Implementing the Concept of Green Space: The Case of Hirdaramani Mihila CKT Apparel Factory in Agalawatte, Sri Lanka
Green Behavior and Corporate Social Responsibility in Asia
ISBN: 978-1-78756-684-2, eISBN: 978-1-78756-683-5
Publication date: 30 May 2019
Subject Area
Marketing Management, Consumer Behavior.
Study Level
This case is suitable to be used in advanced undergraduate and MBA/MSc level.
Case Overview
This case attempts to highlight the issues pertaining to Hirdaramani Mihila CKT apparel factory’s implementation of the “green space” concept. The concept of “green space” has been well accepted by the factory employees, and their participation in the “green process” is quite evident. Hirdaramani Mihila CKT is an apparel manufacturing company located in Agalawatte, Matugama, in the Kalutara District of Sri Lanka. The Mihila CKT factory was established in conformance with green building specifications and as an eco-friendly apparel industry. The administration of Mihila CKT has achieved success in three key areas after implementing this concept: cutting down energy consumption, enhancing water security, and reusing fabric waste. The factory also maintains a garden that manifests biodiversity. This case underlines the challenges and successes faced by Mihila CKT in adopting and implementing green space concept.
Expected Learning Outcomes
This case illustrates the following:
the importance of having green technology in the apparel industry to embrace green concept;
the effectiveness of the green space concept in relation to global green standards; and
the potential benefits to the local residents from the green technology initiatives of an apparel factory like Hirdaramani Mihila CKT.
Fernando, P.W.S., Hemakumara, G.P.T.S., Hewage, P. and Sampath, G.R.A. (2019), "Implementing the Concept of Green Space: The Case of Hirdaramani Mihila CKT Apparel Factory in Agalawatte, Sri Lanka", Quoquab, F. and Mohammad, J. (Ed.) Green Behavior and Corporate Social Responsibility in Asia, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 65-71.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
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