Who Is in Charge? Using and Creating Media in the History Classroom
Living History in the Classroom
ISBN: 978-1-78973-596-3, eISBN: 978-1-78973-595-6
Publication date: 19 October 2020
In the online media world, students are usually the consumers of media content. The advent of social media provides a wide variety of content that is streamed into their devices 24/7/365 much of which is unvetted and/or focused only upon the type of content that they have “liked.” While this content can be entertaining or disturbing, it remains within the realm of user absorption often without critical thinking or even a rudimentary screening as to the quality, accuracy, and authority of the content or its providers. The goal with the classroom uses of technology as it relates especially to the history classroom is to move the student from content consumer to content creator. Students who learn how to appropriately search for and vet relevant content in the process of creating a product that demonstrates learned knowledge on a given topic also learn what makes for high-quality production values in a setting that affords students the skills needed to more fully function within an online world. The concept of “Digital Natives” versus “Digital Immigrants” often separates students from teachers, but that, and in most circumstances, is not a truly dividing phenomenon that is seen in most classrooms today since the idea of lifelong learners has equaled the playing field. Success arrives when creative teachers and students are working together in a project-oriented study of American history that uses classroom-tested techniques that can assist educators and students in the management of technology applications to enhance learning.
Van Eck, D.G. (2020), "Who Is in Charge? Using and Creating Media in the History Classroom", Heuvel, L.L. (Ed.) Living History in the Classroom, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 203-210. https://doi.org/10.1108/978-1-78973-595-620201014
:Emerald Publishing Limited
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