
Indranarain Ramlall

The Banking Sector Under Financial Stability

ISBN: 978-1-78769-682-2, eISBN: 978-1-78769-681-5

Publication date: 4 December 2018

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Ramlall, I. (2018), "Index", The Banking Sector Under Financial Stability (The Theory and Practice of Financial Stability, Vol. 2), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 223-231.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2019 Emerald Publishing Limited


Acharya, V.
, 92

Actuarial models of credit risk
, 51–52

Additional Tier 1 Capital
, 135

Adopt time-varying capital
, 182

Aggregate leverage of big banks
, 2

ALCO. See Asset/Liability Committee (ALCO)

Allen, F.
, 25

Allen, M.
, 115

ALM. See Asset liability management (ALM)

Altman, E. I.
, 41, 42

Altman’s Z-score
, 41

Artzner, P.
, 51

Assess banking sector vulnerability
, 93–95

Asset-backed commercial paper financing
, 23

Asset-based lending
, 30

Asset/Liability Committee (ALCO)
, 106

Asset liability management (ALM)
, 61, 106–113

Asset liability mismatch
, 65

Asset prices
, 120–122

Asset quality ratio, limitations of
, 87–88

, 11

Automated rating approach
, 206

Balance sheet

analysis of banks
, 107

, 114–116

, 113

, 182–183

strategies for interest rate risk management
, 78


, 11

based financial system
, 4, 11

business model and financial stability
, 20

investment banks
, 21–22

non-interest income
, 21

sources of banks’ income
, 20–21

dealing with failing
, 187

financial, operational and environmental risks impacting on
, 9–10

financial stability risk assessment in
, 29

funding structure of
, 14–15

higher capital requirements on
, 183–185

income, sources of
, 20–21

internal and external sources of risks to
, 26–27

liquidity creation
, 16

market concentration and risk
, 22

, 87

regulation of
, 129–130

risk management
, 24–26

safety nets for
, 181

systematic approach to financial stability risk assessment in
, 24

Banking business inherently risky
, 2–3

Banking sector
, 3–5

asset quality
, 87

, 120–122

measures to Bolster financial stability in
, 13–23

risk assessment
, 10–11

risk maps for

banking stability map
, 102–103

financial stability risk map
, 101–102

Banking soundness index
, 103

Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (2015)
, 2

Basel I, 1988 basel capital accord
, 130

Basel II
, 14, 130–131

Basel III
, 14, 16

bail-in bonds under
, 142

for banks
, 140–142

capital conservation buffer
, 135

components of
, 133–134

countercylical capital buffer
, 135–136

important financial institution surcharge under
, 139

regulation of banks
, 129–130

risk-weighting of assets under
, 139–140

Basel III Monitoring Report 2015
, 2

Beck, T.
, 22

Bernanke, B.
, 120

Better bank business models
, 15

Binary variables
, 4

Black, F.
, 48

Black-Scholes formula, for volatility
, 6

Blundell-Wignall. A.
, 92

Board of directors
, 11

Bologna, P.
, 19

Bolster financial stability, in banking sector

bank market concentration and risk
, 22

bank’s business model and financial stability
, 20

investment banks
, 21–22

non-interest income
, 21

sources of banks’ income
, 20–21

capital and non-capital measures
, 13–14

credit risk and performance
, 19–20

funding structure of banks
, 14–15

liquidity measurement
, 15–19

local versus global banks
, 22–23

off-balance sheet activities
, 23

structure of assets
, 22

systemic risk buffer
, 23

Borio, C.
, 154

Boyd, J.
, 22

Bratanovic, S. B.
, 9, 26, 96, 106, 111, 129, 130

Broader macroeconomic states
, 119–120

Broad money, defined
, 124

Brunnermeier, M.
, 93

Bunn, P.
, 46

Cajueiro, D. O.
, 22

Calmés, C.
, 15

Calomiris, C.
, 120

CAMELS framework
, 96–101

Capital adequacy ratio (CAR)
, 148

Capital analysis of banks

capital ratios

types of bank
, 88–92

sound bank capital for regulation
, 92–93

Capital conservation buffer
, 135

Capital measures
, 13–14

Capital Requirements Directive (CRD)
, 209–210

Capital Requirements Regulation (CRR)
, 209–210

Caprio, G.
, 120

CAR. See Capital adequacy ratio (CAR)

Carey, A.
, 40, 95

Carling, K.
, 120

Cash debt coverage ratio
, 15

Choi, H.
, 175

Claessens, S.
, 176

, 32

Common equity Tier 1 capital
, 89

Conditional migration probabilities
, 44

Contagion models
, 161

Contingent capital
, 182

Continuous variables
, 4

Countercylical capital buffer
, 135–136

Country risk
, 86–87

Covered bonds
, 35

CRD. See Capital Requirements Directive (CRD)

Credit channel of monetary policy
, 127–128

Credit risk
, 210–211

components of exposure at default
, 55–56

components of LGD
, 56–58

concept of expected and unexpected losses
, 52–55

exposure on balance sheets
, 30–31

, 37–38

, 38–39

, 34–37, 42–44

mitigation tools
, 32–34


, 39–40

data considerations
, 205–206


actuarial models of
, 51–52

of financial distress
, 41–42

macroeconomic models
, 44–47

reduced form models
, 51

structural models
, 47–51

nature of
, 31

off-balance sheet
, 31

and performance
, 19–20

solutions to impaired loans
, 38

sources of
, 31–32

, 34

Crisis management, information sharing in
, 189–201

Crockett, A.
, 170

Cross-sectional dimension of systemic risk
, 160

CRR. See Capital Requirements Regulation (CRR)

Cunningham, A.
, 46

Currency risk
, 84–85

Data considerations
, 205–206

Debt maturity adjustments
, 183

Debt service coverage ratio
, 37

Debt-to-equity ratio
, 36

Default generating process (DGP)
, 206

Deferred tax assets
, 142

Delbaen, F.
, 51

Dell’Ariccia, G.
, 4

, 141

Demirgüç-Kunt, A.
, 22, 93

De Nicoló, G.
, 22

Deposit insurance
, 182

Detragiache, E.
, 4

de Vries, C.
, 161

DGP. See Default generating process (DGP)

Diamond, D. W.
, 81

Dodd-Frank Act (2010)
, 182

Domestic assets
, 124

Douglas, G.
, 25

Downside risk
, 6

Drehmann, M.
, 46, 154


application to bank
, 74–76

benefits of
, 67–73

, 67

drawback of
, 73

, 73–74

, 73

of portfolio
, 76–77

of security
, 76

Dwyer, G. P.
, 4

EAD. See Exposure at default (EAD)

Early-warning models
, 160

Earnings perspective
, 64

Economic index
, 45

dependent variable
, 44

Economic value perspective
, 64–65

Effective risk management
, 8–9

ELs. See Expected losses (ELs)

Emerging market scoring model
, 42

Environmental risk
, 9, 10

Equity risk
, 86

ESRB. See European Systemic Risk Board (ESRB)

European Systemic Risk Board (ESRB)
, 150

Ex-ante regulation
, 29

Exchange rate channel of monetary policy
, 125

Expectations channel of monetary policy
, 126–127

Expected losses (ELs)
, 209

Ex-post regulation
, 29

Exposure at default (EAD)
, 55–56

External sources of risks
, 26–27

Fahr, S.
, 154

Fazio, D. M.
, 22

Federico, P.
, 17, 22

Fell, J.
, 154, 157, 159

Fiat money
, 123

Financial distress, models of credit risk
, 41–42

Financial market environment
, 10

Financial ratios, based on financial data
, 96

Financial risk
, 9

Financial Soundness Indicators (FSIs)
, 153

Financial stability
, 5–8

risk assessment in banks
, 29

Financial Stability Board (FSB)
, 150

Financial Stability Committee (FSC)
, 150

Financial Stability Oversight Council (FSOC)
, 150

Fixed interest rate
, 63

, 61

Floating interest rates
, 63

Flood, M.
, 159

Foglia, A.
, 46

Fong, T.
, 175

Foreign assets
, 124

FSB. See Financial Stability Board (FSB)

FSC. See Financial Stability Committee (FSC)

FSIs. See Financial Soundness Indicators (FSIs)

FSOC. See Financial Stability Oversight Council (FSOC)


based balance sheet items
, 117

based lending
, 29–30


sources of
, 114

structure of banks
, 14–15

GAAP. See US Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP)

Gap analysis
, 65

Gap risk
, 60

US Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP)
, 26

Global banks
, 22–23

Global Systemically Important Banks (G-SIBs)
, 175–177

Goldstein, M.
, 93

Goodhart, C.
, 185

Gourinchas, P.-O.
, 161

Government policies
, 15

Greunig, H.
, 9, 96, 106, 111, 129, 130

G-SIBs. See Global Systemically Important Banks (G-SIBs)

, 33

Haldeman, R. G.
, 42

Hanson, S. G.
, 145, 147, 170, 182

Hartmann, P.
, 161

Hartzell, J.
, 42

Herfindahl–Hirschman Index (HHI)
, 87

HHI. See Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (HHI)

High leverage
, 1

Hodrick–Prescott filtered data
, 171

Hogart, G.
, 4

Hoogduin, L.
, 145

Hopkin, P.
, 5

Household sector
, 122

Huizinga, H.
, 93

IFRS. See International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)

Igan, D.
, 175

Impaired loans, solutions to
, 38

Information sharing in crisis management
, 189–201

Infrastructure environment
, 10

Interest rate channel of monetary policy
, 125, 126

Interest rate gap
, 61–62

limitations of
, 63–64

two versions of
, 62

Interest rate risk

, 64–66

benefits of duration
, 67–73

causes of
, 59–60

drawback of duration
, 73

duration application to bank
, 74–76

duration concept
, 67

duration of portfolio
, 76–77

duration of security
, 76

effective duration
, 73–74

fixed versus floating interest rates
, 63

interest rate gap
, 61–62

limitations of
, 63–64

two versions of
, 62

liquidity gap
, 62

, 66

balance sheet and non-balance sheet strategies for
, 78

modified duration
, 73

repricing analysis
, 60

sources of
, 60

structure of interest rates and
, 62–63

variables for
, 61

Internal sources of risks
, 26–27

International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)
, 26

International Swaps and Derivatives Association (ISDA)
, 32

Investment banks
, 21–22

Ioannidou, V.
, 161

ISDA. See International Swaps and Derivatives Association (ISDA)

Jacobson, T.
, 120

Jarrow, R.
, 51

Jokipii, T.
, 4

Kang, H.
, 175

Kashyap, A. K.
, 170, 182

Kattai, R.
, 45

Keller, C.
, 115

Key risk indicators (KRIs)
, 85

, 97–100

Kindleberger, C.
, 154

Klingebiel, D.
, 4, 120

KMV model
, 47–51

Köhler, M.
, 93

KRIs. See Key risk indicators (KRIs)

Kroszner, R. S.
, 4

Laeven, L.
, 4, 120

Landerretche, O.
, 161

Lang, M.
, 4, 16

LCR. See Liquidity coverage ratio (LCR)

Leverage ratio
, 90

under basel III
, 136–137

Levine, R.
, 22

LGD. See Loss Given Default (LGD)


structure of US bank
, 3

Li, K.-F.
, 175

Lindé, J.
, 120


, 62

, 15–19


under basel III
, 137–139

, 16

Liquidity coverage ratio (LCR)
, 137–138

Liquidity risk

forms of liquidity regulations
, 84

, 80

, 83–84

and solvency risk
, 81

sources of liquidity gap
, 80

and net present value of assets and liabilities
, 80–81

systemic liquidity risks
, 81–82

variants of liquidity ratio
, 82–83

Local banks
, 22–23

Loss Given Default (LGD)
, 52–55

Macaulay Duration
, 66

Macroeconomic environment
, 10

Macroeconomic models of credit risk
, 44–47

Macroprudential approach
, 167–169

Macroprudential policies
, 163–164

in Euro area
, 172–174

Macroprudential regulation
, 150–152

complementary roles of
, 166

, 149–150

drawbacks of
, 165

EU banking union merging
, 174–175

, 166

, 154–159

types of data for
, 152–154

Macro stress-testing models
, 161

Market-based data
, 153–154

Market-based financial system
, 11

Market-oriented approach
, 129

Meenen, L.
, 140

Mendelowitz, A.
, 159

Merton, R.
, 40, 48

Microprudential approach
, 167–169

Microprudential regulation
, 145

complementary roles of
, 166

EU banking union merging
, 174–175

instruments of
, 146

, 166

pitfall of
, 146–149

Minsky, H. M.
, 154

Mishkin, F.
, 120

Monetary policy
, 122–124

transmission mechanism of
, 124–128

Money, defined
, 123

Monnin, P.
, 4

Monte Carlo simulations
, 44

Morris, S
, 80

Mortgage-backed assets
, 23

Narayanan, P.
, 42

Narrow money, defined
, 124

NBFIs. See Non-bank financial institutions (NBFIs)

Net Stable Funding Ratio (NSFR)
, 16, 138–139

Neural networks
, 208

Noguera, G.
, 120

Non-balance sheet strategies, for interest rate risk management
, 78

Non-bank financial institutions (NBFIs)
, 129–130

Non-capital measures
, 13–14

Non-core Tier 1 Capital
, 135

Non-deposit funding
, 21–22

Non-financial firm
, 1–2

Non-fund-based balance sheet items
, 117

Non-fund-based lending
, 30

Non-interest income
, 21

Northern Rock case study
, 189–201

NSFR. See Net Stable Funding Ratio (NSFR)

Off-balance sheet
, 31

, 23

Ongena, S.
, 161

Operating leverage
, 2

Operational risks
, 9, 85–86

Panel data models
, 208

Peck, M.
, 42

Perotti, E. C.
, 140

von Peter, G.
, 121

Peydrò, J. L.
, 161

Pierret, D.
, 92

Political risk
, 9, 87

Praet, P.
, 181

Prescriptive approach
, 129

Profitability ratios
, 95

Prompt Corrective Action
, 182

Quantitative metrics
, 6

Rajan, R.
, 4, 170

Rajan, R. G.
, 81

RAM. See Risk Assessment Matrix (RAM)

Ratings-inherent conflict of objectives among tripartite
, 208–209

Ratings of customers
, 205–208

Ratnovski, L.
, 140

Reduced form models of credit risk
, 51

Regulation of banks
, 129–130

Regulatory bodies
, 24

Regulatory environment
, 10

Reis, R.
, 4

Repricing analysis
, 60

Repricing risk
, 60

Retail-oriented banks
, 21

Retana, M.
, 92


banking stability map
, 102–103

based capital
, 6

, 86–87

, 19–20

, 84–85

, 5–6

effective management
, 8–9

, 9

, 86

, 9

financial stability risk map
, 101–102

, 60

, 95–96

internal and external sources of
, 26–27

, 6–7

mitigation policies initiated by banks
, 8

, 9, 85–86

, 9, 87

, 60

, 81

, 159–160

weighted assets
, 139–140

yield curve
, 59

Risk Assessment Matrix (RAM)
, 7

example of
, 9

Robust economy
, 120

Rose, A.
, 177

Rosenberg, C.
, 115

Roszbach, K.
, 120

Roubini, N.
, 115

Roulet, C.
, 92

Saporta, V.
, 4

Schmidt, P. G.
, 16

Schoenmaker, D.
, 92, 175, 176, 177

Scholes, M.
, 48

Seal, K.
, 145

, 33

Sensitivities factor
, 6

Sensitivity analysis
, 45

Setser, B.
, 115

Shadow banking system
, 183

Shapiro, A.
, 86

Shin, H. S.
, 80

Shocks, defined
, 47

SIFIs. See Systemically Important Financial Institutions (SIFIs)

Solvency risk
, 81

Sound bank capital, for regulation
, 92–93

Sound banking system
, 13

Sources of Income, to Bank
, 20

SRB. See Systemic risk buffer (SRB)

Statutory liquidity ratio
, 84

Steffen, S.
, 92

Stein, J. C.
, 170, 182

Stiroh, K. J.
, 93

Straetmans, S.
, 161

Stress testing
, 210–211

, 46

Structural liquidity
, 17

Structural models of credit risk
, 47–51

Systematic approach
, 1

to financial stability risk assessment in banks
, 24

Systemically Important Financial Institutions (SIFIs)
, 150

Systemic liquidity risks
, 81–82

Systemic risk
, 159–160

, 163

propagating avenues for
, 162

sources of
, 161

tools for identification of
, 160–161

Systemic risk buffer (SRB)
, 23

System-wide approach
, 166

Tabak, B. M.
, 22

Teubner, G.
, 129

Théoret, R.
, 15

Threshold values, defined
, 4

Time dimension of systemic risk
, 159

Tinbergen’s rule
, 154–159

Transition matrix
, 43

Transmission mechanism of monetary policy
, 124–128

Tressel, T.
, 175

Tucker, P.
, 181

Turnbull, S.
, 51

Type I error
, 209

Type II error, defined
, 209

ULs. See Unexpected losses (ULs)

Unexpected losses (ULs)
, 209

Univariate analysis
, 45

Valdés, R.
, 161

Valencia, F.
, 4

Value at Risk (VaR)
, 6

Van Greuning, H.
, 26

VaR. See Value at Risk (VaR)

Variable interest rate gap
, 61

Vazquez, F.
, 17

Vestergaard, J.
, 92

Vlahu, R.
, 140

Volatility, defined
, 6

Weighted least squares
, 208

Wieladek, T.
, 177

Wolf, M.
, 1

Wong, T. C.
, 175

Wyplosz, C.
, 181

Yellen, J. L.
, 145

Yield curve risk
, 59

ZETA score
, 42

Zhang, Y.
, 175

Zhou, C.
, 148