Algorithm of the Strategy of Implementing the Information Economy’s Optimization Model in Modern Russia
Models of Modern Information Economy
ISBN: 978-1-78756-288-2, eISBN: 978-1-78756-287-5
Publication date: 29 October 2018
The purpose of this chapter is to develop the algorithm of the strategy of implementing the information economy’s optimization model in modern Russia.
The method of systemic, problem, and logical analysis, synthesis, and the method of compilation of block schemes are used.
The algorithm of the strategy of implementing the information economy’s optimization model in modern Russia is presented. It has a cyclic characteristic and is variable, successfully adapting the conceptual model of a well-balanced information economy to the practical peculiarities of the social system of modern Russia and ensuring flexibility of the developed strategy of its application in the Russian economic practice. The offered algorithm of the strategy of implementing the information economy’s optimization model in modern Russia is a logical continuation of the developed strategy, supplementing its scientific and theoretical significance with the possibilities and perspectives of successful practical application. The offered algorithm shows clarity and simplicity of the general internal structure of the process of implementing this strategy with a simultaneous high complexity of specific measures.
The developed algorithm explains the logic of successful realization of the strategy of implementing the optimization model of a well-balanced information economy in modern Russia and is recommended for usage as a practical guide for implementing this strategy.
Popova, L.V., Dugina, T.A., Skiter, N.N. and Korabelnikov, I.S. (2018), "Algorithm of the Strategy of Implementing the Information Economy’s Optimization Model in Modern Russia", Sukhodolov, A.P., Popkova, E.G. and Litvinova, T.N. (Ed.) Models of Modern Information Economy, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 285-292.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
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