Gender and Contemporary Horror in Film
ISBN: 978-1-78769-898-7, eISBN: 978-1-78769-897-0
Publication date: 13 March 2019
(2019), "Index", Holland, S., Shail, R. and Gerrard, S. (Ed.) Gender and Contemporary Horror in Film (Emerald Studies in Popular Culture and Gender), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 251-261.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © Editorial matter and selection the volume editors; individual chapters their respective authors, 2019
Abjection, 151–165
“Abortion Barbie”, 87
Adrift (2009), 174
After School web forum, 86
Afterlife (2010), 210, 214–215
Ahlbäck, Anders, 24
Albrecht, Michael, 24
Alien 3 (1992), 206
Alien franchise (1979–2017), 206
Alien: Resurrection (1997), 206
Aliens (1986), 206
All-hands-on-deck approach, 111
American Girls: Social Media and Secret Lives of Teenagers (2017), 86
American Horror Story (2011–present), 8
, 156
The Ancines Woods (1970), 44
, 188, 210, 215
Atomic Blonde (2017), 219
Audition (1999), 8
The Avengers Assemble (2012), 208
, 156
Baena-Cuder, Irene, 39–50
Bait-and-switch technique, 135, 140
Balingit, Moriah, 86
Berns, Fernando Gabriel Pagnoni, 23–34
Bersani, Leo, 103
Bezm-i Ezel
, 156
Bizarre and uncanny incidents, 136
Black Christmas (1974), 2, 108–109, 227
Black Magic, 159
Black masculinity, 237–250
Black XXXmas
, 105–106, 108–109
The Blair Witch Project (1999), 2
Blakk, Jett, 105, 113
Bogliano, Adrián García, 23, 28, 169
Bonesaw (2006), 105, 112–113
Botting, Fred, 144
Boy Crush (, 107
Brazilian films, 174
Brennan, Joseph, 101–113
Brown, Jennifer, 67
Bruno, John, 105
Bubba Ho-Tep (2002), 23–34
Bull, 30
Elvis, 28–29, 31–32, 34–35
Griffin, 31
horror elegies, 26–33
Jack, 31
Kemosabe, 32–33
nursing homes, 26, 30
Presley, Elvis, 23
The Burial: A Fragment/Fragment of a Novel
, 118
, 87
Byronic vampire, 118
Byzantium (2012), 117–122, 124–131
Clara, 117–120, 122, 124, 126–130
critical intertextuality and, 117–119
Eleanor, 117–120, 122, 124–126, 128–129
employs names from foundational works, 118
examine through lens of feminist postmodern theory, 117–118
patriarchal dominance, 119
relationship between mother and daughter vampires, 117
trace-like intertextuality of, 118
vampire fiction, 117
The Cabin in the Woods (2012), 88–90, 93–94, 97, 118, 227
Curt, 91
Dana, 89–90, 94
Jules, 91
Camp Bloodbath (1986), 227–231
Cannibalism, 67–68, 71–79
humanity, 67
woman, 77
Cannes Film Festival, 55
Cannes International Film Festival (2008), 15
Cannibalism, 53, 55, 57–58, 63
, 187–204
, 118
Carpenter, John, 110
Carrie (1976), 176
Carson, Biz, 86
Casino Royale (2006), 192
Catalysts, 151
, 156
Charlie’s Angels Natalie, Dylan and Alex (2000), 207
Chodorow, Nancy, 17
Christian iconography, 154
Chul-soo, Paul, 73
, 153
Cinema, 151
abortion, 152
female labour, 152
genres, 151
homosexuality, 152
melodramas, 151
movements, 151
prostitution, 152
socio-realism, 151
styles, 151
Cinema du corps
, 54–56, 58, 60–62
Clover, Carol J., 2, 16, 57, 90, 92
Collections, 172
Commentary, 187–204
The Conjuring
, 1
Constable, Catherine, 117–119
Cream for Me
, 105, 110
Creed, Barbara, 57
Criminal, 159
Crimson Peak (2015), 146
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (2000), 207
Crystal Lake, 110–111
Cult cinema, 170
Cutthroat Island (1995), 219
, 156
Daninsky, Waldemar, 40
Dans ma peau (2002), 53–54, 58–60
Esther, 59–60
mind/body divide, 59
Vincent, 59
Dark Spells (2006), 155
Darvell, 118–119
Daughters of Darkness (1971), 127–128
Davidson, Judith, 86
Dawn of the Dead (1978), 2
De Niro, Robert, 188
The Dead Don’t Talk (1970), 154
Death and Diagonal Display: Cinema’s Planned Obsolescence in Screen-captured Image, 91
, 156
DeCoteau David, 104
The Deer Hunter
, 188
Degli-Eposti, Christina, 117
Demons (1985), 228
Denis, Claire, 55–58
Denny, Mathew, 117–131
Deviant masculinity, 25–26
The Devil’s Rejects (2005), 191
Devil’s seed, 159
Dia de los muertos mask, 177
Die Hard (1988–2013), 205
Dissecting Depictions, 237–250
Doane’s terminology, 140
Doppelgänger, 144
Doreste, Peter Noel, 91
Dracula in Istanbul (1953), 153–154
Dragonwyck (1946), 136–137
Dressed to Kill (1980), 87
Ducournau, Julia, 53, 55, 77
Dyer, Richard, 102–103, 106
Dysfunctional masculinity, 24
El Bosque del Lobo (1970), 44
Elegiac masculinities, 34
Elegy, 27, 33–34
Elliott, Robert, 87
Emergence of a bourgeois class, 151
Entertainment Weekly
, 195
Escoffier, Jeffrey, 102, 105
Etheredge-Ouzts, Paul, 104
Euro-American horror films, 154
The Evil Dead (1981), 219
The Exorcist (1973), 19, 154
Extinction (2007), 210, 214
Facebook, 85–86, 88, 94–95
False consciousness, 141
Female cannibal, 53–55, 67–69, 71, 73, 75, 79
incest, 71–73
patriarchal family, 72
rape/abuse by family member, 71–72
sexual objects to sexual subjects, 73
Female Gothic, 133–149
Female protagonists, 133
Female vampire, 117
Feminism, 67–71, 79
Feminist Rhetoric in Digital Sphere, 87
Filth, 159
The Final Chapter (2016), 210, 214–215
The Final Girls (2015), 110–111, 193–200, 219–235
film theory, 227
intertextuality, 227
metalanguage, 227
Firmly set, 134
First Blood (1982), 205
The Force Awakens
, 219
Foronda, Diego, 23–34
Four notorious homophobes, 112
Franco’s Fascist dictatorship, 39
The Frankenstein Book Series
, 153
Freudian feminist melodrama, 135
Friday the 13th (2009, original 1980), 105, 220
Fuder, Frank, 105
The Facility, 89, 94
Gaslight (1944), 135–136, 142, 144
Gay porn parodies, 101–104
amateurish production style, 105
close readings, 104–105
dangers of, 112–113
erotic adaptation, 104
extremely common device, 102
full-fledged adaptation, 102, 106
gay culture, 102
homophobic viewers, 102
meta-activity of, 104
narrative vs sex, 105–106
pay-per-scene revenue streams, 106
poor acting-accruement, 105
pornification of gay culture, 102–103
potential of, 113
riff-to-spoof categories, 105
self-reflexivity of, 101–102, 104
transformation of structure of, 106
treasure trove of titles, 103
Gay sex, 113
GAYVN Video Awards (2004), 101
Gender Ideologies, 169–185
Gendered Violence Outside and Inside, 187–204
Genre and Gender Conventions, 219–235
Genz, Stephanie, 70
Gerontologists, 25
Gerrard, Steve, 1
Get Out (2017), 237–250
black boyhood, 243–244
breaking barriers for black men in horror, 244–245
horror and the gaze, 238–239
horrors of racism, 239–240
humanity of black men in horror, 241–243
introduction, 237–238
racism of horror, 240–241
respectability politics, 245–247
theoretical framework, 238–241
vulnerability, 243–244
Ghost story, 135
Ghostbusters (1984), 219
Gill, Rosalind, 69, 73
A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night (2014), 187
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2009), 207
Goddard, Drew, 89
Golden age, 7
Good Neighbor policy, 171
Gothic feminism, 135
Gothic novel, 135
ambiguity, 139
central feature, 139
Gothics, 135
Grabby Awards (2004), 101
Grave (2016), 53–55, 60–64
Alex, 54, 61–64
Creed’s discussion on, 63
Justine, 53, 61–64
unruly bodies, 60–64
Grogan, Christine, 72
The Guardian
, 191
Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner (1967), 238
Guest, Kristen, 68
Gül (Canan Perver), 154
Habit, 195
Hadley, Steve, 89
Halloween (2007, original 1978), 90, 110–111, 220, 227
Halloweiner: Friday Fuckteenth
, 105, 110–111
Hamad, Hannah, 33
Hard Core
, 103
Hardwicke, Catherine, 104
Hart, Lynda, 73
Haunted Media: Electronic Presence from Telegraphy to Television
, 93
Haunted (2007), 151–165
Hawkes, Rebecca, 19
Hegemonic masculinity, 23–26
Hell’s Creatures
, 40–41
Hellbent (2004), 104
Hereditary (2018), 7
Herring, Scott, 103
Heteronormative relationships, 74
Heteroporn culture, 102
Hitchcock, Alfred, 87
Hoca, character of, 154, 160
The Hole (2002), 101–102, 111
Holland, Samantha, 1–4
Hollows, Joanne, 69
Hopkins, Stephen, 108
Horner, Avril, 72
Horror, 88, 94, 97
Alex, 94
bodies, 7–84
boundaries, 85–168
cannibal, 67
captivity, 169–250
Cat, 95–96
Harry, 94
polyemic, 103
queerness in, 101, 103–104
social media, 85
specificity of, 101
Subkoff, 94, 96
torture the woman
, 87
Hostel (2005, 2007, 2011), 8, 103, 176, 191
Hounds of Love (2016), 192
The Human Centipede (2009), 8
The Hunger Games (2012), 219
The Hunger Games series, 207
Hunks on Haunted Hill (2000), 110
I Spit on Your Grave (1978; 2010), 176
Ichi the Killer (2009), 8
Ideological function, 140
Imagines things, 136
Incestuous abuse, 71–73, 76, 79
Industrialization, 151
Inside (2007), 10–15, 19–20
Bustillo and Mary, 10–15
Creed, 15
Jean-Pierre, 10, 12, 14
La Femme, 11, 13–14
Matthieu, 10
Sarah, 10–14
Instagram, 85, 87–89, 94
Institutions, 173
Intertextuality, 117–120, 123–124, 126–127, 130–131
Invasion USA (1985), 205
Islamic cosmology, 155
Islamic imagery, 154
It (2017), 7
James Hong, 86
Jancovich, Mark, 135
Javier Pulido, Javier, 40
Jaws (1975), 87
Jigsaw (2017), 191
Jim Young’s Hot or Not, 86
Jinn, 155–156
Joffe, Roland, 188
, 40
Kawin, Bruce F., 135
Kay, Andy, 105
Kazıklı Voyvoda (The Voivode with the Stakes, 1928), 153
Kennedy, David, 27, 34
Kenny, Bryan, 105
Kick-Ass (2010), 207
The Killing Fields (1984), 188
King, Claire Sisco, 104
Krueger, Freddy, 107–108
L’arrivée d’un train à la Ciotat (1895), 228
La Noche de Walpurgis/Werewolf Versus Vampire Woman (1970), 44
Lane, Liz, 87
Lara Croft Tomb Raider-The Cradle of Life (2003), 207
Lara Croft: Tomb Raider (2001), 207
LaRue, Chi Chi, 105
The Last House on the Left (1972; 2009), 176
Late Phases (2014), 23–34
Ambrose, 23, 26, 28–29, 31–32, 34–35
Father Roger, 34
horror elegies, 26–33
Victoria, 30
Will, 28
Latin American ‘Abduction’ Horror, 169–185
gender ideologies, 175–176
gender roles in US Horror, 165–171
hybridity, 171–174
Luna de Miel
, 178–180
reconfigured feminist reading, 174–175
Scherzo Diabolico
, 176–178
serious cinema, 169
Sudor Frío
, 180–182
supernatural, 169
Law Abiding Citizen (2009), 192
Lázaro-Reboll, 40
Le Manoir du Diable (1896), 7
Leo Gabriadze, Leo, 91
Les Yeux Sans Visage, 16–17
Linda, Hutcheon, 120, 122, 124–125, 127, 129–130
Lobos de Arga
, 43–49
Calisto, 45
Daninsky, Waldemar, 46, 48
Evaristo, 47–48
fight between werewolves and urban men, 49
la Santa Compaña (ghosts), 43
lobishome (werewolves), 43
lycanthropy, 43
Mario, 45, 49
Meigas (witches), 43
Ourense, Galicia, 43
Robal, Bernárdez, 46
Secun de la Rosa, 46
soft male characters, 46
Spain’s past, 47
Tomás, 44–49
Lobos de Arga, aka Game of Werewolves (2011), 43
López, Diego, 40
Luna de Miel (2015), 169, 176, 178–180
Lycanthropes or lobishome
, 41, 43, 44, 48, 49
, 169
‘The Male Gaze’, 208
Male Gothic, 135
Mardorossian, Carine, 33
, 95
, 156
The Mark of the Wolfman
, 50
Martyrs (2009), 15–20
Anna, 15–20
Laugier, 16
Lucie, 15–20
Mademoiselle, 16–17
Masculinity, 151–165
Masculinity, 39
Matellano, Víctor, 40
The Matrix (1999), 207
Meditation, 27
Men, Women, and Chain Saws (2015), 90, 219
, 172, 174
Metalinguistic Play, 219–235
Meyer, Michael, 90
, 156
Miller, Kate, 87
, 102
Misery (1990), 176
Misogyny, 187–204
The Mission (1986), 188
, 69
Mixed Martial Arts (MMA), 241
MMA. See Mixed Martial Arts
Moers, Ellen, 134
The Moment of Psycho
, 87
Monster, 159
Monstrous body, 151
Monstrous-feminine, 151–165
The Monstrous-Feminine
, 93
The Monstrous-Feminine: Film, Feminism, Psychoanalysis (1993), 13
Morrison, Todd, G., 106
Mother! (2017), 192
Mulvey, Laura, 2
Munford, Rebecca, 70
My Name Is Alice, 205–217
character arc, 211–217
character physical presence, 211–217
, 211
The Mysteries of Uldopho (1794), 142
A Nightmare on Elm Street 5: The Dream Child
, 108
A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984), 8, 227
A Nightmare on Twink Street
, 105–107
National masculinity, 33–35
National-Catholic regime, 39
Negra, Diana, 24, 68–69
Neighbouring Sounds
, 174
Neo-Gothic, 137
Neo-slasher period, 220
New French Extremity, 8–10
New Nightmare (1994), 220
New Technologies, 169–185
New York Magazine
, 189
Nills, Afton, 104
Normal masculinity, 25
Norris, Chuck, 205
Objectification, 67, 71, 73–75, 77–79
Ocean’s 8 (2018), 219
, 8
Older and narrower concept, 24
The Omen (1976), 19
The Orphanage (2007), 146
The Others (2001), 146
Ottoman Empire, 153–154, 160
Oxford Dictionary of Film Studies
, 8
Özgüç, 152
Palma, Brian De, 87
Palmer, Tim, 8
Parody, 102–103
sex and violence, 111
twink porn, 106–109
Paranoid woman’s film, 135, 140
Parodies, 101–113
The Passion of Joan of Arc (1928), 75
The Passion of the Christ (2004), 189
Patriarchal control, 135
Patriarchal power, 40, 119, 128
Patriarchy, 169
Phalange’s and Roman Catholic principles, 39
Phallic weaponry, 227
Pièce de résistance, 112
Pizarro, David, 40
Planet Terror (2007), 174
Pleasantville (1998), 228
The Pointed Nails of Justice, 119
Political Islam, 156
Pollidori, John, 118
Poltergeist (1982), 228
horror films vs., 113
‘shock’, 113
Possessions and psychoses, 176
Postfeminist era, 67
cannibal, 67
consumptions, 69–70
empowerment and choice, 70
feminism power, 70–71
gender-based violence and abuse, 70
gothic conventions, 70–71
tensions, 67–68, 70–71, 76–77, 79
Postmodern theory, 117
abbreviated, artificial characterization, 118
comparatively narration, 118
female voice and storytelling, 119
self-reflexive spectacle, 118
strategies of disruption, 117
stylistic features of, 117
Post-slasher period, 220
Predator (1987), 205–206
Predator 2 (1990), 206
Priests, 159
The Problem with Twinks (2017), 106
Pro-Islamist Welfare Party (RP), 156
Protective paternalism, 33
Psycho (1960), 87, 94, 178–179
Psychokiller, 227
Pulido, Javier, 42
The Purge
, 1
The Purple Rose of Cairo (1985), 228
Quandt, James, 8
Quod erat demonstrandum
, 227
Qur’an, 154, 156, 160
Radcliffe, Ann, 133, 135
Age of Enlightenment, 141
the fantastic-uncanny, 141
Rambo III (1988), 205
Rambo: First Blood Part II (1985), 205
, 105, 112
Rammer and Bonesaw
, 110
Raw (2017), 77–79, 187
Justine, 77–79, 79
Alex, 77, 79
Adrien, 78
Raw I
, 105–106, 108
Raw II
, 105–106, 108
Rebecca (1940), 135, 137, 142
Danvers, 138–139, 142
symptoms, 140
Winter, de Maxim, 137, 139–140
The Reproduction of Mothering: Psychoanalysis and Sociology of Gender (1999), 17
Resident Evil films, 205–218
overview of films, 211
, 210, 214–215
The Ring (2002), 101
, 101
Roman Catholic church, 39
Romasanta, Manuel Blanco, 43
Rosemary’s Baby (1968), 19
The Ruins (2008), 191
Russell, Kurt, 205
Ruthuven, 118–119
A Serbian Film (2010), 8
Sales, Nancy Jo, 86
Satan (1975), 154
Saturday Night Live cast, 219
Savella, 119–120
Saw (2004), 176, 191
, 1, 8, 108, 111
Scared Stiff (2016), 105
The Scarlet Letter (1995), 188–189
Scary Movie 2 (2001), 241
Scherzo Diabolico
, 169, 176–178
Schwarzenegger, Arnold, 205
Scognamillo, Giovanni, 155
, 1, 110, 118, 153
Scream 4 (2011), 192
Scream franchise (1996, 1997, 2000, 2011), 220
Seagal, Steven, 205
Second nature, 195
Secret Beyond the Door (1948), 135
Self-reflexivity, 117–124
Selfveillance, 85–98
, 156
Sexting: Gender and Teens
, 86
Şeytan-ı Racim
, 156
Shadow Makers (1989), 188
Shail, Rob, 1
Shelton, Emily, 105
Sherlock Jr. (1924), 228
, 156
The Silence of the Lambs (1991), 176
Silverman, Kaja, 25
, 156
Sitterson, Gary, 89
Skye, Angel, 105, 111
Skype, 88, 91–92
Slasher and ‘torture porn’ cycles, 101, 103
Sleep, My Love (1948), 135–136, 142, 144
Snelson, 41
Snipes, Wesley, 205
Social media, 85
body-shaming, 87
bullying, 86, 89, 91–93, 97
media and communication activities, 85
online harassment, 85
patriarchal structures and attitudes, 87
proclivity toward young girls and women, 86
sexualization and categorization of women, 86
slut shaming, 87
zero accountability of, 86
Social Realities, 169–185
Sorcerers, 159
Spaghetti western, 153
Spanish Civil War, 39, 50
Spanish horror boom, 41–42
Spectral femininity, 141
Spielberg, Steven, 87
The Spiral Staircase (1946), 135
Stallone, Sylvester, 205
Star Wars sequel, 219
Stolz, Eric, 28
Subkoff, Tara, 94
Subordinate masculinity, 25
Sudor Frío (2011), 169, 176, 180–182
Supernatural, 133–149
Surelick Holmes
, 103
Surveillance, 85–98
Tatar, 144
Tekin, Galip, 155
The Terminator (1984), 205
Terminator 2: Judgement Day (1991), 206
Terrible Place, 2, 227
Territory, 172
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974), 176
There’s a ghost in my house, 133–149
The Thing (1982), 206
This Night I’ll Possess Your Corpse (1967), 176
Thomson, David, 87
Thor (2011), 208
301/302 (1995), 73–75
flashbacks, 74
incestuous abuse, 74–75
Kang, 73–74
monstrous power, 74
Tortorici, Zeb, J., 107
Toronto International Film Festival’s Midnight Madness screening (2008), 15
Torture porn, 192
Torture Porn: Popular Horror after Saw (2013), 192
Totaro, Donato, 17
Tradition/religion, 160
Traditional masculinity, 25
Trouble Every Day (2001), 53–58, 60–61, 64
Coré, 55–58
Léo, 55
Shane, 55–58
Tucker and Dale vs Evil (2010), 227
Turkish Horror Cinema, 151–165
abject womb, 157–159
emergence in 2000s, 155–157
, 157
isolated cases to emergence of horror, 152–154
male saviours, 159
masculinity as abjection, 160–162
monstrous-feminine, 157–159
rational bystanders, 159–160
Turkey, 151–165
cinema, 151
directors, 151
Turkish market, 153
Tusk (2014), 103
21 Hump Street (2013), 103
Twink, 105–106
Twinklight (2010), 104–105
Types of ghost story, 135
Under the Shadow (2016), 146
Unfriended (2015), 88, 91, 97
Barnes, Laura, 91–92
Blaire, 91–92, 95
Laura, 92–93, 95
Mitch, 92
The Uninvited
, 136–137
Urbanization, 151
US Department of Health and Human Services, 85
The Vampire Lovers (1970), 128
Vampirism, 176
The Vampyre
, 118
Van Damme, Jean-Claude, 205
Variety magazine, 195
Verbinski, Gore, 101
Victims, 227
Video Essay, 219–235
The body, 225–227
end, 233–234
The Final Girl, 225
film theory, 220–233
The Killer, 223
shock, 224
Slasher Horror, 220–233
Terrible Place, 224
The Victims, 223
Weapons, 223–224
Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema, 18
Vyong, Ocean, 95
The Walking Dead (2010), 7
The Washington Post
, 86
Watkins, Chrissie, 87
Webbing, 106
The Werewolf Hunt
, 44
The Werewolf Versus the Vampire Woman aka La noche de Walpurgis (1970), 41
What Lies Beneath (2000), 133–149
Claire, 133–134, 137–138, 140, 142–143, 145–147
Frank, Madison, 137, 140, 142–147
Hitchcockian, 142
MacGuffin-nod, 142
Norman, 137, 143
Warren, 142
Williams, Linda, 7, 19, 57, 103
Witching and Bitching (2013), 47
The Woman (2011), 75–77
Belle, 76–77
Chris, 75–77
Peggy, 75
Wood, Robin, 57
The Walking Dead (2010–present), 192
The Washington Post
, 188
Waldman, Diane, 139
Westernization/modernization, 160
White Science, 159
Willis, Bruce, 205
Witchcraft, 176
Wolf Creek (2005), 189
Women and the Gothic, 135
Women’s films, 152
Working class culture, 151
Xenomorph creatures, 206
Yeşilçam era, 151
Yeşilçam, 151
comedy, 151
historical epics, 151
horror, 151
melodrama, 151
science fiction, 151
Yik Yak app, 86
Young, Iris Marion, 72
Zlosnik, Sue, 72
The Cabin in the Woods (2012), 88–90, 93–94, 97, 118, 227
Curt, 91
Dana, 89–90, 94
Jules, 91
Camp Bloodbath (1986), 227–231
Cannibalism, 67–68, 71–79
humanity, 67
woman, 77
Cannes Film Festival, 55
Cannes International Film Festival (2008), 15
Cannibalism, 53, 55, 57–58, 63
, 187–204
, 118
Carpenter, John, 110
Carrie (1976), 176
Carson, Biz, 86
Casino Royale (2006), 192
Catalysts, 151
, 156
Charlie’s Angels Natalie, Dylan and Alex (2000), 207
Chodorow, Nancy, 17
Christian iconography, 154
Chul-soo, Paul, 73
, 153
Cinema, 151
abortion, 152
female labour, 152
genres, 151
homosexuality, 152
melodramas, 151
movements, 151
prostitution, 152
socio-realism, 151
styles, 151
Cinema du corps
, 54–56, 58, 60–62
Clover, Carol J., 2, 16, 57, 90, 92
Collections, 172
Commentary, 187–204
The Conjuring
, 1
Constable, Catherine, 117–119
Cream for Me
, 105, 110
Creed, Barbara, 57
Criminal, 159
Crimson Peak (2015), 146
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (2000), 207
Crystal Lake, 110–111
Cult cinema, 170
Cutthroat Island (1995), 219
, 156
Daninsky, Waldemar, 40
Dans ma peau (2002), 53–54, 58–60
Esther, 59–60
mind/body divide, 59
Vincent, 59
Dark Spells (2006), 155
Darvell, 118–119
Daughters of Darkness (1971), 127–128
Davidson, Judith, 86
Dawn of the Dead (1978), 2
De Niro, Robert, 188
The Dead Don’t Talk (1970), 154
Death and Diagonal Display: Cinema’s Planned Obsolescence in Screen-captured Image, 91
, 156
DeCoteau David, 104
The Deer Hunter
, 188
Degli-Eposti, Christina, 117
Demons (1985), 228
Denis, Claire, 55–58
Denny, Mathew, 117–131
Deviant masculinity, 25–26
The Devil’s Rejects (2005), 191
Devil’s seed, 159
Dia de los muertos mask, 177
Die Hard (1988–2013), 205
Dissecting Depictions, 237–250
Doane’s terminology, 140
Doppelgänger, 144
Doreste, Peter Noel, 91
Dracula in Istanbul (1953), 153–154
Dragonwyck (1946), 136–137
Dressed to Kill (1980), 87
Ducournau, Julia, 53, 55, 77
Dyer, Richard, 102–103, 106
Dysfunctional masculinity, 24
El Bosque del Lobo (1970), 44
Elegiac masculinities, 34
Elegy, 27, 33–34
Elliott, Robert, 87
Emergence of a bourgeois class, 151
Entertainment Weekly
, 195
Escoffier, Jeffrey, 102, 105
Etheredge-Ouzts, Paul, 104
Euro-American horror films, 154
The Evil Dead (1981), 219
The Exorcist (1973), 19, 154
Extinction (2007), 210, 214
Facebook, 85–86, 88, 94–95
False consciousness, 141
Female cannibal, 53–55, 67–69, 71, 73, 75, 79
incest, 71–73
patriarchal family, 72
rape/abuse by family member, 71–72
sexual objects to sexual subjects, 73
Female Gothic, 133–149
Female protagonists, 133
Female vampire, 117
Feminism, 67–71, 79
Feminist Rhetoric in Digital Sphere, 87
Filth, 159
The Final Chapter (2016), 210, 214–215
The Final Girls (2015), 110–111, 193–200, 219–235
film theory, 227
intertextuality, 227
metalanguage, 227
Firmly set, 134
First Blood (1982), 205
The Force Awakens
, 219
Foronda, Diego, 23–34
Four notorious homophobes, 112
Franco’s Fascist dictatorship, 39
The Frankenstein Book Series
, 153
Freudian feminist melodrama, 135
Friday the 13th (2009, original 1980), 105, 220
Fuder, Frank, 105
The Facility, 89, 94
Gaslight (1944), 135–136, 142, 144
Gay porn parodies, 101–104
amateurish production style, 105
close readings, 104–105
dangers of, 112–113
erotic adaptation, 104
extremely common device, 102
full-fledged adaptation, 102, 106
gay culture, 102
homophobic viewers, 102
meta-activity of, 104
narrative vs sex, 105–106
pay-per-scene revenue streams, 106
poor acting-accruement, 105
pornification of gay culture, 102–103
potential of, 113
riff-to-spoof categories, 105
self-reflexivity of, 101–102, 104
transformation of structure of, 106
treasure trove of titles, 103
Gay sex, 113
GAYVN Video Awards (2004), 101
Gender Ideologies, 169–185
Gendered Violence Outside and Inside, 187–204
Genre and Gender Conventions, 219–235
Genz, Stephanie, 70
Gerontologists, 25
Gerrard, Steve, 1
Get Out (2017), 237–250
black boyhood, 243–244
breaking barriers for black men in horror, 244–245
horror and the gaze, 238–239
horrors of racism, 239–240
humanity of black men in horror, 241–243
introduction, 237–238
racism of horror, 240–241
respectability politics, 245–247
theoretical framework, 238–241
vulnerability, 243–244
Ghost story, 135
Ghostbusters (1984), 219
Gill, Rosalind, 69, 73
A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night (2014), 187
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2009), 207
Goddard, Drew, 89
Golden age, 7
Good Neighbor policy, 171
Gothic feminism, 135
Gothic novel, 135
ambiguity, 139
central feature, 139
Gothics, 135
Grabby Awards (2004), 101
Grave (2016), 53–55, 60–64
Alex, 54, 61–64
Creed’s discussion on, 63
Justine, 53, 61–64
unruly bodies, 60–64
Grogan, Christine, 72
The Guardian
, 191
Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner (1967), 238
Guest, Kristen, 68
Gül (Canan Perver), 154
Habit, 195
Hadley, Steve, 89
Halloween (2007, original 1978), 90, 110–111, 220, 227
Halloweiner: Friday Fuckteenth
, 105, 110–111
Hamad, Hannah, 33
Hard Core
, 103
Hardwicke, Catherine, 104
Hart, Lynda, 73
Haunted Media: Electronic Presence from Telegraphy to Television
, 93
Haunted (2007), 151–165
Hawkes, Rebecca, 19
Hegemonic masculinity, 23–26
Hell’s Creatures
, 40–41
Hellbent (2004), 104
Hereditary (2018), 7
Herring, Scott, 103
Heteronormative relationships, 74
Heteroporn culture, 102
Hitchcock, Alfred, 87
Hoca, character of, 154, 160
The Hole (2002), 101–102, 111
Holland, Samantha, 1–4
Hollows, Joanne, 69
Hopkins, Stephen, 108
Horner, Avril, 72
Horror, 88, 94, 97
Alex, 94
bodies, 7–84
boundaries, 85–168
cannibal, 67
captivity, 169–250
Cat, 95–96
Harry, 94
polyemic, 103
queerness in, 101, 103–104
social media, 85
specificity of, 101
Subkoff, 94, 96
torture the woman
, 87
Hostel (2005, 2007, 2011), 8, 103, 176, 191
Hounds of Love (2016), 192
The Human Centipede (2009), 8
The Hunger Games (2012), 219
The Hunger Games series, 207
Hunks on Haunted Hill (2000), 110
I Spit on Your Grave (1978; 2010), 176
Ichi the Killer (2009), 8
Ideological function, 140
Imagines things, 136
Incestuous abuse, 71–73, 76, 79
Industrialization, 151
Inside (2007), 10–15, 19–20
Bustillo and Mary, 10–15
Creed, 15
Jean-Pierre, 10, 12, 14
La Femme, 11, 13–14
Matthieu, 10
Sarah, 10–14
Instagram, 85, 87–89, 94
Institutions, 173
Intertextuality, 117–120, 123–124, 126–127, 130–131
Invasion USA (1985), 205
Islamic cosmology, 155
Islamic imagery, 154
It (2017), 7
James Hong, 86
Jancovich, Mark, 135
Javier Pulido, Javier, 40
Jaws (1975), 87
Jigsaw (2017), 191
Jim Young’s Hot or Not, 86
Jinn, 155–156
Joffe, Roland, 188
, 40
Kawin, Bruce F., 135
Kay, Andy, 105
Kazıklı Voyvoda (The Voivode with the Stakes, 1928), 153
Kennedy, David, 27, 34
Kenny, Bryan, 105
Kick-Ass (2010), 207
The Killing Fields (1984), 188
King, Claire Sisco, 104
Krueger, Freddy, 107–108
L’arrivée d’un train à la Ciotat (1895), 228
La Noche de Walpurgis/Werewolf Versus Vampire Woman (1970), 44
Lane, Liz, 87
Lara Croft Tomb Raider-The Cradle of Life (2003), 207
Lara Croft: Tomb Raider (2001), 207
LaRue, Chi Chi, 105
The Last House on the Left (1972; 2009), 176
Late Phases (2014), 23–34
Ambrose, 23, 26, 28–29, 31–32, 34–35
Father Roger, 34
horror elegies, 26–33
Victoria, 30
Will, 28
Latin American ‘Abduction’ Horror, 169–185
gender ideologies, 175–176
gender roles in US Horror, 165–171
hybridity, 171–174
Luna de Miel
, 178–180
reconfigured feminist reading, 174–175
Scherzo Diabolico
, 176–178
serious cinema, 169
Sudor Frío
, 180–182
supernatural, 169
Law Abiding Citizen (2009), 192
Lázaro-Reboll, 40
Le Manoir du Diable (1896), 7
Leo Gabriadze, Leo, 91
Les Yeux Sans Visage, 16–17
Linda, Hutcheon, 120, 122, 124–125, 127, 129–130
Lobos de Arga
, 43–49
Calisto, 45
Daninsky, Waldemar, 46, 48
Evaristo, 47–48
fight between werewolves and urban men, 49
la Santa Compaña (ghosts), 43
lobishome (werewolves), 43
lycanthropy, 43
Mario, 45, 49
Meigas (witches), 43
Ourense, Galicia, 43
Robal, Bernárdez, 46
Secun de la Rosa, 46
soft male characters, 46
Spain’s past, 47
Tomás, 44–49
Lobos de Arga, aka Game of Werewolves (2011), 43
López, Diego, 40
Luna de Miel (2015), 169, 176, 178–180
Lycanthropes or lobishome
, 41, 43, 44, 48, 49
, 169
‘The Male Gaze’, 208
Male Gothic, 135
Mardorossian, Carine, 33
, 95
, 156
The Mark of the Wolfman
, 50
Martyrs (2009), 15–20
Anna, 15–20
Laugier, 16
Lucie, 15–20
Mademoiselle, 16–17
Masculinity, 151–165
Masculinity, 39
Matellano, Víctor, 40
The Matrix (1999), 207
Meditation, 27
Men, Women, and Chain Saws (2015), 90, 219
, 172, 174
Metalinguistic Play, 219–235
Meyer, Michael, 90
, 156
Miller, Kate, 87
, 102
Misery (1990), 176
Misogyny, 187–204
The Mission (1986), 188
, 69
Mixed Martial Arts (MMA), 241
MMA. See Mixed Martial Arts
Moers, Ellen, 134
The Moment of Psycho
, 87
Monster, 159
Monstrous body, 151
Monstrous-feminine, 151–165
The Monstrous-Feminine
, 93
The Monstrous-Feminine: Film, Feminism, Psychoanalysis (1993), 13
Morrison, Todd, G., 106
Mother! (2017), 192
Mulvey, Laura, 2
Munford, Rebecca, 70
My Name Is Alice, 205–217
character arc, 211–217
character physical presence, 211–217
, 211
The Mysteries of Uldopho (1794), 142
A Nightmare on Elm Street 5: The Dream Child
, 108
A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984), 8, 227
A Nightmare on Twink Street
, 105–107
National masculinity, 33–35
National-Catholic regime, 39
Negra, Diana, 24, 68–69
Neighbouring Sounds
, 174
Neo-Gothic, 137
Neo-slasher period, 220
New French Extremity, 8–10
New Nightmare (1994), 220
New Technologies, 169–185
New York Magazine
, 189
Nills, Afton, 104
Normal masculinity, 25
Norris, Chuck, 205
Objectification, 67, 71, 73–75, 77–79
Ocean’s 8 (2018), 219
, 8
Older and narrower concept, 24
The Omen (1976), 19
The Orphanage (2007), 146
The Others (2001), 146
Ottoman Empire, 153–154, 160
Oxford Dictionary of Film Studies
, 8
Özgüç, 152
Palma, Brian De, 87
Palmer, Tim, 8
Parody, 102–103
sex and violence, 111
twink porn, 106–109
Paranoid woman’s film, 135, 140
Parodies, 101–113
The Passion of Joan of Arc (1928), 75
The Passion of the Christ (2004), 189
Patriarchal control, 135
Patriarchal power, 40, 119, 128
Patriarchy, 169
Phalange’s and Roman Catholic principles, 39
Phallic weaponry, 227
Pièce de résistance, 112
Pizarro, David, 40
Planet Terror (2007), 174
Pleasantville (1998), 228
The Pointed Nails of Justice, 119
Political Islam, 156
Pollidori, John, 118
Poltergeist (1982), 228
horror films vs., 113
‘shock’, 113
Possessions and psychoses, 176
Postfeminist era, 67
cannibal, 67
consumptions, 69–70
empowerment and choice, 70
feminism power, 70–71
gender-based violence and abuse, 70
gothic conventions, 70–71
tensions, 67–68, 70–71, 76–77, 79
Postmodern theory, 117
abbreviated, artificial characterization, 118
comparatively narration, 118
female voice and storytelling, 119
self-reflexive spectacle, 118
strategies of disruption, 117
stylistic features of, 117
Post-slasher period, 220
Predator (1987), 205–206
Predator 2 (1990), 206
Priests, 159
The Problem with Twinks (2017), 106
Pro-Islamist Welfare Party (RP), 156
Protective paternalism, 33
Psycho (1960), 87, 94, 178–179
Psychokiller, 227
Pulido, Javier, 42
The Purge
, 1
The Purple Rose of Cairo (1985), 228
Quandt, James, 8
Quod erat demonstrandum
, 227
Qur’an, 154, 156, 160
Radcliffe, Ann, 133, 135
Age of Enlightenment, 141
the fantastic-uncanny, 141
Rambo III (1988), 205
Rambo: First Blood Part II (1985), 205
, 105, 112
Rammer and Bonesaw
, 110
Raw (2017), 77–79, 187
Justine, 77–79, 79
Alex, 77, 79
Adrien, 78
Raw I
, 105–106, 108
Raw II
, 105–106, 108
Rebecca (1940), 135, 137, 142
Danvers, 138–139, 142
symptoms, 140
Winter, de Maxim, 137, 139–140
The Reproduction of Mothering: Psychoanalysis and Sociology of Gender (1999), 17
Resident Evil films, 205–218
overview of films, 211
, 210, 214–215
The Ring (2002), 101
, 101
Roman Catholic church, 39
Romasanta, Manuel Blanco, 43
Rosemary’s Baby (1968), 19
The Ruins (2008), 191
Russell, Kurt, 205
Ruthuven, 118–119
A Serbian Film (2010), 8
Sales, Nancy Jo, 86
Satan (1975), 154
Saturday Night Live cast, 219
Savella, 119–120
Saw (2004), 176, 191
, 1, 8, 108, 111
Scared Stiff (2016), 105
The Scarlet Letter (1995), 188–189
Scary Movie 2 (2001), 241
Scherzo Diabolico
, 169, 176–178
Schwarzenegger, Arnold, 205
Scognamillo, Giovanni, 155
, 1, 110, 118, 153
Scream 4 (2011), 192
Scream franchise (1996, 1997, 2000, 2011), 220
Seagal, Steven, 205
Second nature, 195
Secret Beyond the Door (1948), 135
Self-reflexivity, 117–124
Selfveillance, 85–98
, 156
Sexting: Gender and Teens
, 86
Şeytan-ı Racim
, 156
Shadow Makers (1989), 188
Shail, Rob, 1
Shelton, Emily, 105
Sherlock Jr. (1924), 228
, 156
The Silence of the Lambs (1991), 176
Silverman, Kaja, 25
, 156
Sitterson, Gary, 89
Skye, Angel, 105, 111
Skype, 88, 91–92
Slasher and ‘torture porn’ cycles, 101, 103
Sleep, My Love (1948), 135–136, 142, 144
Snelson, 41
Snipes, Wesley, 205
Social media, 85
body-shaming, 87
bullying, 86, 89, 91–93, 97
media and communication activities, 85
online harassment, 85
patriarchal structures and attitudes, 87
proclivity toward young girls and women, 86
sexualization and categorization of women, 86
slut shaming, 87
zero accountability of, 86
Social Realities, 169–185
Sorcerers, 159
Spaghetti western, 153
Spanish Civil War, 39, 50
Spanish horror boom, 41–42
Spectral femininity, 141
Spielberg, Steven, 87
The Spiral Staircase (1946), 135
Stallone, Sylvester, 205
Star Wars sequel, 219
Stolz, Eric, 28
Subkoff, Tara, 94
Subordinate masculinity, 25
Sudor Frío (2011), 169, 176, 180–182
Supernatural, 133–149
Surelick Holmes
, 103
Surveillance, 85–98
Tatar, 144
Tekin, Galip, 155
The Terminator (1984), 205
Terminator 2: Judgement Day (1991), 206
Terrible Place, 2, 227
Territory, 172
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974), 176
There’s a ghost in my house, 133–149
The Thing (1982), 206
This Night I’ll Possess Your Corpse (1967), 176
Thomson, David, 87
Thor (2011), 208
301/302 (1995), 73–75
flashbacks, 74
incestuous abuse, 74–75
Kang, 73–74
monstrous power, 74
Tortorici, Zeb, J., 107
Toronto International Film Festival’s Midnight Madness screening (2008), 15
Torture porn, 192
Torture Porn: Popular Horror after Saw (2013), 192
Totaro, Donato, 17
Tradition/religion, 160
Traditional masculinity, 25
Trouble Every Day (2001), 53–58, 60–61, 64
Coré, 55–58
Léo, 55
Shane, 55–58
Tucker and Dale vs Evil (2010), 227
Turkish Horror Cinema, 151–165
abject womb, 157–159
emergence in 2000s, 155–157
, 157
isolated cases to emergence of horror, 152–154
male saviours, 159
masculinity as abjection, 160–162
monstrous-feminine, 157–159
rational bystanders, 159–160
Turkey, 151–165
cinema, 151
directors, 151
Turkish market, 153
Tusk (2014), 103
21 Hump Street (2013), 103
Twink, 105–106
Twinklight (2010), 104–105
Types of ghost story, 135
Under the Shadow (2016), 146
Unfriended (2015), 88, 91, 97
Barnes, Laura, 91–92
Blaire, 91–92, 95
Laura, 92–93, 95
Mitch, 92
The Uninvited
, 136–137
Urbanization, 151
US Department of Health and Human Services, 85
The Vampire Lovers (1970), 128
Vampirism, 176
The Vampyre
, 118
Van Damme, Jean-Claude, 205
Variety magazine, 195
Verbinski, Gore, 101
Victims, 227
Video Essay, 219–235
The body, 225–227
end, 233–234
The Final Girl, 225
film theory, 220–233
The Killer, 223
shock, 224
Slasher Horror, 220–233
Terrible Place, 224
The Victims, 223
Weapons, 223–224
Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema, 18
Vyong, Ocean, 95
The Walking Dead (2010), 7
The Washington Post
, 86
Watkins, Chrissie, 87
Webbing, 106
The Werewolf Hunt
, 44
The Werewolf Versus the Vampire Woman aka La noche de Walpurgis (1970), 41
What Lies Beneath (2000), 133–149
Claire, 133–134, 137–138, 140, 142–143, 145–147
Frank, Madison, 137, 140, 142–147
Hitchcockian, 142
MacGuffin-nod, 142
Norman, 137, 143
Warren, 142
Williams, Linda, 7, 19, 57, 103
Witching and Bitching (2013), 47
The Woman (2011), 75–77
Belle, 76–77
Chris, 75–77
Peggy, 75
Wood, Robin, 57
The Walking Dead (2010–present), 192
The Washington Post
, 188
Waldman, Diane, 139
Westernization/modernization, 160
White Science, 159
Willis, Bruce, 205
Witchcraft, 176
Wolf Creek (2005), 189
Women and the Gothic, 135
Women’s films, 152
Working class culture, 151
Xenomorph creatures, 206
Yeşilçam era, 151
Yeşilçam, 151
comedy, 151
historical epics, 151
horror, 151
melodrama, 151
science fiction, 151
Yik Yak app, 86
Young, Iris Marion, 72
Zlosnik, Sue, 72
El Bosque del Lobo (1970), 44
Elegiac masculinities, 34
Elegy, 27, 33–34
Elliott, Robert, 87
Emergence of a bourgeois class, 151
Entertainment Weekly
, 195
Escoffier, Jeffrey, 102, 105
Etheredge-Ouzts, Paul, 104
Euro-American horror films, 154
The Evil Dead (1981), 219
The Exorcist (1973), 19, 154
Extinction (2007), 210, 214
Facebook, 85–86, 88, 94–95
False consciousness, 141
Female cannibal, 53–55, 67–69, 71, 73, 75, 79
incest, 71–73
patriarchal family, 72
rape/abuse by family member, 71–72
sexual objects to sexual subjects, 73
Female Gothic, 133–149
Female protagonists, 133
Female vampire, 117
Feminism, 67–71, 79
Feminist Rhetoric in Digital Sphere, 87
Filth, 159
The Final Chapter (2016), 210, 214–215
The Final Girls (2015), 110–111, 193–200, 219–235
film theory, 227
intertextuality, 227
metalanguage, 227
Firmly set, 134
First Blood (1982), 205
The Force Awakens
, 219
Foronda, Diego, 23–34
Four notorious homophobes, 112
Franco’s Fascist dictatorship, 39
The Frankenstein Book Series
, 153
Freudian feminist melodrama, 135
Friday the 13th (2009, original 1980), 105, 220
Fuder, Frank, 105
The Facility, 89, 94
Gaslight (1944), 135–136, 142, 144
Gay porn parodies, 101–104
amateurish production style, 105
close readings, 104–105
dangers of, 112–113
erotic adaptation, 104
extremely common device, 102
full-fledged adaptation, 102, 106
gay culture, 102
homophobic viewers, 102
meta-activity of, 104
narrative vs sex, 105–106
pay-per-scene revenue streams, 106
poor acting-accruement, 105
pornification of gay culture, 102–103
potential of, 113
riff-to-spoof categories, 105
self-reflexivity of, 101–102, 104
transformation of structure of, 106
treasure trove of titles, 103
Gay sex, 113
GAYVN Video Awards (2004), 101
Gender Ideologies, 169–185
Gendered Violence Outside and Inside, 187–204
Genre and Gender Conventions, 219–235
Genz, Stephanie, 70
Gerontologists, 25
Gerrard, Steve, 1
Get Out (2017), 237–250
black boyhood, 243–244
breaking barriers for black men in horror, 244–245
horror and the gaze, 238–239
horrors of racism, 239–240
humanity of black men in horror, 241–243
introduction, 237–238
racism of horror, 240–241
respectability politics, 245–247
theoretical framework, 238–241
vulnerability, 243–244
Ghost story, 135
Ghostbusters (1984), 219
Gill, Rosalind, 69, 73
A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night (2014), 187
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2009), 207
Goddard, Drew, 89
Golden age, 7
Good Neighbor policy, 171
Gothic feminism, 135
Gothic novel, 135
ambiguity, 139
central feature, 139
Gothics, 135
Grabby Awards (2004), 101
Grave (2016), 53–55, 60–64
Alex, 54, 61–64
Creed’s discussion on, 63
Justine, 53, 61–64
unruly bodies, 60–64
Grogan, Christine, 72
The Guardian
, 191
Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner (1967), 238
Guest, Kristen, 68
Gül (Canan Perver), 154
Habit, 195
Hadley, Steve, 89
Halloween (2007, original 1978), 90, 110–111, 220, 227
Halloweiner: Friday Fuckteenth
, 105, 110–111
Hamad, Hannah, 33
Hard Core
, 103
Hardwicke, Catherine, 104
Hart, Lynda, 73
Haunted Media: Electronic Presence from Telegraphy to Television
, 93
Haunted (2007), 151–165
Hawkes, Rebecca, 19
Hegemonic masculinity, 23–26
Hell’s Creatures
, 40–41
Hellbent (2004), 104
Hereditary (2018), 7
Herring, Scott, 103
Heteronormative relationships, 74
Heteroporn culture, 102
Hitchcock, Alfred, 87
Hoca, character of, 154, 160
The Hole (2002), 101–102, 111
Holland, Samantha, 1–4
Hollows, Joanne, 69
Hopkins, Stephen, 108
Horner, Avril, 72
Horror, 88, 94, 97
Alex, 94
bodies, 7–84
boundaries, 85–168
cannibal, 67
captivity, 169–250
Cat, 95–96
Harry, 94
polyemic, 103
queerness in, 101, 103–104
social media, 85
specificity of, 101
Subkoff, 94, 96
torture the woman
, 87
Hostel (2005, 2007, 2011), 8, 103, 176, 191
Hounds of Love (2016), 192
The Human Centipede (2009), 8
The Hunger Games (2012), 219
The Hunger Games series, 207
Hunks on Haunted Hill (2000), 110
I Spit on Your Grave (1978; 2010), 176
Ichi the Killer (2009), 8
Ideological function, 140
Imagines things, 136
Incestuous abuse, 71–73, 76, 79
Industrialization, 151
Inside (2007), 10–15, 19–20
Bustillo and Mary, 10–15
Creed, 15
Jean-Pierre, 10, 12, 14
La Femme, 11, 13–14
Matthieu, 10
Sarah, 10–14
Instagram, 85, 87–89, 94
Institutions, 173
Intertextuality, 117–120, 123–124, 126–127, 130–131
Invasion USA (1985), 205
Islamic cosmology, 155
Islamic imagery, 154
It (2017), 7
James Hong, 86
Jancovich, Mark, 135
Javier Pulido, Javier, 40
Jaws (1975), 87
Jigsaw (2017), 191
Jim Young’s Hot or Not, 86
Jinn, 155–156
Joffe, Roland, 188
, 40
Kawin, Bruce F., 135
Kay, Andy, 105
Kazıklı Voyvoda (The Voivode with the Stakes, 1928), 153
Kennedy, David, 27, 34
Kenny, Bryan, 105
Kick-Ass (2010), 207
The Killing Fields (1984), 188
King, Claire Sisco, 104
Krueger, Freddy, 107–108
L’arrivée d’un train à la Ciotat (1895), 228
La Noche de Walpurgis/Werewolf Versus Vampire Woman (1970), 44
Lane, Liz, 87
Lara Croft Tomb Raider-The Cradle of Life (2003), 207
Lara Croft: Tomb Raider (2001), 207
LaRue, Chi Chi, 105
The Last House on the Left (1972; 2009), 176
Late Phases (2014), 23–34
Ambrose, 23, 26, 28–29, 31–32, 34–35
Father Roger, 34
horror elegies, 26–33
Victoria, 30
Will, 28
Latin American ‘Abduction’ Horror, 169–185
gender ideologies, 175–176
gender roles in US Horror, 165–171
hybridity, 171–174
Luna de Miel
, 178–180
reconfigured feminist reading, 174–175
Scherzo Diabolico
, 176–178
serious cinema, 169
Sudor Frío
, 180–182
supernatural, 169
Law Abiding Citizen (2009), 192
Lázaro-Reboll, 40
Le Manoir du Diable (1896), 7
Leo Gabriadze, Leo, 91
Les Yeux Sans Visage, 16–17
Linda, Hutcheon, 120, 122, 124–125, 127, 129–130
Lobos de Arga
, 43–49
Calisto, 45
Daninsky, Waldemar, 46, 48
Evaristo, 47–48
fight between werewolves and urban men, 49
la Santa Compaña (ghosts), 43
lobishome (werewolves), 43
lycanthropy, 43
Mario, 45, 49
Meigas (witches), 43
Ourense, Galicia, 43
Robal, Bernárdez, 46
Secun de la Rosa, 46
soft male characters, 46
Spain’s past, 47
Tomás, 44–49
Lobos de Arga, aka Game of Werewolves (2011), 43
López, Diego, 40
Luna de Miel (2015), 169, 176, 178–180
Lycanthropes or lobishome
, 41, 43, 44, 48, 49
, 169
‘The Male Gaze’, 208
Male Gothic, 135
Mardorossian, Carine, 33
, 95
, 156
The Mark of the Wolfman
, 50
Martyrs (2009), 15–20
Anna, 15–20
Laugier, 16
Lucie, 15–20
Mademoiselle, 16–17
Masculinity, 151–165
Masculinity, 39
Matellano, Víctor, 40
The Matrix (1999), 207
Meditation, 27
Men, Women, and Chain Saws (2015), 90, 219
, 172, 174
Metalinguistic Play, 219–235
Meyer, Michael, 90
, 156
Miller, Kate, 87
, 102
Misery (1990), 176
Misogyny, 187–204
The Mission (1986), 188
, 69
Mixed Martial Arts (MMA), 241
MMA. See Mixed Martial Arts
Moers, Ellen, 134
The Moment of Psycho
, 87
Monster, 159
Monstrous body, 151
Monstrous-feminine, 151–165
The Monstrous-Feminine
, 93
The Monstrous-Feminine: Film, Feminism, Psychoanalysis (1993), 13
Morrison, Todd, G., 106
Mother! (2017), 192
Mulvey, Laura, 2
Munford, Rebecca, 70
My Name Is Alice, 205–217
character arc, 211–217
character physical presence, 211–217
, 211
The Mysteries of Uldopho (1794), 142
A Nightmare on Elm Street 5: The Dream Child
, 108
A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984), 8, 227
A Nightmare on Twink Street
, 105–107
National masculinity, 33–35
National-Catholic regime, 39
Negra, Diana, 24, 68–69
Neighbouring Sounds
, 174
Neo-Gothic, 137
Neo-slasher period, 220
New French Extremity, 8–10
New Nightmare (1994), 220
New Technologies, 169–185
New York Magazine
, 189
Nills, Afton, 104
Normal masculinity, 25
Norris, Chuck, 205
Objectification, 67, 71, 73–75, 77–79
Ocean’s 8 (2018), 219
, 8
Older and narrower concept, 24
The Omen (1976), 19
The Orphanage (2007), 146
The Others (2001), 146
Ottoman Empire, 153–154, 160
Oxford Dictionary of Film Studies
, 8
Özgüç, 152
Palma, Brian De, 87
Palmer, Tim, 8
Parody, 102–103
sex and violence, 111
twink porn, 106–109
Paranoid woman’s film, 135, 140
Parodies, 101–113
The Passion of Joan of Arc (1928), 75
The Passion of the Christ (2004), 189
Patriarchal control, 135
Patriarchal power, 40, 119, 128
Patriarchy, 169
Phalange’s and Roman Catholic principles, 39
Phallic weaponry, 227
Pièce de résistance, 112
Pizarro, David, 40
Planet Terror (2007), 174
Pleasantville (1998), 228
The Pointed Nails of Justice, 119
Political Islam, 156
Pollidori, John, 118
Poltergeist (1982), 228
horror films vs., 113
‘shock’, 113
Possessions and psychoses, 176
Postfeminist era, 67
cannibal, 67
consumptions, 69–70
empowerment and choice, 70
feminism power, 70–71
gender-based violence and abuse, 70
gothic conventions, 70–71
tensions, 67–68, 70–71, 76–77, 79
Postmodern theory, 117
abbreviated, artificial characterization, 118
comparatively narration, 118
female voice and storytelling, 119
self-reflexive spectacle, 118
strategies of disruption, 117
stylistic features of, 117
Post-slasher period, 220
Predator (1987), 205–206
Predator 2 (1990), 206
Priests, 159
The Problem with Twinks (2017), 106
Pro-Islamist Welfare Party (RP), 156
Protective paternalism, 33
Psycho (1960), 87, 94, 178–179
Psychokiller, 227
Pulido, Javier, 42
The Purge
, 1
The Purple Rose of Cairo (1985), 228
Quandt, James, 8
Quod erat demonstrandum
, 227
Qur’an, 154, 156, 160
Radcliffe, Ann, 133, 135
Age of Enlightenment, 141
the fantastic-uncanny, 141
Rambo III (1988), 205
Rambo: First Blood Part II (1985), 205
, 105, 112
Rammer and Bonesaw
, 110
Raw (2017), 77–79, 187
Justine, 77–79, 79
Alex, 77, 79
Adrien, 78
Raw I
, 105–106, 108
Raw II
, 105–106, 108
Rebecca (1940), 135, 137, 142
Danvers, 138–139, 142
symptoms, 140
Winter, de Maxim, 137, 139–140
The Reproduction of Mothering: Psychoanalysis and Sociology of Gender (1999), 17
Resident Evil films, 205–218
overview of films, 211
, 210, 214–215
The Ring (2002), 101
, 101
Roman Catholic church, 39
Romasanta, Manuel Blanco, 43
Rosemary’s Baby (1968), 19
The Ruins (2008), 191
Russell, Kurt, 205
Ruthuven, 118–119
A Serbian Film (2010), 8
Sales, Nancy Jo, 86
Satan (1975), 154
Saturday Night Live cast, 219
Savella, 119–120
Saw (2004), 176, 191
, 1, 8, 108, 111
Scared Stiff (2016), 105
The Scarlet Letter (1995), 188–189
Scary Movie 2 (2001), 241
Scherzo Diabolico
, 169, 176–178
Schwarzenegger, Arnold, 205
Scognamillo, Giovanni, 155
, 1, 110, 118, 153
Scream 4 (2011), 192
Scream franchise (1996, 1997, 2000, 2011), 220
Seagal, Steven, 205
Second nature, 195
Secret Beyond the Door (1948), 135
Self-reflexivity, 117–124
Selfveillance, 85–98
, 156
Sexting: Gender and Teens
, 86
Şeytan-ı Racim
, 156
Shadow Makers (1989), 188
Shail, Rob, 1
Shelton, Emily, 105
Sherlock Jr. (1924), 228
, 156
The Silence of the Lambs (1991), 176
Silverman, Kaja, 25
, 156
Sitterson, Gary, 89
Skye, Angel, 105, 111
Skype, 88, 91–92
Slasher and ‘torture porn’ cycles, 101, 103
Sleep, My Love (1948), 135–136, 142, 144
Snelson, 41
Snipes, Wesley, 205
Social media, 85
body-shaming, 87
bullying, 86, 89, 91–93, 97
media and communication activities, 85
online harassment, 85
patriarchal structures and attitudes, 87
proclivity toward young girls and women, 86
sexualization and categorization of women, 86
slut shaming, 87
zero accountability of, 86
Social Realities, 169–185
Sorcerers, 159
Spaghetti western, 153
Spanish Civil War, 39, 50
Spanish horror boom, 41–42
Spectral femininity, 141
Spielberg, Steven, 87
The Spiral Staircase (1946), 135
Stallone, Sylvester, 205
Star Wars sequel, 219
Stolz, Eric, 28
Subkoff, Tara, 94
Subordinate masculinity, 25
Sudor Frío (2011), 169, 176, 180–182
Supernatural, 133–149
Surelick Holmes
, 103
Surveillance, 85–98
Tatar, 144
Tekin, Galip, 155
The Terminator (1984), 205
Terminator 2: Judgement Day (1991), 206
Terrible Place, 2, 227
Territory, 172
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974), 176
There’s a ghost in my house, 133–149
The Thing (1982), 206
This Night I’ll Possess Your Corpse (1967), 176
Thomson, David, 87
Thor (2011), 208
301/302 (1995), 73–75
flashbacks, 74
incestuous abuse, 74–75
Kang, 73–74
monstrous power, 74
Tortorici, Zeb, J., 107
Toronto International Film Festival’s Midnight Madness screening (2008), 15
Torture porn, 192
Torture Porn: Popular Horror after Saw (2013), 192
Totaro, Donato, 17
Tradition/religion, 160
Traditional masculinity, 25
Trouble Every Day (2001), 53–58, 60–61, 64
Coré, 55–58
Léo, 55
Shane, 55–58
Tucker and Dale vs Evil (2010), 227
Turkish Horror Cinema, 151–165
abject womb, 157–159
emergence in 2000s, 155–157
, 157
isolated cases to emergence of horror, 152–154
male saviours, 159
masculinity as abjection, 160–162
monstrous-feminine, 157–159
rational bystanders, 159–160
Turkey, 151–165
cinema, 151
directors, 151
Turkish market, 153
Tusk (2014), 103
21 Hump Street (2013), 103
Twink, 105–106
Twinklight (2010), 104–105
Types of ghost story, 135
Under the Shadow (2016), 146
Unfriended (2015), 88, 91, 97
Barnes, Laura, 91–92
Blaire, 91–92, 95
Laura, 92–93, 95
Mitch, 92
The Uninvited
, 136–137
Urbanization, 151
US Department of Health and Human Services, 85
The Vampire Lovers (1970), 128
Vampirism, 176
The Vampyre
, 118
Van Damme, Jean-Claude, 205
Variety magazine, 195
Verbinski, Gore, 101
Victims, 227
Video Essay, 219–235
The body, 225–227
end, 233–234
The Final Girl, 225
film theory, 220–233
The Killer, 223
shock, 224
Slasher Horror, 220–233
Terrible Place, 224
The Victims, 223
Weapons, 223–224
Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema, 18
Vyong, Ocean, 95
The Walking Dead (2010), 7
The Washington Post
, 86
Watkins, Chrissie, 87
Webbing, 106
The Werewolf Hunt
, 44
The Werewolf Versus the Vampire Woman aka La noche de Walpurgis (1970), 41
What Lies Beneath (2000), 133–149
Claire, 133–134, 137–138, 140, 142–143, 145–147
Frank, Madison, 137, 140, 142–147
Hitchcockian, 142
MacGuffin-nod, 142
Norman, 137, 143
Warren, 142
Williams, Linda, 7, 19, 57, 103
Witching and Bitching (2013), 47
The Woman (2011), 75–77
Belle, 76–77
Chris, 75–77
Peggy, 75
Wood, Robin, 57
The Walking Dead (2010–present), 192
The Washington Post
, 188
Waldman, Diane, 139
Westernization/modernization, 160
White Science, 159
Willis, Bruce, 205
Witchcraft, 176
Wolf Creek (2005), 189
Women and the Gothic, 135
Women’s films, 152
Working class culture, 151
Xenomorph creatures, 206
Yeşilçam era, 151
Yeşilçam, 151
comedy, 151
historical epics, 151
horror, 151
melodrama, 151
science fiction, 151
Yik Yak app, 86
Young, Iris Marion, 72
Zlosnik, Sue, 72
Gaslight (1944), 135–136, 142, 144
Gay porn parodies, 101–104
amateurish production style, 105
close readings, 104–105
dangers of, 112–113
erotic adaptation, 104
extremely common device, 102
full-fledged adaptation, 102, 106
gay culture, 102
homophobic viewers, 102
meta-activity of, 104
narrative vs sex, 105–106
pay-per-scene revenue streams, 106
poor acting-accruement, 105
pornification of gay culture, 102–103
potential of, 113
riff-to-spoof categories, 105
self-reflexivity of, 101–102, 104
transformation of structure of, 106
treasure trove of titles, 103
Gay sex, 113
GAYVN Video Awards (2004), 101
Gender Ideologies, 169–185
Gendered Violence Outside and Inside, 187–204
Genre and Gender Conventions, 219–235
Genz, Stephanie, 70
Gerontologists, 25
Gerrard, Steve, 1
Get Out (2017), 237–250
black boyhood, 243–244
breaking barriers for black men in horror, 244–245
horror and the gaze, 238–239
horrors of racism, 239–240
humanity of black men in horror, 241–243
introduction, 237–238
racism of horror, 240–241
respectability politics, 245–247
theoretical framework, 238–241
vulnerability, 243–244
Ghost story, 135
Ghostbusters (1984), 219
Gill, Rosalind, 69, 73
A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night (2014), 187
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2009), 207
Goddard, Drew, 89
Golden age, 7
Good Neighbor policy, 171
Gothic feminism, 135
Gothic novel, 135
ambiguity, 139
central feature, 139
Gothics, 135
Grabby Awards (2004), 101
Grave (2016), 53–55, 60–64
Alex, 54, 61–64
Creed’s discussion on, 63
Justine, 53, 61–64
unruly bodies, 60–64
Grogan, Christine, 72
The Guardian
, 191
Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner (1967), 238
Guest, Kristen, 68
Gül (Canan Perver), 154
Habit, 195
Hadley, Steve, 89
Halloween (2007, original 1978), 90, 110–111, 220, 227
Halloweiner: Friday Fuckteenth
, 105, 110–111
Hamad, Hannah, 33
Hard Core
, 103
Hardwicke, Catherine, 104
Hart, Lynda, 73
Haunted Media: Electronic Presence from Telegraphy to Television
, 93
Haunted (2007), 151–165
Hawkes, Rebecca, 19
Hegemonic masculinity, 23–26
Hell’s Creatures
, 40–41
Hellbent (2004), 104
Hereditary (2018), 7
Herring, Scott, 103
Heteronormative relationships, 74
Heteroporn culture, 102
Hitchcock, Alfred, 87
Hoca, character of, 154, 160
The Hole (2002), 101–102, 111
Holland, Samantha, 1–4
Hollows, Joanne, 69
Hopkins, Stephen, 108
Horner, Avril, 72
Horror, 88, 94, 97
Alex, 94
bodies, 7–84
boundaries, 85–168
cannibal, 67
captivity, 169–250
Cat, 95–96
Harry, 94
polyemic, 103
queerness in, 101, 103–104
social media, 85
specificity of, 101
Subkoff, 94, 96
torture the woman
, 87
Hostel (2005, 2007, 2011), 8, 103, 176, 191
Hounds of Love (2016), 192
The Human Centipede (2009), 8
The Hunger Games (2012), 219
The Hunger Games series, 207
Hunks on Haunted Hill (2000), 110
I Spit on Your Grave (1978; 2010), 176
Ichi the Killer (2009), 8
Ideological function, 140
Imagines things, 136
Incestuous abuse, 71–73, 76, 79
Industrialization, 151
Inside (2007), 10–15, 19–20
Bustillo and Mary, 10–15
Creed, 15
Jean-Pierre, 10, 12, 14
La Femme, 11, 13–14
Matthieu, 10
Sarah, 10–14
Instagram, 85, 87–89, 94
Institutions, 173
Intertextuality, 117–120, 123–124, 126–127, 130–131
Invasion USA (1985), 205
Islamic cosmology, 155
Islamic imagery, 154
It (2017), 7
James Hong, 86
Jancovich, Mark, 135
Javier Pulido, Javier, 40
Jaws (1975), 87
Jigsaw (2017), 191
Jim Young’s Hot or Not, 86
Jinn, 155–156
Joffe, Roland, 188
, 40
Kawin, Bruce F., 135
Kay, Andy, 105
Kazıklı Voyvoda (The Voivode with the Stakes, 1928), 153
Kennedy, David, 27, 34
Kenny, Bryan, 105
Kick-Ass (2010), 207
The Killing Fields (1984), 188
King, Claire Sisco, 104
Krueger, Freddy, 107–108
L’arrivée d’un train à la Ciotat (1895), 228
La Noche de Walpurgis/Werewolf Versus Vampire Woman (1970), 44
Lane, Liz, 87
Lara Croft Tomb Raider-The Cradle of Life (2003), 207
Lara Croft: Tomb Raider (2001), 207
LaRue, Chi Chi, 105
The Last House on the Left (1972; 2009), 176
Late Phases (2014), 23–34
Ambrose, 23, 26, 28–29, 31–32, 34–35
Father Roger, 34
horror elegies, 26–33
Victoria, 30
Will, 28
Latin American ‘Abduction’ Horror, 169–185
gender ideologies, 175–176
gender roles in US Horror, 165–171
hybridity, 171–174
Luna de Miel
, 178–180
reconfigured feminist reading, 174–175
Scherzo Diabolico
, 176–178
serious cinema, 169
Sudor Frío
, 180–182
supernatural, 169
Law Abiding Citizen (2009), 192
Lázaro-Reboll, 40
Le Manoir du Diable (1896), 7
Leo Gabriadze, Leo, 91
Les Yeux Sans Visage, 16–17
Linda, Hutcheon, 120, 122, 124–125, 127, 129–130
Lobos de Arga
, 43–49
Calisto, 45
Daninsky, Waldemar, 46, 48
Evaristo, 47–48
fight between werewolves and urban men, 49
la Santa Compaña (ghosts), 43
lobishome (werewolves), 43
lycanthropy, 43
Mario, 45, 49
Meigas (witches), 43
Ourense, Galicia, 43
Robal, Bernárdez, 46
Secun de la Rosa, 46
soft male characters, 46
Spain’s past, 47
Tomás, 44–49
Lobos de Arga, aka Game of Werewolves (2011), 43
López, Diego, 40
Luna de Miel (2015), 169, 176, 178–180
Lycanthropes or lobishome
, 41, 43, 44, 48, 49
, 169
‘The Male Gaze’, 208
Male Gothic, 135
Mardorossian, Carine, 33
, 95
, 156
The Mark of the Wolfman
, 50
Martyrs (2009), 15–20
Anna, 15–20
Laugier, 16
Lucie, 15–20
Mademoiselle, 16–17
Masculinity, 151–165
Masculinity, 39
Matellano, Víctor, 40
The Matrix (1999), 207
Meditation, 27
Men, Women, and Chain Saws (2015), 90, 219
, 172, 174
Metalinguistic Play, 219–235
Meyer, Michael, 90
, 156
Miller, Kate, 87
, 102
Misery (1990), 176
Misogyny, 187–204
The Mission (1986), 188
, 69
Mixed Martial Arts (MMA), 241
MMA. See Mixed Martial Arts
Moers, Ellen, 134
The Moment of Psycho
, 87
Monster, 159
Monstrous body, 151
Monstrous-feminine, 151–165
The Monstrous-Feminine
, 93
The Monstrous-Feminine: Film, Feminism, Psychoanalysis (1993), 13
Morrison, Todd, G., 106
Mother! (2017), 192
Mulvey, Laura, 2
Munford, Rebecca, 70
My Name Is Alice, 205–217
character arc, 211–217
character physical presence, 211–217
, 211
The Mysteries of Uldopho (1794), 142
A Nightmare on Elm Street 5: The Dream Child
, 108
A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984), 8, 227
A Nightmare on Twink Street
, 105–107
National masculinity, 33–35
National-Catholic regime, 39
Negra, Diana, 24, 68–69
Neighbouring Sounds
, 174
Neo-Gothic, 137
Neo-slasher period, 220
New French Extremity, 8–10
New Nightmare (1994), 220
New Technologies, 169–185
New York Magazine
, 189
Nills, Afton, 104
Normal masculinity, 25
Norris, Chuck, 205
Objectification, 67, 71, 73–75, 77–79
Ocean’s 8 (2018), 219
, 8
Older and narrower concept, 24
The Omen (1976), 19
The Orphanage (2007), 146
The Others (2001), 146
Ottoman Empire, 153–154, 160
Oxford Dictionary of Film Studies
, 8
Özgüç, 152
Palma, Brian De, 87
Palmer, Tim, 8
Parody, 102–103
sex and violence, 111
twink porn, 106–109
Paranoid woman’s film, 135, 140
Parodies, 101–113
The Passion of Joan of Arc (1928), 75
The Passion of the Christ (2004), 189
Patriarchal control, 135
Patriarchal power, 40, 119, 128
Patriarchy, 169
Phalange’s and Roman Catholic principles, 39
Phallic weaponry, 227
Pièce de résistance, 112
Pizarro, David, 40
Planet Terror (2007), 174
Pleasantville (1998), 228
The Pointed Nails of Justice, 119
Political Islam, 156
Pollidori, John, 118
Poltergeist (1982), 228
horror films vs., 113
‘shock’, 113
Possessions and psychoses, 176
Postfeminist era, 67
cannibal, 67
consumptions, 69–70
empowerment and choice, 70
feminism power, 70–71
gender-based violence and abuse, 70
gothic conventions, 70–71
tensions, 67–68, 70–71, 76–77, 79
Postmodern theory, 117
abbreviated, artificial characterization, 118
comparatively narration, 118
female voice and storytelling, 119
self-reflexive spectacle, 118
strategies of disruption, 117
stylistic features of, 117
Post-slasher period, 220
Predator (1987), 205–206
Predator 2 (1990), 206
Priests, 159
The Problem with Twinks (2017), 106
Pro-Islamist Welfare Party (RP), 156
Protective paternalism, 33
Psycho (1960), 87, 94, 178–179
Psychokiller, 227
Pulido, Javier, 42
The Purge
, 1
The Purple Rose of Cairo (1985), 228
Quandt, James, 8
Quod erat demonstrandum
, 227
Qur’an, 154, 156, 160
Radcliffe, Ann, 133, 135
Age of Enlightenment, 141
the fantastic-uncanny, 141
Rambo III (1988), 205
Rambo: First Blood Part II (1985), 205
, 105, 112
Rammer and Bonesaw
, 110
Raw (2017), 77–79, 187
Justine, 77–79, 79
Alex, 77, 79
Adrien, 78
Raw I
, 105–106, 108
Raw II
, 105–106, 108
Rebecca (1940), 135, 137, 142
Danvers, 138–139, 142
symptoms, 140
Winter, de Maxim, 137, 139–140
The Reproduction of Mothering: Psychoanalysis and Sociology of Gender (1999), 17
Resident Evil films, 205–218
overview of films, 211
, 210, 214–215
The Ring (2002), 101
, 101
Roman Catholic church, 39
Romasanta, Manuel Blanco, 43
Rosemary’s Baby (1968), 19
The Ruins (2008), 191
Russell, Kurt, 205
Ruthuven, 118–119
A Serbian Film (2010), 8
Sales, Nancy Jo, 86
Satan (1975), 154
Saturday Night Live cast, 219
Savella, 119–120
Saw (2004), 176, 191
, 1, 8, 108, 111
Scared Stiff (2016), 105
The Scarlet Letter (1995), 188–189
Scary Movie 2 (2001), 241
Scherzo Diabolico
, 169, 176–178
Schwarzenegger, Arnold, 205
Scognamillo, Giovanni, 155
, 1, 110, 118, 153
Scream 4 (2011), 192
Scream franchise (1996, 1997, 2000, 2011), 220
Seagal, Steven, 205
Second nature, 195
Secret Beyond the Door (1948), 135
Self-reflexivity, 117–124
Selfveillance, 85–98
, 156
Sexting: Gender and Teens
, 86
Şeytan-ı Racim
, 156
Shadow Makers (1989), 188
Shail, Rob, 1
Shelton, Emily, 105
Sherlock Jr. (1924), 228
, 156
The Silence of the Lambs (1991), 176
Silverman, Kaja, 25
, 156
Sitterson, Gary, 89
Skye, Angel, 105, 111
Skype, 88, 91–92
Slasher and ‘torture porn’ cycles, 101, 103
Sleep, My Love (1948), 135–136, 142, 144
Snelson, 41
Snipes, Wesley, 205
Social media, 85
body-shaming, 87
bullying, 86, 89, 91–93, 97
media and communication activities, 85
online harassment, 85
patriarchal structures and attitudes, 87
proclivity toward young girls and women, 86
sexualization and categorization of women, 86
slut shaming, 87
zero accountability of, 86
Social Realities, 169–185
Sorcerers, 159
Spaghetti western, 153
Spanish Civil War, 39, 50
Spanish horror boom, 41–42
Spectral femininity, 141
Spielberg, Steven, 87
The Spiral Staircase (1946), 135
Stallone, Sylvester, 205
Star Wars sequel, 219
Stolz, Eric, 28
Subkoff, Tara, 94
Subordinate masculinity, 25
Sudor Frío (2011), 169, 176, 180–182
Supernatural, 133–149
Surelick Holmes
, 103
Surveillance, 85–98
Tatar, 144
Tekin, Galip, 155
The Terminator (1984), 205
Terminator 2: Judgement Day (1991), 206
Terrible Place, 2, 227
Territory, 172
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974), 176
There’s a ghost in my house, 133–149
The Thing (1982), 206
This Night I’ll Possess Your Corpse (1967), 176
Thomson, David, 87
Thor (2011), 208
301/302 (1995), 73–75
flashbacks, 74
incestuous abuse, 74–75
Kang, 73–74
monstrous power, 74
Tortorici, Zeb, J., 107
Toronto International Film Festival’s Midnight Madness screening (2008), 15
Torture porn, 192
Torture Porn: Popular Horror after Saw (2013), 192
Totaro, Donato, 17
Tradition/religion, 160
Traditional masculinity, 25
Trouble Every Day (2001), 53–58, 60–61, 64
Coré, 55–58
Léo, 55
Shane, 55–58
Tucker and Dale vs Evil (2010), 227
Turkish Horror Cinema, 151–165
abject womb, 157–159
emergence in 2000s, 155–157
, 157
isolated cases to emergence of horror, 152–154
male saviours, 159
masculinity as abjection, 160–162
monstrous-feminine, 157–159
rational bystanders, 159–160
Turkey, 151–165
cinema, 151
directors, 151
Turkish market, 153
Tusk (2014), 103
21 Hump Street (2013), 103
Twink, 105–106
Twinklight (2010), 104–105
Types of ghost story, 135
Under the Shadow (2016), 146
Unfriended (2015), 88, 91, 97
Barnes, Laura, 91–92
Blaire, 91–92, 95
Laura, 92–93, 95
Mitch, 92
The Uninvited
, 136–137
Urbanization, 151
US Department of Health and Human Services, 85
The Vampire Lovers (1970), 128
Vampirism, 176
The Vampyre
, 118
Van Damme, Jean-Claude, 205
Variety magazine, 195
Verbinski, Gore, 101
Victims, 227
Video Essay, 219–235
The body, 225–227
end, 233–234
The Final Girl, 225
film theory, 220–233
The Killer, 223
shock, 224
Slasher Horror, 220–233
Terrible Place, 224
The Victims, 223
Weapons, 223–224
Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema, 18
Vyong, Ocean, 95
The Walking Dead (2010), 7
The Washington Post
, 86
Watkins, Chrissie, 87
Webbing, 106
The Werewolf Hunt
, 44
The Werewolf Versus the Vampire Woman aka La noche de Walpurgis (1970), 41
What Lies Beneath (2000), 133–149
Claire, 133–134, 137–138, 140, 142–143, 145–147
Frank, Madison, 137, 140, 142–147
Hitchcockian, 142
MacGuffin-nod, 142
Norman, 137, 143
Warren, 142
Williams, Linda, 7, 19, 57, 103
Witching and Bitching (2013), 47
The Woman (2011), 75–77
Belle, 76–77
Chris, 75–77
Peggy, 75
Wood, Robin, 57
The Walking Dead (2010–present), 192
The Washington Post
, 188
Waldman, Diane, 139
Westernization/modernization, 160
White Science, 159
Willis, Bruce, 205
Witchcraft, 176
Wolf Creek (2005), 189
Women and the Gothic, 135
Women’s films, 152
Working class culture, 151
Xenomorph creatures, 206
Yeşilçam era, 151
Yeşilçam, 151
comedy, 151
historical epics, 151
horror, 151
melodrama, 151
science fiction, 151
Yik Yak app, 86
Young, Iris Marion, 72
Zlosnik, Sue, 72
I Spit on Your Grave (1978; 2010), 176
Ichi the Killer (2009), 8
Ideological function, 140
Imagines things, 136
Incestuous abuse, 71–73, 76, 79
Industrialization, 151
Inside (2007), 10–15, 19–20
Bustillo and Mary, 10–15
Creed, 15
Jean-Pierre, 10, 12, 14
La Femme, 11, 13–14
Matthieu, 10
Sarah, 10–14
Instagram, 85, 87–89, 94
Institutions, 173
Intertextuality, 117–120, 123–124, 126–127, 130–131
Invasion USA (1985), 205
Islamic cosmology, 155
Islamic imagery, 154
It (2017), 7
James Hong, 86
Jancovich, Mark, 135
Javier Pulido, Javier, 40
Jaws (1975), 87
Jigsaw (2017), 191
Jim Young’s Hot or Not, 86
Jinn, 155–156
Joffe, Roland, 188
, 40
Kawin, Bruce F., 135
Kay, Andy, 105
Kazıklı Voyvoda (The Voivode with the Stakes, 1928), 153
Kennedy, David, 27, 34
Kenny, Bryan, 105
Kick-Ass (2010), 207
The Killing Fields (1984), 188
King, Claire Sisco, 104
Krueger, Freddy, 107–108
L’arrivée d’un train à la Ciotat (1895), 228
La Noche de Walpurgis/Werewolf Versus Vampire Woman (1970), 44
Lane, Liz, 87
Lara Croft Tomb Raider-The Cradle of Life (2003), 207
Lara Croft: Tomb Raider (2001), 207
LaRue, Chi Chi, 105
The Last House on the Left (1972; 2009), 176
Late Phases (2014), 23–34
Ambrose, 23, 26, 28–29, 31–32, 34–35
Father Roger, 34
horror elegies, 26–33
Victoria, 30
Will, 28
Latin American ‘Abduction’ Horror, 169–185
gender ideologies, 175–176
gender roles in US Horror, 165–171
hybridity, 171–174
Luna de Miel
, 178–180
reconfigured feminist reading, 174–175
Scherzo Diabolico
, 176–178
serious cinema, 169
Sudor Frío
, 180–182
supernatural, 169
Law Abiding Citizen (2009), 192
Lázaro-Reboll, 40
Le Manoir du Diable (1896), 7
Leo Gabriadze, Leo, 91
Les Yeux Sans Visage, 16–17
Linda, Hutcheon, 120, 122, 124–125, 127, 129–130
Lobos de Arga
, 43–49
Calisto, 45
Daninsky, Waldemar, 46, 48
Evaristo, 47–48
fight between werewolves and urban men, 49
la Santa Compaña (ghosts), 43
lobishome (werewolves), 43
lycanthropy, 43
Mario, 45, 49
Meigas (witches), 43
Ourense, Galicia, 43
Robal, Bernárdez, 46
Secun de la Rosa, 46
soft male characters, 46
Spain’s past, 47
Tomás, 44–49
Lobos de Arga, aka Game of Werewolves (2011), 43
López, Diego, 40
Luna de Miel (2015), 169, 176, 178–180
Lycanthropes or lobishome
, 41, 43, 44, 48, 49
, 169
‘The Male Gaze’, 208
Male Gothic, 135
Mardorossian, Carine, 33
, 95
, 156
The Mark of the Wolfman
, 50
Martyrs (2009), 15–20
Anna, 15–20
Laugier, 16
Lucie, 15–20
Mademoiselle, 16–17
Masculinity, 151–165
Masculinity, 39
Matellano, Víctor, 40
The Matrix (1999), 207
Meditation, 27
Men, Women, and Chain Saws (2015), 90, 219
, 172, 174
Metalinguistic Play, 219–235
Meyer, Michael, 90
, 156
Miller, Kate, 87
, 102
Misery (1990), 176
Misogyny, 187–204
The Mission (1986), 188
, 69
Mixed Martial Arts (MMA), 241
MMA. See Mixed Martial Arts
Moers, Ellen, 134
The Moment of Psycho
, 87
Monster, 159
Monstrous body, 151
Monstrous-feminine, 151–165
The Monstrous-Feminine
, 93
The Monstrous-Feminine: Film, Feminism, Psychoanalysis (1993), 13
Morrison, Todd, G., 106
Mother! (2017), 192
Mulvey, Laura, 2
Munford, Rebecca, 70
My Name Is Alice, 205–217
character arc, 211–217
character physical presence, 211–217
, 211
The Mysteries of Uldopho (1794), 142
A Nightmare on Elm Street 5: The Dream Child
, 108
A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984), 8, 227
A Nightmare on Twink Street
, 105–107
National masculinity, 33–35
National-Catholic regime, 39
Negra, Diana, 24, 68–69
Neighbouring Sounds
, 174
Neo-Gothic, 137
Neo-slasher period, 220
New French Extremity, 8–10
New Nightmare (1994), 220
New Technologies, 169–185
New York Magazine
, 189
Nills, Afton, 104
Normal masculinity, 25
Norris, Chuck, 205
Objectification, 67, 71, 73–75, 77–79
Ocean’s 8 (2018), 219
, 8
Older and narrower concept, 24
The Omen (1976), 19
The Orphanage (2007), 146
The Others (2001), 146
Ottoman Empire, 153–154, 160
Oxford Dictionary of Film Studies
, 8
Özgüç, 152
Palma, Brian De, 87
Palmer, Tim, 8
Parody, 102–103
sex and violence, 111
twink porn, 106–109
Paranoid woman’s film, 135, 140
Parodies, 101–113
The Passion of Joan of Arc (1928), 75
The Passion of the Christ (2004), 189
Patriarchal control, 135
Patriarchal power, 40, 119, 128
Patriarchy, 169
Phalange’s and Roman Catholic principles, 39
Phallic weaponry, 227
Pièce de résistance, 112
Pizarro, David, 40
Planet Terror (2007), 174
Pleasantville (1998), 228
The Pointed Nails of Justice, 119
Political Islam, 156
Pollidori, John, 118
Poltergeist (1982), 228
horror films vs., 113
‘shock’, 113
Possessions and psychoses, 176
Postfeminist era, 67
cannibal, 67
consumptions, 69–70
empowerment and choice, 70
feminism power, 70–71
gender-based violence and abuse, 70
gothic conventions, 70–71
tensions, 67–68, 70–71, 76–77, 79
Postmodern theory, 117
abbreviated, artificial characterization, 118
comparatively narration, 118
female voice and storytelling, 119
self-reflexive spectacle, 118
strategies of disruption, 117
stylistic features of, 117
Post-slasher period, 220
Predator (1987), 205–206
Predator 2 (1990), 206
Priests, 159
The Problem with Twinks (2017), 106
Pro-Islamist Welfare Party (RP), 156
Protective paternalism, 33
Psycho (1960), 87, 94, 178–179
Psychokiller, 227
Pulido, Javier, 42
The Purge
, 1
The Purple Rose of Cairo (1985), 228
Quandt, James, 8
Quod erat demonstrandum
, 227
Qur’an, 154, 156, 160
Radcliffe, Ann, 133, 135
Age of Enlightenment, 141
the fantastic-uncanny, 141
Rambo III (1988), 205
Rambo: First Blood Part II (1985), 205
, 105, 112
Rammer and Bonesaw
, 110
Raw (2017), 77–79, 187
Justine, 77–79, 79
Alex, 77, 79
Adrien, 78
Raw I
, 105–106, 108
Raw II
, 105–106, 108
Rebecca (1940), 135, 137, 142
Danvers, 138–139, 142
symptoms, 140
Winter, de Maxim, 137, 139–140
The Reproduction of Mothering: Psychoanalysis and Sociology of Gender (1999), 17
Resident Evil films, 205–218
overview of films, 211
, 210, 214–215
The Ring (2002), 101
, 101
Roman Catholic church, 39
Romasanta, Manuel Blanco, 43
Rosemary’s Baby (1968), 19
The Ruins (2008), 191
Russell, Kurt, 205
Ruthuven, 118–119
A Serbian Film (2010), 8
Sales, Nancy Jo, 86
Satan (1975), 154
Saturday Night Live cast, 219
Savella, 119–120
Saw (2004), 176, 191
, 1, 8, 108, 111
Scared Stiff (2016), 105
The Scarlet Letter (1995), 188–189
Scary Movie 2 (2001), 241
Scherzo Diabolico
, 169, 176–178
Schwarzenegger, Arnold, 205
Scognamillo, Giovanni, 155
, 1, 110, 118, 153
Scream 4 (2011), 192
Scream franchise (1996, 1997, 2000, 2011), 220
Seagal, Steven, 205
Second nature, 195
Secret Beyond the Door (1948), 135
Self-reflexivity, 117–124
Selfveillance, 85–98
, 156
Sexting: Gender and Teens
, 86
Şeytan-ı Racim
, 156
Shadow Makers (1989), 188
Shail, Rob, 1
Shelton, Emily, 105
Sherlock Jr. (1924), 228
, 156
The Silence of the Lambs (1991), 176
Silverman, Kaja, 25
, 156
Sitterson, Gary, 89
Skye, Angel, 105, 111
Skype, 88, 91–92
Slasher and ‘torture porn’ cycles, 101, 103
Sleep, My Love (1948), 135–136, 142, 144
Snelson, 41
Snipes, Wesley, 205
Social media, 85
body-shaming, 87
bullying, 86, 89, 91–93, 97
media and communication activities, 85
online harassment, 85
patriarchal structures and attitudes, 87
proclivity toward young girls and women, 86
sexualization and categorization of women, 86
slut shaming, 87
zero accountability of, 86
Social Realities, 169–185
Sorcerers, 159
Spaghetti western, 153
Spanish Civil War, 39, 50
Spanish horror boom, 41–42
Spectral femininity, 141
Spielberg, Steven, 87
The Spiral Staircase (1946), 135
Stallone, Sylvester, 205
Star Wars sequel, 219
Stolz, Eric, 28
Subkoff, Tara, 94
Subordinate masculinity, 25
Sudor Frío (2011), 169, 176, 180–182
Supernatural, 133–149
Surelick Holmes
, 103
Surveillance, 85–98
Tatar, 144
Tekin, Galip, 155
The Terminator (1984), 205
Terminator 2: Judgement Day (1991), 206
Terrible Place, 2, 227
Territory, 172
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974), 176
There’s a ghost in my house, 133–149
The Thing (1982), 206
This Night I’ll Possess Your Corpse (1967), 176
Thomson, David, 87
Thor (2011), 208
301/302 (1995), 73–75
flashbacks, 74
incestuous abuse, 74–75
Kang, 73–74
monstrous power, 74
Tortorici, Zeb, J., 107
Toronto International Film Festival’s Midnight Madness screening (2008), 15
Torture porn, 192
Torture Porn: Popular Horror after Saw (2013), 192
Totaro, Donato, 17
Tradition/religion, 160
Traditional masculinity, 25
Trouble Every Day (2001), 53–58, 60–61, 64
Coré, 55–58
Léo, 55
Shane, 55–58
Tucker and Dale vs Evil (2010), 227
Turkish Horror Cinema, 151–165
abject womb, 157–159
emergence in 2000s, 155–157
, 157
isolated cases to emergence of horror, 152–154
male saviours, 159
masculinity as abjection, 160–162
monstrous-feminine, 157–159
rational bystanders, 159–160
Turkey, 151–165
cinema, 151
directors, 151
Turkish market, 153
Tusk (2014), 103
21 Hump Street (2013), 103
Twink, 105–106
Twinklight (2010), 104–105
Types of ghost story, 135
Under the Shadow (2016), 146
Unfriended (2015), 88, 91, 97
Barnes, Laura, 91–92
Blaire, 91–92, 95
Laura, 92–93, 95
Mitch, 92
The Uninvited
, 136–137
Urbanization, 151
US Department of Health and Human Services, 85
The Vampire Lovers (1970), 128
Vampirism, 176
The Vampyre
, 118
Van Damme, Jean-Claude, 205
Variety magazine, 195
Verbinski, Gore, 101
Victims, 227
Video Essay, 219–235
The body, 225–227
end, 233–234
The Final Girl, 225
film theory, 220–233
The Killer, 223
shock, 224
Slasher Horror, 220–233
Terrible Place, 224
The Victims, 223
Weapons, 223–224
Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema, 18
Vyong, Ocean, 95
The Walking Dead (2010), 7
The Washington Post
, 86
Watkins, Chrissie, 87
Webbing, 106
The Werewolf Hunt
, 44
The Werewolf Versus the Vampire Woman aka La noche de Walpurgis (1970), 41
What Lies Beneath (2000), 133–149
Claire, 133–134, 137–138, 140, 142–143, 145–147
Frank, Madison, 137, 140, 142–147
Hitchcockian, 142
MacGuffin-nod, 142
Norman, 137, 143
Warren, 142
Williams, Linda, 7, 19, 57, 103
Witching and Bitching (2013), 47
The Woman (2011), 75–77
Belle, 76–77
Chris, 75–77
Peggy, 75
Wood, Robin, 57
The Walking Dead (2010–present), 192
The Washington Post
, 188
Waldman, Diane, 139
Westernization/modernization, 160
White Science, 159
Willis, Bruce, 205
Witchcraft, 176
Wolf Creek (2005), 189
Women and the Gothic, 135
Women’s films, 152
Working class culture, 151
Xenomorph creatures, 206
Yeşilçam era, 151
Yeşilçam, 151
comedy, 151
historical epics, 151
horror, 151
melodrama, 151
science fiction, 151
Yik Yak app, 86
Young, Iris Marion, 72
Zlosnik, Sue, 72
Kawin, Bruce F., 135
Kay, Andy, 105
Kazıklı Voyvoda (The Voivode with the Stakes, 1928), 153
Kennedy, David, 27, 34
Kenny, Bryan, 105
Kick-Ass (2010), 207
The Killing Fields (1984), 188
King, Claire Sisco, 104
Krueger, Freddy, 107–108
L’arrivée d’un train à la Ciotat (1895), 228
La Noche de Walpurgis/Werewolf Versus Vampire Woman (1970), 44
Lane, Liz, 87
Lara Croft Tomb Raider-The Cradle of Life (2003), 207
Lara Croft: Tomb Raider (2001), 207
LaRue, Chi Chi, 105
The Last House on the Left (1972; 2009), 176
Late Phases (2014), 23–34
Ambrose, 23, 26, 28–29, 31–32, 34–35
Father Roger, 34
horror elegies, 26–33
Victoria, 30
Will, 28
Latin American ‘Abduction’ Horror, 169–185
gender ideologies, 175–176
gender roles in US Horror, 165–171
hybridity, 171–174
Luna de Miel
, 178–180
reconfigured feminist reading, 174–175
Scherzo Diabolico
, 176–178
serious cinema, 169
Sudor Frío
, 180–182
supernatural, 169
Law Abiding Citizen (2009), 192
Lázaro-Reboll, 40
Le Manoir du Diable (1896), 7
Leo Gabriadze, Leo, 91
Les Yeux Sans Visage, 16–17
Linda, Hutcheon, 120, 122, 124–125, 127, 129–130
Lobos de Arga
, 43–49
Calisto, 45
Daninsky, Waldemar, 46, 48
Evaristo, 47–48
fight between werewolves and urban men, 49
la Santa Compaña (ghosts), 43
lobishome (werewolves), 43
lycanthropy, 43
Mario, 45, 49
Meigas (witches), 43
Ourense, Galicia, 43
Robal, Bernárdez, 46
Secun de la Rosa, 46
soft male characters, 46
Spain’s past, 47
Tomás, 44–49
Lobos de Arga, aka Game of Werewolves (2011), 43
López, Diego, 40
Luna de Miel (2015), 169, 176, 178–180
Lycanthropes or lobishome
, 41, 43, 44, 48, 49
, 169
‘The Male Gaze’, 208
Male Gothic, 135
Mardorossian, Carine, 33
, 95
, 156
The Mark of the Wolfman
, 50
Martyrs (2009), 15–20
Anna, 15–20
Laugier, 16
Lucie, 15–20
Mademoiselle, 16–17
Masculinity, 151–165
Masculinity, 39
Matellano, Víctor, 40
The Matrix (1999), 207
Meditation, 27
Men, Women, and Chain Saws (2015), 90, 219
, 172, 174
Metalinguistic Play, 219–235
Meyer, Michael, 90
, 156
Miller, Kate, 87
, 102
Misery (1990), 176
Misogyny, 187–204
The Mission (1986), 188
, 69
Mixed Martial Arts (MMA), 241
MMA. See Mixed Martial Arts
Moers, Ellen, 134
The Moment of Psycho
, 87
Monster, 159
Monstrous body, 151
Monstrous-feminine, 151–165
The Monstrous-Feminine
, 93
The Monstrous-Feminine: Film, Feminism, Psychoanalysis (1993), 13
Morrison, Todd, G., 106
Mother! (2017), 192
Mulvey, Laura, 2
Munford, Rebecca, 70
My Name Is Alice, 205–217
character arc, 211–217
character physical presence, 211–217
, 211
The Mysteries of Uldopho (1794), 142
A Nightmare on Elm Street 5: The Dream Child
, 108
A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984), 8, 227
A Nightmare on Twink Street
, 105–107
National masculinity, 33–35
National-Catholic regime, 39
Negra, Diana, 24, 68–69
Neighbouring Sounds
, 174
Neo-Gothic, 137
Neo-slasher period, 220
New French Extremity, 8–10
New Nightmare (1994), 220
New Technologies, 169–185
New York Magazine
, 189
Nills, Afton, 104
Normal masculinity, 25
Norris, Chuck, 205
Objectification, 67, 71, 73–75, 77–79
Ocean’s 8 (2018), 219
, 8
Older and narrower concept, 24
The Omen (1976), 19
The Orphanage (2007), 146
The Others (2001), 146
Ottoman Empire, 153–154, 160
Oxford Dictionary of Film Studies
, 8
Özgüç, 152
Palma, Brian De, 87
Palmer, Tim, 8
Parody, 102–103
sex and violence, 111
twink porn, 106–109
Paranoid woman’s film, 135, 140
Parodies, 101–113
The Passion of Joan of Arc (1928), 75
The Passion of the Christ (2004), 189
Patriarchal control, 135
Patriarchal power, 40, 119, 128
Patriarchy, 169
Phalange’s and Roman Catholic principles, 39
Phallic weaponry, 227
Pièce de résistance, 112
Pizarro, David, 40
Planet Terror (2007), 174
Pleasantville (1998), 228
The Pointed Nails of Justice, 119
Political Islam, 156
Pollidori, John, 118
Poltergeist (1982), 228
horror films vs., 113
‘shock’, 113
Possessions and psychoses, 176
Postfeminist era, 67
cannibal, 67
consumptions, 69–70
empowerment and choice, 70
feminism power, 70–71
gender-based violence and abuse, 70
gothic conventions, 70–71
tensions, 67–68, 70–71, 76–77, 79
Postmodern theory, 117
abbreviated, artificial characterization, 118
comparatively narration, 118
female voice and storytelling, 119
self-reflexive spectacle, 118
strategies of disruption, 117
stylistic features of, 117
Post-slasher period, 220
Predator (1987), 205–206
Predator 2 (1990), 206
Priests, 159
The Problem with Twinks (2017), 106
Pro-Islamist Welfare Party (RP), 156
Protective paternalism, 33
Psycho (1960), 87, 94, 178–179
Psychokiller, 227
Pulido, Javier, 42
The Purge
, 1
The Purple Rose of Cairo (1985), 228
Quandt, James, 8
Quod erat demonstrandum
, 227
Qur’an, 154, 156, 160
Radcliffe, Ann, 133, 135
Age of Enlightenment, 141
the fantastic-uncanny, 141
Rambo III (1988), 205
Rambo: First Blood Part II (1985), 205
, 105, 112
Rammer and Bonesaw
, 110
Raw (2017), 77–79, 187
Justine, 77–79, 79
Alex, 77, 79
Adrien, 78
Raw I
, 105–106, 108
Raw II
, 105–106, 108
Rebecca (1940), 135, 137, 142
Danvers, 138–139, 142
symptoms, 140
Winter, de Maxim, 137, 139–140
The Reproduction of Mothering: Psychoanalysis and Sociology of Gender (1999), 17
Resident Evil films, 205–218
overview of films, 211
, 210, 214–215
The Ring (2002), 101
, 101
Roman Catholic church, 39
Romasanta, Manuel Blanco, 43
Rosemary’s Baby (1968), 19
The Ruins (2008), 191
Russell, Kurt, 205
Ruthuven, 118–119
A Serbian Film (2010), 8
Sales, Nancy Jo, 86
Satan (1975), 154
Saturday Night Live cast, 219
Savella, 119–120
Saw (2004), 176, 191
, 1, 8, 108, 111
Scared Stiff (2016), 105
The Scarlet Letter (1995), 188–189
Scary Movie 2 (2001), 241
Scherzo Diabolico
, 169, 176–178
Schwarzenegger, Arnold, 205
Scognamillo, Giovanni, 155
, 1, 110, 118, 153
Scream 4 (2011), 192
Scream franchise (1996, 1997, 2000, 2011), 220
Seagal, Steven, 205
Second nature, 195
Secret Beyond the Door (1948), 135
Self-reflexivity, 117–124
Selfveillance, 85–98
, 156
Sexting: Gender and Teens
, 86
Şeytan-ı Racim
, 156
Shadow Makers (1989), 188
Shail, Rob, 1
Shelton, Emily, 105
Sherlock Jr. (1924), 228
, 156
The Silence of the Lambs (1991), 176
Silverman, Kaja, 25
, 156
Sitterson, Gary, 89
Skye, Angel, 105, 111
Skype, 88, 91–92
Slasher and ‘torture porn’ cycles, 101, 103
Sleep, My Love (1948), 135–136, 142, 144
Snelson, 41
Snipes, Wesley, 205
Social media, 85
body-shaming, 87
bullying, 86, 89, 91–93, 97
media and communication activities, 85
online harassment, 85
patriarchal structures and attitudes, 87
proclivity toward young girls and women, 86
sexualization and categorization of women, 86
slut shaming, 87
zero accountability of, 86
Social Realities, 169–185
Sorcerers, 159
Spaghetti western, 153
Spanish Civil War, 39, 50
Spanish horror boom, 41–42
Spectral femininity, 141
Spielberg, Steven, 87
The Spiral Staircase (1946), 135
Stallone, Sylvester, 205
Star Wars sequel, 219
Stolz, Eric, 28
Subkoff, Tara, 94
Subordinate masculinity, 25
Sudor Frío (2011), 169, 176, 180–182
Supernatural, 133–149
Surelick Holmes
, 103
Surveillance, 85–98
Tatar, 144
Tekin, Galip, 155
The Terminator (1984), 205
Terminator 2: Judgement Day (1991), 206
Terrible Place, 2, 227
Territory, 172
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974), 176
There’s a ghost in my house, 133–149
The Thing (1982), 206
This Night I’ll Possess Your Corpse (1967), 176
Thomson, David, 87
Thor (2011), 208
301/302 (1995), 73–75
flashbacks, 74
incestuous abuse, 74–75
Kang, 73–74
monstrous power, 74
Tortorici, Zeb, J., 107
Toronto International Film Festival’s Midnight Madness screening (2008), 15
Torture porn, 192
Torture Porn: Popular Horror after Saw (2013), 192
Totaro, Donato, 17
Tradition/religion, 160
Traditional masculinity, 25
Trouble Every Day (2001), 53–58, 60–61, 64
Coré, 55–58
Léo, 55
Shane, 55–58
Tucker and Dale vs Evil (2010), 227
Turkish Horror Cinema, 151–165
abject womb, 157–159
emergence in 2000s, 155–157
, 157
isolated cases to emergence of horror, 152–154
male saviours, 159
masculinity as abjection, 160–162
monstrous-feminine, 157–159
rational bystanders, 159–160
Turkey, 151–165
cinema, 151
directors, 151
Turkish market, 153
Tusk (2014), 103
21 Hump Street (2013), 103
Twink, 105–106
Twinklight (2010), 104–105
Types of ghost story, 135
Under the Shadow (2016), 146
Unfriended (2015), 88, 91, 97
Barnes, Laura, 91–92
Blaire, 91–92, 95
Laura, 92–93, 95
Mitch, 92
The Uninvited
, 136–137
Urbanization, 151
US Department of Health and Human Services, 85
The Vampire Lovers (1970), 128
Vampirism, 176
The Vampyre
, 118
Van Damme, Jean-Claude, 205
Variety magazine, 195
Verbinski, Gore, 101
Victims, 227
Video Essay, 219–235
The body, 225–227
end, 233–234
The Final Girl, 225
film theory, 220–233
The Killer, 223
shock, 224
Slasher Horror, 220–233
Terrible Place, 224
The Victims, 223
Weapons, 223–224
Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema, 18
Vyong, Ocean, 95
The Walking Dead (2010), 7
The Washington Post
, 86
Watkins, Chrissie, 87
Webbing, 106
The Werewolf Hunt
, 44
The Werewolf Versus the Vampire Woman aka La noche de Walpurgis (1970), 41
What Lies Beneath (2000), 133–149
Claire, 133–134, 137–138, 140, 142–143, 145–147
Frank, Madison, 137, 140, 142–147
Hitchcockian, 142
MacGuffin-nod, 142
Norman, 137, 143
Warren, 142
Williams, Linda, 7, 19, 57, 103
Witching and Bitching (2013), 47
The Woman (2011), 75–77
Belle, 76–77
Chris, 75–77
Peggy, 75
Wood, Robin, 57
The Walking Dead (2010–present), 192
The Washington Post
, 188
Waldman, Diane, 139
Westernization/modernization, 160
White Science, 159
Willis, Bruce, 205
Witchcraft, 176
Wolf Creek (2005), 189
Women and the Gothic, 135
Women’s films, 152
Working class culture, 151
Xenomorph creatures, 206
Yeşilçam era, 151
Yeşilçam, 151
comedy, 151
historical epics, 151
horror, 151
melodrama, 151
science fiction, 151
Yik Yak app, 86
Young, Iris Marion, 72
Zlosnik, Sue, 72
, 169
‘The Male Gaze’, 208
Male Gothic, 135
Mardorossian, Carine, 33
, 95
, 156
The Mark of the Wolfman
, 50
Martyrs (2009), 15–20
Anna, 15–20
Laugier, 16
Lucie, 15–20
Mademoiselle, 16–17
Masculinity, 151–165
Masculinity, 39
Matellano, Víctor, 40
The Matrix (1999), 207
Meditation, 27
Men, Women, and Chain Saws (2015), 90, 219
, 172, 174
Metalinguistic Play, 219–235
Meyer, Michael, 90
, 156
Miller, Kate, 87
, 102
Misery (1990), 176
Misogyny, 187–204
The Mission (1986), 188
, 69
Mixed Martial Arts (MMA), 241
MMA. See Mixed Martial Arts
Moers, Ellen, 134
The Moment of Psycho
, 87
Monster, 159
Monstrous body, 151
Monstrous-feminine, 151–165
The Monstrous-Feminine
, 93
The Monstrous-Feminine: Film, Feminism, Psychoanalysis (1993), 13
Morrison, Todd, G., 106
Mother! (2017), 192
Mulvey, Laura, 2
Munford, Rebecca, 70
My Name Is Alice, 205–217
character arc, 211–217
character physical presence, 211–217
, 211
The Mysteries of Uldopho (1794), 142
A Nightmare on Elm Street 5: The Dream Child
, 108
A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984), 8, 227
A Nightmare on Twink Street
, 105–107
National masculinity, 33–35
National-Catholic regime, 39
Negra, Diana, 24, 68–69
Neighbouring Sounds
, 174
Neo-Gothic, 137
Neo-slasher period, 220
New French Extremity, 8–10
New Nightmare (1994), 220
New Technologies, 169–185
New York Magazine
, 189
Nills, Afton, 104
Normal masculinity, 25
Norris, Chuck, 205
Objectification, 67, 71, 73–75, 77–79
Ocean’s 8 (2018), 219
, 8
Older and narrower concept, 24
The Omen (1976), 19
The Orphanage (2007), 146
The Others (2001), 146
Ottoman Empire, 153–154, 160
Oxford Dictionary of Film Studies
, 8
Özgüç, 152
Palma, Brian De, 87
Palmer, Tim, 8
Parody, 102–103
sex and violence, 111
twink porn, 106–109
Paranoid woman’s film, 135, 140
Parodies, 101–113
The Passion of Joan of Arc (1928), 75
The Passion of the Christ (2004), 189
Patriarchal control, 135
Patriarchal power, 40, 119, 128
Patriarchy, 169
Phalange’s and Roman Catholic principles, 39
Phallic weaponry, 227
Pièce de résistance, 112
Pizarro, David, 40
Planet Terror (2007), 174
Pleasantville (1998), 228
The Pointed Nails of Justice, 119
Political Islam, 156
Pollidori, John, 118
Poltergeist (1982), 228
horror films vs., 113
‘shock’, 113
Possessions and psychoses, 176
Postfeminist era, 67
cannibal, 67
consumptions, 69–70
empowerment and choice, 70
feminism power, 70–71
gender-based violence and abuse, 70
gothic conventions, 70–71
tensions, 67–68, 70–71, 76–77, 79
Postmodern theory, 117
abbreviated, artificial characterization, 118
comparatively narration, 118
female voice and storytelling, 119
self-reflexive spectacle, 118
strategies of disruption, 117
stylistic features of, 117
Post-slasher period, 220
Predator (1987), 205–206
Predator 2 (1990), 206
Priests, 159
The Problem with Twinks (2017), 106
Pro-Islamist Welfare Party (RP), 156
Protective paternalism, 33
Psycho (1960), 87, 94, 178–179
Psychokiller, 227
Pulido, Javier, 42
The Purge
, 1
The Purple Rose of Cairo (1985), 228
Quandt, James, 8
Quod erat demonstrandum
, 227
Qur’an, 154, 156, 160
Radcliffe, Ann, 133, 135
Age of Enlightenment, 141
the fantastic-uncanny, 141
Rambo III (1988), 205
Rambo: First Blood Part II (1985), 205
, 105, 112
Rammer and Bonesaw
, 110
Raw (2017), 77–79, 187
Justine, 77–79, 79
Alex, 77, 79
Adrien, 78
Raw I
, 105–106, 108
Raw II
, 105–106, 108
Rebecca (1940), 135, 137, 142
Danvers, 138–139, 142
symptoms, 140
Winter, de Maxim, 137, 139–140
The Reproduction of Mothering: Psychoanalysis and Sociology of Gender (1999), 17
Resident Evil films, 205–218
overview of films, 211
, 210, 214–215
The Ring (2002), 101
, 101
Roman Catholic church, 39
Romasanta, Manuel Blanco, 43
Rosemary’s Baby (1968), 19
The Ruins (2008), 191
Russell, Kurt, 205
Ruthuven, 118–119
A Serbian Film (2010), 8
Sales, Nancy Jo, 86
Satan (1975), 154
Saturday Night Live cast, 219
Savella, 119–120
Saw (2004), 176, 191
, 1, 8, 108, 111
Scared Stiff (2016), 105
The Scarlet Letter (1995), 188–189
Scary Movie 2 (2001), 241
Scherzo Diabolico
, 169, 176–178
Schwarzenegger, Arnold, 205
Scognamillo, Giovanni, 155
, 1, 110, 118, 153
Scream 4 (2011), 192
Scream franchise (1996, 1997, 2000, 2011), 220
Seagal, Steven, 205
Second nature, 195
Secret Beyond the Door (1948), 135
Self-reflexivity, 117–124
Selfveillance, 85–98
, 156
Sexting: Gender and Teens
, 86
Şeytan-ı Racim
, 156
Shadow Makers (1989), 188
Shail, Rob, 1
Shelton, Emily, 105
Sherlock Jr. (1924), 228
, 156
The Silence of the Lambs (1991), 176
Silverman, Kaja, 25
, 156
Sitterson, Gary, 89
Skye, Angel, 105, 111
Skype, 88, 91–92
Slasher and ‘torture porn’ cycles, 101, 103
Sleep, My Love (1948), 135–136, 142, 144
Snelson, 41
Snipes, Wesley, 205
Social media, 85
body-shaming, 87
bullying, 86, 89, 91–93, 97
media and communication activities, 85
online harassment, 85
patriarchal structures and attitudes, 87
proclivity toward young girls and women, 86
sexualization and categorization of women, 86
slut shaming, 87
zero accountability of, 86
Social Realities, 169–185
Sorcerers, 159
Spaghetti western, 153
Spanish Civil War, 39, 50
Spanish horror boom, 41–42
Spectral femininity, 141
Spielberg, Steven, 87
The Spiral Staircase (1946), 135
Stallone, Sylvester, 205
Star Wars sequel, 219
Stolz, Eric, 28
Subkoff, Tara, 94
Subordinate masculinity, 25
Sudor Frío (2011), 169, 176, 180–182
Supernatural, 133–149
Surelick Holmes
, 103
Surveillance, 85–98
Tatar, 144
Tekin, Galip, 155
The Terminator (1984), 205
Terminator 2: Judgement Day (1991), 206
Terrible Place, 2, 227
Territory, 172
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974), 176
There’s a ghost in my house, 133–149
The Thing (1982), 206
This Night I’ll Possess Your Corpse (1967), 176
Thomson, David, 87
Thor (2011), 208
301/302 (1995), 73–75
flashbacks, 74
incestuous abuse, 74–75
Kang, 73–74
monstrous power, 74
Tortorici, Zeb, J., 107
Toronto International Film Festival’s Midnight Madness screening (2008), 15
Torture porn, 192
Torture Porn: Popular Horror after Saw (2013), 192
Totaro, Donato, 17
Tradition/religion, 160
Traditional masculinity, 25
Trouble Every Day (2001), 53–58, 60–61, 64
Coré, 55–58
Léo, 55
Shane, 55–58
Tucker and Dale vs Evil (2010), 227
Turkish Horror Cinema, 151–165
abject womb, 157–159
emergence in 2000s, 155–157
, 157
isolated cases to emergence of horror, 152–154
male saviours, 159
masculinity as abjection, 160–162
monstrous-feminine, 157–159
rational bystanders, 159–160
Turkey, 151–165
cinema, 151
directors, 151
Turkish market, 153
Tusk (2014), 103
21 Hump Street (2013), 103
Twink, 105–106
Twinklight (2010), 104–105
Types of ghost story, 135
Under the Shadow (2016), 146
Unfriended (2015), 88, 91, 97
Barnes, Laura, 91–92
Blaire, 91–92, 95
Laura, 92–93, 95
Mitch, 92
The Uninvited
, 136–137
Urbanization, 151
US Department of Health and Human Services, 85
The Vampire Lovers (1970), 128
Vampirism, 176
The Vampyre
, 118
Van Damme, Jean-Claude, 205
Variety magazine, 195
Verbinski, Gore, 101
Victims, 227
Video Essay, 219–235
The body, 225–227
end, 233–234
The Final Girl, 225
film theory, 220–233
The Killer, 223
shock, 224
Slasher Horror, 220–233
Terrible Place, 224
The Victims, 223
Weapons, 223–224
Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema, 18
Vyong, Ocean, 95
The Walking Dead (2010), 7
The Washington Post
, 86
Watkins, Chrissie, 87
Webbing, 106
The Werewolf Hunt
, 44
The Werewolf Versus the Vampire Woman aka La noche de Walpurgis (1970), 41
What Lies Beneath (2000), 133–149
Claire, 133–134, 137–138, 140, 142–143, 145–147
Frank, Madison, 137, 140, 142–147
Hitchcockian, 142
MacGuffin-nod, 142
Norman, 137, 143
Warren, 142
Williams, Linda, 7, 19, 57, 103
Witching and Bitching (2013), 47
The Woman (2011), 75–77
Belle, 76–77
Chris, 75–77
Peggy, 75
Wood, Robin, 57
The Walking Dead (2010–present), 192
The Washington Post
, 188
Waldman, Diane, 139
Westernization/modernization, 160
White Science, 159
Willis, Bruce, 205
Witchcraft, 176
Wolf Creek (2005), 189
Women and the Gothic, 135
Women’s films, 152
Working class culture, 151
Xenomorph creatures, 206
Yeşilçam era, 151
Yeşilçam, 151
comedy, 151
historical epics, 151
horror, 151
melodrama, 151
science fiction, 151
Yik Yak app, 86
Young, Iris Marion, 72
Zlosnik, Sue, 72
Objectification, 67, 71, 73–75, 77–79
Ocean’s 8 (2018), 219
, 8
Older and narrower concept, 24
The Omen (1976), 19
The Orphanage (2007), 146
The Others (2001), 146
Ottoman Empire, 153–154, 160
Oxford Dictionary of Film Studies
, 8
Özgüç, 152
Palma, Brian De, 87
Palmer, Tim, 8
Parody, 102–103
sex and violence, 111
twink porn, 106–109
Paranoid woman’s film, 135, 140
Parodies, 101–113
The Passion of Joan of Arc (1928), 75
The Passion of the Christ (2004), 189
Patriarchal control, 135
Patriarchal power, 40, 119, 128
Patriarchy, 169
Phalange’s and Roman Catholic principles, 39
Phallic weaponry, 227
Pièce de résistance, 112
Pizarro, David, 40
Planet Terror (2007), 174
Pleasantville (1998), 228
The Pointed Nails of Justice, 119
Political Islam, 156
Pollidori, John, 118
Poltergeist (1982), 228
horror films vs., 113
‘shock’, 113
Possessions and psychoses, 176
Postfeminist era, 67
cannibal, 67
consumptions, 69–70
empowerment and choice, 70
feminism power, 70–71
gender-based violence and abuse, 70
gothic conventions, 70–71
tensions, 67–68, 70–71, 76–77, 79
Postmodern theory, 117
abbreviated, artificial characterization, 118
comparatively narration, 118
female voice and storytelling, 119
self-reflexive spectacle, 118
strategies of disruption, 117
stylistic features of, 117
Post-slasher period, 220
Predator (1987), 205–206
Predator 2 (1990), 206
Priests, 159
The Problem with Twinks (2017), 106
Pro-Islamist Welfare Party (RP), 156
Protective paternalism, 33
Psycho (1960), 87, 94, 178–179
Psychokiller, 227
Pulido, Javier, 42
The Purge
, 1
The Purple Rose of Cairo (1985), 228
Quandt, James, 8
Quod erat demonstrandum
, 227
Qur’an, 154, 156, 160
Radcliffe, Ann, 133, 135
Age of Enlightenment, 141
the fantastic-uncanny, 141
Rambo III (1988), 205
Rambo: First Blood Part II (1985), 205
, 105, 112
Rammer and Bonesaw
, 110
Raw (2017), 77–79, 187
Justine, 77–79, 79
Alex, 77, 79
Adrien, 78
Raw I
, 105–106, 108
Raw II
, 105–106, 108
Rebecca (1940), 135, 137, 142
Danvers, 138–139, 142
symptoms, 140
Winter, de Maxim, 137, 139–140
The Reproduction of Mothering: Psychoanalysis and Sociology of Gender (1999), 17
Resident Evil films, 205–218
overview of films, 211
, 210, 214–215
The Ring (2002), 101
, 101
Roman Catholic church, 39
Romasanta, Manuel Blanco, 43
Rosemary’s Baby (1968), 19
The Ruins (2008), 191
Russell, Kurt, 205
Ruthuven, 118–119
A Serbian Film (2010), 8
Sales, Nancy Jo, 86
Satan (1975), 154
Saturday Night Live cast, 219
Savella, 119–120
Saw (2004), 176, 191
, 1, 8, 108, 111
Scared Stiff (2016), 105
The Scarlet Letter (1995), 188–189
Scary Movie 2 (2001), 241
Scherzo Diabolico
, 169, 176–178
Schwarzenegger, Arnold, 205
Scognamillo, Giovanni, 155
, 1, 110, 118, 153
Scream 4 (2011), 192
Scream franchise (1996, 1997, 2000, 2011), 220
Seagal, Steven, 205
Second nature, 195
Secret Beyond the Door (1948), 135
Self-reflexivity, 117–124
Selfveillance, 85–98
, 156
Sexting: Gender and Teens
, 86
Şeytan-ı Racim
, 156
Shadow Makers (1989), 188
Shail, Rob, 1
Shelton, Emily, 105
Sherlock Jr. (1924), 228
, 156
The Silence of the Lambs (1991), 176
Silverman, Kaja, 25
, 156
Sitterson, Gary, 89
Skye, Angel, 105, 111
Skype, 88, 91–92
Slasher and ‘torture porn’ cycles, 101, 103
Sleep, My Love (1948), 135–136, 142, 144
Snelson, 41
Snipes, Wesley, 205
Social media, 85
body-shaming, 87
bullying, 86, 89, 91–93, 97
media and communication activities, 85
online harassment, 85
patriarchal structures and attitudes, 87
proclivity toward young girls and women, 86
sexualization and categorization of women, 86
slut shaming, 87
zero accountability of, 86
Social Realities, 169–185
Sorcerers, 159
Spaghetti western, 153
Spanish Civil War, 39, 50
Spanish horror boom, 41–42
Spectral femininity, 141
Spielberg, Steven, 87
The Spiral Staircase (1946), 135
Stallone, Sylvester, 205
Star Wars sequel, 219
Stolz, Eric, 28
Subkoff, Tara, 94
Subordinate masculinity, 25
Sudor Frío (2011), 169, 176, 180–182
Supernatural, 133–149
Surelick Holmes
, 103
Surveillance, 85–98
Tatar, 144
Tekin, Galip, 155
The Terminator (1984), 205
Terminator 2: Judgement Day (1991), 206
Terrible Place, 2, 227
Territory, 172
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974), 176
There’s a ghost in my house, 133–149
The Thing (1982), 206
This Night I’ll Possess Your Corpse (1967), 176
Thomson, David, 87
Thor (2011), 208
301/302 (1995), 73–75
flashbacks, 74
incestuous abuse, 74–75
Kang, 73–74
monstrous power, 74
Tortorici, Zeb, J., 107
Toronto International Film Festival’s Midnight Madness screening (2008), 15
Torture porn, 192
Torture Porn: Popular Horror after Saw (2013), 192
Totaro, Donato, 17
Tradition/religion, 160
Traditional masculinity, 25
Trouble Every Day (2001), 53–58, 60–61, 64
Coré, 55–58
Léo, 55
Shane, 55–58
Tucker and Dale vs Evil (2010), 227
Turkish Horror Cinema, 151–165
abject womb, 157–159
emergence in 2000s, 155–157
, 157
isolated cases to emergence of horror, 152–154
male saviours, 159
masculinity as abjection, 160–162
monstrous-feminine, 157–159
rational bystanders, 159–160
Turkey, 151–165
cinema, 151
directors, 151
Turkish market, 153
Tusk (2014), 103
21 Hump Street (2013), 103
Twink, 105–106
Twinklight (2010), 104–105
Types of ghost story, 135
Under the Shadow (2016), 146
Unfriended (2015), 88, 91, 97
Barnes, Laura, 91–92
Blaire, 91–92, 95
Laura, 92–93, 95
Mitch, 92
The Uninvited
, 136–137
Urbanization, 151
US Department of Health and Human Services, 85
The Vampire Lovers (1970), 128
Vampirism, 176
The Vampyre
, 118
Van Damme, Jean-Claude, 205
Variety magazine, 195
Verbinski, Gore, 101
Victims, 227
Video Essay, 219–235
The body, 225–227
end, 233–234
The Final Girl, 225
film theory, 220–233
The Killer, 223
shock, 224
Slasher Horror, 220–233
Terrible Place, 224
The Victims, 223
Weapons, 223–224
Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema, 18
Vyong, Ocean, 95
The Walking Dead (2010), 7
The Washington Post
, 86
Watkins, Chrissie, 87
Webbing, 106
The Werewolf Hunt
, 44
The Werewolf Versus the Vampire Woman aka La noche de Walpurgis (1970), 41
What Lies Beneath (2000), 133–149
Claire, 133–134, 137–138, 140, 142–143, 145–147
Frank, Madison, 137, 140, 142–147
Hitchcockian, 142
MacGuffin-nod, 142
Norman, 137, 143
Warren, 142
Williams, Linda, 7, 19, 57, 103
Witching and Bitching (2013), 47
The Woman (2011), 75–77
Belle, 76–77
Chris, 75–77
Peggy, 75
Wood, Robin, 57
The Walking Dead (2010–present), 192
The Washington Post
, 188
Waldman, Diane, 139
Westernization/modernization, 160
White Science, 159
Willis, Bruce, 205
Witchcraft, 176
Wolf Creek (2005), 189
Women and the Gothic, 135
Women’s films, 152
Working class culture, 151
Xenomorph creatures, 206
Yeşilçam era, 151
Yeşilçam, 151
comedy, 151
historical epics, 151
horror, 151
melodrama, 151
science fiction, 151
Yik Yak app, 86
Young, Iris Marion, 72
Zlosnik, Sue, 72
Quandt, James, 8
Quod erat demonstrandum
, 227
Qur’an, 154, 156, 160
Radcliffe, Ann, 133, 135
Age of Enlightenment, 141
the fantastic-uncanny, 141
Rambo III (1988), 205
Rambo: First Blood Part II (1985), 205
, 105, 112
Rammer and Bonesaw
, 110
Raw (2017), 77–79, 187
Justine, 77–79, 79
Alex, 77, 79
Adrien, 78
Raw I
, 105–106, 108
Raw II
, 105–106, 108
Rebecca (1940), 135, 137, 142
Danvers, 138–139, 142
symptoms, 140
Winter, de Maxim, 137, 139–140
The Reproduction of Mothering: Psychoanalysis and Sociology of Gender (1999), 17
Resident Evil films, 205–218
overview of films, 211
, 210, 214–215
The Ring (2002), 101
, 101
Roman Catholic church, 39
Romasanta, Manuel Blanco, 43
Rosemary’s Baby (1968), 19
The Ruins (2008), 191
Russell, Kurt, 205
Ruthuven, 118–119
A Serbian Film (2010), 8
Sales, Nancy Jo, 86
Satan (1975), 154
Saturday Night Live cast, 219
Savella, 119–120
Saw (2004), 176, 191
, 1, 8, 108, 111
Scared Stiff (2016), 105
The Scarlet Letter (1995), 188–189
Scary Movie 2 (2001), 241
Scherzo Diabolico
, 169, 176–178
Schwarzenegger, Arnold, 205
Scognamillo, Giovanni, 155
, 1, 110, 118, 153
Scream 4 (2011), 192
Scream franchise (1996, 1997, 2000, 2011), 220
Seagal, Steven, 205
Second nature, 195
Secret Beyond the Door (1948), 135
Self-reflexivity, 117–124
Selfveillance, 85–98
, 156
Sexting: Gender and Teens
, 86
Şeytan-ı Racim
, 156
Shadow Makers (1989), 188
Shail, Rob, 1
Shelton, Emily, 105
Sherlock Jr. (1924), 228
, 156
The Silence of the Lambs (1991), 176
Silverman, Kaja, 25
, 156
Sitterson, Gary, 89
Skye, Angel, 105, 111
Skype, 88, 91–92
Slasher and ‘torture porn’ cycles, 101, 103
Sleep, My Love (1948), 135–136, 142, 144
Snelson, 41
Snipes, Wesley, 205
Social media, 85
body-shaming, 87
bullying, 86, 89, 91–93, 97
media and communication activities, 85
online harassment, 85
patriarchal structures and attitudes, 87
proclivity toward young girls and women, 86
sexualization and categorization of women, 86
slut shaming, 87
zero accountability of, 86
Social Realities, 169–185
Sorcerers, 159
Spaghetti western, 153
Spanish Civil War, 39, 50
Spanish horror boom, 41–42
Spectral femininity, 141
Spielberg, Steven, 87
The Spiral Staircase (1946), 135
Stallone, Sylvester, 205
Star Wars sequel, 219
Stolz, Eric, 28
Subkoff, Tara, 94
Subordinate masculinity, 25
Sudor Frío (2011), 169, 176, 180–182
Supernatural, 133–149
Surelick Holmes
, 103
Surveillance, 85–98
Tatar, 144
Tekin, Galip, 155
The Terminator (1984), 205
Terminator 2: Judgement Day (1991), 206
Terrible Place, 2, 227
Territory, 172
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974), 176
There’s a ghost in my house, 133–149
The Thing (1982), 206
This Night I’ll Possess Your Corpse (1967), 176
Thomson, David, 87
Thor (2011), 208
301/302 (1995), 73–75
flashbacks, 74
incestuous abuse, 74–75
Kang, 73–74
monstrous power, 74
Tortorici, Zeb, J., 107
Toronto International Film Festival’s Midnight Madness screening (2008), 15
Torture porn, 192
Torture Porn: Popular Horror after Saw (2013), 192
Totaro, Donato, 17
Tradition/religion, 160
Traditional masculinity, 25
Trouble Every Day (2001), 53–58, 60–61, 64
Coré, 55–58
Léo, 55
Shane, 55–58
Tucker and Dale vs Evil (2010), 227
Turkish Horror Cinema, 151–165
abject womb, 157–159
emergence in 2000s, 155–157
, 157
isolated cases to emergence of horror, 152–154
male saviours, 159
masculinity as abjection, 160–162
monstrous-feminine, 157–159
rational bystanders, 159–160
Turkey, 151–165
cinema, 151
directors, 151
Turkish market, 153
Tusk (2014), 103
21 Hump Street (2013), 103
Twink, 105–106
Twinklight (2010), 104–105
Types of ghost story, 135
Under the Shadow (2016), 146
Unfriended (2015), 88, 91, 97
Barnes, Laura, 91–92
Blaire, 91–92, 95
Laura, 92–93, 95
Mitch, 92
The Uninvited
, 136–137
Urbanization, 151
US Department of Health and Human Services, 85
The Vampire Lovers (1970), 128
Vampirism, 176
The Vampyre
, 118
Van Damme, Jean-Claude, 205
Variety magazine, 195
Verbinski, Gore, 101
Victims, 227
Video Essay, 219–235
The body, 225–227
end, 233–234
The Final Girl, 225
film theory, 220–233
The Killer, 223
shock, 224
Slasher Horror, 220–233
Terrible Place, 224
The Victims, 223
Weapons, 223–224
Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema, 18
Vyong, Ocean, 95
The Walking Dead (2010), 7
The Washington Post
, 86
Watkins, Chrissie, 87
Webbing, 106
The Werewolf Hunt
, 44
The Werewolf Versus the Vampire Woman aka La noche de Walpurgis (1970), 41
What Lies Beneath (2000), 133–149
Claire, 133–134, 137–138, 140, 142–143, 145–147
Frank, Madison, 137, 140, 142–147
Hitchcockian, 142
MacGuffin-nod, 142
Norman, 137, 143
Warren, 142
Williams, Linda, 7, 19, 57, 103
Witching and Bitching (2013), 47
The Woman (2011), 75–77
Belle, 76–77
Chris, 75–77
Peggy, 75
Wood, Robin, 57
The Walking Dead (2010–present), 192
The Washington Post
, 188
Waldman, Diane, 139
Westernization/modernization, 160
White Science, 159
Willis, Bruce, 205
Witchcraft, 176
Wolf Creek (2005), 189
Women and the Gothic, 135
Women’s films, 152
Working class culture, 151
Xenomorph creatures, 206
Yeşilçam era, 151
Yeşilçam, 151
comedy, 151
historical epics, 151
horror, 151
melodrama, 151
science fiction, 151
Yik Yak app, 86
Young, Iris Marion, 72
Zlosnik, Sue, 72
A Serbian Film (2010), 8
Sales, Nancy Jo, 86
Satan (1975), 154
Saturday Night Live cast, 219
Savella, 119–120
Saw (2004), 176, 191
, 1, 8, 108, 111
Scared Stiff (2016), 105
The Scarlet Letter (1995), 188–189
Scary Movie 2 (2001), 241
Scherzo Diabolico
, 169, 176–178
Schwarzenegger, Arnold, 205
Scognamillo, Giovanni, 155
, 1, 110, 118, 153
Scream 4 (2011), 192
Scream franchise (1996, 1997, 2000, 2011), 220
Seagal, Steven, 205
Second nature, 195
Secret Beyond the Door (1948), 135
Self-reflexivity, 117–124
Selfveillance, 85–98
, 156
Sexting: Gender and Teens
, 86
Şeytan-ı Racim
, 156
Shadow Makers (1989), 188
Shail, Rob, 1
Shelton, Emily, 105
Sherlock Jr. (1924), 228
, 156
The Silence of the Lambs (1991), 176
Silverman, Kaja, 25
, 156
Sitterson, Gary, 89
Skye, Angel, 105, 111
Skype, 88, 91–92
Slasher and ‘torture porn’ cycles, 101, 103
Sleep, My Love (1948), 135–136, 142, 144
Snelson, 41
Snipes, Wesley, 205
Social media, 85
body-shaming, 87
bullying, 86, 89, 91–93, 97
media and communication activities, 85
online harassment, 85
patriarchal structures and attitudes, 87
proclivity toward young girls and women, 86
sexualization and categorization of women, 86
slut shaming, 87
zero accountability of, 86
Social Realities, 169–185
Sorcerers, 159
Spaghetti western, 153
Spanish Civil War, 39, 50
Spanish horror boom, 41–42
Spectral femininity, 141
Spielberg, Steven, 87
The Spiral Staircase (1946), 135
Stallone, Sylvester, 205
Star Wars sequel, 219
Stolz, Eric, 28
Subkoff, Tara, 94
Subordinate masculinity, 25
Sudor Frío (2011), 169, 176, 180–182
Supernatural, 133–149
Surelick Holmes
, 103
Surveillance, 85–98
Tatar, 144
Tekin, Galip, 155
The Terminator (1984), 205
Terminator 2: Judgement Day (1991), 206
Terrible Place, 2, 227
Territory, 172
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974), 176
There’s a ghost in my house, 133–149
The Thing (1982), 206
This Night I’ll Possess Your Corpse (1967), 176
Thomson, David, 87
Thor (2011), 208
301/302 (1995), 73–75
flashbacks, 74
incestuous abuse, 74–75
Kang, 73–74
monstrous power, 74
Tortorici, Zeb, J., 107
Toronto International Film Festival’s Midnight Madness screening (2008), 15
Torture porn, 192
Torture Porn: Popular Horror after Saw (2013), 192
Totaro, Donato, 17
Tradition/religion, 160
Traditional masculinity, 25
Trouble Every Day (2001), 53–58, 60–61, 64
Coré, 55–58
Léo, 55
Shane, 55–58
Tucker and Dale vs Evil (2010), 227
Turkish Horror Cinema, 151–165
abject womb, 157–159
emergence in 2000s, 155–157
, 157
isolated cases to emergence of horror, 152–154
male saviours, 159
masculinity as abjection, 160–162
monstrous-feminine, 157–159
rational bystanders, 159–160
Turkey, 151–165
cinema, 151
directors, 151
Turkish market, 153
Tusk (2014), 103
21 Hump Street (2013), 103
Twink, 105–106
Twinklight (2010), 104–105
Types of ghost story, 135
Under the Shadow (2016), 146
Unfriended (2015), 88, 91, 97
Barnes, Laura, 91–92
Blaire, 91–92, 95
Laura, 92–93, 95
Mitch, 92
The Uninvited
, 136–137
Urbanization, 151
US Department of Health and Human Services, 85
The Vampire Lovers (1970), 128
Vampirism, 176
The Vampyre
, 118
Van Damme, Jean-Claude, 205
Variety magazine, 195
Verbinski, Gore, 101
Victims, 227
Video Essay, 219–235
The body, 225–227
end, 233–234
The Final Girl, 225
film theory, 220–233
The Killer, 223
shock, 224
Slasher Horror, 220–233
Terrible Place, 224
The Victims, 223
Weapons, 223–224
Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema, 18
Vyong, Ocean, 95
The Walking Dead (2010), 7
The Washington Post
, 86
Watkins, Chrissie, 87
Webbing, 106
The Werewolf Hunt
, 44
The Werewolf Versus the Vampire Woman aka La noche de Walpurgis (1970), 41
What Lies Beneath (2000), 133–149
Claire, 133–134, 137–138, 140, 142–143, 145–147
Frank, Madison, 137, 140, 142–147
Hitchcockian, 142
MacGuffin-nod, 142
Norman, 137, 143
Warren, 142
Williams, Linda, 7, 19, 57, 103
Witching and Bitching (2013), 47
The Woman (2011), 75–77
Belle, 76–77
Chris, 75–77
Peggy, 75
Wood, Robin, 57
The Walking Dead (2010–present), 192
The Washington Post
, 188
Waldman, Diane, 139
Westernization/modernization, 160
White Science, 159
Willis, Bruce, 205
Witchcraft, 176
Wolf Creek (2005), 189
Women and the Gothic, 135
Women’s films, 152
Working class culture, 151
Xenomorph creatures, 206
Yeşilçam era, 151
Yeşilçam, 151
comedy, 151
historical epics, 151
horror, 151
melodrama, 151
science fiction, 151
Yik Yak app, 86
Young, Iris Marion, 72
Zlosnik, Sue, 72
Under the Shadow (2016), 146
Unfriended (2015), 88, 91, 97
Barnes, Laura, 91–92
Blaire, 91–92, 95
Laura, 92–93, 95
Mitch, 92
The Uninvited
, 136–137
Urbanization, 151
US Department of Health and Human Services, 85
The Vampire Lovers (1970), 128
Vampirism, 176
The Vampyre
, 118
Van Damme, Jean-Claude, 205
Variety magazine, 195
Verbinski, Gore, 101
Victims, 227
Video Essay, 219–235
The body, 225–227
end, 233–234
The Final Girl, 225
film theory, 220–233
The Killer, 223
shock, 224
Slasher Horror, 220–233
Terrible Place, 224
The Victims, 223
Weapons, 223–224
Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema, 18
Vyong, Ocean, 95
The Walking Dead (2010), 7
The Washington Post
, 86
Watkins, Chrissie, 87
Webbing, 106
The Werewolf Hunt
, 44
The Werewolf Versus the Vampire Woman aka La noche de Walpurgis (1970), 41
What Lies Beneath (2000), 133–149
Claire, 133–134, 137–138, 140, 142–143, 145–147
Frank, Madison, 137, 140, 142–147
Hitchcockian, 142
MacGuffin-nod, 142
Norman, 137, 143
Warren, 142
Williams, Linda, 7, 19, 57, 103
Witching and Bitching (2013), 47
The Woman (2011), 75–77
Belle, 76–77
Chris, 75–77
Peggy, 75
Wood, Robin, 57
The Walking Dead (2010–present), 192
The Washington Post
, 188
Waldman, Diane, 139
Westernization/modernization, 160
White Science, 159
Willis, Bruce, 205
Witchcraft, 176
Wolf Creek (2005), 189
Women and the Gothic, 135
Women’s films, 152
Working class culture, 151
Xenomorph creatures, 206
Yeşilçam era, 151
Yeşilçam, 151
comedy, 151
historical epics, 151
horror, 151
melodrama, 151
science fiction, 151
Yik Yak app, 86
Young, Iris Marion, 72
Zlosnik, Sue, 72
The Walking Dead (2010), 7
The Washington Post
, 86
Watkins, Chrissie, 87
Webbing, 106
The Werewolf Hunt
, 44
The Werewolf Versus the Vampire Woman aka La noche de Walpurgis (1970), 41
What Lies Beneath (2000), 133–149
Claire, 133–134, 137–138, 140, 142–143, 145–147
Frank, Madison, 137, 140, 142–147
Hitchcockian, 142
MacGuffin-nod, 142
Norman, 137, 143
Warren, 142
Williams, Linda, 7, 19, 57, 103
Witching and Bitching (2013), 47
The Woman (2011), 75–77
Belle, 76–77
Chris, 75–77
Peggy, 75
Wood, Robin, 57
The Walking Dead (2010–present), 192
The Washington Post
, 188
Waldman, Diane, 139
Westernization/modernization, 160
White Science, 159
Willis, Bruce, 205
Witchcraft, 176
Wolf Creek (2005), 189
Women and the Gothic, 135
Women’s films, 152
Working class culture, 151
Xenomorph creatures, 206
Yeşilçam era, 151
Yeşilçam, 151
comedy, 151
historical epics, 151
horror, 151
melodrama, 151
science fiction, 151
Yik Yak app, 86
Young, Iris Marion, 72
Zlosnik, Sue, 72
Yeşilçam era, 151
Yeşilçam, 151
comedy, 151
historical epics, 151
horror, 151
melodrama, 151
science fiction, 151
Yik Yak app, 86
Young, Iris Marion, 72
Zlosnik, Sue, 72
- Prelims
- Introduction
- Part I Bodies
- Chapter 1 ‘It’s So Easy to Create a Victim’: Subverting Gender Stereotypes in the New French Extremity
- Chapter 2 Elegiac Masculinity in Bubba Ho-Tep and Late Phases
- Chapter 3 Game of Werewolves: XXI Century Spanish Werewolves and the Conflict of Masculinity
- Chapter 4 Navigating the Mind/body Divide: The Female Cannibal in French Films Grave (Raw, 2016), Dans ma peau (In My Skin, 2002) and Trouble Every Day (2001)
- Chapter 5 Gendering the Cannibal in the Postfeminist Era
- Part II Boundaries
- Chapter 6 #Selfveillance: Horror’s Slut Shaming through Social Media, Sur- and Selfveillance
- Chapter 7 Gay Porn (Horror) Parodies
- Chapter 8 ‘In Celebration of Her Wickedness?’: Critical Intertextuality and the Female Vampire in Byzantium
- Chapter 9 ‘There’s a Ghost in My House’: The Female Gothic and the Supernatural in What Lies Beneath (2000)
- Chapter 10 The Monstrous-feminine and Masculinity as Abjection in Turkish Horror Cinema: An Analysis of Haunted (Musallat, Alper Mestçi, 2007)
- Part III Captivity
- Chapter 11 Gender Ideologies, Social Realities and New Technologies in Recent Latin American ‘Abduction’ Horror
- Chapter 12 Misogyny or Commentary? Gendered Violence Outside and Inside Captivity
- Chapter 13 “My Name Is Alice. And I Remember Everything.” Project Alice and Milla Jovovich in the Resident Evil Films
- Chapter 14 The Final Girls (2015) as a Video Essay: A Metalinguistic Play with Genre and Gender Conventions
- Chapter 15 Dissecting Depictions of Black Masculinity in Get Out
- Index