Financial Modeling for Decision Making: Using MS-Excel in Accounting and Finance
ISBN: 978-1-78973-414-0, eISBN: 978-1-78973-413-3
Publication date: 1 September 2020
Messer, R. (2020), "Prelims", Financial Modeling for Decision Making: Using MS-Excel in Accounting and Finance, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. i-xxiii.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2020 Emerald Publishing Limited
Half Title Page
Financial Modeling for Decision Making
Title Page
Financial Modeling for Decision Making: Using MS-Excel in Accounting and Finance
Ron Messer
Kwantlen Polytechnic University, Canada
Accounting is About More than Just Numbers
… it's About Making Better Decisions
United Kingdom – North America – Japan – India – Malaysia – China
Copyright Page
Emerald Publishing Limited
Howard House, Wagon Lane, Bingley BD16 1WA, UK
First edition 2020
Copyright © 2020 Emerald Publishing Limited.
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ISBN: 978-1-78973-414-0 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-78973-413-3 (Online)
ISBN: 978-1-78973-415-7 (Epub)
I dedicate this book to the memory of my late brother, Martin Oscar Messer, who left this world much too soon.
About the Author | xiii |
Brief Summary | xv |
Preface | xvii |
Chapter 1: Better Learning Decisions | 1 |
How to Learn (and Teach) Financial Modeling | 2 |
Learning Financial Modeling | 2 |
Teaching Financial Modeling | 3 |
Steps in Developing a Financial Model | 4 |
Some Common Excel Terminology | 5 |
Good Financial Modeling Practices | 5 |
Demonstration Exercise | 5 |
Case Facts | 6 |
Part 1: Decisions Made about the Future Planning | 19 |
Chapter 2: Break Even Decisions | 21 |
Background Theory | 22 |
Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis | 22 |
Determining Cost Functions | 22 |
Break-even Volumes | 22 |
Financial Management Techniques | 22 |
Relevant MS-Excel Functionality | 23 |
Demonstration Exercise | 24 |
Case Facts | 24 |
Chapter 3: Times Series Forecasting Decisions | 39 |
Background Theory | 40 |
Types of Forecasting Models | 40 |
Detecting Patterns in Time | 40 |
Time Series Forecasting Methods | 40 |
Financial Management Techniques | 41 |
Relevant Excel Functionality | 43 |
Demonstration Exercise | 43 |
Case Facts | 43 |
Step 1: Create a Scatterplot to Assess whether a Pattern Exists | 43 |
Step 2: Perform a Moving Average Forecast for at Least Three Time Intervals | 43 |
Step 3: Perform an Exponential Smoothing Forecast Using at Least Two Dampening Factors | 47 |
Step 4: Optimize the Exponential Smoothing Dampening Coefficient | 54 |
Step 5: Calculate and Evaluate the MAPE for all Forecasts | 54 |
Chapter 4: Capital Budgeting Decisions | 61 |
Background Theory | 62 |
The Importance of Cash Flows | 62 |
NPV, IRR, and Payback Period | 62 |
The Discount Rate | 62 |
Financial Management Techniques | 63 |
Relevant Excel Functionality | 63 |
Demonstration Exercise | 63 |
Case Facts | 64 |
Step 1: Determining the Discount Rate Using a Risk-adjusted Cost of Capital | 64 |
Step 2: Determining the Incremental Net Cash Flows for the Project | 65 |
Step 3: Developing a Base Case Scenario for to the Key Decision Variables | 65 |
Step 4: Determining the NPV, IRR and Payback Period for Each Scenario | 68 |
Chapter 5: Regression Analysis Decisions | 77 |
Background Theory | 78 |
Finding Correlations | 78 |
Determining Causation | 78 |
Regression Analysis | 78 |
Financial Management Techniques | 79 |
Relevant Excel Functionality | 80 |
Demonstration Exercise | 80 |
Case Facts | 80 |
Step 1: Exploring Relationships | 81 |
Step 2: Creating Scatterplots | 82 |
Step 3: Measuring Correlations | 84 |
Step 4: Determine Dependent and Independent Variables | 85 |
Step 5: Create a Single-variable Regression | 85 |
Step 6: Create a Multivariable Regression | 85 |
Step 7: Optimize the Model | 95 |
Nonnumeric Variables | 95 |
Interaction Variables | 97 |
Part 2: Decisions Made about the Present Control | 103 |
Chapter 6: Linear Programming Decisions | 105 |
Background Theory | 106 |
Some History | 106 |
Product Mix | 106 |
Production Scheduling | 106 |
Financial Management Techniques | 106 |
Relevant Excel Functionality | 107 |
Demonstration Exercise 1 | 107 |
Case Facts | 107 |
Step 1: Create the Excel Worksheet Model | 109 |
Step 2: Complete the Excel Solver Dialog Box | 109 |
Step 3: Activate Solver and Generate the Sensitivity Report | 113 |
Demonstration Exercise 2 | 118 |
Case Facts | 118 |
Chapter 7: Business Valuation Decisions | 127 |
Background Theory | 128 |
Analyzing the Cost of Capital | 128 |
Pro-forma Financial Statements | 128 |
Forecasting Assumptions | 128 |
Financial Management Techniques | 129 |
Relevant Excel Functionality | 129 |
Demonstration Exercise | 129 |
Case Facts | 132 |
Step 1: Calculate Financial Ratios for Forecasting | 133 |
Step 2: Develop Reasonable Forecast Assumptions | 133 |
Step 3: Create the Forecast Income Statement and Balance Sheet | 134 |
Step 4: Convert Net Income into Cash Flows | 134 |
Step 5: Calculate the Present Value of the Cash Flows | 140 |
Step 6: Determine the Share Value and Test Sensitivities | 140 |
Chapter 8: Pivot Tables Decisions | 149 |
Background Theory | 150 |
Everything Old Is New Again | 150 |
Some Data Terminology | 151 |
Types of Data Analytics | 151 |
Financial Management Techniques | 152 |
Relevant Excel Functionality | 153 |
Creating Data Tables | 153 |
Cleaning Data | 156 |
Demonstration Exercise | 159 |
Case Facts | 159 |
Descriptive Analytics | 159 |
Step 1: Identify the Fields Needed to Answer the Question | 167 |
Step 2: Put the Fields in Rows and Columns | 167 |
Step 3: Determine the Type of Values Function | 167 |
Step 4: Select a Field for the Values Function | 167 |
Step 5: Numeric Format for Results | 167 |
Diagnostic Analytics | 172 |
Some Additional Analytic Functions with Power Pivot | 172 |
Part 3: Decisions Made about the Past Feedback | 187 |
Chapter 9: Financial Dashboard Decisions | 189 |
Background Theory | 190 |
Some Common Financial Measures | 190 |
Some Dashboard Principles | 190 |
Financial Management Techniques | 191 |
Relevant Excel Functionality | 191 |
Demonstration Exercise | 191 |
Step 1: Create the Database | 192 |
Step 2: Create the Data Engine | 192 |
Step 3: Create the References | 195 |
Step 4: Create the Dashboard | 195 |
About Power BI (Business Intelligence) | 200 |
Demonstration Exercise | 201 |
Loading Power BI | 201 |
Using Power BI | 206 |
Using Power Query | 206 |
Creating Data Visualizations | 213 |
Current Ratio Metric | 222 |
Profitability Metric | 228 |
Cash Flow Metric | 228 |
Return on Equity Metric | 233 |
Sales and Income Trends | 233 |
Chapter 10: Budget Management Decisions | 241 |
Background Theory | 242 |
Budget Development | 242 |
Budget Management | 243 |
Cash Flow Budgets | 243 |
Financial Management Techniques | 243 |
Relevant Excel Functionality | 244 |
Demonstration Exercise | 244 |
Case Facts | 244 |
Preparing the Income Statement Budget | 245 |
Preparing the Monthly Income Statement Budget | 245 |
Preparing the Cash Flow Budget | 245 |
Preparing the Analysis of Variances | 245 |
Chapter 11: Amortization Table Decisions | 259 |
Background Theory | 260 |
Corporate Bonds | 260 |
Bank Borrowing | 260 |
Property, Plant, and Equipment | 260 |
Financial Management Techniques | 261 |
Using MS-Excel Functionality | 261 |
Demonstration Exercise | 261 |
Corporate Bonds | 261 |
Bank Borrowing | 263 |
Property, Plant, and Equipment | 263 |
Part 4: Decisions Made in Time Putting It All Together | 275 |
Chapter 12: Making a Lot of Decisions | 277 |
Background Theory | 277 |
(Capstone) Demonstration Exercise | 277 |
Case Facts | 278 |
Appendix 1 Excel Shortcut Keys | 321 |
Appendix 2 Common Financial Ratios | 325 |
Index | 327 |
About the Author
Ron Messer is a faculty member of the School of Business at Kwantlen Polytechnic University whose research interests focus broadly on management accounting and decision making. A graduate of six universities, Ron holds undergraduate and graduate degrees in both public and business administration. He is a CPA, a Chartered Accountant, and a Certified Management Accountant with 25 years of working experience in accounting, finance, and information systems. His essays have appeared in publications in Canada, the United States, and the United Kingdom.
Key Research
Ron Messer's primary areas of interest include organizational strategy, financial planning, and supply chain management (with an emphasis on logistics). To this end, he has published in peer-reviewed academic journals (14 essays), industry-specific journals (six articles), chapters in authoritative texts (four chapters in four books), and business case studies (two teaching cases).
Organizational Strategy
Based on his strategy research, Ron developed a method for charging airport landing and terminal fees that optimizes the social welfare for both the traveling public and private sector operators. In conjunction with this work, Ron also proposed a pricing framework for private sector airports. With respect to the public sector, he suggested a renewed focus on organizational vision, whereby the government adopts private sector values in the delivery of its services.
Financial Planning
In the area of financial planning, Ron proposed a budgeting method that eliminates many of the problems encountered when companies prepare their annual financial plan. He also created a process for identifying budget “cheaters,” which allows for the creation of more realistic business plans and avoids the inefficient allocation of corporate capital.
Supply Chain Management
In an essay written almost two decades ago (“Airports, Air Cargo and the Internet”), Ron outlines the possible effects of e-commerce on airports as logistics hubs in the supply chain. In this paper, Ron predicts that Internet-enabled business models will lead to increased air cargo and possible on-airport manufacturing facilities. Recent evidence surrounding the development at Indian airports (with the production of off-patent pharmaceuticals), the United Parcel Services aviation group (servicing laptop computers), and the many “fulfillment” centers under construction at, or near, airports (Amazon) provides evidence to support this hypothesis.
Impact of Research
Ron Messer's essays on supply chain management and logistics describe the impact of e-commerce on aviation globally. In the area of organizational strategy, Ron has proposed a way in which university business programs can distinguish themselves and become world-class institutions.
Overall, Ron's research is helping to develop strategies so that governments can deliver public services more effectively, including airports operating in deregulated environments. His work is influencing the way private and public institutions operate by proposing efficient methods that are globally relevant.
What's Next?
Ron recently published a business case that was used as part of a competition for management accounting students across the United States, along with teaching notes. He has also completed a paper that discusses enhanced teaching methods for management accounting. His most ambitious project to date is examining decision making in speculative markets to understand the underlying mechanisms that govern participant behaviors. This involves analyzing large data sets and developing several heuristic models.
Check out Ron online at:
Google Scholar:
Brief Summary
This book was written with two objectives in mind:
To be useful for making business decisions.
To show how MS-Excel can be applied to making these decisions.
It is the type of publication that I wish I had when I was learning how to use this popular spreadsheet package. For the most part, the training I received was disjointed, lacked focus, and did not establish a context for using MS-Excel; for example, how to develop a financial model to decide whether to pursue a business opportunity. For this reason, the starting point for each chapter is a business decision that needs to be made. Each decision is supported by the relevant accounting/finance theory, and then (and only then) is Excel introduced as a tool for addressing a management problem. This process reverses the method commonly used for teaching Excel, where the functionality is demonstrated and then applied to a disparate set of case facts – an approach that incorrectly attempts to find a problem for a solution.
This book provides accounting students in post-secondary institutions with an advanced level understanding of how to use MS-Excel. It reflects real-life applications of this important analytical tool, which has become the industry standard for spreadsheet software. The text focuses on using MS-Excel in situations encountered by accounting and finance students and professionals; these are contextualized in terms of the past, present, and future and reflect a typical operating cycle, which includes initial planning, followed by exercising control, and is completed when feedback is received.
The book also addresses the growing need for data analytic skills (i.e., “big data”) and the recent innovations by MS-Excel in this regard, including Power Query (data cleaning and management), Power Pivot (advanced pivot tables using databases), and Power BI (creating executive KPI dashboards). However, while data analytics is important in financial management, it must be remembered that it forms only part of the larger picture that is captured by financial modeling.
The Excel ‘shell’ files that are used in conjunction with the financial modeling exercises shown in this book are available through the Emerald Publishing website. The completed solutions for the financial models can also be found there.
The Excel files are located at URL: :
All companies use some type of spreadsheet application in the day-to-day operation of their Accounting and Finance departments. This can be as a stand-alone tool (e.g., mortgage calculator; amortization schedule), or – particularly for smaller companies – a significant part of their financial systems (e.g., payroll application; inventory subledger). For this reason, acquiring competencies in MS-Excel will be extremely valuable for students when they are applying for jobs and will help them tremendously during their employment interviews. Robert Half, the finance and accounting recruiting specialists, have noted in their most recent employer survey that advanced level knowledge of MS-Excel if one of the most sought-after skills by prospective hiring managers.
So, why do we need another textbook on using MS-Excel for business? Unlike previous publications that have focused primarily on management science applications, this text is specifically geared to business decisions that require financial modeling techniques used in Accounting and Finance departments. The applications discussed and models presented are based on the working experience of the author over his more than 25 years of employment in various areas of financial management. In addition, the text structures the practical usage of MS-Excel for decision making in the context of time: past, present, and future. In contrast, many books on this subject are relatively unstructured and dominated by esoteric and infrequently used applications of MS-Excel, primarily for academic audiences.
This text is ideally suited to a one-semester, senior undergraduate course of 14 weeks and addresses the competencies required by professional accounting associations, such as those offering the CPA and CMA designations. It covers the use of MS-Excel in:
Break-even analysis, for new venture decisions
Time series forecasting, for sales demand decisions
Capital budgeting, for major investment decisions
Regression analysis, for predictive analytics decisions
Linear programming, for product mix and scheduling decisions
Corporate valuations, for equity financing decisions
Data analytics, for customer buying decisions
KPIs using dashboards, for strategic decisions
Budget development, for performance management decisions
Amortization tables, for debt and asset management decisions
Each chapter can be covered in one weekly computer lab, with chapters one and two combined in the first session. This allows for 10 weeks of instruction, two mid-term tests, and one final exam. Chapter 12 integrates materials from the prior chapters and can be used as a stand-alone capstone project for students to complete.
Unique Aspects of this Book
This book is different from similar publications in several respects.
Focus on Accounting and Finance: Most texts that cover using MS-Excel for business address management science applications and do not deal specifically with accounting and finance situations. This book will be valuable to both accounting students as well as financial management professionals for making business decisions.
Practical applications: The content of this book will be immediately relevant to students and practitioners who are, or will be, dealing with similar situations in their professional work. For example, using capital budgeting models to make billion-dollar investment decisions, or developing corporate valuation models to price shares for an IPO.
Real-life examples: The Excel functionality used in decision making is based on the author's more than 25 years of financial management experience. The text will address common business decisions made by financial management professionals.
Decision-making emphasis: Employers want their newly hired employees to assist them in guiding the company. The focus of the book is on making sound business decisions that provide value for the enterprise.
Employer demand: Based on feedback received from our university's alumni and those who hire our graduates, companies increasingly want their employees to have advanced level MS-Excel skills. This book addresses that need. Feedback from our degree holders tells us that the organizations that employ them are impressed with their knowledge of MS-Excel.
The book addresses the day-to-day work done by Accounting and Finance staff in a company. This is illustrated in the table below, which shows how everyday business decisions relate to the accounting and finance concepts addressed in the topical coverage in the text (Table 1).
Business Decisions | Accounting/Finance Concepts | Book Topics (and Chapters) |
New business venture | Cost-Volume-Profit analysis | Break-even models (Chapter 2) |
Long-term planning | Financial forecasts | Time series forecasting (Chapter 3) |
Major investment | NPV, IRR, payback period | Capital budgeting models (Chapter 4) |
Predicting the future | Data analytics | Regression analysis (Chapter 5) |
Product pricing | Cost-Volume-Profit analysis | Linear programming (Chapter 6) |
Financial reporting | Income Statement, Balance Sheet, Cash Flow | Corporate valuations (Chapter 7) |
Equity financing | Business valuations | Corporate valuations (Chapter 7) |
Interpreting financial information |
Data analytics (Chapter 8) |
Performance measurement | Key performance indicators | KPIs and Dashboards (Chapter 9) |
Corporate strategy | Pro-forma financial statements | KPIs and dashboards (Chapter 9) |
Cash management | Cash budgeting | Budget management (Chapter 10) |
Budget management | Responsibility accounting and variance analysis | Operating budgets (Chapter 10) |
Debt financing | Bond/loan pricing and amortization | Amortization tables (Chapter 11) |
The book is also different from competing publications because it addresses real-life business situations that the author has encountered during his more than 25 years of work experience. This is summarized in the table below, along with references to the related MS-Excel functionality that is used in the demonstration exercises in the book (Table 2).
Business Decisions | Real Life Examples Using MS-Excel | MS-Excel Functionality (UPPERCASE Lettering) |
New business ventures | I have developed financial models to assess the profitability of new business opportunities. | Cost-volume-profit models using GOAL SEEK, DATA TABLES, and SCENARIOS |
Long-term planning | I have used forecasting techniques to estimate corporate revenues. | Forecasting techniques in the ANALYSIS TOOLPACK MOVING AVERAGE EXPONENTIAL SMOOTHING |
Major investments | I have created capital budgeting models for multimillion-dollar land development projects in both domestic and foreign locations. | NPV, IRR |
Predicting the future | I have developed a predictive model, using linear regression techniques, for an organization's program spending. | ANALYSIS TOOLPACK: REGRESSION |
Product pricing | I developed a process for pricing the use of airport facilities by using linear programming techniques. | Using SOLVER to optimize product/service pricing |
Financial reporting | I have created a monthly management reporting system that monitored corporate performance in relation to an organization's budget. | Variance analysis and FORECAST functions were used |
Equity financing | I have published an essay that deals with the use of equity financing for private airports. | Using PIVOT TABLES to analyze various financial datasets |
Interpreting financial information | I have prepared analytical reports, based on information obtained from a large data warehouse, using advanced data analysis tools (i.e., Hyperion and Essbase software that interfaced with MS-Excel) | PIVOT TABLES and BI (Business Intelligence) tools were used |
Performance measurement | I have identified key performance indicators (KPIs) for monthly reporting to senior management. | Creating executive dashboards, using PIVOT TABLES, SLICER and SPARKLINES functions |
Corporate strategy | I was involved in developing a strategic plan for a subsidiary of a large business. I have also authored essays on corporate strategy. | Employed ANALYSIS TOOLPACK forecasting using MOVING AVERAGE and EXPONENTIAL SMOOTHING techniques |
Cash management | I have been responsible for managing multi-million-dollar cash portfolios, through purchases of R1 and R2 rated short-term commercial paper. | Created a financial model (using Excel GRAPHICS) to match risk with return on a portfolio of investments |
Budget management | I have developed and managed multi-million-dollar operating and capital budgets for several organizations. | Amalgamated cost center budgets using the CONSOLIDATION function along with PIVOT TABLES tools |
Debt financing | I have published an essay dealing with the use of debt financing in relation to residual and compensatory airport pricing models. | Various financial functions: NPV, IRR, PV, FV, RATE along with SOLVER |
Organization of this Book
The book is organized around three dimensions relating to the decisions made by accounting and finance students and professionals, including: (1) time frame, (2) accounting cycle, and (3) financial analytics.
The decision context based on time frame includes the future, present, and past. Note that the normal chronological sequence has been reversed in this book to better align with the accounting cycle.
The accounting cycle includes distinct phases for planning (future orientation), control (thinking about the present), and feedback (using what has been learned from the past).
Decisions based on the future allow businesses to make plans – using predictive analytics. Decisions made in the present emphasize control, since they guide day-to-day actions – using descriptive analytics. Decisions using past information are reflective and give feedback about the effectiveness of plans in relation to actual results – using diagnostic analytics.
This schema is shown below and reflected in the chapter sequence of the table of contents. The dimension columns are organized according to the time frame in which the decisions are made. They include the applicable part of the accounting cycle and the related financial analytic techniques. The financial models discussed in the book are also listed, based on the applicable time frame and stage of the accounting cycle to which they relate (Table 3).
Modeling Dimensions | Decision-making Context | ||
Time frame |
Accounting Cycle |
Financial Analytics |
Financial Models |
This book is designed for advanced Excel applications and therefore students require an intermediate level knowledge of the software, focused primarily on the functional aspects of using Excel. This will include coverage of the following topics. 1
Working with Excel Tables, Pivot Tables, and Pivot Charts:
Explore a structured range of data
Freezing rows and columns
Creating an Excel table
Plan and create an Excel table
Rename and format an Excel table
Add, edit, and delete records in an Excel table
Sort/Filter data
Insert a Total row to summarize an Excel table
Split a worksheet into two panes
Insert subtotals into a range of data
Use the Outline buttons to show and hide details
Create and modify a Pivot Table
Apply Pivot Tables styles and formatting
Filter and sort a Pivot Table
Insert a slicer to filter a Pivot Table
Group Pivot Table items (Home Group/Group Field)
Create a Pivot Chart
Managing Multiple Worksheets and Workbooks:
Create a worksheet group
Format and edit multiple worksheets at once
Create cell references to other worksheets
Consolidate information from multiple worksheets using 3-D references
Create and print a worksheet group
Create a link to data in another workbook
Create and print a worksheet group
Create a link to data in another workbook
How to edit links
Create and use an Excel workspace
Insert a hyperlink in a cell
Developing an Excel Application:
Create, edit, and delete defined names for cells and ranges
Paste a list of defined names as documentation
Use defined names in formulas
Add defined names to existing formulas
Create valid rules for data entry
Protect the contents of worksheets and workbooks
Add, edit, and delete comments
Macros (create, save)
Working with Advanced Functions:
Working with Logical functions (IF, AND, and OR)
Working with comparison operators such as <, <=, = <>, >, or >= to compare two values
Inserting calculated columns in an Excel Table
Using structured references in formulas (Fully qualified and Unqualified)
Nest the IF function
Using the VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP functions (to find approximate and exact match)
Use the IFERROR function
Use conditional formatting to highlight values
Exploring Financial Tools and Functions:
Work with financial functions such as FV, PV, RATE, NPER, and PMT
Interpolate and extrapolate a series of values (Home Editing Fill Series)
Determine a payback period
Calculate a net present value (NPV) and an internal rate of return (IRR)
Performing What-If Analysis (Data, Data Tools, What-If Analysis):
Perform what-if analysis with Goal Seek, Data Table, Scenario Manager, and Solver.
Use Goal Seek to calculate a solution (Goal Seek)
Create a one-variable data table (Data Table)
Create a two-variable data table (Data Table)
Create and apply different Excel scenarios (Scenario Manager)
Generate a scenario summary report
Generate a scenario PivotTable report
Run Solver to calculate optimal solutions (Data Table)
Create and apply constraints to a Solver model
Save and load a Solver model
Connecting to External Data:
Import data from a text file (Data, Get External Data, From Text)
Working with connections and external data ranges (Data, Connections group)
Define a trusted location
Collaborating on a Shared Workbook:
Integrating Excel with Other Office Applications
Understanding copying and pasting, linking, and embedding objects into Word document
Linking Excel and Word Files
Updating a linked object
Embedding an object
Modifying an Embedded Object
With these topics as a foundation, the text incorporates more advanced functionality into decision making for accounting and finance students and professionals.
The list of topics covered for an intermediate-level knowledge of Excel was supplied to me by my colleague, Richard Wong, who is a faculty member in the School of Business at Kwantlen Polytechnic University.
- Prelims
- Chapter 1: Better Learning Decisions
- Part 1: Decisions Made about the Future
- Chapter 2: Break Even Decisions
- Chapter 3: Times Series Forecasting Decisions
- Chapter 4: Capital Budgeting Decisions
- Chapter 5: Regression Analysis Decisions
- Part 2: Decisions Made about the Present
- Chapter 6: Linear Programming Decisions
- Chapter 7: Business Valuation Decisions
- Chapter 8: Pivot Tables Decisions
- Part 3: Decisions Made about the Past
- Chapter 9: Financial Dashboard Decisions
- Chapter 10: Budget Management Decisions
- Chapter 11: Amortization Table Decisions
- Part 4: Decisions Made in Time
- Chapter 12: Making a Lot of Decisions
- Appendix 1: Excel Shortcut Keys
- Appendix 2: Common Financial Ratios
- Index