Smart Villages in the EU and Beyond
ISBN: 978-1-78769-846-8, eISBN: 978-1-78769-845-1
Publication date: 3 June 2019
(2019), "Index", Visvizi, A., Lytras, M.D. and Mudri, G. (Ed.) Smart Villages in the EU and Beyond (Emerald Studies in Politics and Technology), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 177-182.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2019 Editorial matter and selection Anna Visvizi, Miltiadis D. Lytras and György Mudri, published under exclusive licence. Individual chapters the respective Authors
Adarsh Gram Yojana programme (Government of India), 106
AgriChemWay, 21
Agriculture 2.0, 85
Agriculture 3.0, 85
Agriculture 4.0, 85
Agriculture and food production
challenges with, 84–85
climate change, 84–85
EU agri-food sector, 84
EU code of conduct on agricultural data sharing, 92
precision agriculture (PA)/farming (PF), 85–90
bottlenecks, 91–92
examples, 87–88
forestry, 88
importance to smart villages, 90–92
precision livestock farming (PLF), 88–90
rate of technology uptake by farming community, 84, 85, 88–90
future trends, 90
technological transformation and, 93
Bioeconomy, 24
Bioenergy Villages project, 103
Bled Declaration, 2018, 2–3, 15, 52, 128, 158
Broadband infrastructure, 77
Clean energy driven smart villages, 105–106
Clean energy technologies, development of
IT skills and, 104–105
rural high-speed internet links and, 104
Cohesion policy, 2–3, 19–20
Committee of Regions (CoR), 13
Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), 2–3, 14, 16–19, 94, 141, 173–174
Community-Led Local Development (CLLD), 128
Community-led Local Development (CLLD) approach, 64
Connectivity, 30
Consultative Group for International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) Research Program on Climate Change, 158
Cork 2.0 Declaration 2016, 2–3, 8, 14, 15, 21, 25, 51–52, 128
COWOCAT project, 76
Depopulating villages, 1–2, 67
Fouskari, xv
Greek villages in Peloponnese, 3
Digital economy, 76–77
Digitalisation of smart villages, 104–105
Digitalization of cities, 14–15
Digital Single Market, 16, 94–95
Eigg Heritage Trust project, 118–119
Embeddedness, 30
ESPON 2020 Cooperation Programme, 128
‘EU Action for Smart Villages’, 15–16, 63
EU agricultural and food production sectors, 84
EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), 92
EU policies for rural areas, improving coherence of, 21–22
EU policies for smart villages
challenges for implementation at local level, 40–43
access to institutions, 42
technical infrastructure, 42
use of resources, 42–43
cohesion policy, 19–20
Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), 17–19
context and definition, 37–40
research and innovation, 20–21
Digital Innovation Hubs, 20
European Commission, 2–3
on barriers to adopt digital technologies, 94–95
Basic Payment Scheme (BPS) applications, 91
on broadband coverage in Europe, 91
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), 92
long-term climate vision for 2050, 85
Mobile Agricultural Robot Swarms (MARS) experiment, 90
new Skills Agenda for Europe, 95–96
‘The Internet of Food and Farm 2020’ project, 89
European Economic and Social Committee (EESC), 14
European Innovation Partnership (EIP-AGRI), 18, 21, 24–25, 72–73, 94
European Network for Rural Development (ENRD), 13–14, 15, 21, 24–25, 118
European Union, 1
Clean Energy Package, 105–106
development of rural high-speed internet links, 104
differences between the rural and urban territories, 50
funding for non-agricultural activities, 13
population living in rural and urban areas, 49–50
Eurostat, 49–50
EU strategy of technological transformation, 95
Gandhi, Mahatma, 158
Ghat Heritage Village, 164
Green Revolution, 85
Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries, 155–156, 174–175
digital government models, 162–163
National Transformation Plans, 161–162
population distribution and estimation (2018-2030), 160, 161
smart village initiatives, 164–166
transformational context, 159–164
Habala Villages, 164
Horizon Europe, 24–25
Howard, Ebenezer, 55
Hungarian ‘grandma application,’, 120
Hydra Village, 164
‘I can do this for you’ philosophy, 9
IEEE Smart Village, 128
Information and communication technology (ICT), 3–4, 7, 49, 50, 55, 85, 149–150, 165–166, 174–175
advances in, 174
Innovations, 31, 41
small- and middle-sized enterprises (SMEs), role of, 114
International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT), 158
Korea, 174–175
agricultural and rural investment plans in, 144
agricultural policy in, 139–140, 143
agricultural sector in, 139
block grant system, 145–148
Comprehensive Rural Village Development Program (CRVDP), 145
rural policy, 140–141, 142–143
rural spaces in, 139
rural tourism, 144, 145
rural tourism policy in, 148
rural tourism programs in, 146–147
6th industrialization, 149
smart farming, 149–150
Smart Village Project in, 143–148
LEADER approach to smartness, 63–65, 68, 128
budget, 73
common features shared, 68
innovation, 72–73
integrated development, 70–71
partnership and community empowerment, 71
place-based approach, 69–70
distinctive characteristics between smart villages and LEADER, 69
geographical scope, 73
local actions groups (LAGs), role of, 71, 72–73, 78, 79
modern rural development policy paradigm and, 65–68
opportunities for sustainable development, 68
potential role of LEADER, 73–77
as animator and facilitator of community processes, 74–75
as enabler for transition, 76–77
as laboratory of innovation for a transitional change, 75
role in digitization, 76–77
supporting scaling-up of initiatives through cooperation, 75–76
regulatory barriers in, 78–79
LEADER Local Action Groups, 24
Masqat, 162–163
Mobile Agricultural Robot Swarms (MARS), 90
Nanotechnology, 90
National Strategy for Inner Areas, Italy, 67
NEOM project, 163–164
Paris Agreement, 100, 101
Plan for Rural Digitisation, Finland, 67
Power technologies for smart villages, 102–104
biogas, 102–103
biomass, 103–104
wind and solar thermal, 104
Regional Policy, 2–3
Relatedness, 30
Resilience, 50–51
Revitalization, 10
Rezo Pouce project, 76
Rijal Almaa Village, 164
Rural development, 31
endogenous approach, 33–35
evolution of policies, 36–37
mixed exogenous/endogenous approach, 35
neo-endogenous approach, 35
policy, 37
EU, 37–38
role of agriculture, 83–85
Rural proofing, 21–22, 25
San-Car, 120
Saudi National Space Strategy (2030), 164
Saudi National Transformation Program 2020 and Vision 2030, 159
Saudi ‘Smart City’ initiative, 163–164
Service hubs in rural Flanders, 119
Blatna Brezovica, 131
concept of smart village, 128–129
Distributed Hotel Konjice, 130
FabLab Network, 132–134
Hotel of Good Teran, 131
innovation, 132–133
landscape of, 129
Ljubljana, 129
mobility services, 131–132
projects Agrotur I and Agrotur II, 131
rural areas
challenges of, 127
problems of, 125–127
SaMBA, 131–132
smart rural development in, 125, 133
tourism, 129–131
village Padna, 130–131
Smalland medium-sized enterprises (SME), 9
Small- and middle-sized enterprises (SMEs), 111
ability to develop smart solutions, 119–120
components of intelligent or smart solutions, 116–117
connection between smart villages and, 111
effectiveness of, 112
project examples, 118–119
role in European economies, 112–114
role in innovation, 114
role in sustainability, 114–115
rural, 112
smart solutions for, 115
sources of financing for, 117–118
Smart cities, 156–159
Smart Dubai initiative, 162–163
Smart Eco Social Villages, 15
Smart Fab Village, 133–134
‘Smart’ food production processes, 90–92
Smartness of a settlement, 14
Smart rural development, 31
implementation of, 31
notion of innovativeness, 31–32
Smart Specialisation under Cohesion policy, 16
Smart strategies for smart villages, 52–53
methodology for design of, 53–59
actors involved in process, 54–55
coherent structure of government and territory, 58
commitment to social cohesion and development, 58
connections with other rural areas and cities, 58–59
environmental sensitivity and responsibility, 57–58
first step in defining, 56–59
garden city model, 55, 56
theoretical framework, 55–56
work and innovation, 58
Smart Village Model, 51–52
Smart villages, 1
advantages of, 56
benefits of living in, 57
challenges and corresponding actions, 2
definition of, 38–39, 111
EU policies for, 14–16
European Commission definition, 3
European policy discussions, 14
five avenues of
communication, 24
innovation, 24–25
integration, 23
rural proofing, 25
simplification, 23–24
implementation under integrated rural development framework, 67
importance of, 4–5
as a policy objective, 13–14
rationale behind, 1–2
relevance, 2–4
three pillars, 3–4
Smart Villages Portal, 15, 118
Solar power, 8–9, 99–100
Solar-powered smart villages, 100–102
digital nature of solar power, 102, 104–105
rationale for, 101
roof panels for, 101–102
State of Kuwait Vision 2035 (KUWAIT-2035), 162
State of Qatar Vision 2030 (QATAR-2030), 162, 163
Sultanate of Oman Vision 2020 (OMAN-2020), 162, 163
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), 65, 100, 157, 164
Sustainable Smart cities (SSC), 155, 162–163
Thematic group (TG) on Smart Villages, 38, 40
Thematic Working Group, 15
“Three magnets” theory, 55, 56
Toolkit for the development of Smart Green Villages, Rwanda, 106
“The 25 Most Innovative AgTech Startups in 2018,”, 120
UAE Vision 2021 (UAE-2021), 162
Venhorst Declaration, 2017, 22
Village angels, 115–116
‘WAB’ initiative, 77
Clean energy driven smart villages, 105–106
Clean energy technologies, development of
IT skills and, 104–105
rural high-speed internet links and, 104
Cohesion policy, 2–3, 19–20
Committee of Regions (CoR), 13
Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), 2–3, 14, 16–19, 94, 141, 173–174
Community-Led Local Development (CLLD), 128
Community-led Local Development (CLLD) approach, 64
Connectivity, 30
Consultative Group for International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) Research Program on Climate Change, 158
Cork 2.0 Declaration 2016, 2–3, 8, 14, 15, 21, 25, 51–52, 128
COWOCAT project, 76
Depopulating villages, 1–2, 67
Fouskari, xv
Greek villages in Peloponnese, 3
Digital economy, 76–77
Digitalisation of smart villages, 104–105
Digitalization of cities, 14–15
Digital Single Market, 16, 94–95
Eigg Heritage Trust project, 118–119
Embeddedness, 30
ESPON 2020 Cooperation Programme, 128
‘EU Action for Smart Villages’, 15–16, 63
EU agricultural and food production sectors, 84
EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), 92
EU policies for rural areas, improving coherence of, 21–22
EU policies for smart villages
challenges for implementation at local level, 40–43
access to institutions, 42
technical infrastructure, 42
use of resources, 42–43
cohesion policy, 19–20
Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), 17–19
context and definition, 37–40
research and innovation, 20–21
Digital Innovation Hubs, 20
European Commission, 2–3
on barriers to adopt digital technologies, 94–95
Basic Payment Scheme (BPS) applications, 91
on broadband coverage in Europe, 91
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), 92
long-term climate vision for 2050, 85
Mobile Agricultural Robot Swarms (MARS) experiment, 90
new Skills Agenda for Europe, 95–96
‘The Internet of Food and Farm 2020’ project, 89
European Economic and Social Committee (EESC), 14
European Innovation Partnership (EIP-AGRI), 18, 21, 24–25, 72–73, 94
European Network for Rural Development (ENRD), 13–14, 15, 21, 24–25, 118
European Union, 1
Clean Energy Package, 105–106
development of rural high-speed internet links, 104
differences between the rural and urban territories, 50
funding for non-agricultural activities, 13
population living in rural and urban areas, 49–50
Eurostat, 49–50
EU strategy of technological transformation, 95
Gandhi, Mahatma, 158
Ghat Heritage Village, 164
Green Revolution, 85
Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries, 155–156, 174–175
digital government models, 162–163
National Transformation Plans, 161–162
population distribution and estimation (2018-2030), 160, 161
smart village initiatives, 164–166
transformational context, 159–164
Habala Villages, 164
Horizon Europe, 24–25
Howard, Ebenezer, 55
Hungarian ‘grandma application,’, 120
Hydra Village, 164
‘I can do this for you’ philosophy, 9
IEEE Smart Village, 128
Information and communication technology (ICT), 3–4, 7, 49, 50, 55, 85, 149–150, 165–166, 174–175
advances in, 174
Innovations, 31, 41
small- and middle-sized enterprises (SMEs), role of, 114
International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT), 158
Korea, 174–175
agricultural and rural investment plans in, 144
agricultural policy in, 139–140, 143
agricultural sector in, 139
block grant system, 145–148
Comprehensive Rural Village Development Program (CRVDP), 145
rural policy, 140–141, 142–143
rural spaces in, 139
rural tourism, 144, 145
rural tourism policy in, 148
rural tourism programs in, 146–147
6th industrialization, 149
smart farming, 149–150
Smart Village Project in, 143–148
LEADER approach to smartness, 63–65, 68, 128
budget, 73
common features shared, 68
innovation, 72–73
integrated development, 70–71
partnership and community empowerment, 71
place-based approach, 69–70
distinctive characteristics between smart villages and LEADER, 69
geographical scope, 73
local actions groups (LAGs), role of, 71, 72–73, 78, 79
modern rural development policy paradigm and, 65–68
opportunities for sustainable development, 68
potential role of LEADER, 73–77
as animator and facilitator of community processes, 74–75
as enabler for transition, 76–77
as laboratory of innovation for a transitional change, 75
role in digitization, 76–77
supporting scaling-up of initiatives through cooperation, 75–76
regulatory barriers in, 78–79
LEADER Local Action Groups, 24
Masqat, 162–163
Mobile Agricultural Robot Swarms (MARS), 90
Nanotechnology, 90
National Strategy for Inner Areas, Italy, 67
NEOM project, 163–164
Paris Agreement, 100, 101
Plan for Rural Digitisation, Finland, 67
Power technologies for smart villages, 102–104
biogas, 102–103
biomass, 103–104
wind and solar thermal, 104
Regional Policy, 2–3
Relatedness, 30
Resilience, 50–51
Revitalization, 10
Rezo Pouce project, 76
Rijal Almaa Village, 164
Rural development, 31
endogenous approach, 33–35
evolution of policies, 36–37
mixed exogenous/endogenous approach, 35
neo-endogenous approach, 35
policy, 37
EU, 37–38
role of agriculture, 83–85
Rural proofing, 21–22, 25
San-Car, 120
Saudi National Space Strategy (2030), 164
Saudi National Transformation Program 2020 and Vision 2030, 159
Saudi ‘Smart City’ initiative, 163–164
Service hubs in rural Flanders, 119
Blatna Brezovica, 131
concept of smart village, 128–129
Distributed Hotel Konjice, 130
FabLab Network, 132–134
Hotel of Good Teran, 131
innovation, 132–133
landscape of, 129
Ljubljana, 129
mobility services, 131–132
projects Agrotur I and Agrotur II, 131
rural areas
challenges of, 127
problems of, 125–127
SaMBA, 131–132
smart rural development in, 125, 133
tourism, 129–131
village Padna, 130–131
Smalland medium-sized enterprises (SME), 9
Small- and middle-sized enterprises (SMEs), 111
ability to develop smart solutions, 119–120
components of intelligent or smart solutions, 116–117
connection between smart villages and, 111
effectiveness of, 112
project examples, 118–119
role in European economies, 112–114
role in innovation, 114
role in sustainability, 114–115
rural, 112
smart solutions for, 115
sources of financing for, 117–118
Smart cities, 156–159
Smart Dubai initiative, 162–163
Smart Eco Social Villages, 15
Smart Fab Village, 133–134
‘Smart’ food production processes, 90–92
Smartness of a settlement, 14
Smart rural development, 31
implementation of, 31
notion of innovativeness, 31–32
Smart Specialisation under Cohesion policy, 16
Smart strategies for smart villages, 52–53
methodology for design of, 53–59
actors involved in process, 54–55
coherent structure of government and territory, 58
commitment to social cohesion and development, 58
connections with other rural areas and cities, 58–59
environmental sensitivity and responsibility, 57–58
first step in defining, 56–59
garden city model, 55, 56
theoretical framework, 55–56
work and innovation, 58
Smart Village Model, 51–52
Smart villages, 1
advantages of, 56
benefits of living in, 57
challenges and corresponding actions, 2
definition of, 38–39, 111
EU policies for, 14–16
European Commission definition, 3
European policy discussions, 14
five avenues of
communication, 24
innovation, 24–25
integration, 23
rural proofing, 25
simplification, 23–24
implementation under integrated rural development framework, 67
importance of, 4–5
as a policy objective, 13–14
rationale behind, 1–2
relevance, 2–4
three pillars, 3–4
Smart Villages Portal, 15, 118
Solar power, 8–9, 99–100
Solar-powered smart villages, 100–102
digital nature of solar power, 102, 104–105
rationale for, 101
roof panels for, 101–102
State of Kuwait Vision 2035 (KUWAIT-2035), 162
State of Qatar Vision 2030 (QATAR-2030), 162, 163
Sultanate of Oman Vision 2020 (OMAN-2020), 162, 163
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), 65, 100, 157, 164
Sustainable Smart cities (SSC), 155, 162–163
Thematic group (TG) on Smart Villages, 38, 40
Thematic Working Group, 15
“Three magnets” theory, 55, 56
Toolkit for the development of Smart Green Villages, Rwanda, 106
“The 25 Most Innovative AgTech Startups in 2018,”, 120
UAE Vision 2021 (UAE-2021), 162
Venhorst Declaration, 2017, 22
Village angels, 115–116
‘WAB’ initiative, 77
Eigg Heritage Trust project, 118–119
Embeddedness, 30
ESPON 2020 Cooperation Programme, 128
‘EU Action for Smart Villages’, 15–16, 63
EU agricultural and food production sectors, 84
EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), 92
EU policies for rural areas, improving coherence of, 21–22
EU policies for smart villages
challenges for implementation at local level, 40–43
access to institutions, 42
technical infrastructure, 42
use of resources, 42–43
cohesion policy, 19–20
Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), 17–19
context and definition, 37–40
research and innovation, 20–21
Digital Innovation Hubs, 20
European Commission, 2–3
on barriers to adopt digital technologies, 94–95
Basic Payment Scheme (BPS) applications, 91
on broadband coverage in Europe, 91
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), 92
long-term climate vision for 2050, 85
Mobile Agricultural Robot Swarms (MARS) experiment, 90
new Skills Agenda for Europe, 95–96
‘The Internet of Food and Farm 2020’ project, 89
European Economic and Social Committee (EESC), 14
European Innovation Partnership (EIP-AGRI), 18, 21, 24–25, 72–73, 94
European Network for Rural Development (ENRD), 13–14, 15, 21, 24–25, 118
European Union, 1
Clean Energy Package, 105–106
development of rural high-speed internet links, 104
differences between the rural and urban territories, 50
funding for non-agricultural activities, 13
population living in rural and urban areas, 49–50
Eurostat, 49–50
EU strategy of technological transformation, 95
Gandhi, Mahatma, 158
Ghat Heritage Village, 164
Green Revolution, 85
Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries, 155–156, 174–175
digital government models, 162–163
National Transformation Plans, 161–162
population distribution and estimation (2018-2030), 160, 161
smart village initiatives, 164–166
transformational context, 159–164
Habala Villages, 164
Horizon Europe, 24–25
Howard, Ebenezer, 55
Hungarian ‘grandma application,’, 120
Hydra Village, 164
‘I can do this for you’ philosophy, 9
IEEE Smart Village, 128
Information and communication technology (ICT), 3–4, 7, 49, 50, 55, 85, 149–150, 165–166, 174–175
advances in, 174
Innovations, 31, 41
small- and middle-sized enterprises (SMEs), role of, 114
International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT), 158
Korea, 174–175
agricultural and rural investment plans in, 144
agricultural policy in, 139–140, 143
agricultural sector in, 139
block grant system, 145–148
Comprehensive Rural Village Development Program (CRVDP), 145
rural policy, 140–141, 142–143
rural spaces in, 139
rural tourism, 144, 145
rural tourism policy in, 148
rural tourism programs in, 146–147
6th industrialization, 149
smart farming, 149–150
Smart Village Project in, 143–148
LEADER approach to smartness, 63–65, 68, 128
budget, 73
common features shared, 68
innovation, 72–73
integrated development, 70–71
partnership and community empowerment, 71
place-based approach, 69–70
distinctive characteristics between smart villages and LEADER, 69
geographical scope, 73
local actions groups (LAGs), role of, 71, 72–73, 78, 79
modern rural development policy paradigm and, 65–68
opportunities for sustainable development, 68
potential role of LEADER, 73–77
as animator and facilitator of community processes, 74–75
as enabler for transition, 76–77
as laboratory of innovation for a transitional change, 75
role in digitization, 76–77
supporting scaling-up of initiatives through cooperation, 75–76
regulatory barriers in, 78–79
LEADER Local Action Groups, 24
Masqat, 162–163
Mobile Agricultural Robot Swarms (MARS), 90
Nanotechnology, 90
National Strategy for Inner Areas, Italy, 67
NEOM project, 163–164
Paris Agreement, 100, 101
Plan for Rural Digitisation, Finland, 67
Power technologies for smart villages, 102–104
biogas, 102–103
biomass, 103–104
wind and solar thermal, 104
Regional Policy, 2–3
Relatedness, 30
Resilience, 50–51
Revitalization, 10
Rezo Pouce project, 76
Rijal Almaa Village, 164
Rural development, 31
endogenous approach, 33–35
evolution of policies, 36–37
mixed exogenous/endogenous approach, 35
neo-endogenous approach, 35
policy, 37
EU, 37–38
role of agriculture, 83–85
Rural proofing, 21–22, 25
San-Car, 120
Saudi National Space Strategy (2030), 164
Saudi National Transformation Program 2020 and Vision 2030, 159
Saudi ‘Smart City’ initiative, 163–164
Service hubs in rural Flanders, 119
Blatna Brezovica, 131
concept of smart village, 128–129
Distributed Hotel Konjice, 130
FabLab Network, 132–134
Hotel of Good Teran, 131
innovation, 132–133
landscape of, 129
Ljubljana, 129
mobility services, 131–132
projects Agrotur I and Agrotur II, 131
rural areas
challenges of, 127
problems of, 125–127
SaMBA, 131–132
smart rural development in, 125, 133
tourism, 129–131
village Padna, 130–131
Smalland medium-sized enterprises (SME), 9
Small- and middle-sized enterprises (SMEs), 111
ability to develop smart solutions, 119–120
components of intelligent or smart solutions, 116–117
connection between smart villages and, 111
effectiveness of, 112
project examples, 118–119
role in European economies, 112–114
role in innovation, 114
role in sustainability, 114–115
rural, 112
smart solutions for, 115
sources of financing for, 117–118
Smart cities, 156–159
Smart Dubai initiative, 162–163
Smart Eco Social Villages, 15
Smart Fab Village, 133–134
‘Smart’ food production processes, 90–92
Smartness of a settlement, 14
Smart rural development, 31
implementation of, 31
notion of innovativeness, 31–32
Smart Specialisation under Cohesion policy, 16
Smart strategies for smart villages, 52–53
methodology for design of, 53–59
actors involved in process, 54–55
coherent structure of government and territory, 58
commitment to social cohesion and development, 58
connections with other rural areas and cities, 58–59
environmental sensitivity and responsibility, 57–58
first step in defining, 56–59
garden city model, 55, 56
theoretical framework, 55–56
work and innovation, 58
Smart Village Model, 51–52
Smart villages, 1
advantages of, 56
benefits of living in, 57
challenges and corresponding actions, 2
definition of, 38–39, 111
EU policies for, 14–16
European Commission definition, 3
European policy discussions, 14
five avenues of
communication, 24
innovation, 24–25
integration, 23
rural proofing, 25
simplification, 23–24
implementation under integrated rural development framework, 67
importance of, 4–5
as a policy objective, 13–14
rationale behind, 1–2
relevance, 2–4
three pillars, 3–4
Smart Villages Portal, 15, 118
Solar power, 8–9, 99–100
Solar-powered smart villages, 100–102
digital nature of solar power, 102, 104–105
rationale for, 101
roof panels for, 101–102
State of Kuwait Vision 2035 (KUWAIT-2035), 162
State of Qatar Vision 2030 (QATAR-2030), 162, 163
Sultanate of Oman Vision 2020 (OMAN-2020), 162, 163
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), 65, 100, 157, 164
Sustainable Smart cities (SSC), 155, 162–163
Thematic group (TG) on Smart Villages, 38, 40
Thematic Working Group, 15
“Three magnets” theory, 55, 56
Toolkit for the development of Smart Green Villages, Rwanda, 106
“The 25 Most Innovative AgTech Startups in 2018,”, 120
UAE Vision 2021 (UAE-2021), 162
Venhorst Declaration, 2017, 22
Village angels, 115–116
‘WAB’ initiative, 77
Habala Villages, 164
Horizon Europe, 24–25
Howard, Ebenezer, 55
Hungarian ‘grandma application,’, 120
Hydra Village, 164
‘I can do this for you’ philosophy, 9
IEEE Smart Village, 128
Information and communication technology (ICT), 3–4, 7, 49, 50, 55, 85, 149–150, 165–166, 174–175
advances in, 174
Innovations, 31, 41
small- and middle-sized enterprises (SMEs), role of, 114
International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT), 158
Korea, 174–175
agricultural and rural investment plans in, 144
agricultural policy in, 139–140, 143
agricultural sector in, 139
block grant system, 145–148
Comprehensive Rural Village Development Program (CRVDP), 145
rural policy, 140–141, 142–143
rural spaces in, 139
rural tourism, 144, 145
rural tourism policy in, 148
rural tourism programs in, 146–147
6th industrialization, 149
smart farming, 149–150
Smart Village Project in, 143–148
LEADER approach to smartness, 63–65, 68, 128
budget, 73
common features shared, 68
innovation, 72–73
integrated development, 70–71
partnership and community empowerment, 71
place-based approach, 69–70
distinctive characteristics between smart villages and LEADER, 69
geographical scope, 73
local actions groups (LAGs), role of, 71, 72–73, 78, 79
modern rural development policy paradigm and, 65–68
opportunities for sustainable development, 68
potential role of LEADER, 73–77
as animator and facilitator of community processes, 74–75
as enabler for transition, 76–77
as laboratory of innovation for a transitional change, 75
role in digitization, 76–77
supporting scaling-up of initiatives through cooperation, 75–76
regulatory barriers in, 78–79
LEADER Local Action Groups, 24
Masqat, 162–163
Mobile Agricultural Robot Swarms (MARS), 90
Nanotechnology, 90
National Strategy for Inner Areas, Italy, 67
NEOM project, 163–164
Paris Agreement, 100, 101
Plan for Rural Digitisation, Finland, 67
Power technologies for smart villages, 102–104
biogas, 102–103
biomass, 103–104
wind and solar thermal, 104
Regional Policy, 2–3
Relatedness, 30
Resilience, 50–51
Revitalization, 10
Rezo Pouce project, 76
Rijal Almaa Village, 164
Rural development, 31
endogenous approach, 33–35
evolution of policies, 36–37
mixed exogenous/endogenous approach, 35
neo-endogenous approach, 35
policy, 37
EU, 37–38
role of agriculture, 83–85
Rural proofing, 21–22, 25
San-Car, 120
Saudi National Space Strategy (2030), 164
Saudi National Transformation Program 2020 and Vision 2030, 159
Saudi ‘Smart City’ initiative, 163–164
Service hubs in rural Flanders, 119
Blatna Brezovica, 131
concept of smart village, 128–129
Distributed Hotel Konjice, 130
FabLab Network, 132–134
Hotel of Good Teran, 131
innovation, 132–133
landscape of, 129
Ljubljana, 129
mobility services, 131–132
projects Agrotur I and Agrotur II, 131
rural areas
challenges of, 127
problems of, 125–127
SaMBA, 131–132
smart rural development in, 125, 133
tourism, 129–131
village Padna, 130–131
Smalland medium-sized enterprises (SME), 9
Small- and middle-sized enterprises (SMEs), 111
ability to develop smart solutions, 119–120
components of intelligent or smart solutions, 116–117
connection between smart villages and, 111
effectiveness of, 112
project examples, 118–119
role in European economies, 112–114
role in innovation, 114
role in sustainability, 114–115
rural, 112
smart solutions for, 115
sources of financing for, 117–118
Smart cities, 156–159
Smart Dubai initiative, 162–163
Smart Eco Social Villages, 15
Smart Fab Village, 133–134
‘Smart’ food production processes, 90–92
Smartness of a settlement, 14
Smart rural development, 31
implementation of, 31
notion of innovativeness, 31–32
Smart Specialisation under Cohesion policy, 16
Smart strategies for smart villages, 52–53
methodology for design of, 53–59
actors involved in process, 54–55
coherent structure of government and territory, 58
commitment to social cohesion and development, 58
connections with other rural areas and cities, 58–59
environmental sensitivity and responsibility, 57–58
first step in defining, 56–59
garden city model, 55, 56
theoretical framework, 55–56
work and innovation, 58
Smart Village Model, 51–52
Smart villages, 1
advantages of, 56
benefits of living in, 57
challenges and corresponding actions, 2
definition of, 38–39, 111
EU policies for, 14–16
European Commission definition, 3
European policy discussions, 14
five avenues of
communication, 24
innovation, 24–25
integration, 23
rural proofing, 25
simplification, 23–24
implementation under integrated rural development framework, 67
importance of, 4–5
as a policy objective, 13–14
rationale behind, 1–2
relevance, 2–4
three pillars, 3–4
Smart Villages Portal, 15, 118
Solar power, 8–9, 99–100
Solar-powered smart villages, 100–102
digital nature of solar power, 102, 104–105
rationale for, 101
roof panels for, 101–102
State of Kuwait Vision 2035 (KUWAIT-2035), 162
State of Qatar Vision 2030 (QATAR-2030), 162, 163
Sultanate of Oman Vision 2020 (OMAN-2020), 162, 163
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), 65, 100, 157, 164
Sustainable Smart cities (SSC), 155, 162–163
Thematic group (TG) on Smart Villages, 38, 40
Thematic Working Group, 15
“Three magnets” theory, 55, 56
Toolkit for the development of Smart Green Villages, Rwanda, 106
“The 25 Most Innovative AgTech Startups in 2018,”, 120
UAE Vision 2021 (UAE-2021), 162
Venhorst Declaration, 2017, 22
Village angels, 115–116
‘WAB’ initiative, 77
Korea, 174–175
agricultural and rural investment plans in, 144
agricultural policy in, 139–140, 143
agricultural sector in, 139
block grant system, 145–148
Comprehensive Rural Village Development Program (CRVDP), 145
rural policy, 140–141, 142–143
rural spaces in, 139
rural tourism, 144, 145
rural tourism policy in, 148
rural tourism programs in, 146–147
6th industrialization, 149
smart farming, 149–150
Smart Village Project in, 143–148
LEADER approach to smartness, 63–65, 68, 128
budget, 73
common features shared, 68
innovation, 72–73
integrated development, 70–71
partnership and community empowerment, 71
place-based approach, 69–70
distinctive characteristics between smart villages and LEADER, 69
geographical scope, 73
local actions groups (LAGs), role of, 71, 72–73, 78, 79
modern rural development policy paradigm and, 65–68
opportunities for sustainable development, 68
potential role of LEADER, 73–77
as animator and facilitator of community processes, 74–75
as enabler for transition, 76–77
as laboratory of innovation for a transitional change, 75
role in digitization, 76–77
supporting scaling-up of initiatives through cooperation, 75–76
regulatory barriers in, 78–79
LEADER Local Action Groups, 24
Masqat, 162–163
Mobile Agricultural Robot Swarms (MARS), 90
Nanotechnology, 90
National Strategy for Inner Areas, Italy, 67
NEOM project, 163–164
Paris Agreement, 100, 101
Plan for Rural Digitisation, Finland, 67
Power technologies for smart villages, 102–104
biogas, 102–103
biomass, 103–104
wind and solar thermal, 104
Regional Policy, 2–3
Relatedness, 30
Resilience, 50–51
Revitalization, 10
Rezo Pouce project, 76
Rijal Almaa Village, 164
Rural development, 31
endogenous approach, 33–35
evolution of policies, 36–37
mixed exogenous/endogenous approach, 35
neo-endogenous approach, 35
policy, 37
EU, 37–38
role of agriculture, 83–85
Rural proofing, 21–22, 25
San-Car, 120
Saudi National Space Strategy (2030), 164
Saudi National Transformation Program 2020 and Vision 2030, 159
Saudi ‘Smart City’ initiative, 163–164
Service hubs in rural Flanders, 119
Blatna Brezovica, 131
concept of smart village, 128–129
Distributed Hotel Konjice, 130
FabLab Network, 132–134
Hotel of Good Teran, 131
innovation, 132–133
landscape of, 129
Ljubljana, 129
mobility services, 131–132
projects Agrotur I and Agrotur II, 131
rural areas
challenges of, 127
problems of, 125–127
SaMBA, 131–132
smart rural development in, 125, 133
tourism, 129–131
village Padna, 130–131
Smalland medium-sized enterprises (SME), 9
Small- and middle-sized enterprises (SMEs), 111
ability to develop smart solutions, 119–120
components of intelligent or smart solutions, 116–117
connection between smart villages and, 111
effectiveness of, 112
project examples, 118–119
role in European economies, 112–114
role in innovation, 114
role in sustainability, 114–115
rural, 112
smart solutions for, 115
sources of financing for, 117–118
Smart cities, 156–159
Smart Dubai initiative, 162–163
Smart Eco Social Villages, 15
Smart Fab Village, 133–134
‘Smart’ food production processes, 90–92
Smartness of a settlement, 14
Smart rural development, 31
implementation of, 31
notion of innovativeness, 31–32
Smart Specialisation under Cohesion policy, 16
Smart strategies for smart villages, 52–53
methodology for design of, 53–59
actors involved in process, 54–55
coherent structure of government and territory, 58
commitment to social cohesion and development, 58
connections with other rural areas and cities, 58–59
environmental sensitivity and responsibility, 57–58
first step in defining, 56–59
garden city model, 55, 56
theoretical framework, 55–56
work and innovation, 58
Smart Village Model, 51–52
Smart villages, 1
advantages of, 56
benefits of living in, 57
challenges and corresponding actions, 2
definition of, 38–39, 111
EU policies for, 14–16
European Commission definition, 3
European policy discussions, 14
five avenues of
communication, 24
innovation, 24–25
integration, 23
rural proofing, 25
simplification, 23–24
implementation under integrated rural development framework, 67
importance of, 4–5
as a policy objective, 13–14
rationale behind, 1–2
relevance, 2–4
three pillars, 3–4
Smart Villages Portal, 15, 118
Solar power, 8–9, 99–100
Solar-powered smart villages, 100–102
digital nature of solar power, 102, 104–105
rationale for, 101
roof panels for, 101–102
State of Kuwait Vision 2035 (KUWAIT-2035), 162
State of Qatar Vision 2030 (QATAR-2030), 162, 163
Sultanate of Oman Vision 2020 (OMAN-2020), 162, 163
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), 65, 100, 157, 164
Sustainable Smart cities (SSC), 155, 162–163
Thematic group (TG) on Smart Villages, 38, 40
Thematic Working Group, 15
“Three magnets” theory, 55, 56
Toolkit for the development of Smart Green Villages, Rwanda, 106
“The 25 Most Innovative AgTech Startups in 2018,”, 120
UAE Vision 2021 (UAE-2021), 162
Venhorst Declaration, 2017, 22
Village angels, 115–116
‘WAB’ initiative, 77
Masqat, 162–163
Mobile Agricultural Robot Swarms (MARS), 90
Nanotechnology, 90
National Strategy for Inner Areas, Italy, 67
NEOM project, 163–164
Paris Agreement, 100, 101
Plan for Rural Digitisation, Finland, 67
Power technologies for smart villages, 102–104
biogas, 102–103
biomass, 103–104
wind and solar thermal, 104
Regional Policy, 2–3
Relatedness, 30
Resilience, 50–51
Revitalization, 10
Rezo Pouce project, 76
Rijal Almaa Village, 164
Rural development, 31
endogenous approach, 33–35
evolution of policies, 36–37
mixed exogenous/endogenous approach, 35
neo-endogenous approach, 35
policy, 37
EU, 37–38
role of agriculture, 83–85
Rural proofing, 21–22, 25
San-Car, 120
Saudi National Space Strategy (2030), 164
Saudi National Transformation Program 2020 and Vision 2030, 159
Saudi ‘Smart City’ initiative, 163–164
Service hubs in rural Flanders, 119
Blatna Brezovica, 131
concept of smart village, 128–129
Distributed Hotel Konjice, 130
FabLab Network, 132–134
Hotel of Good Teran, 131
innovation, 132–133
landscape of, 129
Ljubljana, 129
mobility services, 131–132
projects Agrotur I and Agrotur II, 131
rural areas
challenges of, 127
problems of, 125–127
SaMBA, 131–132
smart rural development in, 125, 133
tourism, 129–131
village Padna, 130–131
Smalland medium-sized enterprises (SME), 9
Small- and middle-sized enterprises (SMEs), 111
ability to develop smart solutions, 119–120
components of intelligent or smart solutions, 116–117
connection between smart villages and, 111
effectiveness of, 112
project examples, 118–119
role in European economies, 112–114
role in innovation, 114
role in sustainability, 114–115
rural, 112
smart solutions for, 115
sources of financing for, 117–118
Smart cities, 156–159
Smart Dubai initiative, 162–163
Smart Eco Social Villages, 15
Smart Fab Village, 133–134
‘Smart’ food production processes, 90–92
Smartness of a settlement, 14
Smart rural development, 31
implementation of, 31
notion of innovativeness, 31–32
Smart Specialisation under Cohesion policy, 16
Smart strategies for smart villages, 52–53
methodology for design of, 53–59
actors involved in process, 54–55
coherent structure of government and territory, 58
commitment to social cohesion and development, 58
connections with other rural areas and cities, 58–59
environmental sensitivity and responsibility, 57–58
first step in defining, 56–59
garden city model, 55, 56
theoretical framework, 55–56
work and innovation, 58
Smart Village Model, 51–52
Smart villages, 1
advantages of, 56
benefits of living in, 57
challenges and corresponding actions, 2
definition of, 38–39, 111
EU policies for, 14–16
European Commission definition, 3
European policy discussions, 14
five avenues of
communication, 24
innovation, 24–25
integration, 23
rural proofing, 25
simplification, 23–24
implementation under integrated rural development framework, 67
importance of, 4–5
as a policy objective, 13–14
rationale behind, 1–2
relevance, 2–4
three pillars, 3–4
Smart Villages Portal, 15, 118
Solar power, 8–9, 99–100
Solar-powered smart villages, 100–102
digital nature of solar power, 102, 104–105
rationale for, 101
roof panels for, 101–102
State of Kuwait Vision 2035 (KUWAIT-2035), 162
State of Qatar Vision 2030 (QATAR-2030), 162, 163
Sultanate of Oman Vision 2020 (OMAN-2020), 162, 163
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), 65, 100, 157, 164
Sustainable Smart cities (SSC), 155, 162–163
Thematic group (TG) on Smart Villages, 38, 40
Thematic Working Group, 15
“Three magnets” theory, 55, 56
Toolkit for the development of Smart Green Villages, Rwanda, 106
“The 25 Most Innovative AgTech Startups in 2018,”, 120
UAE Vision 2021 (UAE-2021), 162
Venhorst Declaration, 2017, 22
Village angels, 115–116
‘WAB’ initiative, 77
Paris Agreement, 100, 101
Plan for Rural Digitisation, Finland, 67
Power technologies for smart villages, 102–104
biogas, 102–103
biomass, 103–104
wind and solar thermal, 104
Regional Policy, 2–3
Relatedness, 30
Resilience, 50–51
Revitalization, 10
Rezo Pouce project, 76
Rijal Almaa Village, 164
Rural development, 31
endogenous approach, 33–35
evolution of policies, 36–37
mixed exogenous/endogenous approach, 35
neo-endogenous approach, 35
policy, 37
EU, 37–38
role of agriculture, 83–85
Rural proofing, 21–22, 25
San-Car, 120
Saudi National Space Strategy (2030), 164
Saudi National Transformation Program 2020 and Vision 2030, 159
Saudi ‘Smart City’ initiative, 163–164
Service hubs in rural Flanders, 119
Blatna Brezovica, 131
concept of smart village, 128–129
Distributed Hotel Konjice, 130
FabLab Network, 132–134
Hotel of Good Teran, 131
innovation, 132–133
landscape of, 129
Ljubljana, 129
mobility services, 131–132
projects Agrotur I and Agrotur II, 131
rural areas
challenges of, 127
problems of, 125–127
SaMBA, 131–132
smart rural development in, 125, 133
tourism, 129–131
village Padna, 130–131
Smalland medium-sized enterprises (SME), 9
Small- and middle-sized enterprises (SMEs), 111
ability to develop smart solutions, 119–120
components of intelligent or smart solutions, 116–117
connection between smart villages and, 111
effectiveness of, 112
project examples, 118–119
role in European economies, 112–114
role in innovation, 114
role in sustainability, 114–115
rural, 112
smart solutions for, 115
sources of financing for, 117–118
Smart cities, 156–159
Smart Dubai initiative, 162–163
Smart Eco Social Villages, 15
Smart Fab Village, 133–134
‘Smart’ food production processes, 90–92
Smartness of a settlement, 14
Smart rural development, 31
implementation of, 31
notion of innovativeness, 31–32
Smart Specialisation under Cohesion policy, 16
Smart strategies for smart villages, 52–53
methodology for design of, 53–59
actors involved in process, 54–55
coherent structure of government and territory, 58
commitment to social cohesion and development, 58
connections with other rural areas and cities, 58–59
environmental sensitivity and responsibility, 57–58
first step in defining, 56–59
garden city model, 55, 56
theoretical framework, 55–56
work and innovation, 58
Smart Village Model, 51–52
Smart villages, 1
advantages of, 56
benefits of living in, 57
challenges and corresponding actions, 2
definition of, 38–39, 111
EU policies for, 14–16
European Commission definition, 3
European policy discussions, 14
five avenues of
communication, 24
innovation, 24–25
integration, 23
rural proofing, 25
simplification, 23–24
implementation under integrated rural development framework, 67
importance of, 4–5
as a policy objective, 13–14
rationale behind, 1–2
relevance, 2–4
three pillars, 3–4
Smart Villages Portal, 15, 118
Solar power, 8–9, 99–100
Solar-powered smart villages, 100–102
digital nature of solar power, 102, 104–105
rationale for, 101
roof panels for, 101–102
State of Kuwait Vision 2035 (KUWAIT-2035), 162
State of Qatar Vision 2030 (QATAR-2030), 162, 163
Sultanate of Oman Vision 2020 (OMAN-2020), 162, 163
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), 65, 100, 157, 164
Sustainable Smart cities (SSC), 155, 162–163
Thematic group (TG) on Smart Villages, 38, 40
Thematic Working Group, 15
“Three magnets” theory, 55, 56
Toolkit for the development of Smart Green Villages, Rwanda, 106
“The 25 Most Innovative AgTech Startups in 2018,”, 120
UAE Vision 2021 (UAE-2021), 162
Venhorst Declaration, 2017, 22
Village angels, 115–116
‘WAB’ initiative, 77
San-Car, 120
Saudi National Space Strategy (2030), 164
Saudi National Transformation Program 2020 and Vision 2030, 159
Saudi ‘Smart City’ initiative, 163–164
Service hubs in rural Flanders, 119
Blatna Brezovica, 131
concept of smart village, 128–129
Distributed Hotel Konjice, 130
FabLab Network, 132–134
Hotel of Good Teran, 131
innovation, 132–133
landscape of, 129
Ljubljana, 129
mobility services, 131–132
projects Agrotur I and Agrotur II, 131
rural areas
challenges of, 127
problems of, 125–127
SaMBA, 131–132
smart rural development in, 125, 133
tourism, 129–131
village Padna, 130–131
Smalland medium-sized enterprises (SME), 9
Small- and middle-sized enterprises (SMEs), 111
ability to develop smart solutions, 119–120
components of intelligent or smart solutions, 116–117
connection between smart villages and, 111
effectiveness of, 112
project examples, 118–119
role in European economies, 112–114
role in innovation, 114
role in sustainability, 114–115
rural, 112
smart solutions for, 115
sources of financing for, 117–118
Smart cities, 156–159
Smart Dubai initiative, 162–163
Smart Eco Social Villages, 15
Smart Fab Village, 133–134
‘Smart’ food production processes, 90–92
Smartness of a settlement, 14
Smart rural development, 31
implementation of, 31
notion of innovativeness, 31–32
Smart Specialisation under Cohesion policy, 16
Smart strategies for smart villages, 52–53
methodology for design of, 53–59
actors involved in process, 54–55
coherent structure of government and territory, 58
commitment to social cohesion and development, 58
connections with other rural areas and cities, 58–59
environmental sensitivity and responsibility, 57–58
first step in defining, 56–59
garden city model, 55, 56
theoretical framework, 55–56
work and innovation, 58
Smart Village Model, 51–52
Smart villages, 1
advantages of, 56
benefits of living in, 57
challenges and corresponding actions, 2
definition of, 38–39, 111
EU policies for, 14–16
European Commission definition, 3
European policy discussions, 14
five avenues of
communication, 24
innovation, 24–25
integration, 23
rural proofing, 25
simplification, 23–24
implementation under integrated rural development framework, 67
importance of, 4–5
as a policy objective, 13–14
rationale behind, 1–2
relevance, 2–4
three pillars, 3–4
Smart Villages Portal, 15, 118
Solar power, 8–9, 99–100
Solar-powered smart villages, 100–102
digital nature of solar power, 102, 104–105
rationale for, 101
roof panels for, 101–102
State of Kuwait Vision 2035 (KUWAIT-2035), 162
State of Qatar Vision 2030 (QATAR-2030), 162, 163
Sultanate of Oman Vision 2020 (OMAN-2020), 162, 163
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), 65, 100, 157, 164
Sustainable Smart cities (SSC), 155, 162–163
Thematic group (TG) on Smart Villages, 38, 40
Thematic Working Group, 15
“Three magnets” theory, 55, 56
Toolkit for the development of Smart Green Villages, Rwanda, 106
“The 25 Most Innovative AgTech Startups in 2018,”, 120
UAE Vision 2021 (UAE-2021), 162
Venhorst Declaration, 2017, 22
Village angels, 115–116
‘WAB’ initiative, 77
UAE Vision 2021 (UAE-2021), 162
Venhorst Declaration, 2017, 22
Village angels, 115–116
‘WAB’ initiative, 77
‘WAB’ initiative, 77
- Prelims
- Chapter 1 Smart Villages: Relevance, Approaches, Policymaking Implications
- Chapter 2 Integrated Approach to Sustainable EU Smart Villages Policies
- Chapter 3 Smart Villages Revisited: Conceptual Background and New Challenges at the Local Level
- Chapter 4 Toward a New Sustainable Development Model for Smart Villages
- Chapter 5 The Role of LEADER in Smart Villages: An Opportunity to Reconnect with Rural Communities
- Chapter 6 Precision Agriculture and the Smart Village Concept
- Chapter 7 Energy Diversification and Self-sustainable Smart Villages
- Chapter 8 The Role of Smart and Medium-sized Enterprises in the Smart Villages Concept
- Chapter 9 Smart Villages in Slovenia: Examples of Good Pilot Practices
- Chapter 10 Smart Village Projects in Korea: Rural Tourism, 6th Industrialization, and Smart Farming
- Chapter 11 Smart Villages and the GCC Countries: Policies, Strategies, and Implications
- Chapter 12 Smart Villages: Mapping the Emerging Field and Setting the Course of Action
- Index