Connection between Organizational Culture and Specifics of the Process of Decision Making in Modern Business Systems
Specifics of Decision Making in Modern Business Systems
ISBN: 978-1-78756-692-7, eISBN: 978-1-78756-691-0
Publication date: 1 August 2019
Purpose: The purpose of the chapter is to determine the connection between organizational culture and specifics of the process of decision making in modern business systems and to determine the directions of managing the organizational culture depending on the set criteria of decision making.
Methodology: A proprietary classification of the types of organizational culture of modern business systems according to the criterion of employees' involvement into decision making is offered. This classification uses two dimensions of employees' involvement into decision making for classification of the types of organizational culture of modern business systems. First dimension: interest of business manager in involvement of employees into the process of decision making. Second dimension: employees' inclination for participation in the process of making of managerial decisions. The factors that influence these dimensions are determined.
Conclusions: Connection between organizational culture and specifics of decision making in modern business systems according to the criterion of employees' involvement in decision making is determined. The minimal level of involvement envisages independent decision making by business manager without participation of employees. In this case, a lot of problems of the business system remain unsolved and possibilities remain unused. Resource intensity of decision making is the highest, and their practical implementation is complicated by employees' dissatisfaction, but this process is conducted very quickly. The medium level of involvement envisages either collective discussion, but decision making by business manager, or collection of feedback by business manager with low interest in it from employees. In this case, resource intensity of decision making is lower, and decisions could be made and implemented faster. The highest level of involvement is connected to collective decision making by employees and business manager. This allows determining problems and using possibilities of the business system with minimal resources. Though the duration of the process of decision making is the highest, solutions are implemented quickly due to employees' support.
Originality/value: The determined specifics show the necessity for considering the influence of the organizational culture on specifics of the process of decision making in modern business systems. It is substantiated that no type of organizational culture of modern business systems according to the criterion of employees' involvement in decision making can provide a guarantee of decisions' optimality. The directions of managing the organizational culture depending on the set criteria (completeness, speed, resource intensity) of decision making are recommended.
Bogoviz, A.V., Malinovski, L.F., Stroiteleva, T.G., Sharamko, M.M. and Dvoretskaya, V.V. (2019), "Connection between Organizational Culture and Specifics of the Process of Decision Making in Modern Business Systems", Popkova, E.G., Chesnokova, A.V. and Morozova, I.A. (Ed.) Specifics of Decision Making in Modern Business Systems, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 123-130.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
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