Upward Reflections of Top-down Gendered Institutions – A Community Development Case Study from Tonga
Integrating Gender in Agricultural Development
ISBN: 978-1-78973-056-2, eISBN: 978-1-78973-055-5
Publication date: 2 December 2019
Integrating gender equality objectives was one of the development objectives, along with economic development, food security and poverty/hardship alleviation of the featured rural community-based development project. In this case study, the rural development project was structured around women and men who were community leaders; those elected as town and village officers and those who held high positions in schools or within the government. In the first stage of the project, local committees were initiated by these leaders, which comprised equal numbers of women and men, to manage the project and facilitate training and skill development. Although there was much focus on creating the opportunity for women and men to equally contribute to leading and benefitting from the project, what was not considered was the gendered nature of the implementing partner institutions and the impact that would have on the project. By using gendered stakeholder analysis at two points in the project lifecycle, we take a closer look at the implementing organisations and view the turning over of power between actors on the project through a gender lens.
Singh-Peterson, L., Moala, T.T. and Hamani, L.K.(. (2019), "Upward Reflections of Top-down Gendered Institutions – A Community Development Case Study from Tonga", Singh-Peterson, L. and Carnegie, M. (Ed.) Integrating Gender in Agricultural Development, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 91-104. https://doi.org/10.1108/978-1-78973-055-520191009
:Emerald Publishing Limited
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