applied in Asian Countries. | 454 |
Table 14.4: | Macroprudential Instruments: Types and Risk Dimensions. | 458 |
Table 15.1: | Effect of Monetary Policy of FSS. | 472 |
Table 15.2: | Integration of Price Stability and FSS: Three Modeling Approaches. | 475 |
Table 15.3: | Central Bank Framework: Integrated Inflation Targeting. | 478 |
Table 15.4: | Three Approaches to Model Financial Frictions in DSGE. | 489 |
Table 15.5: | Four Cases of Price Stability and Financial System Stability. | 506 |
About the Authors
Dr. Perry Warijiyo is currently the Governor of Bank Indonesia. Before serving as Governor, he was the Deputy Governor of Bank Indonesia (2013–2018). Previously, he also served as the Assistant Governor for monetary, macroprudential, and international policies. Dr Perry also held the prestigious position of Executive Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), representing 13-member countries in the South-East Asia Voting Group (2007–2009). He has a long, impressive, and outstanding career serving Bank Indonesia since 1984. His contributions have been primarily in economic and monetary policy research, international issues, organizational transformation and monetary policy strategies, education and research on central banks, and management of foreign reserves and external debts. Significantly, also, he has been the Editor-in-Chief of Bank Indonesia’s flagship journal, the Bulletin of Monetary Economics and Banking. He is also an active Postgraduate Lecturer at the University of Indonesia and at several top ranked universities in the country. In addition, he has authored and published a number of books, journals, and papers on economy, monetary, and international issues. He has offered numerous high-level keynote speeches that have influenced public policy. He received his Bachelor’s degree from Gajah Mada University, Indonesia, and Master’s and Ph.D. degrees in International Monetary Economics and Finance from Iowa State University, USA.
Dr. Solikin M. Juhro is an Executive Director and the Head of Bank Indonesia Institute, Bank Indonesia. In his distinguished career at Bank Indonesia spanning more than 20 years, he has been extensively involved with monetary economic policy research and analysis, has spoken on academic and central banking issues at various national and international fora, and is an instrumental Editor of the Bank Indonesia flagship journal, the Bulletin of Monetary Economics and Banking. His current research focuses on macroeconomic transformation, central bank policy, and frontier issues in economic development, some of which have been published international outlets. Dr Juhro is currently a member of the SEACEN Advisory Group for Macroeconomic and Monetary Policy Management, representing Bank Indonesia. He was active in the Pacific Economic Outlook Structural Specialist projects in Osaka, Japan, from 2005 to 2015. He is also an active Postgraduate Lecturer at the University of Indonesia. He completed his Bachelor’s degree in Economics at the Airlangga University, a Master’s degree in Applied Economics at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA, a master’s degree in Economics at the University of Maryland, College Park, USA, and a doctoral degree in Economics (with cum laude) at the University of Indonesia, Indonesia.
Alhamdulillah, with all praise to Allah, the most glorified and exalted, we would like to present this book entitled Central Bank Policy: Theory and Practice to the readers, drawing fully on our extensive capabilities, knowledge, and experience to write a book that, to our understanding, does not exist elsewhere, at least in Indonesia. This book also represents an important contribution to central bank and government policymaking as well as teaching materials for lecturers and students and a salient reference for scholarly development in Indonesia and internationally.
The idea for the book emerged from the experiences and concerns of the authors while teaching postgraduate international monetary and financial economics at the University of Indonesia. The teaching materials presented consist of a combination of theoretical studies, empirical reviews, and policy practices at central banks, which garnered an enthusiastic response from the students. Not only could the students explore and deepen the latest theories being developed in academia and empirically model the most interesting research topics, the inclusion of policy practices at central banks also embedded the students into the real world. Consequently, the courses were enlivened by interesting questions and discussions that enriched and enhanced the quality of the teaching.
Unfortunately, we were unable to find a single reference book complete with a combination of theoretical studies, empirical reviews, and policy practices at central banks, thereby motivating us to write this book. This was, admittedly, no mean feat due to the rapid development of policy theories and practices at central banks as well as the fact that most of the materiel had not yet appeared in print as a reference for this book. Fortunately, we could draw on our vast experience and direct involvement with policymaking at Bank Indonesia (BI) as well as our active roles as resource persons or discussants at various international fora. Additionally, one of the author’s two-year tenure as Executive Director at the International Monetary Fund from 2007 to 2009 coincided with the global financial crisis, which further served to enrich the understanding and knowledge poured into this book, including the BI policy mix initiated in 2010 as a new policy paradigm at the central bank.
This book is firmly believed to be a first in terms of comprehensively discussing the latest central bank policy theories and practices. The inclusion of the latest material, coupled with clear and logical systematics of the writing, ensures this book’s position as an unequivocal reference for policymakers at the central bank, practitioners, and academia. For academia, the book represents an important and leading reference for lecturers and students alike in terms of monetary and financial economics at the intermediate and advanced levels of master’s and doctoral programs as well as the latter stages of bachelor’s programs. The panoply of theoretical and empirical references contained in this book will facilitate future research among students and researchers. Similar benefits will also be available to economists and those in the business community. Although the discussions are predominantly on a philosophical conceptual level, accompanied by in-depth theory, the rationale and writing of this book is presented in a manner that is readable and easily digestible.
To remain relevant and contemporary, the materials contained in this book will periodically be updated as per the latest developments and requirements in terms of new and innovative policy practices at the central bank. To that end, constructive criticisms and feedback from the readers are warmly welcomed in order to hone the contents of this book.
In closing, the authors would like to acknowledge the important contributions, direct and indirect, of various parties to produce this book. On top of the gratitude felt for the publication of this book, the authors would also like to thank the contributors who could not be named individually, particularly colleagues at the BI Institute for their help in finalizing the book. Hopefully, this publication will expand scientific understanding and knowledge.
Perry Warjiyo, S.E., M.Sc., Ph.D. and Dr Solikin M. Juhro, S.E., M.A.E., M.A.
Jakarta, October 2018
- Prelims
- Part I General Review
- Chapter 1 Introduction
- Chapter 2 Central Bank Evolution and Reform
- Part II Monetary Policy and Economy
- Chapter 3 The Role of Money and Monetary Policy in the Economy
- Chapter 4 Exchange Rates and the Economy
- Chapter 5 Monetary Policy Transmission Mechanism
- Part III Monetary Policy Framework
- Chapter 6 Monetary Policy Strategic Framework
- Chapter 7 Monetary Policy Operational Framework
- Chapter 8 Inflation Targeting Framework: Concept and Implementation at Central Banks
- Chapter 9 Inflation Targeting Framework: Implementation in Indonesia
- Part IV Institutional Aspect of Central Bank Policy
- Chapter 10 Monetary Policy Credibility and Time Consistency
- Chapter 11 Central Bank Independence and Accountability
- Chapter 12 Policy Transparency and Communication Strategy
- Part V New Paradigm of Central Bank Policy
- Chapter 13 Monetary Policy and Foreign Capital Flows
- Chapter 14 Macroprudential Policy and Financial System Stability
- Chapter 15 Central Bank Policy Mix
- Bibliography
- Index