
Yeow-Tong Chia, Alistair Chew, Jason Tan

Teacher Preparation in Singapore

ISBN: 978-1-78769-402-6, eISBN: 978-1-78769-401-9

Publication date: 29 November 2021

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Chia, Y.-T., Chew, A. and Tan, J. (2021), "Index", Teacher Preparation in Singapore (Emerald Studies in Teacher Preparation in National and Global Contexts), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 99-103.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2022 Yeow-Tong Chia, Alistair Chew and Jason Tan. Published under exclusive licence by Emerald Publishing Limited


Academic literature
, 1

Academic streaming
, 55

Academy of Singapore Teachers (AST)
, 74–75

Advanced Level subjects
, 67–68

All Party Commission and report on Chinese education
, 32–34

All-Party Report on Chinese Education
, 41–42

Allied educators
, 72

, 18

, 18

model of formal teacher training
, 19

Asian Values debate
, 4–6

Autonomous schools
, 56–57

Bilingual education
, 46

, 47, 53

British colonial era
, 29

British East India Company (EIC)
, 13

Centre for Research in Child Development (CRCD)
, 76–77

Centre for Research in Pedagogy and Practice (CRPP)
, 76–77

Character and Citizenship Education (CCE)
, 70

Childhood education
, 81

, 19–20

Chinese-language schools
, 23

, 64–65

Chinese education
, 23–24, 30

All Party Commission and report on
, 32–34

, 57, 67

, 9

Colonial institutions
, 13

Colonial schooling in America
, 15

Colonial state
, 1–2, 79

, 53

, 9

, 29

, 70

, 57

Confucian ethics
, 5

Content knowledge
, 19

Convent of Holy Infant Jesus (CHIJ)
, 14

Creative thinking skills
, 69

Crisis legitimation
, 3

Curricula, students and
, 53–56

Curricular innovation
, 61

Curriculum framework
, 50

, 67

, 29

Developmental state and education
, 2–4

Differentiation of school system
, 67–69

Diploma in Education Administration
, 61

Direct Entry Scheme to Polytechnic Programme
, 68–69

, 57, 67

Domestic policy of city-state
, 9

Early educational institutions (1819–1919)
, 13–17

Mission Schools
, 13–15

Secular Schools
, 15–17

Education Bill
, 36

Education Endowment Scheme
, 58

Education policy
, 10

in Colony of Singapore
, 79–80

under new PAP administration
, 36–38

Education system
, 4, 10

in modern Singapore
, 19

Education(al). See also Teacher education
, 11–12, 26, 29, 37

, 11–12

degree programme
, 63

developmental state and
, 2–4

educational–economic integration
, 3

history in Singapore
, 11–13

, 4

marketisation of
, 57–58

, 68–69

policy shifts and impact of Chinese nationalism
, 17–18

post-war state formation and
, 29–32

in Singapore
, 9

survivalist discourse and
, 44–48

, 53–54

White Paper and education ordinance
, 34–36

Educational Research Association of Singapore
, 60

Edusave scheme
, 58–59

, 79–80

English-medium schools
, 22

Equal educational opportunity for all
, 26

, 5

Explicit teaching of critical thinking skills
, 69

Extended bilingual
, 54–55

, 67

Formal education system
, 19

Formal teacher

education up to 1950
, 25–27

, 1–2

Free primary education
, 26

Fujian province
, 20

General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level examinations
, 67–68

Gifted Education Programme
, 55

Globalisation, meeting challenges of
, 69–70

Goh Doctrine
, 10

Goh Report
, 71

Government educational policy
, 22

Higher National Institute of Technical Education Certificate
, 68–69

Ideal product
, 47

Independent schools
, 56–57

, 19–20

Indigenous leadership
, 22

Indigenous population
, 20

, 20

Informal approach
, 1–2

Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs)
, 69

Innovation-driven growth
, 67

Institute of Education (IE)
, 41

and College of Physical Education
, 80

Institute of Technical Education Skills Certificates
, 68

Integrated national education system
, 29

Integrated programmes
, 67–68

International Association for Evaluation of Educational Achievement
, 1

International rankings
, 1

Junior College/Upper Secondary Education Review Committee
, 67

Kynnersley Report (1902)
, 17, 19

Labour Front government
, 32, 38–39, 41–42

Laissez-faire policy
, 71–72

, 20, 54

, 55

Language Elective Programme
, 55

Lingua franca
, 30

Malay education
, 20–23

, 33–34

Marketisation of education
, 57–58

, 69

for Information Technology in Education
, 69

Ministry of Education
, 64, 67–68, 77

Mission Schools
, 13–15

, 54–55

Multilingual equality shift
, 79–80

Multiple Pathways to Success
, 68

, 42–44

Music Elective Programme
, 55

Nanyang Technological University (NTU)
, 62, 75, 80–81

National Education (NE)
, 53, 70

National Institute of Education (NIE). See also Institute of Education (IE)
, 1, 8, 63, 75, 80–81

further differentiation of school system
, 67–69

further policies to deal with social equity issues
, 70–72

meeting challenges of globalisation
, 69–70

teacher education at
, 72–78

, 29

Normal bilingual
, 54–55

One-size fits all instructional methods
, 69

Online sexual grooming captured public attention
, 67

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
, 1

, 71

People’s Action Party (PAP)
, 31, 35, 53

education policy under new PAP administration
, 36–38

Performance legitimacy
, 3

Policies-Practice-Preparation model
, 77

Polytechnic Foundation Programme
, 68–69

, 22

Post-colonial state
, 1–2, 79

Post-war state formation and education
, 29–32

Postgraduate Diploma in Education (PGDE)
, 63–64

Practice of Educational Principles
, 59–60

Practicum curriculum
, 59–60

Pre-service teacher education
, 81–82

Primary schooling
, 54–55

Principles of Education Practice
, 50, 59–60

Professional Development Continuum Model
, 74

Professional learning communities (PLCs)
, 74–75

Professional teacher
, 19

Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA)
, 1

Public education
, 82

Qualifications in English
, 19–20

Raffles College
, 79

Raffles Institution
, 15–16

School Excellence Model
, 57–58

School system, differentiation of
, 67–69

School-based skills
, 19

Science and technology education
, 45–46

Science of Learning in Education Centre (SoLEC)
, 76–77

Second World War
, 29

Secular Schools
, 15–17

, 5

, 29

to independence
, 38–39

, 5

Shadow education
, 82

, 1, 9, 46, 79

10-Year Plan for education in
, 30

Chinese education
, 23–24

different populations, different histories
, 20–25

early educational institutions
, 13–17

education system
, 19, 53, 69

educational history
, 11–13

educational policy shifts and impact of Chinese nationalism
, 17–18

formal teacher education up to 1950
, 25–27

implications on teacher training
, 48–50

Malay education
, 20–23

, 42–44

reflections on future of teacher education in
, 80–82

self-governance to independence
, 38–39

survivalist discourse and education
, 44–48

Tamil education
, 24–25

teacher education
, 1

unexpected independence of
, 42

unique geographical and historical context
, 10–11

Singapore Bus Workers’ Union (SBWU)
, 32

Singapore English Teachers’ Union
, 34

Singapore Free School, formal education
, 20–21

Singapore Open Data Licence version 1. 0
, 65, 73

Singapore Teaching Practice (STP)
, 75

Social emotional competencies
, 70

Social equity
, 58–59

further policies to deal with social equity issues
, 70–72

Social Service Institute
, 81

Special educational needs
, 72

Straits Chinese Magazine, The
, 16

Streaming, advent of
, 53–56

Student Learning Space
, 69

Student well-being
, 67

Students and curricula
, 53–56

Tamil education
, 24–25

Tamil Language
, 64–65

Teach Less, Learn More initiative
, 69

Teacher education
, 2, 67, 79

, 29

at National Institute of Education
, 72–78

reflections on future of teacher education in Singapore
, 80–82

reforms in teacher education in 1980s and 1990s
, 59–66

in Singapore
, 82

Teacher Education Conference Continuation Committee (TECCC)
, 49

Teacher preparation
, 79

in Singapore
, 1


implications on teacher training
, 48–50

professional development
, 74

, 70

Teachers’ Training College (TTC)
, 27, 41, 79–80

Technical education
, 45

Thinking Schools, Learning Nation (TSLN)
, 67, 69

Traditional Chinese-medium schools
, 23

Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS)
, 1

, 76

differentiation of students and curricula
, 53, 56–57

marketisation of education
, 57–58

reforms in teacher education in 1980s and 1990s
, 59–66

social equity
, 58–59

University of Cambridge Local Examination Syndicate (UCLES)
, 27

Uplifting pupils in life and inspiring families taskforce (UPLIFT)
, 72

Vernacular language
, 20

White Paper and education ordinance
, 34–36

White Paper on Education Policy
, 34

Woolley Report
, 17