Case Study 3 – Researching the Unknown: Developing an Understanding of Children's Informal Mathematical Activity
Repositioning Out-of-School Learning
ISBN: 978-1-78769-740-9, eISBN: 978-1-78769-739-3
Publication date: 21 January 2022
Over the course of a two-year project, we set out to investigate the mathematics in children's everyday lives. We recognised the fact that this was a challenging project and that gaining access to children's personal lives would take time and some careful research design. A particular challenge centred on the difficulty of ensuring that our participants shared our understanding of ‘mathematics in everyday life’ and were happy and confident in sharing examples with us. In this chapter, we describe the way that we gradually increased the depth of our understanding of children's experience of mathematics outside of school through a series of studies with groups of primary school children. A structured diary study, and parental survey, allowed us to start a conversation with our participants about the kinds of activities we were interested in. A photo elicitation study then encouraged participants to cross the home-school boundary and share representations of their lives outside of school. These studies enabled us to develop enough of a shared language to carry out small group interviews with children and explore the mathematical thinking and learning in their out-of-school lives.
Jay, T. and Rose, J. (2022), "Case Study 3 – Researching the Unknown: Developing an Understanding of Children's Informal Mathematical Activity", Rose, J., Jay, T., Goodall, J., Mazzoli Smith, L. and Todd, L. (Ed.) Repositioning Out-of-School Learning (Emerald Studies in Out-of-School Learning), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 39-48.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2022 Tim Jay and Jo Rose. Published under exclusive licence by Emerald Publishing Limited